Account Generator

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This FAQ document identifies the most frequently reported how-to questions relating to Account Generator & Workflow.

Display Name Item Type File Name PA : Project Execution PAPRJEX PAPRJEX.wft PA :Project Assignments PAWFAAP PARASGMT.wft PA AR Notification PAPWPAR PAPWPARN.wft PA Advertisements Workflow PARADVWF PARADVWF.wft PA Apply Team Template PARAPTEM PARAPTEM.wft PA Budget Integration Workflow PAWFBUI PAWFBUI.wft PA Budget Workflow PABUDWF PABUDGWF.wft PA Candidate Notification Process PACANDID PARCANDD.wft PA Deduction Approval PADCTNWF PADCTNWF.wft PA Forecast Item Generation Workflow PARFIGEN PARFIGEN.wft PA Issue and Change Action Workflow PAWFCIAC PAWFCIAC.wft PA Issue and Change Workflow PAWFCISC PAWFCISC.wft PA Mass Assignment Transaction Workflow PARMATRX PARMATRX.wft PA Mass Pipeline Projects Update PAYPRJNT PAYPRJNT.wft PA Overcommittment Notification Processes PAROVCNT PAROVCNT.wft PA Project Workflow PAPROWF PAPROJWF.wft PA Status Report Workflow PAWFPPRA PAWFPPRA.wft PA Task Approval Workflow PATASKWF PATASKWF.wft PA Workplan Workflow PAWFPPWP PAWFPPWP.wft PA: CRM Workaround Workflow PACRMUPD PACRMUPD.wft PA: HR Related Updates Workflow PAXWFHRU PAXWFHRU.wft PA: Mass Assignment Approval PARMAAP PARMAAPW.wft PA: Performance Notification PAEXNOWF PAEXNOWF.wft Project Budget Account Generation PABDACWF PABDACWF.wft Project Expense Report Account Generator PAAPWEBX PAAPWEBX.wft Project Supplier Invoice Account Generation PAAPINVW PAAPINVW.wft

The item key is required in order to run wfstatus.sql for account generator. The wfstatus.sql gives important debug messages, including error messages for processes that are erroring out. This provides similar information to the workflow monitor.

Account Generator & Workflow Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's) [ID 224308.

1] Modified 13-APR-2011 Type FAQ Status PUBLISHED

In this Document Purpose Questions and Answers Q1. Why is the expense report account generator item type (PAAPWEBX) named "Web Employees Account Generator" Q2. What are the main workflows/item types related to Oracle Projects and where are these files located? Q3. How do you determine the WF Item Key value to run wfstatus.sql for Account Generator workflows? Q4. Does the Project Supplier Invoice Account Generator have to be customized? Q5. How do I save my workflow definition to the database? Q6. How do I assign different account generator processes for different operating units? Q7. How do I verify the version of Oracle Workflow that I have installed? Q8. How do I display the Internal Name of an object in the Object Navigator? Q9. How do I display the Performer of a Notification in the Process Detail screen? Q10. How do I create a shortcut for Workflow Builder which connects to a particular instance? Q11. How do I customize an Account Generator Workflow process for my company? Q12. What Access Level should I be using in Oracle Workflow Builder? Q13. Where can I obtain the Oracle Workflow Builder client? References

Applies to:
Oracle Project Costing - Version: and later [Release: 11.5.10 and later ] Information in this document applies to any platform.

This FAQ document identifies the most frequently reported how-to questions relating to Account Generator & Workflow.

Questions and Answers Q1. Why is the expense report account generator item type (PAAPWEBX) named "Web Employees Account Generator"
Answer: The name was inadvertently changed to this value in the initial versions of 11i. Bug: 1580069 was logged for this issue and the display name was reverted to "Project Expense Report Account Generator" in PAAPWEBX.wft version 115.8. However, if the workflow was customized when the name was changed, it will remain as "Project Web Employees Account Generator" unless you specifically change it. For example in Vision databases, the stored name remains "Project Web Employees Account Generator".

Q2. What are the main workflows/item types related to Oracle Projects and where are these files located?
Answer: Display Name PA : Project Execution PA :Project Assignments PA AR Notification PA Advertisements Workflow PA Apply Team Template PA Budget Integration Workflow PA Budget Workflow PA Candidate Notification Process PA Deduction Approval PA Forecast Item Generation Workflow PA Issue and Change Action Workflow PA Issue and Change Workflow PA Mass Pipeline Projects Update PA Project Workflow PA Status Report Workflow PA Task Approval Workflow PA Workplan Workflow PA: CRM Workaround Workflow PA: HR Related Updates Workflow PA: Mass Assignment Approval PA: Performance Notification Project Budget Account Generation Item Type PAPRJEX PAWFAAP PAPWPAR File Name PAPRJEX.wft PARASGMT.wft PAPWPARN.wft




Project Expense Report Account Generator PAAPWEBX PAAPWEBX.wft Project Supplier Invoice Account Generation PAAPINVW

The seeded wft files can be located in $PA_TOP/patch/115/import/US

Q3. How do you determine the WF Item Key value to run wfstatus.sql for Account Generator workflows?
Answer: The item key is required in order to run wfstatus.sql for account generator. The wfstatus.sql gives important debug messages, including error messages for processes that are erroring out. This provides similar information to that provided by the workflow status monitor.

Steps to determine the WF Item Key value: The item key can be found in the Workflow->Status form in Projects (Querying by item type and dates) or, more generally, via SQL*Plus from the table WF_ITEMS. A sample script for getting the key for the supplier invoice account generator workflow is below:
SELECT FROM WHERE AND item_key, begin_date, end_date wf_items item_type = 'PAAPINVW' begin_date BETWEEN '&low_start' AND '&high_start';

If this does not definitively identify your item you can query on the various items in the workflow status form to give you more information about the activities associated with them.

Q4. Does the Project Supplier Invoice Account Generator have to be customized?
Answer: Yes, this account generator process MUST be customized. The seeded workflow calls a dummy function PA_ACC_GEN_WF_PKG.AP_INV_ACC_UNDEFINED_RULES. This function does nothing but raise the error FLEXWF-DEFAULT MISSING and exit with failure: The default workflow for the Oracle Payables account function Project Supplier Invoice Charge Account has not been customised. Please replace the dummy function in the default process for account generation by your own account generation method.

Q5. How do I save my workflow definition to the database?

Answer: There are three options to use when saving your workflow definition to the database: Option #1 If you have the file open in workflow builder select File > Save As > Database. Enter the apps username and password and provide the connection string (from the tnsnames.ora in the %ORACLE_HOME%\network\admin directory). Option #2 The WFLOAD utility is used for loading and extracting workflow definition files to and from the database. Command Line Syntax: WFLOAD 0 Y [DOWNLOAD | UPGRADE | UPLOAD | FORCE] filename.wft [ITEMTYPE1 ITEMTYPE2 ...] NOTE: The item type parameter is used only for the DOWNLOAD option. For full details of the mode options and WFLOAD see the chapter "Oracle Workflow Loaders" in the Oracle Workflow Administrators Guide

Option #3

Run the concurrent program, Workflow Definitions Loader. The system administrator will need to add this concurrent program to a request security group for the responsibility that you want to run this program from. For additional information on the Workflow Definitions Loader program review the Oracle Workflow Guide, Release 2.6 pages 2-84 thru 2-87.

Q6. How do I assign different account generator processes for different operating units?
Answer: The actual process that will be called when the account generator is invoked is defined in the Account Generator Processes form. The navigation is Setup > Flexfields > Key > Accounts. In this form the Flexfield Application is "Oracle General Ledger" and the Flexfield is the "Accounting Flexfield." The structure you select is the Accounting Flexfield structure being used by the set of books/ledger whose account generator processes you are assigning. In the bottom zone of the form, there is a list of applicable item types followed by the process being used to generate the corresponding account. For each item type, you can select any 'Runnable' process defined within the workflow item type. A 'Runnable' process is one which has the 'Runnable' attribute enabled in workflow builder. This process will be called for all operating units which are using the select flexfield structure (chart of accounts). If multiple operating units use the same chart of accounts, then in order to use different logic for the account generation you would have to incorporate this logic into your workflow process. The Project Supplier Invoice Account Generator and Project Expense Report Account Generator include an attribute for the expenditure operating unit which can be used to branch to different logic or subprocesses based on its value.

Q7. How do I verify the version of Oracle Workflow that I have installed?
Answer: If you are running Oracle Workflow Embedded in Oracle Applications You can run the following query:
SELECT text FROM wf_resources WHERE name = 'WF_VERSION';

Alternatively you can use the script wfver.sql to extract this information a. cd $FND_TOP/sql b. Connect to SQL*Plus as APPS user c. Start wfver.sql (this script details the Workflow Server version, status and version information for the Workflow packages and version information for the Workflow views)

Q8. How do I display the Internal Name of an object in the Object Navigator?
Answer: Choose View, Developer Mode (this toggles on/off) With Developer Mode ON, the Internal Name is displayed in the Navigator and the Display Name appears in brackets. o With Developer Mode OFF, the Display Name is displayed in the Navigator.

Q9. How do I display the Performer of a Notification in the Process Detail screen?
Answer: In Workflow Builder, choose View > Show Label in Designer > Performer (select from the pull-down menu).

Q10. How do I create a shortcut for Workflow Builder which connects to a particular instance?
Answer: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Open up the Oracle Workflow Builder Choose File, Open (from the pull-down menu) Click on the 'Database' radio button Enter the relevant database connection information Choose which Item Types you want to display in the Object Navigator Choose File, Create Shortcut (from the pull-down menu) Enter a shortcut name if you do not wish to use the default (default is username[database connect string] e.g. apps@R11DEMO). You can then use this shortcut to open up the Oracle Workflow Builder and connect to that database automatically (you will be prompted to enter the password to then connect to the database).

If you need to see more item types than you initially selected when you created the shortcut, choose File, Show/Hide Item Types (from the pull-down menu) and select the item types to show from the list.

Q11. How do I customize an Account Generator Workflow process for my company?

Answer: Customers are expected to customize the Account Generator processes and in some cases it is required. 1. You can do this by editing an existing seeded process or by creating your own custom process. In either case, your process MUST be created within the seeded workflow 'Item Type'. You should NOT create a NEW 'Item Type' as this would never be run by Account Generator. 2. If you create a new process, you must ensure it is "Runnable." 3. You must then assign your process to the Item Type for the appropriate Accounting Flexfield structure in the Account Generator Process window. (Setup > Flexfields > Key > Accounts).

Q12. What Access Level should I be using in Oracle Workflow Builder?

Answer: You should be running the Workflow Builder with an Access Level of 100 (viewable from Help > About Workflow Builder), if you lower the access level you run the risk of overwriting protected SEED workflow and applications workflow data, which is not supported. If this should happen it will be necessary for you to reinstall the original SEEDED workflow process, using the WFLOAD concurrent program in UPGRADE


Q13. Where can I obtain the Oracle Workflow Builder client?

Answer: You can obtain Workflow Builder Client version for Windows by downloading Patch 4096620. To obtain other versions, see Note 261028.1

NOTE:224620.1 - Troubleshooting Guide for Account Generator Related



Oracle E-Business Suite > Projects > Projects > Oracle Project Costing


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