SAP Application Management Services
SAP Application Management Services
SAP Application Management Services
At A Glance
The Dell SAP Application Management Services help companies strengthen their competitive position by reducing cost of ownership while improving business performance. Our deep industry and technical expertise in SAP applications and efficient global delivery capabilities combine to bring businesses an SLA-based model that consolidates proven methodologies and best practices to enable continuous quality improvement of services at optimum costs.
Achieve Higher Operational Efficiencies at Lower Costs With SAP Application Management Services from Dell
As markets evolve and global business competition grows, organizations increasingly turn to SAP applications to execute their business processes. And as the demand for SAP applications has grown, so has their breadth and complexity. Today, the high cost of maintaining skilled internal SAP support staff, the lack of internal best practices, and inherent problems with service and delivery reliability have caused many organizations to seek solutions for SAP through Application Management Outsourcing (AMO). For organizations to achieve operational and strategic objectives, solutions must include superior technical expertise, dependable support, continuous knowledge management, and measurable cost efficiencies.
Dell SAP Application Management Services include: Application hosting Help desk support Functional and technical support System administration and monitoring
Our delivery methodology ensures the right mix of resources for your business
Through an SLA-based global delivery model, Dell delivers cost-effective, reliable service with ongoing quality and productivity improvements. Based on your business requirements, we provide the right mix of onsite, near-shore, and offshore resources to meet your business needs. We use a phased methodology to transition and assume application management responsibilities, including: Planning. At the beginning of an engagement, the Dell team members are introduced to key stakeholders in your organization. We validate the engagement scope and confirm your service expectations. In collaboration with you, we develop the project planning artifacts and finalize the transition plan. Transition. A three-phased, collaborative effort ensures a smooth transition of your application management with no business interruption. Knowledge Transfer. The Dell AMO knowledge transfer team will lead the effort to acquire the necessary business knowledge (such as RICE objects inventory, SAP solution components and industry solutions, business process usage profile, transport paths, and the network
and hardware environment requirements) through a collaborative process working with your existing support team. Our basis experts will work to understand and assess system landscape and SAP environment monitoring as well as the administration procedures performed through CCMS and Solution Manager. Observation. Following knowledge transfer, we validate the acquired knowledge by observing your team delivering AM services. We refine the process documentation based on our improved understanding of your in-practice techniques. Assisted Support. Dell assumes support responsibility, assisted by your team. You confirm that we are poised to assume application management responsibility, and working with you, we define SLAs important to your business and strive to meet or exceed the agreed-upon SLA measures. Dell practices an onsite before offshore philosophy to foster interaction, cultural awareness, friendships, and continuing knowledge transfer between your team and ours. A metricsbased framework helps confirm the readiness of our team to assume your SAP applications management. Steady State. Once transition is complete, Dell assumes responsibility for all in-scope services defined in the Service Level Agreement. Knowledge management tools help ensure continuous service quality improvement while our offshore team provides follow-the-sun support.
Through our global network of technology delivery centers and associates, we support around-the-clock operations reliably and with predictable service levels, and we offer consultative and technical expertise that extends beyond SAP system issues. We offer extended services such as infrastructure support and applications hosting, making us a convenient single source for SAP management services. Our flexible pricing models ensure that you only pay for what you commit to use, and well stand beside you with innovative risk/reward-based business models to support your success.
Dell manages your SAP applications through our proven global delivery model. Our experience and expertise as a leading technology and systems integrator for businesses across various industries worldwide can help you achieve measurable results and maximum value from your SAP applications.
The Dell SAP Application Management Services include:
Application hosting support Hardware support 24x7 coverage Storage management Operating system management Backup and recovery Disaster recovery Help Desk support Centralized Help Desk 24x7 coverage Multichannel support (web, phone, e-mail, chat channels) Incident management Functional and technical support Problem management (ABAP programs, SAP configuration, interfaces) Functional / technical enhancements (business analysis and RICE development) Testing using CATT procedures and/or third party testing tools (such as Test Director) System administration and monitoring System monitoring using CCMS, SAP Solution Manager OSS support from SAP Release management DBA support SAP user management SAP patches and hotfix application
For more information about any of our service offerings, please contact your Dell representative or visit
Dell is an SAP National Implementation Partner, my SAP Services Partner, and Certified ASAP Partner
Business Process