Pins April 2012
Pins April 2012
Pins April 2012
I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. ~ John 11:25-26.
APRIL 2012
Please send any items for inclusion in May PINS to: [email protected] Items must be received by Tuesday 24th April for publication Please note that times of services and events can vary. If you lose your copy of PINS check out the parish website: and click on Calendar of Events.
Normally this space is reserved for Williams monthly letter to parishioners. By now most of you will know that William suffered a heart attack recently. Despite the shock this has been to all of us, we will do our best to run the parish in the usual way until he can return. Obviously things wont be exactly the same, so please make allowances. For times of services consult the back page of PINS. Please note that combined services for St Matthews and Newcastle will be held at 11.00 Parish activities will, in general, continue as normal. If you have queries ring one of the church wardens or drop in to Rectory Cottage which is always open on a Tuesday morning. And finally, continue to keep William and his family in your prayers. Many is the time that he has encouraged us to use the power of prayer, and it seems that a huge number of people in our parishes are carrying out this advice to pray for his safe recovery. May God bless him and watch over him.
Parish Church Summer Camp This will take place from 30th July to 3rd August, daily from 11 to 2.30, for children aged 4 to 11 years. Enrolment forms and more detailed information will be enclosed in next months Pins. A non refundable deposit of 5 per child will be required to book a place. Coffee Everyone welcome to drop in to Rectory Cottage as usual on a Tuesday morning from 10.30am for coffee/tea and a chat. Lunch This months lunch will be served on Thursday 19th April from about 1pm. Everyone welcome. The cost is 7.50 for a two course lunch and coffee. Please book your seat at the table by contacting Karen at 087-2866889. Rotas There are gaps on the cleaning and flower rotas for Newcastle Church. Can you help? For various reasons, some people have had to drop out of the coffee rota. If you can spare one Tuesday morning a month in the cottage to help Karen set up, etc in the cottage she would be happy to hear from you at 087-2866889. Church Keys If you have a church key for Newcastle Church which you no longer need it would be very much appreciated if you would hand it in to one of the church wardens. Keys are in short supply! Drama As one of our key actors is out of action at the moment the play has been postponed for performance at a later date. Flowers for Easter Newcastle Church will be decorated for Easter on Saturday 7th April from 10am. Every available flower arranger needed!
Bowls. The Bowls Club, which meets every Thursday evening in St. Francis School, has enjoyed a busy season since last September. Having enough members this season we were able to form a second team to play matches in the B section of the East Coast Bowls League as well as the A section. Both teams got off to a shaky start but have improved greatly as the season wore on. We have met teams from Gorey, Newtown, Wicklow, Kilcoole, Avoca, Redcross and Aughrim both at home and away a total of 28 matches all told. The League Singles Championship was held last week with four members from each club taking part. This year our Captain, Alfie Taylor, was the overall winner in succession to the Rector who had won for the previous two years, so it will be appreciated that the Club is not without talent. We have now embarked on the Inter Club matches to determine the Club Champions for the season which will end in May. We would invite anyone who might be interested in joining us next season to come along on a Thursday evening and try your hand at the game and meet some of the members involved. We do have fun and a lot of laughs! Table Tennis Mondays at 8pm in the McLean Room. Everyone welcome. Sunday School Check the back page of PINS to find out when Sunday School will be held during April. Creche Creche is held for pre-Sunday Schoolers in Rectory Cottage during the service in Newcastle Church.
Newcastle Choir On Palm Sunday in Newcastle, the start of Holy Week, the choir will sing a short anthem by the German Baroque composer Georg Philip Telemann Hosanna to the Son of David. On Maundy Thursday (April 4th) there will be Evensong in Newcastle and the choir will sing Thomas Morleys Fauxbordon Canticles and Orlando Gibbons Drop, drop slow tears The choir will be singing in Calary Church on Good Friday, where there will be a service of Tenebrae. Tenebrae is Latin for darkness or shadows. The service has its origins in the monastic offices of Matins and Lauds. It consists of Psalms, other Bible readings, hymns and sung responsories relating to the events of Christs passion. After each Psalm or reading a candle is extinquished, until there is one candle left. This candle represents the light of Christ. After the last reading, the Christ candle is removed, after which the church will be in darkness. After Psalm 51 is recited, a loud noise will be made, signifying the rending of the temple veil after the Crucifixion. The Christ candle will then be brought back into the church foreshadowing the Resurrection of Jesus Christ on the third day. The sung responsories will include music by J.S. Bach and the Czech composer Antonin Tucapsky. I hope many of you will come to this very meaningful and meditative service. On Easter Sunday in Newcastle we will celebrate the Resurrection singing the Shephard communion service congregationally and the choir will sing the Easter carol Christ the Lord is risen today written for Chichester Cathedral Choir by Anthony Foster. Andy Sleeman Time Out The bible study evenings are finished for this session. Youth Club Look out for your text from Paul with details of the next Club night. Parent and Toddler Group Everyone with a toddler or baby is welcome in Rectory Cottage on a Monday morning from 10.30am for play and a chat. Please note we will be closed on Easter Monday 9th April.
Table Tennis With the Olympics taking place in a few months time, the Parish has decided to hold a more important event: a table tennis match between Calary and Newcastle/Newtownmountkennedy at 8pm on Monday 2 April in Calary Church Room. Supporters (except the rowdy ones) are, of course welcome. Easter The Church will be decorated on Saturday 7 April at 10.30am. Help and donations of flowers and greenery would be greatly appreciated. Easter Vestry Calary Easter Vestry will take place in the Church Room at 8pm on Tuesday 17 April. All parishioners are encouraged to come along and participate in what will happen with the church during the next 12 months. Music in Calary The next concert of the 2012 programme takes place on Wednesday 18 April at 8pm, when there will be a performance by the National Chamber Choir, followed by a special reception. Tickets are 25 (20 for concessions) and can be booked by emailing [email protected] or ringing John at (01) 2818146. Booking for this concert is essential. Enniskerry Garden Club The Club's next meeting will be at 8pm on Wednesday 18 April in Powerscourt Parochial Hall, when Paddy Gleeson, Head Horticulturalist for Woodies and Clem Spratt, Horticulturalist at Woodies in Bray will give an illustrated talk entitled The Herbaceous Border. Everyone is welcome and there is a charge for non members of 5. For further information, contact June Roe (2866030) Parish Supper The next social event in Calary will be a supper, which will take place on Friday 11 May. Afterwards, we will be entertained by Serendipity ladies barbershop chorus. Quiz There will be a prize awarded for the best imaginative explanation submitted as to why Clare Chambers had her teeth straightened by an elephant when she was 8!! Entries please, in under 100 words, to Elizabeth Evans, either left in Calary Church or email [email protected]. Fields of Life June Roe would like to thank all of those who supported the Fields of Life sponsorship scheme over the last year.
Mothers Day Thankfully, both the church and the congregation survived the breakfast prepared by the men, to whom a special thanks must go. As William remarked, Fathers Day is yet to come, but can the women provide something better !! After Service We continue to meet and have tea, coffee and juice after Service each Sunday. It gives a great opportunity for a chat and to catch up with friends. Come and join us. Sunday School Sunday School is held for children of all ages in the Church Room every Sunday, except when there is a Family Service. Table Tennis Table tennis is played in the Church Room every Thursday, with juniors between 7pm and 8pm and adults from 8pm on.
The Herbert Cello Quartet Calary Church on Wednesday 28th March As the first concert of our 2012 season, Music in Calary is delighted to welcome back Ben Cashell, Paul Grennan and the Herbert Quartet, which is formed of four Irish cellists Ben Cashell, Peggy Nolan, Aoife Dennedy and Paul Grennan, who studied at the Royal Northern College of Music in Manchester. They first met when they were very young at the Royal Irish Academy of Music in Dublin and started to play together in the prestigious RNCM cello ensemble, where they were inspired to set up their own cello quartet. They have performed extensively around England and Ireland in venues such as The Wigmore Hall, the Royal Festival Hall and the National Concert Hall in Dublin. They are embarking on their first tour of Ireland with funding from the Music Networks performance and touring award. They will be playing at a mixture of venues that mirror the music they will be performing: a combination of new and old; Muse to Mozart and from Block T in Smithfield to Calary Church. The programme for Calary will include works by Rossini, Bellini, Mozart, Brahms, Prokovief, Part, Albeniz, Joplin, Fitzenhagen and the world premiere of Michael Doherty's Petits Four, a suite for 4 cellos. Presented with funding from the Music Network performance and touring award, the performance in Calary Church will take place on Wed 28 March at 8.00pm. Tickets are 15 or 10 for concessions and can be booked by emailing Derek at [email protected] or phoning John at (01) 2818146.
International Food Fair Sunday 6th May Newcastle Community Centre Come and sample cuisine from many cultures Tickets 20 Information from Miriam at 087-2214533 In aid of Newcastle Community Centre
Q: Who was known as a Mathematician in the Bible? A: Moses, he wrote the book of Numbers.
1323 October 2012 Led by Rev William Bennett An experience not to be missed! Walk in the footsteps of Jesus See historical and archaeological sites For information contact William at [email protected]
Dinner Dance
Saturday 28th April 8pm Parkview Hotel Get together with friends for a night of fun, good food and dancing to a live band! Price 30 Information and tickets from Colin Watchorn at 087 2612868
9.30 10.45 12.00
Phil. 2:5-11
HOLY WEEK Wednesday 4th St Matthews 10.30 Maundy Thursday 5th Newcastle 20.00 Good Friday 6th Calary 20.00 Easter Sunday 8th Newcastle Beach 6.30 SS Calary 9.30 St Matthews 10.45 Newcastle 12.00 Sunday 15th Calary St Matthews Sunday 22nd SS Calary SS Newcastle Sunday 29th SS Calary SS Newcastle 9.30 11.00 9.30 11.00 9.30 11.00
Holy Communion is celebrated every Wednesday, with prayer for the sick, at 10.30am in St Matthews, followed by a cup of tea / coffee and chat in the McLean Room. All welcome! Tea and coffee are served in the McLean Room after each service in St Matthews.