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Silay City Watersports and Recreation Park (Chapter V)

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This chapter contains the outline of the research results from the researchers gathered information. Conclusions and suggestions will also be discussed in this chapter. This intends to provide a well-organized and proficient architectural design solution for the proposed Silay City Watersports and Recreation Park. The type of research adapted was descriptive method, whereas for data collection, varied techniques such as normative survey, interview, questionnaires, observation, library technique were used to obtain information. Each part of investigation has its own selected respondents, or informants.


A. Survey Questionnaire The following information is the summary of answers and results extracted from the survey conducted. The results were taken from the 222 respondents of the conducted survey.


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1. Survey shows that for the viability of the proposal, 100% are interested with the development. (See Table 4-2)

2. There are 98% of the respondents who are interested in watersports program whereas 2% of the respondents are not interested on these courses. (See Table 4-4)

3. As for activity programs, the survey results the highest ranked program is watersports training which is preferred by most of the respondents. (See Table 4-5)

4. In terms of the respondents desired recreational activities, survey shows that the top five most favored recreational activities are watersports cable park which ranked first among the choices, followed by the Water Play Park and the Obstacle course as the third in rank. (See Table 4-6)


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5. The investigation shows that among the most favored support facilities to be provided, most of the respondents preferred Lodging spaces and a convention hall. (See Table 4-7)

6. For indoor spaces, the survey revealed that restaurant was the most favored with 92% of the group are interested, and next to it was 77% who favored indoor games and souvenir shop. (See Table 4-8)

B. Observation

By conducting site visitation and inspection, the researcher was able to gather and obtain more data that will aid in establishing the appropriate design solution for the project. Observation was also done with various existing recreation and watersports parks for reference and comparison. The researcher then analyzed the gathered information through observation. Silay City Watersports and Recreation Park located at Hacienda Daniel in Barangay E. Lopez. It comprises a total land area of one hundred fifty six thousand five hundred fifty eight square meters (156,558 sq. m.) or 15.6 has. The site has a moderately flat terrain which ranges from 0-8%


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according to the slope map of Silay City. The type of soil in the site is loam which is recommended for Banana, Fruit trees, Root Crops, Coconut and Tobacco. The site is approximately seventeen kilometers (17 km) away from Bacolod City and can be reached through public transportation with the travel time of about one hour (1 hr.), and for private transportation, the site could be reached within thirty to forty-five minutes (30- 45 min.) from Bacolod City. The site is about five kilometers (5 km) away from Silay City plaza and can be reached within fifteen minutes (15 min.) via public transportation. The site comprises the necessary utilities such as the electrical and water supply from the creek. Although PLDT lines are not available in the site, communication is still possible via mobile phones. Water can be pumped out from the creek.

Figure 5-1 Access Roads

Rizal National Road

Brgy. E. Lopez Road


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Figure 5-2 Utilities System

These pictures show the existing power lines along the barangay road in which the site will be able to tap unto. Figure 5-3 Soil Type

These show the type of soil in the site: loam. Figure 5-4 Terrain

These show the existing terrain in the site which is relatively flat.


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Figure 5-5 Hydrology

These pictures show the Imbang Creek near the site. C. Interview

Informal interviews were conducted with authorized individuals who are acquainted and familiar with this project. The researcher then summarized the gathered information. The results of the interview show the interviewees insights and suggestions regarding the project. They were able to mention various important ideas that the researcher would be able to use in order to come up with a suitable design for a recreation and watersports park for the benefit of its future users. With regards to Site Development they prefer to have a cluster type or centralized type of site planning concept and must be located along the coastal area, whereas for the Building Aesthetics the appropriate design character is most likely Modern Asian Architecture. As for the Building


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Function, they suggested to put up new activities which are not common to other recreational facilities like paragliding, banana boat ride, Zorb (water roller ball), ATV rides, and helmet dive.


The following paragraphs below will discuss about the conclusions and recommendations taken from the conducted research study that will be able to provide the most suitable design solution to the proposal based on the following aspects:

a. As to Site Analysis 1. What is the current status of the present site for its conformity to the land use and zoning regulations of the area?

Summary of Findings: In order to determine and verify whether the site for the project is appropriate under the classification of Land use and


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Zoning, the researcher referred to the Land use and Zoning Map of Silay City. Based on the Land Use and Zoning Map of the Silay City, the current status of the site belongs to the Parks and Other Recreation Zone. The City Planning and Development Officers of Silay City have also recommended the site for its development.

Conclusion: The site is viable for construction and development because it belongs to the Parks and Other Recreation Zone and conforms to the Land Use and Zoning Regulation of the Silay City.

2. What are the available utilities within the site?

Summary of Findings: Based on the researchers observation through site visit, some utility systems are readily available within and surrounding the site and will be used for the operation of the project. Electricity is already available and is being supplied by CENECO, whereas the SICIWA will be the source of water


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supply. Only the communication lines are not present in the site. Hence, a proper sewage system shall be added. In case of power shortage, a power house or generator will be added in the site.

Conclusion: Utilities are already present in the site which needs to be maintained and while other utilities need to be set up in order to establish a functional project. Communication lines must be set up and sewage systems must also be added for proper waste disposal.

Recommendation: Consequently, the researcher recommends that the a communication system shall be provided. Presently, the only means of communication are mobile phones. Therefore it is recommended that the government should provide

communication system to have a direct contact and easy transfer of communication in the site.


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1. What is the type of site planning concept appropriate for the site?

Summary of Findings: Different types of site planning concepts are applicable and can be used in the project. However, the overall planning must be able to conform to the development of the whole site. Hence, there is a need for a proper investigation in order to come up with the most suitable planning concept for the site. Conclusion: The project involves recreation, which means that the users would be interested to explore and walk around the site. Then, there is a dynamic interaction of the users and the spaces within the site. For this reason, the researched decided to apply the Cluster type of site planning concept for the site development. The cluster development incorporates groups of relative facilities in distinct areas to relate its spaces to one another. Active spaces and passive areas shall be arranged according to their function. The Clubhouse will be the central point that will serve as a link between the active areas. The cabanas, villas and other temporary housing shall be grouped


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according to the type of lodging and arranged on the different areas of the site.

Recommendation: The site has an extensive land area and it is

recommended that structures shall be grouped and organized with regards to each function. Significant features of the project shall be planned with a good view and orientation. The road layout shall be planned in a way that there is a consistent flow of traffic within the site.

2. What are the site requirements for this development?

Summary of Findings: The requirements for the site will be determined according to the primary necessities of the users. The researcher refers to the conducted survey which determines the needs and preferences of the respondents in order to come up with the common solution. The results were extracted and tallied according to the highest favored facilities in order to come up with the most appropriate site requirements.


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Conclusion: Based on the results of the survey, the researcher concluded that the most favored facilities for the site are: are watersports Cable Park, swimming pool, boating / kayaking areas, fishing areas, cottages and floating restaurants.

Interviewees have also suggested that there should be other activities like ATV rides, so pathways for ATV and jogging shall be provided apart from providing an access road within the site. Also, other requirements such as powerhouse, landscaping and parking will be provided.

Recommendation: It is recommended that the planning of the site shall carefully consider the potential environment and its potential users. Therefore, it must be planned not only for the present situation but also for the future use.

c. As to Building Function 1. What are the required facilities, spaces and amenities? a. What are the sizes of the areas required?


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There are various facilities and amenities required for this project which includes both outdoor and indoor activities. The current features of the site will affect the design of the facilities and spaces. In order to come up with a functional design, the planning of each facilities and spaces must conform to National Building Code of the Philippines.

Conclusion: The Watersports and Recreation Park consists of different type of structures that compliment the needs of the users. The following are the facilities, spaces and amenities in the park: Major structures: A. Clubhouse a.1 First Level Lobby Reception Office Locker Room Shower Room

LA CONSOLACION COLLEGE-ARFIEN DEPARTMENT Clinic Pro Shop Souvenir Shop Gaming room Fitness Room Viewing Deck Restaurant Kitchen Shower Rooms/ T&B Storage Room Maintenance Room Swimming Pool

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B. Convention Hall Lobby Foyer Convention Hall Kitchen Toilet Storage Room Maintenance Room


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C. Information and Administration Building Minor structures: A. Executive Villa B. Cabanas Terrace Living Room Terrace Living Room Dining Room Kitchen Executive Suite Toilet and bath Lobby Lounge Reception Office Function Room Toilet

LA CONSOLACION COLLEGE-ARFIEN DEPARTMENT Dining Room Kitchen Executive Suite Toilet and bath

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C. Standard Wooden House Terrace Living Room Dining Room Kitchen Executive Suite Toilet and bath

D. Floating Restaurant E. Bar Lobby Lounge Dining area Kitchen Dirty Kitchen

LA CONSOLACION COLLEGE-ARFIEN DEPARTMENT Lounge Seating Preparation Counter Storage

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F. Obstacle Course Unloading area Activity Area

G. Green House H. Cottages I. Tiki Huts J. Power House & Laundry Generator Room Maintenance Room Solarium Nursery Plant box

LA CONSOLACION COLLEGE-ARFIEN DEPARTMENT Other Facilities: A. Watersports Cable Park Lake Launch Pad Equipment Storage Rescue Hut Laundry Area Linen Storage

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B. Beginners Winch Cable Park Lake Launch Pad Equipment Storage

C. Inflatable Water Play Area Lake Reception Inflatable Facilities Zorb Water Ball Equipment Storage Rescue Hut

D. Wall Climbing

LA CONSOLACION COLLEGE-ARFIEN DEPARTMENT E. Parking Spaces F. ATV and jogging trail ATV Rental

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G. Open Spaces


The Clubhouse shall be located near the watersports facility. Convention Hall should be able to cater large and small group for versatility of facilities. As for lodging, there should be accommodation for high class guests and also for economy type. The planning of spaces must be consistent while passive and active areas separated. Proper planning must be done in order to provide an organized flow of user interaction. Whereas, for the Obstacle Course, the facilities should be safe for the users and must provide first aid station in case of accidents. For Watersports area, provide a resting place for assisting staff and lifeguards for safety.


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1. What is the general aesthetic character appropriate for the structures of the proposal? a. What is the general design concept? Summary of Findings: The site is in Silay City, the city of which is known for its rich cultural and historical heritage. Silay had been often called as the "Paris of Negros" because of its large collection of perfectly preserved heritage houses. Due to this, the researcher would like to preserve the ethnicity of the place while using a modern design for the developing city. The design concept to be used for the facilities shall be Modern Asian Architecture. This is an emerging architectural design within the South-East Asian region which includes the diverse and ancient ethnic and religious histories and influences that have shaped the region. This type of Architecture shows the postcolonial and nationalist engagement with

modernism, industrialization and urbanization.

Conclusion: Primarily, the researcher decided to use Modern Asian Architectural concept since it will not destroy the identity of the


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city rather, it will complement the culture and historical presence of the city. Inspired by the works of Maosa and other significant designers, the researcher would like to apply this concept as it will blend with the environment. Tropical buildings depend on artificial lighting and ventilation systems, so there is a combination of the specifications of the environment along with the users needs. The researcher would also apply sustainable design wherever possible in some aspects in the project.

Recommendation: It is appropriate to use a type of character that would suite the nature of the place and be able to preserve its historical value. Modern Asian character shall apply a modern concept and combining it to the places historical qualities and features while considering the environmental aspects as well as the users needs. Considering the tropical climate, Sustainable or green architecture may also be applied in terms of ventilation and lighting.

LA CONSOLACION COLLEGE-ARFIEN DEPARTMENT b. What is the aesthetic philosophy?

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Summary of Findings: The aesthetic philosophy involves the researchers ideas in complementing the design aesthetics with reference to the design of the project. The concept of the aesthetic philosophy will be able to enhance and complement the selected design concept which is Modern Asian.

Conclusion: The researcher will adopt the philosophy, Form follows function, by Frank Lloyd Wright for the project. This philosophy explains that the spaces are arranged according to its function and is followed by the form. The concept of this idea is well balanced and fair to the needs of the users. Therefore this aesthetic philosophy is appropriate and suitable with the selected architectural character.

Recommendation: It is recommended that the design of the different facilities should embody the chosen aesthetic philosophy to further


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emphasize the function of each spaces and amenities. A well planned building based on its functional areas will result to a good flow of activities.

c. What are the design motifs?

Summary of Findings: The design motif is the nature and character that the researcher desires to employ on the building features. Zen style is best suited for this project. Incorporating a Zen ethos wherein the design is holistic, blending design elements to arrive at a totally unique, integrated environment will enhance the activity of the users as well as its relationship to nature and the whole environment of the site.

Conclusion: The character for the buildings will embody a Modern Asian design while applying a distinct Zen motif. The Zen ethos exemplifies the lifestyle of the users and adds vitality to the character and the environment.


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The techniques used for a Zen design is Feng Shui. It is the holistic art of arrangement within peoples' habitat. This ancient yet new spirit in architecture pays an intuitive attention with environments, transforming reality. Feng Shui means wind and water in motion. The idea of invisible forces circulate in passing through spaces arrives with welcome ease.

Feng Shui is aesthetically driven while vitally charged through the sculpturing of materials, fittingly in a seamless flow. Using art, color splashes, shapes, and textures with patterns most beneficially releases a pleasant energy, revered as "Chi". This poetic use of space works with earthen textures, softened corners and non-obtrusive shapes making these forces open freely, flooding rich energy into rooms. Open planning will be used with minimal walls and partitions so that there is constant view of the environment and it contributes to producing a pleasant energy, "Chi", a feeling of flowing air or vital breath. Choosing the balance of "Open space" Yin and intensity Yang draws forth the forces of harmony in our living environments.


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The researcher recommends the use of Zen style since it will be able to blend with the environment. Adopt an open type planning using lesser walls and partitions for the main structure to enforce the natural vitality of the environment. Zen motif will allow the users to be in their sanctuary wherein they can find refuge from lifes stresses. Wood will also be used for added textures and tropical comfort. In addition, stone cut finishes adds textures that would further exemplify the aesthetic of the building.

e. Building Strength and Durability 1. What are the principles of construction to be adopted?

Summary of Findings: The construction principles for this project will affect the design of the structure. Thus, the researcher would apply the techniques of construction that will suite the aesthetic design of the building. Composite construction provides a method of using two materials together so as to utilize each material to its best advantage.


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The type of construction method to be applied in this project is composite construction. A composite construction building technique uses reinforced concrete on structural supports and walls, and steel for roof framing. Steel frame method is a construction technique in which the structural supporting elements consist of combinations of steel beams, steel girders, and steel columns, joined together at their intersections. Steel frames will be applied on the construction of the roof due to its high strength and durability.

a. Footings For the foundation of the structure, independent footings shall be used in consideration to the Structural Code of the Philippines.

b. Beams and Columns A post and lintel technique shall be used for the beams and columns. It is a system in which two upright members, the posts, hold up a third member, the lintel, laid horizontally across


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their top surfaces. The posts must support the lintel and its loads without crushing.

c. Floor A concrete slab is a common structural element on modern buildings. Horizontal slabs of steel reinforced concrete are mostly used to construct floors and ceilings, while thinner slabs are also used for exterior paving. Reinforced concrete slab shall be applied on the flooring.

d. Roof Steel truss and rafters shall be used for the roof framing system since it is durable and easier to install.

Recommendation: The researcher recommends using a building technique that would satisfy and complete the overall design of the project. In modern construction, steel structures are used mainly as supporting members in buildings and larger structures that vary widely in purpose and design; also it has been established to provide innovative, flexible, functional and cost effective


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construction technology. Hence, it is recommended to apply a building system that will conform to its necessary function. The type of construction to be adopted for the project will be Type IV which shall be steel, iron, concrete, or masonry based on the National Building Code of the Philippines: walls, ceilings, and permanent partitions shall be of incombustible fireresistive construction: except, that permanent non- bearing partitions of one- hour ire resistive construction may use fire retardant wood within the framing assembly.

a. What are the materials to be specified? Summary of Findings: The building materials to be used in this project will depend on the character and motif of the building. The researcher will indicate the type of materials and finishes to be used that is relative to the design concept. In modern design, building forms must be determined by their functions and materials if they were to achieve intrinsic beauty in contemporary terms, without resorting to traditional ornament.


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For a modern Asian design, one of the most appropriate materials to be used for construction would be reinforced concrete because of its high strength, thermal compatibility and durability in the concrete environment. It is applicable on many types of structures and components, including slabs, walls,

beams, columns, foundations, frames and more. Other applicable materials for this project would be steel, glass, space frames, pavers, stone finishes, polyvinyl, polyethylene and other available materials that may supplement the design concept.

Recommendation: In choosing a building material, the researcher must consider the comfort, safety, and efficiency of the material. It is recommended to carefully choose building materials and finishes that would ensure safety, good quality and durability. The researcher must also consider its availability in the market.

f. As to Building Engineering and Utility System

1. What are the necessary engineering and utility systems to be provided?


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Utility systems are necessary public utility system that is used to satisfy the users needs as well as the building operation requirements. Utility systems consist of water supply,

communication lines, air- conditioning, and sewage and drainage system, plumbing, lighting and electrical.

Based on the ocular observation of the site, there are some existing utility systems that can serve the project. However, there is a need to maintain these utilities whereas drainage and sewage systems shall be properly installed. For safety purposes, fire hydrants and extinguishers must be installed.

Conclusion: The installation of utilities shall follow the rules and regulations provided by the National Building Code and Fire Code of the Philippines.


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Based on the site observation, the researcher will utilize the water source coming from the Imbang Creek. The current status of the site as well as the arrangement of the structures in the site must be considered in order to come up with a functional plumbing plan. Lastly, plumbing installations must be done according to the code in order to ensure quality service to the users.

B. Electrical Electrical lines are already available in the surroundings of the site. It is currently supplied by CENECO. The overall electrical layout of the building and the site will connect to the power lines of CENECO and shall be able to conform to the requirements of the Electrical Code of the Philippines.

C. Mechanical HVAC mechanical systems will be used in private areas wherever necessary. In cases of power shortage, power generator will be provided.


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Sewage system is a system of pipes used to collect and carry rain, waste water and trade waste away for treatment and disposal. In separate system of sewerage there are two collection systems or pipe network; one for collecting domestic sewage as sanitary sewerage system and another for collecting storm water as storm water drainage system. A Sewage system shall be installed for proper waste disposal.

E. Fire Protection Fire systems involve smoke fire exits, hydrants, signage, extinguishers, detectors and fire alarm systems to improve and increase public safety. The design for the project must conform to the standard rules and regulations specified by the building and fire codes of the Philippines in order to ensure the occupants protection and safety.

Recommendation: In building construction, it is essential to provide the necessary building utilities in order to fully establish a functional operation of the project that would service the needs of its users.


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The utilities must be properly maintained. It is recommended that the layout and plan of the engineering and utility systems must conform to the code.

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