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Page: 22 section five.

a AutoCAD 3D Object Creation Three dimensional computer models can be divided into three categories based on the type of primitives used in the building process: wireframes, surfaces, and solids. Each type has its own creation and editing techniques.

Wireframe: 2D objects drawn in 3D

Surface: faces define the extents, or surface of the model

Solid: objects represent the entire models volume

section five.b

Wireframe Models

Wireframe modeling consists of lines and arcs connecting points to express form, but does not express solid or void. These lines define the boundaries of the form, but require more information than just the drawing for the form to be understood. Wireframe models are most often used as aids when constructing models such as for paths when lofting or sweeping objects. You can create wireframe models by positioning 2D (planar) objects anywhere in 3D space. AutoCAD also provides some 3D wireframe objects, such as 3D polylines. You can position 2D objects in 3D space using several methods: Create the object by entering 3D points. You enter a coordinate that defines the X, Y, and Z location of the point. Set the default construction plane (XY plane) on which you will draw the object by defining a UCS. Move the object to its proper orientation in 3D space after you create it. Following is an example creating a wireframe model for use as a construction aid. In later exercises, we will build surfaces and solids from the wireframe. Example Draw a Wireframe Outline of a Column for Construction Referencing 1. Start a new AutoCAD session and draw the columns profile using the Polyline command. Since it will be a round column, you will only need to draw the profile to the center point of the column. It does not matter what proportions it is, nor where it is drawn relative to 0,0,0. 2. Draw the columns center axis. Use Osnaps to draw a Line or Polyline along the centerline of the column, from the base to the cap.

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Page: 23 3. Set up multiple viewports to view the column from all sides. Use the VPORTS command to set up 3 viewports: a top view, side view, and isometric.
Save/Restore/Delete/Join/SIngle/?/2/<3>/4: 3 Horizontal/Vertical/Above/Below/Left/<Right>: R After the 3 viewports are laid out, use a combination of the commands UCS, PLAN, and DDVPOINT to change each view. To create the top view: In the top left viewport, use UCS to change the UCS to World, and use PLAN to view the drawing as a floor plan. To create the side view: In the lower left viewport, use UCS to rotate the UCS 90 degrees on the X-axis. Then use PLAN to view the drawing as an elevation. In the right viewport, use DDVPOINT to create an isometric view.

4. Stand the column upright. In order to use the conventional ROTATE command, the UCS must be oriented perpendicular to the objects rotation angle. Use UCS to put it back to World, then rotate the UCS 90 degrees on the X-axis. After the UCS is oriented perpendicular to an objects rotational center, then it can be rotated using the conventional ROTATE command. Rotate the column outline and its centerline upright. 5. Save this column wireframe as COLUMN-01 in the C:\ACCUSTUDIO\TUTORIAL directory for use later. section five.c Surface Models

Surface models, also called meshes, are more sophisticated than wireframe models in that they define not only the edges of a 3D object but also its extents. Since surface models define the extents of the objects with meshes, they can have their back-faces hidden. This is a great advantage over wireframe models because it is easier to view the objects form. All surfaces are broken down into rectangular or triangular faces, or planes. Because the faces of the mesh are planar, the mesh can only approximate curved surfaces. AutoCAD has many different methods for creating surface models. Models can be created from primitive objects, constructed from wireframes using surface tools, or from scratch face by face. Most of the surface commands can be accessed through the Surface toolbar:

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Page: 24 There are nine surface primitives: Box, Wedge, Pyramid, Cone, Sphere, Dome, Dish, Torus and Mesh. Most of the primitives can be accessed through the command line by adding the three characters AI_ to the front of the name, i.e. AI_SPHERE, AI_CONE, AI_BOX, etc. This is cumbersome without writing shortcuts to them, therefore, it is easiest to access the surface primitives from the Surfaces toolbar, or the Draw/Surfaces/3D Surfaces pull-down menu.

Toolbar Pull-down Keyboard Draw/Surfaces/3D Surfaces Various (AI_CONE, AI_DISH, etc.)

Another important method of modeling surfaces is through the creation of the surfaces by modifying a wireframe model, or creating a meshs faces from scratch. There are six ways of doing this. Surface Commands 3DFACE 3DFACE creates a three- or four-sided surface anywhere in 3D space. You can specify different Z coordinates for each corner point of a 3D face. The edge (in)visibility can be controlled using I during the command or EDGE after. REVSURF constructs a mesh approximating a surface of revolution by rotating a path curve, or existing wireframe object, about a selected axis. The revolution angle can stop before 360 degrees An existing wireframe object controls the path curve, and the extrusion direction follows an existing vector. No draft angle (taper) is allowed. This command represents a very limited form of a two-way lofted surface with only start and end cross-sections. You select four adjoining edges that define the surface patch, also called a COON patch. The edges can be lines, arcs, splines, or open 2D or 3D polylines, and must touch at their endpoints. PFACE is a special type of 3DFACE in which individual faces are joined to make a single multi-faced object. It is typically used by applications rather than by direct user input.




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Page: 25 3DMESH The location of each vertex in the surface is individually specified in this unique method for making a surface. It is typically used by applications rather than by direct user input. Surfaces created by using thickness to extrude them are sometimes called 21/2D objects. Although they have three dimensions, the third dimension can only be a straight side perpendicular to the 2D object at the base. For example, a circle becomes a cylinder and a rectangle becomes an open box.


Surface meshes are tessellated, the curves and shapes are approximated by flat surfaces. Several system variables change how surface meshes are created and displayed in the AutoCAD viewports. Important Surface Modeling System Variables SURFTAB1 You will constantly change these two variables as you build surface models. and They control the density of the mesh resulting from commands such as SURFTAB2 REVSURF, TABSURF, EDGESURF, and RULESURF. SURFTAB1 controls the number of surface tabulations in the primary, also called M, direction. SURFTAB2 controls the other direction, N. SPLFRAME Controls how edges and control points display. When set to 1, AutoCAD displays: invisible 3D face edges, only the defining mesh of a surface fit polygon mesh, control point frame for spline-fit polylines and splines. Controls how the SHADE command displays objects. When set to 0, shade faces with edges not highlighted. When set to 1, shade faces with edges in background color. When set to 2, faces not filled, edges in entity color. When set to 3, faces filled with edges in background color.



Create a Surface Model from a 2D Wireframe 1. Open the COLUMN-01 drawing (downloadable from www.accustudio.com). This is a wireframe drawing of a columns profile and its corresponding centerline axis.

2. Set the two system variables that affect the density of tabulated surfaces. Change the SURFTAB1 variable to 3 by typing SURFTAB1 at the command prompt. New value for SURFTAB1 <6>: 3 Change the SURFTAB2 variable to a density of 5. New value for SURFTAB1 <6>: 5

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Page: 26 3. Use REVSURF to revolve the columns profile around the centerline axis. It is unimportant what the current coordinate system (UCS) is.
Select path curve: Select the columns profile Select axis of revolution: Select the columns centerline Start angle <0>: Use the default by typing Included angle (+=ccw, -=cw) <Full circle>: Use the

default by typing

Notice that the amount of surfaces in plan is not enough. Experiment with the SURFTAB1 variable and repeat step three. 4. Use HIDE to hide the back-faces of the column. Notice that each viewport is hidden separately.

section five.d

Solid Models

Although you can create great-looking models with surfaces, if you want truly realistic or informationally complete models, you need to create solids. In real life, all objects have solidity. Even a piece of paper or a thin object like fabric has solidity. Complex solid shapes are easier to construct and edit than wireframes or meshes, however they consume the most drawing overhead and can increase rendering times when they are curved. This is because rendering engines break surfaces down the object into triangulated planes in order to perform finite calculations on each surface. Similar to surface models, solid models are created by either using primitives or by building off of 2D wireframe objects. To access most of the solids commands, view the Solids toolbar.

These commands are also available from the pull-down menu Draw/Solids/various options. The easiest way to create 3D solid objects is through basic primitives: BOX, SPHERE, CYLINDER, CONE, WEDGE, and TORUS. You can also create solids by sweeping a 2D object along a path or revolving it about an axis. Solid Commands EXTRUDE Creates unique solid primitives by extruding existing two-dimensional objects along a specified path. You can extrude multiple objects with EXTRUDE. You can extrude closed polylines, polygons, circles, ellipses, closed splines, donuts, and regions (but not ones that intersect themselves).

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Page: 27 REVOLVE Creates a solid by revolving a two-dimensional object about an axis. The objects that can be extruded are the same as for EXTRUDE. You can revolve only one object at a time. Slices a set of solids with a plane. You can retain both halves of the sliced solids or just the half you specify. It can be joined back together with UNION. This is useful for checking the model to be sure it is built correctly. Uses the intersection of a plane and solids to create a region. AutoCAD creates regions on the current layer and inserts them at the location of the cross section. This is useful for creating 2D drawings from the 3D model. Finds the interference of two or more three-dimensional solids and creates a composite 3D solid from their common volume.




To create more complex solids, you can add, subtract, or intersect them with one another. These are called Boolean operations. The Boolean operations for solids are accessed from the Modify II toolbar, the Modify/Boolean/various options, or from the command prompt. Boolean Operations UNION Creates a composite region or solid by the addition of multiple solids. A composite solid is the result of combining the total volume of two or more existing solids. You can join regions or solids that do not share a common area or volume. Creates a composite region or solid by subtraction. This is most commonly used to create holes, or voids in a solid. Creates composite solids or regions from the intersection of two or more solids or regions. It calculates the overlapping area of two or more existing regions and the common volume of two or more existing solids.


When working with solids, there are many system variables designed to enhance the displaying of them, and also to control how fast the objects display. By knowing these system variables, modeling and rendering is more efficient because you know exactly how the model should be displayed. Important Solid Modeling System Variables DELOBJ Determines whether entities used to make solids are deleted. When 1, the original entity is deleted. When 0, the original entity is retained. DISPSILH Controls the display of curved surfaces on solids in wireframe and hidden object views. When it is 0, silhouettes of curved surfaces are not shown in wireframe views. Surfaces are shown as faces in hidden object views. When it is 1, Silhouettes of curved surfaces are shown in wireframe views and hidden object views. Surface is not shown as faces. Sets number of lines on curved surfaces of solids in wireframe views. Values can range from 0 to 2047. Controls the size of faces used to display curved surfaces on solids. Values can :: www.accustudio.com :: Rev9.29.00


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Page: 28 range from 0.01 to 10.00. The larger the value, the smaller the relative size of the faces, and the longer it takes to display. VIEWRES Sets the resolution for object generation in the current viewport. Values can range from 1 to 20000. This works in conjunction with FACETRES to control the tessellation of objects. The higher the number, the more smooth the curves display, but it also increases rendering and display time. Use this option to gain speed at the cost of smoothness or to gain visual accuracy at the cost of speed.

Now lets put this information to some use. Example Create a Hollow Metal Door Frame 1. Open the COLUMN-01 drawing (downloadable from www.accustudio.com). This is a wireframe drawing of a columns profile and its corresponding centerline axis. Use this as a base drawing and erase all of its contents. Save the drawing as a unique name. 2. In the elevation viewport, draw a wireframe outline of a 3 x 7 door frame using the Polyline command. Since the door frame will only include the jamb and head profiles, there is not need to close the polyline across the floor. Note that the UCS has to be oriented correctly in the viewport to draw a 2D wireframe object such as a polyline. 3. In the top viewport, draw the profile of the hollow-metal door jamb. Assume a 4 wide idealized jamb. Since this will be used with the EXTRUDE command later, it will need to be a closed polygon or polyline.

4. Begin the EXTRUDE command either at the command prompt, on the Solids toolbar, or from the Draw/Solids/Extrude pull-down menu.
Select objects: Select the profile to be extruded

Path/<Height of Extrusion>: Use the path option

P Select path: Select the path drawn in the elevation viewport

5. Use the BOX command to draw a solid door in the frame. It is easiest to draw in the plan and elevation viewports, before moving it (if necessary) in a 3D viewport.
Center/<Corner of box> <0,0,0>: Pick a point to begin drawing

one of the doors sides or edges

Cube/Length/<other corner>: Pick another point to finish drawing

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Page: 29 the side

Height: Define a height for the door, this should probably be done in

another viewport without the ORTHO on. Once it is drawn, move it with the normal MOVE command, if necessary, ensuring that the proper coordinate system is utilized. 6. Use another primitive such as a CONE, or SPHERE to cut a hole in the door for use as a window. First, create the primitive that will be the cutting tool for the window. Then, use the conventional MOVE command to move it into position. 7. Cut the primitive out of the door to create a window. Use SUBTRACT to create the void, or opening.
Select solids and regions to subtract from... Select objects: Select the door Select solids and regions to subtract... Select objects: Select the window primitive

Notice that under the door assembly, the jamb profile used to extrude along the path is gone. In order to retain objects being extruded, remember to set the DELOBJ system variable to 0 before using the EXTRUDE command. section five.e Polygon Count

In all types of models, it is important to keep in mind the project scope. Even with ever-faster computers and rendering programs, it is still important to have low-polygon models. There are a number of reasons to keep the face count down on models, and it is a valued skill. It simply takes longer to display and render when there are more than necessary faces in the model. There are three things to keep in mind. An object that remains far away from the camera does not require the same detail as an object that fills the screen. The distant object can have a lower face count, be less complex, and still be compelling. An object that is not the focus of attention, even though close to the camera, can have inferred detail. This detail can be created using a texture map rather than creating an overlycomplex mesh. Rendering times are invariably high for complex scenes that have high-resolution models. The lower the face count, the faster the rendering.


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Page: 30 Because each modeling type uses a different method for constructing 3D models and editing methods vary in their effect on the different model types, it is recommended that you not mix modeling methods within an object. Limited conversion between model types is available from solids to surfaces and from surfaces to wireframes; however, you cannot convert from wireframes to surfaces or from surfaces to solids. section five.f AutoCAD 3D Object Editing

Nearly all two-dimensional editing commands work in 3D, such as copy, move, and stretch. There are also a number of editing commands that are exclusively for 3D or have special 3D options. 3D Editing Commands ALIGN ERASE COPY MIRROR OFFSET ARRAY MOVE ROTATE SCALE STRETCH Same as for 2D, except use the third source for controlling the 3rd dimension. Same as for 2D. Same as for 2D. Can be used on 3D objects as long as the mirror line is in the XY plane. Otherwise use MIRROR3D and specify the mirroring plane. Can be used in 3D space, but only on 2D objects. Can be used on 3D objects in the XY plane. Otherwise, use 3DARRAY to add levels in the Z direction. Same as for 2D. Can be used on 3D objects in the XY plane. Otherwise, use ROTATE3D to rotate objects in any plane. Can be used on 3D objects, it always scales in all three dimensions. Can be used in 3D space, but only on 2D objects, wireframes, and surfaces. The results may not be what you expect because it is hard to visualize the direction of the stretch unless it is in a plan or elevational view. Can be used in 3D space, but only on 2D objects. Has special options for 3D but only works on 2D objects such as lines. Has special options for 3D but only works on 2D objects such as lines. Can be used in 3D space, but only on 2D objects. Has special options for 3D to work on solids, not for surfaces. Has special options for 3D to work on solids, not for surfaces. Works on 3D objects solids explode to bodies and regions, polyface meshes become faces, polylines with thickness become lines. Faces cannot be exploded further. :: www.accustudio.com :: Rev9.29.00


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Converting Solids into Surfaces

Many times there is a necessity to stretch a solid, or create faceted edges along a curve. However, there is no direct method for converting solids into surfaces in AutoCAD. If you explode the solid object, it turns into Bodies and Regions, which are unusable in rendering. A two-step method for converting solids into surfaces is through the 3DSOUT and 3DSIN commands, or by using the MESHOUT.LSP found on www.accustudio.com. For the 3DSOUT method, use 3DSOUT to export the solid to a 3D Studio file. Since 3D Studio does not differentiate between solids and surfaces which have a defined volume, the resulting file is a mesh. The tessellation, or amount of faces interpreting curves, in the mesh depends on the AutoCAD solid modeling system variables discussed in the solid modeling section. Second, use 3DSIN to import the resulting .3DS file back into AutoCAD. When the dialogue box prompts you for which information to import, simply select the mesh objects. If you import anything else, the information will be added to the drawing overhead, such as multiple views with similar names, and default rendering settings. Now the mesh is able to be stretched and manipulated because it is a converted to a surface model. NOTE: certain side effects occur from using this method: AutoCAD cannot use Boolean operations on surfaces The layer names are truncated unless the mesh was on Layer 0 The object is now color byobject, not bylayer The MESHOUT.LSP follows this same roundabout method, but in one efficient command. Section six.a Creating a Model From Scratch

Now that you have seen what types of objects, system variables, and editing commands are available, it is time to begin a new drawing from scratch. As you gain experience in modeling, there will be less and less emphasis on the initial drawing set up. The set up will occur on the fly as each object is created and manipulated. In interior design, projects will typically use the similar templates, blocks, and scales. Each modeling project follows certain steps: Set up the drawing units, viewports, and system variables Create the walls, floor, and ceiling objects Modify and manipulate the rooms dimensions and fenestration Insert door, window, and entourage objects Set up the final view

The following five examples build on each other to create a view of a three-dimensional room model complete with furniture and people. Example six.a.one Set up the Drawing for 3D Modeling 1. Start a new drawing in AutoCAD and set it up for creating a 10x12x9

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Page: 32 high room in 3D. Keep in mind: Units: UNITS Views: VPORTS, VIEW, UCS, ZOOM System Variables: DELOBJ, SURFTAB1, SURFTAB2

Example six.a.two

Create the walls, floor, and ceiling objects 1. As objects are created, keep them separated by using separate layers for various materials and assemblies. Begin by drawing the walls in plan on A-WALL. Use SNAPs and POLYLINEs to draw the edges of the walls so they can be extruded, in other words, ensure that they are closed polylines. OFFSET the interior polyline of the rooms perimeter to create a wall base on layer A-WALL-BASE. Copy it to its appropriate 3D layer, and then use DDCHPROP to give the wall base thickness.

2. Use EXTRUDE to create solid perimeter walls 9 high. When two rectangular polylines are extruded, they will be two solid boxes. The inner box will need to be subtracted from the outer one to create a room in the center. To do this, use the Boolean function SUBTRACT. Ensure that the new solid walls are on the appropriate layer, 3-WALL. 3. In an isometric view, draw 3DFACEs for the ceiling and floor. By using OSNAPS, create the surfaces as three and four-sided 3DFACES. Keep them on their appropriate layers, 3-CLNG and 3-FLOR. The view to the left uses HIDE to show that the ceiling and floor are correctly drawn. 4. Save your work to a unique name under C:\ACCUSTUDIO\TUTORIAL. Example six.a.three Create and manipulate doors and windows 1. Use solid primitives to punch holes in the solid walls for a door and a window. BOXes and Boolean SUBTRACT work well for this. By creating a BOX to use as a cutting tool, by using SUBTRACT, then it is easier to construct the door that will fill the hole. Make the door cutting tool 3 wide and 7 tall. Make the window whatever size you wish.

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Page: 33

Notice that the door tool did not cut the wall base. The wall base is a surface mesh, not a solid, so it does not respond to Boolean operations. In order to have the wall base wrap around the door opening, it must be modified with 2D commands such as TRIM, EXPLODE, and STRETCH or be totally redrawn with new POLYLINE. 2. Now that the voids are created for the door and window, put in the door and window. For the door, insert the solid model of the door assembly and all of its construction guides from the solid modeling exercise, DOOR-01. Insert the block on Layer 0. For the window, just put a 3DFACE in the middle of the opening to represent glass. An efficient method for this is to draw a 3DFACE on the inside of the window jamb using the MIDpoint Osnap.

Example six.a.four

Insert entourage objects 1. Place entourage in the room from the AutoCAD ADT Design/DesignPart Library pull-down menu, or insert some from the anywhere that you keep Objects or from the www.accustudio.com exchange section.

Example six.a.five

Set up the final perspective views 1. Use DVIEW to set up the final perspective view and save the drawing.

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