R12 Financials Question Paper.83180006
R12 Financials Question Paper.83180006
R12 Financials Question Paper.83180006
R12 Oracle Financials Training TEST PAPER Name: Organization/Dept: Modules: GL, AP, AR, FA and CE Date: January 2011 1. Which module is not included in Procurement? a) Oracle Payables b) Oracle Purchasing c) Oracle Order Entry d) Oracle Cash Management e) Both C) and d) f) Both b) and d) 2. Top Ten List is a. Shortcuts to up to ten user-defined functions b. Shortcuts to the ten most frequently used functions c. Shortcuts to exactly ten user-defined functions d. List of the top ten new features 3. Which of the following data are not partitioned by operating units? a. Payables b. Assets c. Receivables d. Purchasing e. Order Management City: / Oracle Applications Practice
Question Paper
4. Which of the following are reasons why it is desirable to share information between applications? a. Minimizes time for implementation setup b. Makes information available to every application in the system c. Minimizes data synchronization problems, because each piece of data is kept in only one table d. Keeps users from having to enter identical data in more than one place e. Increases processing speed 5. Which of the following is not a qualifier for an accounting flexfield? a. Balancing segment b. Category segment c. Natural account segment d. Cost center segment e. Secondary Tracking Segment f. Management Segment 6. Which of the following is not an organization classification? a. Primary Ledger b. Legal entity c. Operating unit d. Inventory organization e. Business Group
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7. How are journal entries in Oracle General Ledger organized? a. Lines, Headers, Batches b. Groups and then Lines c. Batches, Headers and then Lines d. Worksheets, headers, lines e. Batches, Worksheets and Headers 8. Is it necessary to change password at regular intervals in Oracle Applications? a. True b. False 9. It is possible to create Responsibility for General Ledger Application without Menu? a. True b. False 10. The maximum number of segments in Chart of Accounts flexfield is 40. a. True b. False 11. Which of the following is not part of Responsibility? a. Menu b. Data Group c. Request Group d. Password e. None of the above 12. Descriptive Flexfields are mandatory in Oracle Applications. a. True b. False 13. Chart of Accounts is a good example for Descriptive Flexfield in Oracle. a. Yes b. No 14. Once we login to Oracle Applications, we can not logout immediately. a. True b. False 15. What is CCID? a. Cross Currency ID b. Code Combination ID c. Cost Center ID d. Compilation Code ID e. None of the above 16. It is necessary to configure MO: Operating Unit for Accounts Payables Application? a. True b. False 17. Oracle Alerts can be used to send alert messages to managers in the company? a. True b. False 18. Which of the following is not a valid Oracle Alert? a. Periodic alert b. Event Alert c. Monthly Alert d. Yearly Alert e. All of the above f. Both C) and d) 19. Oracle workflow can be used for a. sending notifications to employees as required b. setting approvals mechanism in the company c. implement business flow in company d. All of the above
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20. One of the users in the company forgot his password. Which of the following is appropriate? a. User will not be able to login to the application in his lifetime b. User can request system administrator to change the password c. system administrator needs to create a new user immediately d. Company needs to dismiss the employee for forgetting the password e. None of the above 21. What is MOAC? a. Multiple Organization Access Control b. Multiple Organization Applications Control c. Multiple Operations Units Access Control d. Match Organizations with Account Codes e. None of the above 22. Which of the following is optional while defining Responsibility? a. Menu b. Start Date c. Data Group d. Request Group e. None of the above 23. What is the difference between Key Flexfield (KFF) and Descriptive Flexfield (DFF)? a. KFF and DFF are Mandatory b. KFF and DFF are Optional c. KFF is Optional and DFF is Mandatory d. KFF is Mandatory and DFF is Optional e. None of the above 24. What of the following is true? a. Responsibility is attached to Menu b. Responsibility is attached to User c. Menus are attached to User d. User is attached to Responsibility e. None of the above 25. What of the following is a good example for Oracle Workflow? a. Posting of GL Journals b. GL Journal Approval c. GL Budget Creation d. Creation of Responsibility in Sys Admin e. None of the above 26. Which of the following items is NOT a valid consideration when you need to import legacy data into Oracle General Ledger? a. Adding new GL columns for data not accommodated by GL b. Network throughput rate c. Interfacing legacy tables to Oracle GL tables d. Working around legacy-system shortcomings e. Not Applicable 27. a) b) c) d) e) Which data element is not present in Oracle General Ledger? Budgets Journal entries Customers Accounts master file Encumbrances
28. What is the initial status of an accounting period in Oracle General Ledger?
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By what entity is the authorization limit for manual journal entry set in Approvals? Position Journal source Journal category Employee User
34. If a journal with four different balancing entities is out of balance, what accounts will be used as balancing accounts? a) Intercompany account b) Suspense account c) Offset account d) Target account e) Not Applicable 35. a) b) c) d) e) Which one of the following Mass Allocations options usually generates the most journal lines? Constant Looping Summing Total All of the above
36. Which line describes the function of the Journal Import program? a) Delete Journal entries b) Modify Journal Entries
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37. What of the following choices is not a valid display option in account assignments for row sets? a. B b. C c. E d. T e. Not Applicable 38. What do you need to do with bank statement lines that are marked as External? a. Reverse receipts b. Need not do anything c. Create miscellaneous transactions d. Mark them as Internal afterwards e. Stop the payments 39. Which of the following statements is true? a. You cannot purge without archiving b. You can archive without purging c. Oracle Cash Management purges Forecasting the open interface automatically d Oracle Cash Management purges Bank Statements in the open interface automatically e. Bank statements from production tables can be deleted
40. Cashier has decided to Void the Payment and wants to process the invoice only after talking to the supplier as there is some discrepancy. Which invoice action will be the best choice? a. None b. Hold c. Cancel d. Stop e. Release 41. Accounts Payables is integrated with Purchasing and uses Matching options. Which of the following is not possible in Invoice Workbench? a. Two - Way Matching b. Three - Way Matching c. Four - Way matching d. One - Way Matching e. None of the above 42. Payables clerk has validated one invoice in Invoice Workbench in Payables module by mistake and does not want this invoice to be paid. Which one of the following is the best option? a. Cancel the Invoice immediately from invoice workbench b. Delete the invoice from Payables Application c. Inform Cashier through mail or inter office correspondence that invoice should not be paid d. Apply Hold on the invoice immediately e. Run concurrent program "Reverse Validated Invoice" and select invoice no. as parameter
43. Which of the following is NOT possible while designing Withholding Taxes in Payables? a. Create Withholding Tax Invoice during Invoice Validation b. Create Withholding Tax Invoice during Invoice Payment c. Create Withholding Tax Invoice while saving the invoice d. All of the above e. None of the above
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44. Oracle payables is set up at the _____ level in a multi org environment? a. Legal Entity b. Business Group c. Operating Unit d. Inventory Organization e. HR Organization 45. Which of the following is NOT a valid Invoice Type in Payables Module? a. Prepayment b. Post payment c. Mixed d. Withholding Tax e. Debit Memo 46. Where do you assign Ledger to an Asset Book in Assets Module?? a. System Options b. Asset Category c. Book Controls d. Asset Fiscal Years e. Prorate Conventions 47. Select the sequence of physical inventory counting of assets in FA? a. Enter Physical inventory data, Run comparison, View Results b. Run Comparison, View Results, Enter Physical Inventory Data c. Enter Physical inventory data, View Results, Run comparison d. View Results, Enter Physical inventory data, Run comparison e. View Results, Run comparison, Enter Physical inventory data 48. Which of the following is not a valid Asset Book in Fixed Assets module? a. Corporate Book b. Tax Book c. Depreciation Book d. Budget Book e. None of the above 49. Among the following, which one is first step in India Localization? a. Define TDS Sections b. Supplier Additional Information c. Regime Registration d. Tax Names e. Invoice Tolerances 50. Which of the following is NOT a valid TDS threshold limit in India Localization? a. Single b. Cumulative c. Single and Cumulative d. Amount Ranges e. None of the Above
51. BOE Agent is Optional while entering Bill Entry Invoices? a. Yes b. No
52. PLA invoices can be updated with Acknowledgement Date after saving PLA entry in PLA invoice window. a. Yes b. No
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53. Sale Tax Concession Form can be issued immediately after entering and saving Supplier Invoice. a. Yes b. No 54. Which of the following information is NOT used by Oracle Assets in India Localization for calculating depreciation as per IT Act? a. Block of assets b. Date Placed In Service c. Date of Acquisition d. Applicable Depreciation Rate % e. Depreciation Rate 55. Excise Registers are updated based on ___________ in the Bond Register Setup used for transaction? a. Transaction Source b. Transaction Type c. Transaction Date d. Transaction Currency e. Exchange Rate