FRR Final
FRR Final
FRR Final
Team CySLI
Table of Contents
Section 1: Summary of FRR Report ................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. 1.1) 1.2) 1.3) Team Summary ............................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. Launch Vehicle Summary .............................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. Payload Summary.......................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Section 2: Changes Made Since CDR .............................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. 2.1) 2.2) 2.3) Changes Made to Vehicle Criteria ................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. Changes Made to Payload Criteria ................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined. Changes Made to Activity Plan...................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Section 3: Vehicle Criteria ............................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 3.1) 3.2) 3.3) 3.4) 3.5) Testing and Design of Launch Vehicle ........................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Recovery Subsystem ..................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Mission Performance Predictions ..............................................................................................................19 Safety and Environment (Launch Vehicle) .................................................................................................28 Payload Integration ....................................................................................................................................31
Section 4: Payload Criteria ...........................................................................................................................................34 4.1) 4.2) 4.3) 4.4) 4.5) Experiment Concept ...................................................................................................................................34 Science Value .............................................................................................................................................35 Payload Design ...........................................................................................................................................36 Verification .................................................................................................................................................50 Safety and Environment (Payload) .............................................................................................................51
Section 5: Launch Procedures Checklists .....................................................................................................................55 5.1) 5.2) Checklists....................................................................................................................................................55 Safety and Quality Assurance .....................................................................................................................57
Section 6: Activity Plan ................................................................................................................................................59 6.1) 6.2) 6.3) Budget ........................................................................................................................................................59 Timeline ......................................................................................................................................................60 Educational Engagement ...........................................................................................................................60
Section 7: Conclusion ...................................................................................................................................................62 Addendum A: HPR Safety Code ...................................................................................................................................63 Addendum B: MSDS Reports .......................................................................................................................................65 Addendum C: Arduino Code ........................................................................................................................................75
these sections were wrapped in 4 layers of 1/64 inch thick fiberglass and resin. See figure 1. The resulting thickness of fiberglass and resin rapped around the airframe was 1/16 of an inch thick. This gave the rocket additional compressive strength in order to support our large payload without damaging the structural integrity of the rocket. The electronics bay consists of a 7.5 inch diameter coupler tube. This section was not reinforced with fiberglass because the forces exerted on this part are only those that may come from a horizontal direction holding the booster and payload section together. Fins The fins were made in the Iowa State University composites labs from fiberglass and resin. They consist of 18 layers of 1/64 inch thick fiberglass cloth resulting in a fin thickness of 1/8 of an inch thick. See figures 3.2 and 3.3. The fins cut out of the hardened fiberglass and resin in the desired trapezoidal shape. See figure 3.4. The fins were mounted via through wall mounting and fillets of epoxy mixed with carbon fiber for strength, were applied to each side of the fin where it encountered the airframe. The same epoxy with carbon fiber fillets were applied to the fins at the motor tube. The remaining area between the fins, airframe and MMT were filled with expanding foam to add a final form of structural stability.
Figure 3.2
Figure 3.3
Figure 3.4 6 Bulkheads and Attachment Hardware Bulkheads were made from inch plywood. At points were U-bolts were installed, an additional block of inch thick block of plywood was used to reinforce the area and help distribute the load from the U-bolt to the actual bulkhead. The U-bolts that will connect the parachutes via shock cord are inch thick and 3.5 inch wide in order to safely carry the load of the rocket during ejections and descent of the rocket. All point were the U-bolts were attached were also epoxied to prevent the bolts from loosening during launch. 3.1.5) Vehicle Electrical Components Altimeters Two altimeters are used for the deployment of the parachutes and payload. The primary altimeter is Perfect Flight MWAD and the secondary is a R-DAS Altimeter. Altimeter and Battery Retention Each altimeter is bolted to the electronics board. There are two separate battery bays attached to the electronics board. The electronics board is secured inside the electronics bay vie two inch rods that run from the bulkheads on both sides of it. Each battery is placed into the battery bays and zipped tied down to prevent movement. To ensure the zip ties do not slip off, tape is applied around the battery bays. Wires and Switches There is a key switch on the exterior of the air frame so that each altimeter can be turned for launch. See Figure 3.5. This also provides a method to check continuity of each altimeter once in the rocket. This way the beeps one another cannot be confused. All wires used in the electronics bay have been soldered to any mating surface in which they must provide current. The only spot they are not soldered are to the altimeters themselves in which they are screwed down tight. 3.5.6) Vehicle Assembly and Design Drawings
Figure 3.5
Figure 3.6
3.1.6) Flight Reliability Confidence Component R-DAS Altimeter test PerfectFlite MAWD test Ejection charge test Fiberglass reinforcement Full Vehicle Test R-Das Altimeter Test- Verified Status Verified Verified Verified Verified Verified
The R-DAS has been verified during prior flights. The R-DAS has been flown on 3 prior missions and has performed exceptionally. The R-DAS experienced a nominal flight during the full-scale test launch on March 10, 2012. PerfectFlite Altimter Testing- Verified The PerfectFlite altimeter has been verified during its 5 prior flights. Each time the altimeter has performed as needed. The PerfectFlite experienced a nominal flight during the full-scale test launch on March 10, 2012. Ejection Charge Testing- Verified To ensure that the separation occurs at apogee and that the payload/main parachute eject at 1000 ft, ejection charge testing was done to verify that the correct amount of black powder had been calculated. The drogue deployment was done beginning at 3 grams and was found to not be enough. The next charge of 5 grams was proven to be enough to ensure a deployment of the drogue parachute. The payload electronics were replaced with a simulated mass so that during ejection testing, they would not be damaged from multiple test and the tumbling that occurred when ejected. The payload/main parachute testing began at 4 grams and went in 2 gram incraments until there was a full ejection of the payload and main parachute. The calculated mass for this was 7 grams but due to the large amount of mass and length of the airframe, it required 14 grams of black powder.
Fiberglass reinforcement-Verified The phenolic body tube was wrapped in the fiberglass to add a structural aspect to the airframe but to also add a factor of toughness. The mass of the rocket at impact could create enough energy to damage the phenolic airframe, but because of the airframe reinforcement, no damage was shown upon post flight inspection.
Full Scale Vehicle Test- Verified The full scale launch was on March 10th, 2012. The launch went off flawlessly with one minor issue. When the drogue parachute deployed at apogee it ejected the payload. This was due to insufficient shear pins for retention. When the rocket reached 1000 ft on its descent, the main parachute deployed exactly as it should have. The shear pin problem has already been addressed and fixed to ensure no minor issues may arise again. 3.1.7) Integrity of Design
To stabilize the rocket we used 4 trapezoidal shaped fins made from fiberglass here at the Iowa State composites lab. Fiberglass was chosen because of its high strength and was easy to cut our fin shape out of. The fins were also air foiled to decrease the drag profile. Proper Assembly Procedures Booster Section Loadsthe forces generated from the thrust of the motor will be transferred to the motor mount tube by the motor casing. 3 centering rings are attached to the MMT in which the force is transferred to the airframe. Since the fins are through the wall mounting, the MMT also transfers force to the fins.
Booster Section Construction The phenolic tubing was wrapped in 4 layers of fiberglass cloth and resin and then let dry. Using the proper safety equipment, it was then sanded smooth to reduce drag. 4 fin slots were marked and cut out at 90 degrees from one another. The MMT had the two upper centering rings installed with epoxy mixed with carbon fiber shards. The MMT was mounted to the airframe via the centering rings using more epoxy and carbon fiber. Fins were installed through the fin slots and attached to the MMT and the airframe using epoxy and carbon fiber. The fins had fillets formed with the epoxy for the strongest connection to the MMT and airframe. Once dry, the two part expanding foam was mixed and put in the booster section between fins to add the structural component. The final centering ring was installed and then the motor retention was epoxied in place.
Payload Section Loads The forces generated from the lower assembly will be transferred to the payload section through the airframe. This will stay connected to the booster section using the dual purpose coupler tube/electronics bay.
Payload Section Construction The phenolic tubing was wrapped in 4 layers of fiberglass cloth and resin and then let dry. Using the proper safety equipment, it was then sanded smooth to reduce drag. The coupler tube with the bulkhead mounted on it was then epoxied to the payload section. 3.1.8) Workmanship
The quality of vehicle will rely directly on the workmanship of those constructing it. Therefore, to manufacture the vehicle properly, it is necessary to practice a high level of workmanship during construction. In order to do this, the team will always have a team member with the necessary High Power Certification present at all times of construction. 3.1.9) Safety and Failure Analysis The following risks to the vehicle and project have been identified and are followed by an appropriate plan that will be implemented to reduce or eliminate that risk. Risk Mitigation Table Risk Altimeter is damaged during test Risk Mitigation Altimeter will be mounted securely during test A new pack of batteries will be purchased prior to launch and tested for proper voltage Fins will have large fillets of epoxy with the airframe and the MMT. A low approximation of black power will be tested first, then more will be added if necessary Only tested altimeters ejection charge amounts will be used on the full scale test and the launch will be conducted using safe, proven methods Materials will be ordered as soon as the design it finalized and the necessary funds are available A minimum of two team members have the level II certification required to help in construction and launch the rocket A approved budget has been approved by the University.
Vehicle construction falls behind schedule due to out of stock materials or delayed shipping
Project falls behind schedule due to lack of proper personal Project falls behind schedule due to lack of funding
The following failures are those that could occur during a testing of a system or a full scale test of the vehicle. Each failure is matched with the proposed steps taken to reduce injury during such failure. Failure and Risk Reduction Table Failure Point of attachment dislodges or shock chord suffers tensile failure Fin dislodged from airframe Payload deploys without parachute Steps Taken to Reduce Risk Personnel are kept clear of vehicle assemblies during test Personnel kept clear of vehicle during launch Personnel are aware of the launch through each phase of the vehicles flight Personnel are aware of the launch through each phase of the vehicles flight Personnel are aware of the launch through each phase of the vehicles flight Personnel are aware of the launch and are at the proper distance of 300 ft during ignition of the L class motor.
Motor dislodges from airframe Rocket fails to deploy parachute at apogee or at 1000
3.1.10) Full Scale Test Flight On March 10th, 2012 the USLI CySLI rocket was launched in Princeton, Illinois. See Figure 3.9. The rocket performed as expected with one minor issue with the payload deployment. The payload release when the ejection charge for the drogue parachute fired. The momentum of the payload moving forward ejected it from the payload section of the rocket leaving the main parachute in the rocket still. The payload ejecting at apogee was not desired, but was not the worst case
13 Figure 3.9
scenario. It gave our payload more time to interact with the environment and prove our concept that it would fall very stable under the parachute until the time to release it. The rocket portion continued its descent to the ground and as planned, ejected the main parachute (the payload would have been ejected at the same time) at 1000 feet and landed safely with no damage. To prevent the payload from ejecting at apogee more shear pins will be used so that it will be ejected with the main and reduce the amount of time the payload spends drifting. The rocket was powered by a Cesaroni L1115 rocket motor in 15-20 mph winds. The altimeters recorded that the rocket reached an altitude of 4,650 feet. See Figure 3.10. The Rocksim simulations calculated that our rocket with a polished finish would result in an altitude of 4887 feet with this wind speed. We believe the rougher finish on the rocket is what resulted in the 237 foot difference. To gain the altitude the final finish of the rocket will be sanded and polished more to achieve the correct drag profile. According to Rocksim this will get us the correct altitude in 5-10 mph ideal wind conditions. The RockSim simulations calculated our rocket to weigh ~46 pounds with a loaded motor. The fully assembled rocket with the motor came out to weigh ~45 pounds. This is remarkably close to what was expected and is one of the major factors that make us believe the low altitude is due to the increased drag on the rocket.
To slow the rocket from apogee to deployment of the main parachute we will be using a 48 drogue parachute from Public Missiles. This parachute is specifically designed for drogue use. This should slow the rocket to approximately 50 ft/s. Shock Chord To keep the vehicle components connected and attach the parachute we will be using a 3/4 nylon shock chord. This material is rate for 5500 lbs force and is resistant to the high temperatures of the ejection charges. Electronics For a safe recovery, we are using a completely redundant ejection charge system. One altimeter will be a Rocket Data Acquisition System (R-DAS) from AED Electronics and the other will be the required PerfectFlite MWAD altimeter. Each altimeter will be wired to two separate ejection charges, resulting in four charges total for the vehicle. Both altimeters will be wired in the same way as Figure 3.11. This minimizes the room for error by using the most failsafe system possible with two separate altimeters. Each altimeter will have its own battery and will be activated by separate key switches accessible from the outside of the rocket. Each altimeter will be test in a real-life launch to make sure the altimeter has no issues.
Figure 3.11 Ejection Charges Each ejection charge will be composed of a plastic vessel that contains the FFFF black powder along with the igniter that will be wired to the altimeter. The black powder will be sized and then a static test will be performed to ensure proper separation is reached with the amount of powder used. Quick links and U-bolts The quick links used are inch diameter quick links from Giant Leap Rocketry. These haven proven effective in the past and have enough strength to hold the shock cord to the U-bolt. The U-bolts are inch thick by 3.5 inches wide. These were chosen because of their ability to withstand high loads and then distribute them evenly across the bulkhead.
15 Bulkheads The bulkheads used are made from inch plywood. The point where the U-bolts go through are reinforced with a block of inch plywood. This helps distribute the load more evenly over the bulkhead. The U-bolt also has a washer that runs to both sides of it that help prevent too much stress concentration. Tracking The tracking device being used uses a frequency of 222.23 MHz. This provide us with a flat ground 5 mile range. The range in hilly areas decreases to 3 miles. Our test launch and RockSim simulation put our rocket in the windy conditions well with in this range. The tracking devise will be attached to the shock cord of the drogue parachute. This allows for it to be open to the air for a longer duration of time which decreases the chance of interference from the rocket. Attachment Scheme To connect the shock chord to the recovery components, we will be using quick links rated to 1540 lbs force, available from Giant Leap Rocketry. These quick links will be attached to the upper and lower assemblies by a U-Bolt attached to a bulkhead that has been epoxied inside of the airframe. At apogee, the vehicle will deploy the drogue parachute from the lower section. The rocket will then descend to ~1000 and then deploy the main parachute from the upper assembly. All sections will be tethered via the nylon shock cord. Both the drogue parachute and the main parachute will be folded so that when ejected they will unfold. Both parachutes will be protected from the ejection charges by nomex cloth. This will protect the parachutes from burning of the ejection charge.
3.2.2) Parachutes and Testing Deployment Process From launch to landing of rocket and quadcopter. Figure 3.12
Flight Profile
Figure 3.12
Number 1 2 3 4 5
Event Ignition/Boosted Flight Burnout/Coasting Flight Apogee Coasting Descent Payload Deployment
Altitude (ft AGL) 0 to 1650 1650 to 5280 5280 5280 to 1000 1000
Main Deployment
Quadcopter Parachute
<= 500
Description L1115 ignites, burns for 4.5 seconds. Max. velocity is 600 ft/s. Deploy 48 drogue parachute. Descends at 64 ft/s. Quadcopter deploys from top of rocket on 48 parachute. Main parachute deployed from top of rocket immediately after payload. After final go from
500 to 0
RSO, quadcopter parachute will be released. Quadcopter will fly its mission, take video of ground target, land. Soft landing at 12 ft/s. Testing Results The ejection charge testing for the drogue parachute started at 3 grams and that was found to not be enough. The next charge was 5 grams and that gave us the desired separation. The main parachute and payload section started with 5 grams and increased at 2 gram increments until we reached our desired deployment at 14 grams of black powder. The altimeters were testes for functionality on the ground and then during the full scale test launch they were found to be fully operational. All charges had been blown and deployed all the mass that they were supposed to. Parachute Size The size of the main parachute was chosen because of its ability to slow the rocket to a safe landing velocity. The mass of the rocket is rather large giving rise to the need for the 18 foot diameter parachute. The drogue parachute was chosen because it slowed the rocket to the 50 to 75 ft/s for that stage of the recovery system. The parachute for the payload was also chosen because it slowed the velocity of the payload to a safe landing or release velocity. 3.2.3) Safety and failure Analysis The following failure modes that could occur during recovery of the vehicle have been paired with the necessary safety procedures to reduce the chance of injury. Recovery Safety and Failure Table Possible Failure Ejection charges ignite during rocket preparation. Ejection charges ignite while rocket is being placed on launch pad. Safety Procedures Keep ejection charge leads taped until rocket is ready to be taken to the launch pad. Use electronics that arm the ejection charges after launch has been detected my acceleration.
Main parachute does not separate from rocket at 1000 ft. Altimeter does not set off all charges
All personal are aware of the rockets position during all flight phases of the launch. All charges not ignited will be disposed of properly. A redundant altimeter with a separate battery is used and all batteries are zip tied and taped in place All transmitting devises will be kept in a separate compartment. All personal will be aware of the rocket in each phase of the launch.
Figure 3.11 Simulation 3 has very similar conditions as the full scale test launch. The test launch reached 4650 feet and the simulation shows 4595 feet for these conditions. In simulation 0, the rocket should drift 18 feet down wind of the launch pad In simulation 1, the rocket should drift 101 feet down wind of the launch pad In simulation 2, the rocket should drift 1073 feet down wind of the launch pad In simulation 3, the rocket should drift 2543 feet down wind of the launch pad Payload drift is comparable to all above simulations for those conditions.
The following simulation was done under the conditions stated for simulation 0. In ideal conditions our rocket will reach a max altitude of 5040 feet with a max velocity of 589 ft/s
Figure 3.13
These simulations were done using real rocket mass and Center of Gravity.
Shock Chord Drogue Parachute Main Parachute Payload Parachute Ejection Charges Epoxy Payload Motor and Motor Casing Total Weight:
Figure 3.14 Thrust curve for Cesaroni L1115 rocket motor. Figure 3.14 Cesaroni L1115 Motor Properties
Cesaroni L1115 Diameter Length Maximum Thrust Average Thrust Total Impulse Total Weight
Burn Time
4.5 s
3.3.5) Scale Test and Drag Analysis On January 16, 2012, CySLI launched the scale model rocket of the one that will be launched for the competition. The scale rocket launched was 1:5.6 scale of the full sized rocket. The air frame, nose cone, and fins where all kept to this scale factor in order to maintain the proper dimension of the scale rocket. According to RockSim calculations, the scale rocket went to approximately 500 ft. Due to the fact that our full size rocket was supposed to be overstable, extra attention was place on the scale rocket launch trajectory to see if weather cocking would alter our design of our full scale launch. The scale launch was done in somewhat windy conditions, ~10 mph, and this gave us a clear picture on what trajectory our rocket will take and that we are happy with this. Even though the scale launch was a success, the stability of our rocket throughout the build of the full scale will be kept in mind.
Figure 3.15
Figure 3.16
3.3.6) Vehicle Stability The full scale test launch was done with a rocket that has the following stability margins. Center of Pressure -78.6 inches See Figure 3.17 Center of Gravity - 63.5 inches See Figure 3.18 Stability Margin -1.96 Calipers Vehicle Properties Length -102.5 inches Diameter -7.7 inches Weight- ~45 pounds
Figure 3.17 3.3.7) Kinetic Energy KE at landing: Payload Section=26.96 ft-lbs Booster Section=51.0905 ft-lbs Payload under Parachute= 25.37 ft-lbs KE at max velocity during launch: Entire rocket and Payload=188,544 ft-lbs The kinetic energy at landing is for both sections of the rocket are within the KE for a safe landing. The payload under parachute at terminal velocity will have 25.37 ft-lbs which is within the KE for a safe landing. 3.3.8) Requirements The rocket must be able to reach an altitude of one mile in a safe manner as well as carry a scientific payload. It must carry the payload in such a way as to keep it secure during launch and recovery. The rocket must also be recoverable and reusable. Vehicle Requirements Verification Matrix
Design Feature that meets requirement Controlled Descent Video Reconnaissance Vehicle (CDVRV), a quadcopter that doubles as the rockets nosecone during upward flight. Our RockSim model predicted the rocket will
Verification Inspection, Testing: Quadcopter integrated with nosecone. Quadcopter systems functioning. Preflight checks.
payload without exceeding an altitude of 5,280 feet The vehicle shall carry one Perfect Flight MAWD altimeter for recording of the official altitude without damaging it. The Recovery system shall be designed to be armed on the pad The recovery system electronics shall be completely independent of the payload electronics The recovery system shall contain redundant altimeters Each altimeter shall be armed by a dedicated arming switch Each altimeter shall have a dedicated battery Each arming switch shall be accessible from the exterior of the rocket airframe
reach approximately 5233 with a crosswind of 8 to 14 mi/hr. The equipment will be place within the altimeter bay which will be safe from hazardous gases from the motor or impacts from landing. Two external key-switches will be mounted on the outside of the altimeter bays, one for each altimeter.
Altimeter. This altimeter has been successfully used in previous launches. Inspection: The group will be conducting rigorous testing that will verify how protected the altimeter will be.
The payload will have its own Inspection tracking device and electronics that are housed inside the nose cone. One R-DAS and one MAWD will be used for deployment. Our altimeters for the launch vehicle will have arming switches to turn the function on or off when it is desired. The altimeters will be using brand new fully charged batteries. Inspection
Inspection: We will test the altimeters arming switch before our full scale launch. Inspection: We will verify that the batteries are brand new and working properly.
The arming switches will be Inspection accessible from the exterior as well as being low profile. The group designed the body tube with an orifice for the arming switches to fit. The arming switches will be able to be locked in the On position before launch. The arming switches are planned to be placed 48 inches above the base.
Each arming switch shall be capable of being locked in the ON position for launch Each arming switch shall be a maximum of six feet above the base of the
Inspection: When the key is removed, the altimeters are locked in the on position. Inspection: We will use a proper measurement device.
launch vehicle The recovery system electronics shall be shielded from all onboard transmitting devices The launch vehicle and science or engineering payload shall remain subsonic from launch until landing The launch vehicle and payload shall be designed to be recoverable and reusable The launch vehicle shall stage the deployment of its recovery devices, where a drogue parachute is deployed at apogee and a main parachute is deployed at a much lower altitude Removable shear pins shall be used for both the main parachute compartment and the drogue parachute compartment The launch vehicle shall be capable of being prepared for flight at the launch site within 2 hours The launch vehicle shall be capable or remaining launch ready for 1 hour on the launch pad An electronic tracking device shall be installed in each independent section We will place the recovery system electronics in a separate compartment to keep it from any hazards. RockSim simulations predict a maximum velocity of 600 ft/s. Inspection, Testing: This protection will be tested before and during the full scale launch. Testing: Altimeter data during full-scale launch.
Our design will allow safe landing for both payload and vehicle. The recovery of the launch vehicle will be in two stages: a 48 drogue parachute will be deployed at apogee and an 18-ft main parachute will be deployed at 1000 ft. Two nylon pins will be used at the drogue and main separation joints.
Testing: The full scale launch will verify that the vehicle and payload can be reusable. (Testing) Testing: During the full-scale launch the reliability of the recovery system will be verified. Previous dual-deployment systems have demonstrated reliability. Inspection
System is straightforward. Team will practice procedures and follow checklist. Quadcopter batteries can remain on for hours until they begin powering motors. Altimeter batteries last for at least 5 hours in the launch position. The launch vehicle will have a transmitter from Walston Retrieval Systems. The team
has a receiver. The Quadcopter will transmit GPS coordinates. The launch vehicle will fly on a Cesaroni L1115, which has an impulse of 5015 Ns. The team will conduct two test flights in early March.
The total impulse provided by the launch vehicle shall not exceed 5,120 Newtonseconds Must have a successful launch and recover the full rocket prior to FRR in its final flight configuration
Inspection: The motor data was taken from TRA/NAR certified L-motor. Inspection: Video will be taken of the flight to be analyzed later.
Motor mount tube and motor casing dislodge from rocket Motor casing dislodges from rocket Fins dislodge from the rocket
Use several heavy duty plywood centering rings and bulkheads secure the motor mount tube in the vehicle A motor retainer will be epoxied to the rocket and checked before each launch to ensure it is secure Fins to be mounted with epoxy fillets and to the airframe and MMT. Also expanding foam to help maintain rigidity. Use phenolic high power rocketry airframe to ensure a successful launch reinforced with fiberglass Motor casing will be checks for damage and motor installation will be done by 2 level 2 certified team members The mass of the rocket will be monitored in order to prevent
Drogue parachute does not open Main parachute does not open Altimeter malfunctions Altimeter battery falls out
11 12
13 14
Rocket drifts out of line of site Ejection charge burns through shock cord Shock cord pulls out of bulkhead Launch stand falls over
unstable launch Tested amounts of black powder will be used to ensure separation. Also redundant altimeter will fire a larger back up charge to ensure separation. Tested amounts of black powder will be used to ensure separation. Also redundant altimeter will fire a larger back up charge to ensure separation. The parachute will be packed by experienced by a level 2 certified rocketeer in a proven pattern. The parachute will be packed by experienced by a level 2 certified rocketeer in a proven pattern. A redundant altimeter is used. A redundant altimeter is used and all batteries are zip tied and taped into place. A tracking device with a 5 mile range will be used. Shock cord around ejection charges will be wrapped in heat resistant tape to prevent burning. All bulk heads area total of 1 inch thick with washers to prevent pull through The launch stand will be checked for stability and that a large enough base is being used The shock cord will be inspected for damage that may cause it to break under stress. Quick links will be checked for damage. Large quick links will be used to provide higher strength than needed. The rocket is using a 18 foot parachute that slows the rocket to 13.3 ft/s. This lowers the KE of the booster section to ~50 ft-lbs and the
payload section to ~25 ft-lbs. Highest Likely Hood of Failure in order beginning with most likely 10. This is a large parachute and can easily become tangled or knotted somehow on deployment. If this would occur the rocket would fall under streamer conditions. As this rocket is to big to use a streamer, it would land with a high KE. This could cause series damage to people and propertie if it does not land in the field. 9. The drogue could become tangled in the shock cord or for some reason does not open. This would cause the rocket to fall a much faster rate than expected. This provides a much larger issue when the main parachute deploys. In this failure mode the likely hood of the main parachute zippering up the side of the payload section. It would still fall under main parachute but the rocket would have suffer from huge amounts of damage. 17 Depending on what point the shock cord broke, any part of the rocket could fall without a parachute reaching terminal velocity. With the size of this rocket, that would be high enough KE to seriously damage property and harm personal. 1 The only way to check the integrity of the MMT epoxy is to use visual inspection and firmness check of the epoxy. There is also an entire centering ring we are not able to inspect. If the epoxy were to fail, it would send the L1115 and the motor casings through the top of the rocket and then in any direction. This could cause serious damage or death because of the very high speed that the motor casing would acquire during the burn time. 18 If the quick link was to break. It would have very similar consequences to that of failure mode 17. Depending which quick link broke, any one part of the rocket could fall without parachute. This would allow the rocket part to reach terminal velocity on impact causing serious damage to people or property. 13 The rocket is supposed to only drift 2500 feet in high winds. This on a flat plane is still close enough to see the rocket, but if the rocket were to drift behind a grove of trees or over a hill and out of the line of site, it will have tracking device that will allow us to find it when not visible or farther drift than expected. 3.4.3) Safety hazards
Launch Operation Risk Vehicle or payload is damaged in transportation Proposed Mitigation Place vehicle and payload in transportation unit to keep from getting damaged
Ejection charge ignites while prepping vehicle Observer is hurt during launch of vehicle
Arm ejections while the rocket is on the launch rail A heads up call will be given before the vehicle is launched Hazards Mitigation Proper instruction will be given to those using the table saw Proper instruction will be given to those using the belt sander Proper instruction will be given to those using the scroll saw Those who come into use dangerous materials will have read MSDS sheets and have proper instruction on how to use such materials. (MSDS sheets can be seen in addendum B)* Ejection charges will be tested outside away from any buildings. A generous amount of distance will be put between personnel and ejection charges All NAR High Power Rocketry Safety Code rules will be observed during full scale test launch and final launch All personnel will be clear of test apparatus and a call to attention will be made prior to initiation All black powder will be stored in an ammo case and all personal handling the substance have the proper training.
Personnel Hazards Injury due to table saw Injury due to belt sander Injury due to scroll saw Injury due to exposure to dangerous material
3.4.4) Environmental Concerns One environmental safety concern is a spent motor. This will be discarded in the proper trash receptacle to prevent any harm to the environment. The second environmental concern is the black powder. Extra care will be taken to make sure none is spilt or discarded in the surrounding areas.
like a coupler tube. A 5 inch coupler tube was used for the enclosure of the structure of the quadcopter to provide perfect fit. It will have the electronics under that and in an actual coupler tube that fits in the rocket as well. The coupler tube is then attached to the nosecone of the rocket. Once that devise is inserted into the upper portion of the rocket, shear pins are used to secure it in place for launch. 3.5.2) Installation, Removal, and Fit of Payload The payload is built to fit in the rockets upper body tube. It can be removed with the nosecone as needed. The payload will be secured in the rocket with shear pins. The nose cone is permanently attached to the payload so that when the payload deploys the nose will deploy with it.
Figure 3.18
Figure 3.19 shows that the configureation of the quadcopters arm allows them to fold up into a vertical orientation. This allows it to slide into the rocket as shown. Figure 3.20 shows that the structure of the quadcopter is a direct fit that allows it to slide out when removed or deployed in flight. Just as a coupler tube does for the dual deployment. Figure 3.21 shows the final fit of the payload into the rocket. It shows the structure completely within the rocket leaving the nosecone. The nost cone has the same outer diamter of the rocket for a smooth low drag profile transition.
3.5.3) Compatibility of Elements The payload is built to coexist with the elements of the rocket. This provides the payload every opportunity to deploy successfully. It uses a coupler tube that is specifically designed to fit in
the rocket. The design of the payload was built using these constraints so that there would be no issue with the payload fit. 3.5.4) Simplicity of Integration Procedure This approach for installing the payload allows for easy installation and removal in a quick and timely manner. It provides a direct fit in the rocket. No extra steps other than the payload arms folding are needed to install it into the body tube. 3.5.5) Payload Housing Integrity The housing for the payload is made from high powered rocketry phenolic tubing that is designed to with stand forces of high powered rocketry. This provides the payload with a strong housing to prevent damage to the internal components as well as the structure itself.
Aerial photography: Our system provides a unique view of the world not seen by rc planes, ground-launched helicopters, or ultra-lights. This could be a valuable system to market to hobbyists, aerial photographers, surveyors, etc. Our payload design can also be launched from balloons, airplanes, or from just about anywhere that you can fit a 7.5 by 18 inch tube. It is versatile and very reliable.
The measurements will provide a vivid picture of every motion the payload will feel, and the mean values of these variables will describe the average unsteadiness experienced by the payload. However, the true test of the steadiness of each recovery system will be determined by the pilot and camera operator, who will qualitatively describe the ease of operation. 4.2.5) Relevance of Expected Data: Acceleration measurements will give information on the vibrations and general unsteadiness of the flight. Gyration measurements will give information on how fast the payload is spinning. Combined, this will give us a picture of the general stability of each platform. 4.2.6) Experiment Process Procedures: 1. Test fly the quadcopter before the rocket flight the day of the launch; check out systems. Transmit acceleration, gyration, barometric pressure and GPS coordinates to the ground tracking station and record it on the onboard micro-SD card. This is the control value for how stable the quadcopter flight theoretically should be. 2. Save the data to Quadcopter_Stability1.dat. Plot the acceleration and gyration in Matlab. 3. Launch the payload at 1000 ft. under parachute. Transmit acceleration, gyration, barometric pressure and GPS coordinates to the ground tracking station and record it on the onboard micro-SD card. This will be the standard for improvement. Extrapolation of the unsteadiness can give an approximation for lower altitudes. 4. Save the data to Parachute_Stability.dat. Plot the acceleration and gyration vs. altitude in Matlab. Extrapolate the data to 0-500 ft. 5. At 500 ft. release the parachute. While flying and searching for the ground target, transmit acceleration, gyration, barometric pressure and GPS coordinates to the ground tracking station and record it on the onboard micro-SD card. 6. Save the data to Quadcopter_Stability2.dat. Plot the acceleration and gyration in Matlab. 7. Compute statistical values for the acceleration and gyration for various altitudes for both quadcopter and parachute data. Calculate % difference. 8. Based on the GPS coordinates and altitude data, plot a 3D curve of the payload trajectory from launch to landing. Import to Google Earth. Create animation detailing the flight conditions of the payload in real time from launch to landing.
transmitter. The camera mounting/servos and other electronics will be mounted to the center bulkhead aft of the nose dome. An Arduino equipped with various sensors will be onboard and transmit data to the tracking station. The quadcopter control will consist of four deployable arms constructed of ductile c-channel aluminum. The arms will be on spring-loaded hinges so that they can fold up inside of the body of the rocket. Once deployed, the arms will lock into place using a mechanism designed by Thomas Moore. The quadcopter will be controlled by a Spektrum DX8 transmitter/receiver, connected to a Gaui GU-344, a 3-axis gyro stabilization system. The Gaui will interface with the four electronic speed controllers for the four motors.
Figure 4.1 38
4.3.2) Structural Elements: The material for the load-bearing quadcopter arms was changed shortly after the CDR to Cchannel aluminum. This change was made because the timescale was not adequate for stresstesting composite arms. The aerovibration analysis was also a concern. Most of the load will also be carried by the four pins in the lockout mechanisms. These pins are .25 steel rod, and will be sufficient for the small loads carried by the payload (<<100lbs). 4.3.3) Electrical Elements: The electrical components can be divided into 3 subsystems: 1. Quadcopter control 2. Camera control/video transmission 3. Data collection/transmission Each of these sections is discussed in detail. Quadcopter Control: See figure 4.3 for wiring schematic on the quadcopter control. The radio control system is a Spektrum DX8, which is an 8-channel, 2.4 GHz transmitter. The operator of the quadcopter will have access to the live video stream from onboard the payload.
Figure 4.3 Camera Control See figure 4.4 for wiring schematic on the camera control. The radio control system for the camera pan and tilt system will also be a Spektrum DX8 on 2.4 GHz. The radios are bound to their receivers, and do not interfere with one another. The operator of the camera and the operator of the quadcopter will work together, using the live video feed as a guide. The video transmission will be on Channel 57 (730 MHz).
Figure 4.4 Data Collection/Transmission See figures 4.5 and 4.6 for the Arduino pin maps for the onboard Arduino and ground station Arduino. The transmitter on the Arduino is a WRL-10534, which transmits on 434 MHz. See Appendix C for full Arduino code.
Unassigned Unas Unas Unas Unassigned Unassigned Receiver Unassigned Receiver Unassigned Recei Unas
Unas Unas Unas Unas Unas Unas Unas Unas Unas
Figure 4.8: Electronics prototyping with Arduino. Now reliably receive data from all sensors. (Pictured without GPS or transmitter). 4.3.4) Assembly: The payload is split into 3 subassemblies: Airframe: Consists of nose dome, coupler tube, and 3 3/16 threaded rods attached to a wood bulkhead. Electronics mount: A bulkhead that fits over the threaded rods. The electronics for data collection/transmission, camera control, video transmission, and quadcopter batteries are attached to this mount. Quadcopter arms: The aft bulkhead that the quadcopter arms are secured to; lockout mechanisms; motors/helicopter rotors. Assembly of the payload is simple on launch day. Step 1: Turn camera on, receive transmission. Power up Arduino, receive transmission. (Figure 4.9).
Figure 4.9: Airframe subassembly (right) and Electronics subassembly (left) as they are before powering on electronics and fitting. Step 2: Insert electronics mount into the airframe. Fasten down. (Figure 4.10).
Figure 4.10: Electronics subassembly fitted with the airframe subassembly. Shown here without Arduino and transmitter. Step 3: Attach quadcopter subassembly to the aft of the airframe. Fasten down. (Figure4.11).
Figure 4.11: Quadcopter arms subassembly attached to the aft portion of the payloads airframe. Shown here without lockout mechanisms and 3 motors. Step 4: Power on quadcopter, test camera control. (Figure 4.12).
Figure 4.12: View of the dome side of the payload. Camera function will be tested before launch. Step 5: Fold up arms; insert payload into rocket airframe. (Figure 4.13).
Figure 4.13: Quadcopter arms folded up as they are inside the rocket during flight.
4.3.5) Precision of Instrumentation and Repeatability of Measurement: The electronics were specifically chosen to have high precision to allow the most detailed information possible during the control of the vehicle. Accelerometer: The ADXL335 is a complete 3-axis accelerometer with signal conditioned voltage outputs. The product measures acceleration with a minimum full-scale range of 3 g. It can measure the static acceleration of gravity in tilt-sensing applications, as well as dynamic acceleration resulting from motion, shock, or vibration. Gyroscope: The LPR530AL is a low-power dual axis (pitch and roll) gyro with a 300/s maximum range. Options include integrated low pass filters and an embedded power down and self-test features. Both x and z outputs are analog, and a 4x amplified output signal is also available for both axes. Barometric Pressure Sensor: The BMP085 offers a measuring range of 300 to 1100 hPa with an absolute accuracy of down to 0.03 hPa. It's based on piezo-resistive technology for EMC robustness, high accuracy and
linearity as well as long term stability. This sensor supports a voltage supply between 1.8 and 3.6VDC. GPS Receiver: The GPS receiver is a 12 channel Copernicus unit. It runs on low power: 28.5 mA at 5V, while still maintaining a high sensitivity of -152 dBm. It has a very small size of 19 by 19 by 2.54 mm. The receiver can lock on to its position within 39 seconds of a cold start.
4.3.6) Flight Performance Predictions: Steadiness Predictions: During the full scale test flight, the stability exhibited by the parachute was above expectations, despite the high winds. It was difficult to maintain the rotation during parachute descent. The quadcopter system has been proven in previous flight vehicles and is very steady. It is uncertain whether the reliability of the system will be affected by a violent ride aboard a launch vehicle and deployed from a black powder charge at 1000 ft. (See Test and Verification Program). Estimated Timescales: Pad: < 2 hr. Payload is in launch detect mode. Ignition to apogee: 30s. Payload is in apogee detect mode. Apogee to 1000 ft.: 60s. Payload is waiting until 5 consistent measurements under 1000 ft. Parachute descent: 45s. Payload is transmitting data on barometric pressure, GPS coordinates, acceleration and gyration. Quadcopter descent: 5 min. At full throttle the batteries can support flight for 5 minutes. 4.3.7) Workmanship: At the beginning of each work week at the general meetings, we discussed exactly what work needed to be done on the payload during the week and planned on a course of action. This helped avoid ambiguity of what objective needed accomplishment and kept all members on the same page as far as methodology was concerned. The safety officer was present at most build sessions, especially those which took place in the machine shop. Special care was taken to go slow and not cut corners in order to keep personnel safe during build sessions, and also to ensure quality construction of the payload. 4.3.8) Test and Verification Program:
The following test procedures have been or will be carried out before competition launch: Quadcopter Flight Tests: Upon completion of the lockout mechanisms, the quadcopter will be 100% ready for test flight. The test flying will be done in 4 stages: 1. Tethered systems check: The quadcopter will be tethered at the eye-bolt in the aft bulkhead. The quadcopter will be powered up and hovered slightly to verify gyro stabilization. 2. The quadcopter will be put through rigorous flight-testing to verify maneuverability. Optional drop test (see 3. Full systems flight-test with all the components in place. Operated with camera transmission. See 4. Prelaunch flight test: Day of launch the quadcopter will be flown briefly to verify systems are still intact. Quadcopter Arms Lockout Mechanism Test: The deployment of the arms will be tested manually a minimum of 30 times to ensure the lockout mechanisms will perform reliably. Burn Board Testing: The nichrome wire parachute release mechanism will be tested using the quadcopter batteries. The response time will be measured. Deployment Test from 500 ft.: If time permits, the payload will be taken up on a HABET balloon to 500 ft. The drop test will then test the deployment under parachute, parachute release, quadcopter arms lockout and quadcopter control. Ejection Charge Testing: Extensive ejection charge testing has already been conducted. The results were conclusive about how much powder was needed in the drogue bay, but further testing needs to be conducted on the main charge, with all of the payload components installed, including shear pins. Telemetry Testing: The fully functioning Arduino electronics prototype will be tested for its data transmission. Various barriers to signal will be put in place to test signal strength, antenna configuration, etc.
50 Video Systems: With video transmitter installed, the video systems will be tested with camera control. Full Systems Check: All of the components will be installed. The fully functioning camera system, arms lockout, data collection/telemetry and quadcopter control will all be tested together.
4.4) Verification
Payload Requirements Verification Matrix: Requirement Camera control Video transmission Deployment of arms without entanglement with payload parachute Lockout mechanism locks arms consistently and evenly Burn board/nichrome Quadcopter control Data collection and telemetry Verification Method Testing Testing Analysis, Testing Verification Results Verified In progress Verified
4.5.1 Mission Assurance Analysis: Failure Mode Likelihood Potential Consequences Mitigations A 1 diameter x 18 PVC tube will be placed around the shock cord just below the payload, keeping distance between the payload and parachute. The safety officer and team mentor will oversee the packing of the payload recovery.
Parachute gets Somewhat Quadcopter arms may not deploy tangled with likely. properly and lock into place. Ground quadcopter operators may not realize the arms, situation. Parachute may not helicopter separate when command is given. rotors. Parachute may be fluttering at this point, and the payload will be descending without parachute or quadcopter control. Prognosis: Payload will land hard and possibly
break something. Payload does not deploy from rocket. A sufficient charge of black powder will be used behind the main parachute. An even larger backup charge will fire moments later. Extensive static deployment testing has been conducted, and further testing will take place with shear pins. Quadcopter Somewhat If the arms do not lock into place the Extensive testing. If the arms do not likely. ground operators may not even quadcopter arms can be lock. realize it. If the command to release deployed at lock into place the parachute is given and the arms reliably at least 30 times in are not locked down, then powering a row, it will be considered up the quadcopter motors will cause a reliable system. Given the payload to go unstable, possibly enough time, a ripping itself apart. deployment test from a HABET at 500 ft. will be conducted. Parachute does Not very If the parachute does not release, the The parachute release not separate likely. experiment loses its science value mechanism developed by when and the payload may drift too far. Iowa State Universitys commanded. HABET team has been extensively tested and has worked reliably under varying conditions. Parachute Somewhat Quadcopter may not be ready for The gear channel on the separates likely. flight and lose stability or control. Spektrum DX8 could get before inadvertently switched on, command. triggering the burn board. A protective casing will be attached on top of the switch. In the Arduino code, a voltage threshold must be met so that the receiver doesnt pick up phantom signals. Telemetry Somewhat If data link from the payload to the Use a large enough downlink likely. ground tracking station is broken, the antenna to provide a connection payload operators will not have safety margin for payload
The payload must deploy before the main parachute. If the payload does not deploy, the rocket and payload will land under the 4 parachute at upwards of 65 ft/s. Prognosis: The rocket and payload will land hard and possibly break or injure something/someone.
knowledge of the payloads altitude and position. The only information will come from the video downlink. They will not know when the 500 ft. mark has been reached. The data will also be lost, lessening the scientific value of the experiment. Video downlink Somewhat Control would become exceedingly connection likely. difficult. Ground target surveillance lost. would be lost. Science value of experiment would be lessened.
operational range.
Recruit one team member to hold the bunny ears antenna for optimal signal.
4.5.2) Personnel Hazards: Hazard The quadcopter propeller blades do not have any protection around them. Propeller blades are very hazardous to fingers (true story). Burn from nichrome wire. Main parachute black powder charges. Mitigation Do not power up quadcopter until ready to be inserted into rocket for flight. Team member handling packing of the payload will be wearing leather gloves. Connect to power source only when ready for flight. Keep e-matches away from payload transmitters and take care not to put pressure on black powder charge when fitting the payload into the bay. All electronics will be secured, nuts will be tightened securely with a wrench before flight. Safety officer and team mentor will inspect payload before insertion into rocket. Personnel handling batteries will be trained for proper use. Charging will be done before the launch day on low power to ensure safety.
Exploding batteries.
4.5.3) Environmental Concerns: The process of releasing the payload parachute for quadcopter control comes with some risk of losing the parachute. One team member will be given a pair of binoculars and told to track the payload parachute. Out of respect for our launch site hosts, great care will be taken to keep from littering their fields with rip-stop nylon, which doesnt compose well and could be detrimental to crops/livestock, etc.
The quadcopter and launch vehicle each have tracking devices, and provided they do not malfunction, will be easily recoverable. We have no other environmental concerns for the payload.
5.1.2) Motor Preparation Checklist 1. ____ Inspect the components of the reload kit for damaged or faulty parts. 2. ____ Apply a light coating of a-ring lubricant or grease to the inside of the cavity in the forward closure. 3. ____ Insert the smoke tracking charge insulator into this cavity and ensure it is seated fully. 4. ____ Apply a liberal layer of grease or O-ring lubricant to one end of the smoke tracking grain. Be sure the entire face is coated. 5. ____ Insert the smoke tracking grain into the smoke tracking charge insulator, coated end first. Push the grain in with sufficient force to fully seat it and spread the lubricant. 6. ____ Check both ends of the phenolic case liner to ensure that the inside ends have been chamfered or deburred. 7. ____ Fit the nozzle to one end of the paper/phenolic case liner tube. Push it carefully but with sufficient force to seat the shoulder on the nozzle all the way into the insulator tube. 8. ____ Locate the smaller O-ring in the P75-ORK O-ring kit. Fit the O-ring to the internal groove of the nozzle holder. Push the nozzle holder over the nozzle until fully seated. Apply additional lubricant to the nozzle exit section if necessary to facilitate assembly. 9. ____ Insert one propellant grain into the forward end of the case liner and push it a short way into the tube. Fit one grain spacer O-ring to the top face of the grain, ensuring it sits flat on the end of the grain. Insert the second grain, push it in a short ways, then add another grain spacer, and so on until you have loaded all propellant grains into the case liner. 10. ____ If there is sufficient space after the last grain is inserted to fit the last spacer in place do so. If it extends out by more than 1/3 of its own thickness remove it and do not use. 11. ____ Carefully install the two larger O-rings into the external groves of the nozzle holder and forward closure. 12. ____ Place the case liner/nozzle assembly on your work surface with the nozzle end down, and slide the motor case down rear end first over the top of the liner towards the nozzle.
13. ____ Lay the motor case assembly down horizontally, and push on the nozzle ring until the assembly is far enough inside the case that the threads are partly exposed and the screw ring can be threaded into the rear of the case. 14. ____ Screw in the nozzle retaining ring using the supplied wrench, pushing the nozzle/nozzle ring/case liner assembly forward. Screw it in only until the retaining ring is exactly even with the end of the motor case. Then, back the retaining ring out one half of a turn. 15. ____ Fit the forward insulation disk to the top of the case liner, checking that the top grain spacer is still properly in place. 16. ____ Verify that the inside of the motor case is clean ahead of the liner assembly. 17. ____ Insert the assembled forward closure into the top of the motor case, pushing it down carefully until you can thread in the retaining ring. 18. ____ Thread in the forward retaining ring using the wrench, until you feel it take up a load against the top of the case liner. 5.1.3) Igniter Installation Checklist 1. ____ Launch vehicle is on launch pad 2. ____ Install the supplied igniter, ensuring that it travels forward until it is in contact with the forward closure. 3. ____ Securely retain the igniter to the motor nozzle with the supplied plastic cap. 4. ____ Rout wires through one of the vent holes 5.1.4) Setup on Launcher Checklist 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ Slide rocket onto the launch rail Arm altimeters Check for continuity on both altimeters Install igniter using the igniter installation check list Attach igniter leads to the power supply
5.2.5) Launch Procedure Checklist 1. ____ Ensure that no person is closer to the launch pad than allowed by the Minimum Distance Table. (300 ft.) 2. ____ Use a 5-second countdown before launching 3. ____ Launch the launch vehicle 5.1.6) Post Flight Inspection Checklist 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ Locate launch vehicle and payload after landing Check for broken parts on the launch vehicle and payload Check surrounding area for parts or debris from the launch vehicle or payload Listen to altimeters for the altitude reading Disassemble and clean the motor after it has cooled 56
a. b. c. d. e. f.
Unthread and remove the forward and rear closures Remove the nozzle holder form the nozzle Remove the phenolic tracking smoke charge insulator from the forward closure Remove all O-rings Discard all reload kit components with regular household waste Use wet wipes, paper towels or rags dampened with water or vinegar to thoroughly clean all residue, grease etc. off all hardware components paying close attention to internal and external O-ring grooves. g. Apply a light coat of grease of O-ring
5.1.7) Troubleshooting Checklist 1. a. b. c. 2. a. 3. a. b. c. d. e. 4. a. b. c. d. e. f. 5. a. An altimeter doesnt have continuity ____ Check wires for damage ____ Check wire connections ____ Check battery for correct voltage replace if needed (~9V) A motor reload kit part is damaged or faulty ____ Replace part Payload camera/ camera mount isnt functioning properly ____ Check camera battery for correct voltage replace if needed ____ Check wires for damage ____ Check wires connections ____ Check transmitter battery for correct voltage replace if needed ____ Check if transmitter is using correct frequency Payload flight controls are not functioning properly ____ Check batteries for correct voltage (~7.4V) replace if needed ____ Check transmitter battery for correct voltage replace if needed ____ Check receiver battery for correct voltage replace if needed ____ Check wires for damage ____ Check wire connections ____ Check if transmitter is using correct frequency Tracking device isnt working properly ____ Check battery for correct voltage (~9V) replace if needed
All the calculated kinetic energy values are well under the maximum regulated value of 75 ft-lbs. During the test launch the rocket was unpainted and reached an altitude of 4650 ft this is ~12% off from 1 mile. 4650 ft was very close to the prediction giving by RockSim given the launch vehicle and wind conditions. Our goal is to be within 5% of one mile (+/-264 ft). When the launch vehicle is painted and polished we calculate the launch vehicle reaching an altitude of 5400 ft which is within 2.3% of 1 mile. We have a few environment concerns which include: possible debris from the rocket or payload, the used motor casing and the left over black powder. To avoid debris from the rocket or payload all parts will be securely attached using epoxy and various hardware. Also we will search the surrounding landing sites for debris. During the test launch every part that was launched was recovered. The used motor casing and left over black powder will be disposed of properly.
1 1 4 4 1
$662.00 $70
1 8
$1,000.00 $560.00
Total $3770.06
6.2) Timeline
Figure 6.2: Semester 2 Gantt chart. Up through FRR we have competed everything through Construction of Payload Prototype, FullScale Launch, and Compose FRR. We have begun payload testing, and will continue until the competition in April.
games. Afterwards, we lead a discussion about the opportunities for students in STEM majors. In addition to leading engineering related experiments, we lead a group of middle school students through a banana DNA extraction experiment while discussing the conditions that make life possible. We then connected this discussion to how high powered rocketry is allowing humans to search for signs of life on other planets. Afterwards, we invited the students to ask us questions about majoring in aerospace and other engineering disciplines. Additionally, we reached out to potential incoming college freshman by proctoring and grading exams for a math competition. During the competition, we had the opportunity to discuss our club and engineering at our university. Future activities will include a Science Night at an elementary school, where we will involve approximately 100 students, grade 1-5, with balloon rocket activities, space crafts, and encourage them to explore space-related studies.
Section 7: Conclusion
We are team CySLI, a group of undergraduate students at Iowa State University competing in the NASA University Student Launch Initiative competition. Our launch vehicle is an 8.5 ft. tall, 7.5 in. diameter rocket whose projected altitude has been determined to be capable of flying very close to a mile in altitude. The launch vehicle is stable and reliable in up to 20 mph wind, and the dual deployment system has been proven reliable, demonstrated by a full-scale test launch. Our payload design consists of a powered controlled descent vehicle whose primary mission objective is to take quality video surveillance of a ground target, and to compare the efficacy of the quadcopter descent scheme with parachute descent for a surveillance vehicle. The payload has been built and flown under parachute recovery in the rocket during full-scale test launch. The payload is currently being tested rigorously to ensure safety and secure mission outcome. No major flaws have yet been uncovered in the design, and we believe that the mission will be ready for success by April 21.
with the accompanying Minimum Distance table, and will increase this distance by a factor of 1.5 if the rocket motor being launched uses titanium sponge in the propellant. 8. Size. My rocket will not contain any combination of motors that total more than 40,960 N-sec (9208 pound-seconds) of total impulse. My rocket will not weigh more at liftoff than one-third of the certified average thrust of the high power rocket motor(s) intended to be ignited at launch. 9. Flight Safety. I will not launch my rocket at targets, into clouds, near airplanes, nor on trajectories that take it directly over the heads of spectators or beyond the boundaries of the launch site, and will not put any flammable or explosive payload in my rocket. I will not launch my rockets if wind speeds exceed 20 miles per hour. I will comply with Federal Aviation Administration airspace regulations when flying, and will ensure that my rocket will not exceed any applicable altitude limit in effect at that launch site. 10. Launch Site. I will launch my rocket outdoors, in an open area where trees, power lines, buildings, and persons not involved in the launch do not present a hazard, and that is at least as large on its smallest dimension as one-half of the maximum altitude to which rockets are allowed to be flown at that site or 1500 feet, whichever is greater. 11. Launcher Location. My launcher will be 1500 feet from any inhabited building or from any public highway on which traffic flow exceeds 10 vehicles per hour, not including traffic flow related to the launch. It will also be no closer than the appropriate Minimum Personnel Distance from the accompanying table from any boundary of the launch site. 12. Recovery System. I will use a recovery system such as a parachute in my rocket so that all parts of my rocket return safely and undamaged and can be flown again, and I will use only flame-resistant or fireproof recovery system wadding in my rocket. 13. Recovery Safety. I will not attempt to recover my rocket from power lines, tall trees, or other dangerous places, fly it under conditions where it is likely to recover in spectator areas or outside the launch site, nor attempt to catch it as it approaches the ground.
PROPER SHIPPING NAME....: Plastic Material liquid, N.O.I. CONTAINS ..... : NOT REGULATED HAZARD CLASS......................:N.A. UN NUMBER...........................: N.A. PACKAGING GROUP..............:N.A. HAZARD LABEL(S).................: N.A. HMIS CODES: RATINGS: HEALTH.....................= 2 0 = MINIMAL 3 = SERIOUS FLAMMABILITY.........= 1 1 = SLIGHT 4 = SEVERE REACTIVITY..............= 0 2 = MODERATE PERSONAL PROTECTION RATING TO BE SUPPLIED BY USER DEPENDING ON USE CONDITIONS.
PROPER SHIPPING NAME....: Plastic Material liquid, N.O.I. CONTAINS..............................: NOT REGULATED HAZARD CLASS......................: N.A. UN NUMBER...........................: N.A. PACKAGING GROUP..............: N.A. HAZARD LABEL(S).................: N.A. HMIS CODES: RATINGS: HEALTH.....................= 1 0 = MINIMAL 3 = SERIOUS FLAMMABILITY.........= 1 1 = SLIGHT 4 = SEVERE REACTIVITY..............= 0 2 = MODERATE PERSONAL PROTECTION RATING TO BE SUPPLIED BY USER DEPENDING ON USE CONDITIONS.
pinMode(GPSRX_pin, OUTPUT); pinMode(PWM_pin, INPUT); pinMode(TX_pin, OUTPUT); pinMode(Burnboard_pin, OUTPUT); } void loop(){ temperature = bmp085GetTemperature(bmp085ReadUT()); pressure = bmp085GetPressure(bmp085ReadUP()); Serial.print("Waiting for launch... "); Serial.print("Temperature: "); Serial.print(temperature, DEC); Serial.println(" *0.1 deg C"); Serial.print("Pressure: "); Serial.print(pressure, DEC); Serial.println(" Pa"); Serial.println(); if (phase = 0){ if(pressure < pressure_last){ count = count + 1; if(count > 4){ send ("Launch Detected!"); phase = 1; count = 0; } else{ count = 0; } } } if (phase = 1){ if (pressure > pressure_last){ count = count + 1; if (count > 4){ send ("Apogee Detected!"); phase = 2; count = 0; } else{ count = 0; } 76
} } /*if (phase = 2){ This section of the code will detect when the payload has reached 1000 ft. */ temperature_last = temperature pressure_last = pressure //transmit to ground station: send send send send send send send ("data from onboard Arduino"); ("Temperature: ",temperature); ("Pressure: ",pressure); ("AccelX: ", accelX); ("AccelY: ", accelY); ("AccelZ: ", accelZ); ("Gyro: ", gyro);
delay(1000); }
///////////////////FUNCTIONS AND STUFF//////////////////// void send(char *message){ vw_send((uint8_t *)message, strlen(message)); vw_wait_tx(); // Wait until the whole message is gone } void bmp085Calibration() { ac1 = bmp085ReadInt(0xAA); ac2 = bmp085ReadInt(0xAC); ac3 = bmp085ReadInt(0xAE); ac4 = bmp085ReadInt(0xB0); ac5 = bmp085ReadInt(0xB2); ac6 = bmp085ReadInt(0xB4); b1 = bmp085ReadInt(0xB6); b2 = bmp085ReadInt(0xB8); mb = bmp085ReadInt(0xBA); mc = bmp085ReadInt(0xBC); md = bmp085ReadInt(0xBE); } // Calculate temperature given ut. // Value returned will be in units of 0.1 deg C short bmp085GetTemperature(unsigned int ut) 77
{ long x1, x2; x1 = (((long)ut - (long)ac6)*(long)ac5) >> 15; x2 = ((long)mc << 11)/(x1 + md); b5 = x1 + x2; return ((b5 + 8)>>4); } // Calculate pressure given up // calibration values must be known // b5 is also required so bmp085GetTemperature(...) must be called first. // Value returned will be pressure in units of Pa. long bmp085GetPressure(unsigned long up) { long x1, x2, x3, b3, b6, p; unsigned long b4, b7; b6 = b5 - 4000; // Calculate B3 x1 = (b2 * (b6 * b6)>>12)>>11; x2 = (ac2 * b6)>>11; x3 = x1 + x2; b3 = (((((long)ac1)*4 + x3)<<OSS) + 2)>>2; // Calculate B4 x1 = (ac3 * b6)>>13; x2 = (b1 * ((b6 * b6)>>12))>>16; x3 = ((x1 + x2) + 2)>>2; b4 = (ac4 * (unsigned long)(x3 + 32768))>>15; b7 = ((unsigned long)(up - b3) * (50000>>OSS)); if (b7 < 0x80000000) p = (b7<<1)/b4; else p = (b7/b4)<<1; x1 = (p>>8) * (p>>8); x1 = (x1 * 3038)>>16; x2 = (-7357 * p)>>16; p += (x1 + x2 + 3791)>>4; return p; } / Read 1 byte from the BMP085 at 'address' char bmp085Read(unsigned char address) { unsigned char data; Wire.beginTransmission(BMP085_ADDRESS); Wire.write(address); Wire.endTransmission(); 78
Wire.requestFrom(BMP085_ADDRESS, 1); while(!Wire.available()) ; return; } // Read 2 bytes from the BMP085 // First byte will be from 'address' // Second byte will be from 'address'+1 int bmp085ReadInt(unsigned char address) { unsigned char msb, lsb; Wire.beginTransmission(BMP085_ADDRESS); Wire.write(address); Wire.endTransmission(); Wire.requestFrom(BMP085_ADDRESS, 2); while(Wire.available()<2) ; msb =; lsb =; return (int) msb<<8 | lsb; } // Read the uncompensated temperature value unsigned int bmp085ReadUT() { unsigned int ut; // Write 0x2E into Register 0xF4 // This requests a temperature reading Wire.beginTransmission(BMP085_ADDRESS); Wire.write(0xF4); Wire.write(0x2E); Wire.endTransmission(); // Wait at least 4.5ms delay(5); // Read two bytes from registers 0xF6 and 0xF7 ut = bmp085ReadInt(0xF6); return ut; } // Read the uncompensated pressure value unsigned long bmp085ReadUP() { unsigned char msb, lsb, xlsb; unsigned long up = 0; // Write 0x34+(OSS<<6) into register 0xF4 // Request a pressure reading w/ oversampling setting Wire.beginTransmission(BMP085_ADDRESS); Wire.write(0xF4); Wire.write(0x34 + (OSS<<6)); 79
Wire.endTransmission(); // Wait for conversion, delay time dependent on OSS delay(2 + (3<<OSS)); // Read register 0xF6 (MSB), 0xF7 (LSB), and 0xF8 (XLSB) Wire.beginTransmission(BMP085_ADDRESS); Wire.write(0xF6); Wire.endTransmission(); Wire.requestFrom(BMP085_ADDRESS, 3); // Wait for data to become available while(Wire.available() < 3) ; msb =; lsb =; xlsb =; up = (((unsigned long) msb << 16) | ((unsigned long) lsb << 8) | (unsigned long) xlsb) >> (8-OSS); return up; }