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MRP Configuration Guide

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MRP\Supply Chain Planning Configuration Guide

Revised 09/07/00

EEE Config Step MRPPRE

Oracle Guide Step INV20 INV51 PO- 22 INV- 7 PO - 7 PO- 19 PO- 14 PO- 14 INV -9 BOM BOM BOM WIP- 4 WIP- 5

Navigation Path Setup Document

Setup Explanation

EEE Base Install Status On-Site Tasks On-Site Setup Changes

Review Setup Prerequisites prior to performing configuration Oracle Inventory: Define Planners Define UOM conversions Item Planning Information (Repetitive and Flow) Pegging Levels for Project Manufacturing Oracle Purchasing: Define Financial Options Define Locations Enter Employees Define Buyers Define Control Rules and Groups Define Position Controls Oracle Bill of Materials: Define Organization Calendar Define Bill of Materials Define Routings and Resources Calculate Routing Lead Times Oracle Work in Process: Define Production Lines Define Repetitive Assemblies Define Flow production lines and line rates Oracle Project Manufacturing: Project MRP Setup steps in Oracle Projects Project MRP Setup steps in Oracle Inventory Define Planning Group Lookups Project MRP Setup steps in Oracle MRP/SCP

MRP\Supply Chain Planning Configuration Guide

Revised 09/07/00

EEE Config Step

Oracle Guide Step

Navigation Path Setup Document Oracle Capacity

Setup Explanation

EEE Base Install Status On-Site Tasks On-Site Setup Changes


MRP Planning Concepts and Strategy

Define Simulation Sets Define Resource Groups Define and Load Bill of Resources Define Sourcing and Execution Strategy (Supply Chain Planning Only)


Inventory: Setup>Flexfields

Define Flexfield Structures In the Oracle Applications system, there are various flexfield combinations used to classify inventory, human resources, purchasing, costing, and planning across business entities is called a Key Flexfield. Product Family flexfield is often used in the planning process.

Useable Review On-Site

MRP\Supply Chain Planning Configuration Guide

Revised 09/07/00

MRP -2 GL-07, MRP-3

Setup Financials Books Define

Define Set of Books In all Oracle financial applications, a Set of Books is a fundamental structure associated with one accounting calendar, one chart of accounts, and one currency. When a user selects a Responsibility after logging on to Oracle Applications, the system automatically associates that user with a specific Set of Books. Only one USD Set of Books is defined for EEE The clients organizational requirements must have been defined before defining sets of books. For an explanation of multi-org setup, see GL Multi Org Configuration Guide.

Useable Review On-Site In Examine, change name of set of books from EEE US Client to the Clients name. No other changes should be made to the base EEE. Changes will disrupt numerous setups in other applications.


INV-10, MRP- 4

Inventory: Setup> Organizations> Organizations Organization Structure Overview

Organizations Organizations describe distinct entities in a company and may include separate manufacturing facilities, warehouses, distribution centers and branch offices. Each organization is tied to a set of books and includes a classification such as inventory that describes the general functional purpose. Every time you use Oracle Inventory you must choose the organization for which you are entering information/data. This is called your current organization. Change your organization at any time by navigation to the Change Organization form. Note: The COM Inventory Organization does not have the Organization Classification: MRP Organization enabled. If this is to be a MRP organization, check the box and then save your work. Define Planning Parameters (Required for MPS/MRP planning)

Useable Review and Update On-Site EEE has an item master organization named GLOBAL, an Inventory Organization named COM, a Legal Entity organization named EEE LE and an Operating Unit organization named EEE OU Change Organization names and codes to match the clients name. GLOBAL may be left as GLOBAL. Review Inventory parameters such as SOB, operating unit, and legal entity. Useable Review On-Site

Change Organization Name and Code Setup MRP 4 9 Material Planner:

MRP\Supply Chain Planning Configuration Guide

Revised 09/07/00

Setup> Parameters MRP Parameter Setup System Administration: Profile> System

Define different planning modes of operation and default values that affect the various functions in Oracle Master Scheduling/MRP and Supply Chain Planning. Profiles options specify how Oracle Supply Chain Planning controls access to and processes data. Can be set at one or more the following levels: site, application, responsibility and user. Personal Profile Options can override defaults and control data access and processing options at the user level. Set Profile Options MRP: Calculate Supply Demand MRP: Category Set for Backlog Form MRP: New Planner Backward Compatibility MRP: Plan Revenue Discount Percent MRP: Plan Revenue Price List MRP: RHX Check Profile MRP:ATP Assignment Set MRP:ATP Database Link MRP:Backlog Progress Timeout MRP:Calculate Excess Exceptions on Time Fence MRP:Complete Supply Chain ATP MRP:Compute Sales Order Changes MRP:Consume Fcst Set Summary MRP:Consume Forecast MRP:Consume MDS MRP:Consume MPS MRP:Cutoff Date Offset Months MRP:Debug Mode Yes Null Yes Null Null 250299 Null Null 10 No Null Yes Null Yes Yes Yes 12 Yes Useable Review On-Site



MRP Supply Chain Planning System Profile Training

MRP\Supply Chain Planning Configuration Guide

Revised 09/07/00

MRP:Default DRP Plan Name MRP:Default Forecast Date MRP:Default Forecast Name MRP:Default Plan Name MRP:Default Schedule Name MRP:Default Sourcing Assignment Set

Null Yes Null Null Null EEE Assignment Set MRP:Demand Time Fence Days Null MRP:Environment variable to set path for MRP files APPLOUT MRP:Firm Planned Order Time Fence Yes MRP:Firm Requisitions within time fence Null MRP:Include Schd Rcpts in Use-up Yes MRP:Include Substitute Components Null MRP:Interface Table History Days 5 MRP:Maintain Original Schedule Version No MRP:MPS Relief Direction Backward, then forward MRP:Perform Planning Manager Functions in Loads Yes MRP:Planning Manager Batch Size 250 MRP:Planning Manager Max Workers 10 MRP:Purchasing By Revision Null MRP:Purge Batch Size 75000 MRP:Requisition Load Group Option Vendor MRP:Retain Dates Within Calendar Boundary Yes MRP:Snapshot Pause for Lock (Minutes) 5 MRP:Snapshot Workers 3 MRP:Sourcing Rule Category Set Null MRP:Time Fence Warning Yes MRP:Trace Mode No

Note: When setting the number of Planning Manager Workers make sure the number of processes for the Standard Manager in Concurrent Managers set to an equal or higher number.

Note: The number of Snapshot Worker should be a minimum of three and the maximum number of Planning Manager Workers should be (Snapshot Worker x 2) + 4, i.e. (3*2)+4=10

MRP\Supply Chain Planning Configuration Guide

Revised 09/07/00


Setup> Personnel> Employees HRMS Define Employees Inventory: Setup> Planners Material Planner: Setup> Demand Class MRP Define A Demand Class Process

MRP:Use Direct Load Option MRP:Use Ship Arrived Flag Define your Employees (Optional)

No Null Setup through Purchasing. If HR is installed employees must be setup through HR.


12 11

Define a value for every employee if they will; use planner workbench to create requisitions, create or approve purchase orders or perform receipts. Necessary if importing on purchase requisitions from Planner Workbench into Oracle Purchasing. Define Planners (Optional) Define Planners who will be using the Planners Workbench. Define Demand Classes (Optional) Demand classes group similar demand requirements together as a means of forecasting and scheduling different sources of demand. Define the following for each demand class: code, meaning, description, start date, end date, enabled.

Setup in Inventory Useable Review On-Site Setup in Order Management

MRP\Supply Chain Planning Configuration Guide

Revised 09/07/00



Material Planner: Forecast> Sets

Define Forecast Sets (Optional) Define forecast set: name, description, consume, forecast level, outlier update percent, bucket type, forward consumption days, backward consumption days Define Forecasts

Useable Review On-Site

MRP Define Forecast Set and Forecast Training

Define forecast name, description, demand class, customer, shipto address, bill-to address Define Forecast Rules (Optional) Setup in Inventory Planning

MRP 10


Material Planner: MDS> Names MRP Define A Master Demand Schedule Training Material Planner: MPS> Names MRP Define Master Production Schedule

Define Master Demand Schedules (MDS) Names (Optional) Statement of anticipated demand based on forecast and used to create Master Production Schedules. Define a MDS with a unique name, description, demand class, and signify if sales order shipments relieve shipments. Define Master Production Schedules (MPS) Names (Optional) A Master Production Schedule defines the anticipated build schedule for product families or critical items. Define MPS name, description, inventory ATP, demand class, and signify if WIP jobs relieve the schedule. Define MPS options if required. You can optionally load an MPS from a MDS

Useable Review On-Site

MRP 11


Useable Review On-Site

MRP\Supply Chain Planning Configuration Guide

Revised 09/07/00

MRP 12


Training Material Planner: MRP> Names MRP Define MRP Training Inventory: Setup> Organizations> Shipping Methods MRP Supply Chain Planning Shipping Methods Training Inventory: Setup>

Define Materials Requirements (MRP) Names (Optional) A Materials Requirements Plan (MRP) defines suggested requirements to release or reschedule orders for materials or production based on net demands. Define MRP Name, description, feedback. Define MRP Options if required. Define Shipping Methods - Not covered by EEE. Define different shipping methods along with in-transit lead times.

Useable Review On-Site

MRP 13


Useable Review On-Site Only for use with a EEE Plus instance with multiple inventory Organizations. INV-40

MRP 14

Define your Deliver-to-Locations (Optional) Define locations; bill-to, ship-to, and deliver internally for goods and services ordered. Necessary if importing on purchase requisitions from Planner Workbench into Oracle Purchasing.

Setup by Inventory or Purchasing

Locations INV Define Locations Training

MRP\Supply Chain Planning Configuration Guide

Revised 09/07/00

MRP 15


Inventory: Setup> Organizations> Shipping Networks MRP Supply Chain Planning Shipping Networks Training

Define Inter-Organization Shipping Network - Not covered by EEE. Define shipping networks and accounting information, regarding multiple shipping and destination inventory organizations if planned to ship product between them. Associate Lead Times with Shipping.

Useable Review On-Site Only for use with a EEE Plus instance with multiple inventory Organizations. INV-39

MRP 16


MRP Supply Chain Setup Overview Process

Define Distribution Requirements Plan (DRP) Names (Optional) A Distibution Requirements Plan defines suggested recommendations to release or reschedule orders to meet net material demands. Define DRP Options if required. Define Planning Exception Sets (Optional) Define specific criteria which are assigned to items requiring special attention based a defined set of action messages.

Useable Review On-Site

MRP 17


Material Planner: Setup> Exception Sets MRP Define Exception Sets Training See Capacity Users Guide

Useable Review On-Site See defining action messages.



Capacity Setup - Not in EEE Define Capacity attributes on items.

Useable Review On-Site

MRP\Supply Chain Planning Configuration Guide

Revised 09/07/00

MRP 19

Setup for Supplier Planned Inventories (Optional) Used for generating requirements for subinventories which are stocked and managed by suppliers. These subinventories are visible to the suppliers through Services Suppliers.

Useable Review On-Site

MRP 20


Material Planner: Forecast> Source List MDS> Source List MPS> Source List Purch Sourcing Rules Training Supply Chain Planner: Sourcing> Sourcing Rules Sourcing>Bills of Distribution

Define Source Lists (Optional) Create Source Lists from purchasing. Source Lists are available in forecasting, MDS, MPS, and MRP. The are used for grouping forecasts and plans into a consolidated list to make the loading of data faster.

Set up in Purchasing

MRP 21


Define Sourcing Rules or Bills of Distribution (Required Supply Chain) Sourcing rules are used to determine how to replenish items in an organization. A bill of distribution specifies a a multilevel network of inventory organizations and sources.

Set up in Purchasing

MRP\Supply Chain Planning Configuration Guide

Revised 09/07/00

MRP 22


Supply Chain Planner: Sourcing> Assign Sourcing Rule/BOD MRP Supply Chain Planning Assignment Set Training Inventory: Setup> Organizations> Shipping Networks MRP Supply Chain Planning Shipping Networks Training

Create Assignment Sets (Required Supply Chain) Assignment sets are used to associated your rules with specific items, categories of items or inventory organizations.

Setup in Purchasing



Setup Supply Chain ATP (Optional) Add additional Available-to Promise parameters to Interorganization Shipping Networks.

Useable Review On-Site



Setup Supply Chain CTP (Optional) Add additional Capable-to Promise parameters in Capacity.

Useable Review On-Site

MRP\Supply Chain Planning Configuration Guide

Revised 09/07/00


System Administrator:

Enable Concurrent Managers The Concurrent Managers are not enabled in EEE. The two Inventory Concurrent Managers, Inventory Manager and INV Remote Procedure Manager, need to be configured to suit the clients processing requirements. Refer to AOL Configuration Guide.doc.

Additional Configuration Needed Note: When setting the number of Planning Manager Workers make sure the number of processes for the Standard Manager in Concurrent Managers set to an equal or higher number. Useable Review On-Site This must be turned on prior to launching and plans. Useable Review On-Site

MRP 26 MRP 27



Supply Chain Planner: Setup>Planning Manager Material Planner: MRP> Workbench MRP Planner Workbench Training

Start Planning Manager (Required) Executes several maintenance tasks: forecast consumption and master schedule relief. Suggested Interval 30sec. Define Folders in Planner Workbench (Optional) Utilize the folder tool in the planners workbench to predefine search criteria and reduce the number of plans the planner will look at.

MRP 28


Run Information Audit (Optional, but highly recommended) Run this process to audit the integrity of your data used in the planning master schedules and material requirement plans. Verifies the structure of various bills. Oracle provides a set of predefined audits to verify existing data.

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