First Class Planning: Form - I Explain and Give Them Space For Questions. Talk About: Group Work, Pair
First Class Planning: Form - I Explain and Give Them Space For Questions. Talk About: Group Work, Pair
First Class Planning: Form - I Explain and Give Them Space For Questions. Talk About: Group Work, Pair
Arrive early to get things organized. Check the classroom and negative environmental situations. Put a background Write on the board the plan of the day: Today we will list and the date: February, 26th Welcome them Introduce myself in English and wait everybody comes in. Icebreaker introduction: I write on the board: Hi. Im Luciene. Im 24 years old and I like English because . (in my case, its a different language) How do you think about English? Why is it important to you? REMEMBER: Its necessary to teach them sentences. Distribute the handout with the Schedule, Syllabus and expected Behaviors form . I explain and give them space for questions. Talk about: Group Work, Pair Work ,Homework, Extra Classes, Repositions (10,00 per repositions), Extra exercises when necessary, Dictation,10 min. Break(you are not here to have a big break, youre here to study!) My grading System: I grade 100. Show the Assessment Form DONT - Start in teaching, Begin speaking in Portuguese, avoid it. Correct errors. Dont give more attention to the brighter or more outgoing students than the others. Dont spend too much time talking about yourself, especially your personal life. Dont criticize the book. DO!! - Introduce yourself BRIEFLY Smile, be modest, but assure your qualifications for . doing this and your interest in helping them. Answer with a smile any question. Dont speak too fast and try to use simple words. Find out brief personal information by an icebreaker. Find out their objectives. 1. Introduce the material and the rules: a. Speak only in English, unless it's absolutely necessary to speak in your own language to find something out. b. Answer teacher questions directly, instead of conferring with your colleagues first, and be assured that you will have ample chance to do work in pairs and small groups during which you can do a minimum amount of conferring, if necessary. c. Do the homework assigned, and turn it in on time. d. Don't be afraid that an answer might be wrong. No one will laugh if it is, and the teacher will not be unhappy. In fact, making mistakes is often how we learn best! (Then you, the teacher, stick to your word, and make sure you always react as predicted.) e. Ask questions if something is not understood. The fact is that if a given person has a question (whether he or she asks it or not), the chances are
other students will have the same question, and would also like to know the answer. Thus, the person daring to ask it will not lose face.
Try to avoid telling the teacher that you understand something, just because you are afraid of admitting you don't. (This actually should not happen, however, as you the teacher will know to elicit the given conversational skill showing whether it has been understood or not rather than depend on asking students if they understand. Certainly, more often than not they will assure that you they do understand, even though you have trained them not to, and when they don't understand at all.)
Finally, If you have a bit of time left over, introduce a small part of their first lesson, explaining exactly the purpose of it, do a few communciations incorporating the skills demonstrated, and give them a very short homework assignment
2. Be upbeat and positive! Management Explanations: Behavior Log