Division Algebra Theorems of Frobenius and Wedderburn

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Division Algebra Theorems of Frobenius and Wedderburn

Christopher M. Drupieski Nicholas A. Hamblet University of Virginia Algebra Seminar November 9, 2005

I. Prerequisites II. Elementary Consequences III. Application of Wedderburn-Artin Structure Theorem IV. Classication Theorems V. Further Classication of Central Division Algebras

I. Prerequisites
Wedderburn-Artin Structure Theorem Denition: Central Simple Algebra Examples Technical Lemma

Wedderburn-Artin Structure Theorem

Let R be a left semisimple ring, and let V1 , . . . , Vr be a complete set of mutually nonisomorphic simple left R-modules. Say R n1 V1 nr Vr . Then =

R =

Mni (Di )

where Di = EndR (Vi ) is a division ring. If R is simple, then r = 1 and R EndD (V ). =

Call S a central simple k-algebra if S is a simple k-algebra and Z(S) = k.

Mn (k) is a central simple k-algebra for any eld k. The Quaternion algebra H is a central simple R-algebra (Hamilton 1843). Any proper eld extension K k is not a central simple k-algebra because Z(K) = K = k.

Technical Lemma
Lemma 1. Let S be a central simple k-algebra and let R be an arbitrary k-algebra. Then every two-sided ideal J of R S has the form I S, where I = J R is a two-sided ideal of R. In particular, if R is simple, then R S is simple.

The simplicity of R S depends on S being central simple. C has the structure of a (non-central) R-algebra. Let e1 = 1 1, e2 = i i. Note that (e2 + e1 )(e2 e1 ) = 0. Then 0 = (e2 + e1 ) is a nontrivial ideal. C R C is not simple.

II. Elementary Consequences of Wedderburn Structure Theorem

An isomorphism lemma A dimension lemma

Lemma (Isomorphism)
Lemma 2. Let R be a nite dimensional simple k-algebra. If M1 and M2 are nite dimensional R-modules and dimk M1 = dimk M2 , then M1 M2 . =


Proof of Lemma 2
Proof. Let M be the unique simple R-module. Say M1 n1 M and M2 n2 M . = = n1 dimk M = dimk M1 = dimk M2 = n2 dimk M n1 = n2 M1 M2 . =


Lemma (Dimension)
Lemma 3. If D is a nite dimensional division algebra over its center k, then [D : k] is a square.


Proof of Lemma 3
Proof. Let K = k, the algebraic closure of k, and let DK = D k K. [DK : K] = [D : k] < . DK is a simple artinian K-algebra by Lemma 1. By the WA structure theorem, DK Mn (K) for some n N. = [D : k] = [DK : K] = [Mn (K) : K] = n2 .


III. Application of Wedderburn-Artin Structure Theorem

Skolem-Noether Theorem Corollary Centralizer Theorem Corollary


Skolem-Noether Theorem
Theorem 4. [Skolem-Noether] Let S be a nite dimensional central simple k-algebra, and let R be a simple k-algebra. If f, g : R S are homomorphisms (necessarily one-to-one), then there is an inner automorphism : S S such that f = g.


Proof of Skolem-Noether
S EndD (V ) Mn (D ) for k-division algebra D and = = nite-dimensional D-module V . D central simple since k = Z(S) = Z(D). V has two R-module structures induced by f and g. R-module structure commutes with D-module structure since S EndD (V ). = V has two R D-module structures induced by f and g.


Proof (cont.)
R D is simple by Lemma 1, so the two R D module structures on V are isomorphic by Lemma 2. There exists an isomorphism h : Rf D V Rg D V such that for all r R and d D, (i) h(rv) = rh(v), i.e., h(f (r)v) = g(r)h(v), and (ii) h(dv) = dh(v) Now h EndD (V ) S by (ii). By (i), hf (r)h1 = g(r), i.e., = hf h1 = g.


Corollary. If k is a eld, then any k-automorphism of Mn (k) is inner.


Centralizer Theorem
Theorem 5. [Centralizer Theorem] Let S be a nite dimensional central simple algebra over k, and let R be a simple subalgebra of S. Then (i) C(R) is simple. (ii) [S : k] = [R : k][C(R) : k]. (iii) C(C(R)) = R.


Proof of Centralizer Theorem

S EndD (V ) Mn (D ), D a central k-division algebra and = = V a nite dimensional D-module. V is an R D module, and C(R) = EndRD (V ). R D is simple, so R D EndE (W ), W the simple = R D-module and E = EndRD (W ). Say V W n as R D-modules. =


Proof (cont.)
C(R) = EndRD (V ) EndRD (W n ) Mn (E), which is = = simple. (ii) follows from C(R) Mn (E), WA structure theorem, and = mundane degree calculations. Apply (ii) to C(R), get [C(C(R)) : k] = [R : k]. Then R C(C(R)) R = C(C(R)).


Corollary 6. Let D be a division algebra with center k and [D : k] = n2 . If K is a maximal subeld of D, then [K : k] = n.


Proof of Corollary
Proof. By maximality of K, C(K) = K. Then by the Centralizer Theorem, n2 = [D : k] = [K : k]2 [K : k] = n


IV. Classication Theorems

Finite Division Rings (Wedderburn) Group Theoretic Lemma Finite Dimensional Division R-algebras (Frobenius)


Classication of Finite Division Rings

Theorem 7 (Wedderburn, 1905). Every nite division ring is commutative, i.e., is a eld.


Group Theoretic Lemma

Lemma. If H G are nite groups with H = G, then G = gG gHg 1 .


Proof of Wedderburn Theorem

Let k = Z(D), q = |k|, K k a maximal subeld of D. Assume K = D. [D : k] = n2 for some n by Lemma 3, and [K : k] = n by Corollary 6. Then K Fqn . = Since Fqn is unique up to isomorphism, any two maximal subelds of D containing k are isomorphic, hence conjugate in D by the Skolem Nother Theorem.


Proof (cont.)
Every element of D is contained in some maximal subeld, so D = xD xKx1 . Then D = xD xK x1 , which is impossible by the group theoretic lemma above unless K = D. Conclude K = D, i.e., D is a eld.


Classication of Finite Dimensional Division R-algebras

Theorem 8 (Frobenius, 1878). If D is a division algebra with R in its center and [D : R] < , then D = R, C or H.


Proof of Frobenius Theorem

Let K be a maximal subeld of D. Then [K : R] < . We have [K : R] = 1 or 2. If [K : R] = 1, then K = R and [D : R] = 1 by Lemma 3, in which case D = R. If [K : R] = 2, then [D : K] = 1 or 2 by Lemma 3. If [D : K] = 1, then D = K, in which case D = C.


Proof (cont.)
Suppose [D : K] = 2. So K C and Z(D) = R. = Complex conjugation is an R-isomorphism of K. Hence, by the Skolem-Nother Theorem there exists x D such that x = , where x denotes conjugation by x. x2 = x x = 2 = id. Then x2 C(K) = K. In fact, x (x2 ) = (x2 ) = x2 x2 R.


Proof (cont.)
If x2 > 0, then x = r for some r R, (). So x2 < 0 and x2 = y 2 for some y R. Let i = 1, j = x/y, k = ij. Check that the usual quaternion multiplication table holds. Check that {1, i, j, k} forms a basis for D. Then D H. =


V. Further Classication of Central Division Algebras

Equivalence Relation Observations Denition of Brauer Group Examples


Equivalence Relation
Dene an equivalence relation on central simple k-algebras by S S S Mn (D) and S Mm (D) = = for some central divison algebra D. Denote the equivalence class of S by [S], and let Br(k) be the set of all such similarity classes. Each element of Br(k) corresponds to a distinct central division k-algebra. Can recover information about central division k-algebras by studying structure of Br(k).


If S, T are central simple k-algebras, then so is S k T . [S] [T ] := [S k T ] is a well-dened product on Br(k). [S] [T ] = [T ] [S] for all [S], [T ] Br(k). [S] [k] = [S] = [k] [S] for all [S] Br(k). [S] [S ] = [k] = [S ] [S] for all [S] Br(k). (Follows from S S Mn (k).) =


Denition of the Brauer Group

Denition. Dene the Brauer group of a eld k, denoted Br(k), to be the set Br(k) identied above with group operation k .


Br(k) = 0 if k is algebraically closed, since there are no nontrivial k-division algebras. Br(F ) = 0 if F is a nite eld by Wedderburns Theorem on nite division rings. Br(R) = Z2 by Frobeniuss Theorem and the fact that H R H M4 (R). =


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