Earth Bible Bibliography
Earth Bible Bibliography
Earth Bible Bibliography
General Hebrew Bible Bibliography Bibliography General Bibliography Abraham, Joseph. "Feminist Hermeneutics and Pentecostal Spirituality: The Creation Narrative of Genesis as a Paradigm," Asian Journal of Pentecostal Studies, 6 (2003), pp. 3-21. Acker, Jean. "Creationisms and the Catechism: Observation of a Sister Scientist," America (December 16, 2000), pp. 6-9. Ackerman, S. Under Every Green Tree: Popular Religion in Sixth-Century Judah. (Atlanta: Harvard Semitic Monograph 46, Scholars Press, 1992). Aharoni, Y. The Land of the Bible: A Historical Geography. (London: Burns & Oates, 1979). Amaladoss, M. "Jubilee and the Sabbath," Vidyajyothi 64 (September 2000), pp. 695-698. Amaladoss, M. "Rooted in the Land," Vidyajyothi 64.2 (2000), pp. 141-145. Anderson, Bernhard (ed.). Creation in the Old Testament (Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1984). Anderson, B. W. From Creation to New Creation: Old Testament Perspective (Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1994). Arendse, R. A. "The Historical Jesus, Eschatology and Hope for the Earth?" Scriptura 66 (1998), pp. 245-268. Atwell, James E. "An Egyptian Source for Genesis 1," Journal of Theological Studies 57 (2000), pp. 441-77. Bauchan, Richard. "Joining Creation's Praise of God," Ecotheology 7.1 (2002), pp. 45.59. Baker, J. A. "Biblical Views of Nature", in C. Birch, W. Eakin, and J.B.McDaniel (eds.), Liberating Life: Contemporary Approaches to Ecological Theology (Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 1990), pp. 9-26. Batto, B. "Creation Theology in Genesis," in R. Clifford and J. Collins (eds.), Creation in Biblical Traditions (Washington: Catholic Biblical Association, 1992), pp. 16-38. Bergant, D. "Jubilee: The Year of the Lord," The Bible Today 37 (1999), pp. 342-48. New Testament Bibliography
Bergant, D. "Is the Biblical Worldview Anthropocentric?", NTR 4.2 (1991), pp. 5-13. Bergant, D. The Earth Is the Lord's: The Bible, Ecology and Worship (Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press, 1998). Bergant, D. "Restoration as Re-Creation in Hosea 2", in Richard N. Fragomeni and John T. Pawlikowski (eds.), The Greening of Faith: God, the Environment, and the Good Life (Hanover, NH: University Press of New England, 1994). Bergsma, John Sietze. "The Jubilee; a Post-exile Priestly Attempt to Reclaim Lands?" Biblica 84 (2003), pp. 225-46. Blenkinsopp, Joseph. "Cityscape to Landscape: the Back to Nature Theme in Isaiah 1-35," Lester L. Grabbe and Robert D. Hakk (eds.), "Every City Shall be Forsaken": Urbanization and Prophesy in Ancient Israel and the Near East, (JSOT Sup 330; Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 2001), pp. 35-44. Blumenthal, Fred. "Biblical Cosmogony: A Symbolic Interpretation of Genesis 1-4," The Jewish Bible Quarterly 31 (2003), pp. 252-59. Boorer, Suzanne. "The Earth/Land in the Priestly Material: The Preservation of the Good Earth and the Promised Land of Canaan Throughout the Generations," Australian Biblical Review 49 (2001), pp. 19-33. Braaten, Laurie J. "God sows the Land: Hoseas Place in the Book of the Twelve" in Society of Biblical Literature 2000 Seminar Papers (SBLSP, 39; Atlanta: SBL, 2000), pp. 218-42. Bratton, S. P. "Christian Ecotheology and the Old Testament," Environmental Ethics 6 (1984), pp. 195-209. Bridger, F. "Ecology and Eschatology: A Neglected Dimension," Tyndale Bulletin 41 (2:1990), pp. 290-302. Brown, William P. and S. Dean McBride, Jr. (eds.). God who Creates: Essays in Honour of W. Sibley Towner (Grand Rapids, MI/Cambridge, UK: Eerdmans, 2000). Brueggemann, Walter. The Land: Place as Gift, Promise, and Challenge in Biblical Faith (Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1977). Brueggemann, Walter. Using God's Resources Wisely: Isaiah and Urban Possibility. (Louisville: Westminster/John Knox Press, 1993). Bullmore, M.A. "The Four Most Important Biblical Passages for a Christian Environmentalism," Trinity Journal 19 (February 1998), pp. 139-162.
Burggaraeve, R. "Responsibility for a New Heaven and a New Earth," Concilium (4: 1991), pp. 107-118. Bruggemann, Walter. "Options for Creatureliness: Consumer or Citizen," Horizons in Biblical Theology, 23 (2001), pp. 25-50. Cabrido, John. "A Matter of the Heart: The Meaning of the Biblical Jubilee," Philippinana Sacra 35 (2000), pp. 227-45. Callicott, J. Baird. "Genesis Revisited: Murian Musing on the Lynn White Jr. Debate," Environmental History Review 14 (1990), pp. 65-90. Chapman, C. "Whose Promised Land? The Use and Misuse of Scripture in the Current Debate," The Near East School of Theology Theological Journal 22 (2001) 179-98. Clifford, R. J. Creation Accounts in the Ancient Near East and the Bible (CBQMS, 26; Washington: Catholic Bible Association, 1994). Collins, Paul. Gods Earth: Religion as if it really mattered. (Melbourne: HarperCollins, 1995) Conradic, E. "Stewards or Sojourners in the Household of God?" Scriptura 73 (2000), pp. 153174. Copan, P. "Is Creation Ex Nihilo a Post-Biblical Invention? An Examination of Gerhard Mays Proposal," Trinity Journal 17 (1:1996), pp. 77-93. Corowa, J. and Norman C. Habel. The Rainbow Spirit in Creation: A Reading of Genesis One (Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press, 2000). Cross, F.M. "The Redemption of Nature," Princeton Seminary Bulletin 10 (2: 1989), pp. 94-104. Cunanan, Jose Pepz M. "The Prophet of Environment and Development" in D.G.Hallman (ed.), Ecotheology: Voices from South and North (Geneva: WCC Publications, 1994). Dailey, T.F. "Creation and Ecology-the Dominion of Biblical Anthropology," Irish Theological Quarterly 58, (1: 1992), pp. 1-13. Daise, Michael . "Creation Motifs in the Qumran Hodayot," in Lawrence H. Schiffman, Emanuel Tov, and James C. VanderKam (eds.), The Dead Sea Scrolls: Fifty Years after Their Discovery: Proceedings of the Jerusalem Congress, July 20-25, 1997 (Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society, 2000), pp. 293-305. Davis, W. D. The Gospel and the Land: Early Christianity and Jewish Territorial Doctrine. (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1974).
DeWitt, Calvin B. (ed.). The Environment and the Christian: What Can We Learn from the New Testament? (Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1991). Drane, J. "Defining a Biblical Theology of Creation," Transformation 10 (2: 1993), pp. 5-17. Dryness, William. "Stewardship of the Earth in the Old Testament", in W. Granberg-Michaelson: 1985, pp. 50-65. Dumbrell, William. "Genesis 2:1-3: Biblical Theology of Creation Covenant," Evangelical Review of Theology 25 (2001), pp. 219-30. Echlin, E.P. "Greenness in the New Testament," New Blackfriars 72 (850: 1991), pp. 278-281. Edwards, D. Jesus the Wisdom of God: An Ecological Theology (New York: Orbis Books, 1995). Edwards, Denis (ed.). Earth Revealing Earth Healing: Ecology and Christian Theology (Collegeville: Liturgical Press, 2001) Feliks, Jehuda. Nature and Man in the Bible: Chapters in Biblical Ecology. (London: Soncino Press, 1981). Ferrie Jr., John J. "Singing in the Rain: A Meteriological Image in Isaiah 42 10-12," in Lawrence Boadt and Mark S. Smith (eds.), Imagery and Imagination in Biblical Literature: Essays in Honor of Aloysius Fitzgerald, FSC (CBQMS 32; Washington DC: Catholic Biblical Association of America, 2001) 95-104. Foreslell, J.T. "A View of the Landscape," Religious Studies and Theology 8 (1-2: 1988), pp. 923. Fretheim, T.E. "Creator, Creature and Co-Creation in Genesis 1-2", Word and World Sup 1, 1992: pp. 11-20. Gabriel, K. J. "The Integral View of Humans and Nature: An Aspect in Pauline Eschatology," Biblebhashyam 25 (January 1999), pp. 40-46. Galambush, J. "Castles in the Air: Creation as Property in Ezekiel", in Society of Biblical Literature 1999 Seminar Papers (Atlanta: SBL, 1999), pp. 147-72. Galambush, J. "This Land is My Land: On Nature as Property in the Book of Ezekiel," in Lester L. Grabbe and Robert D. Hakk (eds.), "Every City Shall be Forsaken": Urbanization and Prophesy in Ancient Israel and the Near East, (JSOT Sup 330; Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 2001), pp. 71-94. Gangloff, Frederic. "Holy Land or Promised Land? The Land and Western Models for Israelite Settlement," Near East School of Theology Theological Review 20 (1999), pp. 97-116.
Gangloff, Frederic. "Holy Land or Promised Land? Old Testament Land Ideologies and Canonical Propaganda: A Sketch," Near East School of Theology Theological Review 21 (2000), pp. 3-21. Githuku, Sammy. "The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil: An African Reading of Genesis 14," Bulletin for Old Testament Studies in Africa, 15 (2003), pp. 11-17. Glass, Zipproah G. "Land, Slave Labour and Law: Engaging Ancient Israel's Economy," Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 91 (2000), pp. 27-39. Gnanakan, K. God's World: Biblical Insights for a Theology of the Environment, SPCK International Study Guide 36 (London: SPCK, 1999). Granberg-Michaelson, W. (ed.). Tending the Garden: Essays on the Gospel and the Earth (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1987). Gregersen, Niles Henrik. "The Creation of Creativity and the Flourishing of Creation," Currents in Theology and Mission 28 (2001), pp. 400-410. Gulick, W.B., "The Bible and Ecological Spirituality," Theology Today 48 (2: 1991), pp. 182194. Gulley, Norman R. "Basic Issues between Science and Scripture: Theological Implications of Alternative Models and the Necessary Basis for the Sabbath in Genesis 1-2," Journal of the Adventist Theological Society, 14 (1, 2003), pp. 195-228. Habel, Norman. C. The Land is Mine: Six Biblical Ideologies (Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1995). Habel, Norman. C. "The Crucified Land: Towards our Reconciliation with the Earth," Colloqium 28 (2: 1996), pp. 3-18 Habel, Norman. C. "The Challenges of Ecojustice Readings for Christian Theology," Pacifica 13 (February 2000), pp. 125-141. Habel, Norman C. and Shirley Wurst (eds.). The Earth Story in Genesis: Earth Bible vol. II (Sheffield, UK: Sheffield Academic Press, 2000). Habel, Norman C. and Shirley Wurst (eds.). The Earth Story in Wisdom Traditions (The Earth Bible, 3; Sheffield, Sheffield Academic Press, 2001). Habel, Norman C. (ed.). Readings from the Perspective of Earth: Earth Bible vol. I (Sheffield, UK: Sheffield Academic Press, 2000). Habel, Norman. "The Challenge of Ecojustice Reading for Christian Theology" Pacifica 13 (2000) pp.125-41.
Habel, Norman C. "The Silence of the Lands" The Ecojustice Implications of Ezekiels Judgment-Oracles," SBLSP 2001, (Atlanta: Society for Biblical Literature, 2001), pp. 305-20. Hall, Douglas. The Steward: A Biblical Symbol Come of Age (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1990). Hallman, David. Ecotheology: Voices from South and North. (Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis Books, 1994) Harrison, Peter. "Subduing the Earth: Genesis 1, Early Modern Science and the Exploitation of Nature," Journal of Religion 79 (1999), pp. 86-109. Hawkin, D.J. "The Disenchantment of Nature and Christianitys Burden of Guilt," Laval Theologique et Philosophique 55 (1, 99), 65-71. Hayes, Katherine M. "'The Earth Mourns:' Earth as Actor in a Prophetic Metaphor" (PhD dissertation, Catholic University of America, 1997). Heide, G.Z. "What is New about the New Heaven and the New Earth? A Theology of Creation from Revelation 21 and 2 Peter 3," Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 40 (1: 1997), pp. 37-56. Henrik Gregersen, Niels. "The Creation of Creativity and the Flourishing of Creation," Currents in Theology and Mission 28 (2001), pp. 400-410. Hessel Dieter (ed.). Ecology for Earth Community: A Field Guide. (Markyknoll, N.Y.: Orbis Books, 1996) Hessel Dieter and Larry Rasmussen (eds.). Earth Habitat: Eco-injustice and the Churchs Response. (Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2001) Hiebert, T. "Re-Imagining Nature: Shifts in Biblical Interpretation," Interpretation 50 (1: 1996), pp. 36-46. Hiebert, T. "Rethinking Traditional Approaches to Nature in the Bible", in Hessel 1996: pp. 2330. Hiebert, T. The Yahwist Landscape: Nature and Religion in Early Israel (New York: Oxford University Press, 1996). Hiers, R. "Ecology, Biblical Theology and Methodology," Zygon 19.1 (1984), pp. 43-60. Jacobs, Milton. "Animals and God-Man-Nature in the Old Testament," Jewish Journal of Sociology 18.2 (1877), pp. 141-154. Janecko, Benedict. "Ecology, Nature, Psalms" in J.C.Knight and L.A.Sinclair (eds.), The Psalms and Other Studies on the Old Testament (Nashotah, WI: Nashotah House, 1990), pp. 96-108.
Jenson, Ph. P. "Graded Holiness: A Key to the Priestly Conception of the World," Journal for the Study of the Old Testament (1992), p. 106. Jobling, D. K. "And Have Dominion:" The Interpretation of Old Testament Texts Concerning Man's Rule over the Creation (Genesis 1:26, 28, 9:1-2, Psalms 8:7-9) from 200 BC to the Time of the Council of Nicea. Dissertation, Union Theological Seminary, New York. John, V. J. "Ecology in the Parables: the Use of Nature Language in the Parables of the Synoptic Gospels," Asia Journal of Theology 14 (February 2000), pp. 304-327. John , V.J. "The Role of the Bible in the Ecological Debate," Bangalore Theological Forum 32 (2000), pp. 28-46. John, V.J. The Ecological Vision of Jesus: Nature in the Parables of Mark. (Thiruvalla, India: CSS Books, 2002) Kaiser, C.B. "The Integrity of Creation and the Social Nature of God," Scottish Journal of Theology 49 (3: 1996), pp. 261-290. Kangaraj, J.J. "Ecological Concern in Paul's Theology," Evangelical Quarterly 70 (April 1998), pp. 291-309. Kassmann, Margo. "Covenant, Praise and Justice in Creation: Five Bible Studies", in D.G. Hallman (ed.), Ecotheology: Voices from South and North (Geneva: WCC Publications, 1994). Kawashima, Robert S. "The Jubilee Year and the Return of Cosmic Purity," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 65 (2003), PP. 370-89. Keitzer, Renthy. "Creation and Restoration: Three Biblical Reflections", in D.G. Hallman (ed.), Ecotheology: Voices from South and North (Geneva: WCC Publications, 1994). Key, Jeanne. "Concepts of Nature in the Hebrew Bible," Environmental Ethics 10.4 (1988), pp. 309-327. Kinsler, R. and G. Kinsler. The Biblical Jubilee and the Struggle: An Invitation to Personal, Ecclesial, and Social Transformation (Maryknoll, NY: Orbis, 1999). Kloos, C. Yhwhs Combat with the Sea: A Canaanite Tradition in the Religion of Ancient Israel (Amsterdam: G.A. van Oorschot, 1986). Knight, D. A. "Cosmology and Order in the Hebrew Tradition," in R.W. Lovin & F.E. Reynolds (eds.), Cosmology and Ethical Order (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1985). Konig, A. "New and Greater Things: Re-Evaluating the Biblical Message on Creation," Stud. Originalia (1988).
Kooten, G.H. van. The Pauline Debate on the Cosmos: Grco-Roman Cosmology and Jewish Eschatology in Paul and in the Pseudo-Pauline Letters to the Collossians and the Ephesians. Thesis, Leiden University, 2001. Kraftson-Hogue, M. "Toward a Christian Ecological Ethic: The Lesson of Old Testament Israel's Dialogic Relations with Land, History and God," Christian Scholar's Review 28 (February 1998), pp. 270-282. Kruger, H.A.J., "Subscripts to Creation: A Few Exegetical Comments on the Literary Device of Repetition in Gen. 1-11," in A. Weinin (ed.), Studies in the Book of Genesis: Literature, Redaction and History (BETL 155; Leuven/Paris/Sterling, VA: Leuven University Press, 2001), pp. 429-45. Labuschagne, C. J. "Creation and the Status of Humanity in the Bible," in V. Brummer (ed.), Interpreting the Universe as Creation: A Dialog of Science and Religion (Kampen: Kok Pharos, 1991). Leith, Mary John Linn. "Back to the Garden," Bible Review, 18 (2, 2002) pp. 10-11, 46. Lemche, N.P. The Canaanites and their Land: The Tradition of the Canaanites (Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1991). Lemmelijn, B. "Genesis Creation Narratives" the Literary Model for the so-called PlagueTradition?" in A. Weinin (ed.), Studies in the Book of Genesis: Literature, Redaction and History (BETL 155; Leuven/Paris/Sterling, VA: Leuven University Press, 2001), pp. 407-19. Levin, Schneir. "Genesis and Genetics," Jewish Bible Quarterly 27 (1999), pp. 45-48. Levine, Etan. "The Land of Milk and Honey," Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 87 (2000), pp. 43-57. Levine, Etan. "The Promised Land of Milk and Honey," Estudios Biblicos, 58 (2000), pp. 14566. Lewis, J.M., "Servants of Creation: Reshaping a Biblical Theology of Ecology," Modern Believing 37 (1: 1996), pp. 16-24. Limburg, James. "Who Cares for the Earth? Psalm Eight and the Environment" in Arland J. Hultgren, Donald H. Juel and Jack Dean Kingsburry (eds.), All Things New: Essays in Honor of Roy A. Harrsville, (Word and World Sup. St. Paul: Word and World, 1992), pp. 43-52. Loader, James, "Image and Order: Old Testament Perspectives on the Ecological Crisis", in D. Worster (ed.), Are We Killing Gods Earth? (Pretoria: University of South Africa, 1987), pp. 628.
Lode, Lars. "The Two Creation Stories in Genesis Chapters 1 to 3," Journal of Translation and Textlinguistics, 14 (2002), pp. 1-52. Loning, K. and E. Zenger. To Begin with, God Created... Biblical Theologies of Creation, trans. O. Kaste (Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press, 2000). Lowery, R. H. Sabbath and Jubilee: Understanding Biblical Themes (St. Louis, MO: Chalice, 2000) McAfee, Gene. "Ecology and Biblical Studies", in Hessel 1996: pp. 31-44. McCabe, Robert V. "A Defense of Literal Days in the Creation Week," Detroit Baptist Seminary Journal 5 (2000), pp. 97-123. McKenzie, John L. "God and Nature in the Old Testament," CBQ 14 (1952), pp. 18-145. McKeown, J. "The Theme of Land in Genesis 1-11 and its Significance for the Abrahamic Narrative", IBS 19 (1997), pp. 51-64. Malul, Meir. "The Relation Between Tearing the Fence Down in the Song of the Vineyard (Isa 5:17) and Stripping the Woman Naked in the Old Testament," Beit Mikra 47(2001), pp. 11-24. Mangan, C. "Soundings in Ecology: Creation Theology in the Bible," Milltown Studies 46 (2000), pp. 85-92. Mangan, C. "The Bible: Salvation or Creation History?" Priests & People 14 (February 2000), pp. 55-59. Marshall, E. "Jesus and the Environment: How Green is Christianity?" Modern Churchman 33 (4: 1992), pp. 1-5. Mathews Jr., Edward G. "Water in the First Creation Account of Genesis 1 in the Commentary on Genesis of Ephrem the Syrian," in Lawrence Boadt and Mark S. Smith (eds.), Imagery and Imagination in Biblical Literature: Essays in Honor of Aloysius Fitzgerald, F.S.C. (CBQMS 32; Washington, DC: Catholic Biblical Association of America, 2001), pp. 129-44. Moule, C. F. D. Man and Nature in the Old Testament: Some Reflections on Biblical Ecology (London: The Athlone Press, 1964). Mulzac, Kenneth. "Genesis 9:1-7: Its Theological Connections with the Creation Motif," Journal of Adventist Theological Society 12 (2001), pp. 65-77. Murray, Robert. The Cosmic Covenant: Biblical Themes of Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation (London: Sheed & Ward, 1992).
Nessan, Craig L. "Christian Faith in Dialogue with Darwin: Evolutionary Biology and the Meaning of the Fall," Currents in Theology and Mission 29 (2002), pp. 85-95. Numberger, K. "Sacrifice and Ecology: The trajectory of Sacrifice as a Soteriological Paradigm in Biblical History and its Relevance for the Ecological Predicament of Modernity," Scriptura 71 ( 1999), pp. 279-301. Numberger, K. "The Conquest of Chaos. The Biblical Paradigm of Creation and its Contemporary Relevance," Journal of Theology for South Africa 98 (1997), pp. 45-63. Ollenburger, Ben C. "Jubilee: The Land is mine; you are aliens and tenants with me," in Gordon Zerbe (ed.), Reclaiming the Old Testament: Essays in Honor of Waldemar Janzen (Winnipeg: Canadian Mennonite Bible College Publications, 2001), pp. 208-34. Olley, J.W. "Animals in Heaven and Earth: Attitudes in Ezekiel," Colloqium 33 (1:2001), pp. 4757. Olson, D. "God the Creator, Bible, Creation, Vocation," Dialogu 36 (3: 1997), pp. 45-63. Palliparambil, J. "The Cosmic Dimensions of New Humanity: Pauline Perspective," Jeevadhara 30 (176:2000), pp. 216-230. Pang, C.C. "The Shared Destiny of Nature and Humanity: A Biblical Perspective," Trinity Theological Journal (Singapore) 7 (1998), pp. 53-75. Pathrapankal, J. "The Bible and Human Activity on Mother Earth," Journal of Dharma 18 (1: 1993), pp. 5-17. Patton, K.C. "He Who Sits in the Heaven Laughs: Recovering Animal Theology in the Abrahamic Traditions," Harvard Theological Review 93, (4: 2000), pp. 401-434. Perdue, Leo G. Wisdom and Creation: The Theology of Wisdom Literature (Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1994). Pilch, John J. "A Window into the Biblical World: Snakes in the Hebrew Bible," The Bible Today 39 (2001), pp. 239-43. Primavesi, A. From Apocalypse to Genesis: Ecology, Feminism and Christianity (Minneapolis, Fortress Press, 1991). Prowan, I. "The Circle of Life," Crux 37 (2001), pp. 2-6. Raja, R.J. "As it was in the Beginning (Eco-Spirituality in the Book of Revelation)," Biblebhashyam 19 (3: 1993), pp. 210-230. Rasmussen, Larry. Earth Community: Earth Ethics. (Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis Books, 1998)
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