Card Weaving
Card Weaving
Card Weaving
Demonstrations - New Demos - Classes & Schedule Getting Started - Basic Sewing Tech - Fun With Bias Body Measurement - What & Where to Measure Pattern Development - Basic Pattern Drafting - Basic Pattern Development - The Toile & Mock-Up - Basic Rectangular Patterns Sewing Tech - Gores, Gussets, and Inserts - Facings - Cartridge Pleating - Basic Handsewing Techniques - Hand Bound Eyelet Holes - Machine Seams Trims & Embellishment - 5 Cross Cultural Embroidery Stitches - Appliqu Techniques - Passemaine (hand made trims) - Trims requiring very little equipment - Complicated Trims - Cardweaving - Buttons - Making Felt Accessories: Western European - Underwear - Shirts - Farthingales - Corsets - Stockings - Ruffs - Collars and Cuffs - Partlets - Gloves - Hats - Shoes Accessories:[01/03/2012 19:36:53]
Card weaving is drafted using a graph structure. Graph paper is handy but drawing out a simple graph is just as good. The pattern tells you how to thread each of the holes of the cards and which way the cards should face after threading. For instance, if you are using four hole cards, your graph will be four squares high. If you are weaving a band twelve threads wide (which is actually quite narrow), your graph will be twelve squares wide. The illustration above is a pattern for just such a band. The way to read the above pattern would go like this: Card 1 is threaded from right to left - front to back - all holes (a, b, c, d) black, card 2 is threaded right to left; all holes white. Card three is threaded right to left, first hole (a) brown, next three holes (b, c, d) white, and so on. This particular pattern will produce the the illustration below if the cards are turned four times forward and four times back.
Warping Up The draft of the pattern also lets you know just how cards you'll need to warp up for and how many lengths of each color you'll need. For example, for the above pattern, twelve cards will need to be warped up with twenty lengths of white, fourteen lengths of brown, six lengths of yellow, and eight lengths of black. To get these numbers, you simply count the squares of color. The mechanics of warping up is my least favorite thing about card weaving. It is vitally important that all lengths be the same length. I suggest following Candace Crocket's advice and purchasing two C-clamps. When these are attached to a long table, they make an excellent and removable warping board. Simply wrap the thread around the 'warping board' until you have the right number of threads for the pattern. Do each color separately. At this point, you will want to get out your cards and number them at the top. Begin to thread them, paying close attention to which way the threads are supposed to be threaded in (from back to front or vice versa... see above). After each card is threaded, knot that card's threads together. Once all the cards are threaded, slip a rubber band around them to keep them in the right position and to keep them threaded. Take the knotted warps from the individual cards and knot them all together so that you have one giant knot at the end of the warps. Attach this to your loom's beam and gently comb the warp threads out. Remember to keep that rubber band firmly in place on the cards! After you've combed out the warp, knot the other end and secure it to the other loom beam. If you're using an inkle loom, the procedure will be slightly different. I like to secure the two ends together with a heavy duty rubber band, after I've wrapped them around the inkle bars. This gives me the ability to move the piece around the inkle bars as I am weaving. It also allows for the rubber band to maintain tension on the entire piece. If you are using a cardweaving loom such as the one shown in the photos below, the loom itself will maintain the tension for you. Weaving After all of the above, you are now finally ready to weave. This is the simple and fun[01/03/2012 19:36:53]
Recreating 16th and 17th Century Clothing: The Renaissance Tailor part. Card weaving is all about numbers of times the cards are turned. In the above pattern, the rows are four in number. In order to achieve that pattern, you will put the weft thread through the warp and then turn the cards away from (or towards) you and repeat this procedure four times. Then you will turn the cards in the opposite direction from before four times... and so on and so on. There are some patterns that get complicated. For instance, some of the interior cards are turned in the same simple manner but the exterior cards will turn forward two more times than the interiors, etc. The most crucial thing about weaving is getting the edges to stay straight and nice. The trick to this is to never pull the weft thread tight until after you've turned your cards. Then you pull it just tight enough against the outside thread to hug it. Finishing It doesn't take much to finish the ends of a piece of card weaving. You can either zigzag across it or fringe it out a bit and tie the weft thread to one of the warp threads. Card weaving doesn't really unravel easily. Uses The uses in period were as many as there were requirements for a strong strap. I use wide, heavy cardweaving for belts for early period and central Asian clothing. I also card weave thin straps for ties for my late period garb. Below is a step-by-step pictorial of card weaving...
Slipping the weft thread through the 'shed' (the space between the warp threads).
Weft thread has been pulled through and the beater is used to set it into place.[01/03/2012 19:36:53]
The beater. It does dual duty as the weft thread bobbin and as the beater.
These are the cards that come with Candace Crocket's book. These are around five years old and are holding up just fine.
This is my huge inkle loom, with all the bars but one removed. Theoretically, this thing will warp up around five yards. I purchased these cards, made from thin veneer about three years ago.
This is my smaller inkle loom. This This is the moveable beam that is portable and very light weight. can be used to adjust the tension.
This is my beater bar which I cut from a piece of craft wood and shaped as was necessary. I think it probably cost me all of about[01/03/2012 19:36:53]
Recreating 16th and 17th Century Clothing: The Renaissance Tailor fifty cents and two hours of time to make. There you go! Happy Cardweaving!
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