Understanding Batch File Distribution Packages v1.4
Understanding Batch File Distribution Packages v1.4
Understanding Batch File Distribution Packages v1.4
Information in this document is provided in connection with LANDesk Software products. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document. Except as provided in terms and conditions for such products, LANDesk Software assumes no liability whatsoever, and LANDesk Software disclaims any express or implied warranty, relating to sale and/or use of LANDesk Software products including liability or warranties relating to fitness for a particular purpose, merchantability, or infringement of any patent, copyright or other intellectual property right. LANDesk Software products are not intended for use in medical, life saving, or life sustaining applications. The reader is advised that third parties can have intellectual property rights that can be relevant to this document and the technologies discussed herein, and is advised to seek the advice of competent legal counsel, without obligation of LANDesk Software. LANDesk Software retains the right to make changes to this document or related product specifications and descriptions, at any time, without notice. LANDesk Software makes no warranty for the use of this document and assumes no responsibility for any errors that can appear in the document nor does it make a commitment to update the information contained herein. Copyright 2006, LANDesk Software, Ltd. All rights reserved. LANDesk, Targeted Multicast, and Peer Download are registered trademarks or trademarks of LANDesk Software, Ltd. or its controlled subsidiaries in the United States and/or other countries. *Other brands and names may be claimed as the property of others.
Table of Contents
Introduction ........................................................................................ 5 Scope................................................................................................. 5 Assumptions ........................................................................................ 5 Batch File Overview .............................................................................. 6 Batch Files....................................................................................... 6 Example 1 The Basic Batch File ........................................................ 6 Example 2 A Complex Batch File ...................................................... 6 Deployment Method Differences ............................................................... 8 Deploying Using a Push Delivery Method ................................................... 8 Deploying Using a Policy ...................................................................... 8 Deploying Using a Policy-Supported Push .................................................. 8 Understanding the Microsoft Local System Account ...................................... 9 Testing Batch Files Using Microsofts Local System Account .......................... 9 Opening a Local System Command Prompt with Localsch.exe ..................... 9 Opening a Local System Command Prompt with Microsofts AT.exe ............ 10 Testing Share Permissions as Local System ............................................... 11 Using Environment Variables under the Local System Account ........................ 13 Understanding the Directories in PATH................................................ 14 Understanding the Current Working Directory ....................................... 14 Getting the Path to the LDClient Directory ........................................... 15 Accessing the Registry under the Local System Account ............................... 16 Understanding the ERRORLEVEL Variable .................................................. 18 Writing Batch Files to Return ERRORLEVEL 0 on Success ............................... 18 Example of an Incorrectly Designed Batch File ...................................... 18 Example of a Correctly Designed Batch File .......................................... 19 Handling Success Codes Other Than 0 ..................................................... 19 Ignoring Insignificant Failures ............................................................... 21 Avoiding Insignificant Failures .............................................................. 22 Using SDCLIENT.EXE in a Batch file .......................................................... 23 Sending Messages to the Core Server ...................................................... 23 Syntax ....................................................................................... 23 How Messages Are Sent .................................................................. 23 Example .................................................................................... 23 Sending ERRORLEVEL in the Message .................................................. 24 Handling Batch File Reboots................................................................. 25 Syntax ....................................................................................... 25
Example .................................................................................... 26 Passing Inventory Data as a Parameter ..................................................... 28 Understanding Inventory ..................................................................... 28 Database Macro Syntax....................................................................... 28 Batch File Parameter Syntax ................................................................ 29 Handling Spaces ........................................................................... 30 Installing an SWD Package from a Batch File .............................................. 31 LANDesk Support ................................................................................ 32 Troubleshooting ................................................................................. 32 Step 1 - Obtaining the Log Files ............................................................ 32 Scheduled Task Log on the Core Server ............................................... 33 Scheduled Task Log on the Client ...................................................... 33 Step 2 Obtaining the Failure Code........................................................ 33 Step 3 - Finding the Line in the Batch File That Failed ................................. 33 Making Sure ECHO Is Turned On ........................................................ 34 Echoing the ERRORLEVEL after Each Command ...................................... 35 Step 4 - Finding the Reason the Line Fails ................................................ 35 Example Troubleshooting a Failed Line.............................................. 36 Capturing STDERR in the Log File ...................................................... 36 Avoiding Common Mistakes.................................................................... 38 Use the Full Path .............................................................................. 38 Never Use PAUSE .............................................................................. 38 Answer All Prompts ........................................................................... 38 Check Each Line for Spelling Errors ........................................................ 38 Avoid Ambiguous Statements and Use Parenthesis When Necessary.................. 39 Sample Batch Files .............................................................................. 40 Sample 1 Installing an MSI ................................................................. 40 Sample 2 Sending a Message to the Core Server ....................................... 40 Sample 3 Checking for the Existence of a File ......................................... 40 Sample 4 Adding a Local Scheduler Task ................................................ 41 Sample 5 Running a VBScript .............................................................. 41 Sample 6 Giving Users Full Permission to a Folder..................................... 41 Sample 7 Local User Account Adding an Account ..................................... 42 Sample 8 Local User Account - Changing Password .................................... 43 Sample 9 Installing an SWD Package ..................................................... 43
Batch files are powerful scripts that can automate almost any task an administrator needs to perform on any number of systems. Batch files resemble early programming languages, including support for IF statements, FOR loops, GOTO statements, variables, and more. The amount of software tools available to batch files has increased dramatically since the days of DOS. Recent Windows versions give batch files access to thousands of tools created by Microsoft and thousands more are made available by third party software vendors. With all of these tools available to batch files, an infinite amount of tasks can be accomplished.
This document discusses the following batch file related topics: Batch File Overview Understanding the Microsoft Local System Account Understanding the ERRORLEVEL Variable Sending Status to the Core Server Handling Batch File Reboots Passing Inventory Data as a Parameter Troubleshooting Sample Batch Files
This document is written to explain how batch files are handled by LANDesk as a Distribution Package. This document is not designed to teach batch file development. It is designed to help batch file developers understand how to integrate a batch file with LANDesk and learn the LANDesk features that have been created to enhance this integration. It is assumed that the reader is already familiar with writing intermediate to advanced batch files. Some reader may need to study batch file concepts in order to understand this document. It is assumed that the reader has already read the Users Guide or the help file, especially the Software Distribution section and is familiar with configuring Distribution Packages. An anonymous access web share and/or a UNC share for storing Distribution Package files should already be set up.
Batch Files
The following are examples of two batch files. One is called a basic batch file and the other a complex batch file. In this manual the term basic batch file means a batch file that runs only one line and the term complex batch file means a batch file that runs more than one line. Example 1 The Basic Batch File The following basic batch file runs only one command line. Lines are numbered for discussion purposes.
1. @ECHO ON 2. :: Batch file 1 is written to copy a file 3. copy c:\file1 c:\file2
This is batch file is the simplest of batch files, running only one task. This batch file could be written with only one line, but following good practice guidelines, ECHO is set and a comment describing the batch files function is included. Example 2 A Complex Batch File Though this batch file really is not that complex, it demonstrates the ability to add complexity to a batch file by using IF statements, labels, and GOTO commands. Again, lines are numbered for discussion purposes only.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. @ECHO ON :: This batch file checks for the existence of file1 :: and if it finds it, it copies file1 to file2 IF EXIST c:\file1 ( copy c:\file1 c:\file2
IF %ERRORLEVEL%=0 (GOTO success) ELSE (GOTO fail) ) ELSE ( GOTO fail ) :fail ECHO The file file1 does not exist GOTO end :success ECHO The file file1 was successfully copied :end
This batch file checks for the existence of file1 in line 4. If file1 exists, lines 5 and 6 run. Line 6 checks whether the copy command succeeded and if so sends processing to the success label on line 14, at which point line 15 runs, echoing a custom success message before the batch file ends. If file1 exists but line 5 fails, line 6 sends processing to the fail label on line 11. Line 12 runs, which echoes a custom error message. Line 13 sends processing to the end label, skipping the success section, and the batch file ends. If file1 does not exist, line 8 runs which sends processing to the fail label on line 11. Line 12 runs, which echoes a custom error message. Line 13 then sends processing to the end label, skipping the success section, and the batch file ends. This document is not designed to train an administrator on how to write a batch file. This document expects the readers to already know how to write batch files, or to learn more about writing batch files of their own accord. To learn more about writing batch file scripts, see Microsofts TechNet site on Administration and Scripting Tools and Using Batch Files. Many other third party websites exist that provide both batch file training and samples.
This does NOT launch the command prompt immediately but launches it within the next few minutes. Please be patient. When the time arrives, cmd.exe runs, opening a command prompt running as Local System. To verify that the command prompt is running as Local System, open Task Manager and click on the Processes tab. Click on the Image Name heading to sort by name. Two cmd.exe processes are running. One command prompt is launched from Start > Run and the User Name field shows the process is running as the logged on user. The other command prompt is configured to launch using the Local Scheduler Service which runs as Local System, so the cmd.exe process runs as Local System as well. 9
A batch file should be tested from this Local System command prompt to verify that it will run successfully when pushed with LANDesk. Opening a Local System Command Prompt with Microsofts AT.exe Microsofts at.exe command can also be used to schedule another cmd.exe task to start any time in the future. To open a Local System command prompt with at.exe, logon to a client computer as a user that is a member of the local administrators group. Go to Start > Run, enter cmd, and click OK. This opens a command prompt running as the user. Use at.exe to schedule a second cmd.exe to launch one minute from the current time. To do this, use the following syntax:
at hh:mm /interactive cmd
Replace hh with the appropriate hour, 1-24, and mm with the appropriate minute, 0-60, representing a time one minute in the future. Example of the command if the current time is 1:24 pm.
at 13:25 /interactive cmd
This does NOT launch the command prompt immediately but launches it when the time specified arrives. Please be patient.
When the time arrives, cmd.exe runs, launching a command prompt that runs as Local System. To verify that the command prompt is running as Local System, open Task Manager and click on the Processes tab. Click on the Image Name heading to sort by name. Two cmd.exe processes are running. One command prompt is launched from Start > Run and the User Name field shows the process is running as the logged on user. The other command prompt is launched by the Intel Local Scheduler service which runs as Local System, so the cmd.exe process runs as Local System as well. Under the User Name field it should say SYSTEM.
The batch file should be tested from this Local System command prompt to verify that it will run successfully.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
@ECHO ON copy \\server\share\folder1\install.msi c:\temp\install.msi IF NOT ERRORLEVEL==0 GOTO :end copy \\server\share\folder1\data1.cab c:\temp\data1.cab IF NOT ERRORLEVEL==0 GOTO :end c:\temp\install.msi :end
This batch file accesses two files on a share. To demonstrate how to verify that the Local System account has access to the share, the folder, and the files used in the above batch file, follow the steps below: 1. Open a Local System command prompt using the steps given previously. Run the net use command to map a drive to the share.
C:\> net use * \\server\share
Note: When running net use with an asterisk (*) instead of a drive letter, the next available drive letter is used. 2. Change to the mapped drive. For this example, assume that drive is G.
C:\> G:
If all of these steps work, then Local System account has access to this share, folder, and file. If at any point the result is either of the following errors... Access denied Network path not found
...then Local System does not have access to this path. It is the administrators responsibility to modify permissions necessary to give the Local System account access. NOTE: Be aware the second error can be caused by either lack of proper permissions or using an invalid path. Verify the path is correct before assuming a lack of proper permissions
Open a command prompt running as the logged on user and run SET. Compare the output of the SET command as Local System versus the logged on user.
C:\Documents and Settings\User1>set ALLUSERSPROFILE=C:\Documents and Settings\All Users APPDATA=C:\Documents and Settings\User1\Application Data CommonProgramFiles=C:\Program Files\Common Files COMPUTERNAME=LD-USER1 ComSpec=C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe FP_NO_HOST_CHECK=NO HOMEDRIVE=C: HOMEPATH=\Documents and Settings\User1 LDMS_LOCAL_DIR=C:\Program Files\LANDesk\LDClient\Data LOGONSERVER=\\LDUT2KDC03 NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS=1 OS=Windows_NT Path=C:\Program Files\Windows Resource Kits\Tools\;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\Pro gram Files\Executive Software\Diskeeper\;C:\Program
Files\Rational\common;C:\Program Files\Rational\ClearQuest;C:\Program Files\WinSCP3\ PATHEXT=.COM;.EXE;.BAT;.CMD;.VBS;.VBE;.JS;.JSE;.WSF;.WSH PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE=x86 PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER=x86 Family 15 Model 2 Stepping 7, GenuineIntel PROCESSOR_LEVEL=15 PROCESSOR_REVISION=0207 ProgramFiles=C:\Program Files PROMPT=$P$G SESSIONNAME=Console SystemDrive=C: SystemRoot=C:\WINDOWS TEMP=C:\DOCUME~1\User1\LOCALS~1\Temp TMP=C:\DOCUME~1\User1\LOCALS~1\Temp USERDNSDOMAIN=LANDESK.COM USERDOMAIN=LANDESK USERNAME=User1 USERPROFILE=C:\Documents and Settings\User1 windir=C:\WINDOWS
The differences between the Local System environment variables and the logged on user environment variables are marked in red. Notice that there are more environment variables available to a logged on user than are available to Local System. These variables cannot be accessed by Local System and should not be used when writing a batch that is pushed with LANDesk. Some variables, such as %TEMP% exist for both Local System and the logged on user but the values are different. The value assigned to the variable under the Local System account is the value that is used when pushing the batch file with LANDesk. NOTE: The clients LDClient directory, C:\Program Files\LANDesk\LDClient by default, is temporarily added to the PATH when pushing a batch file as a software distribution task. (See the next section) Understanding the Directories in PATH PATH is an environment variable that contains a list of directories that are searched when an executable is called. If an executable is not found in the current working directory, the directories listed in the PATH environment variable are searched. If an executable is found in any of these directories, it is launched. This is important because files called from a directory in PATH do not need to be called using the full path. When pushing a batch file with LANDesk, the C:\Program Files\LANDesk\LDClient directory is added to PATH. This allows for LANDesk client executables such as ldiscn32.exe, sdclient.exe, localsch.exe, vulscan.exe, and others to be called without having to use the full path. Understanding the Current Working Directory By default the current working directory is the directory from which the batch file is called. When pushing a batch file with LANDesk, the batch file is transferred to clients sdmcache directory. The folder structure of the share or web share is
maintained in the sdmcache directory. For example, a batch file located on a web share as HTTP://CoreServer/share/batch.bat or a UNC share such as \\CoreServer\Share\batch.bat downloads to the client and the full path to the batch file is as follows: C:\Program Files\LANDesk\LDClient\sdmcache\share\batch.bat When the batch file is launched on the client, the current working directory is the directory the batch file is in: C:\Program Files\LANDesk\LDClient\sdmcache\share\ This is the current working directory when the batch file begins. If CD or CHDIR is called the current working directory changes. The following batch file demonstrates this:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. @ECHO ON :: This batch file demonstrates the current working directory ECHO %CD% ::Echoes C:\Program Files\LANDesk\LDClient\sdmcache\Webshare\ CD c:\temp ECHO %CD% ::Echoes C:\temp
This is important because files called from the current working directory do not need to be proceeded by the full path. When files are called that are not in the current working directory or not in PATH, they must be called using the files full path. Getting the Path to the LDClient Directory Often the client is installed to an alternate directory instead of the default directory. The default directory is C:\program files\LANDesk\LDClient. It is important when making calls to the client directory that a variable is used to get this path, otherwise, batch files will fail on computers that have the client installed to an alternate path. LANDesk includes an LDMS_LOCAL_DIR environment variable that maps to the LDClient\data directory. This variable contains the correct path to the LDClient directory. This path can be parsed from this variable with the following syntax:
NOTE: For more information on parsing a variable in this manner, run SET /? from a Windows command prompt. Since the LDClient directory is automatically added to the PATH variable, it is not necessary to enter the full path when running executables contained in LDClient from a batch file. However, the LDClient directory may need to be called for other reasons, such as when adding local scheduler tasks using localsch.exe. This variable can be used to call any file in the LDClient directory. The following is an example of a Local Scheduler task that uses this parsed variable. This task runs amclient.exe from the ldclient directory to check for policies.
LocalSch.exe /exe="%LDMS_LOCAL_DIR:~0,-5%\amclient.exe" /taskid=1001 /cmd="/apm /s /ro" /freq=28800
The Local System account loaded the Default Users HKCU hive. It only contains ten subkeys. Close regedit and reopen it from the logged on users command prompt.
Notice that there are thirteen subkeys under the logged on users HKCU hive. It is important to remember that when modifying registry keys in a batch file, any modifications made to HKCU are made to the Default Users HKCU hive and not the logged on users HKCU hive. To demonstrate this, create a file named test.reg containing the following text:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\test] "test"=dword:00000001
Try importing test.reg using the regedit.exe under the Local System command prompt.
C:\> regedit /s c:\test.reg
The command is successful but the registry key is not entered into HKCU for the logged on user. The key is added to the HKCU hive for the Default User. To verify that this key is added, look under HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT and verify that the test key exists. Run the same command under the logged on users command prompt. Assuming permission and policies allow registry edits, the key is added to the logged on users HKCU hive. If modifications are made to a key that exists for the logged on user but not for the Default User, this modification may fail. To demonstrate this, use reg.exe (available by default in XP) to query for a key as Local System.
C:\> reg query HKCU\SessionInformation
This failure occurs because the HKCU\SessionInformation key does not exist under the Default Users HKCU hive. Attempts to modify an HKCU key that exists for a logged on user but does not exist for the Default User always results in this error. Though a users HKCU hive cannot be modified as Local System, HKEY_USERS (HKU) hive can be accessed. Each users HKCU hive is represented with a Security ID (SID) such as S-1-5-18. Any changes made under a SID key in this hive occurs to the users HKCU hive associated with the SID.
This seems like a simple enough batch file. It copies two files from a share and then adds a registry key. However, it is flawed. Line 1 (@ECHO ON) does not modify %ERRORLEVEL% so it can be ignored. Line 2 could fail for many reasons: the file is not found, the server is not accessible, or the share permissions do not allow access, or many other reasons. Such a failure causes the copy command to return a failure code. In the case where the share permissions are incorrect, the copy command returns 1, meaning the copy failed because access is denied. The ERRORLEVEL variable is now set to 1. Line 3 calls the same share and also fails, again setting ERRORLEVEL to 1. Line 4 fails because there is not an install.exe in c:\temp due to the failure in line 2. This results in setting ERRORLEVEL to 9009. Line 5 calls the reg.exe command. This command is available in the system32 directory which is in the PATH on Windows XP. The share is not accessed so there is nothing to keep this command from succeeding. The registry key is successful added, and ERRORLEVEL is now set to 0. The batch file ends with ERRORLEVEL set to 0. This result is passed back to the Core Server and the job is marked as successful even though every line but the last one failed. This batch file is designed incorrectly. LANDesk only accesses the final result of the batch file. It is the responsibility of the batch file developer to make sure that each line succeeds and that the batch file ends with the proper return code.
Example of a Correctly Designed Batch File Below is an example of a batch file correctly designed to make sure that each line completes successfully:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. @ECHO ON copy \\server\share\install.exe IF NOT %ERRORLEVEL%==0 GOTO copy \\server\share\install.exe IF NOT %ERRORLEVEL%==0 GOTO c:\temp\install.exe IF NOT %ERRORLEVEL%==0 GOTO reg add hklm\software\app :end c:\temp\install.exe end c:\temp\app.dll end end
In this batch file and IF statement is used after each command to verify that the command succeeded and if the command fails it uses the GOTO command to send it to the end label where the batch file ends. This batch file could also be written as follows:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. @ECHO ON copy \\server\share\install.exe IF NOT %ERRORLEVEL%==0 EXIT copy \\server\share\install.exe IF NOT %ERRORLEVEL%==0 EXIT c:\temp\install.exe IF NOT %ERRORLEVEL%==0 EXIT reg add hklm\software\app :end c:\temp\install.exe /B %ERRORLEVEL% c:\temp\app.dll /B %ERRORLEVEL% /B %ERRORLEVEL%
In this batch file the IF state is also used. It calls the EXIT command. It uses the /B switch which means terminate the batch file and it passes the ERRORLEVEL variable to the EXIT command so the batch is terminated with the current ERRORLEVEL. It is important that the following syntax is used when calling the EXIT command:
EXIT /B [Exit Code]
Calling the EXIT command without a /B terminates the batch process and the process that launched the batch file. This causes the LANDesk client to report a failure back to the Core Server. For more information see the following site:
Many simple batch files are not going work when running applications that have a success code other than 0. To demonstrate this, review the example of the basic batch file shown below.
1. @ECHO ON 2. :: Batch file 1 is written to copy a file 3. copy c:\file1 c:\file2
Using the basic batch file, the ERRORLEVEL variable is always set by the last command. In the above example, a success code for the copy command is 0. However, look at the example below:
1. @ECHO ON 2. :: Batch file 1 is written to copy a file 3. LocalSch.exe /exe="%LDMS_LOCAL_DIR:~0,-5%\Ldscn32.exe" /taskid=1001 /cmd="/NTT=Core:5007 /S=Core /I=HTTP://Core/ldlogon/ldappl3.ldz" /freq=3600
In this example, LANDesks localsch.exe is called to add a Local Scheduler task. When Local Scheduler succeeds in adding a task, the return code is not 0, but instead is the Task ID. In this case, 1001 is the success code. In this instance, it is impossible to use the basic batch file to successfully pass a 0 status back to Core Server. A complex batch file must be used to make sure the Local Scheduler task is added successfully and the batch file completes with ERRORLEVEL 0. Note: Notice that the %LDMS_LOCAL_DIR:~0,5% to get the path to ldclient. This batch file can be written in any of the following three ways: Batch file 1
1. @ECHO ON 2. :: Batch file 1 - written to add a local scheduler task 3. LocalSch.exe /exe="%LDMS_LOCAL_DIR:~0,-5%\Ldscn32.exe" /taskid=1001 /cmd="/NTT=Core:5007 /S=Core /I=HTTP://Core/ldlogon/ldappl3.ldz" /freq=3600 4. IF %ERRORLEVEL%==1001 CMD /C
Batch file 1 checks to makes sure that line 3 succeeded and if so, it runs CMD /C which is always successful and returns 0. The use of CMD /C is a common method for setting ERRORLEVEL back to 0. Batch file 2
1. @ECHO ON 2. :: Batch file 2 - written to add a local scheduler task 3. LocalSch.exe /exe="%LDMS_LOCAL_DIR:~0,-5%\Ldscn32.exe" /taskid=1001 /cmd="/NTT=Core:5007 /S=Core /I=HTTP://Core/ldlogon/ldappl3.ldz" /freq=3600 4. IF %ERRORLEVEL%==1001 EXIT /B 0
Batch file 2 uses the EXIT command to terminate the batch file and since the exit code is explicitly defined as 0, the batch file ends with ERRORLEVEL 0 and the Core Server knows it is successful.
Batch file 3
1. @ECHO ON 2. :: Batch file 3 - written to add a local scheduler task 3. LocalSch.exe /exe="%LDMS_LOCAL_DIR:~0,-5%\Ldscn32.exe" /taskid=1001 /cmd="/NTT=Core:5007 /S=Core /I=HTTP://Core/ldlogon/ldappl3.ldz" /freq=3600 4. IF %ERRORLEVEL%==1001 SET ERRORLEVEL=0
Batch file 3 statically sets the ERRORLEVEL variable to 0 so when the batch file ends, it is successful. This command works for one command, but when running multiple commands, it may not have the desired results. Consider the following batch file:
1. @ECHO ON 2. :: Batch file 1 is written to copy a file 3. LocalSch.exe /exe=%LDMS_LOCAL_DIR:~0,-5%\Ldscn32.exe" /taskid=1001 /cmd="/NTT=Core:5007 /S=Core /I=HTTP://Core/ldlogon/ldappl3.ldz" /freq=3600 4. IF %ERRORLEVEL%==1001 SET ERRORLEVEL=0 5. LocalSch.exe /exe="%LDMS_LOCAL_DIR:~0,-5%\amclient.exe" /taskid=1002 /cmd="/apm /s /c" /freq=3600 6. IF %ERRORLEVEL%==1002 SET ERRORLEVEL=0
This batch file may not perform as at first intended. If line 3 succeeds, line 4 statically sets ERRORLEVEL to 0. Examine what is going to happen after line 5 runs and the ERRORLEVEL variable is checked on line 6. ERRORLEVEL is statically set to 0, so line 6 reports to the console that the batch file has succeeded regardless of whether line 5 succeeds or fails. This could cause incorrect status. This can easily be resolved by using the EXIT command instead of statically setting ERRORLEVLE to 0. This is demonstrated in the following example.
1. @ECHO ON 2. :: Batch file 1 is written to copy a file 3. LocalSch.exe /exe="%LDMS_LOCAL_DIR:~0,-5%\Ldscn32.exe" /taskid=1001 /cmd="/NTT=Core:5007 /S=Core /I=HTTP://Core/ldlogon/ldappl3.ldz" /freq=3600 4. IF NOT %ERRORLEVEL%==1001 EXIT /B %ERRORLEVEL% ELSE CMD /C 5. LocalSch.exe /exe="%LDMS_LOCAL_DIR:~0,-5%\amclient.exe" /taskid=1002 /cmd="/apm /s /c" /freq=3600 6. IF %ERRORLEVEL%==1002 EXIT /B 0
This batch design works properly because line 4 now checks the value of ERRORLEVEL and if it is not 1001, EXIT is called, terminating the batch file. Also note that if ERRORLEVEL does equal 1001, instead of statically setting ERRORLEVEL to 0, CMD /C is run. This results in ERRORLEVEL being set to 0 without statically setting it.
In this batch file the goal is to create a directory on a client where logs can be created and stored. This batch file is deployed to a group of test machines and it works successfully; the c:\logs directory is created on the test clients. Consider what would happen if the next day the script is deployed to all clients. Since the directory already exists on the test clients, the make directory command would fail with the following error:
A subdirectory or file c:\logs already exists.
The MKDIR command fails with a return code of 1. Only 0 is a successful return code for a batch file. In order to make this successful, similar methods used to handle nonzero success codes can be used. Any of the following four batch files accomplish this:
1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. @ECHO ON :: Batch file 1 This batch creates the c:\logs directory MKDIR c:\logs EXIT /B 0 @ECHO ON :: Batch file 2 - This batch creates the c:\logs directory MKDIR c:\logs cmd /c
These first two batch files simply set ERRORLEVEL to 0 after the running line 3, so the result of line 3 is ignored. This could cause a problem if the directory fails to create do to a different error such as Access denied.
This batch files demonstrates the use of an IF statement to verify that the folder is created. This is a more efficient than ignoring a failure.
How Messages Are Sent Messages are sent using the same method as Policy status, by sending an XML file through an HTTP post to the following web application: http://coreserver/incomingdatra/postcgi.exe?prefix=sdstatus\&suffix=.swd.xml Warning: Modifications to the permissions of the incoming folder or the postcgi.exe file could prevent messages from returning due to access denied errors on this web application. Also note that modifications to the either of the following group policies can also prevent messages from returning due to access denied errors: (1) Adjust memory quotas for a process; (2) Replace a process level token. Example Below is an example of a batch file that uses this feature. This batch file adds a local scheduler task and sends the result back in a message to the scheduled task on the Core Server.
1. 2. 3. @ECHO ON :: Hello.bat Sending messages to core sdclient.exe /msg=Hello
In this batch file, a message is sent on line 3 to the console saying simply Hello. The result in the LANDesk Console is as follows:
Normally this message would be used in a more informational fashion. Below is an example of a batch file that uses the message feature to show what command the batch is currently processing.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. @ECHO ON :: This batch file runs multiple commands sdclient.exe /msg=Running Command 1 \\server\share\command1.exe IF NOT %ERRORLEVEL%==0 EXIT /B %ERRORLEVEL% sdclient.exe /msg=Command 1 success. Running Command 2 \\server\share\command2.exe IF NOT %ERRORLEVEL%==0 EXIT /B %ERRORLEVEL% sdclient.exe /msg=Command 2 success. Running Command 3 \\server\share\command3.exe IF NOT %ERRORLEVEL%==0 EXIT /B %ERRORLEVEL% sdclient.exe /msg=All commands completed successfully EXIT /B 0
In this batch file, each command is preceded by a message to the core. A quick look at the message section of a scheduled task displays which command the batch file is currently running. Sending ERRORLEVEL in the Message It is often beneficial to send the result code of a command in a message to the Core Server. When running sdclient.exe to send a message to the Core Server, ERRORLEVEL is set to 0. This could result in a failed batch file appearing to be successful. To demonstrate this, look at the batch file below:
1. 2. 3. 4. @ECHO ON :: This batch file sends ERRORLEVEL to the Core Server. :: Run sdclient.exe to result in ERRORLEVEL being 0 \\server\share\command1.exe
5. IF %ERRORLEVEL%==0 ( sdclient.exe /msg=Command 1 completed with result code %ERRORLEVEL%. 6. ) ELSE ( sdclient.exe /msg=Command 1 failed with result code %ERRORLEVEL%. Exiting ) 7. :end
If command1.exe fails, the IF statement calls sdclient.exe to send the failure message to the Core Server. Sdclient.exe succeeds, setting ERRORLEVEL to 0 and the batch file ends. This causes the batch file to appear successful. To resolve this, assign ERRORLEVEL to a static variable after running command1.exe and pass that variable to the EXIT command. In the batch file below, the value of ERRORLEVEL is assigned to the variable called ResultCode and the batch file ends with the value of ResultCode.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. @ECHO ON :: This batch file sends ERRORLEVEL to the Core Server. :: Run sdclient.exe to result in ERRORLEVEL being 0 \\server\share\command1.exe :: ERRORLEVEL is stored as a static variable SET ResultCode =%ERRORLEVEL% IF %ResultCode%==0 ( sdclient.exe /msg=Command 1 completed with result code %ResultCode%. 8. ) ELSE ( sdclient.exe /msg=Command 1 failed with result code %ResultCode%. Exiting ) 9. :end 10. EXIT /B %ResultCode%
In this batch file if command1.exe fails, the failure code is assigned to a static variable, which is passed to the EXIT command, allowing the batch file to end with the proper failure code.
The first command tells sdclient.exe what batch file to run on reboot and what parameter to pass to this batch file. The /p=<batch file> parameter tells sdclient.exe what batch file to run after the reboot and %0 is a standard batch file variable that resolves to the currently running batch file. The /cmds=<parameter> is the
parameter to pass to the batch file after reboot. This parameter is used to skip the section of the batch file already completed before the reboot and start at a different label. Example The batch file below is an example of how to use sdclient.exe to reboot and how to use batch file parameters to run only the post-reboot tasks after the reboot occurs.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. @ECHO ON :: This batch file runs pre-reboot tasks, reboots, and :: then runs post-reboot tasks. :checkparameter :: Batch fails if two parameters are given or if the first :: parameter is does not match a valid label. IF NOT %2.==. GOTO invalidparameter IF %1.==. GOTO pre-reboot IF %1==post-reboot GOTO %1 :invalidparameter :: Only one parameter is allowed. ECHO Error: Invalid Parameter ECHO Valid parameter: [post-reboot] GOTO end :pre-reboot sdclient.exe /msg="Running pre-reboot tasks." ::some pre-reboot tasks happen here IF NOT %ERRORLEVEL%==0 GOTO end :reboot sdclient.exe /msg="Rebooting." sdclient.exe /onreboot /bat /p=%0 /cmds=post-reboot sdclient.exe /reboot GOTO end :post-reboot sdclient.exe /msg="Running post-reboot tasks." ::some post-reboot tasks happen here IF NOT %ERRORLEVEL%==0 GOTO end :end
This batch file has multiple sections marked with labels including: checkparameter, invalidparameter, pre-reboot, reboot, post-reboot, and end. The first two sections, checkparameter and invalidparameter, are checking to make sure the batch file parameter is valid. If no parameter is given, as is the case when the batch file is first launched, line 9 tells the batch file to skip to the pre-reboot label on line 18. Lines 18-21 run the pre-reboot tasks. If it fails, the batch file ends sending a failure back to the core. If successful the pre-reboot tasks are followed by the reboot lines 23-27. 26
The reboot task in lines 25-29 tells sdclient.exe to launch the batch file after the reboot using post-reboot as a parameter. Once the reboot occurs, sdclient.exe launches the batch file with post-reboot as a parameter. Line 10 checks that proper parameter is used, so it sends processing to the postreboot label on line 29. This skips the pre-reboot section and the reboot section. The post-reboot tasks occur in lines 29-33 and if successful, the batch file ends successful. Warning: Setting the Delivery Methods Reboot option to Never Reboot will prevent the batch file from rebooting.
Understanding Inventory
LANDesk stores accesses inventory in the database in a hierarchical fashion. Everything exists under the main heading Computer. Under the main heading, there are multiple subheadings. Under any heading there can be either more subheadings or there can be one or more data entries assigned a value. For example, under the main heading, Computer, there are many subheadings, such as Network or OS; and there are many data entries with assigned values, such as Device ID or Device Name. Under the Network subheading exists other subheadings, such as TCPIP; and there are other data entries (attributes) with assigned values such as NIC Address. This can be best understood by browsing the inventory of a machine in the database using the LANDesk Console.
Note: The example above, %Computer.Device Name%, would probably never be used as there is already an environment variable, %Computername%, on the client computer that can be accessed with a batch file. Data easily accessible on the client should be preferred over data from the database. This simplifies the batch file and extra processing and database access needed on the Core Server to evaluate a macro. The following macro includes two subheadings. This macro gets from the database the total physical memory in bytes of a client. %Computer.Memory.Physical.Bytes Total% This syntax is the same syntax that can be seen in a Query on the LANDesk Console. Each element in the macro can be quoted as seen in a query but quotes are normally not used because the entire macro is preceded and ended with a % symbol. Note: Unlike getting the computer name, there does not already exist an easy way to access the total bytes of physical memory with a batch file. Passing this value from the database as a parameter is more appealing than having to run and parse the output of a third party memory tool.
The first parameter passed can be accessed by a batch file using the variable %1, the second parameter using %2, and third %3, to the ninth parameter as %9. If more than nine parameters are used, SHIFT will have to be used inside the batch file. See the following Microsoft site for more information on SHIFT: http://technet2.microsoft.com/WindowsServer/en/Library/fdc12a63-df4e-49e794d6-177536b18eb61033.mspx LANDesks database macros cannot be accessed from the command line. With LANDesk Management Suite a Batch File Distribution Package is created which points to a batch file. When creating a Distribution Package in the LANDesk Console, the Install/Uninstall Options screen is where batch file parameters are entered. Database macros entered into the Command Line Parameters field are evaluated on the Core Server on a per machine basis. The Core Server replaces the macro with the actual value before the parameter is passed to the client. For example, if the macro being called is %Computer.Network.NIC Address% and the value in the database is 000AE43531EC, the parameter passed to the batch file is 000AE43531EC. If the macro being called is %Computer.Device Name% and the value in the database is Computer100, the parameter passed to the batch file is Computer100.
Handling Spaces If the parameter has a space then it must be quoted otherwise it will be treated as multiple parameters. To demonstrator this, imagine the macro being called passes the OS name. The OS Name value can contain multiple spaces. If it were passed to a Batch File Distribution Package as follows:
One possible return value could be Microsoft Windows XP Professional. Without quotes, the first parameter (%1) would be Microsoft, the second parameter (%2) would be Windows, and the third parameter (%3) would be XP, the fourth parameter (%4) would be Professional. This may not be what is desired. Surrounding the macro in quotes allows the entire value to be included in the first parameter (%1). %Computer.OS.Name% However, remember that the parameter passed includes the quotes. This means the first parameter (%1) is not simply the string Microsoft Windows XP Professional; the parameter is actually Microsoft Windows XP Professional, including the surrounding quotes along with the string. Also not that a quote was is not required if the variable has a space, only if the value contains a space.
/Ah+ If a package is being installed for the first time, this command is ignored. If, however, the package has been installed previously, this will tell the installer to automatically heal the package without prompting the user. /Ah- If a package is being installed for the first time, this command is ignored. If, however the package has been installed previously, this will tell the installer to automatically force a reinstall of the package without prompting the user. /Ai It causes INST32 to refrain from rebooting when completing an install and instead to return a reboot request code. Some informational dialogs that require the user to click OK are removed when in this mode. This is a run once mode kind of switch, which is used when applying the restore system state package on the build computer. It stops the installer from rebooting the computer in order to complete an installation.
@ECHO ON :: This batch installs an SWD package silently and disallows any :: reboots, allowing for the batch file to handle them. SWDpackage.exe /Ai /Ao /An /Ah-
The following example demonstrates a batch file that launches an SWD package.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
LANDesk Support
LANDesk does not support the content inside a batch file, whoever wrote the batch file must provide that support. LANDesk does not train on how to use batch files. LANDesk supports deploying and launching a batch file. This support includes downloading the batch file (and all additional files if applicable) to client workstations and then running the batch file. If the batch file returns an error, it is the responsibility of the batch file developer to determine which line is the batch file causes this error and resolve it. If a support case is opened with LANDesk, as soon as LANDesk launches the batch file is launched, LANDesk is determined to be working properly and the case will be closed. It is the sole responsibility of the batch file to developer to troubleshoot errors that occur within a batch file. It is the batch file developers responsibility to make sure this batch file works when run as Local System. It is the batch file developers responsibility to troubleshoot. If a third party application is launched within a batch file and this applications is failing, the issue must be address with the third party company and not with LANDesk support. The only exception to this is when the line failing in the batch file properly calls a LANDesk utility such as SDCLIENT.EXE or LOCALSCH.EXE and those LANDesk files are failing.
Troubleshooting batch files can be complex for many reasons. Each batch file is unique and calls a variety of commands. The majority of problems are due the batch file itself and the way it is written. Most errors are avoided if the batch file is correctly tested to work as Local System. (See the section titled Understanding the Microsoft Local System Account found previously in this document). When errors do occur, it is important to understand what information is available for troubleshooting them. This section provides information on how to troubleshoot error messages. The steps to troubleshooting a batch file are as follows: Step 1 - Obtain the Log Files Step 2 - Obtain the Failure Code Step 3 - Find the Line in the Batch File That Failed Step 4 Find the Reason the Line Failed
Scheduled Task Log on the Core Server The Core Server creates a log for the batch file task and stores that log in a directory simply named log located in the ManagementSuite directory, or the ldlog share. This log is named ScheduledTaskHandler_#.log (where # represents the scheduled task identifier from the database). When a scheduled task fails, the Core Server copies the clients task log and makes it available through the console by right clicking on a failed client in a task and choosing View log file. Scheduled Task Log on the Client The client creates a log for the batch file task and stores that log in the directory called data located in the LANDesk\LDClient directory (usually this directory is C:\Program Files\LANDesk\LDClient\data). This log is named sdclient_task#.log (where # represents the scheduled task identifier from the database). This log is usually available from the console on a failed task and contains any data passed to STDOUT by the batch file.
NOTE: The failure string displayed in the task may be incorrect as batch files are linked to facility 7, Microsoft, which results in the Win32 strings being displayed on the console regardless of what command in the batch file really returned the error. Except when using the basic batch file to deploy an MSI file or other Win32 tasks, the failure string on the console should be ignored.
Making Sure ECHO Is Turned On When troubleshooting, it is beneficial to make sure that ECHO is turned on. Only the information passed to STDOUT is found in the sdclient_task#.log file. When a batch file is called, anything passed to STDOUT is displayed in the sdclient_task#.log file. (For more information on STDOUT, see Using command redirection operators on the MSDN web site.) If ECHO is off, the commands themselves are not passed to STDOUT. Commands may or may not send results to standard out. If ECHO is on, every line in the batch file, as well as anything the command passes to STDOUT, are included in the log. To demonstrate this, the batch file listed below is used with both ECHO on and ECHO off. This batch file runs MKDIR to make a directory that already exists. With ECHO ON This would result in the log file also listed below: Batch file MKDIR.bat with ECHO turned off
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. @ECHO OFF ::This batch file runs MKDIR and has ECHO turned off. MKDIR c:\temp SET result=%ERRORLEVEL% sdclient.exe /msg="RESULT = %result%" EXIT /B %result%
C:\Program Files\LANDesk\LDClient\sdmcache\share\batch>call "MKDIR.bat" Wed, 21 Dec 2005 11:20:21 Installation result 80070001Wed, 21 Dec 2005 11:20:21 processing of package is complete, result -2147024895 (0x80070001 - code 1)
Notice that with ECHO turned on, every line in the batch file (marked in red) is included in the log file. This is useful in detecting a failed command. Echoing the ERRORLEVEL after Each Command A simple way to find what ERRORLEVEL is set to after running each command is to add a line that echoes the ERRORLEVEL. Example:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. @ECHO ON ::This batch runs two commands and echoes ERRORLEVEL of each MKDIR c:\temp ECHO %ERRORLEVEL% cacls c:\temp /E /P BUILTIN\users:N ECHO %ERRORLEVEL%
The above batch file echoes the result code of each command to the log. This batch file can be enhanced to clarify the echoed information.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. @ECHO ON ::This batch file runs a command and echoes the ERRORLEVEL MKDIR c:\temp ECHO Command 1 Result = %ERRORLEVEL% cacls c:\temp /E / BUILTIN\users:N ECHO Command 2 Result = %ERRORLEVEL%
Each line in a batch file is unique and can launch many types of processes including shell commands, executables, MSIs, VBScripts, other batch files, and more. When a batch file fails and the failed line is discovered, the troubleshooting now involves that line. To troubleshoot this line, determine the following: What command is this line using? What company is responsible for this command and what documentation can this company provide me for this command? What is this line supposed to do? Does this command have switches and are they used properly? What error message is the command returning?
Example Troubleshooting a Failed Line To demonstrate this method of troubleshooting, look at the following basic batch file:
1. @ECHO ON 2. ::This batch file displays the run keys from the registry 3. reg.exe query HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
After deploying this batch file, this command fails on all Windows 2000 machines. To troubleshoot the failure, the above questions can be answered. The answered can then be evaluated to determine the cause of the failure. The following are the answers to the above troubleshooting questions for this problem with reg.exe on Windows 2000: This line uses the reg.exe command Reg.exe is made by Microsoft and searching Microsofts site results in much documentation. This command has switches which can be seen by running reg.exe /? at a command prompt. After running the command manually at a Local System command, the following error message is returned:
'reg.exe' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
By answering the above questions it is determined that Windows 2000 does include reg.exe by default while Windows XP does. Reg.exe must be added to Windows 2000. Capturing STDERR in the Log File Often the workstation on which a batch file failed cannot be accessed. This means that the only available method of troubleshooting is the log file. Many commands output error messages to STDERR. Since only STDOUT is captured in the sdclient_task#.log, STDERR is not captured by default.
2. ::This batch file displays the run keys from the registry 3. MKDIR c:\backup
After running this batch file, if MKDIR fails, the result code is 1. However, a result code of 1 for MKDIR could mean multiple things. MKDIR sends an error message to STDERR. This error message is not logged because only STDOUT is . However, STDERR can be passed to STDOUT using redirection operators in the batch file. (For more information on STDOUT and STDERR, see Using command redirection operators on the MSDN web site.)
1. @ECHO ON 2. ::This batch file displays the run keys from the registry 3. MKDIR c:\backup 2>&1
By simply adding the redirection operator marked in red, any messages passed to STDERR are also passed to STDOUT. This can be beneficial in determining the reason a specific line in a batch file fails.
When deployed through LANDesk, this prompt cannot be answered as batch files are always silent. This prompt causes the task to stay active until the task times out. A command line parameter can be used remove the prompt.
C:\> del c:\temp\*.* /Q
Also note that if a network drive is in use, trying to delete the drive results in a prompt. Adding a /y eliminates the prompt.
C:\> net use x: /del /y
At first glance, this appears to be a valid command. If errorlevel equals 1, then cmd /c should run and set errorlevel to 0. However, that is not what is happening. Because cmd /c normally expects a parameter, ELSE GOTO end becomes a parameter of cmd /c. So if errorlevel equals 1, then cmd /c ELSE GOTO end is run as a single command and fails. This can be fixed with parenthesis. Parenthesis separates the conditional command from the ELSE function.
IF %errorlevel%==1 (cmd /c) ELSE GOTO end
REM TODO #2: Put authentication command here NET USE \\%core%\share /USER:Domain\user password msiexec /qn /I \\%core%\share\folder\install.msi ALLUSERS=1 REM The unauthenticate command changes ERRORLEVEL. REM Preserve ERRORLEVEL with the following line. SET msiresult=%ERRORLEVEL% REM TODO #3: Put authentication disconnect command here NET USE /del \\%core%\share /y EXIT /B %msiresult%
Below is vbversion.vbs. This file should be included in the Distribution Package as an additional file.
' vbversion.vbs ' Copyright 2005 LANDesk(R) Software ' ' Visual basic application that sends the version of the WScript ' as a custom message to the core server set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") WshShell.Exec("sdclient.exe /msg=" & WScript.Version & "." & WScript.BuildVersion)
Note: This batch file is not needed for LDMS versions 8.61 and later as changing the local account passwords can be scheduled from the Core Server but is included for use with previous releases.