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User Guide


Energy Measurement
MULTICAL 402 functions in the following way: The flow meter registers the amount of district heating water in m (cubic metres) circulating through the heating system. The temperature sensors placed in forward and return pipes register the cooling, i.e. the difference between input and output temperatures. MULTICAL 402 calculates consumed energy based on volume of district heating water and cooling.

When the top front key is activated, a new reading appears. The lower front key displays historical readings and average values. Four min. after the latest activation of the front key the meter automatically switches to consumed energy.




Kamstrup A/S Industrivej 28, Stilling, DK-8660 Skanderborg Tel: +45 89 93 10 00 Fax: +45 89 93 10 01 [email protected] www.kamstrup.com

MID designations
Permissible operating conditions / measuring ranges
Calculator Temperature sensor set Flow sensor (heat meter) q: 2C160C q: 10C150C q: 15C130C D: 3K150K D: 3K140K

Also available as cooling meter with temperature range 2...50C or as combined heat/cooling meter with temperature range 2...130C, without MID approval however.

Mechanical environment
M1 (fixed installation with minimum vibration).

Electromagnetic environment
E1 (housing/light industry). The meters control cables must be drawn at min. 25 cm distance to other installations.

Climatic environment
Must be installed in environments with non-condensing humidity as well as in closed locations (indoors). The ambient temperature must be within 555C.

Maintenance and repair

The district heating supplier can replace communication module, battery and temperature sensor set. The flow sensor must not be separated from the calculator Other repairs require subsequent reverification in an accredited laboratory. MULTICAL 402, type 402-W and 402-T must be connected to a temperature sensor set type Pt500. MULTICAL 402, type 402-V must be connected to a temperature sensor set type Pt100.

Battery for replacement

Kamstrup type 402-000-2000-000 (D-cell) or 402-000-1000-000 (2 x AA-cells).

1 2 2.1 2.2 3 4 4.1 4.2 5 5.1 5.2 6 6.1 6.2 7 8 General information Mounting of temperature sensors Pocket sensor set Short direct sensor set Information codes INFO Mounting of flow sensor Mounting of MULTICAL 402 Installation examples Mounting the calculator Compact mounting Wall mounting Power supply Battery supply Mains modules Testing the function Electrical connection 4 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 12 12 13 13 13 14 14 15 15 15 16 16 17 17 17 18 18 18 19

9 Plug-in modules 9.1 Pulse inputs 9.2 Pulse outputs 9.3 Data + pulse inputs, type 402-0-10 9.4 Data + pulse outputs, type 402-0-11 9.5 M-Bus + pulse inputs, type 402-00-20 9.6 M-Bus + pulse outputs, type 402-00-21 9.7 Wireless M-Bus, type 402-0-30 9.8 Radio, type 402-0-40 and 402-0-41 9.9 Radio+ pulse inputs, type 402-0-42 and 402-0-44 9.10 Radio+ pulse outputs, type 402-0-43 and 402-0-45 10 Setup via front keys

1. General information
Read this guide before installing the meter. In case of incorrect mounting Kamstrups guarantee obligations no longer apply. Please note that the following installation conditions must be obeyed: - Pressure stage PN16/PN25, see marking. The flow sensor marking does not apply to enclosed accessories PN16 PN25

- Pressure stage, Kamstrup sensor set type DS: - Pressure stage, Kamstrup stainless steel pockets:

At medium temperatures above 90C in flow sensor, use of flange meters is recommended, and the calculator should be wall-mounted.

2. Mounting of temperature sensors

The temperature sensors used to measure flow and return temperatures are a matched sensor set that must never be separated. MULTICAL 402 is by default supplied with mounted temperature sensors. According to EN 1434 the cable length must not be changed. If necessary, sensors must always be replaced in pairs. One sensor is marked with a red sign and must be installed in the flow pipe. The other sensor is marked with a blue sign and must be installed in the return pipe (see paragraph 8, page 14).


Pocket sensor set

Preferably, sensor pockets must be mounted in tee-pieces or in 45 lateral Y-pieces. The tip of the sensor pocket must point against the flow direction and be placed in the middle of the water flow.

Temperature sensors should be inserted to the bottom of the pockets. If a short response time is required, non-hardening heat conducting paste can be used. Push the plastic sleeve on the sensor cable into the sensor pocket and secure the cable with the enclosed M4 sealing screw. Fasten the screw with your fingers only. Seal the pockets using seal and locking wire.


Short direct sensor set

Short direct sensors can be mounted in special ball valves or in special tee-pipes, both with threads up to R1 and built-in M10 union for the short direct sensor. For mounting in existing heating installations with standard angle tees Kamstrup A/S can supply R and R brass nipples fitting the short direct sensors. Short direct sensors can also be fitted directly into all Kamstrups ULTRAFLOW variants with G and G1 threads on the meter case. Fasten the brass unions of the sensors lightly (approx. 4 Nm) using a 12 mm face wrench and seal the sensors with seal and locking wire.

3. Information codes INFO

MULTICAL 402 constantly monitors a number of important functions. If there is a serious error in the measuring system or installation, a flashing INFO is displayed, and an info code can be read by activating the top front key until the measuring unit displays INFO. The info code is visible as long as the error exists, unless the meter has been specially configured for manual reset of info codes. When an info code has existed for an hour, it is saved in the info log.

No irregularities Supply voltage has been interrupted Temperature sensor T1 outside measuring range 4 Temperature sensor T2 outside measuring range 4096 Flow sensor V1, signal too weak (air) 16384 Flow sensor with wrong flow direction

Info Code 0 1 8


Response time < 30 sec. < 30 sec. < 30 sec. < 30 sec.

If several info codes appear at a time, the sum of the info codes is displayed. If e.g. both temperature sensors are outside measuring range, info code 12 is displayed.

4. Mounting of flow sensor

Prior to installation of the flow sensor, the system should be flushed and protection plugs/plastic diaphragms removed from the flow sensor. Correct flow sensor position (forward or return pipe) appears from the front label of the MULTICAL 402. The flow direction is indicated by an arrow on the side of the flow sensor.


Mounting of glands and short direct sensor mounted in MULTICAL402 flow part

The short direct sensor from Kamstrup can only be mounted in PN16 installations. The blind plug mounted in the MULITCAL 402 flow part can be used in connection with both PN16 and PN25.


Gasket Tightening approx. 4 Nm

The flow meter can be used in both PN16 and PN25 and can be supplied marked either PN16 or PN25 as desired. Possibly supplied glands can only be used for PN16. For PN25 installations shall be used suitable PN25 glands. In connection with Gx110 mm and G1x110 mm it shall be checked that 10 mm thread run-out is sufficient. See the figure below.



Gasket Tightening approx. 4 Nm

Straight inlet: MULTICAL 402 requires neither straight inlet nor straight outlet to meet the Measuring Instruments Directive (MID) 2004/22/ EC and prEN 1434:2009. A straight inlet section will only be necessary in case of heavy flow disturbances before the meter. We recommend to follow the guidelines of CEN CR 13582.


Recommended flow sensor position Recommended flow sensor position Unacceptable position due to risk of air build-up Acceptable in closed systems. Unacceptable position in open systems due to risk of air build-up in the system E A flow meter ought not to be placed immediately after a valve, with the exception of block valves (ball valve type) which must be fully open when not used for blocking F A flow meter must never be placed on the inlet side of a pump G A flow meter ought not to be placed after a double bend in two levels.

In order to prevent cavitation the operating pressure at MULTICAL 402 must be min. 1.5 bar at qp and min. 2.5 bar at qs. This applies to temperatures up to approx. 80C. MULTICAL 402 must not be exposed to pressure lower than the ambient pressure (vacuum).


Mounting of MULTICAL 402



MULTICAL 402 can be mounted vertically, horizontally or at an angle

MULTICAL 402 may be turned up to max. 45 and downwards for max. 90 in relation to the pipe axis.

MULTICAL 402 must not be mounted with the plastic box pointing upwards



Installation examples

Threaded meter:

Flow from the left

Flow from the right

Flange meter:

Flow from the left

Flow from the right

4.3.1 Humidity and condensation

If MULTICAL 402 is installed in moist environments, it must be turned 45 relative to the pipe axis as shown in the drawing below.


If there is risk of condensation, e.g. in cooling systems, a condensation protected MULTICAL 402 must be used.


5. Mounting the calculator

The MULTICAL 402 calculator can be mounted in two different ways:


Compact mounting

The calculator is mounted direct on the flow sensor. After mounting the calculator is sealed with seal and locking wire. In case of strong condensation (e.g. cooling applications) we recommend wall mounting of the calculator. Furthermore, MULTICAL 402 must be the condensation protected version.

If minimum installation depth (G and G1) is required, the flow sensor is mounted with the plastic case pointing downwards and the calculator on the side
60 mm


Wall mounting

The wall fitting makes it possible to mount MULTICAL 402 direct on an even wall. Use the fitting as a template for marking and drilling two 6 mm holes in the wall
41 mm


6. Power supply
MULTICAL 402 can be powered by a built-in lithium battery or by an integral 24 VAC or 230 VAC mains module. The two wires from battery or mains module are mounted in the calculator via a two-contacts connector.


Battery supply

MULTICAL 402 is connected to a lithium battery, D-cell or 2 x AA-cells. Optimal battery lifetime is obtained by keeping the battery temperature below 30C, e.g. by wall mounting. The voltage of a lithium battery is almost constant throughout the lifetime of the battery (approx. 3.65 V). Therefore, it is not possible to determine the remaining capacity of the battery by measuring the voltage. The battery cannot and must not be charged and must not be shortcircuited. Used batteries must be handed in for approved de-struction, f.inst. at Kamstrup A/S.


Mains modules

The modules are protection class II and are connected via a two-wire cable (without earth) through the cable bush of the calculator placed in the right side of the connecting base. Use connecting cable with an outer diameter of 5-10 mm and ensure correct dismantling as well as correct mounting of cable relief. Max. permitted fuse: 6 A National installation regulations must be obeyed.


24 VAC Supply Black Red

230 VAC Supply Black Red

24 VAC
F.inst. transformer 230/24 V, type 66-99-403, can be used. Note! MULTICAL 402 cannot be supplied by 24 VDC.

230 VAC
This module is used for direct mains connection. Note! External supply must be connected to the supply module

7. Testing the function

Carry out an operational check when the energy meter has been fully mounted. Open thermoregulators and cocks to establish water flow through the heating system. Activate the top key on MULTICAL 402 and check that the displayed values for temperatures and water flow are credible values.

8. Electrical connection
The two pairede 2-wire sensors must be mounted in terminals 5 and 6 (T1), and 7 and 8 (T2). The polarity of temperature sensors T1 and T2 is unimportant. See the position of the terminals below:
Terminal no.
T1 T2 56 78

Standard heat and cooling measurement

Sensor in forward pipe (red) Sensor in return pipe (blue)

T1 T2

5 6 7 8


9. Plug-in modules
A number of extra functions can be added to MULTICAL 402 by means of plug-in modules. The individual modules are briefly described below.


Pulse inputs

Pulse inputs (VA) and (VB) are used for the connection of extra water meters with either Reed switch output or passive electronic pulse output. Min. pulse duration is 30 msec. and max. pulse frequency is 0.5 Hz. If a module with pulse inputs is mounted in MULTICAL 402, the meter is automatically configured for pulse inputs. Please note that the pulse figure (litres/pulse) must match between the extra water meters and the configuration of VA and VB. After delivery the configuration of VA and VB (config FF and GG) can be changed by means of the PC program METERTOOL. 65 66 67 68 + + (VA) Pulse input

(VB) Pulse input


Pulse outputs

Pulse outputs for energy (CE) and volume (CV) are designed with darlington optocouplers and are available with many of the plug-in modules. Max. voltage and current is 30 VDC and 10 mA. If a module with pulse outputs is mounted in MULTICAL 402, the meter is automatically configured for pulse outputs. The pulse duration is ordered at 32 msec. or 0.1 sec. After delivery the pulse duration can be changed by means of the PC program METERTOOL. The resolutions of the pulse outputs always follow the least significant digits of energy and volume respectively in the display.

16 17 18 19

+ + -

(CE) Pulse output for energy

(CV) Pulse output for volume


Data + pulse inputs, type 402-0-10

The data terminals are used for connection of e.g. a PC. The signal is passive and galvanically separated by means of optocoup-lers. Conversion into RS232 level requires connection of data cable 66-99-106 (D-Sub 9F) or 66-99-098 (USB) with the following connections: 62 63 64 Brown White Green (DAT) (REQ) (GND)


Data + pulse outputs, type 402-0-11

The data terminals are used for connection of e.g. a PC. The signal is passive and galvanically separated by means of optocoup-lers. Conversion into RS232 level requires connection of data cable 66-99-106 (D-Sub 9F) or 66-99-098 (USB) as follows: 62 63 64 Brown White Green (DAT) (REQ) (GND)



M-Bus + pulse inputs, type 402-00-20

M-Bus module with primary, secondary and enhanced secondary addressing. The module is connected to an M-Bus master via terminals 24 and 25 using a twisted pair. The polarity is unimportant. The module is powered by the connected master.


M-Bus + pulse outputs, type 402-00-21

M-Bus module with primary, secondary and enhanced secondary addressing. The module is connected to an M-Bus master via terminals 24 and 25 using a twisted pair. The polarity is unimportant. The module is powered by the connected master.


Wireless M-Bus, type 402-0-30

The radio module has been designed to form part of Kamstrups hand-held Wireless M-Bus Reader system, which operates in the licencefree frequency band in the 868 MHz area. The radio module comes fitted with internal antenna as well as connection for external antenna. Mounting an external antenna it must be secured that the antenna cable does not become caught between the PCB and the stay of the cover. Replacing or mounting modules the meter must be without current. The same applies when mounting an external antenna.



Radio, type 402-0-40 and 402-0-41

These radio modules are your first choice for reading via Kamstrups hand-held reading systems, e.g. USB Meter Reader and hand-held terminal MT Pro, which operate in the licencefree frequency band in the 434 MHz area. The radio module comes fitted with internal antenna.


Radio+ pulse inputs, type 402-0-42 and 402-0-44

The radio modules have been optimized to form part of a Kamstrup radio network system, which operates in the licence-free frequency band in the 434 MHz area, but can also be used for the hand-held reading systems in the same frequency area. The radio module comes fitted with internal antenna as well as connection for external antenna and two pulse inputs.

9.10 Radio+ pulse outputs, type 402-0-43 and 402-0-45

The radio modules have been optimized to form part of a Kamstrup radio network system, which operates in the licence-free frequency band in the 434 MHz area, but can also be used for the hand-held reading systems in the same frequency area. The radio module comes fitted with internal antenna as well as connection for external antenna and two pulse outputs. Mounting an external antenna it must be secured that the antenna cable does not become caught between the PCB and the stay of the cover. Replacing or mounting modules the meter must be without current. The same applies when mounting an external antenna.

10. Setup via front keys

Date, time and primary M-Bus address can be adjusted by means of the keys on the calculators front. 1 In the display you select the reading you want to change 2 Disconnect the supply plug from the meter 3 Wait until the meter has switched off (up to 2.5 minutes). Do not press any keys while the supply is connected to 4 Keep pressing the main key the meter (connecting the supply plug to the meter) until no lines are shown in the display 5 The setup menu is now active Having activated the setup menu the reading you want to change is displayed and at the same time the digit at the far right of the display flashes:

The value of the flashing digit can be changed by pressing the subkey . The digit is increased by one each time you press the key, and at 9 it reverts to 0:


Pressing the main key

you go to the next digit from right to left:

The active digit flashes and this digit can now be changed by pressing the subkey . You go to the first digit on the right by means of the main key . When the value of the reading has been changed you quit by pressing the main key continuously for 5-6 seconds. Now check whether the value is valid for the reading in question. If so, the value is saved and the new value is displayed with the OK symbol on. If not, the old value is displayed without the OK symbol.


Consumed energy in kWh, MWh or GJ

Latest target date

Energy count on latest target date followed by energy count on last years target date Consumed district heating water
Followed by monthly counts

Latest target date Volume count on latest target date followed by volume count on last years target date

Number of operating hours

Followed by monthly counts

Current forward temperature

(*) Press to view yearly and monthly average values

Current return temperature

(*) Press to view yearly and monthly average values

Current differential temperature (cooling)

Current water flow

(*) Press to see this years max. value as well as yearly and monthly logging values

Current heat-flow rate

(*) Press to see this years max. value as well as yearly and monthly logging values. Followed by totalized water consumption on input A and B.

Current information code

(Contact your district heating company if the value differs from 0)

Reading of number of INFO code events

Data logger shows the date

and then the INFO codes of the latest 36 events

The eight most significant digits of the customer number

The eight least significant digits of the customer number. In this example the customer number is 12345678912 Current date

Current time

Target date displayed as month and day. In this example 1 June The calculators serial number

The calculators program number.

In this example: Flow meter in return pipe, MWh and 100 imp/l. Followed by the calculators configuration number and software edition.

DDD = 213 (*) DDD = 212 Also see interactive user guides at www.kamstrup.com

Display test


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