Citing and Referencing Guide: Numerical: WWW - - Uk/ils
Citing and Referencing Guide: Numerical: WWW - - Uk/ils
Citing and Referencing Guide: Numerical: WWW - - Uk/ils
What is it? Why do it? What is citing? How to do it citing How to do it - footnote/endnote list How to do it - layout for footnote/endnote list Layout for: Books chapters in books books that have been translated books written in a foreign language journal articles e-journal articles newspaper articles theses conference proceedings white and green papers statutory instruments patents reports maps WWW podcasts weblogs emails multimedia personal communication interviews presentations / lectures
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What is it?
There are many different styles of referencing; this is a guide to the Numeric style. Referencing is a way of acknowledging that you have used the ideas and written material belonging to another author. It demonstrates for example, that you have undertaken an appropriate literature search and that you have carried out appropriate reading. The following are examples of sources you might access and need to reference: Books Journal articles Electronic journal articles World Wide Web pages Emails Video, films, CD-ROMs & audio tape recordings Newspapers Conference papers Pamphlets Radio / TV broadcasts (you must check that your lecturer is happy for you to use this type of material in your assignment) Personal communication Interviews (If this is a personal interview, you must always ask permission of the interviewee before using such material)
Why do it?
So that anyone reading your assignments can trace the sources you have used in the development of your work. If you do not acknowledge another writers work or ideas, you could be accused of plagiarism. Accurate referencing is good academic practice and enhances the presentation of your work.
What is citing?
When you write an essay or a piece of coursework you will use many different sources of information. When you use someone else ideas from a book, journal article etc. you must acknowledge this in your text. We refer to this as 'citing'.
How to do it citing
Citing in the body of the text When you cite a piece of work you use a number which will correspond with the full details of the book, journal article etc which will be written in your reference list. You can use brackets or superscript. Example The report [1] emphasises that the research was Example The report 1 emphasises that the research done by Holstein was in direct conflict with that produced by Greene. If your information you refer to in your sentence(s) has come from several sources you must cite all of them.
Example It has been proven that the research in this area is inconclusive 1, 3, 6 8 however Smith 2 declares .
TIP: Superscript If you are using Microsoft Word you can either use the footnote function position your cursor where you want the number to be, then click on Insert / Referencing / Footnote or type a number and highlight it, then click on Format / Font / Superscript
Quoting in the text Often it is better to paraphrase than to use direct quotes. Paraphrasing is putting text from source material into your own words. This demonstrates that you have understood the meaning and context of what you have read. You must always reference paraphrased material. If a direct quote from a book, article etc. is used you must: Use quotation marks. Either single or double quotation marks may be used but you should always be consistent and not switch between the two. State the author If there is more than one author use et al. after the first author State the page number Example one author Simpson 12 (p6) declared that the explosive behaviour was unexpected. or (Simpson 12 p6) declared that the explosive behaviour was unexpected. Example more than one author Simpson, et al. 12 (p6) declared that the explosive behaviour was unexpected. or (Simpson, et al. 12 p6) declared that the explosive behaviour was unexpected.
Have a separate, indented paragraph for quotes over two lines. Example Boden 22 (p72) states: The most common female crime prosecuted at the Quarter Sessions was that of battering men. This would suggest that women were not the passive and obedient members of society that men would have liked to believe they were.
Alternatively The most common female crime prosecuted at the Quarter Sessions was that of battering men. This would suggest that women were not the passive and obedient members of society that men would have liked to believe they were. (Boden 22 p72) Alternatively Part of the original text may be omitted from the quotation as long as three dots are used to indicate this. Example Boden 22 (p72) states: The most common female crime prosecuted at the Quarter Sessions was that of battering men women beating or dominating a man was a particularly sensitive issue as it threatened the perpetuation of the patriarchal society
TIP: Consistency You can use [ ] or superscript You can use Simpson 12 (p6) or (Simpson 12 p6) But do not switch between the two always use the same format be consistent!!
Duplication of charts, diagrams, pictures etc. should be treated as direct quotes in that the author(s) should be acknowledged and page numbers shown.
Example The Department of Health 6 (p3) or The Department of Health 6 (no page no) If there is no author or corporate author use the title of the document as the main point of reference.
CD-ROMs If there is not an obvious author use the title of the CD-ROM as the main point of reference. Example Encyclopaedia Britannica 6 Multimedia If a video recording or audio-cassette is cited, the series title should be used as the author. Example World in Action 3
Example [1] Picard, J. Logistics and the Borg, Starbug Tribune, 36, 2004, pp 44-49. [2] Ibid. p 45 [3] Rymer, J. Smith, T. & Jones. E. Nottingham Forest - Dream Team, Blackwell, London, 2005. pp 67-98. [4] Asperger's Syndrome. [Online] Available from: [Accessed 19th September 2002]. [5] Rymer, Op. Cit. p 94.
TIP: Footnote/endnote list It will save a lot of time and frustration if you create your reference list as you go along. If you have been using the footnote function in Microsoft Word then the numerical list will have automatically have been created for you. Remember a specific format for each source type is required.
Alternatively Smith, B. Time to go Home. Journal of Hyperactivity, [Online] 2005, 6 (4), pp 122 123. Available from: Pubmed [Accessed 6th June, 2002].
You present that information as follows: Example Paakkinen, Jouni. All Singing, All Dancing, The Springfield Times, [Online] Wednesday 16th October 2002, p 6. Available from: [Accessed 15th November, 2002].
You present that information as follows: Example of individual paper from conference proceedings Grigio, P. Aphides and the Pasqua grape, In: Rosemount, T. WASS. Proceedings of the 5th annual conference, Florida Press, Florida, 2005, pp 56 78.
Title (this should be in italics) The abbreviation: SI Statutory Instrument number Publisher Place of publication Date of publication Page numbers (use p before a single page number and pp where there are multiple pages) You present that information as follows: Example The Public Contract Regulations 2006. SI 2006/5, TSO (The Stationary Office), London, 2006, pp 45 46.
You present that information as follows: Example Geographical Survey of Great Britain, Brighton, 1:50.000. AA Publishing, London, 1972.
N.B. If there is no author or corporate author use the title of the document as the main point of reference.
Films Title of film (this should be in italics) [Film] Director Production company and place of production Date You present that information as follows: Example Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, [Film] Directed by: Chris Columbus. Warner Brothers, USA, 2002.
Online version Author Title of presentation / lecture Presented at the conference / meeting title (this should be in italics) Conference / meeting location [Online] Year Available from: URL [Date of access] You present that information as follows: Example Solo, H. Light speed and prevailing problems, Presented at the School of Aeronautics, London, [Online] 2003. Available from: [Accessed 20th May 2005].
Picard, J. Logistics and the Borg, Starbug Tribune, 36, 2004, pp 44-49.
Asperger's Syndrome. [Online] Available from: [Accessed 19th September 2002 ]. Picard, Op. Cit. p 46. Rymer, J. Smith, T. & Jones. E Nottingham Forest - Dream Team , Blackwell, London, 2005. pp 67-98. Ibid. p 95. Open University. All work and no play, [Video:VHS] London, ITV, 21st January 2003.
Bibliography list
There may be items which you have consulted for your work, but not cited. These can be listed at the end of your assignment in a bibliography. These items should be listed in alphabetical order by author and laid out in the same way as items in your reference list.
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