Fidelity Real Estate Investment Portfolio
Fidelity Real Estate Investment Portfolio
Fidelity Real Estate Investment Portfolio
REIT overview
U.S. Congress created Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) in 1960 as a way to make investment in large-scale, income-producing real estate accessible to all investors. The birth of REITs provided the general public with access to a new set of investment opportunities, which previously had only been available to institutional investors and wealthy individuals through direct real estate investment. In its early years, the industry was dominated by mortgage REITs, which provide debt financing for commercial or residential properties through their investment in mortgages and mortgage-backed securities. Equity REITs that own and manage commercial properties were limited due to laws that required separation of asset ownership and management. Passage of the Tax Reform Act of 1986 permitted REITs to both own and manage properties and set the stage for a wave of equity IPOs in the mid-1990s, which caused the number of REITs to skyrocket from 119 in 1990 to 219 in 1995 (Exhibit 1). Today, the majority of publicly traded U.S. REITs are equity REITs that own and typically manage commercial real estate properties. REITs operate across a diverse group of sectors and are not directly exposed to single-family residential housing (Exhibit 2). To qualify as a REIT in the U.S., companies must invest at least 75% of total assets in real estate, derive at least 75% of gross income as rent from real property or interest from mortgages on real property, and distribute annually at least 90% of taxable income to shareholders in the form of dividends. exhibit 1 GROwth OF u.S. Reit uNiveRSe SiNCe FuNd iNCePtiON
250 Equity Market Capitalization # of REITs 500 Equity Market Capitalization in Billions $ Mortgage Timber 10.0% 5.1% Self Storage 5.8% Lodging/Resorts 4.3% Diversied 7.2% Health Care 11.3%
kEy TakEaways
On November 17, 2011, the Fidelity Real estate investment Portfolio celebrated its 25th year anniversary. the fund is one of the industrys oldest and largest mutual funds dedicated to real estate securities investment. Steve buller joined Fidelity in 1992 and has been managing the fund since 1998. Steve is only the funds second portfolio manager, having taken over for its original skipper, barry Greenfield.
Retail 23.5%
# of REITs
Industrial/Ofce 16.9%
Residential 15.9%
1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010
Source: Fidelity Asset Management, as of 9/30/11. FTSE NAREIT Equity REITs Index is used to represent REITs. S&P 500 is used to represent stocks. Barclays U.S. Aggregate Bond Index is used to represent bonds. Past performance is no guarantee of future results.
could be willing to accept higher levels of volatility in exchange for the perceived higher return potential offered by Portfolio #4. This hypothetical example makes clear the potential diversification benefits of adding REITs to a traditional portfolio consisting of U.S. stocks and bonds.
Source: Morningstar EnCorr, as of 10/31/11. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. FTSE NAREIT Equity REITs Index is used to represent REITs. S&P 500 is used to represent U.S. Equities. Barclays U.S. Aggregate Bond Index is used to represent U.S. Bonds. The asset class (index) returns reflect the reinvestment of dividends and other earnings. This chart is for illustrative purposes only and does not represent actual or future performance of any investment option. It is not possible to invest directly in a market index.
capital growth, consistent with reasonable investment risk. The fund seeks to provide a yield that exceeds the composite yield of the S&P 500 Index. The fund seeks to find the appropriate balance between offensive and defensive REIT equities in order to participate in up-markets and to help minimize losses during down-markets. The portfolio is diversified across 40-60 holdings and varying business models, geographies and property types. Property types generally include office buildings, health care facilities, apartments, retail and industrial properties. geographically, the portfolio manager looks to invest across many regions of the country, both in urban and suburban areas. Each sector, region and business model can have vastly different supply/ demand dynamics and varying economic exposures. The portfolio manager utilizes all of Fidelitys global research resources to help him gain an edge in the dynamic and rapidly changing commerexhibit 5: Steve buller utilizes Fidelitys global resources.
Portfolio Manager Steve Buller, CFA
U.S. Real Estate Securities Research Team of 9 investment professionals International RE Securities Research Team of 12 investment professionals REIT Trading Desk Dedicated traders in the U.S. with other markets utilizing local trading desks Fixed Income Over 90 research professionals worldwide
Top-Down Perspective Economic Conditions/ Outlook Analyst Best Ideas Regional Conditions Thematic Positioning Sector Allocation Fund Company Dedicated Weightings Trading Sector Weightings
Price To NAV FFO Multiple5 AFFO Multiple6 EBITDA Multiple7 Dividend Yield
Capital Flows Short Interest Charts Fund Flows
U.S. and International Equity Research Over 380 research professionals worldwide
Quantitative Research
cial property market. he also utilizes resources outside of Fidelity, which enables him to effectively manage the fund. Fidelitys global real estate securities research team consists of 21 investment professionals based in eight different countries. The sheer size of this team combined with its geographic disper-
Investment philosophy
REITs are a balance of real estate and stocks Recognizing attributes of both is key to maximizing performance We consider real estate securities markets to be inefficient due to short-term behavioral dislocations that can offer attractive long-term investment opportunities Security selection is critical Consistent with Fidelitys bottom-up investment philosophy across the organization Maintain flexibility to adapt to changing investment environment Particularly necessary during challenging periods
sion allows analysts to focus narrowly on a respective sector and/ or geography something that we believe gives us a competitive advantage over many of our peers. Other Fidelity resources that provide key inputs to the funds investment process include the six person real estate debt team, quantitative and technical research tools, dedicated real estate securities traders and Fidelitys renowned U.S. and international equity and fixed income research organizations (Exhibit 5, above left).
exhibit 7
Fund Positioning Pre-2008 Stock selection 20082009 Offensive/ defensive strategy 20102011 Companies with strong external growth prospects Today Stock selection
els and individual companies. As we moved into 2010, we began focusing on companies that we believed had strong external growth prospects that could drive future investment returns. As such, the fund invested in REITs that we thought would take advantage of their relatively inexpensive cost of capital to buy properties in an accretive manner. More recently, we have found ourselves focused on bottom-up stock picking driven, primarily, by fundamentals and valuation. We believe that in an environment characterized by elevated volatility and global economic angst, this strategy offers us the best opportunity to achieve the funds objectives. exhibit 8
Source: Fidelity Asset Management, as of 10/31/11. The chart illustrates the performance of a hypothetical $100 investment made in the fund on 12/31/86. Figures include reinvestment of capital gains and dividends, but do not reflect the effect of any applicable sales charges or redemption fees, which would lower these figures. This chart is not intended to imply any future performance of the fund. Understanding investment performance: As you review this update, please remember that the performance data stated represents past performance, which does not guarantee future results. Investment return and principal value of an investment will fluctuate; therefore, you may have a gain or loss when you sell your shares. Current performance may be higher or lower than the performance stated. To learn more or to obtain the most recent month-end performance, call Fidelity or visit
Source: Fidelity Asset Management, as of 9/30/11. Total returns are historical and include change in share value and reinvestment of dividends and capital gains, if any. Life of Fund figures are reported as of the inception date to the period indicated. These figures do not include the effect of sales charges, if any. If sales charges were included, returns would have been lower. Morningstar Percent Beaten is the funds total-return percentile rank relative to all funds that have the same Morningstar Category. % Beaten is based on total returns which include reinvested dividends and capital gains, if any, and exclude sales charges.
Before investing, consider the funds investment objectives, risks, charges, and expenses. Contact Fidelity for a prospectus or, if available, a summary prospectus containing this information. Read it carefully.
Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Stock markets, especially foreign markets, are volatile and can decline significantly in response to adverse issuer, political, regulatory, market, or economic developments. Foreign securities are subject to interest rate, currency exchange rate, economic, and political risks. Real Estate is a cyclical industry that is sensitive to interest rates, economic conditions (both nationally and locally), property tax rates, and other factors. The fund may have additional volatility because it can invest a significant portion of assets in securities of a small number of individual issuers. In general the bond market is volatile, and fixed income securities carry interest rate risk. (As interest rates rise, bond prices usually fall, and vice versa. This effect is usually more pronounced for longer-term securities.) Fixed income securities also carry inflation risk and credit and default risks for both issuers and counterparties. Unlike individual bonds, most bond funds do not have a maturity date, so avoiding losses caused by price volatility by holding them until maturity is not possible. lowerquality debt securities involve greater risk of default or price changes due to potential changes in the credit quality of the issuer. Views expressed are as of november 14, 2011 and may change based on market and other conditions. Unless otherwise noted, the opinions provided are those of the author and not necessarily those of Fidelity Investments. These materials are provided for informational purposes only and should not be used or construed as a recommendation of any security, sector, or investment strategy. Please consult your tax or financial advisor for additional information concerning your specific situation.
6 7 8
AFFO: Adjusted Funds from Operations. EBITdA: Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, depreciation and Amortization.
gross Expense Ratio is the total annual fund operating expense ratio from the funds most recent prospectus.
2011 Morningstar, Inc. All rights reserved. The Morningstar information contained herein: (1) is proprietary to Morningstar and/or its content providers; (2) may not be copied or redistributed; and (3) is not warranted to be accurate, complete or timely. neither Morningstar nor its content providers are responsible for any damages or losses arising from any use of this information. Fidelity does not review the Morningstar data and, for mutual fund performance, you should check the funds current prospectus for the most up-to-date information concerning applicable loads, fees and expenses. Indices are unmanaged and you cannot invest directly in an index. Standard & Poors 500 Index is an unmanaged index of large-cap stocks commonly used as a measure of U.S. stock market performance. The BofA Merrill lynch BB US high Yield Constrained Index is a modified market capitalizationweighted index of US dollar denominated below investment grade corporate debt publicly issued in the US domestic market. Qualifying securities must have an average rating (based on Moodys, S&P and Fitch) between BB1 and BB3, inclusive, and an investment grade rated country of risk. In addition, qualifying securities must have at least one year remaining to final maturity, a fixed coupon schedule and at least $100 million in outstanding face value. defaulted securities are excluded. The index contains all securities of The BofA Merrill lynch BB US high Yield Index but caps issuer exposure at 2%. The Barclays Capital U.S. Aggregate Bond Index is an unmanaged index of domestic investment-grade bonds, including corporate, government and mortgage-backed securities. dow Jones U.S. Select Real Estate Securities Index is a float-adjusted market capitalizationweighted index of publicly traded real estate securities such as real estate investment trusts (REITs) and real estate operating companies (REOCs). FTSE nAREIT Equity REITs Index is a market capitalizationweighted index that is designed to measure the performance of taxqualified Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) that are listed on the new York Stock Exchange, the American Stock Exchange, or the nASdAQ national Market list with more than fifty percent of total assets in qualifying real estate assets secured by real property. Mortgage and Timber REITs are excluded. Fidelity Brokerage Services llC, Member nYSE, SIPC, 900 Salem Street Smithfield, RI 02917 Fidelity Investments Institutional Services Company, Inc., 100 Salem Street, Smithfield, RI 02917 600090.2.0 2011 FMR llC. All rights reserved.
Correlation coefficient is a measure of the interdependencies of two random variables that range in value from 1 to +1, indicating perfect negative correlation at 1, absence of correlation at zero, and perfect positive correlation at +1. Mean-variance optimization mathematically accounts for expected return (mean) and risk (variance) in an attempt to find optimal portfolios along the so-called efficient frontier with the maximum return for the minimum risk.
The Sharpe ratio compares portfolio returns above the risk-free rate relative to overall portfolio volatility. A higher Sharpe ratio implies better risk-adjusted returns.
Standard deviation shows how much variation there is from the average (mean or expected value). A low standard deviation indicates that the data points tend to be very close to the mean, whereas a high standard deviation indicates that the data points are spread out over a large range of values.