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120-Nr-M.D. Degree Examination - June, 2008-Pathology-Paper-I

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120-NR-M.D. DEGREE EXAMINATION APRIL, 2010-PATHOLOGY-Paper-I General Pathology-Time: 3 Hours-Max.

. Marks: 100-Note: Answer all-All questions carry equal marks Write Short Essays On The Following: 1. Describe the cell ultra structure and its role in health and disease. 2. Chemokines. 3. Endotoxic shock. 4. Mononuclear phagocytic system. 5. Fragile X syndrome. 6. Natural killer cells in health and disease. 7. Primary immune deficiency. 8. Apoptosis. 9. Pathological calcification. 10. Classification and characterization of Amyloidosis. 120-NR-M.D. DEGREE EXAMINATION NOVEMBER, 2009-PATHOLOGY-PAPER-I Paper-I : Gen.Pathology-Time: 3 Hrs-Max. Mrks: 100-Note: Answer all-All questions carry equal marks Write Short Essays On The Following: 1. Describe the role of myofibroblast in health and disease. 2. Phagocytosis. 3. Modes and mechanisms of spread of neoplasms. 4. Hypercoagulable states. 5. Type I hypersensitivity reactions. 6. Genomic imprinting 7. Leucotrienes. 8. Cytokines in health and disease. 9. Secondary wound healing. 10. Describe the role of growth factors in health and disease. 120-NR-M.D. DEGREE EXAMINATION APRIL/MAY, 2009-PATHOLOGY-PAPER-I Write Short Essays On The Following: 1. Describe the mechanisms of Apoptosis and specific examples of apoptosis. 2. Describe the mechanisms of defects in protein folding and its role in diseases. 3. Describe the role of cell adhesion molecule in health and disease. 4. Describe etiopathogenesis and mediators of septic shock. 5. Describe Etiopathogenesis of systemic Lupus erythematosus. (SLE). 6. Describe Tumor suppressor genes in detail. 7. Describe in detail the effects of the tobacco abuse on various organs of the body. 8. Discuss pathology and pathogenesis of Niemann picks disease. 9. Describe the medical applications of Polymerase Chain Reaction (P.C.R.) 10. Discuss the process of angiogenesis in healing and disease. 120-NR-M.D. DEGREE EXAMINATION PATHOLOGY-NOVEMBER, 2008-Paper-I
Write Short Essays On The Following: 1. Describe the cytoskeleton in health and disease. 2. Discuss the process of normal bone calcification and explain in detail pathogenesis and pathology of pathologic calcification. 3. Describe the role of chemokines in inflammation. 4. Describe the pathophysiology of thrombosis. 5. Discuss the experimental aspects and recent advances in the phenomenon of repair. 6. Discuss the Immunopathology and Laboratory Diagnosis of Leprosy. 7. Describe viral and microbial carcinogenesis. 8. Explain the effects of Exogenous Estrogen and oral contraceptives on various organs of the body. 9. Describe in detail immuno pathogenesis of HIV disease. 10) Discuss the role of immuno-histochemistry in diagnostic pathology. 120-NR-M.D. DEGREE EXAMINATION JUNE, 2008-PATHOLOGY-Paper-I 1. Discuss the pathophysiology of pulmonary edema. 2. Discuss in detail pathology of cell injury during Ischemia / Hypoxia. 3. Describe the source, derivation and functions of Leukotrienes. 4. Classify Leprosy and discuss the immunopathology of leprosy. 5. Discuss the role of growth factors in wound healing. 6. Describe the mechanisms involved in transplant rejection and discuss the methods of increasing graft survival. 7. Describe the opportunistic infections of AIDS and mention the neoplasms found in H.I.V.infection. 8. Describe the major chemical carcinogens and steps involved in chemical carcinogenesis. 9. Describe the Acute Radiation Injury and delayed complications caused by Ionizing radiation. 10. Discuss pathology and pathogenesis of Gauchers disease.

120-NR- NOVEMBER, 2007 Write short essays on the following: 1. Tonofilaments 2. Role of cells in inflammation 3. Thrombogenesis 4. Shock Lung 5. DNA Probes 6. Viral Oncogens 7. Vegetations 8. Fat Necrosis 9. Alcoholic Liver disease 10.Growth Factor MAY/JUNE, 2007 (N.R.) 1. Describe the histology, immunohistochemistry, functions and the role of endothelial cells in health and disease. 2. Define and classify adhesion molecules and describe their role in pathology. 3. Describe the steps in the healing of fracture and its complications. 4. Describe in detail virchows triad. 5. Define, classify and describe premalignant lesions. 6. Describe the pathomechanisms and significance of Type III hypersensitivity reactions with examples. 7. Define and classify infarct. Describe its morphology and fate. 8. Describe the mendelian pattern of genetic inheritance with examples. 9. Describe the plasma derived chemical mediators of inflammation. 10.Define and classify granuloma. Describe its pathogenesis and fate. NOVEMBER-2006 (N.R.) 1. Obesity & Disease 2. Acute Phase Reactants 3. Mechanism of Metastasis 4. Growth factors 5. Cytoskeletal abnormalities 6. Non-Reactive Tuberculosis 7. Tobacco and Neoplasia 8. Carcinoid Syndrome 9. Prions 10.Apoptosis NOVEMBER-2006 O.R. 1. Discuss immune deficiency disorders, add a note on laboratory Tests to confirm the diagnosis 2. Discuss multi-step Carcinogenesis 3. Write short notes on: a) Role of endotherical cell in imflammation b) X linked disorders c) Anti microbial functions of Antobodies d) Free Radicals in cell injury MAY/JUNE- 2006. (N.R.) 1.Value of Antigens for analysis of anapestic tumours =10m; 2. Laboratory Information systems=10m 3. Complications of repair reaction=10m 4. Tumour immunology=10m 5. Host prosthetic interactions=10m 6. Pathology and organ involvement in infection by Bacillus anthracis=10m 7. Role of special stains in the diagnosis of fungi and related pathogens=10m; 8. Hepatic trematode infections=10 9. Intracellular accumulations in cell injury=10m 10.Value and role of autopsy in pathology practice=10m MAY-2006 (Old Regulations) 1. Mention most important growth factors and cytokines involved in tissue regeneration and repair. What is their function ? Discuss the signaling mechanisms in cell growth 2. Discuss the carcinogenic agents and their cellular events 3. Write short notes on: a) Delayed Radiation injury b) Morphology of transplant reaction c) Selectins and integrins d) Physical and chemical nature of Amyloid APR/MAY, 2005. (N.R.) 1. Describe the causes, morphology and mechanisms that underlie Apoptosis 2. Describe the endothelial and leukocyte derived adhesion molecules and their role in inflammation 3. Describe the process of Angiogenesis in detail. 4. Explain the role of endothelium in Thrombosis and Haemostasis 5. Classify Lysosomal storage disease. Describe Glycogen storage diseases in detail. 6. Describe the causes and mechanisms that underlie development of autoimmune diseases. 7. Classify Oncogenes. Describe their role in neoplasia. 8. Describe the mechanisms involved in the processes of Invasion and Metastasis. 9. Describe the mechanisms of tissue injury induced by bacteria 10.Describe Radiation induced tissue injury in detail APR/MAY, 2005. (O.R.) 1. Discuss the role of Chemical Atherosclerosis in Neoplasia 2. Describe the recent concept of Atherosclerosis 3. Write short a) Cell adaptation Pulmonary b) Pulmonary oedema c) Air Pollutants d) Staining of Mycobacteria. SEPT./OCT., 2004. (N.R.) 1. Describe the physiologic and structure alterations with the mechanisms that underline aging process. 2. What are the free Radicals and how they bring about cell injury? Briefly describe the mechanisms that contribute to inactivation of free radicals. 3. Describe the source, derivation and functions of various classes of cytokines. 4. Define and classify granulomatous inflammation. Describe the prerequisites and the mechanisms involved in the formation of granuloma. 5. Define and classify amyloidosis. Explain the current concepts in the pathogenesis of systemic amyloidosis. 6. Describe in detail the immunopathogenesis of HIVinfection 7. Describe the current concepts of thrombogenesis.

8. Describe the cytoskeleton in health and disease. 9. Describe the viral oncogenesis in detail 10. Describe ethanol metabolism. Explain the effects of chronic ethanol abuse on various organs of the body. SEPT./OCT., 2004. (O.R.) 1. Discuss in detail Pathogenic Human Viruses. Add a note on viruses associated with cancer. 2. Discuss the role of various gene classes involved in cancer. 3. Write short notes on: a) Cytokines b) Fibronectins c) Urea cycle defects d) Flow cytometry MARCH/APRIL, 2004. (N.R.) 1. Clinical applications of Image analysis =10m 2. Adhesion molecules in Inflammation =10m 3. Theories of cellular ageing=10m 4. Tumour Suppressor Genes 5. Mechanisms of Auto Immune Disease=10m 6. Amyloidogenesis 7. Cardiac Thrombosis 8. Infections resembling Mycosis=10m 9. Biological effects of radiation=10m 10.Telepathology=10m MARCH/APRIL, 2004.(O.R.). 1. Discuss pathogenesis and pathology of shock. 2. Discuss recent concepts in etiology of Neoplasia. 3. Write short notes on: a) AIDS related common infections b) Staining characteristics of Amyloid. c) Cytokines d) Morphology of Radiation injury. SEPT./OCT.2003 (N.R.) 1. Modifications of P.C.R.(Polymerase Chain Reaction) 2. Chemokmines and Inflammation 3. Free Radicals in Cell Injury 4. Endothelial cells in health and disease 5. Immunological alterations in HIV infection 6. DNA repair Genes 7. Stages of shock 8. Primary Gangrene 9. HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) and neoplasia 10. Neural networks. (Each=10m) SEPT./OCT.2003. (O.R.) 1. Discuss the etiopathogenesis and pathology of ascites. 2. Describe the various aspects of chemical carcinogenesis 3. Write short notes on: a) Bethesda system of classification b) Cell proliferation markers c) HEV (High Endothelial Venule) d) Gaucher disease MARCH, 2003. 1. Discuss the role of cytokines and chemokines in health and disease. 2. Discuss the various prognostic markers in cancer. 3. Write short: a) Mucins b) Reactive lymphadenopathy c) Pathology of multiple organ failure syndrome d) Pathological calcification SEPT./OCT.2002 1. Classify auto-immune diseases. Discuss the aetiopathogenesis & pathology of systemic Lupus Erythematosus. 2. Describe the genetic pathway of programmed cell death. Add a note on the role of programmed cell death in the pathogenesis of disease. 3. Write short notes on: a) Flow Cytometry b) Role of adhesion molecules in inflammation. c) Endothelial cell in health and disease d) Tumour antigens MAY, 2000. 1. Discuss the role of enzyme histochemistry in the understanding of tissue lesions. 2. Discuss the recent concepts about shock. 3. Write short notes on: a) Role of free radicals in cell injury b) Atrophy c) Systemic effects of neoplasia d) Proliferation markers JUNE, 1999. 1. Discuss irreversible cell injury in detail giving examples and add a note on apoptosis. 2. Discuss in detail immunology of diabetes mellitus. 3. Write short notes on: a) Pathology of obesity b) Chlamydial diseases c) Amino acid disorders

d) Chromosomal bonding techniques.

JANUARY, 1999. 1. Discuss the role of arachidonic acid metabolism in inflammation. 2. Discuss in detail pathogenic human viruses. Add a note on viruses associated with cancer. 3. Write short: a) Storage diseases b) Organic acidemias c) Cytokines d) Teratogenic agents. AUGUST, 1998. 1. Discuss the pathogenic mechanisms of septic shock. Describe the pathology of the organs involved. 2. Discuss the pathology of radiation injury.

3. Write short : a) Rickets b) Cytokines c) Primary immuno-deficiency syndromes c) Cancer suppressor genes 3

FEBRUARY, 1998. 1. Discuss the aetiopathogenesis of Amyloidosis. Write briefly about the demonstration of amyloid in tissues. 2. Discuss the role of various gene classes involved in cancer. 3. a) Fibronectins b)Non-neoplastic hazards of smoking c)Local immune-complex disease d)Viral inclusions. SEPTEMBER, 1997. 1.Write in detail about the Immune complex disease in humans. 2. Discuss in detail about Ehlers-Danlos syndromes.

3. Write: a) Inflammatory Myopathies b) Paraneoplastic syndromes c)Radiation injury d)Types of Shock

SEPTEMBER, 1996. 1. Describe the role of electron microscopy in the study of cell injury. 2. Discuss the role of phagocytosis in the containment of infection and inflammation.

3. Write : a) Pulmonary oedema

b) Oncogenes c) Stains for fungal elements d) Basement membrane

APRIL, 1996. 1. Discuss the role of immuno-histochemistry in studying various disorders of human tissues. 2. Describe the composition of the tissue matrix with emphasis on collagen. What are collagen disorders. 3. Write short notes on: a) Klinefelters syndrome b) Free radicals in tissue injury c) Abnormal calcification d) Growth factors

Compiled by: V.Suryanarayana, Asst.Librarian, NTRUHS,VJA. E-mail: [email protected]

It is a special service offered to the medical community since -1981

121-NR-M.D. DEGREE EXAMINATION APRIL, 2010-PATHOLOGY-Paper-II Special Pathology-Time: 3 Hrs-Max. Mrks:100-Note: Answer all -All questions carry equal marks Write Short Essays On The Following: 1. Endomyocardial fibrosis. 2. Diseases associated with alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency. 3. Mechanisms of glomerular inury. 4. Urolithiasis. 5. Demyelinating diseases. 6. Primitive neuroectodermal tumour (PNET). 7. Pagets disease of bone. 8. Hepatocellular carcinoma fibrolamellar variant. 9. Role of macrophages and immunity in leprosy. 10.Merits and demerits of various classifications of nonhodgkins lymphoma. 121-NR-M.D. DEGREE EXAMINATION NOVEMBER, 2009-PATHOLOGY-Paper-II : Special Write Short Essays On The Following: 1. Describe the aetio-pathology and complications of infective endocarditis. 2. Germ cell tumours of ovary. 3. Biliary calculi. 4. Hammon-Rich Syndrome. 5. Crohns disease. 6. Premalignant lesions of oral cavity. 7. Malakoplakia. 8.Diabetic Kidney. 9. Psoriasis. 10. Epiphyseal bone lesions in young. 121-NR-M.D. DEGREE EXAMINATION APRIL/MAY, 2009-PATHOLOGY-Paper-II Write Short Essays On The Following: 1. Discuss the pathology of cardiomyopathies. 2. Discuss Asbestos related neoplasia. 3. Discuss the pathology and pathogenesis of lesions caused by Helicobacter pylori infection. 4. Discuss Lymphnode pathology in AIDS. 5. Discuss lesions of bone with giant cells. 6. Discuss recent concepts in pathology and pathogenesis of metaplasias in female genital tract. 7. Discuss pathology of anterior lobe of pituitary. 8. Discuss the progress in diagnosis and prognosis of malignant melanoma. 9. Classify degenerative disease of brain and discuss about Alzheimers disease. 10. Discuss the recent concepts in pathology of skeletal muscle tumors. 121-NR-M.D. DEGREE EXAMINATION PATHOLOGY- NOVEMBER, 2008-Paper-II
Write short essays on the following: 1. Describe the current concepts in the etiopathogenesis and pathology of rheumatic heart disease. 2. Discuss the etiopathogenesis of pulmonary granulomatous disease. 3. Discuss the pathology of Follicular lymphoma and discuss its immunophenotyping. 4. Classify salivary gland tumour and discuss briefly pathology of malignant tumours of salivary gland. 5. Discuss etiopathogenesis and pathology of gastro intestinal lymphoma. 6. Discuss the pathology of non cirrhotic portal fibrosis. 7. Discuss the pathogenesis of glomerular injury. 8. Discuss the current concepts in pathogenesis of endometrial carcinoma. 9. Discuss the premalignant lesions of prostate. 10. Discuss the recent concepts in the pathology of chondrosarcoma.

121-NR-M.D. DEGREE EXAMINATION JUNE, 2008-PATHOLOGY=Paper-II 1. Discuss the risk factors for Atherosclerosis and its recent concepts in pathogenesis of atherosclerosis 2. Discuss classification and diagnosis of T cell lymphoma. 3. Discuss etiopathogenesis and pathology of Adult respiratory distress syndrome. 4. Enumerate ulcerative lesions of the bowel and discuss etiopathogenesis of Inflammatory bowel disease. 5. Discuss the pathology and pathogenesis of primary biliary cirrhosis 6. Discuss the etiopathogenesis, pathology and lab diagnosis of Acute Pancreatitis. 7. Discuss the etiopathogenesis pathology of IgA nephropathy
8. Enumerate the microscopic variants of Endocervical adenocarcinoma & discuss its etiopathogenesis & pathology

9.Discuss the value of placental examination in perinatal death. 10.Discuss the pathology of Inflammatory neuropathies
121-NR-NOVEMBER, 2007 Write short essays on the following: 1. Aneurysms 2. Intestinal polyps 3. Variants of osteosarcoma 4. Renal cysts 5. Glioblastoma 6. Oncocytomas 7. Immature Teratoma 8. Histoid Leprosy 9. Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma 10.Autoimmune Thyroiditis

MAY/JUNE, 2007 (N.R.) 1. Discuss non-infective endocarditis. 2. Describe recently. Defined thyroid neoplasms. 3. Describe stromal tumours of ovary. 4. Describe pulmonary alveolar proteinosis. 5. Define, classify and describe the pathology of carcinoid tumours. 6. Describe the aetiopathogenesis, pathology and significance of oral submucous fibrosis. 7. Describe the aetiopathology of Indian childhood cirrhosis. 8. Describe prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia. 9. Describe and classify salivary gland neoplasms. 10.Describe the pathology of meningioma NOVEMBER-2006-(N.R.) 1. Cutaneous lymphoproliferative disorders 2. Alzheimers disease 3. Metabolic arthropathies 4. Eosinophilic granuloma 5. Malakoplakia 6. Yok Sac Tumours 7.Inflammatory Bowel Dis. 8.Infectious endocarditis 9.Mitochondrial encephalomyopathies 10.Childhood Tumours NOVEMBER-2006 - O.R. 1. Discuss the pathogenesis and pathology of hypertension 2. Classify and discuss Medullary Tumours of the Bone 3. Write short notes on: a) Hodgkins Lymphoma b) Occupational lung disease c) Aetiology of Carcinoma Cervix d) Hypothyroidism and its Laboratory diagnosis MAY/JUNE- 2006. (N.R.) 1. Discuss the differential diagnosis of a lump in the breast in a female aged 30 years =10m 2. Classify Myocardial infarcts. Enumerate the enzyme changes in Myocardial Infarction=10m 3. Discuss the pathology of obstructive lesions in small intestines=10m 4. Classify Hepatitis. Discuss the role of Sero diagnosis and follow up of viral Hepatitis=10m 5. Discuss the pathology of Sex Cord Stromal tumours of Ovary=10m 6. Role of Endoscopic biopsies in Malabsorption syndromes 7. de Quervains thyroiditis 8. Childhood tumours 9. Placenta pathology in HDP (Hypertensive disease of pregnancy)=10m; 10. Interstitial pneumonias=10m MAY/JUNE-2006 (O.R.) 1. Describe the morphology and discuss the pathogenesis and molecular genetics of Alzheimer disease 2. Mention the W.H.O. classification of Hodgkins lymphoma. Describe the morphology of various sub types 3. Write short notes on: a) Asbestos related diseases-Newer concepts b) Polycystic kidney disease c) Application of Gleason score in grading carcinoma prostate d) Ischemic bowel disease APR/MAY, 2005. (N.R.) 1. Describe the current concepts in the pathogenesis of Atherosclerosis 2. Explain cardiomyopathies in detail. 3. Define and Classify lymphoma. Discuss briefly the advantages and disadvantages of each classification 4. Describe briefly the pathology and current concepts in the pathogenesis of emphysema and chronic bronchitis 5. Classify ovarian tumours. Describe in detail hormone producing ovarian tumours 6. Describe the current concepts in the pathogenesis of Acute Glomerulonephritis 7. Discuss inflammatory bowel diseases in detail 8. Discuss the prognostic factors in Breast carcinoma 9. Discuss the pathogenesis and Pathology of Metabolic bone disease 10.Discuss autoimmune Thyroid disorders APR/MAY, 2005. (O.R.) 1. Describe the role of F.N.A.C. in surgical pathology. 2. Discuss the aetiopathogenesis of Peptic Ulcer and its consequences 3. Write short notes: a) Cardiomyopathy b) Para Neoplastic Syndromes c) Tumour Markers d) Testicular Biopsy SEPT./OCT., 2004 (N.R.) 1. Discuss Vasculitides 2. Describe the current concepts in the pathogenesis of ischaemic heart disease 3. Discuss Hodgkins lymphoma 4. Discuss the current concepts in the etiopathogenesis of lung cancer 5. Discuss the value of endometrial biopsy in the diagnosis of dysfunctional uterine bleeding. 6. Discuss the etiopathogenesis and pathology of Gastric Carcinoma 7. Discuss cystic disease of kidney 8. Discuss the classification, characteristics and pathology of renal cell carcinoma 9. Discuss the current concepts in the pathogenesis of cervical cancer 10.Discuss the importance of Immunohistochemistry and other markers in the diagnosis of soft tissue sarcomas SEPT./OCT., 2004 (O.R.) 1. Discuss the molecular pathology of small round cell Tumours. 2. Classify and discuss the Aetiopatho-genesis of Vasculitis. 3. Write short notes on: a) Hepatitis C b) Renal Dysplasis c) Solitary Bone Cyst d) Men Syndromes MARCH/APRIL, 2004 (N.R.) 1.Pathogenesis of non-infectious Vasculitis 2.Interpretation of small intestinal biopsies in Malabsorption syndromes 3. Differential diagnosis of pathological fractures in elderly females =10m 4. Immunofluorescence of vesico-bullous lesions of skin 5. Pathogenesis of Immunological lung disease=10m

6. Childhood Renal Neoplasms =10m 7. Drug induced and toxic liver cell injury =10m 8. Histological grading of breast carcinoma=10m 9. Tumours of Adrenal medulla =10m 10.Placental morphometry and pathology in high risk pregnancies =10m MARCH/APRIL, 2004 (O.R.) 1. Describe the pathology of Target organs damage in Hypertension with appropriate illustrations. 2. Classify ovarian tumours. Add a note on their histogenesis and immunohistochemical diagnosis. 3. Write short notes on: a) Metabolic bone diseases b) Neuromuscular junction disorders c) Pancreatic endocrine tumours d) Male Infertility SEPT./OCT.2003. (N.R.) 1. Endomyocardial biopsy 2. Molecular genetics of Colonic Cancer 3. Chondrosarcoma variants 4. Immuno histochemical markers in Soft Tissue Tumours 5. Idiopathic Pulmonary fibrosis 6. Pathogenesis and Immunological profiles of Primary Glomerular disease 7. Neonatal Cholestasis Syndrome 8. Diagnostic and prognostic markers of Prostatic Cancer 9. MEN syndromes 10.R.E.A.L. Classification of Non Hodgkins Lymphomas. (Each question carries: =10marks) SEPT./OCT.2003. (O.R.) 1. Discuss the classification and pathology of neuroendocrine lung tumourss 2. Enumerate and discuss the infectious diseases of the female genital tract 3. Write short notes on: a) Mitochondrial disorders b) Endomyocardial biopsy c) Pituitary adenomas d) Pigmented lesions of the skin. MARCH, 2003. 1. Discuss the molecular biology of pre-malignant disorders of the gastro intestinal tract. 2. Classify tumours of the Central Nervous System. Discuss the current advances in their diagnosis. 3. Write short notes on: a) Myofibroblast b) Ductal carcinoma in Situ (Breast) c) Mediastinal lesions d) Neonatal cholestasis. SEPT./OCT.2002 1. Discuss in detail the clinico-pathologic and functions forms of primary cardiomyopathy. 2. Discuss in detail the neoplastic and non-neoplastic neuro-endocrine proliferations of lung. 3. Write short notes on: a) Role of Non enzymatic glycosylation in the pathogenesis of diabetes complications b) Myasthenia Gravis c) Hypersplenism d) Gross & Histologic classification of gastric carcinoma MAY, 2000. 1. Discuss the pathogenesis and pathology of Cardiomyopathies. 2. Discuss the pathology of female infertility. 3. Write short notes on: a) Hepatitis C infection b) Drug toxicity in the kidney

c) Subacute sclerosing panencephalopathy

d) Angio dysplasia of colon.

JUNE, 1999. 1. Define and classify gastritis. Describe the pathology of Helicobacter pylori gastritis. 2. Discuss the etiololgy, pathology and recent developments in the diagnosis of urinary bladder carcinoma. 3. Write short notes on: a) Duchenne muscular dystrophy b) Langerhans cell histocytosis. c) Common infections complications of AIDS d) Hyposplenism

JANUARY, 1999. 1. Discuss in detail PRION Diseases. 2. Discuss the etiopathology of infective endocarditis. 3. Write short notes on: a) Pneumocystis Carinii b) Barretts oesophagus c) Mucins & glycogens in tumours d) Nucleolar organizer regions. AUGUST, 1998. 1. Classify and discuss the aetiopathogenesis of vasculitis. 2. Discuss the pathology of gastro intestinal lymphomas. 3. Write: a) Pathology of asbestosis b) Hairy Leukoplakia c) Solitary bone cyst d) Renal dysplasia FEBRUARY, 1998. 1. Discuss the recent concepts and pathology of pancreatitis. 2. Discuss the molecular pathology of small round cell tumours. 3. Write short notes: a) Osteoporosis b) Hepatitis C c) Ependymoma d) Barretts esophagus SEPTEMBER, 1997.
1. Write in detail about subarachnoid Haemorrhage (SAH) 2. Discuss in detail about alcoholic liver diseases

3. Write short notes on: a) Cystic lesions of bone

b) Islet cell tumours c) Diabetic glomerulosclerosis 7

d) Liver function tests SEPTEMBER, 1996. 1. Discuss the infections disorders of the heart. 2. Discuss the classification and recent concepts on tumours of the lung. 3. Write short notes on: a) Etiology of peptic ulcer b) Multiple endocrine neoplasia syndromes c) Renal Hypertension d) Sex cord stromal tumours of the ovary APRIL, 1996. 1. Discuss the common pulmonary infections seen in cases of AIDS. 2. Discuss the role of immunofluroscene in the understanding of glomerular diseases. 3. Write short notes on: a) Metabolic bone disease b) Obesity and other systemic diseases. c) Brain tumours in paediatric age group d) Laboratory diagnosis of Myocardial infarction.

Compiled by: V.Suryanarayana, Asst.Librarian, Dr.NTRUHS,VJA. E-mail: [email protected]


122-NR-M.D. DEGREE EXAMINATION APRIL, 2010-PATHOLOGY-Paper-III Hematology, Clinical Pathology, Cytology and Chemical Pathology-Time: 3 Hours-Max. Marks:100 Note: Answer all questions-All questions carry equal marks Write Short Essays On The Following: 1. Phorphyrias 2. Preleukemic syndromes. 3. Infectious mononucleosis. 4. Quality control in haematology. 5. FNAC of thyroid neoplasms. 6. Laboratory diagnosis of diabetes mellitus. 7. Leukocyte function tests. 8. Disorders of platelet function. 9. Blast crisis 10. Electrophoresis. 122-NR-M.D. DEGREE EXAMINATION NOVEMBER, 2009-PATHOLOGY-Paper-III : Hematology, Clinical Pathology, Cytology and Chemical Pathology-Time: 3 Hours -Max. Marks:100 Write Short Essays On The Following: 1. Describe the causes and differential diagnosis of microcytic hypochromic anemias. 2. Hemophilia. 3. Acquired dyserythropoietic anemias. 4. Leukemoid Reactions 5. Laboratory diagnosis of renal failure. 6. Primary fibrinolysis. 7. Tumour markers. 8. Thyroid function tests. 9. Classify plasma cell dyscrasias and their laboratory diagnosis. 10. FNAC of lymphnode enlargement. 122-NR-M.D. DEGREE EXAMINATION APRIL/MAY, 2009-PATHOLOGY-Paper-III
Write Short Essays On The Following: 1. Classify haematolytic anaemias. Discuss etiopathogenesis & recent concepts in pathology of sickle cell anaemia. 2. Discuss the role of red cell cytochemistry in haematological disorders. 3. Discuss Human stem cell biopsy and therapy. 4. Discuss the pathophysiology and lab investigations of Von-willebrand disease. 5. Discuss Hairy cell leukemia. 6. Discuss the role F.N.A.C. Testis in Infertility. 7. Discuss the pros and cons of Betheseda system of reporting cervical smear. 8. Discuss the role of C.T. guided F.N.A.C. in pulmonary lesions. 9. Discuss calcium metabolism in health and disease. 10) Discuss liver function tests and their significance with special reference to viral hepatitis. 122-NR-M.D. DEGREE EXAMINATION PATHOLOGY- NOVEMBER, 2008-Paper-III Write short essays on the following: 1. Discuss the role of bone marrow biopsy in the diagnosis of Haematological disorders. 2. Discuss anaemia in chronic diseases. 3. Discuss in detail Laboratory diagnosis of auto immune haemolytic anaemia. 4. Discuss the Laboratory Investigations in functional platelet disorders. 5. Discuss the chromosomal abnormalities in childhood acute leukemia. 6. Discuss the value and limitations of F.N.A.C. in evaluating soft tissue tumors. 7. Discuss in detail advantages of thin prep cytology. 8. Discuss the role of urinary sediment examination in Renal diseases. 9. Discuss thyroid function tests and their alteration of pathologic states. 10. Discuss the role of pleural fluid analysis in pulmonary pathology. 122-NR-M.D. DEGREE EXAMINATION JUNE, 2008-PATHOLOGY-Paper-III 1. Discuss in detail the various classifications of Leukemias. Discuss pathophysiology of chronic myeloid Leukemia. 2. Discuss molecular basis and diagnosis of Thalassemia 3. Discuss in detail Laboratory diagnosis of congenital dys erythropoietic anaemias. 4. Discuss in detail biochemical inhibitors of coagulation 5. Discuss the role of FNAC in salivary gland lesions. 6. Discuss the preparation of cell block and uses of cell block as a diagnostic tool in cytology. 7. Describe the bilirubin metabolism and its disorders. 8. Discuss the role of bronchial lavage in pulmonary diseases 9. Discuss the role of automation in clinical pathology 10.Discuss the importance of semen analysis in infertility

122-NR- NOVEMBER, 2007

Write short essays on the following: 1. Pitfalls in F.N.A.C. 2. Problems in Blood Transfusion 3. Thrombocytes-Morphology and Function 4. Cytology of Salivary gland tumours 5. Urinary Sediments 6. Iso enzymes 7. Quality control 8. L.E.Cell Test and interpretation 9. Coombs Test 10.Bone marrow-Health and disease

1. Define disseminated intravascular coagulation. Describe its aetiopathogenesis, pathology & laboratory diagnosis 2. Describe the FNAC of malignant breast neoplasms. 3. Describe Congenital dyserythropoietic anemias. 4. Define, classify and describe the laboratory diagnosis of acute leukemias. 5. Discuss the laboratory diagnosis of jaundice. 6. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of blood substitutes. 7. Describe the utility of urine microscopy in diagnosis and prognosis. 8. Describe the principles and applications of flow cytometry. 9. Describe waldenstroms macroglobulinimia. 10.Describe the role of serum lipids in health and disease. NOVEMBER-2006 (N.R.) 1. Flow Cytometry 2. Glycosylated Haemoglobin 3. Fibrin degradation products 4. Lazy Leucocytic syndrome 5. Immunology of Malaria 6. Serum & Urine Examination in Jaundice 7. Causes of Bleeding disorders 8. Stains used in vaginal cytology 9. FNAC of Thyroid Lesions 10.Red cell Membrane defects and disease NOVEMBER, 2006. O.R. 1. Classify Haemolytic Anaemias and discuss the pathology and Laboratory Diagnosis 2. Discuss Exfoliative Cytologyt and its use in Laboratory Diagnosis 3. Write short notes on: a) Laboratory Diagnosis and Screening tests for Diabetes Mellitus b) Myelodysplastic Syndromes c) Cyto diagnosis of Mediastinal Lesions d) Automation in Clinical Pathology MAY/JUNE- 2006. (N.R.) 1. Cytology in Non-neoplastic diseases=10m 2. Pure Red Cell Aplasia =10m 3. Classify inherited disorders of haemoglobin synthesis. Discuss Haemoglobin C disease =10m 4. Discuss Acquired Neutropenia=10m 5. Chronic myeloproliferative disorders=10m 6. Role of FNAC in Renal transplants=10m 7. Age associated changes in Gynac cytology=10m 8. Liver function Tests=10m 9. Morphology of blast cell in Acute Leukaemia=10m 10.Laboratory diagnosis of bleeding disorders=10m MAY, 2006 (O.R.) 1. Discuss the causes of pancytopenia. Describe the lab methods in the investigation of a patient with pancytopenia 2. Describe the general procedure for F.N.A.C. (Fine needle aspiration cytology). Discuss its usefulness in the diagnosis of various breast lesions 3. Write short notes on: a) The W.H.O.Classification of acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) b) Benefits and hazards of autologus blood transfusion d) Oligo-astheno-terato spermia d) Deficiencies of Factor VIII cWF complex APR/MAY, 2005.(N.R.) 1. Define and classify Haemolytic anaemias. Discuss about Hereditary haemolytic anaemias. 2. Discuss the structure and functions of Platelets 3. Discuss the diagnostic interpretation and the clinical significance of serum enzymes and isoenzymes in diseases. 4. How do you organize a Cytology Laboratory for a 250 bedded Hospital in a district 5. Discuss various blood components used in transfusion therapy 6. Discuss the metabolism of copper in man and the significance of estimation of ceruloplasmin. 7. Discuss the role of FNAC in the evaluation of thyroid tumours 8. Discuss urinary casts in detail 9. Discuss Bone marrow transplantation in detail 10.Discuss in detail about laboratory/diagnosis of Meningitis APR/MAY, 2005.(O.R.) 1. Describe the methodology& application of Osmotic Fragility in Anaemias 2.Discuss in detail liver function tests 3. Write short notes: a) Stem cell b) Fluid cytology c) Cervical smear study d) Leukemoid reaction SEPT./OCT., 2004.(N.R.) 1. Discuss erythrocyte cytoskeleton 2. Discuss calcium metabolism in health and disease 3. Define and classify Myelodysplastic syndrome. Describe the laboratory diagnosis. 4. Discuss the value and limations of FNAC in evaluating cases of lymphadenopathy 5. Discuss lipoproteins in health and disease 6. Describe in detail the laboratory diagnosis of Acute Myocardial infarction. 7. Discuss in detail the molecular biology and laboratory diagnosis of Beta Thalassemias. 8. Discuss creatinine clearance tests 9. Describe the formation and circulation of CSF .Discuss the CSF alterations in Meningitis. 10.Discuss liver functions and their alteration in Pathologic states.

MAY/JUNE, 2007 (N.R.)


SEPT./OCT., 2004.(O.R.) 1. Classify sideroblastic Anemias and discuss their Laboratory diagnosis. 2. Discuss the pathology of Myelodysphatic syndrome
3. Write short notes on: a) Frozen Section b) Stem cells c) Protein C Deficiency d) Qualitative Platelet Disorders.

MARCH/APRIL, 2004.(N.R.) 1. Lab.diagnosis and molecular biology of sickle cell disease =10m 2. Complications of Bone marrow Transplantations =10m 3. Leucocyte function disorders =10m 4. Problems in Paediatric blood transfusions =10m 5. Sports Haematology =10m 6. F.N.A.C. of Testis =10m 7. Liver enzymes in disease =10m 8. Chorionic villus biopsy =10m 9. Microalbuminuria =10m 10.Significance of I.N.R. (International Normalised Ration) in P.T.Test (Prothrombic Time Test =10m MARCH/APRIL, 2004.(O.R.) 1. Discuss Histopathologic classification of Hodgkins disease (HD). Add a note on unusual histopathologic variants and HD association with other Lymphoproliferative diseases. 2. Discuss plasma cell dyscrasias in detail 3. Write short notes on: a) Microalbuminuria b) Clinical applications of Flow Cytometry c) FNAC diagnosis of Non tumours goiters of thyroid d) Anaemia of chronic diseases SEPT./OCT.2003 (N.R.) 1. Micro environment in Haemopoiesis. 2. Pathophysiology and lab.diagnosis of G6 PD deficiency 3. Red cell substitutes 4. Immuno-pheno typing of Acute Leukemias. 5. Prognostic factors in Multiple Myeloma 6. Functional platelet disorders. 7. Role of cytology in the diagnosis of Renal Transplant rejection 8. Protein C deficiency 9. Isoenzymes and their clinical applications 10. Antibody screening in Blood Transfusion therapy(10x10)
SEPT./OCT.2003.(O.R.) 1. Discuss the chromosomal aberrations in acute leukemias and their significance. 2. Discuss the various manifestations of abnormalities in thyroid metabolism. 3. Write short notes on: a) CD Antigens b) Aplastic anemia c) Aspiration of abdominal organs d) Glycosylated hemoglobin. MARCH, 2003. 1. Classify haemorrhagic diseases. Add a note on Von Willebrands disease 2. Discuss the biochemical changes in cancer. 3. Write short notes on: a) VEGF (Vascular endothelial growth factor) b) Automated blood cell counters c) Splenomegaly d) T Cell receptor complex SEPT./OCT.2002 1. Classify Haemolytic Anaemias. Describe the lab.methods in the investigation of Haemolytic Anaemias. 2. Describe the principles of Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology. Discuss its usefulness in the diagnosis of thyroid lesions. 3. Write short notes on: a) Qualitative platelet disorders b) Myelo dysplastic syndrome

c) Hazards of blood transfusions

d) Microscopic examination of urine.

MAY, 2000. 1. Discuss the laboratory diagnosis of haemoglobinopathies. 2. What are the alternatives to whole blood transfusion? Discuss the preparation and processing of various fractions of blood for the purpose of transfusion. 3. Write short notes on: a) Bone marrow transplantation b) Osmotic fragility

c) Mantle cell lymphoma

d) Hormonal cytology

JUNE, 1999. 1. Classify porphyrias. Discuss its genetic, metabolic and diagnostic aspects. 2. Describe the process of normal homostasis. Write briefly about anticoagulant proteins. 3. Write short notes on: a) Platelet antigens b) Apolipo-proteins c) Polymorph nuclear leukocyte granules d) Cell mediated immunity JANUARY, 1999. 1. Classify sideroblastic anemias and discuss their laboratory diagnosis. 2. Classify Non Hodgkins lymphomas. 3. a) Papanicolaou smear b)Transfusion of blood components c)Acid base balance d) Apicomplexans.


AUGUST, 1998. 1. Discuss the pathology of myelodysplastic syndromes. 2. What are the alternatives of whole blood transfusion. Discuss the preparation and processing of various fractions of blood for blood transfusion. 3. Write short: a) Urinary casts b) Sideroblastic anaemia c) Hormonal cytology d) Frozen section FEBRUARY, 1998. 1. Classify Thalassemias. How will you investigate a case of Thalassemia. 2. Discuss the diagnosis, management and prevention of mismatched blood transfusion. 3. Write short notes on: a) Micro albuminuria b) Bone-marrow failure c) Extra-medullary myeloid cell tumours d) Gene therapy

1. Discuss in detail about the causes, differential diagnosis and investigations of patients with pancytopesia. 2. Discuss in detail about complications of blood transfusion and their preventive measures. 3. Write short notes on: a) DIC b) Fanconis Anaemia c) Polycythaemias d) I.T.P. SEPTEMBER, 1996. 1. Discuss the laboratory diagnosis of Myelodysplastic syndromes. 2. Discuss the various types of platelet dysfunction. 3. Write short notes on: a) FNAC of breast lesions b) Laboratory diagnosis of G6PD deficiency c) Dyslipoproteinemias d) Pulmonary function tests APRIL, 1996. 1. Classify leukaemias and discuss the newer concepts on their etiology. 2. Discuss thyroid function tests

3. Write: a) Haemophilias b) Application of flow cytometry c) Monoclonal gammopathies d) Porphyrias

Compiled by: V.Suryanarayana, Asst.Librarian, Dr.NTRUHS,VJA. E-mail: [email protected]


123-NR-M.D. DEGREE EXAMINATION APRIL, 2010-PATHOLOGY-Paper-IV Recent advances in pathology related to clinical medicine-Time: 3 Hours-Max. Marks:100-Note: Answer all questions-All questions carry equal marks Write Short Essays On The Following: 1. Bone Marrow Transplantation. 2. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) technique. 3. Role of free radicals in health and disease. 4. Pulmonary lymphoproliferative diseases 5. Liver diseases in infancy and childhood. 6. Hemoparasites and recent diagnostic modalities. 7. Vesiculo-bullous lesions of skin. 8. Molecular basis of cancer. 9. Gene therapy. 10. Molecular basis of thalassemia. 123-NR=M.D. DEGREE EXAMINATION NOVEMBER, 2009-PATHOLOGY-Paper-IV Recent advances in pathology related to clinical medicine-Time: 3 Hours-Max. Marks:100-Note: Answer Write Short Essays On The Following: 1. Clinical applications of image analysis. 2. Pediatric soft tissue tumours. 3. Stem cell therapy. 4. Classification and diagnosis of cutaneous lymphoproliferative disorders. 5. Atypical mycobacterial infections. 6. Hemachromatosis. 7. Leukodystrophies. 8. Role of nutrition in cancer. 9. Pathology of apud cell system. 10. Recent advances in endocervical pathology. 123-NR-M.D. DEGREE EXAMINATION APRIL/MAY, 2009-PATHOLOGY-Paper-IV Write Short Essays On The Following: 1. Discuss molecular cytogenetics in modern pathology. 2. Discuss the recent concepts in transplant related pathology of kidney. 3. Discuss paraneoplastic syndrome and their implications. 4. Discuss the pathogenesis of diabetes mellitus. 5. Discuss in detail premalignant lesions of breast. 6. Discuss etiopathogenesis and pathology of fulminant hepatitis. 7. Discuss the pathology of non-neoplastic lesions of synovial membrane joints. 8. Discuss the recent dimensions of Telepathology. 9. Discuss the etiopathogenesis and Pathology of pancreatic carcinoma. 10 .Discuss the pathology of paraganglioma. 123-NR-M.D. DEGREE EXAMINATION PATHOLOGY-NOVEMBER, 2008-PAPER-IV
Write short essays on the following: 1. Discuss how will you investigate a case of albuminuria? What tests you would suggest to rule out renal causes? 2. Discuss the criteria for diagnosis of follicular thyroid neoplasms and related conditions. 3. Discuss myofibroblastic proliferation mimicking soft tissue sarcoma. 4. Discuss transfusion associated hepatitis. 5. Discuss recent advances in intraocular tumour. 6. Classify gall stones with their characteristics. Discuss the current concepts in the formation of gall stones. 7. Classify brain tumors. Discuss the pathology of meningioma. 8. Discuss Human Prion diseases. 9. Discuss tumors of mediastinum. 10. Discuss the significance of antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANA). 123-NR-M.D. DEGREE EXAMINATION JUNE, 2008-PATHOLOGY-Paper-IV 1. Discuss the recent concepts in Premalignant lesions of breast. 2. Discuss the value of Immunofluorescence in skin disorders. 3. Discuss the mechanism of blood lipid regulation and write about assessment of blood lipid abnormalities. 4. Describe the etiopathogenesis and recent concepts in papillary carcinoma of Thyroid 5. Describe the etiopathogenesis and pathology of renal stones 6. Discuss fibrous tumours of Infants and childhood 7. Discuss the pathology of para-testicular tumours. 8. Discuss the diseases associated with abnormal metabolism of collagen 9. Discuss pathology of diabetic retinopathy 10.Discuss the recent concepts in pathology of mesothelioma 123-NR-MAY/JUNE, 2007 Write short essays on the following: 1. Application of Image analysis in CIN 2. Immunoflurescence in skin lesions 3. Diagnostic Tests in Infertility 4. Metastatic Gene 5. Neuroendocrine Tumours 6. Immunophenotyping ofleukemias 7. Dystrophin 8. New WHO Classification of Lung Tumours 9. New advances in Endometrial Carcinoma 10.Criteria for Malignancy in Endocrine Tumours


MAY/JUNE, 2007 (N.R.) 1. Describe the principles, applications and scope of telepathology. 2. Describe the role of fetal hemoglobin in health and disease. 3. Describe the problems in prostatic needle biopsy interpretation 4. Describe imported infectious diseases 5. Describe the cytokeratin immunostaining profile in diagnostic pathology. 6. Define, classify and signify the metaplasia of female genital tract. 7. Describe the role of immunity in Hodgkins disease 8.Describe the advances in bone marrow pathology 9. Describe the splenic pathology in lymphohematologic disorders. 10.Describe the pathology of complyobactor infections in humans. NOVEMBER-2006 (N.R.) 1. In-Situ hybridization 2. Mucin histochemistry 3. Risk assessment in Breast Cancer 4. Myofibroblastic proliferation 5. Newer classification of renal Neoplasm 6. Antopsy in AIDS patient 7. Imported infectious disease 8. Internet Resources in Histopathology 9. Sensecent cells 10.Histopathologist and the Law NOVEMBER, 2006. O.R. 1. What is Gene Therapy and discuss the general principles and its application and approach to Gene Therapy 2. Discuss the Recent advances in pathogenesis of colorectal carcinoma And role of laboratory in early diagnosis 3. Write short notes on: a) Significance of AGNOR Score in Benign and Malignant Soft tissue tumours b) Pathophysiology of dementias And Implications for Therapy c) Placental site Trophoblastic Tumour MAY/JUNE- 2006. (N.R.) 1. Clinical use of Haemopoietic growth factors=10m 2. Biological therapy of Cancers=10m 3. Transfusion Medicine Audit=10m 4. Dysplasia in the lower gastro-intestinal tract=10 5. New classification of renal neoplasms=10m 6. Ethical aspects of histopathology=10m 7. Prognostic factors in Myeloma=10m 8. Endometrial Mesenchymal Metaplasia=10m 9. Hypoxia-inducible factors =10m 10.Role of TMA (Tissue Micro Assay ) in Pathology research=10m MAY/JUNE-2006 (O.R.) 1. Discuss the cytokeratin immunostaining profiles in diagnostic pathology 2. Discuss the recent advances in Endometrial pathology 3. Write short notes on: a) Concept and scope of Telepathology b) Endomyocardial biopsy (EMB) c) Application of high density tissue micro arrays (TMMs) in pathology d) Gatekeeper and caretaker genes APR/MAY, 2005. (N.R.) 1. Discuss the current concepts in the pathogenesis of shock 2. What is Gene therapy? Discuss the general principles and approach to Gene Therapy 3. Discuss the different modalities of approach to a case of Metastatic cancer of unknown primary site. 4. Discuss the etiopathogenesis and cardiac manifestations of Infective Endocarditis. Explain the current criteria and laboratory approach to the diagnosis of infective endocarditis. 5. Explain the current concepts in the pathogenesis and Immunity of tuberculosis 6. Classify cystic renal diseases. Discuss the current concepts in the pathogenesis of Polycystic kidney disease 7. Discuss the pathogenesis, Pathology of skin and kidney and current approaches to the laboratory diagnosis of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. 8. Discuss the current concepts in the Pathogenesis of Peptic Ulcer 9. Discuss the Pathophysiolsogy, clinical laboratory abnormalities associated with chronic renal failure 10.Discuss the current mechanisms implicated in diabetic complications. Briefly describe renal pathology due to diabetic complications. APR/MAY, 2005. (O.R.) 1. Describe in detail the role of Immuno histochemistry in soft tissue tumours 2. Diagnostic tests in Congenital Myopathies 3. Write:a)Disposal of Lab.waste b)Renal cell Carcinoma-Variants c)Small cell tumours d)Polymerase chain reaction SEPT./OCT. 2004. (N.R.) 1. Discuss the current modalities of Screening for Genetic disorders. 2. Discuss the various skin manifestations due to internal disease. 3. Discuss the causes of lymph node enlargement. Briefly outline your approach to the diagnosis of causes of lymphadenopathy. 4. Discuss the current classification, pathogenesis and pathology of Renal cell carcinoma 5. Describe HIV associated Tuberculosis. 6. Discuss inflammatory bowel disease 7. Discuss the current classification, revised diagnostic criteria and pathogenesis of Diabetes Mellitus.


8. Discuss interstitial lung diseases 9. Discuss paraneoplastic syndromes and their implications. 10.Classify Gall stones with their characteristics. Discuss the current concepts in the formation of Gall stones. SEPT./OCT. 2004. (O.R.) 1. Discuss the Etio-pathogenesis of cancer of the prostate. Write briefly on recent advances in the diagnosis of Prostatic Carcinomas. 2. Discuss in detail Male breast diseases. 3. Write short:a)Para Endocrine Syndromes b)Layding Cell Agencies c)Cardiac Pacemakers d)Bone Matrix Proteins MARCH/APRIL, 2004. (N.R.) 1. Modifed H.A.I. (Histological Activity Index) scoring of Chronic Hepatitis =10m 2. Cardiac Pacemakers =10m 3. Stimulation of Fetal Hemoglobin synthesis using pharmacological agents =10m 4. Advances in Endometrial Pathology=10m 5. Autopsy in fatal anaphylaxis =10m 6. Atypical adenomatous hyperplasia of lung =10m 7. Nitric oxide pathways in Human bladder cancer 8. Leydig cell agencies 9. Emerging applications of stem cell therapy 10.New Approaches to the biology of Melanoma MARCH/APRIL, 2004. (O.R.) 1. Discuss in detail about pre malignant lesions of prostate. 2. Classify neurodegenerative diseases. Add a note on Alzheimers disease 3. Write short notes on: a) Clinical utility of Telepathology b) Pseudotumors of orbit c) Leydig cell agenesis d) Significance of senescent cells in tissue. SEPT./OCT.2003 (N.R.) 1. Clinical uses of Hemopoietic growth factors 2. Non accidental injury in children 3. Drug induced changes in female genital tract 4. Internet resources in Histopathology 5. Breast Implants 6. Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma 7. Myopathies of Gastro Intestinal tract 8. Diagnosis of Hirschsprungs disease 9. Prognostic indicators in small peripheral lung adenocarcinoma 10.Immunotherapy of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia. (Each question carries: =10marks) SEPT./OCT.2003 (O.R.) 1. Discuss in detail male breast diseases 2. Discuss the role of immunocytochemistry in the diagnosis of lymph node disorders. 3. Write short: a) Artificial neural networks in diagnostic pathology b) Genetic alterations in colon tumorigenesis c) Bile duct anomalies d) Confocal microscopy MARCH, 2003. 1. Discuss recent advancesin the etiopathology of inflammatory bowel diseases. 2. Discuss the importance of breast FNAC (Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology). 3. Write short notes on: a) Drug resistance in human tumours b) Trace metals c) Flow cytometry and its applications d) Bone matrix proteins. SEPT./OCT.2002 1. Discuss in importance of immunofluorescence in the diagnosis of skin disorders. 2. Discuss the abnormalities of sexual development and their complications 3. Write short notes on: a) Unusual types of lymphomas b) Refinements in tumour staging c) Recently described variants of papillary carcinoma thyroid. d) Role of microwave technology in Histo-pathology. MAY, 2000. 1. Discuss the current concepts in atherogenesis. 2. Discuss the pathology & pathogenesis of alcoholic liver disease. 3. Write short notes on: a) Primary gastric lymphomas b) Molecular pathology of small round cell tumours c) Langerhans cell hystiocytosis d) Clear cell sarcoma of the kidney JUNE, 1999. 1. Discuss the etiopathogenesis and pathology of Rheumatoid arthritis. Add a note on molecular diagnostic methods in its diagnosis. 2. Classify soft tissue tumours. Discuss the ultrastructural, immuno-histochemical and genetic aspects of soft tissue tumours. 3. Write short notes on: a) Antigen retrieval methods b) Gastro-intestinal stromal tumour (GIST) c) Applications of insite hybridization (INSH) d) Chronic villus biopsy JANUARY, 1999. 1. Discuss the etiopathogenesis and prognostic factors in the diagnosis of malignant melanoma 2. Discuss the various mechanisms of tumour spread. 3. Write short notes on: a) Image analysis and its applications b) Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)


d) Corneal transplantation AUGUST, 1998. 1. Discuss the pathology of Intersex syndromes. 2. Discuss the immunopathogenesis of Diabetes mellitus. 3. Write short notes on: a) Automated cell counters b) Peripheral nerve biopsy c) Para endocrine syndromes d) Libman-sacks endocarditis FEBRUARY, 1998. 1. Discuss the recent advances in muscular dystrophies and myopathies. 2. Discuss the recent concepts about alcoholic liver disease. 3. Write short notes on: a) Angiodysplasia of colon b) Heart Transplantation c) Primitive neuroctrodermal tumour d) Vitamin A Toxicity SEPTEMBER, 1997. 1. What are Oncogenes. Write in detail about the classification, detection, identification and analysis of oncogenes. 2. Write in detail about malignant lymphoma of mucoss associated lymphoid tissue. 3. a)Renal tumours of childhood b)HLA and disease c)Acute Haemorrhagic pancreatitis d)MEN syndromes. SEPTEMBER, 1996. 1. Discuss the clinicopathological correlation in the recent classification of lymphomas and leukemias. 2. Discuss in detail the classification of uterine tumours. 3. Write short : a) Haemoglobinurias b) Muscle biopsy c) Hyaline membrane disease d) Immuno-blotting. APRIL, 1996. 1. What are the recently used kidney function tests. 2. Discuss interpretation of intestinal mucosal biopsy. 3. a) Staining for dividing cells b)Protein C and its relevance c)Alcohol related liver injury d) Urolithiasis.

c) Proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA)

Compiled by: V.Suryanarayana, Asst.Librarian, Dr. NTRUHS,VJA. E-mail: [email protected]

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