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Audio reparationer ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pioneer 3SX-VO5 stereo Fel : with blown output transistors by Toshiba (C5198 & A1941) which

I cannot find anywhere. What substitutes, if any, are available? tgrd : Transistors 2SC5198 and 2SA1941 are listed by MCM Electronics (800-543-4330; www.mcmelectronics.com), Audio Lab of Georgia (800-554-9248; audiolab.home.mindspring.com), and B&D Enterprises (800-458-6053; www.bdent.com), among others. If you need other substitutes, the pair 2SC4468 and 2SA1695, or else the universal sub complementary pair ECG/NTE 36 (NPN) and 37 (PNP), will be similar devices ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Kenwood ka-3500 Fel : Integrated amplifier has blown its output and driver transistors. They appear to be NEC devices. The output devices are marked B618 and D588. These appear to have their emitter and base pins reversed compared to a standard TO220 or TOP-3 type package. The others A733 and A721 are small signal type transistors. tgrd : NEC are Japanese transistors. Most Japanese transistors start with the prefix 2S. This is not usually printed on the device. So Bxxx becomes 2SBxxx, etc. Union Electronic Distributors (800-648-6657, website at ued.net/index.html) is listing all four transistors in its inventory, 2SA721, 2SA733, 2SB618, and 2SD588. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sansui AU2900 amplifier. Fel : Where can I find information for IC A798 (5-pin)? tgrd : That "A798" is not an IC, it is a dual PNP transistor, with emitters in common. The full number is 2SA798, and pinout is B1, C1, E, C2, B2. The transistors are rated 50 Volts, 0.1 Amp, 0.2 Watt, 250-800 gain, with low noise-factor. These devices are generally used as lowlevel, low-noise differential amplifiers. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Technics amplifier Fel : I think I need to replace the STK 2048 II in a Technics amplifier. I have been searching for technical documentation on this STK, but cannot find anything. tgrd : I see a listing for stk 204811 in Dalbani's catalog. It is made by Sanyo and costs $15.67. According to my book. their phone # is 800-325-2264. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sherwood Stereo Receiver Fel : Need a replacement for 2SB557 and 2SD427 for a Sherwood Stereo Receiver. Schematic list alternates as 2SD388A2 and 2SB541A2. tgrd . Union Electronics Dist. (800-648-6657; www.unionel.com) lists all four transistors in their online inventory; MCM (800-543-4330; www.mcmelectronics.com) lists both 2SB557 & 2SD427 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mitsubishi DAR24 stero receiver Fel : that has shut down. I need a source for part STK 1060II. tgrd : These suppliers (among others) are listing STK1060II in their stock. B&D Enterprises (800-458-6053; www.bdent.com); Union Electronics Dist.(800-648-6657; www.unionel.com); MCM (800-543-4330; www.mcmelectronics.com); Audio Lab of Georgia (800-554-9248; audiolab.home.mindspring.com). -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Carvin X-60B guitar amplifier Fel : that has two very fried resistors. I need the values of R114 and R115. I assume the tubes caused these resistors to fry, so I have changed both output tubes. Could something else have caused this? tgrd : R114, 113, 115, 116 are Screen resistors. They were originally 22 ohm 1/2 watts but were later changed to 350 Ohm 5 Watts. Typically bad output tubes can cause these to burn up but not always. Do the upgrade and you should be fine. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pioneer KEH-1550 audio Fel : equipment had a blown output transistor due to wrong connections, with blown values, I can read partialy ???7D2 - ?A13155. Where can I find one of these? I am in Brasil so anything over the web would be nice. tgrd : The transistor is HA13155, the top number is for manufacturer information only. The unit is working fine with the right connections and the new transistor. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Marantz 2270 stereo receiver Fel : with distortion occurring in the left channel when the volume is set around 10 o'clock or more. The dc bias and ac balance can be adjusted to spec (5mvdc, 0vdc), the output transistors have been swapped with the "good" right channel amp, the speaker protection relay and speaker on/off switch has been bypassed. The left channel sounds weak and distorted compared with the right channel and I cannot detect it with a scope and dummy loads, only with a set of speakers and listening. tgrd : The problem was one of four things, R791 (2.2ohm/1w), R790 (10ohm/2w), C762 (.1uf/200v), or a bad solder connection. These three parts were swapped with the good channel and the distortion cleared up. As a precaution, the three original good components were replaced as well. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Coustic Power Logic amp 360 car amp Fel : will not power up. The ground connection is good and there is the correct voltage on the upstream side of the thermal fuse. tgrd : Check control i.c. I think it is a upc494 or 595. Make sure you have 12 volts going to the i.c. Also, make sure you have a square wave going to the f.e.t.'s in the power supply, which comes from the control i.c. Make sure the f.e.t.'s are good & no dead short on the output transistors ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Kenwood KAC-524 car amp Fel : I need a replacement for Q5 in a Kenwood KAC-524 car amp. It is in a tall TO-92 case with the markings A817A. tgrd : Use NTE298 - http//www.nteinc.com/specs/200to299/NTE297.html. For a distributor try http//www.nteinc.com/NET_St_lst/Disty.html. That is a Toshiba 2SA817A, PNP transistor, rated 80 Volt, 0.4 Amp, 0.8 Watt. B&D Enterprises (800-458-6053; www.bdent.com) lists it for $1.59. Or you could substitute an ECG/NTE 298 transistor. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Aiwa cx n340k, Fel : audio is ok on all functions until t bass is selected, then a loud bass left/right phasing occurs which is unaffected by volume control change. tgrd : Probably the T-Bass IC has failed. It is a surface mounted IC on the front panel PCB -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Yamaha RX-330. Fel : When *not* using 'CD Direct', the sound starts making crackling noise and slowly starts to become more and more quiet. Switching the INPUT knob back and forth helps for about 30 minutes. tgrd : Replace input selector with new & improved Yamaha replacement selector switch with gold contacts. I do not have new part #. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pioneer car amplifier GM-X702, Fel : unit powers up and outputs when the input gain is very low, when I attempt to raise the gain the amplifier cuts in and out (can hear the relay open and close). I think it may be the output transistors. tgrd : Replace the pulse-width modulator 14-18 pin DIP. The part numbers vary so therefore I cannot provide you with one. The ECG cross reference book is a must in this application. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pioneer GMX-404 car amp Fel : has no output. Power supply voltages +- 36vok. Op amp i.c voltages ok +-15v. There is a ta8194z i.c that seems to control muting of all 4 channels. DC checks show no d.c on any of the output channels and all transistors read good. tgrd : Toshiba's TA8194Z is intended to only mute transiently, during Power On/Off. If there is a continuous mute signal on pin#3, check if there is over 0.8 Volts Input activating either the Manual-mute pin (pin#6) or the Protection pin (pin#9), (pin#8 is ground), or if the cap at pin#5 has shorted out. For deeper inquiry, get the datasheet from doc.semicon.toshiba.co.jp/pdf_e/docweb123/e003731.pdf and use the Timing Diagrams and Operating Description to troubleshoot further. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CT-FX718 car stereo. Fel : When any control key is pressed, a buzzing noise is heard. It traces back to Tuner section and occurs only in FM mode. Tuner, ucom checked OK. tgrd : Problem solved. Replace C205,0,047F-5,5V/5V to uom. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Fisher receiver Fel : in need of ic stk4171V 22 pins. ecg has a listing but this is 18 pins. tgrd : Sanyo's own datasheet for STK4171V shows this IC as an 18-pin SIP. Are you sure yours is not an STK4171X? That one does have 22 pins. You may wish to get both datasheets from website www.elisnet.or.jp/login-sanyo.htm and see whether one or the other IC is the correct pinout. MCM (800-543-4330) does list two entries for STK4171V in its inventory, one of which is specified as "18 pins", so you might also inquire whether that means their other (unspecified) STK4171V entry has the 22 pins ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pioneer stereo SX-1100. Fel : It keeps blowing fuses. There is one part that shows mostly shorted but I cannot see what part it is, I only have a part number (4D4B44). tgrd : Usually, any stereo amp/receiver that blows fuses has shorted power output transistors. (These are the large transistors on the heat sink). If one pair is blown, check the driver transistors for them, and associated resistors. Be careful to get everything, because if you miss one defective component, you could blow the whole mess again! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pioneer Receiver VSX-D603S.

Fel : No Tuner reception on either band. Numbers change like normal but no audio. All other functions seem normal. tgrd : The LM7001 ic is a good candidate for this problem. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pioneer sa9500 stereo. Fel : Loud distorted noise after unit heats up. Preamp side of amp works fine as power amp side continues to turn on and off via the circuit breaker. tgrd : This is usually caused by a noisy transistor on the power amp board. I usualy pull them and curve trace them. Sometimes you can hit them with freeze spray and get immediate reactions also. It is usually a to-92 style transistor, not the bigger to-220. I do not have specifics because I have seen this problem several times and it is not always the same transistor. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bogan amp.cts-1060. Fel : Looking for a replacement or dirr\ect replacement for an ic SSM2015. This is a 14-pin ic and Bogan says they are no longer available. Analog Devices also say the same thing. Analog Devices sent me a replacement ssm2166s which is a surface mount device and cannot be usted on this amp. tgrd : It appears Analog Devices sent you the wrong type, because SSM2166P is the DIP form of that IC, while SSM2166S is the surface-mount IC. Newark Electronics (800-463-9275) is listing SSM2166P as being in their inventory, $4.29. But if the rep at A.D. made that kind of error, I'd be suspicious, so you may want to download the SSM2166 datasheet from Analog's website, www.analog.com , and doublecheck that SSM2166P has a pinout that will allow it to be a *drop-in* replacement for your IC. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------JVC set DRE2L. Fel : I need a supplier or sub for chip STK4141V for stereo amplifier chip (ouput)in stereo JVC set DRE2L. tgrd : STK4141V is listed by B&D Enterprises (800-458-6053), Union Electronic Distributors (800-648-6657), & MCM Electronics (800-543-4330), in order of increasing unit price. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Jensen JX327 stereo system Fel : works fine except that the CDs will not play. It will start to spin and then it will stop and place the CD back into its holder. It has a seven disc CD holder, which keeps the CDs inside. I am able to retreive and place CD's into the holder, but cannot get them to play. tgrd : You may need to know that in order for the cd to play, several things must happen in sequence. First, the disc must spin. (You said it did). Then, the optical assy. must mechanically focus on the surface of the disc so as to be able to obtain digital data (pits and lands) and 'steer' the optical assy. along the track. You can usually see the mechanical motion of the lens as it tries to focus. it will go up and down several times while attempting to focus. Is that happening? If it cannot focus, the unit will most likely do what you describe. After focus is achieved, track information should appear in the display and it should start playing. If have no experience with the particular unit you're describing. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pionner auto radio Fel : with a bad regulator; TA8214. I need the pinout, Toshiba site skips over this number. tgrd : Toshiba's site actually has the datasheet (if you read Japanese...). The TA8214K pinout is (1) output#3; (2) selection switch; (3) ground; (4) Vcc (9.3-18V, 13.2V typ.); (5) output#1; (6) output#4; (7) output#2. All outputs are nominally 8.3 Volts. If the selector voltage on pin#2

is low (0-1.2V), output#2 is ON; if medium (2.8V-5.5V), output#3 is ON; and if high (7V-Vcc), output#4 is ON. Output#1 is not selectable. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------RCA RP-9555 audio system, Fel : the display screen does not light up. The system operates fine but no display @ps501 power con. All voltages are correct. I also have 2.5 volts at all display pins. tgrd : The display is backlit and the bulb is burned out, you have to remove the LCD panel to get to it. RCA pt# 227520, MCM # 227520. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pioneer PD-M700 Home CD Player. Fel : The Laser lense fell off and was damaged. Pioneer sent a replacement laser pickup which is the same as in the PD-M900. The old laser lights fine, but of course does not work without the lense. The NEW laser will not light at all. We have gotten two new ones, same result. No amount of adjustment will make it fire. There is a service bulletin on this unit but I am told that all it says is to readjust the unit when the new one is installed. We have not been able to get our hands on the bulletin after several aggressive attempts. tgrd : Check the new laser very close, and look for a solder bridge that protects the laser diode from static during shipping. You must remove this bridge in order for the laser to work. You will then need to adjust the EF-balance and Focus-offset to achieve proper playback. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CD player in a AIWA nsx-4000 system. Fel : The CD will spin momentarely (about 10 seconds) then shuts down. It proceeds with disk #2, and the same thing happens. Disk #3 does the same, then it stops. Probably the IC driver is bad, I checked the spin motor and it works OK. tgrd : Check flat-type-wire for laser optical pick-up. Check EFM & RF signal IC. Check cd micro-control IC. Check the lens of the laser and make sure it is clean. These units are notorious for collecting a fine layer of dust on the surface of the lens. Use a dry cotton tip swab and wipe gently. Canned air can be helpful, but be careful!!! You can permanently damage the pickup with this. When the unit is looking for the disc watch the lens for movement up and down (focus search). If it still goes to the next disc without playing, change the pickup assembly. One more thing to note is that there is a mod for this unit. It has to do with the tray not stopping in the right position (one click to far to the right). You have to add two resistors, and a transistor to the optical sensor that controls the tray position. Check with Aiwa for more details on this if your unit has this problem. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Carvin amplifier. Fel : All the power transistors (mosfet) made by Motorola, mark MTW 20n20e. and MTW 14p20 are burned. I do not know the part numbers. Where can I get those original or replacement parts? tgrd : Several FETs can sub the N-FET, the problem is having a complementary P-FET to match the N-FET. One possibility is to use IRFP240 to sub MTW20N20E, and IRFP9240 to sub MTW14P20; these have specs close to those Motorola FETs. Digikey (800-344-4539) and Newark (800-463-9275) list both IRFP240 and IRFP9240 in their catalogs. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Carlsbro guitar amplifier,"stingray 65watt". Fel : Original problem only distortion channel working, channel switch not working. Repaired power supply to get channel switch working. Now there is very low output, I have replaced main output transistors, resistors 'r25 and 26 running very hot.

tgrd : Depending on the output Q's, try to use original part numbers and not NTE subs. Inject a 1Khz signal in the front end-check for signal linearity through the preamp to the output with an osilloscope. Make sure the output jacks' hot signal isnt being shorted to ground. Check for a balanced +/- power supply at the bridge filter caps.(push-pull). Be sure to set bias current as to not overheat the output stage. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hifi Tuner Sony LBT-D150. Fel : Tuner does not receive STEREO, only when you switch to MONO the tuner works good. tgrd : I do not know this particular model, but I have often encountered this very symptom with other brands; lubricate or replace 'vco stereo multiplex' trimmer (provided there is one and you can locate it). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Technics CD player model # SL-PC14. Fel : Intermittently playes at approx. twice the normal speed through track one and maybe part of two, the rest of the disc then playes fine. Have cleaned lens and tried adjusting tracking offset and tracking balance. This player has a voice coil-type laser transport. I even cleaned the ceramic brush block for the pickup transport. Unit will play fine for days in the shop, then it will "skip" a few days after the customer has it. tgrd : Sounds like the disc motor is bad. This is a common problem for this complaint. If the motor is weak it can not keep the speed locked for the first few tracks. It spins about 500rpm at track1 to 250rpm for the last tracks (outer most). Make sure you measure the distance between the chassis and disc platter before you remove it so you can put the new one back on at the right height. Look at the eye patter, if it undulates back & forth (not up & down), The spindle motor is bad. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Philips Fel : Audio.IC TDA7052, made by Philips. I cannot find it in Shanghai. What can replace it so I can buy it in Shanghai, China? tgrd : TDA7052 is ECG7051. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sansui 990db receiver. Fel : I am getting approximately 45vdc on the left output terminals. I have tested all 8 (4per chan.) of output devices for shorts or opens, they test diode DMM ok. The right side works fine and no DC voltage is present. tgrd : You have a bad transistor on the left side. Your best bet is to replace them all. Check for excess current draw. If not excessive, change differential amp transistors. If excessive, check for open bias transistor and check for open bias control. Sansui's are famous for burning out this control ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pioneer Power Amplifier M90 Fel : Where can I find the equivalence of k129a (mosfet) for Pioneer Power Amplifier M90? tgrd : This is probably NEC's 2SK129A. Techsonic is listing 2SK129 and 2SK129A in its stock, on webpage http//members.tripod.com/~semiconductor/html Audio Lab of Georgia, website http//audiolab.home.mindspring.com/ lists stock of two 2SK129 at $1.80 apiece on its semiconductor inventory page. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sony Discman Model #D-34. Fel : Everything on the player seems to be in good working order, however, the unit skips ocassionally when in play mode, unit is stationary. There does not seem to be any one spot on a

disc where this happens. The unit will studder, and then play ok for a few minutes, and then studder again. I have cleaned the optics,and checked the tracing optics, and that seems to be ok. tgrd : Try replacing the motor for the CD. You may be able to use a cleaning solvent. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Teac PD-D850 audio CD multi player (5 disc). Fel : Skips regularly (20-70 seconds depending on which track is being played). It backs up and replays a few seconds of the previous material when it skips. Also, when playing the last track of the CD, it sounds like a great echo. It appears that the unit has been dropped a short distance, but I cannot find any PC board damage. tgrd : Check the traverse gears for a dust or sand particle between the gear teeth. Also check the motor gear under a magnifier. They often split right on the motor shaft causing the teeth to open, thus preventing a proper mesh with the other gears.This is why the time to failure is consistent. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sony fm-am stereo receiver. Fel : Comes on and plays for about 15 minutes. Front goes blank, sometimes keeps operating but dial is not lit. tgrd : Tear it apart and fix the bad ground conections. You may also have a thermal display I.C. Sony grounds the main & power supply boards thru the chassis (the main board thru the heat sink...brilliant!), After these heat up & cool down enough times all sorts of whacky things happen. Find & tighten all screws on these boards. On the screws with metal tabs on the board, prep & solder the screw to the tab with a high wattage iron ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HH Scott 222C Stereomaster Tube Amplifier. Fel : One of the output stage transformers has developed some problem, due to which I'm getting 8 dB less output on one channel. Where can I get the winding details for the output stage transformer? Does the HH Scott company still exist? If so, what is their address? tgrd : Try the following web site http//www.inquo.net/~lshuster/hhscott/index.htm. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------JVC BR-8600U Fel : would play normally, except when going from reverse search to play. Then it would drag for about 30 seconds and then play at normal speed. Supply tension was exceedingly high which caused the problem. My question is, what is the procedure for tension adjustment on this unit? tgrd : There is a mechanical spring adjustment on the left side of the cassette loader, but it only adjusts tension over a minimal range. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mitsubishi m65841 m65832 m65846. Fel : I need a datasheet tgrd : These IC's datasheets have not been posted on the Mitsubishi On-line website. I suggest you get the Mitsubishi contact info for your area of the world, at http//www.mitsubishichips.com/contact/service.htm , and contact them for this information directly. If this is a help, M65841 is a Digital Reverb IC, M65832 is a Digital Echo IC, and M65846 is a Surround System Processor IC. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Technics SU-v98 amp. Fel : I suspect a faulty power amp IC, SVI3025. What is the pinout for this chip or where I can obtain it? tgrd : Dalbini carries it. 1-800-325-2264.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Panasonic RX-CT900 portable stereo component system. Fel : When playing either cassette there is a ticking type grinding sound. After playing for awhile this sound turns into static and comes through the speakers until you can no longer hear the music. tgrd : Check the motor static brush or realign the base plate. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sony Cd player Fel : that does not alway recognize a CD once the door has been closed. At times it will not close the door. You push the open/close botton and it closes but then immediately opens again. I have found that if I lift the front of the chassis slightly off of the shelf and allow it to drop it will work properly. tgrd : Remove the tray, clean everything. Relube the tray and all the slides, this should fix your problem. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Optimus stereo model #13-1253,serial #99225-18498. Fel : The problem is a distorted and attenuated left channel at the output. I observed the signal at the input of the power output package and it is still distorted . All Vcc's checked O.K. tgrd : If you trace backwards from the output you will probably find a bad cap or transistor in the pre amp circuit ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Yamaha RX-350. Fel : The left channel goes dead intermittently. tgrd : Resolder the big coupling caps and/or replace the output ic. Have you double checked the balance and volume controls? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sony STR D-911 Amp Fel : I need a supplier for a board (1-647-927-11,D911U27LGQ7) for a Sony STR D-911 Amp. tgrd : Sony only is the source for Sony PWBS, unless you can find one out of a unit that has been 'field-scrapped'. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------BOSS car amplifier model AVA-650 Fel : . As far as can tell the main board is good, I can put a signal in directly to each channel and they all seem to work. The input/preamp board had 4 shorted op amps which replaced, every thing else on the board seems ok. There is supposed to be +15 & -15V going to this board but is only +-.61, the 15V is is being dropped across a 390n 1W resistor on the main board. I understand this implies a short on the input board or a diode drop of some kind but I cannot find a problem. tgrd : Amp is now fixed. I ran a seperate power supply to the problem board and it worked fine, so I hooked back up to the main board and the amp worked fine. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Allied Radio (remember them?) receiver, circa 1970. Fel : One channel starts making popping/sizzling noises once warm, 10-15 minutes. It is apparently in the phone preamp section, since the radio and auxillary still work fine. tgrd : Replacements the two transistors on the phone reamp (separate little board) (both ECG and NTE parts are available; got NTE 123 APs, about $1 each.). The transistors have different part #s but both map to the same replacement part (for both ECG and NTE). Also, the wiring configurations are different, this is a definite "gotcha". ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Aiwa NSX 4000 mini system.

Fel : When the unit is plugged in, the cd drawer opens and continues to open when closed, even if there are cd's present. Could it be the laser? tgrd : I cannot recall precisely the NSX-4000. But, if when the drawer is open you see a white ribbon cable on the left side, you will find it to be nearly broken right where it plugs onto the PC board. This is a common problem with the Aiwa NSX series. It causes the drawer to act erratically. To answer your question about the laser, it is not the cause of this problem. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pioneer FH-M75 car stereo Fel : H/U that the amplifier was toasted in. That is fixed, but now I have a high-pitched whine in the speakers. It does not matter whether it is playing tape, cd or radio. tgrd : If the sound problem is only with the engine running, check your ground connections. Try running a ground from the mounting bolt on the back of the H/U to a good known ground. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pioneer Sx-203 home receiver Fel : with what I believe is blown outputs. What happens is that everything turns on and all buttons work. I get no sound from the speakers (no static, or turn on bumps). tgrd : Pioneer SX-203 blown outputs usually caused by to low of a load, IE, using two pair of 8ohm speakers for a 4ohm load causes too much heat. Replace output transistors and secondary fuse, check the dual emitter resistors at the output befor turning on power. Should be .22 or .33 ohms. If those are open, then also check surrounding components. I find that four out of five times it is only the output transistors that fail. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pioneer (similar to p721-2.) Pioneer made 'suicidial' stereos rx-370, 570, 390, 590... Fel : with a "blow line" that deliberately destroys the outputs (and often the speakers) if it senses anything wrong, including pressing too many buttons at once, power dips, loose speaker wires, electrostatic interference, bad cassette motors. I have heard there is an smd transistor which can be shorted emitter to base to disable the blow line, which one? tgrd : I have fixed several of these monsters and I found something even Pioneer tech support missed. When the unit is in the OFF mode, a design glitch, (a sneak path through an IC) draws one of the supplies which is usually positive when the unit is ON and zero when OFF to a negative value. This causes instant Hari Kari. The cure for these units was to put diodes (1N4007 or whatever) back biased across the supplies in the preamp that are switched on and off along with the ON and OFF modes. These prevent the condition from occurring. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Fisher RSZ1 Digital Reference Series Receiver. Fel : Isolated a defective part marked K398 at the audio section but cannot cross-reference this semiconductor. Need info/data on substitute parts, pin configuration, and any other vital info. tgrd : If this part looks like a transistor it is probably a 2SK398 which crosses to an ECG2392 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------RCA CC-641 Camcorder Fel : It can record, but playing it back no audio was recorded. tgrd : Will the camcorder record line audio? Will it play audio from an old tape? You probably have a broken wire by the audio head, but may have a bad audiu ic. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Onkyo TX9031RDS audio receiver, Fel : I found two transistors "RN1241" to be dead. Where can I find data or replacement types for these rare transistors? tgrd : RN1241 is a Toshiba muting transistor, rated R[on] = 1 ohm @ 5 mA Ib; it has an internal 5.6K (+/-25%) resistor going into the base (ECB pinout). Also, it has a high Vebo 25V,

and high gain 200-1200, all making it hard to cross. If your Toshiba supplier cannot provide these, try getting Toshiba's 2SC3327, which has similar specs but no base resistor, and then adding a small 5.6K resistor externally to the base. 2SC3327 is listed by MCM (800-543-4330), B & D Enterprises (800-458-6053), and Union Electronic (800-648-6657), among others. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sharp DX-650 CD player (D/M June '87) Fel will intermittently stop playing the CD. The CD will continue to spin, but no sound and the time of the song on the display will start flashing. Although the disc is spinning, the time on the display does not increment. Pushing pause and then play resumes the music, but it jumps approx. 1 minute and 10 seconds back and starts from there. Any ideas? tgrd : I am not model specific but here are some things you might want to check out. Lens clean? Optical pickup moving freely along the sliders? Dried up grease? Broken tooth/dirt on gears? Tracking motor dead spot? See if it continues play if you gently turn it by hand. Connector to optical pickup got a crack in any wire (especially those transparent flat flex cables may be failing depending on bow angle)? Bent shaft of spindle motor (bearing)? Wobble of CD will show scoping Tracking Error and Focus Error. Getting more serious, the nearer to the outer parts of CD just until focus/tracking circuitry gives up. Spindle motor not running stable at lower speeds (brush debris,dead spot)? Measuring voltages at spindle motor during play and breakdown should verify. Injecting contact WL through vent holes of motor could affect it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sony stereo receiver str-da80es. Fel : When powered up, the unit goes into the protection mode. I have checked the grounds, but cannot seem to find the problem. tgrd : Protect mode usually means one of two things. Check for DC on the speaker outputs (if yes, then you have shorted outputs). Check all supply voltages. You can also try a master reset, Ground the reset test point. Plug unit in and turn it on, remove ground from the reset test point. Sony grounds the main & power supply boards thru the chassis (the main board thru the heat sink...brilliant!), After these heat up & cool down enough times all sorts of whacky things happen. Find & tighten all screws on these boards. On the screws with metal tabs on the board, prep & solder the screw to the tab with a high wattage iron ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Audio_Equip blown a STK 4171 II Fel : and got an STK 4171 X for replacement. But the last one has different number of pins. I could not get a pinout for the X-Version. tgrd : It is generally a mistake to try to substitute Sanyo STK's with a chip whose number has different Roman numerals; the Sanyo numbering system just does not work that way. For example, your STK4171-II is obsolete for design, and Sanyo recommends as the design replacement IC# STK4172-II, not a different STK4171. But design replacements sometimes are not drop-in replacements, so why don't you just pick up an STK4171-II from a place like B & D Enterprises (800-458-6053) or MCM Electronics (800-543-4330)? Both list the chip in their inventory ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Technics SA-EX800P-K receiver Fel : that was overloaded due to speakers being connected incorrectly causing them to be shorted. Since then, the receiver has never functioned and displays the "Overload" screen upon startup without ever turning the amp on. This occurs when all inputs and outputs are disconnected and the amp has had plently of time to cool down. tgrd : I am not familiar with this model. However, I have fixed hundreds of receivers and amplifiers without schematics by always checking the output transistors for shorts. Find the heat sink and check every transistor for a short. Trace the leads back to the previous stage for shorted

drivers. Many less expensive receivers use multipin power chips, about 2"x3". There is no repairing these. Replace the whole module and hope for the best. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------JVC Audio/Video Control Reciever, model number Rx-517V. Fel : The main power fuse (6.3 amp, 125 volts) keeps blowing out and I am unable to find where the short is in the system. tgrd : Try putting a lightbulb in series from transformer and the wire to on/off switch. If fuse does not blow, you have a defective transformer. I had the same problem with a similar JVC. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------JVC tuner model # FX-330 BK. Fel : I have done much searching (ECG, internet) on a voltage regulator located in the power supply, this regulator is an AN7812R, it is a four pin not a three pin regulator. Apparently the extra pin is some kind of a reset. I would like some information on this IC please. 12 volts is coming from the third pin but this pin is attached to a fuse directly to ground, which explains why my meter (while measuring amperage through the fuse socket) shows the current exceeds 0.15A with the line voltage only at 30 VAC. The fourth pin measures over 13 volts. I am very confused on this IC. I believe pin one to be Vinput, pin two GND, pin 3 ?(reset?), pin four perhaps should be 12 volts? From internet searching, a number of people have been asking about this IC, and not really getting the answer. The IC seems to be in a number of JVC tuners with similar model numbers. Perhaps, no one else is using this IC. tgrd : AN7812R is a Matsushita (Panasonic) 12 Volt, 1 Amp voltage regulator. The pinout is 1) Input; 2) Ground; 3) Output; 4) Reset. The reset pin voltage is 1 - 2 volts (two diode drops) higher than the 12 Volt output voltage when the reset is not under load. Taking the reset pin to a low voltage shuts the regulator down. So it seems your device is functioning as expected. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sony model STR-D865. Fel : Looking for final pair San Ken MN2488 and MP1620. Is there a generic cross for these or a source other than Sony for replacements? tgrd : MN2488 and MP1620 are the numbers for the devices Sanken provides to Sony. The industry numbers are 2SD2488 and 2SB1620. If your supplier of Japanese transistors has these latter two, they will substitute, but these will not cross to any generics, their specs are too unique. They are matched NPN and PNP Darlingtons, rated 200 Vceo, 15 Amp, 150 Watt, MT100 case, with minimum gain of 5000. If your supplier does not have them, your most likely bet is still to obtain them through Sony, using the Sony numbers. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Kenwood Stereo Integrated Amplifier KA-127. Fel : 120 Volt, 5 amp, 60 hz. Whenever I replace the fuse it blows again. tgrd : Have repaired KA128 units same fault. Mine where shorted output transistors for one side. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Nordmende Spectra-Stereo 5205 Chassis F 15-02. Fel : The problem is that blue has become the dominant color in the picture after replacing the focus unit. I have tried changing the IC01 TDA4556 and the U4606 parts, to no avail. tgrd : If TDA 4556 is from TESLA, try to it change with another from another company. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------JVC XL-V95 CD player Fel : in my shop that is real selective in playing cds; doesn't like any CD that does not spin perfectly in balance. Have tried brand new CD's that are such and unit reads back "no CD" upon insertion; tried used CD's that spin uniformly and works great. If I prop the front of the unit up

about 10 degrees, the unit plays all of the CDs fine. I can tap on the CD-mech and it does not skip outside of the norm for a single oversample unit. With the out-of round CD's playing fine at 10 degrees front elevation, I can lower the front of the unit slowly and the audio starts getting choppy until it finally cuts out at about 5 degrees elevation. tgrd : I once had a Philips portable CD player with similar symptom. Turned out the clamp that held the CD down on the spindle table had lost some of its magnetism, therefore not holding the CD solidly. I confirmed this by substituting the clamp by placing small magnets around the hub of the CD and started it playing. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Technics audio amplifier Fel : not working, the IC (part SVI3105a) was blownup. I live in Chihuahua, Mexico and the only part similar was an SVI3105c so I put that. It worked fine for a while, then the IC was blownup again. I do not have any schematics or pinout of the IC, so it may be another reason for the IC was destroyed. The new IC's left audio output pin was shortlinked with a power source pin. tgrd : I would suspect an external problem, not specifically the ic that is blowing the left channel. Improper coupling devices, improper speaker impedence on that channel, or incorrect bias to that section of the ic. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CD-80R compact disk player. Fel : Looking for information on a company, Crown of Japan. I need a power transformer for a model tgrd : Crown (Japan) Ltd., Bharat Bldg. 8F, Minami-Hom-Machi Chuo-Ku, Osaka 1-4-6, Phone: 06-266-1331, Fax: 06-266-1363; # Employees: 2 (!) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------GoldStar FH-682R CD Audio Player Stereo Component Fel : This unit, when you place a CD into the drawer and push the open/close or play button, accepts the CD by closing the drawer, but the display reads "no" after a few seconds and will not go into play mode. Opening and closing the drawer a few times will remedy the problem and the unit will then play the CD. tgrd : Try cleaning lens and reflector if applicable first (DO NOT USE SPRAY CLEANER HERE - use 91% isopropyl or denatured alcohol), then spray out bottom of spindle motor if no success. Make sure rails are sufficently greased while your there. Finally try slightly turning (first in one direction then the other) the trimmer on laser unit if there is one but mark it first w/ feltip pen so it can be reset if no good. This will solve most of these problems. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------GPX (Grand Prix Electronics) boombox. The model is C996. Fel : The problem is the left speaker is not working or very very faint. I have checked out the speaker and it is fine. I am flying blind since there seems to be no schematic. tgrd : Try cleaning the volume control with a spray type clean tuner cleaner. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pioneer Deh-225 car audio CD player Fel : which the owner hooked up without a ground. The stereo when hooked up properly seems to function, but will not put out sound. tgrd : Sounds like the installer could have damaged the audio output ICs. If you're getting *no* sound from the speakers (no hiss, power on thump, etc) but still have B+ to the ICs, you've probably got 2 blown ICs. Incorrect installation wiring seemed to be the number one killer of output ICs in car stereo from my experience. Also, very hot IC's are a sign of damage. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Zenith model SC2793P with a Bose sound system.

Fel : The problem is that it keeps blowing the fuses to the sound board. I need to find a new board. The number is Bose 9-569. tgrd : From Zenith, if it's still available. Otherwise you may need to have it rebuilt. the 9XXX-XX is the part number you need to order, when palcing order ask about availability. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pioneer DEH-720 car cd player Fel : which has no outputs. Unit may have been hooked up wrong. tgrd : Check for flashed pc traces near the DC input. Also the protect transistors may be crisp also. There may be protect fuse-resistors in the DC input circuit. Hopefully the damage is only there, I have seen output devices blown out because of reverse or over-voltage applications. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Technics stereo amp mn su-g90 Fel : no power. tgrd : Check the power transistors that are mounted on the Heatsink next to the output IC. Usually they are cold or cracked solder joints. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lloyd's am/fm receiver model H415 Fel : located shorted zener diode D108 in tuner vr circuit. Only marking is C8. Need to know full generic p/n or replacement p/n and/or zener voltage. Physical size would indicate wattage is 0.5 watt. Date of mfg of receiver is 1979. tgrd : part #he10003= Part # he10003 gen. # 1s188am ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Audio Logic model SC31i (single channel 31 band graphic equalizer) Fel : and I cannot locate this company. tgrd : Audio Logic is made by DOD/Digitech. Their phone number is 1-800-999-9363 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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