Blanking of Low-Carbon Steel
Blanking of Low-Carbon Steel
Blanking of Low-Carbon Steel
l '
l' ;'
(b) 4F
I t) Blonk For,med box
Fig, 4, Notched work illu.stratlng use 01
notchinQ' for /reelnQ' 01 metal be/ore draw
lng (a) and be/ore formirtg (b), an lor
removing excess metal be/ore lormlng (c)
Fig. 5, Strip lanced to free metal for
Piereing of ho!es of any shape in a
strip to free meta! for subsequent
forming, or to produee surfaees that
Iater coincide with the outllne of a
blanked part, is sometimes called semi
notching. The pierced area may outllne
a portion of one part, or of two or more
adjaeent parts in a strip. Progressive
die layouts Incorporatlng seminotchlng
are lllustrated in Fig. 2, 18 and 31.
Lancing is a press operation in whieh
a slngle-line cut or sllt is made part
wny across the strlp stock, wlthout re
ll10ving any metal. Oenerally, lancing ls
done to free metal for formlng, as
shown In FIg. 5, or as in forming lou
verso The eut does not have a closed
contour and does not release a blank ar
a plece of scrap. Besldes !ts use in
freelng meta for subsequent formlng,
lanclng also is used to cut partia! con
tours for blanked parts, partlcularly In
progressive dies.
Trimming is nn operation for remov
ing excess metal (such as deformed and
uneven metal on drawn or formed
parts) and metal that has been needed
In a previous opeI'ation (such as a
blankholding flange for a draw opera
tlon). Trlmmlng Is done In several
ways, depending on the shape of the
workpiece, on the accuracy required,
and on production quantlty.
Figure 6 lllustrates the tooling for
trimming a horizontal flange on a
drawn shell in a operation.
The drawn shell ls set on a locating
plug for trlmmlng. After scrap from a
sufficient number of trimmed shells has
accumulated, the piece of scrap at the
bottom Is severed at eaeh stroke of the
press by the scrap cutters shown in Fig.
6, and falls elear. Except that the dle
must be construeted to aecept and 10
cate the drawn shell, the operation ls
ldentical with the blanklng of a flat
workpiece and produces square edges of
the same aecuracy and qual1ty.
A drawn shell or formed part may be
trlmmed in a press wlthout leavlng a
flange on the completed part, by one of
three methods: plnch trlm, shlmmy
trlm, or trlm and wlpe-down.
Plnch trlmmlng, shown as a separate oper
atlbn In a push-through dle In Flg. 7, la done
only on a part that haa at least a narrow
flange aS-formed, The shell must be free Crom
wrlnkles at or near the trlmmlng . IIne. The
trlmmed edge Is Ilot square wlth tl1e slde
wall, but has the general shape showll In the
lower rlght corl1er of Flg. 7. of
helght resultIng from plnch trlmmlng la
afIeeted by varlatlon In waU thlekness and
fiange nidlus. To be Bure of an even plneh-otf
alld to avold shllrp or rough edgelJ, clearance
between punch and dia must be held to a
mlnlmum, and the puneh must be kept sharp,
Plnch trlmmll1g la done wlthout a
blo.nkholder OI' hold-down, uslng adie other
wlse slmllo.r to that shown In Flg. 7. The
scrap rlngs may be blown oH the dle at each
stroke. In another method, the scrap rlngs
cllmb the punch untll they are severed by
belng compressed agalnst a scrBp cutter, after
whlch they are spread apart and allowed to
run out along a trnck for dlsposal. Plnch
trlmmlng wlthout a blankholder Is partlcular
1y well sulted for use In 1Ilgh-volume produc
tlonJI eyelets and other small partB,
FIg. 6, Single-operatton dte lor trtmmtng a
horizontal flange OU' a drawu shell
Trimming punch
"'- edge
. Workpiece
Oeloll A
(before workplece Is Irlmmed)
Flg. 7. Plnch trlmming a drawn in a
push-through dle
'. ,.l Wl4id:"'H,, I.C"W)"f)'8 P'u.
Plnch trlmmlng Is prlmurlly e. mass
ductlon melhod, The productlon rate 15
because only one stroke of the press
Qulred to complete lhe lrlm, The m
often Is comblned wlth drawing In a
pound draw-and-trlm dle, to reduce pr
t10n cost sllll further.
Dlsadvantages are excesslve burrs,
cut edge, and hlgh dle malntenanee.
Shimmy Trlmmlng. In trlmmlng w
8hlmmy dle (known al50 as Brehm or
trlmmlng), the drawn shell Is held
close-flttlng dle of the exact shell helghl
18 trlmmcd In I;egmcnts by successlve
zontal osclllatlon" or an InternaI cam-ael
punch toward the outside o( the shell
resultlng trlmmed edge Is sQuare and (
resembles the convenllonal blanked edl
o. f1at parto 8hell helght 18 more M<
than wlth plnch trlmmlng.
Besldeli ltB appllcatlon to shells that
have square, accurate edges, shlmmy t rln
18 used 011 shellll that have a wrlnkl
otherwlse nonunHorm top edge as-drawn
oH Is done below the detecta), and on
that cannot be produced economlcally
even the narrow flange needed for
Toollng cost for shlmmy trlmmlng 15
hlgher than for plnch trlmmlng. Also, sh
trlmmlng Is slower, because 1t requlrel
or more osclllatlons of the punch In one
stroke and cannot be combined with
operatlons In a dle.
Shlmmy dles are Inexpensive to mal
because they remaln In allgnment and
are not IIkely to wear by shearlng or chll
Trim anel WlpeDown. In thls type o
rulng, a f1ange Is cut to wldth wlth
Buch as that shown In Flg, 6. anrl thcn
or stralghtened Into IIne wlth the
the shell 01' fonned part. Because of n
f1ange wldth, trimmlng and wlplng dOWI
be two operatlons,
The edge Is square wlth the sldewaJ
the shell helght rnay be sllghtly 1m
,because of the form!ng characterlstlcs (
metal. Al so, a. rlng may be vlslble a
original locatloll of Lhe flangc radlus,
Trimming, oLheI' than shmmy 1
ming, Is frequently combined with
or more other operatons in a I
pound dle. Trim stoek often Is left
drawn or formed workpiece so th
can be trlmmed to size in a seeonc
eration. Thls is dane to get the .
accurate relation of some otheI' fea
Buch as a plerced hole, to the trlrr.
outl1ne of the workpiece.
Characteristics of Blanked Ed!
The sheared edges of a blank
in a conventional die are
smooth and vertical for the el
th!ckness of the part, but insteM !
the charaeteristlcs represented ot
exaggerated seale in Fig. 8. The li
ls shown in the position in whic
would be cut from the work meta
the downward motion of the pune.'
portion of the stock rcmaining afte:
moval of the bJank 13 shown at th!
of the lllustratlon.
Rollover on the lowcr edgcs 01
blank develops by plastlc deforrm
of the work metal as it is forceo
the die by the punch. CompressiQ
the metal above the rollover
against the wa l'8 of tlle die op.:
burnishes a portlOJ , qf the edge o:
bIank, as shown in Fig. 8, As the Il'
completes its stroke, the rema:
portlon of the blank edge 13 br
away or fraetured (resulting In .
break"), and a tensile burr is f ll.;
along the top of the blanJc edgc. i
Tl1e angle of the fractur ed
the edge ls ldentifte In Fig. 8 a;
breakout angIe. The breakout dl
slon of the blank and the burnlz
menslon of the bole in the ,
'\ h
lide are
:til. Also,
e:eton are approximateIy equal to the
. sponding puneh dimension, and
burnlsh dimenslon of the blank ls
dose to the eorresponding die di
on. Thus, the punch determines
hoie slze and the dle governs the
:" Ptnetration depth, or the amount of
t.etratlon of the puneh Into the work
1before fracture oecurs, ls shown
he edge of the remalning stoek or
p skeleton In Fig. 8. Thls depth is
xlmately equal to the Bum of roll
depth and burnlsh depth on the
k, except when low dle elearance
\Jeea secondary burnlsh. It 13 usual
expressed as a percentage of the
o:.c. l<'I'1rkmetal thlckness. o
) The percentage of penetration (be
lme fracture) depends on the proper
rif work metal, as shown In Ta
l, which gives approximate values
or rarlous steels and nonferrous met
lls under typical blanklng eondlt1ons.
<Jmentage penetration atIects energy
; Insumptlon and cuttlng force In blank
ns descrlbed under "Calculation of
lte Requirements", on thls page.
Die Clearance
terms c1earance, dle clcarance,
';' alld punch-to-dle clearance are used
':,l'1nonymously to refer to the space be
punch and die. Clearance is Im
tant for reliable operation of the
nklng equipment, quality and type
eut edges. and !ife of punch and die.
the effects of clearance on
:tthese factors in blanking are the same
00A/l In plercng, and are discussed on
14 in the artiele "Plerelng of
Carbon Steel".
The edge eharacterlstics of slugs pro
In plercing holes are described
pages 44 and 45 in the article on
rcing. and are illustrated in Fig. 2
of lhat article. The data in that lllus
itQtlon can serve as a guide for select
l'ng clearances for blanking.
clearance values glven In thls ar
per slde, except where lndl
ti otherwlse.
Optimum blanking clearance may
JCr.letlmes be less than optlmum plere
mg clearance. This Is partly because
'!.he blanked edge generally 1s elose to
stock edge, and material expanson
m etore Is less restricted. A pierclng
\"001must move a great deal of material
frorn !ts cuttlng edge and, for
gest lHe, the clearance should be se
.ted to elirnlnate as much compresslve
Joadtng on the work metal as possible.
A part blanked uslng c1earance much
tlTeater than normal may show double
,u r. whlch ordinarlly is evldent only
extremely small cIearanee (see
fttge types 4 and 5 in Fig. 2 on page
a part blanked uslng large
drarance \viU be smaller than the die
Olltning (except for a deeply dished
bll:l k), and it is d!fficult to correct the
llng to compensate for this. In some
ppllcations, retalnlng the blank be
almost as great a problem as
ng the slugs Into a dle cavity
,atter pierclng, because of the increased
&eld in a blanlclng die (Fig. 9) 18
ttle taper that 18 provlded 80 that the
;MTered blank can fall free. The relief
'bgle may range from y'\0 to 2 ' from
die diomeler
Ftg. 8. Charactertsttcs 01 the sheared edgel
01 a blanko Curvature and angles are
exaggerated jor empha8t8.
Table 1. Approxlmate Penetratlon oi Sheei
Ucfore Fracture In Blanklng
Work Penetra Work Penetra..
metal tlon. % _m...... et_a_'____tloon, %
Carbon steels(a): Nonterrous MetaIs
0.10% C, Ann 50
0010% C, CR. 38
alloys 60
0.20% C, Ann 40
Brass 60
0020% C, CR. 20
Bronze ,....... 025
0030% C, Ann 33
Copper ... 55
0.30% C, CR. 22
Nlckel alloys .. 55
Slllcon steels ... 30 Zlnc a11oY8 50
(a) Ann annealed; CR = cold rolled
1-+-"0 Lond
Flgo, 9, Reltej In a blanking dte
the vertical wall of the die opening.
Sometlmes, relle! in li. die is called
draft or angular clearance. In some
dles, the rellef may start at the top of
the d1e surface and have a taper of
only 0.002 In. per Inch per side (see o
page 64 In the artlcle "Blanking and
Pierclng of Magnetically Soft Mate
riaIs", in thls volume>. In other dies,
there Is a stralght, vertlcalland between
the top of the die and the relief.
Calculation of Force Requirements
Calculation of the forces and the
work involved in blanklng gives average
figures thatare applicable only when:
(a) the correct shear strength for the
material i8 u8ed; and (b) the die is
sharp and the punch i8 in good condi
tlon, has correct clearance, and 1s rune
tionlng properly. o
The total load on the prss, or the
press capacity required to do a particu
lar job, 18 the sum of the cutting force
and other forces acting at the same
time, such as the blankholding force
exerted by adie cushion..
Cutting Force: Square-End Punches
and Dies. When punch and dle surfaces
are ftat and at rlght angles to the mo
Uon of the punch, cuttlng force can be
found by multlply1ng the area of the
cut 8ectlon by the shear strength of the
work material:
L =
where L is load on the pre8s,lb (cut
tlng force); S. Is shear strength of the "
stock, psl; t is stock thickness, In.;
l Is length or perlmeter of cut, m. ,
Shear strengths of various steels and .
nonferrous metais are given in Table 2.
Cutting Force: Dies With Shear. For
cutting lal'ge blanks, shear may be ap
pl1ed to the face of the die by grlndlng
lt at an angle to the motlon of the I
punch (Flg. 10), but shear 18 not used
In cuttlng small blanks. Shear reduces o;
shock on the press, blanking noise, and
blanking force, but the same amount of <
work Is done as with a fiat die surface.
The most common type of shear used "
on the die is convex (Fig. 10a). The ;
apex of the dle face i5 rounded slightly
to avold init1atlng a craek in the work
metal. Cone ave shear (Figo 10b) is '! o
somewhat more dlfficult to grlnd on the "
die, but holds the work metal more se- :
curely during blanking. A radlus ap-.
proximately equal to that of the grind- ;
ing wheel Is produced where the ground :
surfaces meet.
A third type of shear, sometlmes used
on a dle for a large blank, consists of a
wavy ar scalloped surface around the
dle opening. This technique uses several
convex and concave shear surfaces
around the dle opening. The puneh load
is distributed over the entire die sur
face, thus minim!zing punch shift.
The amount of shear in adie can be
less than or greater than stock thick
ness. Shear that equal in depth to
the stock thickness (or is greater than
the stock thicknes8) 1s called fuH shear.
Table 2. Shear Strengths of Varlous Steela
and NonIerrollS Metais ai Room
Metal 8hear' .....nith. psl
Carbon ateeIs;
0.10% C ..... 35.000 to 43,000
0020% C ........ 44,000 to 55,000
0030% C ................ 52.000 to 67.000
low-alloy ateeIs ,........ 45,000 to 63,700
Sll1con steeIs ...... 60,000 to 70.000
Stalnless steels ....... 57,000 to 129,000
Nonferrous MetaIs
AIumlnum a110ys 7,000 to 46.000
Copper and bronze 22.000 to 70,000
Lead alloys . o 1,825 to 5,870 o
Magneslum aJloys .... 17,000 to 29,000
Nlckel alloys ..... 35.000 to 116,000
T1n alloys ... ... 2,900 to 11.100
Titan!um alloys 60.000 to 70,000
Zlnc alloys ......... . 14,000 to 38,000
(b) Concave ,oear
Pune h
Angle and depth of shear are exaggerated for
emphasls. Normally, depth or I.Ihear does noi
greatly exceed ato_clt thlckneB8. o
Fig. 10. Convex shear and concave,hear on o
blanknl1 die,