Alliterative Revival
Alliterative Revival
Alliterative Revival
- the traditional versification of Old English poetry - in Middle English during the period c. 1350 - c. 1500. The last alliterative poem known before this period isLawman's Brut, which dates from around 1190. Opinion is divided as to whether the reappearance of such poems represents a conscious revival of an old artistic tradition, or merely signifies that despite the tradition continuing in some form between 1200 and 1350, no poems have survived in written form.
Contents 1 Verse 1.1 The alliterative "long line" 1.2 Stanzaic poems
The alliterative "long line"
The verse of the Alliterative Revival broadly adheres to the same pattern shown in Old English poetry; a four-stress line, with a rhythmic pause (or caesura) in the middle, in which three of the stresses alliterate, i.e. aa / ax. Amongst the features differentiating the Middle English alliterative style from its predecessor is that the lines are longer and looser in rhythm, and the medial pause is less strictly observed, or often absent entirely; hundreds of rhythmic variations seem to have been permitted.[1] This can be illustrated by a few lines from Wynnere and Wastoure: Whylome were lordes in londe that loved in thaire hertis To here makers of myrthes that matirs couthe fynde, And now es no frenchipe in fere bot fayntnesse of hert, Wyse wordes withinn that wroghte were never, Ne redde in no romance that ever renke herde.(19-23) The fourth line, for example, has an extra alliterating stress at its head, while the third starts with a lighter extra stress containing a different alliterating pattern ("and now es no") to the rest of the line. Some poets, such as William Langland, the conjectured author of Piers Plowman, seem to have favoured looser rhythmic patterns than others.
Stanzaic poems
A second type of verse combining rhymed stanzas, usually of thirteen or fourteen lines, with the basic four-stress line also appeared during the Revival. Here the alliteration may often follow the
pattern aa / aa, ax / aa, or even aa / bb. It is still uncertain as to whether this tradition developed from the unrhymed alliterative template or from rhymed verse forms on which the traditional alliterative stave was superimposed. The surviving stanzaic alliterative poems are generally of northern English provenance; some, such as The Three Dead Kings, are of incredibly complex form.
political counterweight to the court.[6] However, as Richard II of England and John of Gaunt both had substantial support and connections in the north-west, it is also possible to argue that the alliterative poets of this period could easily have had courtly connections. In comparison to some of the authors of syllabic rhymed verse during this period, such as Geoffrey Chaucer, John Gower, and John Lydgate, almost nothing is known about the authors of alliterative poetry. The greatest of them, the Pearl poet, author of Pearl and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, and that of Alliterative Morte Arthure are both completely anonymous, though the former has been tentatively identified as a John Massey, member of a Cheshire landowning family. EvenWilliam Langland, the author of the hugely influential Piers Plowman, has been identified largely through conjecture. The longest poem of the Revival, The Destruction of Troy, is ascribed to a John Clerk from Lancashire, but little else is known about him. A notable exception to this lack of information is Scottish court poet William Dunbar; Dunbar generally wrote in syllabic metres, but displays a masterful use of the alliterative line in one poem at the very end of the period. One man known to have appreciated alliterative verse during the time it was still being composed was Robert Thornton, a 15th century landowner from North Yorkshire. Thornton's efforts in copying these poems, for the use of himself and his family, resulted in the preservation of several valuable works.
The first alliterative poem after the Brut for which a date can be established is Wynnere and Wastoure, which from internal evidence is usually dated to around 1352. The last, Scottish Ffielde, was composed in c. 1515. From in between these dates, a number of examples of verse have survived, of which some are listed below:
c. 1352 Wynnere and Wastoure, unrhymed allegorical debate (anonymous; dialect appears
dialect; some commentators have argued it may be written by the author of Wynnere and Wastoure)
c. 1380 (works attributed to the Pearl Poet) Pearl, allegorical poem in rhymed stanza (anonymous; dialect of the Pearl Poet,
rhymed bob and wheel (anonymous; generally considered to be the work of the Pearl Poet, above)
Cleanness, homiletic poem in unrhymed verse (anonymous; generally considered to
most technically complex in the language (anonymous; sometimes attributed toJohn Audelay)
Pater Noster, religious poem in rhymed alliterative stanza (anonymous; also possibly
by Audelay)
c. 1420 The Awntyrs off Arthure, Arthurian romance in thirteen-line stanza (anonymous;
c. 1500 The Tretis of the Twa Mariit Wemen and the Wedo, satirical chanson d'aventurein
theStanley family. Some elements of the alliterative technique survived in Scotland until the late 16th century, appearing in The Flyting Betwixt Montgomerie and Polwart dated around 1580.[7]
1. See Duggan, H. N. 'The Shape of the B-Verse in Middle English Alliterative Poetry',Speculum, 61 (1986), 564 2. Turville-Petre, T. The Alliterative Revival Boydell & Brewer, 1977, pp.34-35 3. Hanna, R. 'Alliterative poetry', in Wallace (ed.) The Cambridge History of Medieval English Literature, Cambridge: CUP, 2002, p.509 4. Hanna, p.497 5. Hanna, p. 502 6. Wurster, J. 'The Audience' in Gller (ed.) The Alliterative Morte Arthure, Boydell & Brewer, 1981, p.45 7. Turville-Petre, p.118