Chakra Feature

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A Holistic You

Contact Information: Kaitlyn Maxwell E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 859.322.2465 Twitter: @kait_maxx Blog:

Energy, Auras and Chakras: the human mental and physical balancing act.
The aura is a spiritual and metaphysical idea where objects and people have a radiation of energy that surrounds them. This energy represents a halo like effect and often gives one a power or holiness. Every person or object has a different aura depending on their personality, mood, and what you are experiencing in your world at any given time. A persons aura is composed of the vibrations of electromagnetic radiation and UV lights in response to the external surroundings. Auras are considered paranormal because they cannot be explained or proven; therefore the aura is a mystery that a lot of people cannot bring themselves to believe. The idea actually has a rich history with those in the Buddhist, Christian faith or other advanced spiritual beings claiming they can actually see auras. Prehistoric paintings actually showed people with golden halos. Nature gave us our senses in order to see auras but one also has to believe they can see in order to truly see. Auras give us information about the object our person, which is why seeing an aura, can be an important skill to have, even if you dont believe in the spirituality of it all. Seeing a person with a bright and clean aura provides a spiritual signature that tells us you can trust that the person has good intentions regardless of their physical appearance. I find this interesting because I find myself judging people on their appearance, dress and demeanor and dont take into account the vibrations they are giving off, which can be helpful for us to know as well.

Retrieved from: Auras contain different colors as pictured above. New age pop culture has given those colors straightforward meanings that may not actually depict what the shade is meant to mean. The colors mean different things depending on the shade and where they energy comes from but there are some guidelines that can help one tell how to read someone.

Red-materialistic thinking Blue-Balanced and survival Purple-Truly spiritual Turquoise-Energized and influential Green-natural healing Yellow-joy, freedom Orange-Powerful and inspiring Pink-balance between materialistic and spiritual-love Brown-unsettled Black-unresolved karma Gray-Dark and depressing thoughts White-lack of harmony between the body and mind

Everyone has an aura to see and not only does it help to see someones spiritual and emotional sides, but it can also help predict physical malfunctions. Since we dont

usually seek out auras or try to improve them, our auras are very weak. We suppress our need to develop the conscienceless or our true nature, because we are too busy with the hustle and bustle of our daily lives. By doing this we are suppressing our auras as well. Knowing that we are giving off an aura of some kind and improving what it is we give off will help us be able to recognize others intentions. What more evidence that do you need believe in the impact of the aura? Auras Everything on earth has an aura. From a table to the next stranger you meet. This video tells us how to practice seeing auras. How to see an aura So remember your aura is showing. Show it off right. In order to improve your aura, you must master the art of the chakra. No, a chakra isnt a part of your car that needs a yearly upgrade. Your chakras are focal point centers located on different areas of the body. The layers of energy that radiate through the chakras create a fan like vortex transmits in which vibrations full of energy flow to various organs and other parts of the body. The idea of a chakra originated in Buddhism and Hinduism where the meaning of the word was a turning wheel. Chakra is pronounced here. Auras are commonly associated with how weak and strong persons chakras are. Indian medicine used this word to explain vortices of energy that exist in living things. There are 7 chakras all located on a persons spine so that the major nerve branches can help energy flow from the top of the head to the base of the spine. Many philosophical, therapeutic rituals, disciplines and spiritual traditions using a variety of different versions and focal points study chakra. The chakra is sometimes compared to a flower with petals or spokes that can branch out and give oxygen (or energy) or other parts of the body. Chakras are interdependent of one anther and need each to be powerful in order to be at balance. Understanding the chakra system can improve your state of health and take control of what ails you, so that you can become the best possible version of yourself.

Retrieved from: When a person chakras are all vibrating at an equal rate one is supposed to be experiencing optimal health internally and externally. Each chakra has a place on the body, a purpose, color and symbol. They are as follows: The Root Chakra (Muladhara): The root chakra is located at the base of the spine and helps a person feel connected and grounded with the world around them. Your passion and feeling of stability and survival can all be affected by a weak root chakra.

Retrieved from: Root Chakra The Sacral Chakra (Sawdhisthana):Ones emotions and sexuality are controlled by the sacral chakra. A strong sacral chakra can make someone open, confident and have a large imagination.

Retrieved from: Sacral Chakra The Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura): Sometimes called the naval chakra due to its position this chakra deals with a persons fulfillment in your career and being able to enjoy and live life with a full voice. Being timid and afraid of social situations can be the result of a weak chakra.

Retrieved from: Solar Plexus Chakra The Heart Chakra (Anahata): Like its name and position the heart chakra helps people with their ability to love, forgive and show affection. Being cold and distant is a sign of a weak heart chakra.

Retrieved from: Heart Chakra The Throat Chakra (Vishuddha): The throat chakra helps one with their communication and self-expression. This helps one socially and ensures an extroverted personality when strong.

Retrieved from: Throat

The Third Eye Chakra (Ajna): A persons insight, intuition and visualization abilities are helped by the third eye chakra. With a weak or closed third eye, you may be the type of person who relies on others to think for them, or have a rigid personality.

Retrieved from: Third Eye Chakra The Crown Chakra (Sahasrara): The crown chakra deals with your spirituality and connection to the world. Fearing the unknown and lacking faith or hope are signs of weak or closed crown chakras.

Retrieved from: Crown Chakra While it is important for health reasons for these chakras to be open and thriving, it is possible for your chakras to be considered too strong, resulting in being overly emotionally (sacral chakra) or a bad listener, for example (throat chakra). If you find that some of you chakras are weak or closed, there are ways to open them. There are even products sold like candles, gems and teas that claim to help you with this process. Some ways to energize your chakras include: Positive thought Sunlight Nutrition

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There are even stranger tactics for strengthening your chakras, such as color bathing, color tonations, and syntonics. These include bathing in and shining the color of the chakra that one is lacking on oneself. Believing that these energy vortexes exist and striving to keep them open will result in a harmony and balance in the mind and body, which will then result in a more holistic you! Try this 5-minute chakra balancing exercise to help you learn about and practice utilizing the chakras. Chakra balancing Interested in knowing more about how your own chakras? Like how weak or strong they are or even how in the heck you can help yourself open them in order to achieve the mind, body balance everyone craves? Well the world-wide web can in fact provide you with those answers put proceed with caution, you are getting spiritual results over the web. The following are the chakra tests that I have taken and I have them ranked in the order I found most helpful. 1. The 3-minute chakra test: by Carol Tuttle, author and creator of energy healing 101. She also has a series of YouTube videos relating to different aspects of holistic healing through the use of the chakras. Here is just one of her videos on 3 tips to get anything you want! Carol Tuttle This test literally took me less than a couple minutes to complete and receive the following results. I then put my email in for further results where they look me step by step into what it meant when it said crown chakra was closed. I was surprised at how accurate the results seemed when I realized what a weak chakra meant to my mind and body. I have received several follow-up emails that give me more thoughts on how I can improve and open these chakras.

2. Electric energies Chakra test: This test was 56 questions where you could answer from not at all to definitely. The test was a little lengthier than the first and the option to see what this means just took me to an introduction to each chakra, which was information I already knew. It would be helpful though that this test would tell you if you are over-active in one or more chakras, since that can result in negative results as well.

3. The Color Chakra test: This test was only probably 10 questions but made the taker pick colors, pictures and situations during the test in order to get answers. The results told me that I was a spiritual nomad and that I needed to work on my communication skills, which I dont see as myself as the other two results.

I was quite skeptical of the idea of chakras at first. Concepts such as a third eye and the powerful force of a rainbow of colors that are necessary for optimal health are not exactly based on factual experiences. The more I read about them, the more I see them more as segments of mental knowledge that everyone needs in order to maintain a happier, healthier life. The more I read into my test results, the even more I was convinced of their affects on my body. One result said that my heart chakra is closed meaning that I may, struggle with commitment, experience frequent fights or misunderstandings with your loved ones, and always keep yourself "on guard" in case you get hurt by someone. This has become a problem for me as I have put my career first in situations so that I dont get into situations where I could get hurt emotionally. My crown chakra is also closed, meaning that I have little connection with a higher power and also get headaches frequently according to one test. This I find also to be true, as I have gone back and forth about finding a new faith to believe in. The only chakra I was tested as being strong in was the throat chakra. I can see how this would be true because I have always felt that voicing my opinion and communicating properly with others is important. The results I got made me more clear of my mental strengths but also gave me a lot to think about and work on. Self-evaluation is an important part of growing and learning and after being introduced to the idea of the chakras I would encourage everyone to learn about and test your chakras.

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