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Cluster Management: AIX Version 7.1

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AIX Version 7.

Cluster Management


AIX Version 7.1

Cluster Management


Note Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in Notices on page 25.

First Edition (September 2010) This edition applies to AIX Version 7.1 and to all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions. Copyright IBM Corporation 2010. US Government Users Restricted Rights Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.

About this document . . . . . . . . . v
Highlighting . . . . Case-sensitivity in AIX . ISO 9000. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v . v . v Troubleshooting with the snap command . . . Troubleshooting with the syslog facility . . . Troubleshooting with cluster maintenance mode Sample output for cluster commands . . . . . clcmd date command sample output . . . . lscluster -m command sample output . . . . lscluster -i command sample output . . . . lscluster -s command sample output . . . . lscluster -d command sample output . . . . nodeState cluster event sample output . . . Code samples for cluster events . . . . . . Cluster events using AHAFS sample code . . Cluster socket programming sample code . . . 7 . 8 . 8 . 8 . 8 . 9 . 10 . 11 . 11 . 11 . 12 . 12 . 15

Cluster Aware for AIX . . . . . . . . . 1

Cluster Aware concepts . . . . . . . Commands to manage clusters . . . . Cluster repository . . . . . . . . Cluster system architecture flow . . . . Naming a cluster . . . . . . . . . Cluster communication . . . . . . . Cluster event management . . . . . Cluster socket programming . . . . . Setting up cluster storage communication. Disaster recovery . . . . . . . . . Troubleshooting Cluster Aware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 6 7 7

Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Trademarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

Copyright IBM Corp. 2010



AIX Version 7.1: Cluster Management

About this document

The Cluster Aware function is part of the AIX operating system. Using Cluster Aware for AIX, you can create a cluster of AIX nodes and build a highly available and an ideal architectural solution for a data center.

The following highlighting conventions are used in this book:
Bold Identifies commands, subroutines, keywords, files, structures, directories, and other items whose names are predefined by the system. Also identifies graphical objects such as buttons, labels, and icons that the user selects. Identifies parameters whose actual names or values are to be supplied by the user. Identifies examples of specific data values, examples of text similar to what you might see displayed, examples of portions of program code similar to what you might write as a programmer, messages from the system, or information you should actually type.

Italics Monospace

Case-sensitivity in AIX
Everything in the AIX operating system is case-sensitive, which means that it distinguishes between uppercase and lowercase letters. For example, you can use the ls command to list files. If you type LS, the system responds that the command is not found. Likewise, FILEA, FiLea, and filea are three distinct file names, even if they reside in the same directory. To avoid causing undesirable actions to be performed, always ensure that you use the correct case.

ISO 9000
ISO 9000 registered quality systems were used in the development and manufacturing of this product.

Copyright IBM Corp. 2010


AIX Version 7.1: Cluster Management

Cluster Aware for AIX

The Cluster Aware function is part of the AIX operating system. Using Cluster Aware for AIX you can create a cluster of AIX nodes and build a highly available and an ideal architectural solution for a data center.

Cluster Aware concepts

When you create a cluster of a single node or multiple nodes, the interconnected set of nodes can leverage the Cluster Aware capabilities and services that are built into the AIX operating system. Cluster Aware has the following capabilities: v Clusterwide event management Communication and storage events - Node UP and node DOWN - Network adapter UP and DOWN - Network address change - Point-of-contact UP and DOWN - Disk UP and DOWN Predefined and user-defined events v Clusterwide storage naming service v Clusterwide command distribution v Clusterwide communication making use of networking and storage communication Applications can build on the tools and service capabilities that are provided when you create a cluster of nodes to make the application highly available and resilient. Each node that is added to a cluster by using Cluster Aware must have common storage devices available, either through the storage area network (SAN) or through the serial-attached SCSI (SAS) subsystems. These storage devices are used for the cluster repository disk and for any clustered shared disks. The Storage Naming Service provides a global device view across all the nodes in the cluster. The Storage Naming Service also provides a single global device name for a disk from any node in the cluster. The global device name, for example, cldisk1, refers to the same physical disk from any node in the cluster. A multicast address is used for cluster communications between the nodes in the cluster. Therefore, you need to review any network considerations before you create a cluster. Each node must have at least one IP version 4 address configured on its network interface. The IP version 4 address is used as a basis for creating an IP version 4 multicast address, which the cluster communications uses for internal communications. You can configure IP version 6 addresses on any node or nodes in the cluster. These nodes support cluster monitoring of events and cluster configuration attributes. Scalable reliable multicasting is implemented in the cluster with a special gossip protocol over the multicast address. The gossip protocol determines the node configuration and then transmits the gossip packets over all available networking and storage communication interfaces. If no storage communication interfaces are configured, only the traditional networking interfaces are used.

Copyright IBM Corp. 2010

Using Cluster Aware you can monitor communications and network topology changes at various levels for all available services. With cluster monitoring, you can sense that a node is down, and a cluster can detect that a specific adapter is down or that a specific interface on an adapter is down. A point-of-contact indicates that a node has actually received communication packets across this interface from another node. This communication process allows the application that is monitoring the health of a node to make discrete actions based on near real-time event notification. You can also monitor the storage devices to provide UP events and DOWN events for any recovery actions that are identified as necessary by the monitoring application.

Commands to manage clusters

You can use commands to manage a set of cluster nodes. Use the following commands to manage clusters: mkcluster Use this command to create a cluster. The following example creates a multinode cluster:
mkcluster -n mycluster -m nodeA,nodeB,nodeC -r hdisk7 -d hdisk20,hdisk21,hdisk22

chcluster Use this command to change the cluster configuration. The following example adds a node to the cluster configuration:
chcluster -n mycluster -m +nodeD

rmcluster Use this command to remove the cluster configuration. The following example removes the cluster configuration:
rmcluster -n mycluster

lscluster Use this command to list cluster configuration information. The following example lists the cluster configuration for all nodes:
lscluster -m

clcmd Use this command to distribute a command to a set of nodes that are members of a cluster. The following example lists the date for all the nodes in the cluster:
clcmd date

Related concepts Sample output for cluster commands on page 8 You can view sample output for the lscluster -m command, the lscluster -i command, the lscluster -s command, and the lscluster -d command. Related information chcluster command clcmd command lscluster command mkcluster command rmcluster command

Cluster repository
The cluster repository disk is used as the central repository for the cluster configuration data.

AIX Version 7.1: Cluster Management

The cluster repository disk must be accessible from all nodes in the cluster and is a minimum of 10 GB in size. The cluster repository disk is backed up by a redundant and highly available storage configuration. The cluster repository disk should be configured for RAID to accommodate the requirements of the data center. The cluster repository disk is a special device for the cluster. The use of LVM commands are not supported when used on the cluster repository disk. The AIX LVM commands are single node administrative commands, and are not applicable in a clustered configuration. The cluster repository disk is renamed to a private device name. Due to the special device characteristics required by the cluster repository disk, a raw section of the disk and a section of the disk that contains a special volume group and special logical volumes are used during cluster operations.

Cluster system architecture flow

When you use Cluster Aware to create a cluster it is important that you understand the process of the clustering subsystem. The following list describes the process of the clustering subsystem: v The cluster is created using the mkcluster command. v The cluster configuration is written to the raw section of the cluster repository disk. v Primary and secondary database nodes are selected from the list of candidate nodes in the mkcluster command. For the primary or secondary database failure, an alternate node is started to perform the role of a new primary or new secondary database node. v Special volume groups and logical volumes are created on the cluster repository disk. v Cluster file systems are created on the special volume group. v The cluster repository database is created on both primary and secondary nodes. v The cluster repository database is started. v Cluster services are made available to other functions in the operating system, such as Reliable Scalable Cluster Technology (RSCT) and PowerHA SystemMirror. v Storage framework register lists are created on the cluster repository disk. v A global device namespace is created and interaction with LVM starts for handling associated volume group events. v A clusterwide multicast address is established. v The node discovers all of the available communication interfaces. v The cluster interface monitoring starts. v The cluster interacts with Autonomic Health Advisory File System (AHAFS) for clusterwide event distribution. v The cluster exports cluster messaging and cluster socket services to other functions in the operating system, such as Reliable Scalable Cluster Technology (RSCT) and PowerHA SystemMirror.

Naming a cluster
When you are naming a cluster you must follow specific guidelines. The only acceptable ASCII characters you can use when naming a cluster are A - Z, a - z, 0 - 9, (hyphen), . (period), and _ (underscore). The first character of the cluster name and domain name cannot be a hyphen. The maximum length of a cluster name is 63 characters.

Cluster Aware for AIX

Cluster communication
Cluster communication takes advantage of traditional networking interfaces, such as IP based network communications and storage interface communication through Fibre Channel and SAS adapters. When you use both the IP-based network communications and the storage interface communications, all nodes in the cluster can always communicate with any other nodes in the cluster configuration. Having clusters in this configuration eliminates "split brain" incidents. You must complete the Fibre Channel setup before the cluster can use the storage interfaces as an alternative communication path. The SAS adapter does not require special setup. During SAN port configuration you must verify that your server interfaces are connected to the SAN fabric ports in the same zone. Related concepts Setting up cluster storage communication on page 6 You must complete the following setup before creating a cluster that uses storage communication interfaces.

Cluster event management

AIX event management is implemented using a pseudo-file system architecture. The use of the pseudo-file system allows you to use existing application programming interfaces (APIs) to program the monitoring of events, such as a select ( ) call or a blocking read ( ) call. The Autonomic Health Advisory File System (AHAFS) is an in-memory file system that is used to store the necessary objects to manage the configuration and use of the file monitoring facilities. When you are monitoring for events in a cluster configuration, you must specify the CLUSTER=YES attribute to write to the monitor file. The cluster information for node number, node ID, and cluster ID is available in the results from a cluster event. The AHAFS file system is automatically mounted when you create the cluster. If the AHAFS file system is already mounted by another application before the cluster is created, the original mount point is used by the cluster configuration.
Table 1. Cluster events
Cluster events nodeList clDiskList nodeContact nodeState nodeAddress networkAdapterState clDiskState repDiskState diskState vgState Description Monitors changes in cluster membership Monitors changes in cluster disk membership Monitors the last contact status of the node in a cluster Monitors the state of the node in the cluster Alias is added or removed from a network interface Monitors the network interface of a node in the cluster Monitors clustered disks Monitors the repository disk Monitors the local disk changes Verifies the status of the volume group on a disk

The following steps display the process for event handling: 1. Create a monitor file based on the /aha directory.

AIX Version 7.1: Cluster Management

2. Write the required information to the monitor file to represent the wait type, either a select call or blocking read call, and when the event should be triggered. For example, a state change of node down. 3. Wait in a select ( ) call or a blocking read ( ) call. 4. Read from the monitor file to obtain the event data. Related concepts nodeState cluster event sample output on page 11 Related information AIX Event Infrastructure for AIX and AIX Clusters - AHAFS

Cluster socket programming

Cluster communications can operate over the traditional networking interfaces (IP-based) or using the storage interfaces (Fibre Channel or SAS). When cluster communications is configured over both transports the redundancy and high availability of the underlying cluster node software and hardware configuration can be maximized by using all the paths for communications. In case of network interface failures, you can use the storage framework (Fibre Channel or SAS) to maintain communication between the cluster nodes. Cluster communications is achieved by exploiting the multicast capabilities of the networking and storage subsystems. For information on what programming interfaces are available and provide a reliable and in-order messaging facility by using the Cluster Communication Socket API, see Cluster socket programming sample code on page 15.

Example: Using a socksimple program

The following cluster socket program example uses a pinglike interface to send and receive packets over the cluster communications. The example program uses the local cluster as the scope of nodes that can send or receive information. The example environment has a three-node cluster of nodeA, nodeB, and nodeC. To start the socksimple program as the receiver on node 1 (nodeA), run the following command:
./socksimple -r -a 1

Note: To find the node number, view the output from the lscluster m command. For the cluster shorthand ID, you can also use the get_clusterid function. To start the socksimple program as the sender on node 3 (nodeC), run the following command:
./socksimple -s -a 1

Note: The a (address) option sends the packets to node 1 in this local cluster. The following code is output from running the socksimple s a 1 command:
./socksimple -s -a 1 socksimple version 1.2 socksimple 1/12 with ttl=1: 1275 bytes from cluster host id = 1: seqno=1275 1276 bytes from cluster host id = 1: seqno=1276 1277 bytes from cluster host id = 1: seqno=1277 1278 bytes from cluster host id = 1: seqno=1278 --- socksimple statistics --4 packets transmitted, 4 packets received round-trip min/avg/max = 0.267/0.291/0.411 ms ttl=1 ttl=1 ttl=1 ttl=1 time=0.411 time=0.275 time=0.287 time=0.284 ms ms ms ms

Cluster Aware for AIX

Setting up cluster storage communication

You must complete the following setup before creating a cluster that uses storage communication interfaces. The following information only applies to Fibre Channel adapters. No setup is necessary for SAS adapters. The following Fibre Channel adapters are supported: v 4 GB Single-Port Fibre Channel PCI-X 2.0 DDR Adapter (FC 1905; CCIN 1910) v v v v v v v v 4 4 4 4 4 8 8 3 GB Single-Port Fibre Channel PCI-X 2.0 DDR Adapter (FC 5758; CCIN 280D) GB Single-Port Fibre Channel PCI-X Adapter (FC 5773; CCIN 5773) GB Dual-Port Fibre Channel PCI-X Adapter (FC 5774; CCIN 5774) Gb Dual-Port Fibre Channel PCI-X 2.0 DDR Adapter (FC 1910; CCIN 1910) Gb Dual-Port Fibre Channel PCI-X 2.0 DDR Adapter (FC 5759; CCIN 5759) Gb PCI Express Dual Port Fibre Channel Adapter (FC 5735; CCIN 577D) Gb PCI Express Dual Port Fibre Channel Adapter 1Xe Blade (FC 2B3A; CCIN 2607) Gb Dual-Port SAS Adapter PCI-X DDR External (FC 5900 and 5912; CCIN 572A)

Note: For the most current list of supported Fibre Channel adapters, contact your IBM representative. To configure the Fibre Channel adapters that will be used for cluster storage communications, complete the following steps: Note: In the following steps the X in fcsX represents the number of your Fibre Channel adapters, for example, fcs1, fsc2, or fcs3. 1. Run the following command:
rmdev -Rl fcsX

Note: If you booted from the Fibre Channel adapter, you do not need to complete this step. 2. Run the following command:
chdev -l fcsX -a tme=yes

Note: If you booted from the Fibre Channel adapter, add the -P flag. 3. Run the following command:
chdev -l fscsiX -a dyntrk=yes -a fc_err_recov=fast_fail

4. Run the cfgmgr command. Note: If you booted from the Fibre Channel adapter and used the -P flag, you must reboot. 5. Verify the configuration changes by running the following command:
lsdev -C | grep sfwcom

The following is an example of the output displayed from running the lscluster -i command:
lsdev -C | grep sfwcom sfwcomm0 Available 01-00-02-FF Fiber Channel Storage Framework Comm sfwcomm1 Available 01-01-02-FF Fiber Channel Storage Framework Comm

After you create the cluster, you can list the cluster interfaces and view the storage interfaces by running the following command:
lscluster -i

AIX Version 7.1: Cluster Management

Related concepts Cluster communication on page 4 Cluster communication takes advantage of traditional networking interfaces, such as IP based network communications and storage interface communication through Fibre Channel and SAS adapters.

Disaster recovery
When you are setting up the cluster configuration, you must create a disaster recovery plan. When creating the disaster recovery plan, evaluate the storage fabric to adequately cover the requirements of the data center. When you have a total loss of the hardware and storage elements associated with the cluster configuration, the cluster nodes must be completely rebuilt. In the operating system image, there are inter-relationships of device names and host names that are unique and that cannot be restored from a backup disk and or from an image of the cluster repository disk. You can reinstall a lost node if the cluster repository is intact. To manually configure the newly reinstalled node back into the cluster configuration, complete the following steps: 1. Save the output from the lscluster -m command. From the output, identify the universally unique identifier (UUID value for the node). 2. Verify that the node's host name is exactly as it was before it was lost. 3. Install the new node. 4. To update the node's UUID, run the following command (with the node's UUID):
chdev -l cluster0 -a node_uuid=2adef228-a712-11df-8baa-0245c0004002

Note: The UUID value is located in the output from the lscluster -m command.

Troubleshooting Cluster Aware

You can review troubleshooting tips for using the snap command, the syslog file, and the cluster maintenance mode.

Troubleshooting with the snap command

The clustering subsystem provides a snap script that you can use to help you collect logs and data configurations that you can use to help troubleshoot problems. Run the following command to execute the snap script:
snap caa

The following structure is an example of the data files collected during the snap script execution for Cluster Aware for AIX:
/tmp/ibmsupt | -- caa | -- Data | |-- 20100817215934 (For example, a timestamp at which "snap caa" was run) | | | |-- nodeA.austin.ibm.com.tar.gz | |-- ... | |-- nodeB.austin.ibm.com.tar.gz | |-Cluster Aware for AIX

| |-- nodeC.austin.ibm.com.tar.gz | -- ... (For example, more timestamp directories to distinguish separate "snap caa" invocations)

Related information snap command

Troubleshooting with the syslog facility

The clustering subsystem uses the syslog facility to log errors and informational debug logs. You can edit the /etc/syslog.conf file to change any necessary values to help you in troubleshooting any problems. For example, you can change the *.info value to *.debug which will provide more information to help debug problems. To enable the syslog facility for system tracing, complete the following steps: 1. The following are the default values in the /etc/syslog.conf file, and you can change the values by updating the /etc/syslog.conf file.
*.info /var/adm/ras/syslog.caa rotate size 10m files 10

2. Refresh the syslog daemon by running the following command:

refresh s syslogd

3. Use the touch command on the syslog.caa file to initiate the syslog facility. Related information syslog.conf file refresh command

Troubleshooting with cluster maintenance mode

Maintenance of the cluster repository disks, logical volumes, and file systems (with names such as "private") are not needed under normal operation. If maintenance is necessary, you can use the maintcluster command to place the cluster in maintenance mode. The maintcluster command quiesces cluster services and varies off the cluster repository disk on all but one node, which becomes the management node during cluster maintenance. You cannot make any changes to the cluster configuration during cluster maintenance mode. To set the cluster in maintenance mode, run the following command:
maintcluster ON

To set the cluster to normal operation, run the following command:

maintcluster OFF

Sample output for cluster commands

You can view sample output for the lscluster -m command, the lscluster -i command, the lscluster -s command, and the lscluster -d command. Related concepts Commands to manage clusters on page 2 You can use commands to manage a set of cluster nodes.

clcmd date command sample output

------------------------------NODE nodeA.austin.ibm.com ------------------------------Fri Jul 30 08:00:00 CDT 2010

AIX Version 7.1: Cluster Management

------------------------------NODE nodeB.austin.ibm.com ------------------------------Fri Jul 30 08:00:00 CDT 2010 ------------------------------NODE nodeC.austin.ibm.com ------------------------------Fri Jul 30 08:00:00 CDT 2010

lscluster -m command sample output

Calling node query for all nodes Node query number of nodes examined: 3 Node name: nodeA.austin.ibm.com Cluster shorthand id for node: 1 uuid for node: 2adef228-a712-11df-8baa-0245c0004002 State of node: UP NODE_LOCAL Smoothed rtt to node: 0 Mean Deviation in network rtt to node: 0 Number of zones this node is a member in: 0 Number of clusters node is a member in: 1 CLUSTER NAME TYPE SHID UUID mycluster local ff48c404-a711-11df-9d99-0245c0002003 Number of points_of_contact for node: 0 Point-of-contact interface & contact state n/a -----------------------------Node name: nodeB.austin.ibm.com Cluster shorthand id for node: 2 uuid for node: 2ae8ed28-a712-11df-8b16-0245c0003002 State of node: UP Smoothed rtt to node: 7 Mean Deviation in network rtt to node: 3 Number of zones this node is a member in: 0 Number of clusters node is a member in: 1 CLUSTER NAME TYPE SHID UUID mycluster local ff48c404-a711-11df-9d99-0245c0002003 Number of points_of_contact for node: 1 Point-of-contact interface & contact state en0 UP -----------------------------Node name: nodeC.austin.ibm.com Cluster shorthand id for node: 3 uuid for node: ff57b98c-a711-11df-9d99-0245c0002003 State of node: UP Smoothed rtt to node: 7 Mean Deviation in network rtt to node: 3 Number of zones this node is a member in: 0 Number of clusters node is a member in: 1 CLUSTER NAME TYPE SHID UUID mycluster local ff48c404-a711-11df-9d99-0245c0002003 Number of points_of_contact for node: 1 Point-of-contact interface & contact state en0 UP

Cluster Aware for AIX

lscluster -i command sample output

Network/Storage Interface Query Cluster Name: mycluster Cluster uuid: ff48c404-a711-11df-9d99-0245c0002003 Number of nodes reporting = 3 Number of nodes expected = 3 Node nodeA.austin.ibm.com Node uuid = 2adef228-a712-11df-8baa-0245c0004002 Number of interfaces discovered = 1 Interface number 1 en0 ifnet type = 6 ndd type = 7 Mac address length = 6 Mac address = 2.45.c0.0.40.2 Smoothed rrt across interface = 7 Mean Deviation in network rrt across interface = 3 Probe interval for interface = 100 ms ifnet flags for interface = 0x1e080863 ndd flags for interface = 0x21081b Interface state UP Number of regular addresses configured on interface = 1 IPV4 ADDRESS: broadcast netmask Number of cluster multicast addresses configured on interface = 1 IPV4 MULTICAST ADDRESS: broadcast netmask Node nodeB.austin.ibm.com Node uuid = 2ae8ed28-a712-11df-8b16-0245c0003002 Number of interfaces discovered = 1 Interface number 1 en0 ifnet type = 6 ndd type = 7 Mac address length = 6 Mac address = 2.45.c0.0.30.2 Smoothed rrt across interface = 7 Mean Deviation in network rrt across interface = 3 Probe interval for interface = 100 ms ifnet flags for interface = 0x1e080863 ndd flags for interface = 0x21081b Interface state UP Number of regular addresses configured on interface = 1 IPV4 ADDRESS: broadcast netmask Number of cluster multicast addresses configured on interface = 1 IPV4 MULTICAST ADDRESS: broadcast netmask Node nodeC.austin.ibm.com Node uuid = ff57b98c-a711-11df-9d99-0245c0002003 Number of interfaces discovered = 1 Interface number 1 en0 ifnet type = 6 ndd type = 7 Mac address length = 6 Mac address = 2.45.c0.0.20.3 Smoothed rrt across interface = 7 Mean Deviation in network rrt across interface = 3 Probe interval for interface = 100 ms ifnet flags for interface = 0x1e080863 ndd flags for interface = 0x21081b Interface state UP Number of regular addresses configured on interface = 1 IPV4 ADDRESS: broadcast netmask Number of cluster multicast addresses configured on interface = 1 IPV4 MULTICAST ADDRESS: broadcast netmask


AIX Version 7.1: Cluster Management

lscluster -s command sample output

Cluster Statistics: Cluster Network Statistics: pkts seen:383030 IP pkts:329388 gossip pkts sent:37242 cluster address pkts:0 bad transmits:0 short pkts:0 cluster wide errors:0 dup pkts:1859 fragments queued:0 requests dropped:0 pkts pulled:0 rxmit requests recv:6 requests missed:0 eset recv:0et eset lnk recv:0 rxmit requests alive pkts sent:2 ahafs pkts sent:2 nodedown pkts sent:12 socket pkts sent:223 cwide pkts sent:40 socket pkts no space:0 stale pkts recv:0 storage pkts sent:0 out-of-range pkts recv:0 pkts passed:54762 UDP pkts:328268 gossip pkts recv:68578 CP pkts:328268 bad posts:0 multicast pkts:328268 bad pkts:0 pkt fragments:0 fragments freed:0 pkts routed:0 no memory:0 requests found:6 ooo pkts:0 send :0 et send :0 sent:3 alive pkts recv:2 ahafs pkts recv:5 nodedown pkts recv:2 socket pkts recv:203 cwide pkts recv:40 pkts recv notforhere:0 other cluster pkts:185632 storage pkts recv:0

lscluster -d command sample output

Storage Interface Query Cluster Name: mycluster Cluster uuid: ff48c404-a711-11df-9d99-0245c0002003 Number of nodes reporting = 3 Number of nodes expected = 3 Node nodeA.austin.ibm.com Node uuid = 2adef228-a712-11df-8baa-0245c0004002 Number of disk discovered = 2 cldisk1 state : UP uDid : 533E3E213600A0B8000475D0A0000A0304B5ED8110F1818 FAStT03IBMfcp05VDASD03AIXvscsi uUid : 600a0b80-0047-5d0a-0000-a0304b5ed811 type : CLUSDISK caa_private0 state : UP uDid : uUid : 600a0b80-0047-5c20-0000-a15b4b5ed725 type : REPDISK

nodeState cluster event sample output

aha/cluster/nodeState.monFactory/nodeStateEvent.mon BEGIN_EVENT_INFO TIME_tvsec=1280597380 TIME_tvnsec=591097152 SEQUENCE_NUM=4 RC_FROM_EVPROD=0 BEGIN_EVPROD_INFO EVENT_TYPE=NODE_DOWN NODE_NUMBER=1
Cluster Aware for AIX



Related concepts Cluster event management on page 4 AIX event management is implemented using a pseudo-file system architecture. The use of the pseudo-file system allows you to use existing application programming interfaces (APIs) to program the monitoring of events, such as a select ( ) call or a blocking read ( ) call.

Code samples for cluster events

You can view code samples for cluster events by using AHAFS and cluster socket programming.

Cluster events using AHAFS sample code

The sample program code, test_prog, is executed by using the following arguments:
./test_prog /aha/cluster/nodeState.monFactory/nodeStateEvent.mon "CHANGED=YES;CLUSTER=YES" 10 /tmp/nodestateevent

The following is the code for test_prog:

#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include <stdio.h> <string.h> /* for strcmp() */ <fcntl.h> <errno.h> <sys/time.h> <sys/select.h> <sys/types.h> <sys/stat.h> <libgen.h> <usersec.h> 255


void syntax(char *prog); int ahaMonFile(char *str); static int mk_parent_dirs (char *path); void read_data (int fd,int outfd); char *monFile;

test_prog :: main
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { int fd,outfd, rc,i=0,cnt=0; fd_set readfds; char *outputFile; char wrStr[MAX_WRITE_STR_LEN+1]; char waitInRead[] = "WAIT_TYPE=WAIT_IN_READ"; if (argc < 5) syntax( argv[0]); monFile = argv[1]; if ( ! ahaMonFile(monFile) ) /* Not a .mon file under /aha */ syntax( argv[0]); /* Create intermediate directories of the .mon file */ rc = mk_parent_dirs(monFile); if (rc) { fprintf (stderr, "Could not create intermediate directories of the file %s !\n", monFile); return(-1); }


AIX Version 7.1: Cluster Management

printf("Monitor file name: %s\n", monFile); sprintf (wrStr, "%s", argv[2]); cnt = atoi(argv[3]); printf("Write String : %s\n", wrStr); outputFile = argv[4]; fd = open (monFile, O_CREAT|O_RDWR); if (fd < 0) { fprintf (stderr,"Could not open the file %s; errno = %d\n", monFile,errno); exit (1); } outfd = open (outputFile, O_CREAT|O_RDWR); if (outfd < 0) { fprintf (stderr, "Could not open the file %s; errno = %d !\n", monFile, errno); return(-1); } write(fd, wrStr, strlen(wrStr)); for(i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { if (strstr(wrStr, waitInRead) == NULL) { FD_ZERO(&readfds); FD_SET(fd, &readfds); printf( "Entering select() to wait till the event corresponding to the AHA node %s occurs.\n", monFile); printf("Please issue a command from another window to trigger this event.\n"); rc = select (fd+1, &readfds, NULL, NULL, NULL); printf("\nThe select() completed. \n"); if (rc <= 0) /* No event occurred or an error was found. */ { fprintf (stderr, "The select() returned %d.\n", rc); perror ("select: "); return (-1); } if(! FD_ISSET(fd, &readfds)) goto end; printf("The event corresponding to the AHA node %s has occurred.\n", monFile); } else { printf( "Entering read() to wait till the event corresponding to the AHA node %s occurs.\n", monFile); printf("Please issue a command from another window to trigger this event.\n"); } read_data(fd,outfd); } end: close(fd); close(outfd); }

test_prog :: syntax
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void syntax(char *prog) { printf("\nSYNTAX: %s <aha-monitor-file> [<key1>=<value1>[;<key2>=<value2>;...]] <count> <outfile> \n",prog); exit (1); }
Cluster Aware for AIX


test_prog :: ahaMonFile
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------* PURPOSE: To check whether the file provided is an AHA monitor file. */ int ahaMonFile(char *str) { char cwd[PATH_MAX]; int len1=strlen(str), len2=strlen(".mon"); int rc = 0; struct stat sbuf; /* Make sure /aha is mounted. */ if ((stat("/aha", &sbuf) < 0) || (sbuf.st_flag != FS_MOUNT)) { printf("ERROR: The filesystem /aha is not mounted!\n"); return (rc); } /* Make sure the path has .mon as a suffix. */ if ((len1 <= len2) || (strcmp ( (str + len1 - len2), ".mon")) ) goto end; if (! strncmp (str, "/aha",4)) /* The given path starts with /aha */ rc = 1; else /* It could be a relative path */ { getcwd (cwd, PATH_MAX); if ((str[0] != / ) && /* Relative path and */ (! strncmp (cwd, "/aha",4)) /* cwd starts with /aha . */ ) rc = 1; } end: if (!rc) printf("ERROR: %s is not an AHA monitor file !\n", str); return (rc); }

test_prog :: mk_parent_dirs
/*----------------------------------------------------------------* NAME: mk_parent_dirs() * PURPOSE: To create intermediate directories of a .mon file if * they are not created. */ static int mk_parent_dirs (char *path) { char s[PATH_MAX]; char *dirp; struct stat buf; int rc=0; dirp = dirname(path); if (stat(dirp, &buf) != 0) { sprintf(s, "/usr/bin/mkdir -p %s", dirp); rc = system(s); } return (rc); }


AIX Version 7.1: Cluster Management

test_prog :: read_data
/*----------------------------------------------------------------* PURPOSE: To parse and print the data received at the occurrence * of the event. */ void read_data (int fd,int outfd) { #define READ_BUF_SIZE 3072 char data[READ_BUF_SIZE]; char *p, *line; char cmd[64]; time_t sec, nsec; pid_t pid; uid_t uid, luid; gid_t gid; char curTm[64]; int n; int stackInfo = 0; char uname[64], lname[64], gname[64]; bzero((char *)data, READ_BUF_SIZE); /* Read the info from the beginning of the file. */ n=pread(fd, data,READ_BUF_SIZE, 0); p = data; printf("%s\n",p); write(outfd, data, n); }

Cluster socket programming sample code

A sample program, socksimple, creates a socket by using the AF_CLUST address family. Ports 1 -16 are reserved for the AIX operating system to use when it creates a socket connection in the AF_CLUST address family. A sample of the socksimple.c program follows:

Function :: main
#include <socksimple.h> /* TEST Program Only */ int int int int int int int sndflag=0; /* sender flag */ rcvflag=0; /* receiver flag */ iend=DEFAULT_END; istart=DEFAULT_START; errcount=DEFAULT_ERRCOUNT; actual_err=0; current_ping;

int main(int argc, char **argv) { int c; /* hold command-line args */ extern int getopt(); /* for getopt */ extern char *optarg; /* for getopt */ /* parse command-line arguments */ while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "vrsa:p:t:b:e:c:")) != -1) { switch (c) { case r: /* socksimple receiver */ rcvflag=1; break; case s: /* socksimple sender */ sndflag=1;
Cluster Aware for AIX


break; case v: verbose=1; break; case a: /* socksimple address override */ strcpy(arg_addr_str, optarg); break; case p: /* socksimple port override */ arg_port = atoi(optarg); break; case b: istart = atoi(optarg); if ( istart <= 0 ) istart = 1; break; case c: errcount = atoi(optarg); break; case e: if ( iend > MAX_BUF_LEN ) iend = MAX_BUF_LEN; iend = atoi(optarg); break; case t: /* socksimple ttl override */ arg_ttl = atoi(optarg); break; case ?: usage(); break; } } /* verify one and only one send or receive flag */ if ( ((!rcvflag) && (!sndflag)) || ((rcvflag) && (sndflag)) ) { usage(); } current_ping=istart; printf("socksimple version %d.%d\n", VERSION_MAJOR, VERSION_MINOR); init_socket(); get_local_host_info(); if (sndflag) { printf("socksimpleing %s/%d with ttl=%d:\n\n", arg_addr_str, arg_port, arg_ttl); /* catch interrupts with clean_exit() */ signal(SIGINT, clean_exit); /* catch alarm signal with send_socksimple() */ signal(SIGALRM, send_socksimple); /* send an alarm signal now */ send_socksimple(SIGALRM); /* listen for response packets */ sender_listen_loop(); } else {


AIX Version 7.1: Cluster Management

receiver_listen_loop(); } exit(0); }

Function :: init_socket
void init_socket() { int flag_on=1; /* create a UDP socket */ if ((sock = socket(AF_CLUST, SOCK_DGRAM, 0)) < 0) { perror("receive socket() failed"); exit(1); } /* construct a cluster address structure */ memset(&dst_addr, 0, sizeof(dst_addr)); dst_addr.sclust_family = AF_CLUST; dst_addr.sclust_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_clust); if ( sndflag ) { dst_addr.sclust_addr = atoi(arg_addr_str); dst_addr.sclust_port = arg_port; dst_addr.sclust_cluster_id = WWID_LOCAL_CLUSTER; } memset(&src_addr, 0, sizeof(src_addr)); src_addr.sclust_family = AF_CLUST; src_addr.sclust_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_clust); src_addr.sclust_addr = get_clusterid(); src_addr.sclust_port = arg_port; src_addr.sclust_cluster_id = WWID_LOCAL_CLUSTER; /* bind to address to socket */ if ((bind(sock, (struct sockaddr *) &src_addr, sizeof(src_addr))) < 0) { perror("bind() failed"); exit(1); } }

Function :: get_local_host_info
void get_local_host_info() { char hostname[MAX_HOSTNAME_LEN]; struct hostent* hostinfo; /* lookup local hostname */ gethostname(hostname, MAX_HOSTNAME_LEN); if (verbose) printf("Localhost is %s, ", hostname); /* use gethostbyname to get hosts IP address */ if ((hostinfo = gethostbyname(hostname)) == NULL) { perror("gethostbyname() failed"); } localIP.s_addr = *((unsigned long *) hostinfo->h_addr_list[0]); if (verbose) printf("%s\n", inet_ntoa(localIP)); pid = getpid(); }

Function :: send_socksimple
void send_socksimple(int sig) { struct timeval now; int ioffset;
Cluster Aware for AIX


/* increment count, check if done */ if (current_ping >= iend) { clean_exit(); } /* clear send buffer */ memset(&socksimple_payload, 4, sizeof(socksimple_payload)); /* populate the socksimple packet */ socksimple_payload.socksimple_packet.type = SENDER; socksimple_payload.socksimple_packet.version_major = htons(VERSION_MAJOR); socksimple_payload.socksimple_packet.version_minor = htons(VERSION_MINOR); socksimple_payload.socksimple_packet.seq_no = htonl(current_ping); socksimple_payload.socksimple_packet.src_host = get_clusterid(); socksimple_payload.socksimple_packet.dest_host = atoi(arg_addr_str); socksimple_payload.socksimple_packet.ttl = arg_ttl; socksimple_payload.socksimple_packet.pid = pid; ioffset = current_ping - strlen(PKT_END)- sizeof(struct socksimple_struct) - 2; strcpy((char *) &socksimple_payload.payload[ioffset],PKT_END); gettimeofday(&now, NULL); socksimple_payload.socksimple_packet.tv.tv_sec = htonl(now.tv_sec); socksimple_payload.socksimple_packet.tv.tv_usec = htonl(now.tv_usec); /* send the outgoing packet */ send_packet(&socksimple_payload, &dst_addr, current_ping); current_ping++; /* set another alarm call to send in 1 second */ (void) signal(SIGALRM, send_socksimple); alarm(1); }

Function :: send_packet
void send_packet(struct socksimple_payload *packet, struct sockaddr_clust *target, int ilen) { int pkt_len; pkt_len = ilen; /* send string to cluster socket address */ if ((sendto(sock, packet, pkt_len, 0, (struct sockaddr *) target, sizeof(struct sockaddr_clust))) != pkt_len) { perror("sendto() sent incorrect number of bytes"); exit(1); } packets_sent++; }

Function :: sender_listen_loop
oid sender_listen_loop() { char *recv_packet; /* buffer to receive packet */ int recv_len; /* len of packet received */ struct timeval current_time; /* time value structure */ double rtt; /* round trip time */ socklen_t from_len; struct sockaddr_clust send_host; int ilen; ilen = sizeof(struct socksimple_payload); if (!(recv_packet = (char *)malloc(ilen))) { fprintf(stderr,"malloc_failed\n");


AIX Version 7.1: Cluster Management

exit(-1); } from_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_clust); while (1) { /* clear the receive buffer */ memset(recv_packet, 0, ilen); /* block waiting to receive a packet */ if ((recv_len = recvfrom(sock, recv_packet, ilen, 0, (struct sockaddr *) &send_host, &from_len)) < 0) { if (errno == EINTR) { /* interrupt is ok */ continue; } else { perror("recvfrom() failed"); exit(1); } } /* get current time */ gettimeofday(&current_time, NULL); /* process the received packet */ if (process_socksimple_packet(recv_packet, recv_len, RECEIVER) == 0) { /* packet processed successfully */ /* calculate round trip time in milliseconds */ subtract_timeval(&current_time, &rcvd_pkt->socksimple_packet.tv); rtt = timeval_to_ms(&current_time); /* keep rtt total, min and max */ rtt_total += rtt; if (rtt > rtt_max) rtt_max = rtt; if (rtt < rtt_min) rtt_min = rtt; /* output received packet information */ printf("%d bytes from cluster host id = %d: seqno=%d ttl=%d time=%.3f ms\n", recv_len, send_host.sclust_addr, rcvd_pkt->socksimple_packet.seq_no, rcvd_pkt->socksimple_packet.ttl, rtt); } } }

Function :: receiver_listen_loop
void receiver_listen_loop() { char *recv_packet; /* buffer to receive packet */ int recv_len; /* len of string received */ socklen_t from_len; struct sockaddr_clust send_host; int ilen,ioffset; ilen = sizeof(struct socksimple_payload); if (!(recv_packet = (char *)malloc(ilen))) { fprintf(stderr,"malloc_failed\n"); exit(-1); } printf("Listening on %s/%d:\n\n", arg_addr_str, arg_port); from_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_clust); while (1) {
Cluster Aware for AIX


/* clear the receive buffer */ memset(recv_packet, 0, ilen); /* block waiting to receive a packet */ if ((recv_len = recvfrom(sock, recv_packet, ilen, 0, (struct sockaddr *) &send_host, &from_len)) < 0) { perror("recvfrom() failed"); exit(1); } /* printf("recvfrom cluster node id = %d port = %d \n",send_host.sclust_addr, send_host.sclust_port); */ /* process the received packet */ if (process_socksimple_packet(recv_packet, recv_len, SENDER) == 0) { /* packet processed successfully */ /* printf("Replying to socksimple from cluster node id = %d bytes=%d seqno=%d ttl=%d\n", rcvd_pkt->src_host, recv_len, rcvd_pkt->seq_no, rcvd_pkt->ttl); */ printf("Replying to socksimple from cluster node id = %d bytes=%d seqno=%d ttl=%d\n", send_host.sclust_addr, recv_len, rcvd_pkt->socksimple_packet.seq_no, rcvd_pkt->socksimple_packet.ttl); /* populate socksimple response packet */ memset(&socksimple_payload, 6, sizeof(socksimple_payload)); socksimple_payload.socksimple_packet.type = RECEIVER; socksimple_payload.socksimple_packet.version_major = htons(VERSION_MAJOR); socksimple_payload.socksimple_packet.version_minor = htons(VERSION_MINOR); socksimple_payload.socksimple_packet.seq_no = htonl(rcvd_pkt->socksimple_packet.seq_no); socksimple_payload.socksimple_packet.dest_host = rcvd_pkt->socksimple_packet.src_host; socksimple_payload.socksimple_packet.src_host = get_clusterid(); socksimple_payload.socksimple_packet.ttl = rcvd_pkt->socksimple_packet.ttl; socksimple_payload.socksimple_packet.pid = rcvd_pkt->socksimple_packet.pid; socksimple_payload.socksimple_packet.tv.tv_sec = htonl(rcvd_pkt->socksimple_packet.tv.tv_sec); socksimple_payload.socksimple_packet.tv.tv_usec = htonl(rcvd_pkt->socksimple_packet.tv.tv_usec); ioffset = recv_len - sizeof(struct socksimple_struct) - strlen(PKT_END) - 2; strcpy((char *) &socksimple_payload.payload[ioffset],PKT_END); /* send response packet */ send_packet(&socksimple_payload, &send_host, recv_len); } } }

Function :: subtract_timeval
void subtract_timeval(struct timeval *val, const struct timeval *sub) { /* subtract sub from val and leave result in val */ if ((val->tv_usec -= sub->tv_usec) < 0) { val->tv_sec--; val->tv_usec += 1000000; } val->tv_sec -= sub->tv_sec; }

Function :: timeval_to_ms
double timeval_to_ms(const struct timeval *val) { /* return the timeval converted to a number of milliseconds */ return (val->tv_sec * 1000.0 + val->tv_usec / 1000.0); }


AIX Version 7.1: Cluster Management

Function :: process_socksimple_packet
int process_socksimple_packet(char *packet, int recv_len, unsigned char type) { int ioffset, icheck; /* validate packet size */ ioffset = recv_len - strlen(PKT_END) - 2 - sizeof(struct socksimple_struct); /* cast data to socksimple_struct */ rcvd_pkt = (struct socksimple_payload *) packet; /* convert required fields to host byte order */ rcvd_pkt->socksimple_packet.version_major = ntohs(rcvd_pkt->socksimple_packet.version_major); rcvd_pkt->socksimple_packet.version_minor = ntohs(rcvd_pkt>socksimple_packet.version_minor); rcvd_pkt->socksimple_packet.seq_no = ntohl(rcvd_pkt->socksimple_packet.seq_no); rcvd_pkt->socksimple_packet.tv.tv_sec = ntohl(rcvd_pkt->socksimple_packet.tv.tv_sec); rcvd_pkt->socksimple_packet.tv.tv_usec = ntohl(rcvd_pkt->socksimple_packet.tv.tv_usec); /* validate socksimple version matches */ if ((rcvd_pkt->socksimple_packet.version_major != VERSION_MAJOR) || (rcvd_pkt->socksimple_packet.version_minor != VERSION_MINOR)) { if (verbose) printf("Discarding packet: version mismatch (%d.%d)\n", rcvd_pkt->socksimple_packet.version_major, rcvd_pkt->socksimple_packet.version_minor); return(-1); } /* validate socksimple packet type (sender or receiver) */ if (rcvd_pkt->socksimple_packet.type != type) { if (verbose) { switch (rcvd_pkt->socksimple_packet.type) { case SENDER: printf("Discarding sender packet\n"); break; case RECEIVER: printf("Discarding receiver packet\n"); break; case ?: printf("Discarding packet: unknown type(%c)\n", rcvd_pkt->socksimple_packet.type); break; } } return(-1); } /* if response packet, validate pid */ if (rcvd_pkt->socksimple_packet.type == RECEIVER) { if (rcvd_pkt->socksimple_packet.pid != pid) { if (verbose) printf("Discarding packet: pid mismatch (%d/%d)\n", (int)pid, (int)rcvd_pkt->socksimple_packet.pid); return(-1); } } if (strcmp((char *) &rcvd_pkt->payload[ioffset],PKT_END)) { printf("Payload mismatch: = %s\n", &rcvd_pkt->payload[ioffset]); printf(" payload mismatch: = %x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x\n", rcvd_pkt->payload[ioffset], rcvd_pkt->payload[ioffset+1], rcvd_pkt->payload[ioffset+2], rcvd_pkt->payload[ioffset+3], rcvd_pkt->payload[ioffset+4],
Cluster Aware for AIX


rcvd_pkt->payload[ioffset+5]); actual_err++; } for (icheck = 0; icheck < ioffset; icheck++) { if (rcvd_pkt->socksimple_packet.type == RECEIVER) { if ( (int) rcvd_pkt->payload[icheck] != 6 ) { printf("Junk at offset %d 0x%x\n", icheck, rcvd_pkt->payload[icheck]); actual_err++; } } else { if ( (int) rcvd_pkt->payload[icheck] != 4 ) { printf("Junk at offset %d 0x%x\n", icheck, rcvd_pkt->payload[icheck]); actual_err++; } } if ( actual_err > errcount ) exit(-1); } /* packet validated, increment counter */ packets_rcvd++; return(0); }

Function :: clean_exit
void clean_exit() { /* close the socket */ close(sock); /* output statistics and exit program */ printf("\n--- socksimple statistics ---\n"); printf("%d packets transmitted, %d packets received\n", packets_sent, packets_rcvd); if (packets_rcvd == 0) printf("round-trip min/avg/max = NA/NA/NA ms\n"); else printf("round-trip min/avg/max = %.3f/%.3f/%.3f ms\n", rtt_min, (rtt_total/packets_rcvd), rtt_max); exit(0); }

Function :: usage
void usage() { printf("Usage: socksimple -r|-s [-v] [-a address]"); printf(" [-p port] [-t ttl]\n\n"); printf("-r|-s Receiver or sender. Required argument,\n"); printf(" mutually exclusive\n"); printf("-a address Cluster address to listen/send on,\n"); printf(" overrides the default.\n"); printf("-p port port to listen/send on,\n"); printf(" overrides the default of 12.\n"); printf("-p ttl Time-To-Live to send,\n"); printf(" overrides the default of 1.\n"); printf("-v Verbose mode\n"); exit(1); }


AIX Version 7.1: Cluster Management

Code for <socksimple.h>

#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define #define #define #define #define #define <sys/types.h> /* <sys/socket.h> /* <netinet/in.h> /* <arpa/inet.h> /* <unistd.h> /* <errno.h> /* <sys/time.h> /* <netdb.h> /* <signal.h> /* <stdlib.h> /* <stdio.h> /* <cluster_var.h> for for for for for for for for for for for type definitions */ socket calls */ address structs */ sockaddr_in */ symbolic constants */ system error messages */ timeval and gettimeofday */ hostname calls */ signal calls */ close and getopt calls */ printf and fprintf */ /* size of receive buffer */ /* size of receive buffer */ /* size of host name buffer */


7300 1275 1325 0 256


/* socksimple version major */ /* socksimple version minor */

#define SENDER s /* socksimple sender identifier */ #define RECEIVER r /* socksimple receiver identifier */ #define PKT_END "lwrwashere" /* socksimple receiver identifier */ /* socksimple packet structure */ struct socksimple_struct { unsigned short version_major; unsigned short version_minor; unsigned char type; unsigned char ttl; clustid_t src_host; clustid_t dest_host; unsigned int seq_no; pid_t pid; struct timeval tv; }; struct socksimple_payload { struct socksimple_struct socksimple_packet; char payload[MAX_BUF_LEN]; } socksimple_payload; /* pointer to socksimple packet buffer */ struct socksimple_payload *rcvd_pkt; int sock; /* socket descriptor */ pid_t pid; /* pid of socksimple program */ struct sockaddr_clust dst_addr; struct sockaddr_clust src_addr; struct in_addr localIP; /* socket address structure */ /* socket address structure */

/* address struct for local IP */

/* counters and statistics variables */ int packets_sent = 0; int packets_rcvd = 0; double rtt_total = 0; double rtt_max = 0;
Cluster Aware for AIX


double rtt_min

= 999999999.0;

/* default command-line arguments */ char arg_addr_str[16] = "1"; int arg_port = 12; unsigned char arg_ttl = 1; int verbose=0; /* function prototypes */ void init_socket(); void get_local_host_info(); void send_socksimple(int); void send_packet(struct socksimple_payload *payload, struct sockaddr_clust *target, int len); void sender_listen_loop(); void receiver_listen_loop(); void subtract_timeval(struct timeval *val, const struct timeval *sub); double timeval_to_ms(const struct timeval *val); int process_socksimple_packet(char *packet, int recv_len, unsigned char type); void clean_exit(); void usage();

Code for <cluster_var.h>

#define _H_CLUST_VAR #include <cluster_user.h> #include<net/raw_cb.h> #define MAX_CLUST_PORTS 64 /*Port # 1-16 are reserved. */ #define sotoclust_pcb(so) ((struct clust_pcb *)(so)->so_pcb) /* * clust sockaddr */ struct sockaddr_clust { u_char sclust_len; u_char sclust_family; u_int16_t sclust_port; clustid_t sclust_addr; t_wwid_t sclust_cluster_id; }; /* * CLUST Protocols */ #define CLUST_PROT 1 struct clust_pcb { struct rawcb struct sockaddr_clust struct sockaddr_clust int };

rclust_rcb; /* common control block prefix */ rclust_faddr; rclust_laddr; rclust_refcnt;

#define CLUSTPCB_REF(rp) { \ fetch_and_add(&((rp)->rclust_refcnt), 1); \ } #define CLUSTPCB_UNREF(rp) { \ fetch_and_add(&((rp)->rclust_refcnt), -1); { \ } #endif /* _H_CLUST_VAR */


AIX Version 7.1: Cluster Management

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AIX Version 7.1: Cluster Management

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AIX Version 7.1: Cluster Management

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