Community Based Learning
Community Based Learning
Community Based Learning
Community-Based Learning:
A Foundation for Meaningful Educational
January 1996
Thomas R. Owens
Changhua Wang
In my community experience, I went from learning what something is, to applying it to
real life. I learned why I need to know the things that I learned in math class. I had a
chance to work with some neat people who let me try out things for myself. The mentor
really seemed to care about me as a person, and I had fun.—A Student
Many of today's leaders in education, business, and community development are coming
to realize, even more than in the past, that schools alone cannot prepare our youth for
productive adulthood. These leaders are ready to try new approaches that link learning
activities in classrooms with a full range of learning experiences available in our
Perhaps more important than the views of adults are the views of young people about
themselves and their schools. Students often complain that their classes are irrelevant, not
related to what occurs outside of the classroom, and lacking opportunities for hands-on
applications. They feel they are treated as children instead of being given adult
responsibilities. They feel cut off from meaningful relationships with caring adults. As a
result, they are often unmotivated to study and view education as something imposed by
adults rather than an exciting opportunity for them to develop their skills and contribute
to others. In short, there is a growing consensus that change is needed in education, not
only in reforming what is taught but also in how and where it is taught.
This topical synthesis summarizes what we have learned over the past 20 years about
various community-based learning programs and describes how community-based
learning can serve as an important contribution to educational reform in the future. The
paper first defines what we mean by community-based learning and discusses it as a
philosophy, program, set of strategies, and expected outcomes. Next, we describe the
advantages of having multiple outcomes for community-based learning that include a
youth development perspective. We review the barriers that have faced this form of
learning. The research regarding community-based learning is discussed, followed by its
contribution to educational reform. Finally, we state some conclusions and
recommendations for future directions. Following the text we cite key references and
general references.
What is Community- Based Learning?
This synthesis uses the term community-based learning as a broad framework that
includes service-learning, experiential learning, School-to-Work, youth apprenticeship,
lifelong learning and other types. A problem with these individual approaches is that each
focuses on only a portion of the learning outcomes that can potentially be achieved
through community-based learning. For example, service-learning concentrates on
learning emerging from service provided to meet important needs—such as cleaning up
our rivers—in a particular community, while School-to-Work generally focuses only on
preparing youth for employment.
The National and Community Service Act of 1990 (amended in 1993) defined service-
learning as a method of teaching and learning: 1) by which young people learn and
develop through active participation in thoughtfully organized service experiences that
meet community needs and that are coordinated with the school and community; 2) that
is integrated into the academic curriculum or provides structured time for a young person
to think, talk, or write about what he/she did and saw during the service activity; 3) that
provides young people with opportunities to use newly acquired academic skills and
knowledge in real-life situations in their own communities; and 4) that enhances what is
taught in the school by extending student learning beyond the classroom and into the
community and helps to foster the development of a sense of caring for others (Alliance
for Service-Learning in Education Reform 1993, p. 971).
In a more abbreviated form, service-learning has been defined by the National Service-
Learning Cooperative as "a teaching/learning method that connects meaningful
community service experiences with academic learning, personal growth, and civic
responsibility" (Poulsen 1994, p. 4). The National and Community Service Trust Act was
signed in 1994 to create opportunities for young people to become personally involved in
improving their communities while pursuing their personal and social development. As
stated in the recent Youth Preparation for Employment policy reference document
(Council of Chief State School Officers 1994, p. 23),
EBCE was designed to bridge the gap between study and experience and between the
classroom and the community. It takes the subject matter students normally study, adds
many new ingredients about people, jobs, self, and the way communities work, and lets
high school and post-secondary students learn about them in the community through
direct interaction with adults in all walks of life. In the process students earn academic
credit, explore the real dimensions of many careers, learn much about who they are and
what they want to become, and master many of the skills they will need to succeed as
adults in America (p. 66).
The concepts of EBCE first developed in the early 1970s have generated some projects
that have continued on for over 20 years. They have also served as the springboard for a
new set of programs funded by the U.S. Department of Education, called Community-
Based Education Centers, that are being coordinated by the Northwest Regional
Educational Laboratory in six communities across the United States.
Cooperative Education
As a federally funded program, cooperative education has been defined in the 1990
Perkins Amendment as
...a method of instruction of vocational education for individuals who, through written
cooperative arrangements between the school and employers, receive instruction,
including required academic courses and related vocational instruction, by alternation of
study in school with a job in any occupational field. Such alternation shall be planned and
supervised by the school and employers so that each contributes to the student's education
and to his or her employability (Stern, et al. 1994, p. 13).
Tech Prep
Tech Prep is a federally funded program begun under the Tech Prep Education Act as part
of the 1990 Perkins Amendment. Tech Prep programs are operating in all 50 states
through consortia involving secondary and postsecondary institutions in collaboration
with business and industry. Generally, these programs start in at least 11th grade and
encourage students to complete an associate degree or higher. Vocational curricula
focusing on high technology areas are combined with applied academic courses that are
designed to prepare students for success in high-performance workplaces. While
cooperative education is generally perceived as a course or program, Tech Prep is viewed
by some as a specific program focused primarily on the average student and by others as
an educational reform measure intended for all secondary students. Key elements
intended for all students include career counseling, an individual student plan, and often
career clusters or pathways that all secondary students are expected to chose from in
order to give direction in the high school courses they select to take.
The School-to-Work Opportunities Act signed into law on May 4, 1994 is one of the
newcomers to the community-based learning club. Districts receiving School-to-Work
funds are expected to have three major elements: 1) school-based learning related to each
student's interests, including broad-based academics, career exploration and counseling;
2) work-based learning that provides a planned program of job training experiences, paid
work experience, workplace mentoring, and instruction in general workplace
competencies and in a broad variety of elements of an industry; and 3) activities to
connect the two through training of teachers, counselors, and mentors and through
involvement of schools and employers.
Youth Apprenticeship
Robert Jones, Assistant U.S. Secretary of Labor for Employment and Training, has said
that, "In order to increase access, teach basic skills, and use work-related structures, we
need to evolve a system in this country that is truly an American-styled apprenticeship
and school to work system." (Northdurft and Jobs for the Future 1990, p. 19).
The focus is changing and must change from teaching to learning; from outer-directed,
"expert"-driven curriculum and methodologies to more learner-centered, experience-
based, connected ways of acquiring the knowledge, skills, and attitudes required for life
in the world in which we now live and the rapidly changing world in which our young
people will live and work (Poulsen 1994, p. 2).
What are the components of such community-based learning? Zeke Zellerman of the
Association for Experiential Learning stated, at the 1994 Work Now and in the Future
conference in Portland, Oregon, that there are three critical steps—framing (planning),
the activity itself, and reflection (Dukehart 1994). The clearer the framing, the more the
learner will get from the experience. Generally, the objectives for the learning are
developed jointly by the student and the teacher/mentor. The second step is the activity
itself, which can be simple or complex with many steps. The third critical step is
reflection or a debriefing on what was learned. According to Zellerman, the reflection can
be done alone (in the form of a journal, for example) or with a group. These discussions
often include an analysis of what went right, what went wrong, and what was unexpected.
The reflection sets the stage for framing the next related activity. Programs such as
Experience-Based Career Education have developed detailed guides to help students
process what they have learned as well as to raise questions for the future.
The role of mentors in community-based learning is critical. A mentor gives advice and
encouragement, sharing the knowledge and wisdom of experience in a relationship that is
personal and enduring (Hamilton 1990, p. 156). Mentors for youth may be described as
teachers, challengers, role models, supporters, and companions. Ongoing research at
Public Private Ventures indicates that the most successful mentors are those who are
engaged in developmental relationships with youth and establish a strong, reliable bond
through enjoyment of activities chosen together, as opposed to a prescriptive relationship
in which they expected to change the youth (Morrow and Styles 1995).
The learning processes serving as a foundation for community-based learning are well
grounded in cognitive research. At the heart of cognitive research is the observation that
intelligence and expertise are built out of interaction with the environment, not in
isolation from it. This research shows that effective learning engages both head and hand
and requires both knowing and doing. In their classic book on cognitive research
applications, Berryman and Bailey (1992) point out that "Passive, fragmented, and
decontextualized instruction organized around generating right answers adds up to
ineffective learning" (p. 68). Such decontextualized learning fails to enable students to
examine the ideas they bring to the learning situation, to learn from their errors, or to look
for patterns.
Educators interested in developing effective learning practices can gain important insight
from looking at the nature of traditional apprenticeships. Berryman and Bailey identify
six characteristics that could be applied to community-based learning:
Teaching methods are used to help students observe, engage in, invent, or discover expert
strategies in context. They include modeling, coaching, scaffolding and fading
(suggestions or support initially given by the teacher), articulation to get students to
identify the knowledge and problem-solving strategies they use, reflection to compare
one's problem-solving strategies with those of experts, and exploration to solve problems
and raise new questions.
Sequencing allows learning to be staged and involves increasing complexity of tasks and
concepts needed, increasing diversity of strategies or skills used, and developing an
overview before attending to details.
The sociology of learning involves reproducing the real-world environment for learning.
It involves active communication with expert practitioners, intrinsic motivation for
learning, cooperative learning, and competitive learning to compare the processes
developed by various learners to create a product.
Cognitive research over the past ten years has shown that the quality of cognitive
performance often depends on the context in which the performance occurs. People who
perform tasks well in one setting may not perform them well in other settings. Learning
which is "situated" in practical, work-related contexts is both faster and more effective
than learning which is purely classroom based and unrelated to the contexts in which it is
to be applied (Resnick 1987).
Cognitive research is being applied today not only in schools but in industry. Erica
Sorohan (1993) has identified some workplace applications of this research and illustrates
five lessons learned:
The principles cited above are equally applicable to schools and workplaces.
Goals for student learning are changing. While there is still an expectation that students
learn important facts, there is growing emphasis on application of facts in problem
solving and relating facts to life outside the school. In addition to learning traditional
subject areas, students are expected to think critically, collaborate with others, transition
smoothly from school to work, fit into an increasingly diverse community, integrate what
they learn across subjects and much more. As the content of what is to be learned
changes, so must the methodologies of both learning and teaching shift (Blum 1995, p.
Andrew Furco, from the Service-Learning R&D Center at the University of California at
Berkeley, has presented a systematic look at the similarities and differences of service-
learning and School-to-Work transition programs. He describes the intended purposes of
both reforms as career development, academic development, personal development,
social development, civic responsibility, and ethical development (Furco 1995).
While School-to-Work and service learning cover a wide spectrum of learner outcomes, a
third set comes from the field of youth development. These outcomes include skill in
being an active and self-directed learner, leadership, and personal and social
responsibility. Zeldin (1995) and others, in their attempt to integrate School-to-Work and
youth development, state that young people require opportunities and supports to achieve
desirable outcomes.
Two important federal initiatives provide a useful framework for looking at the learner
outcomes of community-based learning—Goals 2000 and the SCANS report. The
GOALS 2000: Educate America Act calls for the development of comprehensive state
education strategies that result in the attainment of the national educational goals and
lifelong learning systems.
Several of the national goals are being impacted directly by community-based learning.
Goal 2 states that by the year 2000, the high school graduation rate will increase to at
least 90 percent. Community-based learning makes school relevant to students by
connecting academic concepts to real-life applications and makes students active learners
who are responsible for their own learning.
Goal 3 deals with student achievement and citizenship. It states that by the year 2000, all
students will leave grades 4, 8, and 12 having demonstrated competency over challenging
subject matter, including English, mathematics, science, foreign languages, civics and
government, economics, arts, history, and geography, and that every school in America
will ensure that all students learn to use their minds well, so they may be prepared for
responsible citizenship, further learning, and productive employment in our nation's
modern economy. In 1993, the nation's governors adopted service-learning as an indicator
of citizenship in Goal 3.
A second curriculum framework for grouping the skills needed to be an effective worker
comes from the Secretary's Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills (SCANS) in the
U.S. Department of Labor. In 1993 the commission produced a useful document called
Teaching the SCANS Competencies that illustrates how these competencies can be taught
in schools and communities. The SCANS outcomes are made up of five competencies
and a three-part foundation of skills and personal qualities needed for high-quality job
performance. The competencies state that effective workers can productively use
resources, interpersonal skills, information, systems, and technology, with each of these
spelled out in greater detail. For example, interpersonal skills include working on teams,
teaching others, serving customers, leading, negotiating, and working well with people
from culturally diverse backgrounds. The foundations consist of basic skills (reading,
writing, mathematics, speaking, and listening), thinking skills (thinking creatively,
making decisions, solving problems, visualizing, knowing how to learn, and reasoning),
and personal qualities (individual responsibility, self-esteem, sociability, self-
management and integrity).
Conrad and Hedin (1989), based on a review of research in the field and various large-
scale evaluations they had conducted of community-based learning programs (excluding
those focused on workforce preparation), identified areas where they expected such
programs to have a positive effect on youth. They grouped these outcomes under three
headings: personal growth and development, intellectual development and academic
learning, and social growth and development. Their specific outcomes expected are listed
• Self-esteem
• Personal efficacy (sense of worth and competence)
• Ego and moral development
• Exploration of new roles, identities, and interests
• Willingness to take risks, accept new challenges
• Taking responsibility for, accepting consequences of own actions
• Political efficacy
• Knowledge and exploration of service-related careers
• Understanding and appreciation of, and ability to relate to, people from a wide
range of backgrounds and life situations
Whereas the outcomes listed above are expected, research results actually documenting
some of them are discussed later in this synthesis.
Advantages to an Integrated Approach
Just as high schools are often justly criticized by students for compartmentalizing
instruction—50 minutes of history, followed by algebra and then physical education, for
example—so, too, do community-based learning programs sometimes focus too narrowly
on outcomes immediately related to their funding. From an individual young person's
perspective, it makes no sense to learn only leadership skills from the Boy Scouts, career
development from a career exploration at a local company, and service-learning from a
separate class that has students visiting residents in a nursing home. Fragmentation is
undesirable whether it occurs in the school, a business, or a family.
One attempt to identify common characteristics of programs classified under the broad
heading of School-to-Work was made by the National Center for Research in Vocational
Education in its publication, Research on School-to-Work Transition Programs in the
United States. The researchers identified fourteen features and determined the relative
frequency of these features in six programs: Cooperative Education, School-Based
Enterprise, Tech Prep, School-to-Apprenticeship, Youth Apprenticeship, and Career
Academies. The fourteen features were: 1) structured work-based learning while in
school, 2) school curriculum that builds on work experience, 3) paid work experience, 4)
employer-provided financial support, 5) program-arranged student work placement, 6)
employer involvement in curriculum design, 7) integrated vocational and academic
curriculum, 8) formal links to postsecondary education, 9) employment/college
counseling, 10) pre-11th grade academic preparation, 11) pre-11th grade career
exploration, 12) targeting of at-risk or non-college bound students, (13) use of outside
mentors, and 14) occupational certification (Stern, et al. 1994, p. 8).
Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory staff conducted a study of over 1,000 EBCE
students in 24 states to determine young people's perceptions of what characteristics of a
worksite are important for quality learning (Owens 1982). In addition to open-ended
questions about their experiences at learning sites, students were asked to rate the
importance of each of 19 characteristics in contributing to an excellent learning
opportunity. At worksites judged by students as providing rich learning experiences, they
• often learned job-specific skills including use of tools or equipment and gained
specific knowledge of how the job operates through hands-on experiences
• More often described the people they worked with as helpful and friendly
• Generally worked closely with more than one person and formed a personal
relationship with at least one person with whom they worked
• Reported completing tasks (judged by outside consultants) to have high or
moderate levels of responsibility and were perceived to be challenging. (Owens
1982, pp. 89-90)
• Partners formally agree on the goals of the work-based program and how to
achieve them.
• Student learning at the workplace progresses according to a structured plan.
• Work-based experiences promote the development of broad, transferable skills.
• School-based activities help students distill and deepen lessons of work
• The program prepares students to enter the workplace.
• Ongoing support and counseling is provided for students.
• Orientation, training, and ongoing support to worksite and school staff are
• Administrative structures exist to coordinate and manage the worksite component.
• Mechanisms are in place to assure the quality of students' work-based learning
Research conducted by staff at the Center for Youth Development and Policy Research
has identified five key opportunities and supports needed to achieve desirable youth
In the past, practitioners involved in community-based learning were often not interested
in participating in program evaluation and sometimes saw it as interfering with students'
progress. This attitude seems to have changed in recent years, as evaluation has shifted in
emphasis toward continuous quality improvement, and as educators have become more
sensitive to the needs of legislators and the public for accountability.
Learner Outcomes
One of the earliest and most intensively evaluated School-to-Work programs has been
Experience-Based Career Education. Bucknam and Brand (1983) conducted a meta-
analysis of 80 evaluations of EBCE programs. They start by distinguishing EBCE from
traditional work/education programs. In contrast to other programs, EBCE was found to:
1) use planned experience as a basis for learning academic subjects; 2) include career
exploration and multiple employer/community site utilization as opposed to job
experience at a single site; 3) expect students to take a greater role in shaping their
personalized educational plans; 4) be appropriate for and used with all types of students;
and 5) use community worksites for learning rather than for production purposes, so
students earn academic credit rather than pay.
In terms of student learning outcomes, Bucknam and Brand found positive academic
gains in 376 of 558 test administrations, including 112 where the differences were
significantly positive. When compared to similar students not in EBCE, students in
EBCE scored significantly higher in career-related skills, life skills, and in academic
A comprehensive evaluation of the four EBCE demonstration sites was conducted over a
several-year period by Educational Testing Service. This evaluation involved use of
standardized tests, in-depth interviews of EBCE and control group students, survey
questionnaires, and ethnographic studies by trained anthropologists. They found that
EBCE students, in contrast to a control group:
The NCRVE study of School-to-Work programs (Stern, et al. 1994) found that
participation in cooperative education was associated with more positive attitudes toward
school and a stronger perceived connection between school and work, but no consistent
association between participation in cooperative education and subsequent success in the
labor market.
When service-learning is not mandated, the outcomes on students are generally positive.
For example, Krug (1991) found significant differences in self-esteem and attitudes
toward the school and community between high school students involved in a school-
sponsored service-learning experience and those not involved.
Shumer (1994), in studying a community-based Job Training Partnership Act program for
high school students, found that learning in the community improved attendance and
school grades. This was facilitated especially by the use of adults and college students in
helping students to learn.
The research literature on required community service is mixed and generally fails to
support requiring high school students to participate in it. For example, Crossman (1989)
found that required community service did not produce as much improvement as
voluntary service. Patterson (1987) found, in fact, that while fewer than 20 hours of
required service had little impact, required participation for more than 20 hours may have
a negative impact on the process of self-actualization. On the other hand, Giles and Eyler
(1994) found that a required service-learning experience of limited intensity and duration
has a positive impact on the development of college students: they showed a significant
increase in their belief that people can make a difference, that they should be involved in
community service, and in their commitment to perform volunteer service the following
Both provide environments in which students can develop various skills and
competencies including those identified by the Secretary's Commission on Achieving
Necessary Skill (SCANS) that are important for employment and responsible citizenship;
both provide students with meaningful roles in their communities; and both foster
collaboration between educators and community groups. The memorandum also presents
several rationales for linking the two methodologies including the following: both have
the potential to address such weaknesses as the lack of relevance of the curriculum or
school experience; both can motivate students to want to learn; both can build community
partnerships; and both focus on outcomes as a measure of acquired skills and knowledge.
Service learning can help address issues of "scale and access" in school-to-work
transition....Combining the approaches in a "learning continuum" can provide even
primary grade students with opportunities to develop generic work skills at an early age
(p. 2).
Service-learning also has an appeal to many parents and community groups, is relatively
easy to start, and covers areas of a curriculum such as civics and government generally
not addressed by School-to-Work. On the other hand, School-to-Work offers good links
in the curriculum between academic and vocational education, presents a model for a
four- or six-year curriculum sequence, stresses documentation of skills gained and
transportable credentials, builds in adult mentorship, and has good support from the
business community. By linking service-learning, School-to-Work and other forms of
community-based learning, educators can build a much stronger rationale for the use of
the community for learning and broaden their community support base.
Although there are many programs that could be labeled community-based learning, few
educators have yet used this term or started to sell community-based learning as a broad
set of strategies to enhance educational reform. Likewise, many of the programs called
service-learning or School-to-Work are very fragmented, and students often receive only
minimal exposure to the array of learning potential that exists in the community.
Similarly, very few community-based learning programs come close to systematically
using the principles described in this synthesis for quality contextual learning.
New efforts have been implemented recently to place educators in the community for
their own learning to identify workplace applications for the subjects they teach. In some
cases, companies like The Boeing Company in Seattle have provided slots for secondary
and postsecondary teachers to explore worksites for the summer and to prepare lesson
plans based on their new learning (Owens and Wang 1994). In other cases, teams of
academic and vocational teachers have been prepared to visit companies and community
agencies to identify applications of work-based tasks related to their school subject
content (Stone-Ewing 1995). Educators have also accepted invitations from businesses
and community agencies, including government, to participate in training in areas such as
continuous quality improvement.
The examples and issues discussed in this synthesis have focused on student learning in
the community. However, it is important for educators to keep abreast of workforce
training that is taking place for existing workers. Such training costs billions of dollars
annually. Simulations, group problem solving, and other strategies are being used
effectively in many industries and may have applications for public education.
Legislators and policy makers also have a major role to play in fostering integration of
community-based learning by broadening the scope of expected outcomes. Michele
Cahill (1993), in reporting the consensus of the New York City Youth Employment
Consortium, stated,