04 Demonstration Airlift Pump
04 Demonstration Airlift Pump
04 Demonstration Airlift Pump
Demonstration of the Use of the Air-lift Pump and Lignocellulosics Materials in Recirculation Aquaculture Systems
This project is sponsored with grant funds from the Energy Center of Wisconsin under their Focus on Energy R&D Program.
INVESTIGATORS: Douglas J. Reinemann, Associate Professor, Department of Biological Systems Engineering, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, University of WisconsinMadison, Tel: 608.262.0223. E-mail: [email protected]. Jeffrey A. Malison, Director, University of Wisconsin Aquaculture Program, Depa of Food Science, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, University of Wiscons Madison, Tel: 608.263.1242. E-mail: [email protected]. James S. Han, USDA Forest Service Forest Products Laboratory, Madison, WI. Tel: 608.231.9423. FAX: 608.231.9262. E-mail: jhan/[email protected], or [email protected]. Von Byrd, USDA Forest Service Forest Products Laboratory, Madison, WI. Tel: 608.231.9200. FAX: 608.231.9262. E-mail: [email protected]. Todd Rogers and Mike Becker, Odbek Industries, Inc., St. Paul, MN. Tel: 612.487.6828. E-mail: [email protected]. Mark E. Raabe, P.E. Tel: 608.262.5062. E-mail: [email protected]. Jeshua Hansen, Undergraduate Student, University of Wisconsin. E-mail:
[email protected].
INSTITUTIONS: University of Wisconsin Department of Biological Systems Engineering University of Wisconsin Department of Food Science, Aquaculture Program USDA Forest Service Forest Products Laboratory (FPL) Odbek Industries, Inc.
Project Summary
The growth of the aquaculture industry in the next twenty years represents a significant new market opportunity for electrical utilities. Recirculation aquaculture -- consisting of circulating water from the culture tank, through a waste filtration system, and back to the culture tank -- is an especially energy intensive system. If growth of recirculation aquaculture is to be based upon the most efficient available technology, then utilities will need to take an active role in providing technical information to the public. This proposal calls for the construction of an intermediate scale recirculation aquaculture system as a precursor to develop design standards for a commercial-size system. The system will demonstrate the energy efficiency in the use of air-lift pumps over conventional electrical pumps. Air-lift pumps should be a standard in design of recirculation aquaculture systems; however, there exists biasness against use of the air-lift pump. This is due to the combination of market forces and engineering designs that do not maximize its performance capabilities. The system will also employ a unique filtration system employing lignocellulosic fibers as an alternative media for the growth of nitrifying bacteria, and as a secondary sedimentation system for the removal of residual suspended solids. Lignocellulosics materials will increase energy efficiency through increase fish production over conventional filtration designs.
To develop design specifications for the use of air-lift pumps for commercial-size recirculation aquaculture systems. To develop design specifications for lignocellulosics as a media in a conventional biofiltration system in a commercial-size recirculation system. To develop design specification for the use of lignocellulosics as a secondary sedimentation system in a commercial-size aquaculture system To provide the utility industry with technical information that will be used to promote the efficient use of electrical power by the aquaculture industry.
The project has two components that will increase energy efficiency in intensive aquaculture. First, less energy (per unit of fish produced) will be required to circulate water through the filtration system. Second, the reduction of residual suspended solids in the culture tank will allow more intensive fish culture, through increased feeding per unit volume of water per day.
The research team has previously demonstrated the use of the air-lift pump and lignocellulosics in a small-scale, pilot recirculation fish culture system. This project will apply these same systems to a medium-scale aquaculture system that will be approximately ten times the size (in terms of culture tank volume). Successful completion of this project will provide the design parameters for application of a commercial-size systems a further scaling of between 5 to 10 times.
Fish Tank
The fish tank is made of fiberglass and has a capacity of 800 gallons. Approximately 700 gallons is maintained in the tank for the rearing of fish.