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This is a FREE preview of the book When Women Cheat. It contains the first chapter and index of the book. Enjoy it !! If you want to buy the entire book please visit
Contents Preface...........................................................................................3 Dissection of the Ideal Happy Couple .........................................9 The Chemistry of Love and the Third Person ...............................20 Yes of course we should have someone to play with, right? .......36 Good doggie! ...............................................................................51 Separate sex lives and the modern cuckold .................................60 Jealousy and designer dick ...........................................................72 Beta-males and alpha-females...................................................102 The Unfaithful Women and Their Views on Men.......................140
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Those who are faithless know the pleasures of love; it is the faithful who know loves tragedies - Oscar Wilde -
Sex. Love. Emotions. Trust. Power. Deceit. Disappointment. One of the most discussed mixtures when it comes to relationships and love has to be the infidelity cocktail - containing all the above-mentioned ingredients plus a few more. Sometimes the ingredients do not get mixed in evenly, but never mind, you never really forget the taste, and no matter what you wash it down with, the taste can stay in your mouth for years. Some find it bitter. Others find it sweet. Some cannot differentiate the one from the other. It is a cocktail that only a few people openly admit to having tasted or enjoyed, but nevertheless there are a lot who imbibe it on the sly. Just as the alcoholic must be very inventive when it comes to hiding his drinking from family and friends, so must the unfaithful one be. Infidelity must be hidden just like alcoholism - behind guilty consciences, ideals, text messages, temptations, thoughts and ... the list could go on. But even though most people openly say that they are against this destructive combination, this cocktail of infidelity, if you will, more and more studies show that the condemnatory, lifted finger cannot always steer clear of the bar.
We actually wallow in infidelity - and if were not currently unfaithful, then we are dreaming about being it. The romantic idea of coupledom, snuggles on Sunday and undying love for each other, coupled with great sex that never ends, is by now as fictional and illusory as the Easter Bunny.
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But it is not going to be mens binges with the infamous infidelity cocktail that this book is going to be about. No, I have instead wished to look at it from the womans point of view, since women are not immune to this drink. It is therefore the womens own words and their own stories about infidelity towards their partners that will fill a large part of this book. Over the last few years I have heard countless stories from girls who have experienced a guy cheating on them and not treating them nicely. Strangely enough I never heard the opposite scenario - where it was the girl herself who had not been very nice. It was rare to talk about the girls dark side. There existed a strange gentleman-like culture around the idea that girls do not cheat, or perhaps rather you dont talk about girls infidelity much in the same way you dont ask a woman her age or how much she weighs. And I thought that was strange, especially when I knew that girls also lurve a good cocktail ;-) After that I was motivated to view infidelity from another angle than the traditional one, where it is always the man who is the villain out spreading his seed. So what about the woman who is out spreading her legs? There are no definitive, hardcore, scientific articles concerning the extent of female infidelity, mainly due to the fact that the credibility of the respondents (although anonymous) is on a par with a man discussing the size of his penis. A large conference in Orlando, USA in 2008 entitled Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies was attended by some of the most prominent and experienced psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers etc. - and the subject was infidelity. One of the participants was David Atkins, associate research professor at the University of Washington in Seattle, and he remarked on his own research into statistics on infidelity, Our greatest problem is whether or not people are being honest. There is also a difference as to what different people construe as infidelity. This remark was given despite the
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fact that the research team clearly received far more comprehensive information through anonymous interviews than when they asked people face to face. So once it could be concluded that even the fancy scientific experiments were not 100% accurate, I might just as well turn my attention to pop culture and user surveys in popular Danish magazines. The most obvious candidate was the magazine Woman. Why? If I was looking for user surveys there are hundreds of magazines for women, but this particular magazine has often bragged about its surveys and sex stories. After a closer look at the magazines advertising section I saw that the magazine is catered towards women between 18 and 35 years old, who have an active life with a job or studies, live in the larger towns and spend their money on fashion, beauty products and other amusements. That sounds like the modern, Danish / American woman to me and it would seem that the 229,000 readers that the magazine has, according to the survey institute Gallup, do the same. The more I studied the magazine, the more I saw that it especially was the younger generation that constituted its readership. Perfect - tendencies from the younger generation! Now of course a random womens magazine is not going to be representative of all women in Denmark, the US or England, but hold onto the thought that almost a quarter of a million (a quarter of a million!) read this magazine. According to the magazines own surveys amongst their many readers women are going strong on the infidelity front - even more than the male readers of the sister magazine M!, which is the male equivalent to Woman. In 2008 49% of the women who answered the Woman survey stated that they were unfaithful to their boyfriends, while 51% maintained that they would never even consider such a thing. Strangely enough 54% of the male readers maintained that they had not been unfaithful. It gets even more
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fun in 2009, where a whole 57% of the male readers have not been unfaithful. The young, modern guy is on the right track, eh? But of course reader surveys in a random magazine for women and men is one thing; being able to talk to a person and understand the nuances of their situation is another. One of the things that I have asked the women interviewed in this book is why they have been unfaithful. How could it have been avoided? What is their story? And what was being unfaithful really like? Is it the mans own fault, you could be tempted to ask, with an ironic gleam in your eye ;-) It is interesting, both as a man and a woman, to read their stories - particular in a society such as the American one, where the gender-political scene has largely become a full blown battleground complete with victims, accusations, backslapping, nitpicking between men and woman, bitter columnists etc. That is why I have let the women come forth with their experiences in complete anonymity, without bias or any moral finger pointing. In this way the reader will be informed as to what led these women to infidelity, and will hopefully also gain a greater understanding of the causes of female infidelity. Besides the infidelity that takes place behind the mans back, it has been interesting to see what type of man either resigns himself to or unofficially accepts the womans infidelity. Men, who in some way accept and maybe even enjoy that their woman is with other and perhaps better men, while he remains monogamous. There are also couples who expand their concept of fidelity, and who make infidelity float through the relationship with no boundaries. Of course it has been interesting to see what the effect is on men when their partner is unfaithful to them - for they certainly arent thoughts that men go around shouting about.
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Besides the book embracing the issue of female infidelity, I also think it is relevant to shed light on what it means to be a modern man in this day and age and to be together with the equally modern woman. I have a feeling that infidelity is tied to our modern gender roles. The expression a modern man is very affected but as a 27 year old man I should know that Im supposed to be. Or else I can be sure that the advertising industrys gender swamp and the nonstop marketing messages about gender identity that I encounter out and about in town will tell me. I live in Copenhagen, have a wide social network and am reasonably atune to whats going on. Like most people, I belong to the wide mesh of the middle class, do not even vaguely resemble a wandering fire and have met a variety of people during my four or so years being single. I have been on many dates, met a lot of women and been exposed to a lot of different attitudes and opinions - and in the midst of this jumble I decided to venture my observations. I believe there is a need for a book that gives a young, male perspective on an issue that women are usually the ones to speak out about. Depending on your mood and your personal experience everyone of course has a different approach to something like love. I feel that the cynical approach would be the most interesting for this book - a confrontation with some of the ideals that we grow up with and that the media continues to foster on us. Who says that the prince gets the princess in the end? Maybe she isnt a princess, even though shes camouflaged herself in a gorgeous dress and expensive Christian Louboutin peeptoe stilettos? Could it be that she is just damned annoying and demanding rather than a sweet princess? Maybe shed rather be screwing the troll than the prince? And maybe the princes noble steed is just a donkey covered in white paint? Hes no prince, hes a confused stable boy who wants a trophy wife that he can show off. Love and emotions, my dear reader, wears
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many faces, especially in times such as ours, and that is why I wish to debunk these ideals - or at the very least present them to you in a new light and give you something to reflect upon. And that also brings me to the very interesting thing about emotions, namely their strength. I am fine with having to deal with the topic of love, because none of us can deny the strength that exists within it. It has an intoxicating effect, makes us happy, makes us high, makes us joyous and makes us invincible. But the fascinating part is that just as incredible as love can be, just as creative and life affirming, just as ruinous and destructive can it be. Crushing, destructive, painful, humiliating and even lethal. This is where we need to look at love with new eyes. Love can be seen in many ways and from many angles and it is exactly here that modern attitudes come into effect and label love as difficult and something you would rather do without than settle for, make men and women distance themselves from - almost despise - each other. The funny thing about love is just that none of us can ever really be wise to it, so I have just as good a reason as anyone to share my observations! And it can strike us all - young, old, bosses and employees, men and women, educated and un-educated, smart and dumb, thick and thin - its a love drug and everybody can get struck by Cupids arrows. But just as beautiful as it can be, just as ugly can it turn. That is why this book will encourage debate and give you grounds for reflection concerning both yourself and your moral and ethical values when it comes to relationships, fidelity and love. It will challenge the way in which we idealize the perfect relationship in the year 2011 and will leave you in no doubt that love has its price ... especially when the serpent is loose in the Paradise. Enjoy!