Eviews6a Karts
Eviews6a Karts
Eviews6a Karts
Derive the t-statistics for the null that the coe cients are equal to 0. To do so use the estimated coe cients and their standard errors. Is the coe cient attached to the constant signicant at the 5% level? Is the coe cient attached to disposable income signicant at the 5% level? Test the null hypothesis that the coe cient attached to the constant is equal to 1.
Show that the square of the S.E. of regression equals the sum of squared residuals (or Error Sum of Squares, ESS) divided by N-k, where N is the sample size and k the number of regressors. Compute the total variation of Y (Total Sum of Squares, TSS). Hint: you can compute it directly, or derive it from the variance of the dependent variable. Compute the explained variation of Y (Regression Sum of Squares, RSS). Hint: you can compute it directly, or derive it from ESS and TSS. Show that the R-squared is equal to the ratio between RSS and TSS.
The le wages_autosales.xls contains quarterly data on wages and retail auto sales. 1. Export the data in eviews and run a regression of sales on wages and a constant using the sample 1959:1 to 1995:2. 2. Provide the estimation results in a table such as the one shown in the previous exercise on consumption and income. 3. Comment the results. In particular: Derive the t-statistics for the null that the coe cients are equal to 0. To do so use the estimated coe cients and their standard errors. Is the coe cient attached to the constant signicant at the 5% level? Is the coe cient attached to wages signicant at the 5% level? Test the null hypothesis that the coe cient attached to the constant is equal to 5. Draw a graph of the actual-tted-residual decomposition. Compute the total variation of Y (Total Sum of Squares, TSS). Compute the explained variation of Y (Regression Sum of Squares, RSS). Show that R-squared is equal to 1 minus the ratio between ESS and TSS.