How To Build A Bookcase: Intro: Tools and Materials
How To Build A Bookcase: Intro: Tools and Materials
How To Build A Bookcase: Intro: Tools and Materials
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Begin construction by using a tape measure to mark the length of a side panel on 1 x 10 stock, and lay out the cut line with a square. The side panels on our bookcase are 48 in. long.
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Step 5: Assembly
First mark the shelf cleat locations. Hook your tape measure to the top edge of a side panel, extend the tape and place marks at the following dimensions: 3/4, 10 1/4, 20 3/4, 31 3/4 and 44 1/2 in. These marks indicate the top edges of the shelf cleats. Transfer the marks to the other panel. Lay both side pieces edge to edge with the marks on the outer edges and use a rule or straightedge to extend the shelf locations across both panels at once.
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Step 6: Assembly
Use 2d nails and glue to attach the shelf cleats to the sides. Position the cleats so they're flush with the front edges of the sides. Then, attach the vertical back cleats, leaving a 3/4-in. gap at the bottom of each back cleat for a shelf. The gaps will help to keep the shelves aligned during assembly. Align the back cleats with the back ends of the shelf cleats to provide the 3/8-in. recess for the back panel.
Step 7: Assembly
To join the sides and shelves, first lay a side panel on a few 2 x 4s placed on the floor. With a helper assisting, stand the shelves in position and lay the opposite side on the shelf ends. Start a pair of 6d finishing nails at each shelf location so the points just penetrate the shelves. Lift the side off and apply glue to the endgrain of the shelves. Let the glue soak in for a few minutes, then apply a second coat. Follow with a coat of glue on the sides and cleats. Replace the panel using the nail points to align the shelves. Then drive the nails and set them below the surface. After the first side is attached, grasp the sides at one end while your helper grasps the opposite end and flip the assembly over. Secure the remaining side and check that the case is square. If necessary, tack a diagonal brace across the back to hold it while the glue sets. When the glue is dry cut a piece of parting strip to fit between the two top cleats and under the top shelf. This piece will be set 3/8 in. in front of the top shelf rear edge to provide room for the back panel. Glue and nail this long cleat to the shelf.
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Then, prime and paint the bookcase according to the manufacturer's instructions.
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