Sept 2003
Sept 2003
Sept 2003
Your thinking habits can make your life alternatives every time. Keep a list of your most common
negative thought habits and positive alternatives for each.
a heaven or hell Refer to this list whenever negative thoughts arise, until
you can substitute helpful alternatives from memory or im-
Thinking, emotions and behaviour intertwine very mediately make up new thought alternatives to counter the
closely and each can change the others. Our thoughts negative thoughts. When a negative thought arises and cir-
are important to us in many ways. Our negative and cumstances make it impossible to read your list, read it at
positive thoughts can also cause our expectations to the next convenient moment.
come true, a self-fulfilling prophecy, by affecting how Like other bad habits, negative thinking can be very diffi-
we see things and act. If you attempt a task thinking “I cult to change. You can only change it by practice, practice
know I’ll mess it up. I can’t do anything right,” you and more practice. The more you flood your mind with
probably will not feel like trying very hard and you positive thought alternatives by reading and practicing
may interpret your progress as unimpressive. This pes- them, the more your thoughts and feelings will change for
simism may lead you to give up, perhaps blaming you the better. It may take months of daily efforts changing
are the poor outcome on your lack of ability or other your habits of negative thinking before you notice much
circumstances. In contrast if you have hope and opti- change in your feelings.
mistically think your efforts will make a difference you
will keep on trying much longer. Positive thoughts such Source: Mental - Health - Matters.
as,“ Maybe this will work,” motivate you to spend
more time thinking and trying various things. These be-
haviours increase the chances of success. ESOL ENGLISH CLASSES
Negative thoughts are common in bad moods and de- (English for Speakers of Other Languages)
pression , and positive thoughts go with feeling good
and happy. Experiments show spending time thinking Are you interested in improving your ability to speak,
about happy, sad, or angry situations often causes these read or write in English? The ESOL classes have
feelings to arise. Habitually thinking about negative started which will be held in Community House. The
things tend to drag you down into depression. Angry class will be especially suitable for beginners. If you
thought may make it more difficult to calm down, to would like to put your name down for the class, or
see other persons point of view, and to act in a respect- would like to recommend a friend please feel free to
ful way. call on: 020 8373 6218 / 6219 / 6220. Alternatively ,
Changing habits of negative thinking helps a great deal write a note to the office with your name, address
in changing emotions and improving personal prob- and telephone number , we will add your name to the
lems. Negative thinking is counter productive, self de- Esol class list.
feating thinking that makes you feel worse, see things
in a worse light, and act in ways that often interfere
with the goals. The more you think negatively, the
worse you feel. Positive thoughts help you feel better, A big ‘Hello’ from Sabah Jafri:
see things in a better light, and act more sensibly and
effectively. Much research suggests optimism in facing I started working for Enfield Saheli in May 2003,
losses and failures promotes mental health, whereas and am settling in and becoming known to cli-
pessimism does the opposite. ents, members and other organisations. I am
Whenever you find yourself thinking one of your habit- available to give advice and information about
ual negative thoughts, think “STOP!” this makes you services provided by the Mental Health Project
more aware of negative thoughts and helps you reject on 020 8373 6220.
them. Then practice substituting more helpful thought
Forthcoming Events
This year Enfield Saheli have organised a Summer Day
Trip to Cambridge on Thursday 16th August 2001. We
hope the day will be an enjoyable experience for the whole
family. The outing will include opportunity to relax and stroll
amongst the beautiful exotic landscapes of the Botancial
Gardens. The trip will also be of educational value including
the option to view Arts, Crafts and Literature within The
Fitzwilliam Museum.
Summer Trip