Lead Czar Whistle Blower Plaintiff Interragatories Excerpt
Lead Czar Whistle Blower Plaintiff Interragatories Excerpt
Lead Czar Whistle Blower Plaintiff Interragatories Excerpt
No. 10-011818-CZ
PLAINTIFFS RESPONSE TO DEFENDANTS FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES AND REQUEST TO PRODUCE Lead Czar Whistleblower Law Suit Case No. 10-011818-CZ and sent electronically to P&DD Director Warren Palmer by 02/16/10. On February 18th at a meeting of City Directors (Collaborating Directors Meeting), I presented the ratio of referrals to completed abatement projects by P&DD. As was frequently the case, P&DD declined to send any representative to attend the meeting. Part of our response to the corrective action plans from the CDC and MDCH, the CLPPP performed an audit of referrals to the Planning & Development Department for lead hazard abatement. The audit was performed by Paul Max, Janae Freeman and Aaron Rice under the direction of Kyle King. Emails (now in possession of the City) confirmed that the ratio of projects completed by Planning & Development to referrals by DHWP was extremely small (exact numbers were identified in the emails). Emails questioning the findings and requesting meetings to cooperatively address disparities were responded to by Jannie Warren with contempt and argumentative language. Darchelle Strickland-Love, Yvonne Anthony, Bill Ridella, Kyle King, Warren Palmer, Sue Carnell and a host of others were on copy of the these emails from Jannie. Many informal conversations in hallways and throughout the course of daily work took place to explain the need for these meetings and the need for resolution to the discrepancies. In written status reports I provided on a monthly basis to all stakeholders, I included references to the challenges in obtaining information and resolving discrepancies. In monthly meetings of the Detroit Lead Partnership which were held at DHWP Offices, Herman Kieffer, I also discussed this topic. The continued discussion of the issue and absence of P&DD representation from DLP meetings eventually lead to pressure from DLP members causing Eric Johnson and Aida Colon to appear at one of the meetings. In the meeting, Eric was called to account for the discrepancies, and he stated that P&DD prioritized all referrals from the DHWP that P&DD had exemplary report cards from HUD applauding their performance. The meeting was so uncomfortable for Eric and Aida that they refused (or were prohibited) to attend further meetings. Lyke Thompson later told me that he was admonished not to grille them so harshly in the future. Following this meeting, I asked Eric if he would provide me a list of all of the projects completed by P&DD under the HUD grant for lead poisoned children. He agreed, and two-three weeks later I received a spreadsheet from him listing 1,200 unique addresses for which work had been completed since 2002. The audit of referrals greatly differed from the results reported by Eric. To resolve the differences I asked Margaret Maggie Tufts, DHWP Epidemiologist, to provide a list of all addresses in the STELLAR database of children admitted to the program since 2002. The file Maggie produced contained over 5,000 unique addresses. I asked Lyke Thompson of the Wayne State Center for Urban Studies to assist with crossreferencing the two files. The number of the addresses matching in both files could be (though not conclusively) valid referrals from the Health Department which were actually completed through abatement by Planning and Development. Lyke assigned Ruth Waite to the task and her comparison found that 70 of the 1200 addresses in the P&DD file also existed in the DHWP file. April 23, 2010 Darchelle Strickland-Love and Sue Carnell were separated involuntarily from the Mayors Office. I was attending the National Association of Lead and Healthy Homes Grantees Conference in 2|Page
PLAINTIFFS RESPONSE TO DEFENDANTS FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES AND REQUEST TO PRODUCE Lead Czar Whistleblower Law Suit Case No. 10-011818-CZ New Orleans when I heard the news. I immediately drafted an email to incoming Group Executive, Kirk Lewis to express my concerns.
Answer 2
Re paragraph 16, Starting in or about June of 2010, Plaintiff began asking questions and complaining about certain practices of Defendant City of Detroit, identify all witnesses by name, address, title, date, location. Refer to spreadsheet files, Interrogatory Reference.xls and WhistleBlowerFilelist.xls.
Interrogatory Reference.xls
WhistleBlowerFileList .xlsx
Response to Produce A
All emails between all parties listed in Answer 2 from 12/15/09 to 7/13/10; (City of Detroit, Custodian) Program Directors Monthly Status Reports (ppt files) from January June 2010; (City of Detroit, Custodian) Detroit Lead Partnership Meeting Minutes from December 2009 June 2010; (WSU Center for Urban Studies, Lyke Thompson, Custodian) All referral forms from DHWP to P&DD January 2002 June 2010; ( DHWP, Yvonne Anthony, City of Detroit, Custodian) All referral forms received by P&DD from DHWP January 2002 June 2010; (P&DD, Jannie Warren, City of Detroit, Custodian) November 2009 PDD Referral Report; (P&DD, Jannie Warren, City of Detroit, Custodian) February 2010 PDD Referral Report; (P&DD, Jannie Warren, City of Detroit, Custodian) 2002-2009 PDD Database Tracking File; (P&DD, Jannie Warren, City of Detroit, Custodian) P&DD Presentation, Mayors Office 07/09/10; (P&DD, Jannie Warren, City of Detroit, Custodian) DHWP STELLAR Database; (DHWP, Harolyn Tarr, City of Detroit, Custodian) CDC Detroit CLPPP Summary Report (CDC, Connie Brooks-Thomas, Custodian) CDC Corrective Action Plan (CDC, Connie Brooks-Thomas, Custodian) MDCH Plan of Correction Cover Letter; (MDCH, Jean Chabut, Custodian) MDCH Plan of Correction; (MDCH, Jean Chabut, Custodian) MDCH Recommendations (MDCH, Jean Chabut, Custodian) DHWP Response to CDC Corrective Action Plan; (DHWP, Yvonne Anthony, City of Detroit Custodian) DHWP Response to MDCH Cover Letter; (DHWP, Yvonne Anthony, City of Detroit Custodian) DHWP Response to MDCH Plan of Correction; (DHWP, Yvonne Anthony, City of Detroit Custodian) CDC Interim Progress Report; (DHWP, Yvonne Anthony, City of Detroit, Custodian) MPHI Kresge Program Report(s); (Dr. Tiffiani Onifade author, Kresge Foundation, Custodian) 3|Page
PLAINTIFFS RESPONSE TO DEFENDANTS FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES AND REQUEST TO PRODUCE Lead Czar Whistleblower Law Suit Case No. 10-011818-CZ Receipt of Referral Documents from DHWP by WCPO; (Wayne County Prosecutor, Mary DuFour Morrow, Custodian) Referral Documents from DHWP by WCPO; (Wayne County Prosecutor, Mary DuFour Morrow, Custodian) Notice of Award Letters from HUD to P&DD, 2002-2010; (P&DD, Jannie Warren, City of Detroit Custodian); Including Schedule of Articles, Statement of Work, Work Plan, Benchmark Standards, Lead Hazard Control Program Policy Guidance Issuances, Grantees Financial and Technical Proposal, Mutually Agreed and Negotiated Proposal Changes, Abstract of Grant Activities, OMB Circulars, Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA). Financial Status Reports (FSR), Quarterly and Final, for years 2002-2010 from P&DD to HUD; (P&DD Jannie Warren, City of Detroit, Custodian) Technical Reports Quarterly & Final, for years 2002-2010 from P&DD to HUD; (P&DD Jannie Warren, City of Detroit, Custodian) Quarterly Progress Reports (Jan 30, Apr 30, Jul 30, Oct 30) for years 2002-2010 from P&DD to HUD; (P&DD Jannie Warren, City of Detroit, Custodian) Quarterly Reports of Progress by P&DD to HUD 2002-2010; (P&DD, Jannie Warren City of Detroit, Custodian) Refer to spreadsheet files, Interrogatory Reference.xls and WhistleBlowerFilelist.xls.
Answer 4
Re paragraph 17, list witnesses, name, address, title, date, location, substance and statements. Refer to spreadsheet files, Interrogatory Reference.xls and WhistleBlowerFilelist.xls.
Response to Produce B:
This was a conversational meeting. No documents were used, although references to the conversations may be found in emails between these parties and those listed in Answer 2. Such emails would be in custodianship of the City of Detroit. 4|Page
PLAINTIFFS RESPONSE TO DEFENDANTS FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES AND REQUEST TO PRODUCE Lead Czar Whistleblower Law Suit Case No. 10-011818-CZ Refer to spreadsheet files, Interrogatory Reference.xls and WhistleBlowerFilelist.xls.
Answer 6
Re paragraph 18, list all witnesses to the allegations described, In particular, Plaintiff was concerned about irregularities in presentations and statistics. Refer to spreadsheet files, Interrogatory Reference.xls and WhistleBlowerFilelist.xls. Same as table listed in Response #2. There is no reference to FBI Agents in the complaint.
Response to Produce C
Same as those listed in Answer 2, Response to Produce A 5|Page
PLAINTIFFS RESPONSE TO DEFENDANTS FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES AND REQUEST TO PRODUCE Lead Czar Whistleblower Law Suit Case No. 10-011818-CZ Refer to spreadsheet files, Interrogatory Reference.xls and WhistleBlowerFilelist.xls.
Answer 8
Refer to spreadsheet files, Interrogatory Reference.xls and WhistleBlowerFilelist.xls.
Response to Produce D
Subset of those listed in Response to Produce A. Refer to spreadsheet files, Interrogatory Reference.xls and WhistleBlowerFilelist.xls.
PLAINTIFFS RESPONSE TO DEFENDANTS FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES AND REQUEST TO PRODUCE Lead Czar Whistleblower Law Suit Case No. 10-011818-CZ were present (P&DD, BSED, DHWP) in addition to the Mayors Office (Lewis & Collins). When I arrived, Rochelle Collins had not prepared the room for a presentation (projector, screen) as expected. No agenda was distributed. Kirk Lewis was not present when the meeting started. Yvonne Anthony assumed the host role and immediately asked Jannie Warren to present. Jannie presented several reports from HUD indicating excellent performance by P&DD, continued funding renewals/awards, and she represented the program as meeting and exceeding the intended use of funds by HUD. Rochelle Collins made printed copies of my presentation which were of poor contrast and difficult to read. Kirk Lewis arrived late, but he was there when I presented? I described the current structure of the program and indicated areas of concern including use of funds and reporting of results by P&DD. Dr. King and I were fired the following Tuesday.
Answer 10
List the witnesses to the allegations in paragraph 20 of Plaintiffs Complaint. Refer to spreadsheet files, Interrogatory Reference.xls and WhistleBlowerFilelist.xls.
Response to Produce E
P&DD Presentation, Mayors Office 07/09/10; (P&DD, Jannie Warren, City of Detroit, Custodian) CLPPP Director Presentation, Mayors Office, 07/09/10; (DHWP, Yvonne Anthony, City of Detroit, Custodian) Refer to spreadsheet files, Interrogatory Reference.xls and WhistleBlowerFilelist.xls.
PLAINTIFFS RESPONSE TO DEFENDANTS FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES AND REQUEST TO PRODUCE Lead Czar Whistleblower Law Suit Case No. 10-011818-CZ information were ignored, and I was demoted from reporting to the Mayor to first Yvonne Anthony (formerly my peer) to her subordinate, Deputy Director Bill Ridella. I was helpful to a citizen who complimented me to Charles Pughs office. Ms. Pugh (staffer) offered to arrange a presentation with the Council. My intention was to present the importance of their support in raising awareness of lead poisoning prevention. The meeting was cancelled surreptitiously because Kirk Lewis probably thought I was going to go to the Council to publically blow the whistle on Planning & Development.
Answer 12
List witnesses to the allegations in paragraph 21. Everyone associated with the program witnessed this in some for or other. I even had a lunch meeting with Dr. Theresa Holtrop (about 03/29/10) and several hallway discussions with Dr. James Blessman on the subject. All stakeholders were aware through meetings, emails, presentations, text messages and phone conversations that I was demoted from reporting to a Group Executive to a Director to a Deputy Director. Same list as in response 2. Refer to spreadsheet files, Interrogatory Reference.xls and WhistleBlowerFilelist.xls.
Response to Produce F
Refer to spreadsheet files, Interrogatory Reference.xls and WhistleBlowerFilelist.xls.
PLAINTIFFS RESPONSE TO DEFENDANTS FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES AND REQUEST TO PRODUCE Lead Czar Whistleblower Law Suit Case No. 10-011818-CZ were failing and irrevocable. Neither of these things was true, so I could not in good conscience resign voluntarily.
Answer 14
List the witnesses of the allegations in paragraph 22. Refer to spreadsheet files, Interrogatory Reference.xls and WhistleBlowerFilelist.xls.
Response to Produce G
Refer to spreadsheet files, Interrogatory Reference.xls and WhistleBlowerFilelist.xls.