Federal Express
Federal Express
Federal Express
satisfaction, youre on the road to mediocrity.Frederick W. Smith, Federal Express Chairman, and CEO. Federal Express Corporation (FedEx) was founded in 1973 by Frederick W. Smith. A former military pilot with a vision to create the air-express industry, Smith started his company with 14 small planes. Some 17 years later, FedEx had a fleet of 419 planes delivering packages all over the world. At the end of the fiscal year (FY) 1990, the company employed 90000 people, processed 1.5 million shipments daily, and totalled $7 billion in revenues. Since 1973, FedEx had received 195 awards, but the most prestigious was received on December 13, 1990, when Smith accepted the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award (MBNQA) from the president of the United States, George Bush. Federal Express was the first company to win in the service category since the award was established in 1988. In 1990, the U.S. Department of Commerce received 160,000 requests for MBNQA applications, but only 97 companies completed the rigorous application process. (See Exhibit 1. For MBNQA application headings) As President Bush left the stage following the presentation of the award, Smith caught his attention and pledged his support for the potential Persian Gulf conflict with Iraq. (FedEx flew personnel and supplies into the Gulf) The Iraq situation posed a particular challenge for FedEx, because oil prices had more than doubled between August and December 1990. Unlike the commercial airlines, FedEx did not vary its shipping rates on a regular basis. In addition, overnight-delivery growth rates were slowing, which made competitive activities from Emery, the U.S. Postal Services express division, and Airborne more threatening than in the past. Cost was becoming a bigger factor in the overnight purchase decision as quality efforts improved service rates across the industry. After the presentation, Smith walked offstage and joined the other MBNQA award winners (IBM Corporation, Wallace Company, and he Cadillac Division of General Motors) at a round table discussion about the challenges facing a company that focuses on quality. The first question referred to the challenges facing FedEx USA Today asked, In tough economic times, isnt it too costly to implement quality-improvement programs that require retraining the
workforce?As Smiths quotation at the beginning of this case suggests, the road to the MBNQA winners circle has arrows pointed one way. EXHIBIT 1 Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award application headings 1990 Examination Categories/items Maximum Points 1.0 Leadership 100 1.1 Senior executive leadership 30 1.2 Quality values 20 1.3 Management for quality 30 1.4 Public responsibility 20 2.0 Information and analysis 60 2.1 Scope and management of quality data and information 35 2.2 Analysis of quality data and information 25 3.0 Strategic quality planning 90 3.1 Strategic quality planning process 40 3.2 Quality leadership indicators in planning 25 3.3 Quality points 25 4.0 Human resource utilization 150 4.1 Human resource management 30 4.2 Employee involvement 40 4.3 Quality education and training 40 4.4 Employee recognition and performance measurement 20 4.5 Employee well-being and morale 20 5.0 Quality assurance of products and services 150 5.1 Design and introduction of quality products and services 30 5.2 Process and quality control 25 5.3 Continuous improvements of processes, products and services 25 5.4 Quality assessment 15 5.5 Documentation 10 5.6 Quality assurance, quality assessment, and quality improvement of support services and business processes 25 5.7 Quality assurance, quality assessment, and quality improvement of supplier 20 6.0 Quality results 150 6.1 Quality of products and services 50 6.2 Comparison of quality results 35 6.3 Business process, operational, and support service quality improvement 35 6.4 Supplier quality improvement 30 7.0 Customer satisfaction 300 7.1 Knowledge of customer requirements and expectations 50 7.2 Customer relationship management 30
7.3 Customer service standards 7.4. Commitment to customers 7.5 Complaint resolution for quality improvement 7.6 Customer satisfaction determination 7.7. Customer satisfaction results 7.8 Customer satisfaction comparison Total COMPANY PHILOSOPHY
20 20 30 50 50 50 1000
Customer satisfaction begins with employee satisfaction. Putting people first in every action, every planning decision, every business decision requires a tremendous commitment from every manager and every employee in the company.James L. Barksdale, COO FedEx viewed its job as selling service; it sold the promise that a package or letter would arrive absolutely, positively overnight. Sometimes fulfilling the promise required employees to work harder. FedEx COO Barksdale liked to use this letter from a customer to stress the idea: The Saturday before Labour Day, I was anxiously awaiting a package being delivered to me via Federal Express. It contained materials which had to be consolidated with another package. It was 4.00 pm when the package finally arrived; so I rushed to your local station. Unfortunately, I didnt arrive until after your closing time. I was furious. After listening to my story, Ingrid James the Operations manager at Emeryville promised she would do whatever she could to get the package out that night. She waited 45 minutes while I compiled the materials and made sure the package made it out that night. When I arrived in my office the following Tuesday morning, I had faxes advising me that the packages were received. Having an employee like Ms.James tells me that you and your employees care about the customers business. To me she is not just Ingrid James, she is Federal Express. Barksdale agreed: She is Federal Express. That says it all. Our people hold in their hands our customers perception of quality. Clearly, the degree to which people choose to exert their best effort determines our success in a competitive global economy. The question is: how do we organize our companies and prepare all people to lead? The answer, according to the People-Service-Profit (P-S-P) philosophy, relied heavily on managements ability to create an environment that encouraged and allowed people to choose to deliver superior service. In short, Barksdale said, Customer satisfaction begins with employee satisfaction. Our employees have been acting on their won to keep customers
satisfied even before empowerment became a buzzword. Consequently, the PS-P philosophy guided FedEx in all its policies and actions. Attention to quality service emerged early in FedExs history. For instance, FedEx advertised the companys high service levels vis-a-vis Emery in 1975 with the slogan, Federal Express. Twice as Good as the Best in the Business. In the 1970s, service was measured by the percentage of overnight deliveries that were made on time. In the 1980s, however, FedEx managers concluded that high service percentages would not be sufficient in the future. For example, a 99 percent success rate, at FedExs 1990 volume translated into 2.5 million actual failures per year. To bolster quality efforts, FedEx adopted the Quality Improvement Process (QIP). This process helped establish two important ideas to support the P-S-P philosophy. First, QIP recognized the correlation between doing things right first time and productivity: the Q =P paradigm (quality=productivity). Second, QIP defined quality service not in statistical terms, but as performance to the standards of the customer: 100 percent satisfaction became the uncompromising goal. Exhibit 2, which appears in the FedEx employee handbook, is a graphic representation of these philosophies. (Q=P, 100% and PSP appear on the three sides of a cube). SYSTEMS AND PROCESS Quality Improvement FedEx initiated a quality-education program, in 1985, but the program was statistically oriented and it lost momentum. By mid 1987, the FedEx customerservice department was struggling with problems related to rapid growth in the overnight service. At this time, FedEx selected Organizational Dynamics Incorporated (ODI), an international consulting firm located in Burlington, Massachusetts, to initiate a companywide education program on quality. ODI led for senior vice presidents and managing directors, and it trained managers to facilitate workshops for employees. The ODI process focused more on the thought processes in quality improvement than o statistical techniques. The goal was to get managers and employees to analyze problems in systematic and uniform ways. The construction of the quality program rested o five modules: 1. The Meaning of quality included the concepts of customer focus, total involvement, quality measurement, systems support and continuous improvement as everyones job.
2. The cost of quality emphasised rework and waste as the cost of not doing quality workbreaking down total costs into avoidable versus necessary costs. 3. You and your customer helped show that everyone at FedEx was both a supplier and a customer (see the section Customer/Supplier Alignment) 4. Continuous improvement developed the themes of Module 1 and showed how to meet customer needs in innovative ways. 5. Making quality happen encouraged people to take a leadership role in implementing quality programs. Quality Action Teams To implement the framework of ideas in the modules, FedEx instituted Quality Action Teams (QAT). The teams organized when employees saw a need to change the way they did their jobs. The QATs used a problem-solving process known as the FADE framework: focus on a particular problem or opportunity, analyze the data, develop solutions and action plans, and execute the plans for solutions. (Exhibit 3.) In addition, extensive training was given to provide the QAT members with tools to augment the FADE processtools such as fish-bone diagrams, flow charts, action plans, and pareto analysis. With the FADE process, FedEx elicited creative solutions through employee involvement and careful analysis,. For example, one QAT in the main packagesorting hub devised mnemonic devices t help new employees remember the abbreviations for destination cities. These changes save FedEx an estimated $3 million in training costs. In addition to hitting improvement home runs the QATs focused on small, incremental changes. According to Martha Thomas, managing director of disbursements, employees were charged with the challenge of constantly changing their systems to increase their throughput. Thomas viewed the main function of the QATs as catalysts to help FedEx cultivate a culture of continuous improvement. We are trying to encourage a culture of smaller improvementsand more of them. I think 80 percent of the problems are system problems, so you constantly have to change the system. She gave the following example: Our customers, in this case FedEx employees told us that they hated to wait for expense reimbursements. We figured that, in any day, 100 percent of a days mail is processed; it may be 10 percent of yesterday and 90 percent of the day before, why not do 100 percent of todays mail today? QATs, the employees
figured out how to stagger the schedule so it could be done. Now a check is written the same day we receive the expense report. Customer Satisfaction Measurement It should not be thought that Federal Express ignores its customers perceptions of its performance. They have logged customer complaints since the early 80s and use the information in internal evaluations of the systems. Originally, Fred Smith dubbed these customer complaints The Hierarchy of Horrors a listing of he eight most common customer complaints. In order they are: Wrong day delivery, right day late delivery, pick-up not made, lost package, customer misinformed by Federal Express, billing and paperwork mistakes, employee performance failures, and damaged package. The importance of the Hierarchy of Horrors was that it clearly indicated that there was more to measure than just on-time delivery. EXHIBIT 4. Federal Express Service Quality Indicators Beginning in FY 1989, the overall quality of service was measured by the Service Quality Index (SQI). This index weighted service failures from the customers perspective, and comprised the 12 components shown below. Failure type Right day late service failures Wrong day late service failures Traces (not answered by COSMOS) Complaints reopened by customers Missing proof of delivery (PODS) Invoice adjustments requested Missed pickups Lost packages Damaged packages Delay minutes/aircraft (0 based) Overgoods Abandoned calls Weighting Factor 1 5 1 5 1 1 10 10 10 5 5 1
Service Quality Indicators In the late 1980s Federal Express decided they needed a more proactive, comprehensive, and customer-oriented measure of performance. Instead of eliminating the Hierarchy of Horrors, they borrowed from it. Breaking down the
customers concept of quality service into components, the Hierarchy of Horrors listed all the things that could go wrong with an overnight delivery. This list, combined wi9th methods of measurement, evolved into the Service Quality Indicators (SQI, pronounced sky) shown in Exhibit 4. SQI accounted for every package that entered the FedEx system, and each of the 12 indicators measured service quality from the customers point of view. For example, a lost package had a weight of 10, and a right day/late delivery had a weight of 1. Combining the number of failures at the appropriate weights produced a record of Total Daily Failure Points. Tis figure was tracked, compared with projections, and communicated to every employee on a daily basis through FXTV, the worlds largest private television station. Anthony Byrd, a senior project analyst and author of sections 6 and 7 of the MBNQA application, talked about the challenges of measuring quality in a service company as follows: The MBNQA application has manufacturing biases; it relies heavily on statistical process control (SPC). We tried to impress upon the MBNQA examiners that quality is our basis of competition in the market place. Our strategy is to offer enhanced value through quality service, and we go beyond the quality-control measures. We go beyond sampling; we take a census of all our packages. This gives us performance figures on every package that goes through the system, and we communicate those figures to all the employees. This puts us in our own league. Customer Satisfaction Surveys Neither the Hierarchy of Horrors not its successor, the SQI, replaced Customer Satisfaction Surveys, which act as a barometer of performance. Quarterly, a customer Satisfaction Study was conducted by phone across Federal Express four main market segments: base business (phone requests for pick-up), U.S. export customers, manned-center customers (dropoff packages at store-front centers), and drop-box customers. On a five point satisfaction scale, Federal Express only recognized the highest rating of completely satisfied as an acceptable level of customer satisfaction instead of combining somewhat and completely satisfied. Thus, they were only measuring improvement towards their goal of 100 percent complete customer satisfaction. In addition to this generalized study Federal Express also utilized Target Customer Satisfaction Studies ( a direct mail survey of customers who have used 1 to 10 specific FedEx processes), Federal Express Center Comment Cards, Customer Automation Studies ( a survey of FedEx largest customers who use the Powership and billing computer systems on-site), and the Canadian Custgomer study (largest source of business outside U.S.)
Results of all the surveys were compiled to identify trends, allow for customer segmentation to a meaningful level and provide a detailed measure of service attributes. Customer/Supplier Alignment The concept of an internal customer was a natural extension of the FedEx Q = P philosophy; Good relationships between customers and suppliers increase productivity. The Customer/Supplier Alignment (CSA) was a quality process for internal service. If any party requested a CSA, both parties were required to act on the request. First, one party listed and ranked the 10 most important services they provided to their internal customer. (CSA questions are listed in Exhibit 5.) Then, the same party listed how well he or she supplied the customers needs, thereby rating his or here own performance. Next, the other party went through the same process. Jeff Campbell, a senior manager in procurement, related the following CSA experience: There is a part of Federal Express called Sort Facilities Department (SFD), which develops mini-hubs from the ground up. They are very dependent upon my department (procurement) to supply, just-in-time, the conveyor systems, transfer units, and controllersanything they need to build a sorting a facility anywhere in the country. Traditionally, there had not been a good relationship between procurement and SFD, so a CSA meeting was called. When we got to the meeting, the 10 things we were sure that they needed from us were not even on their list! Obviously, we had some things to talk about. Campbell added, We also use CSA between employees and managers. If you think about it; A manager is the supplier of the resources that the employee needs to do his or her job effectively. EXHIBIT 5 Federal Express customer/supplier alignment. What do you need form me? What do you do with what I give you? Are there any gaps between what I give you and what you need? How well am I doing? What gaps can be eliminated now? What measures can we use to ensure requirements are being met? What gaps are still remaining? What will we do to close these remaining gaps over time? When can we meet again? What is my Service Agreement?
Guaranteed Fair Treatment Process Employee support systems were part of the FedEx People First philosophy. In all departments of the company, a plaque displayed the Guaranteed Fair Treatment Procedure (GFTP). Exhibit 6 shows the steps by which an employee could appeal any eligible issue through a process of systematic reviews by progressively higher levels of management. Campbell summarized GFTP as a three-step process that gives employees access to upper management within 21 working days. Every Tuesday, CEO Smith and COO Barksdale listened to GFTP appeals. When asked how these employees could afford the time spent on eh GFTP process, Barksdale replied: How can we afford not to?...our people have helped us see that some policies need revision, or perhaps need to be rethought altogether. EXHIBIT 6 The FedEx guaranteed fair treatment procedure STEP 1: MANAGEMENT REVIEW Complainant Submits written complaint to a member of management (manager, senior manager or managing director) within 7 days of occurrence of the eligible issue. Manager, Senior Manager or Managing Director Review all relevant information Hold a telephone conference and/or meeting with the complainant Make a decision either to uphold, modify, or overturn managements action Communicate their decision in writing to complainant and Personnnel matrix Note: when multiple levels of management exist, a consensus decision will be rendered. All of the above should occur within 10 calendar days of receipt of the complaint, unless written notice of time extension is provided to complainant and Personnnel. STEP 2: OFFICER REVIEW Complainant Submits written complaint to An officer (vice president or senior vice president) within 7 calendar days of step 1 action. Vice President and Senior Vice President Review all relevant information
Conduct additional investigation, when necessary Make decision either to uphold, modify, or overturn managements action or initiate a Board of Review Note: when multiple levels of management exist, a consensus decision will be rendered. All of the above should occur within 10 calendar days of receipt of the complaint, unless written notice of time extension is provided to complainant and Personnnel. STEP 3: EXECUTIVE REVIEW Complainant Submits written complaint within 7 calendar days of step 2 DECISION TO Employee Relations Department, who investigates and prepares GFTP case file for Appeals Board Review. Appeals Board Review all relevant information Make decision either to uphold, overturn, or initiate Board of Review, or take other appropriate action. All of the above should occur within 14calendar days of receipt of complaint, unless written notice of time extensions are provided to complainant and Personnel. Responds in writing to complainant within 3 calendar days of decision with copy to Personnel matrix and the complainants chain of command. Survey/Feedback/Action Exhibit 7 is a sample scoring page from the annual survey FedEx used to solicit employee feedback. This survey, Survey/Feedback/Action (SFA), supported both the People First philosophy and QIP by creating a system that charged work groups to examine managements effectiveness (see Exhibit 8). The SFA was a standard, anonymous questionnaire given each year to all employees. After six weeks, the results were returned, and the groups manager was required to have a feedback meeting to identify specific concerns or problems. The outcome of the feedback meeting was a list of clear, concise actions to be taken to address concerns to and lead to improved results. Anne Manning, aa senior specialist in public relations, said of the SFA, Employee-satisfaction surveys exist at other companies, but the results often go into the great black hole. At FedEx, we think action is the most important partand it is monitored. If a manager is under a certain score in the Leadership index, he or she is put on a critical list, and a facilitator from the human resources department is assigned to that work group. The companywide
leadership index score must improve year over year; if it doesnt, no manager gets a bonus. EXHIBIT 8. FedEx SFA and the Quality Improvement Process The Survey Feedback Action program shares many of the goals of the Quality Improvement Process (QIP) now used throughout Federal Express. Both programs are efforts to promote and maintain the highest quality in all operations through the involvement of all Federal Express employees. SFA is based upon some of the same pillars of quality used in teh QIP, such as the following: Total Involvement of everyone in the organization, not just the management. People execute those things to which they are committed; they become committed when they are involved. Measurement of quality SFA provides a consistent measurement of your groups perceptions of your leadership and of the organization. Continuous Improvement doing the right things right, better tomorrow than yesterday, and constantly looking for ways to correct or prevent problems. SFA and QIP complement each other. Both the feedback and action steps of eh SFA are opportunities for you as a manager to employ tools and processes of eh QIP to ensure that your people-management skills are the most effective they can be and that the concerns of your employees are resolved. Each phase of SFA may be viewed in terms of inputs and outputs as follows: INPUT OUTPUT SURVEY Your groups responses Report of responses for to SFA items as marked the entire group. on survey forms. Numbers are indicators (not final answers) of your groups morale FEEDBACK Survey report of results Quality Action Plan that Discussion of the shows most significant specific meaning of problems, analysis of those indicators for your root causes for each group problem, and lat least the beginning of developed solutions. ACTION Your groups Quality Problems connected or Action Plan, executed improved. Improved according to the plan. morale according and satisfaction in the work group.
One way to view the SFA feedback meeting is as a concerted opportunity for you to lead your group in practicing the FADE process (Focus-AnalyzeDevelop-Execute) on the PEOPLE concerns of your work group. Leadership Evaluation Awareness Process Manning continued, It is tough to be a manager at FedEx; you cant give orders, you have to give direction. There are lots of people who are very good at what they do but wont make good managers, so we started the Leadership Evaluation Awareness Process (LEAP). This four-step process, which can take up to a year to complete, informs potential managers about the challenges connected with leading people. Step1 asks the candidate to consider; is management for me? All the costs, responsibilities, and benefits are explored. Step 2 is a series of written assignments on the subjects of leadership and personal development. Step 3 requires peers to review the candidate, being especially candid about his or her leadership ability. Step 4 has a board review the candidates progress and conduct final interviews with the candidate. After successfully completing LEAP, the candidate is eligible to apply for a first-level management position. LEAP is difficult, because it is important. It takes leaders to empower people; it turns people on to think they can make things happen that they can make a difference, that they can change their jobs and make it better. But they have to have autonomy. They have to have power. For example, our customer-service reps solve problems: They can reimburse customers $250; it is their decision. TECHNOLOGY AND INNOVATION In leading the market of a high value added service, FedEx employees constantly searched for ways to serve their time-sensitive customers better. Citing the People First philosophy, Smith and Barksdale fostered a culture at FedEx that stimulated innovation. Barksdale said, Well-intentioned efforts are just as important as success. And, if you hang your sales and customer-support people who try to do something that doesnt quite work youll get people who wont do anything. Thats the reson weve tried to create a work place that encourages the motivated people who come to us to stay that way.
FedEx management operated under the assumptions that (1) a job-secure environment stimulates risk taking and innovation, and (2) a risk-taking environment leads to learning and to new solutions that will satisfy customers. FedEx had a no layoff policy. Glen Chambers, managing director of procurement, said of this policy, The most dramatic test of this People First commitment cane when Zapmail, an electronic mail service, was discontinued in 1987. Over 1300 people were disseminated throughout the organization; no one lost a job. That is a pretty strong commitment. COSMOS In applying technology to package handling, FedEx led the industry. Every package that entered the FedEx system was tracked by a central computer system, COSMOS (Customer, Operations, service, Master On-Line System). This system was worldwide network transmitting customer information to and receiving it in a central database in Memphis, Tennessee. The system was continuously updated with new information about package movements, customer pickups, invoices, and deliveries. In 1992, COSMOS was accessed over 250000 times each day to determine the exact position of a package located in the FedEx system. The COSMOS system allowed customer-service representatives to handle customer enquiries with confidence. The COSMOS system relied on a 10-digit bar code located on every overnight package. When a package was picked up, the courier passed his or her handheld computer (Supertracker) over the bar code and entered the destination zip code and the type of the service. When the courier returned to the van, tje Supertracker was fitted into a port in the dispatch computer, which transmitted the information to the COSMOS. When packages arrived in the Memphis hub or one of the regional hubs, they were unloaded and sorted. Before the packages left for their destinations, they were scanned by Supertracker to confirm their exit from the sort facility. As the package was delivered, a final scan was done by the courier to enter recipient and location information into COSMOS. The ability to give a customer accurate and timely information about a package was central to the P-S-P philosophy and FedExs success. Another example of FedExs commitment to increasing productivity through technology was the Digitally Assisted Dispatch System (DADS), which communicated to approximately 30000 couriers through interactive screens in teir vans. Each courier van was equipped with the DADS, which ensured a quick response to delivery and pickup requests.
Powership FedEx strengthened ties with its customers by providing a computerized shipping-management system (Powership). FedEx provided an electronic scale, microcomputer terminal, bar-code scanner, and printer at no charge. With the Powership system, a customer was able to print air bills for programmed addresses, download transactions to FedEx (thus eliminating clerical tasks such as reconciling invoices), manage accounts receivable, and track packages through COSMOS. By offering a complete distribution solution, FedEx had made itself indispensable to the overnight vendor. THE FUTURE FedEx continued to search out and develop the technologies necessary to lead overnight industry. The company believed that such technologies as image processing of signatures and invoices, fibre-optic communications, battery technology, and expert-systems development would lead the way into the 1990s and beyond. Mike Babineaux, a senior specialist in procurement who had been hired in 1970s when the company was a fledgling, talked as follows about the future of FedEx: I always say FEC doesnt just stand for Federal Express Corporation; it also stands for For Ever Changing. At FedEx, change is a matter of survival, because the business is changing so quickly. As growth slows, there seems to be more resistance to change within FedEx. It is a natural thing to do, but Federal Express will face plenty of new challengeslike the international market. We have to educate that market in the ways that overnight delivery can be a competitive weapon for any business. There will be other challenges in the future as well. Ill tell you one thing I have seenin Fred /smiths office is a space shuttle painted FedEx colors, purple and orange! It makes me think. BACK ON EARTH USA Today asked, In tough economic times, isnt it too costly to implement quality improvement programs that require retraining the work force? Smith replied, Quality is the best way to reduce costs. It doesnt increase costs. We recently had the highest service level in Federal Expresss history on one day., and we also calculated it was absolutely our lowest cost day. The real issue in quality is that it reduces cost by eliminating rework, repairs, and most importantly, eliminating the cost of replacing customers who have left because of the lack of quality. Anyone whos unwilling to spend on quality is really aping a blueprint for liquidation.
Smith concluded, One of the big things about getting employees involved in he quality process is to make them kind of have an out-of-body experience, to help them look at the world as a consumer as opposed to a producer. Employees have worked diligently over the years in a concerted effort to achieve 100 percent satisfaction, and our People First philosophy encourages that quest for quality. 1. Describe FedExs corporate philosophy and examine how FedExs systems fit in the context of its corporate philosophy. 2. How has FedEx used information technology to provide 100% customer service? 3. What are the key factors that have contributed to the success of FedExs quality-management program? 4. What challenges does FedEx face in the future? How will its management system need to evolve to meet these challenges?