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Daimler AG Supplier Package



February 2008

Build: 7

Installation Documentation

Title Version: Document number:

Extended Enterprise Installation Manual V5R16 SP5 Build 7 EN_V5.16.5.7 Installation Documentation

Issued by: T-Systems International GmbH Business Unit Digital Engineering Solutions Fasanenweg 5 D-70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen

1 News ......................................................................................................................................... 6 2 Licenses ................................................................................................................................... 7 3 Prerequisites ............................................................................................................................ 8 3.1 Hardware ............................................................................................................................... 8 3.1.1 Hardware for Windows XP ................................................................................................ 8 3.2 Software ................................................................................................................................ 8 3.2.1 Operating System .............................................................................................................. 8 3.2.2 Java..................................................................................................................................... 9 3.2.3 Perl / TK .............................................................................................................................. 9 3.2.4 Perl Installation for Windows XP...................................................................................... 9 3.2.5 Perl Installation for UNIX................................................................................................. 11 3.2.6 CATIA V5R16 SP5 ............................................................................................................ 11 3.3 Disk Space Requirement.................................................................................................... 11 4 Delivery................................................................................................................................... 12 5 Product Description .............................................................................................................. 13 5.1 PROJECT Tables ................................................................................................................ 13 5.2 Start Templates for V5R16 SP5: ........................................................................................ 13 5.3 Daimler CAA Applications ................................................................................................. 14 5.4 Documentation.................................................................................................................... 15 5.5 DCS-Specific CATIA V5 Definitions .................................................................................. 15 6 Installation on Unix................................................................................................................ 17 6.1 Download of the Tar Files from the Daimler Engineering Portal ................................... 17 6.2 Migration from older Supplier Packages.......................................................................... 17 6.3 Installation of gtar............................................................................................................... 17 6.4 Installation of the Tar Files ................................................................................................ 18 7 Installation on Windows XP.................................................................................................. 20 7.1 Migration from an older V5R16 Supplier Package........................................................... 20 7.2 Download of the V5R16SP5_INTEL_Build_7.* File from the Engineering Portal.......... 20 7.3 Standard Installation .......................................................................................................... 20 7.4 Administrative Installation................................................................................................. 24 8 Installation of a CATIA Hotfix ............................................................................................... 26 9 CAA Applikation Powerfeature............................................................................................. 27 10 CAA application Q-Checker V5 .......................................................................................... 28 10.1 Update of Q-Checker profiles .......................................................................................... 28 11 CAA application SAM .......................................................................................................... 29 12 T-Systems license manager (licman20)............................................................................. 30

12.1 Installation / customization.............................................................................................. 30 13 T-Systems license manager (licman1.2)............................................................................ 35 14 SAM-Light............................................................................................................................. 36 15 WBK / WBK_SMGD Installation and Customizing............................................................ 37 15.1 Installation on UNIX.......................................................................................................... 37 15.2 Installation on Windows XP............................................................................................. 38 15.3 Customization ................................................................................................................... 38 15.3.1 Additional license configuration .................................................................................. 39 15.3.2 Integrate the WBK-Project into Start Environment .................................................... 39 15.4 Check the WBK installation ............................................................................................. 40 15.4.1 Start CATIA V5 ............................................................................................................... 40 15.4.2 Verify the special WBK DLNames and your own ones .............................................. 40 15.4.3 Check for the WBK macros .......................................................................................... 41 15.5 WBK User Manuals........................................................................................................... 41 15.5.1 E-Learning documentation ........................................................................................... 42 15.6 Contact persons for WBK ................................................................................................ 42 16 Adapting the Supplier Package.......................................................................................... 43 16.1 Start Script Adaptations................................................................................................... 43 16.1.1 GUIConfig.ini File: ......................................................................................................... 43 16.1.2 Catiav5.ini File: .............................................................................................................. 44 16.2 CATIA V5 License Definition ........................................................................................... 48 16.3 Start of CATIA V5 with the Daimler Environment (GUI) ................................................ 49 16.4 Start of CATIA V5 with the Daimler Environment (Command Line)............................. 50 16.5 Definition of own Projects ............................................................................................... 50 16.6 Integration of own CAA Applications ............................................................................. 51 16.9 Importing DLNames into a CATIA Session .................................................................... 52 16.9.1 Daimler Default Mechanism.......................................................................................... 52 16.9.2 DLName Import as with the V5R12 Paket.................................................................... 54 16.9.3 Own Procedure .............................................................................................................. 55 16.10 Plotter Definition............................................................................................................. 56 16.11 CATIA V5 Online Documentation .................................................................................. 57 16.12 CATIA V5 Language Environment ................................................................................ 58 16.13 CATIA V4 Interoperabilitt (UNIX) ................................................................................. 58 17 Supplier Package Integration into Customer-Specific CATIA V5 Environments .......... 59 17.1 Installation......................................................................................................................... 59 17.2 Definition of the Environment Files ................................................................................ 59 17.3 Start of CATIA with the Daimler Environment ............................................................... 60

18 Installation Test ................................................................................................................... 60 19 Distribution of the Installation to Further Clients............................................................. 67 20 Uninstall ............................................................................................................................... 67 20.1 Unix .................................................................................................................................... 67 20.2 Windows XP ...................................................................................................................... 67 21 Known Problems ................................................................................................................. 69

1 News
The current Supplier Package corresponds to the CAx release-management (CRM) level of February 2008 for CATIA V5 R16 SP5 of Daimler AG This package replaces the packages delivered on the basis of CATIA V5R16 SP5 from November 2007 (Build 6). Main changes compared to the V5R16 packages from November 2007: New Q-Checker profiles for CVD Modified VB-scripts (3DM) New / modified catalogs: MBZNORM, BIW_Features, CVD-Partdesign-Powercopies, TubingISO, Tubing-Powercopies, Vehicle Features modified CAA applications: 3DM-View, bmst, dcweld3, Modified CATSettings: CVD_Design_Powertrain, CVD_Production_Tools, CVD_DMU, Powertrain, SFK The T- Systems Licman 2.0 license manager is now the default delivered version. Licman is only required if you want to use SAM (Step Assembly Manager). The former licman version (1.2) is still delivered with this package as backup. Attention: New license files and additional customization steps are required to setup the T-Systems license manager (licman20). On Windows XP, the internal installation mechanism has slightly changed. (see chapter Administrative installation). Support of XP64 (32bit CATIA)

2 Licenses
The following applications require additional licenses: Q-Checker V5, Powerfeature: Powerfeature, DCWeld3: SAM: WBK: Transcat PLM GmbH & Co. KG CATIA V5 KT 1 license T-Systems Licman

Licenses HD2 (Hybrid Design 2) or MD2(Mechanical Design 2) + GSD (Generative Shape Design 2) KT1 (Product Knowledge Template 1) Additionally recommended: KIN (DMU Kinematic Simulator 2) DMN (DMU Navigator 2) SPA (DMU Space Analysis 2)

Comment WBK general

for Product/Part Templates for DMU

3 Prerequisites
3.1 Hardware
The hardware prerequisites described in the CATIA V5R16 online documentation apply.

3.1.1 Hardware for Windows XP

To be prepared for future 64bit support of CATIA V5 (investment protection), in the Daimler AG only 64bit certified hardware, is ordered. The following table shows the actual models which are certified inside the Daimler AG for Windows XP. The second table shows older certified hardware. Actual hardware configurations:

3.2 Software
3.2.1 Operating System
The following operating systems are supported by the Supplier Package: AIX 5.3, HP-UX 11, Windows XP Professional SP2 and Windows XP64 SP2, with a minimum patch level as defined in the CATIA installation manual or the program directory for SP5. Note: The Daimler internal tests for AIX are based on AIX V5.3 ML3 and TL5. No tests were

carried out with AIX 5.2 or other MLs. AIX 5.3 TL5 is the preferred level. On UNIX platforms, CATIA V5R16 requires the web browser Mozilla with the Java 1.4 plugin. Netscape is no longer supported!

3.2.2 Java
If you want to use SAM and/or SAM_Light, JAVA 1.2 or newer is required. On UNIX, ensure that Java is found in your PATH variable.

3.2.3 Perl / TK
To permit the use of the graphical user interface of the start center that is also supplied, Perl and Perl/TK must have already been installed on the client machines before the installation of the package. The minimum level for Perl is Version 5.6 as used in the previous V5R14 Supplier Packages. Inside DAIMLER, perl 5.8 is used on UNIX and XP. Note: If you have already installed one of the former Daimler Supplier Packages on your workstations, Perl is already installed with a sufficient level. On UNIX machines, the Perl interpreter must be located under /usr/local/bin/perl. Here some links with information on and downloads regarding Perl: Windows XP: http://www.activestate.com/Products/ActivePerl UNIX: http://www.perl.org

You can also download Perl (incl. TK) from the Daimler Engineering Portal pages. To check the Perl version, enter the following command in a shell environment: perl version : the answer should be version 5.6 or higher To check the installation path on UNIX, enter the following command in a shell environment: /usr/local/bin/perl version: Should Perl not be found, you either need to install it or create a link from the existing Perl location to /usr/local/bin/perl.

You can find out the installation path with the command "which perl": ln fs /<my_perl_path>/perl /usr/local/bin/perl

3.2.4 Perl Installation for Windows XP

Download the Perl MSI package from the ActiveState server: http://www.activestate.com/Products/ActivePerl.

Start the installation (double click on the MSI package) and follow the installation dialog. We recommend choosing an installation path without blanks in the path name.

Select the check boxes Add Perl to the PATH environment variable and Create Perl file extension association!

End the installation


3.2.5 Perl Installation for UNIX

For the installation of the Perl/Tk packages (which you can download from the Engineering Portal), proceed as follows: Copy the package designed for your operating system onto the work station where the Supplier Package is to be installed Enter the following command for the installation sh ./<packagename> -i l /usr/local/lib For the installation, gtar and gzip must be found in the search path ($PATH).

3.2.6 CATIA V5R16 SP5

CATIA V5R16 SP5 is the CATIA version on which this package is based. In order to remain in synchrony with Daimler AG, the applicable current Hotfix package must also be installed. The current Hotfix levels are published via the Daimler Engineering Portal and can be downloaded from the IBM pages (refer also to the chapter: Installation of a Hotfix).

3.3 Disk Space Requirement

The required disk space (without the Hotfix and WBK packages) on the CATIA workstations is:
AIX HP-UX Windows XP 1550 MB 1440 MB 880 MB

WBK_SMGD requires additional 480 MB in the <SUPPLIER_PACKAGE_UNLOAD >/srv path


4 Delivery
The delivered package consists of compressed TAR files and an installation script for UNIX and a Windows installer file (.msi) for Windows XP with the complete Supplier Package software for every operating system.

V5R16SP5_AIX_Build_7.tar.gz (gtar zip) V5R16SP5_HP-UX_Build_7.tar.gz (gtar zip) WBK_SMGD: V5R16SP5_UNIX_WBK_SMGD_Build_5.tar.gz (not changed since Build 5 delivery) Install_B16_7.ksh (UNIX) V5R16SP5_INTEL_Build_7.msi (Windows) V5R16SP5_INTEL_Build_7.exe WBK_SMGD: V5R16SP5_WINDOWS_XP_WBK_SMGD_Build_5.zip (not changed since Build 5)

436 MB 440 MB 125 MB

1 MB 170 MB 126 MB


5 Product Description
The Supplier Package contains the following components: Daimler CATIA V4 project tables Catalogs: MBZNORM , Vehicle feature, Powertrain, DCWeld, Tubing_Power_Copy, Tubing_ISO*, V5_CAE, Sheetmetal, Powercopies, V5 start-templates CATIA V5 CAA applications: bmst, bpmt, 3DM_View, XMLWriter, SFK [clamping and locator plan] , FTACol, DrwFastener, dcweld3, Powerfeature, qcheckerV5, SAM, dcweld3,VB_Tools DCS-specific CATIA V5 definitions (CATSettings, variables) Start environment based on Perl scripts for Windows XP and UNIX TubingISO PRM (project resources management) adaptations SAM-light (STEP Assembly Manager) licman (T-Systems license manager) required for SAM

Note: A detailed Supplier Package content list can be found on the Engineering Portal (Engineering Services | CAx / EDM Service | CATIA Installation Environ. | V5 Supplier Package | Contents)

5.1 PROJECT Tables

For improved interoperability between CATIA V4 and V5, the Daimler PROJECT tables of CATIA V4 will also be delivered with the V5 Supplier Package.

5.2 Start Templates for V5R16 SP5:

Startdrawing_DCS_Standard_1.0.0_de.CATDrawing Startpart_Assembly_1.0.1_de.CATPart

Startpart_Assembly_1.0.1_en.CATPart Startpart_BIW_7.5.1_en.CATPart Startpart_CVD_Simple_1.0.1_en.CATPart Startpart_DCS_Standard_1.0.0_de.CATPart Startpart_Electric-Component_1.0.1_en.CATPart Startpart_Rohbau_7.4.9_de.CATPart Startpart_Rohbau_ZB_1.0.0_de.CATPart Startpart_SFK-Drawing_1.0.0_de.CATDrawing Startpart_SFK-Product-Structure_1.0.1_de.CATPart Startpart_SFK-Product-Structure_1.0.1_en.CATPart Startpart_Vehicle_1.0.1_de.CATPart Startpart_Vehicle_1.0.1_en.CATPart

5.3 Daimler CAA Applications

The following Daimler-specific CATIA CAA applications are contained in the Supplier Package: XMLWriter 3DM_View BMST FTACol SFK DrwFastener DCWeld3 BPMT Powerfeature qcheckerV5 SAM Note: The Grid2D, RenameJoints, Colorize, dcwldchk CAA applications are no longer generally available. Registered Daimler CATIA V5 suppliers can download the function from the restricted download area from the Daimler engineering portal. Please contact your Daimler representative for more information

3D Master-View Control DC Master Data & Weight Management, Titleblock Graphic presentation of tolerances Clamping and locator plan Automated creation of weld spots in the drawing on the basis of DCWeld Requires CATIA V5 license KT1! Fit Size Table Requires a CATIA V5 KT1 license and an additional license from Transcat PLM Requires an additional license from Transcat PLM Requires an additional license from T-Systems

5.4 Documentation
After the installation, additional documentation can be found under: <SUPPLIER_PACKAGE_UNLOAD>/srv/B16/doc.

5.5 DCS-Specific CATIA V5 Definitions

1. For the Drafting Workbench, the standards have been defined in the file DC_ISO_R16_V1_1.xml.

For the cooperation with Daimler only the provided Drafting XML file is to be used and not the default files of the standard CATIA installation (ISO, ANSI,...)!
2. The Daimler-specific CATSettings are supplied in the directory CATSettings_DC, the projectspecific CATSettings in CATSettings_BEMI CATSettings_CVD_Design_Base CATSettings_CVD_Design_Base_ToolBar CATSettings_CVD_Design_Powertrain CATSettings_CVD_Design_Powertrain_ToolBar CATSettings_CVD_DMU CATSettings_CVD_DMU_ToolBar CATSettings_CVD_Electric CATSettings_CVD_Electric_ToolBar CATSettings_CVD_ProductionFoundry CATSettings_CVD_ProductionTool CATSettings_CVD_ProductionTool_ToolBar CATSettings_CVD_TubingDiagrams CATSettings_DC CATSettings_DMU_Settings CATSettings_DMU_ToolBar CATSettings_Elektrik CATSettings_Elektrik_ToolBar CATSettings_Fahrzeug CATSettings_Fahrzeug_ohne_Cache CATSettings_Fahrzeug_ToolBar CATSettings_Fahrzeug_ToolBar_ohne_Cache

CATSettings_HD2 CATSettings_Powertrain_Standard CATSettings_SFK CATSettings_SFK_2D CATSettings_SFK_DMU CATSettings_TubingISO CATSettings_HD2 contain an example of the license requirement for the CATIA HD2 configuration. The settings are connected in such a manner that the license requirements are always positioned first in the CATReferenceSettingPath, followed by the CATSettings_DC and then the project settings. Instructions on how to integrate further licences can be found in chapter 8.2. Cascading example for the start of the Electric environment: 1. CATSettings_HD2: license configuration 2. CATSettings_DC: standard settings as e.g. CATIA V4 project 3. CATSettings_Electric Attention: Do not change the supplied CATSettings in your installation!


6 Installation on Unix
6.1 Download of the Tar Files from the Daimler Engineering Portal
A gtar file for every operating system can be found on the Engineering Portal. Download the required tar file to any directory (e.g.: /tmp). You will also need the installation script provided there (install**.ksh), which you need to copy to the same directory as the tar file. You will need 'gtar' (GNU tar) version 1.13.25 to unpack the gtar files. To check the 'gtar' version, enter the following command: gtar version If necessary, you can also download gtar from the Engineering Portal.

6.2 Migration from older Supplier Packages

The new V5R16 Supplier Package is delivered as a complete package. It is possible to install the new package in parallel with the old package. Recommendation: install the new package first, carry out all necessary adaptations and test the installation. Then you can uninstall the old version for V5R16. Future deliveries might also be supplied as updates.

6.3 Installation of gtar

Download the gtar.tar file from the Engineering Portal
e.g.: to /tmp/gtar.tar

Create a directory in which gtar is to be installed

e.g.: mkdir /tmp/gtar

Unpack the gtar.tar file in this directory

e.g.: cd /tmp/gtar; tar -xvf /tmp/gtar.tar

Extend the PATH Variable

Korn shell: export PATH=/tmp/gtar/[OS]:$PATH C shell: setenv PATH /tmp/gtar/[OS]:$PATH [OS] = AIX, HP-UX


6.4 Installation of the Tar Files

For the installation and adaptation of the Supplier Package, you should be familiar with the administration of CATIA V5.

For the installation of the tar files, the install_B16_7.ksh shell script is absolutely necessary. The tar files can not be unpacked directly, since the installation script will perform additional settings!
Installation of the tar files

Change to the directory to which you downloaded the installation files: e.g.: cd /tmp Start the installation script: ./install_B16_7.ksh !------------------------------------------------------------! ! ! ! Installation of Daimler AG supplier package ! ! V5R16SP5 package 2/2008 ! ! ! !------------------------------------------------------------! Target directory for Daimler supplier package Enter your target directory (absolute path starting with /): Type in the desired installation path for the supplier package: e.g.: /Daimler_B16SP5 If the directory does not exist yet, confirm (Y) that it is to be created: ------------------------------------------------------------Cannot find the target directory: /Daimler_B16SP5 Do you want the install program to create it ? ------------------------------------------------------------Press Y/N to confirm or refuse: Y ------------------------------------------------------------Where is your CATIA installed? Enter your target directory (e.g.: /usr/DassaultSystemes/B16): Enter the installation path of the V5R16SP5 CATIA installation here: e.g.: /apps/catia/B16

------------------------------------------------------------OPTIONAL: Where are your installation dependant CAA applications installed? Consult installation documentation about how to integrate CAA applications)? Enter CAA installation directory or type <ENTER> (e.g.: /My/CAADIR): /My/CAA The script will then install the tar file and perform the required settings.

The following structure will be unloaded in the target directory: ./cl : client directory with the CAA applications ./srv : server part (adaptation) ./Daimler_AG_SUPLVL : level file

Attention: The installation script creates absolute links under UNIX, so it is not possible to copy the resulting file tree to another directory path.


7 Installation on Windows XP
7.1 Migration from an older V5R16 Supplier Package
The new V5R16 Supplier Package is delivered as a complete package. It is possible to install the new package in parallel with the old package. Recommendation: first install the new package, carry out all required adaptations and test the installation. Then you can uninstall the older version. Future deliveries might also be supplied as updates.

7.2 Download of the V5R16SP5_INTEL_Build_7.* File from the Engineering Portal

The installation mechanism has changed since the initial V5R16 delivery. Now two installation files are delivered for Windows XP A Windows Installerpaket: An exe file: V5R16SP5_INTEL_Build_7.msi. V5R16SP5_INTEL_Build_7.exe

7.3 Standard Installation

First install CATIA V5R16 including Service Pack 5 and ActiveState Perl (see above), then start the installation of the V5R16_INTEL_Build_7.msi package by double-clicking on the icon and then selecting the button open. Attention: Dont execute the EXE file V5R16SP5_INTEL_Build_7.exe directly! If you have administrator rights on the computer, the program will be installed on it. This implies that all computer users can use the program. If you do not have administrative rights, a single-user installation is carried out and the package is only visible for this user.


Follow the installation dialogs: choose an installation directory. Recommendation: For Perl, CATIA V5R16 and the Daimler Supplier Package, choose installation path names without blanks. In UNIX environments, path names with blanks are quite unusual and it can not be guaranteed that all Perl scripts or Perl modules will function if there are blanks in the path name.


During the installation, the msi package calls the EXE file and extract the data. You may have to confirm the execution of the V5R16SP5_INTEL_Build_xx.exe file

The installation routine will copy all required files into the installation directory. In addition, all necessary adaptations in the configuration files <SUPPLIER_PACKAGE_UNLOAD>/srv/B16/scripts/DC_CV5_Start/GUIConfig.ini and <SUPPLIER_PACKAGE_UNLOAD>/srv/B16/scripts/DC_CV5_Start/Catiav5.ini will be carried out, if ActiveState Perl is found on the machine. Here, only the first installation of CATIA V5R16 on the PC is taken into account: (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\DASSAULT SYSTEMES\B16\0) In case you have several parallel versions of V5R16 installed, please check the registry for the installation corresponding to the Daimler V5R16 SP5 / hotfix level. Use regedit to identify the V5R15 installation paths and then manually enter the installation path into the Catiav5.ini file.


If ActiveState Perl is not found by the installation routine, a corresponding information dialog box will pop up and you will have to manually edit the GUIConfig.ini and Catiav5.ini files, as described in the following chapters.

In case the following error message appears, the post installation script, which modifies the configuration files, did not run error-free.

In this case, also check the content of the GUIConfig.ini and Catiav5.ini files and carry out the required adaptations, if necessary. After the installation you will find two shortcuts under Start/Programs/Daimler Supplier Package B16_7 Start/Programs/Daimler Supplier Package B16_7/CATIA V5R16 SP5 Start

Start/Programme/Daimler Supplier Package B16_7/SAMlight

Now follow the instructions from the chapter Installation Test to check the functionality!

7.4 Administrative Installation

If you do not want to use the MSI Package for the installation, because, e.g., you have your own installation methods, you can extract the files directly from the EXE file. Start the EXE file and confirm the execution:

Compared to the former packages, the files are packaged in a slightly different way. Now, the intel_a files of the CAA applications are shipped in the directory of the corresponding CAA application. There is no longer a merged intel_a directory in the exe file, containing all CAA applications! During execution of the MSI installation package, these directories are merged in one intel_a directory. So, in the case that you extract the exe file by hand, you will have to copy all intel_a directories of the CAA applications into one intel_a directory at the level of the CAA applications. You can use the link.vbs script in the <INSTALLDIR>\cl\B16\3DParty\EDM_07_03 directory to perform this step.


Structure in exe file

Structure after MSI installation

In addition, you will have to create/modify the configuration files (Catiav5.ini und GUIConfig.ini) and the shortcuts manually by yourself.


8 Installation of a CATIA Hotfix

At the time of delivery of this Supplier Package, the CATIA hotfix package No. 46 was used for CAD production at the Daimler. Daimler is going to inform you via the Engineering Portal Services when a new hotfix level will be used for CAD production. For the installation of a hotfix package, download the installation files to any directory. The hotfix packages can be found and downloaded on the IBM website SCC (Supplier Collaboration Center): http://www.supplier-collaboration-center.com Now unpack the files (Unix: tar xvf <filename>, Windows: winzip) and follow the instructions in the < SUPPLIER_PACKAGE_UNLOAD >/srv/B16/Doc/Hotfix.pdf file. Please keep the following points in mind: Only one hotfix level can be active in a CATIA V5 Rx SPy installation Hotfixes can not be committed Prior to the installation of a new hotfix, the old status must be deinstalled with the Software management tool. catstart run CATSoftwareMgt


9 CAA Applikation Powerfeature

Description: Standardization and Automation of the CAx Process Chain With BPC* PowerFeature, you can realize integrated processes from design via process planning and manufacturing to quality assurance for simple and complex drilling geometries. The usability, a efficient change and variants management and a high degree of standardization offer a significant cost reduction potential. * (BPC Business Process Content) Industry Solutions by Business Process Content Dassault Systmes offers with Business Process Content BPC PowerFeature a new solution, originally developed by Daimler and used in the area of Powertrain and Tool Design. PowerFeature is a central component for Daimler and its customers in the V5R16 rollout. Distribution, customer support and training for Daimler suppliers is offered and performed by the Dassault Systmes subsidiary Transcat PLM GmbH & Co. KG http://www.transcatplm.com/powerfeature Premises: The usage of PowerFeatures is reserved to Daimler and Daimler suppliers to support projects of Daimler up to CATIA V5 R18. A Daimler vendor number is required to obtain PowerFeature. The vendor number needs to be named on the order form. Please contact Daimler, if you have questions regarding the Daimler supplier status. Licenses: For activation of Powerfeature separate licenses from Transcat PLM GmbH & Co KG are required: After getting the license file, copy it to the following path: < SUPPLIER_PACKAGE_UNLOAD >/srv/pwflic/ There are no additional customization steps required. Please take into account, that Powerfeature requires a CATIA V5 KT1 license!


10 CAA application Q-Checker V5

Q-Checker V5 (2.3.1) from Transcat PLM GmbH & Co KG is delivered with this supplier package. To be able to use Q-Checker, a license from Transcat is required Link: http://www.transcat-plm.com/tcPLM/homepage_transcat/de/software/q_checker.htm There are no additional customization steps required.

10.1 Update of Q-Checker profiles

If you download new updates for Q-Checker profiles from the Daimler Engineering Portal, install the files into: < SUPPLIER_PACKAGE_UNLOAD >/srv/B16/3DParty/qcheckerV5/adminV5


11 CAA application SAM

If you want to use the Step Assembly Manager (SAM) you will have to perform the following customization steps: 1. Java level Ensure, Java >= 1.2 is installed on your machine. On Unix, Java should be found in the $PATH search path 2. Request a license for SAM: SAM requires a LICMAN license key (see also chapter: T-Systems license manager). You need to order SAM so that you will get a LICMAN license key. You can order SAM licenses using the form available in the internet under: http://www.t-systems-des.com/sam_e / "Order SAM".

You do not need to order a software CD for SAM, as the SAM software is already included in the DC supplier package. 3. Activation of SAM: In the DC supplier package, SAM is disabled by default. If you want to use SAM, please edit the Perl script < SUPPLIER_PACKAGE_UNLOAD >/cl/sam/sam_start.pl: Comment line no. 10 in start_sam.pl by inserting a # character at the beginning of the line, like this: #$my_catiaenv->setEnvVar('SAM_DISABLE', 'ON');


12 T-Systems license manager (licman20)

If you dont use T-Systems applications, you can skip this chapter: The CAA application SAM requires a separate license which is administered with the T-Systems License Manager. In addition, if you use other T-Systems applications like COMFox or Medina they also require licman licenses. In the actual supplier package, a new version (2.0) of licman is shipped as default which replaces the former licman 1.2. If you still use the CATIA V4 Daimler supplier package, keep your old licman 1.2 installation installed until a new CATIA V4 supplier package with licman 2.0 support will be shipped. Licman 1.2 is still shipped with this package for backup reasons. You will have to request a new license file from the T-Systems product support before you can activate licman 2.0. The former licman 1.2 licenses files cannot be used! Read the original licman 2.0 documentation for more information about the basic concepts of licman 2.0 like licensing types, communication rules, compatibility mode,! Here, we just describe briefly the installation and customization topics of licman 2.0 in the context of the supplier package use. Depending on your installation environment

network or nodelock licenses application environment (CATIA V4, CATIA V5, Medina) operating systems which you use (UNIX, Windows XP)

you may have to perform different installation steps. In addition, there is a different approach, if you migrate step by step or in one step from licman 1.2 to 2.0. On Windows XP, only one licman version can be installed at a time on a machine. On UNIX both licman versions can be installed together on a machine, but it is necessary to use license files with different port numbers.

12.1 Installation / customization

1. In case of network licenses: Define the machine which will be used as licman 2.0 license

server. On UNIX, it is possible to use the same machine as for the licman l.2 installation if you use different ports in the license files. On Windows, you have to use another machine as license server, if licman 1.2 is still required. 2. Retrieve the system ID for the Licman20 license file on the license server machine or local machine in case of nodelock licenses Windows: Uninstall licman 1.2 or disable licman 1.2 services and install licman 2.0. Then run: Start -> Programs -> T-Systems -> Licman 2.0 -> Licman Id
or run ipconfig /all Extract the Ethernet adapters physical address and remove dashes.

Unix: IBM / AIX: Hewlett Packard / HP-UX: uname -m uname -i


Remark: LICMAN system ids are not case sensitive. Id strings are valid whether they are uppercase, lowercase or mixed case characters. On a Windows PC with several network adapter cards a Linux PC with several network adapter cards AIX 5.1 or newer you may get more than one possible LICMAN system id. Each of them is accepted by LICMAN as a valid system id.
3. Request new license keys for licman 2.0 at the T-Systems product support, if you didnt get

the licman 2.0 license keys so far.

T-Systems Enterprise Services GmbH Solution Center PLM Product Support Tel: 040 5395 -2020 Fax:040 5395 -1900 Lademannbogen 21-23 D-22339 Hamburg [email protected] www.t-systems-des.com

Before you start the installation: Ensure, that you got new license files from T-Systems before you start the migration as the old licman 1.2 license files will not work with the new version! 4. UNIX: All necessary runtime files are delivered and automatically installed with the supplier package. Windows XP: Install the separate delivered licman 2.0 setup file as described in the licman 2.0 documentation.
5. Prepare License.dat files (Unix + Windows XP)

After getting the License.dat, copy the file to: <SUPPLIER_PACKAGE_UNLOAD >/srv/licman20_V5_S/License.dat In the License.dat file, modify the line with the HOSTID, HOSTNAME and PORT entries to your needs. (only required in case of network licenses). For example:
SERVER HOSTID=00CE3DEF4C00 HOSTNAME="your hostname" PORT=52818

If the line starts with a # (comment), then uncomment (delete the # sign).
6. Prepare a licman 1.2 compatibility file (Unix + Windows XP):

It is necessary to create a compatibility licenses file to be able to still support 1.2 applications. Example:

Assuming your productive licman 1.2 installation has a licenses file with port 60000 for the communication of LLD:
Licensefile for DaimlerChrysler xxx hostname, Typ F DLVOWXGNLZQWTCXJKAVYCVTDAESCHOTAUZRGTVRACUPQQIFIGTCQPUXYJKRJOMRIJUXOAVWPYG SRHWGW 20.03.06 23.03.07 31.12.08 60000 60001

Then, for licman 2.0 compatibility mode create a new licenses file: <SUPPLIER_PACKAGE_UNLOAD >/srv/licman20_V5_S/licenses which uses another port for the communication to the lld. Only the first 6 lines are required and only the port number from line Nr. 6 is read. Copy you old licenses file and edit the port number in line 6 to your new value or just copy the following lines in that file:
Licensefile for licman 2.0 compatibility mode


Now, the preparation of the license files is finished. 7. Distribute license files (Unix + Windows XP): If you have several machines, accessing network licman licenses, then these machines must have access to the License.dat and licenses files. Depending on your installation, this can be achieved in different ways: - Share the <SUPPLIER_PACKAGE_UNLOAD >/srv path on a network file system. Keep in mind that you have to edit the ServerPath variable in the Catiav5.ini file to share the srv part.

Copy the License.dat and licenses files to all machines with the supplier package installed: <SUPPLIER_PACKAGE_UNLOAD >/srv/licman20_V5_S/

8. Start licman processes on the licman license server (UNIX) This step is required only in case of network licenses and only on the license server, running the Global License Daemon (GLD) process. Edit <SUPPLIER_PACKAGE_UNLOAD >/srv/licman20_V5_S/rc.licman20 and adopt the variable definition: export debisLICDIR=/catiav5/licman20_V5_S to your installation path. Then execute the script and verify, that both licman20_gld and licman20_lld processes are executing. It is also possible, to execute the rc.licman20 during startup of the machine (e.g. /etc/inittab on AIX).

9. Start licman processes on the licman license server (Windows XP) Start the licman 2 GLD service in the services panel of the system control on the license server and set the start type to Automatic. Do the same for the LLD. Attention: The GLD should be started only on the license server machine, not on the clients.

10. Test the installation Check, that the license server is working, run: C:\Program Files\T-Systems\Licman20\licman20_appl.exe or <SUPPLIER_PACKAGE_UNLOAD >/srv/licman20_V5_S/steplib_AIX/licman20_appl on AIX 1. Use option 4 for query

2. Use option 1 to allocate a license and give a Product key (license key)

3. Use option 2 to query the allocated license

4. use option 0 to free the license


13 T-Systems license manager (licman1.2)

Although, licman 2.0 is shipped as default, the older licman 1.2 is still included for backup reasons. To activate licman 1.2 instead of licman 2.0, follow the installation rules described in the former supplier packages to set up the 1.2 license server. Then define licman 1.2 as the current version in: <SUPPLIER_PACKAGE_UNLOAD >/srv /B16/3DParty/licman/start_licman.pl Replace line: my $prefered_licman_version=2.0; by my $prefered_licman_version=1.2; Make sure, that the licman 1.2 licenses and clients files are located in SUPPLIER_PACKAGE_UNLOAD >/srv/ licman12_V5_S


14 SAM-Light
SAM-Light (Step Assembly Manager) is now delivered in the supplier package, including a valid license. SAM-Light requires a Java 1.2 or newer runtime installation. On UNIX, ensure that Java is found in the Search path. Read: < SUPPLIER_PACKAGE_UNLOAD >/cl/sam_light/Flyer_SAM_light-de.pdf < SUPPLIER_PACKAGE_UNLOAD >/cl/sam_light/SAM_light_License_Agreement.txt There are no additional customization steps required.


15 WBK / WBK_SMGD Installation and Customizing

WBK_SMGD is a large package of about 480 MB, so it is shipped as a separate package because only some suppliers will need this package and it does not make sense to install it everywhere. WBK_SMGD is a new package and will, in future, replace the older WBK delivery. In the case, you need WBK, first ask your Daimler partner department, which version of WBK has to be used: WBK or WBK_SMGD First install the supplier package as described in the chapters above and then unload the WBK package on top of this installation. The WBK supplier package contains the following components for CATIA V5 R16: WBK specific CATIA V5 R16 definitions (CATSettings) WBK Catalog WBK CATIA V5 R16 Macros WBK User Manuals E-Learning documentation Attention: only useable on Windows XP (with installed flash-player)! The E-Learning documentation is only available in German.

15.1 Installation on UNIX

Download the WBK or WBK_SMGD tar-file (UNIX) from the engineering portal internet page.

V5R16_UNIX_WBK_Build_3.tar.gz V5R16_UNIX_WBK_SMGD_Build_5.tar.gz

138 MB 124 MB

cd (change directory) to the directory where you already unloaded the supplier package V5R16 Build 5. e.g.: cd <SUPPLIER_PACKAGE_UNLOAD> unpack the V5R16_UNIX_WBK_Build_3.tar.gz e.g.: gtar -xzvf /tmp/ V5R16_UNIX_WBK_Build_3.tar.gz


15.2 Installation on Windows XP

Download the WBK zip-file for Windows XP from the engineering portal internet page.

V5R16_WINDOWS_XP_WBK_Build_3.zip V5R16_WINDOWS_XP_WBK_SMGD_Build_5.zip

131 MB 124 MB

Then unzip the file into the path where you installed the supplier package:

15.3 Customization
After unloading the WBK software you have to perform the following additional customization steps: create the licenses configurations for the WBK project include the WBK project in the Perl/TK Startcenter script

integrate your own specific DLNames for the WBK-project test the WBK configuration

15.3.1 Additional license configuration The following CATIA V5 licenses are required for WBK:

License HD2 (Hybrid Design 2) or MD2(Mechanical Design 2) + GSD (Generative Shape Design 2) KT1 (Product Knowledge Template 1) also recommended: KIN (DMU Kinematic Simulator 2) DMN (DMU Navigator 2) SPA (DMU Space Analysis 2)

needed for WBK engineering process in general

essential to use Product/Part Templates for DMU-examinations

Please consult the chapter "CATIA V5 License Definition" and define the required licenses for WBK. 15.3.2 Integrate the WBK-Project into Start Environment Define the WBK-project in the < SUPPLIER_PACKAGE_UNLOAD >\srv\B16\scripts\DC_CV5_Start\GUIConfig.ini as explained in the appropriate chapter in this document.
@CV5PARM::Projects_B16 = ( "/", "/DC" ,


or "/DC/WBK_SMGD",

"/DC/Fahrzeug", "/DC/Fahrzeug_ohne_Cache", "/DC/Powertrain_Standard", "/DC/DMU_Standard", "/DC/Electric", "/DC/TubingISO", "/DC/SFK", "/DC/SFK_2D", "/DC/SFK_DMU", "/DC/CVD_Design_Base", "/DC/CVD_Design_Powertrain", "/DC/CVD_Electric", "/DC/CVD_ProductionFoundry", "/DC/CVD_ProductionTool", "/DC/CVD_Tubing_Diagrams", "/DC/CVD_DMU_General" ); 39

15.4 Check the WBK installation

15.4.1 Start CATIA V5 Start of CATIA V5 with the GUI: e.g.: < SUPPLIER_PACKAGE_UNLOAD >/srv/B16/scripts/GUI.pl Select the WBK-project, your license package and press Start CATIA.

Read the output in the startup-window. Usually there appear the information about the included scripts and values from CATIA V5 environment variables. So you can control, if the CATReferenceSettingPath has the CATSettings_WBK and CATSettings_WBK_ToolBar concatenated.

15.4.2 Verify the special WBK DLNames and your own ones Inside your CATIA V5 session go to menu Tools/Options/General/Document o DLName must be in the state current o select DLName and press configure control if you could find #CATALOG.WBK_KAT and SYSTEM.MACRO.WBK Also search for your own defined DLNames. another way to check the DLNames: menu File/Open o the next panel offers you in Look in: a defined DLName o if you choose the #CATALOG.WBK_KAT it shows you a list of the WBK

catalog files

15.4.3 Check for the WBK macros now you have also a special WBK-Toolbar: WBK_Macros

check out for the definitions o go to menu Tools/Macro/Macros/ o you get the following panel:

15.5 WBK User Manuals

For more information about needed licences, the WBK Catalog, special CATIA settings and so on see also WBK_V5_UserManual.pdf..


15.5.1 E-Learning documentation A good help for recall of the WBK methodology is to watch the flash videos under <SUPPLIER_PACKAGE_UNLOAD>\srv\B16\3DParty\WBK\Doc\XP\web_demos_englis h Attention: only useable on Windows XP with installed flash-player!

15.6 Contact persons for WBK

Mr. Mehmet Tongul DAIMLER AG - Werk Sindelfingen Entwicklung Rohbau Dept.: EP/QFR mailto:[email protected]

Mr. Wolfgang Keller DAIMLER AG - Werk Sindelfingen Entwicklung Rohbau Dept.: EP/QFR mailto:[email protected]


16 Adapting the Supplier Package

16.1 Start Script Adaptations
In order to activate the Daimler environment, the following files may have to be adapted: < SUPPLIER_PACKAGE_UNLOAD >/srv/B16/scripts/DC_CV5_Start/GUIConfig.ini < SUPPLIER_PACKAGE_UNLOAD >/srv/B16/scripts/DC_CV5_Start/Catiav5.ini

16.1.1 GUIConfig.ini File:

The configuration file for the start surface is composed of 3 sections: A Windows XP-specific branch for the definition of menu entries A UNIX-specific branch for the definition of menu entries A common branch for Windows XP and UNIX for the definition of the project list and for the license selection Windows:
# Menu Definitions: @CV5PARM::Menues = ( \%CV5PARM::Utilities , \%CV5PARM::Tools, \%CV5PARM::MX); %CV5PARM::Utilities = ( 'Title' , 'Utilities ', #CATIA Commands must start with CATIAV5: 'CATIA V4-V5 Migration' , 'CATIAV5:CNEXT -batch -e CATV4ToV5Migration ', 'V4 seq. Import','CATIAV5:CNEXT -batch e ExtractModelFromSequential', 'Nodelock Management , 'CATIAV5:CATNodelockMgt.exe'); %CV5PARM::Tools = ( 'Title' 'Explorer' 'Notepad'

, , ,

'Tools ', 'explorer ', 'Notepad ');

%CV5PARM::MX = ( 'Title' , 'Office', 'Word' ,'start /D"C:\\Programme\Microsoft Office\Office10" winword.exe', 'Excel','start /D"C:\\Programme\Microsoft Office\Office10" excel.exe', 'Powerpoint','start /D"C:\\Programme\Microsoft Office\Office10" Powerpnt.exe');


@CV5PARM::Menues = ( \%CV5PARM::Utilities , \%CV5PARM::Tools); %CV5PARM::Utilities = ( 'Title' , 'Utilities ', 'CATIA V4-V5 Migration','CATIAV5:CNEXT -batch -e CATV4ToV5Migration ', 43

'V4 seq. Import','CATIAV5:CNEXT -batch e ExtractModelFromSequential', 'Nodelock Management' , 'CATIAV5:CATNodelockMgt'); %CV5PARM::Tools = ( 'Title' , 'Tools ', 'xterm' , 'xterm', 'clock' , 'xclock');

# Project Definition: @CV5PARM::Projects_B16 = ( "/", "/DC" , "/DC/Fahrzeug", "/DC/Fahrzeug_ohne_Cache", "/DC/Powertrain_Standard", "/DC/DMU_Standard", "/DC/Electric", "/DC/TubingISO", "/DC/SFK", "/DC/SFK_2D", "/DC/SFK_DMU", "/DC/CVD_Design_Base", "/DC/CVD_Design_Powertrain", "/DC/CVD_Electric", "/DC/CVD_ProductionFoundry", "/DC/CVD_ProductionTool", "/DC/CVD_Tubing_Diagrams", "/DC/CVD_DMU_General" );

@CV5PARM::License = ("HD2");

# Array with defined license packages # CATSettings Directories have to be created

You can define additional menus and projects in the GUIConfig.ini file. The supplied settings serve as an example for this.

16.1.2 Catiav5.ini File:

The <SUPPLIER_PACKAGE_UNLOAD>/srv/B16/scripts/DC_CV5_Start/Catiav5.ini file is responsible for customizing the perl start scripts. The basic settings are entered by the installation routines. Below a description of further possible settings. Normally it is not necessary to define further settings. Only the parameters marked in green should be changed. Attention: On Windows XP, avoid blanks at the end of the lines! This file is also composed of 3 sections: global, unix and windows
[global] DC_Version DC_Site Default_DC_AddEnv Default_EnvironmentFile BBDomainManager ErrorLogUserInfo CheckResources 44 =B16 =DCS =catiav5 =CATIA.V5R16.B16 = = =90

DC_USE_DLNAMES DebugLevel [unix]

= N = 1

CascadeSeparator = : PathSeparator = / RootBegin = / UserTemp = /tmp Use_V4_SysDyn = N ServerPath = /your_install_path/srv ClientPath = /your_install_path/cl UserHome = $ENV{HOME} ReferenceSettingPath = $ServerPath/$DC_Version/CATSettings_DC RemoteTraceDirPath = /share/v5tracedir/$DC_Version LocalTraceDirPath = /tmp/v5tracedir ExecutionSuffix = " " CV5_Masterdcls = $ServerPath/$DC_Site/sysdyn/MASTERDCLS CV4_Masterdcls = /catia424/prod/sysdyn/MASTERDCLS MappingFile = $ServerPath/$DC_Site/sysdyn/win2unixgroups SysDynFilterDir = $ServerPath/$DC_Site/Projects DC_Local_Cache = $ENV{HOME}/CATCache_$DC_Version DC_DocumentationPath = $ServerPath/$DC_Version/Doc ; OtherCatiaPath is necessary in supplier package e.g.: /apps/catia/B16 OtherCatiaPath = "<Your CATIA B16 install path>" ; SupplierCaapath without $OSDS ;SupplierCaaPath = /tmp/MyCaaInstallPath [windows] CascadeSeparator = ; PathSeparator = \ ; SystemDrive is XP-Variable RootBegin = $ENV{SystemDrive}\ ; UserTemp is DC scratch area for example creating DLnames UserTemp = CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA\DassaultSystemes Use_V4_SysDyn = N ServerPath = C:\apps\catia\offline ClientPath = $ENV{SystemDrive}\apps\catia UserHome = CSIDL_APPDATA\DassaultSystemes ReferenceSettingPath = $ServerPath\$DC_Version\CATSettings_DC ; RemoteTraceDirPath and LocalTraceDirPath are used only in start_mtc.pl to collect Abends. CATErrorlog is moved to another location RemoteTraceDirPath = \\your_traceshare\v5tracedir\$DC_Version LocalTraceDirPath = $UserTemp ExecutionSuffix = '.exe' CV5_Masterdcls = $ServerPath\$DC_Site\sysdyn\MASTERDCLS CV4_Masterdcls = \\your_catiashare\catia424\prod\sysdyn\MASTERDCLS MappingFile = $ServerPath\$DC_Site\sysdyn\win2unixgroups SysDynFilterDir = $ServerPath\$DC_Site\Projects DC_Local_Cache = CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA\DassaultSystemes\CATCache_$DC_Version DC_DocumentationPath = $ServerPath\$DC_Version\Doc ; OtherCatiaPath is necessary in supplier package OtherCatiaPath = "<Your CATIA B16 install path ; Supplierpath without $OSDS ; SupplierCaaPath = E:\MyCaaInstallPath ; DC_DomainControler info is used to check if laptops are offline DC_DomainControler = local ; Serverpath is mapped to DC_DriveLetter at startup; possible values Y and N 45

; enable_drive_mapping ; DC_DriveLetter

= N = R:

; dc_win_create_process 0 Perl system() function will use; 1 Windows CreateProcess will use dc_win_create_process = 0

[Global section] DC_Site: This declaration sets the Daimler environment: V4-project directory, standard drafting xml file, templates, standard catalogs etc. DCS: default in CRM installation This setting must not be changed! Default_DC_AddEnv: Definition of the default initialization scripts. The corresponding PERL scripts (start/stop), such as: start_catiav5.pl and stop_catiav5.pl must be contained in the directory <SUPPLIER_PACKAGE_UNLOAD>/srv /B16/init.d. The default script catiav5 must not be removed! You can attach further scripts: Example: Default_DC_AddEnv = catiav5 myinit_script The scripts/B16/init.d/start_catiav5.pl und /B16/init.d/start_my_init_script.pl are executed before CATIA V5 is started. Default_EnvironmentFile: Environment File This setting must not be changed!

BBDomainManager: Hostname of the backbone domain manager. For a definition of a domain manager node, refer to the CATIA online manual. CheckResources: Monitoring of resources (only for Windows XP)



Default=3 info=1 warnings=2 nothing=0 (batch)

ErrorLogUserInfo: Only within Daimler

[UNIX section]

UserTemp: Temporary directory, e.g. for DLName import,

ReferenceSettingPath: This setting must not be changed! Basic setting for the connection. As described in the documentation, the path may be added, if necessary.

LocalTraceDirPath, RemoteTraceDirPath: Only within Daimler

CV5_Masterdcls: Path to CATIA V5 DLName entry definitions

CV4_Masterdcls: Path to CATIA V4 DLName entry definitions

SysDynFilterDir: Folder for project-specific DLName filters DC_Local_Cache: Path to local cache

DC_DocumentationPath: Path to the Dassault Systemes online documentation (CATDocView)


[Windows section]

ServerPath: Path to the CATIA server directory

UserHome, UserTemp: Support for windows special folders: CSIDL_APPDATA und CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA

Mapping file: Only within Daimler

DC_DomainControler: Only within Daimler This setting must not be changed!

enable_drive_mapping: Only within Daimler

DC_Driveletter: Only within Daimler

16.2 CATIA V5 License Definition

In order to create your own license definitions, you need to create the corresponding CATSettings. Proceed as follows: Create a CATSettings directory: mkdir < SUPPLIER_PACKAGE_UNLOAD >/srv/B16/CATSettings_xxx e.g.: for a MD2 license: mkdir /Daimler_B16SP5/srv/B16/CATSettings_MD2 To create the licensing.CATSettings file, start CATIAV5 in 'admin' mode. e.g.: /Daimler_B16SP5/srv/B16/scripts/catiav5.pl c /Daimler_B16SP5/srv/B16/CATSettings_MD2 -admin


Now select the desired license (MD2) under Tools/Options/General/Licensing. Tip: It may be useful to lock the settings in Tools/Options. End the CATIA session and delete all files (except for the Licensing.CATSettings file) in the directory <SUPPLIER_PACKAGE_UNLOAD>/srv/B16/CATSettings_MD2,. chmod 555 to CATSettings_MD2 directory and chmod 444 to Licensing.CATSettings file. If you want to use the CATIA start scripts also in the batch mode (without the start GUI) then you have to take into account the license settings in this mode as well: 1. Copy the <SUPPLIER_PACKAGE_UNLOAD>/srv/B16/init.d/start_HD2.pl to <SUPPLIER_PACKAGE_UNLOAD>/srv/B16/start_MD2.pl 2. Edit the start_MD2.pl file and replace: my $lic="HD2"; by my $lic="MD2"; 3. chmod 755 start_MD2.pl Define the MD2 license in the <SUPPLIER_PACKAGE_UNLOAD >/srv/B16/scripts/GUIConfig.ini file: @CV5PARM::License = ("HD2", MD2); # Array with the available license packages Now you can start CATIA V5 with the created Daimler-DCS environment

16.3 Start of CATIA V5 with the Daimler Environment (GUI)


Select the desired license and the project you want to work on, then press the button: *** Start CATIA ***

If selected, the "Reset Settings check box deletes the CATSettings in the CATUserSettingPath directory.

16.4 Start of CATIA V5 with the Daimler Environment (Command Line)

Start CATIA V5 with the global Daimler company settings and the HD2 license by entering the command: <SUPPLIER_PACKAGE_UNLOAD>/srv/B16/scripts/catiav5.pl n HD2 Start with the pre-defined project environments: Some pre-defined project environments are supplied. Please clarify with your contact at Daimler Development which projects are relevant for you. e.g.: In order to start the Electric environment: <SUPPLIER_PACKAGE_UNLOAD>/srv/B16/scripts/catiav5.pl nHD2 Electric

16.5 Definition of own Projects

Should you need to define projects of your own, carry out the following steps: 1. Create a project-specific CATSettings directory mkdir <SUPPLIER_PACKAGE_UNLOAD>/srv/B16/CATSettings_<Project name> 2. Create a project-specific start script: This script must be created in the following directory: <SUPPLIER_PACKAGE_UNLOAD>/srv/B16/init.d. The start scripts are carried out automatically during the CATIA start. With the supplied setup method, the CAT reference-setting path is not automatically defined, but you must amend the path in the start script start_<Project name>.pl: script is executed when the project has been selected Example: start_MyProject1.pl
#!/usr/local/bin/perl use strict; my $my_catiaenv = 'DC_CV5_Start::Envprep'; my $S_ = $my_catiaenv->getPathSeparator; my $T_ = $my_catiaenv->getCascadeSeparator; $my_catiaenv->setEnvVar('CATReferenceSettingPath', "$ENV{CATReferenceSettingPath}${T_}$ENV{DC_Env}${S_}CATSettings_MyProject1" ); 50


3. Define the project in the config.ini file:

@CV5PARM::Projects_B16 = ( "/", "/DC" , "/", "/", "/DC/MyProject1" );

4. Define all project-relevant CATSettings in the admin mode: <SUPPLIER_PACKAGE_UNLOAD>/srv/B16/scripts/GUI.pl a Select the project that is to be administered. Do not modify the supplied settings! Make sure that you have write access permission on the CATSettings_<Project> directory. Activate the admin check box and start CATIA Define all the required parameters in Tools/Options and Tools/Customize Stop the CATIA session and write-protect the CATSettings directory and its content 5. Start CATIA V5 with the defined new project in the user mode: <SUPPLIER_PACKAGE_UNLOAD>/srv/B16/scripts/GUI.pl Select the project Start CATIA

16.6 Integration of own CAA Applications

In order to integrate your own CAA applications into the Daimler environment, you must carry out the following steps: Define a directory in the <SUPPLIER_PACKAGE_UNLOAD>/srv/B16/scripts/DC_CV5_Start/Catiav5.ini configuration file in which you want to install your CAA functions. To do this, uncomment the predefined line in the respective section (UNIX, Windows). This path should be outside the installation path of the Supplier Package so that later versions do not have an influence on the CAA path. Example: Change: ; Supplierpath without $OSDS ; SupplierCaaPath = /tmp/MyCaaInstallPath

to ; Supplierpath without $OSDS SupplierCaaPath = /my_CAA_Install_Dir Copy all data of your CAA application into a new directory under <SupplierCaaPath>. Use a separate directory for every CAA function. e.g.: /my_CAA_Install_Dir/MyCAA_1 /my_CAA_Install_Dir/MyCAA_n Copy/paste the directory $OSDS in the CAA application directory to <SupplierCaaPath >/$OSDS. Now all CATIA-relevant data will automatically be found and accessed at the start of CATIA. e.g.: for AIX: cp rp /my_CAA_Install_Dir/MyCAA_1/aix_a /my_CAA_Install_Dir/ cp rp /my_CAA_Install_Dir/MyCAA_2/aix_a /my_CAA_Install_Dir/ If your CAA application requires special initialization steps (e.g.: environment variables, scripts,...), create a Perl script <SupplierCaaPath>/MyCAA_1/start_MyCAA_1.pl with all necessary commands and definitions.

16.9 Importing DLNames into a CATIA Session

Several procedures for the integration of DLNames are available: 1. Daimler default mechanism 2. Procedure as with the V5R12 Supplier Package 3. Own procedure

16.9.1 Daimler Default Mechanism

To import DLNames, a default mechanism is supplied that can be activated as follows: 1. In the Catiav5.ini configuration file, set the variable DC_USE_DLNAMES=Y if you want to activate the mechanism 2. Define the parameter CV5_Masterdcls. The path must point to the input file for the DLName import. 3. e.g.: CV5_Masterdcls = /catiav5/DCS/sysdyn/Masterdcls (CATIA V5 DLNames)


4. If you also want to import CATIA V4 DLNames, additionally set: Use_V4_SysDyn = Y und CV4_Masterdcls. The path must point to the input file for the DLName import. e.g.: CV4_Masterdcls = /catia424/prod/sysdyn/Masterdcls (CATIA V4 DLNames) The format for the input files looks like this: DLNAME Windows Path Unix Path Type File access

CATIAV5.B1.P1;\\emc\fs\b1\p1;/data/catiav5/b1/p1;MODEL;;/*U:580:G:543:O:All:*/ CATIAV5.B8.P1;\\emc\fs\b8\p1;/data/catiav5/b8/p1;MODEL;;/*U:580:G:543:O:NONE:*/ If the file access attributes are set, only those DLNames for which the user has at least read permission will be imported by CATIA V5 at the start. File access attributes: U=User: Unix user id G=Group: Unix group id O=Other: NONE or ALL In addition, project-specific filters (e.g. Body-in-White) can be defined in order to further narrow down the DLName list.

To do so, create corresponding filter files for every project. <SUPPLIER_PACKAGE_UNLOAD>/srv/DCS/Projects/[projectname]/sysdyn_filter e.g.: define filter in /catiav5/DCS/Projects/Body_in_White/sysdyn_filter: ^CATIAV5 ^[B|Y]ATIA. TEST In the example, only DLNames starting with CATIAV5, BCATIA or YCATIA or containing the string TEST are imported. If you want to use your own individual procedure for the import of DLNames, set the following parameter in the Catiav5.ini configuration file: DC_USE_DLNAMES=N To activate your own import script, enter it at the end of the line Default_DC_AddEnv = catiav5. e.g.: Default_DC_AddEnv = catiav5 my_import_script To this end, the corresponding perl start script start_my_import_script.pl must first be stored in the directory ..srv/B16/init.d. The script name must begin with start_.


16.9.2 DLName Import as with the V5R12 Paket

If you want to use the automatic process for the DLName import priorities, as it was defined in the V5R12 Supplier Package, please proceed as follows: 1. In the Catiav5.ini configuration file, set the parameter DC_USE_DLNAMES=N 2. Copy the perl script <SUPPLIER_PACKAGE_UNLOAD>/srv/B16/examples/start_dlname.pl into the directory <SUPPLIER_PACKAGE_UNLOAD>/srv/B16/init.d 3. To activate the import script at every start of CATIA, enter it in the Catiav5.ini file at the end of the line Default_DC_AddEnv=catiav5 Default_DC_AddEnv = catiav5 dlname To this end, the script start_dlname.pl must be contained in the ..srv/B16/init.d directory. The entry catiav5 may not be deleted and must be listed first! Caution: This script is not run if the admin mode is activated! The script imports the DLNAMES that are defined in the DLNAME input file(s) into a temporary directory: <SUPPLIER_PACKAGE_UNLOAD>/srv/B16/DLNAMES/xyz.txt The temporary directory is automatically connected in the CATReferenceSettingPath. Depending on the selected project, the script searches for DLNAME input files. There are two different possibilities for the DLNAME definition available: 1. Flat structure: Based on the selected project, the script searches for DLNAME input files in the <SUPPLIER_PACKAGE_UNLOAD>/srv/B16/DLNAMES directory, starting with the root project. Example: You select /DC/Chassis in the graphical user interface (GUI). Then, the input files ../DLNAMES/DC.txt and ../DLNAMES/Chassis.txt are searched, and, if available, imported. This way, cross-company (DC) and project-related (chassis) DLNAMES can be defined. 2. Tree structure: There is a possibility to define include files containing a list of files that can serve as DLNAME input files. Example: The file ../DLNAMES/Chassis.include contains a list of file names:


DLNAME_IN_FILE_1 DLNAME_IN_FILE_2 Now the import script reads the files DLNAME_IN_FILE_1 and DLNAME_IN_FILE_2 in order to import the DLNAMES. This mode is useful, when several projects are to have access to an identical subset of DLNAMES. It is possible to mix both variants (e.g. a DC.txt and a Chassis.include file) The DLNAME input files must be made up of the format that is documented in the CATIA online documentation. Example: Chassis.txt # DLNAME | WINDOWS path | Unix path Chassis_DL1;C:\data\chassis1;/catiadata/chassis1; Chassis_DLx;C:\data\chassisx;/catiadata/chassisx; In addition, filters can be set on a Regular Expression so that the number of DLNAMES can be further limited down. If the file <Projectname>.filter exists, the Regular Expressions are applied to the entire DLNAME input list. Example: DC.txt contains: POWER_DL1;C:\data\power1;/catiadata/power1; POWER_DLx;C:\data\powerx;/catiadata/powerx; CHASSIS_DL1;C:\data\chassis;/data/chassis; STANDARD_PARTS;C:\data\standard;/data/standard; STANDARD_ASS;C:\data\standard_ass/data/standard_ass; Powertrain.filter contains:
^POWER ^STANDARD Now only those DLNAMES are imported, that start with either POWER or STANDARD. In the example given,CHASSIS_DL1 would not be imported.

16.9.3 Own Procedure

If you want to use your own procedure for the import of DLNames, set the following parameter in the Catiav5.ini configuration file DC_USE_DLNAMES=N In order to activate your own import script, add it at the end of the line Default_DC_AddEnv = catiav5 e.g.:

Default_DC_AddEnv = catiav5 my_import_script To do so, the script start_my_import_script.pl must be contained in the ..srv/B16/init.d directory. The entry catiav5 may not be deleted and must be listed first!

16.10 Plotter Definition

The definition of the plotter lists largely depends on the requirements of the respective company environment. In the following you will find a description on how plotters can be installed in the Daimler environment. 1. Do not define plotters in the CATSettings directories supplied by Daimler, because they will be overwritten once updates are carried out. 2. Define a directory in the Catiav5.ini configuration file in which the plotter lists are to be stored. To this end, expand the ReferenceSettingPath definition. e.g.: ReferenceSettingPath = $ServerPath/$DC_Version/CATSettings_DC:/My_Company Attention: The directory $ServerPath/$DC_Version/CATSettings_DC must be listed first and may not be deleted under any circumstances! 3. Create the defined directory, a subdirectory printers and in this the empty file Drivers.cfg, and then start CATIA in the administrator mode: e.g.: mkdir p /My_Company/Printers touch /My_Company/Printers/Drivers.cfg <SUPPLIER_PACKAGE_UNLOAD>/srv/B16/scripts/catiav5.pl admin The CATReferenceSettingPath now shows: $ServerPath/$DC_Version/CATSettings_DC:/My_Company 4. Now define the plot environment in Tools/Options/General/Printers (Printer creation directory and driver configuration path) and then define your plotter in File/Printer Setup. The plotters created are stored in the directory named Printer Creation Directory. In this example in: /My_Company_Printers.


5. Change the access rights for the plotter directory so that normal users do not have write permission there 6. Now start CATIA V5 as normal user and check the availability of the plotter list

16.11 CATIA V5 Online Documentation

Since the entry fields for the path definition of the online documentation and the companion do not support environment variables, you must enter the paths manually. You do this via Tools/Options/General/Help


16.12 CATIA V5 Language Environment

In the Daimler CATIA V5 environment, the language is set to English. Please do not change these settings! This was necessary because a mixed environment will cause unpredictable errors (e.g.: macros will not run anymore, toolbars will be defective, tessellation tolerances change, different decimal separators,).

16.13 CATIA V4 Interoperabilitt (UNIX)

If you want to send CATIA V4 models from a V5 DMU-Navigator session to CATIA V4, you have to define the catia_xc0_appli variable in the CATIA V4 installation as described here (e.g.:: in the YOUR.env file): # XT0 Interface definition: if [ ! -d "/tmp/catia.appli.$LOGNAME" ] then mkdir /tmp/catia.appli.$LOGNAME fi export catia_xc0_appli=/tmp/catia.appli.$LOGNAME/.catia.appli If you also use VPM, this variable also has to be defined for the VPM session. In the configuration file <SUPPLIER_PACKAGE_UNLOAD>/srv/B16/scripts/DC_CV5_Start/Catiav5.ini you have to define the following entry in the [Unix] section: ; XT0-Interface is used to communicate with CV4, VPM XT0_Path = $UserTemp/catia.appli.$ENV{LOGNAME}/.catia.appli To be able to read V5 CATParts in a CATIA V4 session you have to do the following customizing: In the CATIA V4 environment, define a declaration, which points to the V5 environment of the supplier package: catia.ENVTV5:STRING; catia.ENVTV5='<Supplier_UNLOAD>srv/B16/CATEnv/batch/Import_V52V4.ksh'; <Supplier_UNLOAD> corresponds to the path, where the supplier package is installed In the <Supplier_UNLOAD>srv/B16/CATEnv/batch/Import_V52V4.ksh script, you have to adopt the variable CURRENTENVDIR=/catiav5/B16/CATEnv to your installation. In the file <Supplier_UNLOAD>srv/B16/CATEnv/batch/Import_V52V4.txt you have to define your CATIA install path e.g.:. /apps/catia/B16 /usr/DassaultSystemes/B16

Access to the UNIX file tree has to be available in CATIA V4 File/Open


The V4I license or corresponding configuration has to be available

You can find more information in the CATIA documentation. CATIA V4: Data Administration and Interoperability Guide Part II : Understanding Different Data Interoperability Issues Manipulating CATIA Version 5 in a CATIA Version 4 Session. CATIA V5: V4 Integration Guide: Reading V5 Data in Version 4 Format

17 Supplier Package Integration into Customer-Specific CATIA V5 Environments

For the harmonization of Unix and Windows XP, all scripts in the Supplier Package were changed to Perl. If you want to integrate this package into your own CATIA V5 environment, you need to carry out the following steps.

Note: Please note that with future versions, this type of integration might no longer be possible as easily, as soon as CAA applications or projects need more sophisticated initialization scripts.

17.1 Installation
Unload the software as described in the chapters above.

17.2 Definition of the Environment Files

To get the project specific environment variable definitions, you can perform the following scenario: Open a command line window and type the command: set > C:\Temp\winvars.txt Then start the following command, which opens a command line window in the context of a CATIA V5 project environment (including all V5 defined Variables):
<SUPPLIER_PACKAGE_UNLOAD>/srv/B16/scripts/catiav5.pl n <project> -run cmd

In the new opened command line window key in: set > C:\Temp\v5vars.txt

Now you can compare the two files with a file comparison Tool of your choice. Identify the changes and include them in the environment file, which you use for your production environment.

17.3 Start of CATIA with the Daimler Environment

To start the Daimler Environment, type the following command: catstart direnv <Your Environment Directory> -env <Environment File> Example: catstart direnv C:\Daimler_V5R16SP5 env MyProject.txt

18 Installation Test
The following points should be checked in order to verify the installation: a) Start of CATIA b) Service Pack and hotfix level c) Project file d) Start templates e) Catalogs f) Standard definition in the drafting XML file

g) CAA functions h) SAM-Light i) Further test

a) Start of CATIA Start of the graphical interface: <SUPPLIER_PACKAGE_UNLOAD>/srv/B16/scripts/GUI.pl


b) Service Pack and Hotfix Level Currently, the start scripts do not check whether the correct CATIA version is started. This may be changed in future versions. You are responsible for the installation of the correct CATIA version, Service Pack and hotfix level. To check, start CATIA and select Help/About CATIA. Service Pack 5, Build Number B16 Hotfix 46 is the currently required level.

Hotfix 46


c) Project File In TOOLS/OPTIONS/Compatibility, the Project File name must be set to CATIA.PROD.PRJ.MAP and locked!

d) Start Templates #CATIAV5.TEMPLATES in FILE/OPEN, the following start templates must appear:


Please consult the Daimler C@D manual in case you need more information on the use of the start templates! e) Catalogs In File/Open, the following catalogs should appear:

f) Standard Definition in the Drafting XML File In Tools/Standards 'drafting', DC_ISO_R16_V1_1.xml must be available and selected.


g) CAA Functions Check the availability and functionality of the CAA functions. Read the documentation on these applications in the srv/B16/Doc directory. BMST: Daimler Masterdata & Weight Management (CATPart)

BPMT: Fit Size Table (CATDrawing)

3DM_View: 3D-Master View Management (CATProduct, CATPart)

DC Masterdata: (CATDrawing)

FTACol: in Functional Tolerancing & Annotation Workbench


SFK Workbench



Powerfeature Powerfeature requires a CATIA V5 KT1 license und and additional licenses from Transcat!

SAM (if enabled) SAM requires a licman license from T-Systems!


qcheckerV5 qcheckerv5 requires additional licenses from Transcat!

XML Writer

h) SAM-Light Start on Windows XP: Start/Programs/ Daimler Supplier Package B16_5/SAMlight Start on UNIX: <Supplier_UNLOAD>cl/sam_light/samlight



Further Test

On the Engineering Portal, you find a scenario for a further interactive environment test.

19 Distribution of the Installation to Further Clients

There are several ways of distributing the Supplier Package to further clients: Installation of the Supplier Package on a shared file system. The clients then have to mount this shared file system. Start <Server_Share>\srv\B16\scripts\GUI.pl. Installation of the Supplier package on every client machine. Use a shared server part (srv) for all clients. The server part holds all files, which need to be customized and to be the same for all clients (e.g.: CATSettings, scripts, DLNAMEs,). You have to modify the Catiav5.ini file (Variable: ServerPath) under <CLIENT_INSTALL_PATH>/cl/B16/scripts/DC_CV5_Start/Catiav5.ini and <ServerShare>/srv/B16/scripts/DC_CV5_Start/Catiav5.ini. Installation of the Supplier Package on every client machine (cl and srv) If you use one of the first two methods, you just have to customize the package at one single point of administration and changes are taken into account directly by all clients. The mount point has to be the same for all clients!s

20 Uninstall
20.1 Unix
On UNIX systems, delete the directory <SUPPLIER_PACKAGE_UNLOAD>. rm rf <SUPPLIER_PACKAGE_UNLOAD>

20.2 Windows XP
On Windows, use the Windows Software Manager to uninstall the Supplier Package. Close all open applications of the supplier package before you remove the installation. Remark: A running CATIA session will be canceled by the uninstall job!


If you also installed the WBK software, after uninstall of the supplier package, you will have to delete the directory structure <SUPPLIER_PACKAGE_UNLOAD>/srv which will still contain the WBK files.



Known Problems

In the following, you will find a list of known problems that will be resolved in the next Supplier Package version.

Product General

Description Some toolbars point to macros which are not delivered with the supplier package but are only for Daimler internal use. In this case, you just will see the macro name, but no icon. These macros, as they are not part of the package will not work. Just ignore these definitions!

Platform UNIX XP



There are some DLNames defined in the CATSettings where the underlying directories and there content does not exist . This DLNames are only for Daimler internal use. Just ignore these messages or delete them from the environment: Example:

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