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This is the Airbus Qualified Test Method List (Register of Qualified Couples >Test Method / Test Facility<) Publication

of this list neither engages Airbus in any contract relationship/responsibility nor allows automatic contract authorization, ordering, etc. All subcontractors using qualified couples 'Test Method & Test Facility' from the Airbus QTML remain responsible of the quality of their products. As consequence, they shall conduct: * Alerting/informing Airbus in case of: - significant events or - identified risks with potential impact on Airbus - consistently unsatisfactory quality results or - the test facility is either unwilling or unable to implement a corrective action plan within a reasonable time-scale The list it regulary updated (minimum quarterly) All rights reserved


Airbus Qualified Test Method List (QTML) External Report

= Register of Qualified Couples >Test Method / Test Facility< In Accordance with AP5262 (DRAFT) - Qualification Process of Couples <Test Method / Test Facility> For any further information, please contact : [email protected] Report: Ordered By Test Facility - Name of the Independent Lab
Version: 2011-1d - September 6th, 2011 Test Facility ARP-ID 150147 295929 55 199545 147145 259686 150147 276093 276095 276084 295929 55 276098 142435 224801 219624 169755 277364 276249 257831 142435 224801 219624 169755 277364 257831 143041 276084 276249 276098 199545 284828 296665 276086 276098 276095 295929 260077 276098 147145 276093 276095 276084 295929 276098 276095 295929 143041 150147 276093 276095 219624 147019 276084 262425 295929 260077 296665 276425 55 277364 276249 276098 257831 199545 284828 143041 Name of the Independent Lab CRITT MDTS INCOTEST MECASEM (Ostwald) SOPEMEA SAS BUREAU VERITAS LABORATOIRES CETIM NANTES CRITT MDTS DICKSON TESTING COMPANY DIRATS LABORATORIES EXOVA LA INCOTEST MECASEM (Ostwald) WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING BESNE MECANIQUE DE PRECISION COMPOSITES TESTING LABORATORY TEO EXOVA BRIDGWATER IMA GMBH DRESDEN TEAMS TITANIA & LABCYP WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING & RESEARCH LTD BESNE MECANIQUE DE PRECISION COMPOSITES TESTING LABORATORY TEO EXOVA BRIDGWATER IMA GMBH DRESDEN TEAMS WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING & RESEARCH LTD BK WERKSTOFFTECHNIK GMBH EXOVA LA TITANIA & LABCYP WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING SOPEMEA SAS APPLUS+ LGAI TECHNOLOGICIAL CENTER S.A LABORATOIRE ECCI POLE TECHNOLOGIQUE CASIMIR WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING DIRATS LABORATORIES INCOTEST Keighley Laboratories Limited WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING BUREAU VERITAS LABORATOIRES DICKSON TESTING COMPANY DIRATS LABORATORIES EXOVA LA INCOTEST WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING DIRATS LABORATORIES INCOTEST BK WERKSTOFFTECHNIK GMBH CRITT MDTS DICKSON TESTING COMPANY DIRATS LABORATORIES EXOVA BRIDGWATER EXOVA CENTECH EXOVA LA GMA-WERKSTOFFPRUEFUNG GMBH INCOTEST Keighley Laboratories Limited LABORATOIRE ECCI MECASEM (Cormeilles en Parisis) MECASEM (Ostwald) TEAMS TITANIA & LABCYP WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING & RESEARCH LTD SOPEMEA SAS APPLUS+ LGAI TECHNOLOGICIAL CENTER S.A BK WERKSTOFFTECHNIK GMBH Town CHARLEVILLE MEZIERES HEREFORD OSTWALD VELIZY-VILLACOUBLAY CEDEX SAINT-OUEN L'AUMNE NANTES CHARLEVILLE MEZIERES SOUTHGATE WESTFIELD SANTA FE SPRINGS HEREFORD OSTWALD YOUNGSTOWN BESNE COUNTY GALWAY SOMERSET DRESDEN LA RINCONADA PUERTO REAL BANBURY BESNE COUNTY GALWAY SOMERSET DRESDEN LA RINCONADA BANBURY BREMEN SANTA FE SPRINGS PUERTO REAL YOUNGSTOWN VELIZY-VILLACOUBLAY CEDEX BELLATERRA SERRES CASTET CEDEX AUBIERE CEDEX YOUNGSTOWN WESTFIELD HEREFORD Keighley YOUNGSTOWN SAINT-OUEN L'AUMNE SOUTHGATE WESTFIELD SANTA FE SPRINGS HEREFORD YOUNGSTOWN WESTFIELD HEREFORD BREMEN CHARLEVILLE MEZIERES SOUTHGATE WESTFIELD SOMERSET COLOMIERS SANTA FE SPRINGS STADE HEREFORD Keighley SERRES CASTET CEDEX CORMEILLES EN PARISIS OSTWALD LA RINCONADA PUERTO REAL YOUNGSTOWN BANBURY VELIZY-VILLACOUBLAY CEDEX BELLATERRA BREMEN Country France United Kingdom France France France France France USA USA USA United Kingdom France USA France Ireland United Kingdom Germany Spain Spain United Kingdom France Ireland United Kingdom Germany Spain United Kingdom Germany USA Spain USA France Spain France France USA USA United Kingdom United Kingdom USA France USA USA USA United Kingdom USA USA United Kingdom Germany France USA USA United Kingdom France USA Germany United Kingdom United Kingdom France France France Spain Spain USA United Kingdom France Spain Germany Referential Analysis by spectrometry (others) Analysis by spectrometry (others) Analysis by spectrometry (others) Combined climatic and mechanic testing Combustion (method to be defined) Combustion (method to be defined) Combustion (method to be defined) Combustion (method to be defined) Combustion (method to be defined) Combustion (method to be defined) Combustion (method to be defined) Combustion (method to be defined) Combustion (method to be defined) Composite specimen machining / cutting / tabbing Composite specimen machining / cutting / tabbing Composite specimen machining / cutting / tabbing Composite specimen machining / cutting / tabbing Composite specimen machining / cutting / tabbing Composite specimen machining / cutting / tabbing Composite specimen machining / cutting / tabbing Composite specimen production Composite specimen production Composite specimen production Composite specimen production Composite specimen production Composite specimen production Corrosion (other, method to be defined) Corrosion (other, method to be defined) Corrosion (other, method to be defined) Corrosion (other, method to be defined) Drop test Hardness test: others (method to be defined) Hardness test: others (method to be defined) Hardness test: others (method to be defined) Hardness test: others (method to be defined) Inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy (ICP-MS) (method to be defined) Inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy (ICP-MS) (method to be defined) Inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy (ICP-MS) (method to be defined) Inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy (ICP-MS) (method to be defined) Inert gas by fusion (method to be defined) Inert gas by fusion (method to be defined) Inert gas by fusion (method to be defined) Inert gas by fusion (method to be defined) Inert gas by fusion (method to be defined) Inert gas by fusion (method to be defined) Mass spectroscopy: glow discharge (method to be defined) Mass spectroscopy: glow discharge (method to be defined) Metallic specimen preparation (for mechanical testing) (method to be defined) Metallic specimen preparation (for mechanical testing) (method to be defined) Metallic specimen preparation (for mechanical testing) (method to be defined) Metallic specimen preparation (for mechanical testing) (method to be defined) Metallic specimen preparation (for mechanical testing) (method to be defined) Metallic specimen preparation (for mechanical testing) (method to be defined) Metallic specimen preparation (for mechanical testing) (method to be defined) Metallic specimen preparation (for mechanical testing) (method to be defined) Metallic specimen preparation (for mechanical testing) (method to be defined) Metallic specimen preparation (for mechanical testing) (method to be defined) Metallic specimen preparation (for mechanical testing) (method to be defined) Metallic specimen preparation (for mechanical testing) (method to be defined) Metallic specimen preparation (for mechanical testing) (method to be defined) Metallic specimen preparation (for mechanical testing) (method to be defined) Metallic specimen preparation (for mechanical testing) (method to be defined) Metallic specimen preparation (for mechanical testing) (method to be defined) Metallic specimen preparation (for mechanical testing) (method to be defined) Modal analysis Optical metallography (method to be defined) Optical metallography (method to be defined) Page 1 de 17 Test Method Test Label Status Authorised to Proceed Qualified Disqualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Authorised to Proceed Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Disqualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Authorised to proceed Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Authorised to proceed Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Authorised to proceed Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Authorised to proceed Qualified Qualified Disqualified Qualified Authorised to proceed Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified

Airbus Qualified Test Method List (QTML) External Report

= Register of Qualified Couples >Test Method / Test Facility< In Accordance with AP5262 (DRAFT) - Qualification Process of Couples <Test Method / Test Facility> For any further information, please contact : [email protected] Report: Ordered By Test Facility - Name of the Independent Lab
Version: 2011-1d - September 6th, 2011 Test Facility ARP-ID 276094 290825 147115 150147 276093 276095 147019 276084 295927 262425 169755 260077 296665 276425 55 276086 277364 276249 276098 257831 72 199545 276084 199545 199545 199545 199545 260077 143041 147145 259686 150147 276093 219624 276084 169755 295929 260077 296665 55 276086 276249 276098 257831 284828 276094 276095 147019 260077 296665 277364 276094 150147 276095 277364 143041 284828 49 143041 259686 224801 294826 219624 147019 295927 262425 169755 277364 260011 276098 257831 262425 296664 277364 143041 143041 284828 49 38 143041 259686 294826 219624 147019 295927 Name of the Independent Lab BUREAU VERITAS LABORATOIRES BUREAU VERITAS LABORATOIRES CETIM SENLIS CRITT MDTS DICKSON TESTING COMPANY DIRATS LABORATORIES EXOVA CENTECH EXOVA LA EXOVA LINKOPING GMA-WERKSTOFFPRUEFUNG GMBH IMA GMBH DRESDEN Keighley Laboratories Limited LABORATOIRE ECCI MECASEM (Cormeilles en Parisis) MECASEM (Ostwald) POLE TECHNOLOGIQUE CASIMIR TEAMS TITANIA & LABCYP WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING & RESEARCH LTD Fundacin TECNALIA Research & Innovation SOPEMEA SAS EXOVA LA SOPEMEA SAS SOPEMEA SAS SOPEMEA SAS SOPEMEA SAS Keighley Laboratories Limited BK WERKSTOFFTECHNIK GMBH BUREAU VERITAS LABORATOIRES CETIM NANTES CRITT MDTS DICKSON TESTING COMPANY EXOVA BRIDGWATER EXOVA LA IMA GMBH DRESDEN INCOTEST Keighley Laboratories Limited LABORATOIRE ECCI MECASEM (Ostwald) POLE TECHNOLOGIQUE CASIMIR TITANIA & LABCYP WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING & RESEARCH LTD APPLUS+ LGAI TECHNOLOGICIAL CENTER S.A BUREAU VERITAS LABORATOIRES DIRATS LABORATORIES EXOVA CENTECH Keighley Laboratories Limited LABORATOIRE ECCI TEAMS BUREAU VERITAS LABORATOIRES CRITT MDTS DIRATS LABORATORIES TEAMS BK WERKSTOFFTECHNIK GMBH APPLUS+ LGAI TECHNOLOGICIAL CENTER S.A ATK LAUNCH SYSTEMS INC BK WERKSTOFFTECHNIK GMBH CETIM NANTES COMPOSITES TESTING LABORATORY TEO CRITT MATERIAUX EXOVA BRIDGWATER EXOVA CENTECH EXOVA LINKOPING GMA-WERKSTOFFPRUEFUNG GMBH IMA GMBH DRESDEN TEAMS UDG - AMADE UNIVERSITAT DE GIRONA WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING & RESEARCH LTD GMA-WERKSTOFFPRUEFUNG GMBH RESCOLL, Socit de Recherche TEAMS BK WERKSTOFFTECHNIK GMBH BK WERKSTOFFTECHNIK GMBH APPLUS+ LGAI TECHNOLOGICIAL CENTER S.A ATK LAUNCH SYSTEMS INC BISS - Bangalore Integrated System Solutions Pvt. Ltd. BK WERKSTOFFTECHNIK GMBH CETIM NANTES CRITT MATERIAUX EXOVA BRIDGWATER EXOVA CENTECH EXOVA LINKOPING Town BELFORT PESSAC SENLIS CHARLEVILLE MEZIERES SOUTHGATE WESTFIELD COLOMIERS SANTA FE SPRINGS LINKPING STADE DRESDEN Keighley SERRES CASTET CEDEX CORMEILLES EN PARISIS OSTWALD AUBIERE CEDEX LA RINCONADA PUERTO REAL YOUNGSTOWN BANBURY DONOSTIA-SAN SEBASTIN VELIZY-VILLACOUBLAY CEDEX SANTA FE SPRINGS VELIZY-VILLACOUBLAY CEDEX VELIZY-VILLACOUBLAY CEDEX VELIZY-VILLACOUBLAY CEDEX VELIZY-VILLACOUBLAY CEDEX Keighley BREMEN SAINT-OUEN L'AUMNE NANTES CHARLEVILLE MEZIERES SOUTHGATE SOMERSET SANTA FE SPRINGS DRESDEN HEREFORD Keighley SERRES CASTET CEDEX OSTWALD AUBIERE CEDEX PUERTO REAL YOUNGSTOWN BANBURY BELLATERRA BELFORT WESTFIELD COLOMIERS Keighley SERRES CASTET CEDEX LA RINCONADA BELFORT CHARLEVILLE MEZIERES WESTFIELD LA RINCONADA BREMEN BELLATERRA Huntsville BREMEN NANTES COUNTY GALWAY Rochefort cedex SOMERSET COLOMIERS LINKPING STADE DRESDEN LA RINCONADA Girona YOUNGSTOWN BANBURY STADE PESSAC CEDEX LA RINCONADA BREMEN BREMEN BELLATERRA Huntsville Bangalore BREMEN NANTES Rochefort cedex SOMERSET COLOMIERS LINKPING Country France France France France USA USA France USA Sweden Germany Germany United Kingdom France France France France Spain Spain USA United Kingdom Spain France USA France France France France United Kingdom Germany France France France USA United Kingdom USA Germany United Kingdom United Kingdom France France France Spain USA United Kingdom Spain France USA France United Kingdom France Spain France France USA Spain Germany Spain USA Germany France Ireland France United Kingdom France Sweden Germany Germany Spain Spain USA United Kingdom Germany France Spain Germany Germany Spain USA India Germany France France United Kingdom France Sweden Referential Test Method Test Label Optical metallography (method to be defined) Optical metallography (method to be defined) Optical metallography (method to be defined) Optical metallography (method to be defined) Optical metallography (method to be defined) Optical metallography (method to be defined) Optical metallography (method to be defined) Optical metallography (method to be defined) Optical metallography (method to be defined) Optical metallography (method to be defined) Optical metallography (method to be defined) Optical metallography (method to be defined) Optical metallography (method to be defined) Optical metallography (method to be defined) Optical metallography (method to be defined) Optical metallography (method to be defined) Optical metallography (method to be defined) Optical metallography (method to be defined) Optical metallography (method to be defined) Optical metallography (method to be defined) Other test - Specify in Remark Pression test Proportioning of oligo-elements (method to be defined) Random vibrations test Seism test Shock test Sine vibrations test Spectrometry: glow discharge (method to be defined) Spectrometry: optical emission (OES) (method to be defined) Spectrometry: optical emission (OES) (method to be defined) Spectrometry: optical emission (OES) (method to be defined) Spectrometry: optical emission (OES) (method to be defined) Spectrometry: optical emission (OES) (method to be defined) Spectrometry: optical emission (OES) (method to be defined) Spectrometry: optical emission (OES) (method to be defined) Spectrometry: optical emission (OES) (method to be defined) Spectrometry: optical emission (OES) (method to be defined) Spectrometry: optical emission (OES) (method to be defined) Spectrometry: optical emission (OES) (method to be defined) Spectrometry: optical emission (OES) (method to be defined) Spectrometry: optical emission (OES) (method to be defined) Spectrometry: optical emission (OES) (method to be defined) Spectrometry: optical emission (OES) (method to be defined) Spectrometry: optical emission (OES) (method to be defined) Various mechanical test (method to be defined) Various mechanical test (method to be defined) Various mechanical test (method to be defined) Various mechanical test (method to be defined) Various mechanical test (method to be defined) Various mechanical test (method to be defined) Various mechanical test (method to be defined) Various physical tests (method to be defined) Various physical tests (method to be defined) Various physical tests (method to be defined) Various physical tests (method to be defined) Fiber reinforced plastics - Determination of mechanical degradation due to chemical paint strippers Fibre reinforced plastics - Determination of in-plane shear properties (45 tensile test) Fibre reinforced plastics - Determination of in-plane shear properties (45 tensile test) Fibre reinforced plastics - Determination of in-plane shear properties (45 tensile test) Fibre reinforced plastics - Determination of in-plane shear properties (45 tensile test) Fibre reinforced plastics - Determination of in-plane shear properties (45 tensile test) Fibre reinforced plastics - Determination of in-plane shear properties (45 tensile test) Fibre reinforced plastics - Determination of in-plane shear properties (45 tensile test) Fibre reinforced plastics - Determination of in-plane shear properties (45 tensile test) Fibre reinforced plastics - Determination of in-plane shear properties (45 tensile test) Fibre reinforced plastics - Determination of in-plane shear properties (45 tensile test) Fibre reinforced plastics - Determination of in-plane shear properties (45 tensile test) Fibre reinforced plastics - Determination of in-plane shear properties (45 tensile test) Fibre reinforced plastics - Determination of in-plane shear properties (45 tensile test) Fibre reinforced plastics - Determination of in-plane shear properties (45 tensile test) Fibre reinforced plastics - Determination of in-plane shear properties (45 tensile test) Determination of the glass transition temperatures (DMA) Determination of the glass transition temperatures (DMA) Determination of the glass transition temperatures (DMA) Fibre reinforced plastics - Determination of interlaminar fracture toughness energy - Mode I - Gic Fibre reinforced plastics - Determination of interlaminar fracture toughness energy - Mode II - GIIc Fibre reinforced plastics - Determination of plain, open hole and filled hole tensile strength Fibre reinforced plastics - Determination of plain, open hole and filled hole tensile strength Fibre reinforced plastics - Determination of plain, open hole and filled hole tensile strength Fibre reinforced plastics - Determination of plain, open hole and filled hole tensile strength Fibre reinforced plastics - Determination of plain, open hole and filled hole tensile strength Fibre reinforced plastics - Determination of plain, open hole and filled hole tensile strength Fibre reinforced plastics - Determination of plain, open hole and filled hole tensile strength Fibre reinforced plastics - Determination of plain, open hole and filled hole tensile strength Fibre reinforced plastics - Determination of plain, open hole and filled hole tensile strength Page 2 de 17 Status Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Authorised to Proceed Qualified Qualified Authorised to proceed Qualified Qualified Disqualified Qualified Qualified Authorised to proceed Qualified Qualified Authorised to proceed Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Authorised to proceed Qualified Qualified Qualified Authorised to Proceed Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Authorised to proceed Qualified Disqualified Qualified Authorised to proceed Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Authorised to proceed Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Authorised to proceed Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Authorised to proceed Qualified Qualified Qualified Authorised to Proceed Authorised to Proceed Qualified Qualified Qualified Authorised to proceed Authorised to proceed Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified

AITM 1-0001 AITM 1-0002 (ISO 14129) AITM 1-0002 (ISO 14129) AITM 1-0002 (ISO 14129) AITM 1-0002 (ISO 14129) AITM 1-0002 (ISO 14129) AITM 1-0002 (ISO 14129) AITM 1-0002 (ISO 14129) AITM 1-0002 (ISO 14129) AITM 1-0002 (ISO 14129) AITM 1-0002 (ISO 14129) AITM 1-0002 (ISO 14129) AITM 1-0002 (ISO 14129) AITM 1-0002 (ISO 14129) AITM 1-0002 (ISO 14129) AITM 1-0002 (ISO 14129) AITM 1-0003 AITM 1-0003 AITM 1-0003 AITM 1-0005 (EN 6033) AITM 1-0006 (EN 6034) AITM 1-0007-A / B / C / D AITM 1-0007-A / B / C / D AITM 1-0007-A / B / C / D AITM 1-0007-A / B / C / D AITM 1-0007-A / B / C / D AITM 1-0007-A / B / C / D AITM 1-0007-A / B / C / D AITM 1-0007-A / B / C / D AITM 1-0007-A / B / C / D

Airbus Qualified Test Method List (QTML) External Report

= Register of Qualified Couples >Test Method / Test Facility< In Accordance with AP5262 (DRAFT) - Qualification Process of Couples <Test Method / Test Facility> For any further information, please contact : [email protected] Report: Ordered By Test Facility - Name of the Independent Lab
Version: 2011-1d - September 6th, 2011 Test Facility ARP-ID 262425 169755 296664 267019 277364 260011 276098 257831 49 143041 259686 147019 169755 267019 276098 284828 49 143041 259686 224801 294826 219624 147019 295927 169755 267019 277364 260011 276098 257831 143041 147019 169755 143041 147019 169755 284828 143041 259686 224801 294826 219624 147019 295927 169755 277364 276098 284828 143041 259686 224801 219624 147019 262425 169755 277364 276249 260011 276098 257831 259686 147019 147019 284828 259686 294826 219624 147019 295927 262425 169755 277364 276249 276098 284828 143041 219624 295927 169755 277364 276098 147019 276249 276249 169755 Name of the Independent Lab GMA-WERKSTOFFPRUEFUNG GMBH IMA GMBH DRESDEN RESCOLL, Socit de Recherche SOLSI - TEC TEAMS UDG - AMADE UNIVERSITAT DE GIRONA WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING & RESEARCH LTD ATK LAUNCH SYSTEMS INC BK WERKSTOFFTECHNIK GMBH CETIM NANTES EXOVA CENTECH IMA GMBH DRESDEN SOLSI - TEC WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING APPLUS+ LGAI TECHNOLOGICIAL CENTER S.A ATK LAUNCH SYSTEMS INC BK WERKSTOFFTECHNIK GMBH CETIM NANTES COMPOSITES TESTING LABORATORY TEO CRITT MATERIAUX EXOVA BRIDGWATER EXOVA CENTECH EXOVA LINKOPING IMA GMBH DRESDEN SOLSI - TEC TEAMS UDG - AMADE UNIVERSITAT DE GIRONA WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING & RESEARCH LTD BK WERKSTOFFTECHNIK GMBH EXOVA CENTECH IMA GMBH DRESDEN BK WERKSTOFFTECHNIK GMBH EXOVA CENTECH IMA GMBH DRESDEN APPLUS+ LGAI TECHNOLOGICIAL CENTER S.A BK WERKSTOFFTECHNIK GMBH CETIM NANTES COMPOSITES TESTING LABORATORY TEO CRITT MATERIAUX EXOVA BRIDGWATER EXOVA CENTECH EXOVA LINKOPING IMA GMBH DRESDEN TEAMS WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING APPLUS+ LGAI TECHNOLOGICIAL CENTER S.A BK WERKSTOFFTECHNIK GMBH CETIM NANTES COMPOSITES TESTING LABORATORY TEO EXOVA BRIDGWATER EXOVA CENTECH GMA-WERKSTOFFPRUEFUNG GMBH IMA GMBH DRESDEN TEAMS TITANIA & LABCYP UDG - AMADE UNIVERSITAT DE GIRONA WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING & RESEARCH LTD CETIM NANTES EXOVA CENTECH EXOVA CENTECH APPLUS+ LGAI TECHNOLOGICIAL CENTER S.A CETIM NANTES CRITT MATERIAUX EXOVA BRIDGWATER EXOVA CENTECH EXOVA LINKOPING GMA-WERKSTOFFPRUEFUNG GMBH IMA GMBH DRESDEN TEAMS TITANIA & LABCYP WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING APPLUS+ LGAI TECHNOLOGICIAL CENTER S.A BK WERKSTOFFTECHNIK GMBH EXOVA BRIDGWATER EXOVA LINKOPING IMA GMBH DRESDEN TEAMS WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING EXOVA CENTECH TITANIA & LABCYP TITANIA & LABCYP IMA GMBH DRESDEN Town STADE DRESDEN PESSAC CEDEX ROSSELANGE LA RINCONADA Girona YOUNGSTOWN BANBURY Huntsville BREMEN NANTES COLOMIERS DRESDEN ROSSELANGE YOUNGSTOWN BELLATERRA Huntsville BREMEN NANTES COUNTY GALWAY Rochefort cedex SOMERSET COLOMIERS LINKPING DRESDEN ROSSELANGE LA RINCONADA Girona YOUNGSTOWN BANBURY BREMEN COLOMIERS DRESDEN BREMEN COLOMIERS DRESDEN BELLATERRA BREMEN NANTES COUNTY GALWAY Rochefort cedex SOMERSET COLOMIERS LINKPING DRESDEN LA RINCONADA YOUNGSTOWN BELLATERRA BREMEN NANTES COUNTY GALWAY SOMERSET COLOMIERS STADE DRESDEN LA RINCONADA PUERTO REAL Girona YOUNGSTOWN BANBURY NANTES COLOMIERS COLOMIERS BELLATERRA NANTES Rochefort cedex SOMERSET COLOMIERS LINKPING STADE DRESDEN LA RINCONADA PUERTO REAL YOUNGSTOWN BELLATERRA BREMEN SOMERSET LINKPING DRESDEN LA RINCONADA YOUNGSTOWN COLOMIERS PUERTO REAL PUERTO REAL DRESDEN Country Germany Germany France France Spain Spain USA United Kingdom USA Germany France France Germany France USA Spain USA Germany France Ireland France United Kingdom France Sweden Germany France Spain Spain USA United Kingdom Germany France Germany Germany France Germany Spain Germany France Ireland France United Kingdom France Sweden Germany Spain USA Spain Germany France Ireland United Kingdom France Germany Germany Spain Spain Spain USA United Kingdom France France France Spain France France United Kingdom France Sweden Germany Germany Spain Spain USA Spain Germany United Kingdom Sweden Germany Spain USA France Spain Spain Germany Referential AITM 1-0007-A / B / C / D AITM 1-0007-A / B / C / D AITM 1-0007-A / B / C / D AITM 1-0007-A / B / C / D AITM 1-0007-A / B / C / D AITM 1-0007-A / B / C / D AITM 1-0007-A / B / C / D AITM 1-0007-A / B / C / D AITM 1-0008-A1 / A2 AITM 1-0008-A1 / A2 AITM 1-0008-A1 / A2 AITM 1-0008-A1 / A2 AITM 1-0008-A1 / A2 AITM 1-0008-A1 / A2 AITM 1-0008-A1 / A2 AITM 1-0008-B / C / D AITM 1-0008-B / C / D AITM 1-0008-B / C / D AITM 1-0008-B / C / D AITM 1-0008-B / C / D AITM 1-0008-B / C / D AITM 1-0008-B / C / D AITM 1-0008-B / C / D AITM 1-0008-B / C / D AITM 1-0008-B / C / D AITM 1-0008-B / C / D AITM 1-0008-B / C / D AITM 1-0008-B / C / D AITM 1-0008-B / C / D AITM 1-0008-B / C / D AITM 1-0009-1 / 2 AITM 1-0009-1 / 2 AITM 1-0009-1 / 2 AITM 1-0010 (EN 6038) AITM 1-0010 (EN 6038) AITM 1-0010 (EN 6038) AITM 1-0018 AITM 1-0018 AITM 1-0018 AITM 1-0018 AITM 1-0018 AITM 1-0018 AITM 1-0018 AITM 1-0018 AITM 1-0018 AITM 1-0018 AITM 1-0018 AITM 1-0019 AITM 1-0019 AITM 1-0019 AITM 1-0019 AITM 1-0019 AITM 1-0019 AITM 1-0019 AITM 1-0019 AITM 1-0019 AITM 1-0019 AITM 1-0019 AITM 1-0019 AITM 1-0019 AITM 1-0024 AITM 1-0024 AITM 1-0024 AITM 1-0025 AITM 1-0025 AITM 1-0025 AITM 1-0025 AITM 1-0025 AITM 1-0025 AITM 1-0025 AITM 1-0025 AITM 1-0025 AITM 1-0025 AITM 1-0025 AITM 1-0029 AITM 1-0029 AITM 1-0029 AITM 1-0029 AITM 1-0029 AITM 1-0029 AITM 1-0029 AITM 1-0030 AITM 1-0030 AITM 1-0033 AITM 1-0040 Test Method Test Label Fibre reinforced plastics - Determination of plain, open hole and filled hole tensile strength Fibre reinforced plastics - Determination of plain, open hole and filled hole tensile strength Fibre reinforced plastics - Determination of plain, open hole and filled hole tensile strength Fibre reinforced plastics - Determination of plain, open hole and filled hole tensile strength Fibre reinforced plastics - Determination of plain, open hole and filled hole tensile strength Fibre reinforced plastics - Determination of plain, open hole and filled hole tensile strength Fibre reinforced plastics - Determination of plain, open hole and filled hole tensile strength Fibre reinforced plastics - Determination of plain, open hole and filled hole tensile strength Fiber reinforced plastics - Determination of plain compression strength Fiber reinforced plastics - Determination of plain compression strength Fiber reinforced plastics - Determination of plain compression strength Fiber reinforced plastics - Determination of plain compression strength Fiber reinforced plastics - Determination of plain compression strength Fiber reinforced plastics - Determination of plain compression strength Fiber reinforced plastics - Determination of plain compression strength Fiber reinforced plastics - Determination of open hole or filled hole compression strength Fiber reinforced plastics - Determination of open hole or filled hole compression strength Fiber reinforced plastics - Determination of open hole or filled hole compression strength Fiber reinforced plastics - Determination of open hole or filled hole compression strength Fiber reinforced plastics - Determination of open hole or filled hole compression strength Fiber reinforced plastics - Determination of open hole or filled hole compression strength Fiber reinforced plastics - Determination of open hole or filled hole compression strength Fiber reinforced plastics - Determination of open hole or filled hole compression strength Fiber reinforced plastics - Determination of open hole or filled hole compression strength Fiber reinforced plastics - Determination of open hole or filled hole compression strength Fiber reinforced plastics - Determination of open hole or filled hole compression strength Fiber reinforced plastics - Determination of open hole or filled hole compression strength Fiber reinforced plastics - Determination of open hole or filled hole compression strength Fiber reinforced plastics - Determination of open hole or filled hole compression strength Fiber reinforced plastics - Determination of open hole or filled hole compression strength Fibre reinforced plastics - Determination of bearing strength by either pin or bolt bearing configuration Fibre reinforced plastics - Determination of bearing strength by either pin or bolt bearing configuration Fibre reinforced plastics - Determination of bearing strength by either pin or bolt bearing configuration Fibre reinforced plastics - Determination of compression strength after impact Fibre reinforced plastics - Determination of compression strength after impact Fibre reinforced plastics - Determination of compression strength after impact Fibre reinforced plastics - Sandwich flexural test - Four-point bending Fibre reinforced plastics - Sandwich flexural test - Four-point bending Fibre reinforced plastics - Sandwich flexural test - Four-point bending Fibre reinforced plastics - Sandwich flexural test - Four-point bending Fibre reinforced plastics - Sandwich flexural test - Four-point bending Fibre reinforced plastics - Sandwich flexural test - Four-point bending Fibre reinforced plastics - Sandwich flexural test - Four-point bending Fibre reinforced plastics - Sandwich flexural test - Four-point bending Fibre reinforced plastics - Sandwich flexural test - Four-point bending Fibre reinforced plastics - Sandwich flexural test - Four-point bending Fibre reinforced plastics - Sandwich flexural test - Four-point bending Determination of tensile lap shear strength of composite joints Determination of tensile lap shear strength of composite joints Determination of tensile lap shear strength of composite joints Determination of tensile lap shear strength of composite joints Determination of tensile lap shear strength of composite joints Determination of tensile lap shear strength of composite joints Determination of tensile lap shear strength of composite joints Determination of tensile lap shear strength of composite joints Determination of tensile lap shear strength of composite joints Determination of tensile lap shear strength of composite joints Determination of tensile lap shear strength of composite joints Determination of tensile lap shear strength of composite joints Determination of tensile lap shear strength of composite joints Determination of the completeness of cure of organic coatings Determination of the completeness of cure of organic coatings Determination of the completeness of cure of organic coatings Fiber reinforced plastics - Flatwise tensile test of composite sandwich panel Fiber reinforced plastics - Flatwise tensile test of composite sandwich panel Fiber reinforced plastics - Flatwise tensile test of composite sandwich panel Fiber reinforced plastics - Flatwise tensile test of composite sandwich panel Fiber reinforced plastics - Flatwise tensile test of composite sandwich panel Fiber reinforced plastics - Flatwise tensile test of composite sandwich panel Fiber reinforced plastics - Flatwise tensile test of composite sandwich panel Fiber reinforced plastics - Flatwise tensile test of composite sandwich panel Fiber reinforced plastics - Flatwise tensile test of composite sandwich panel Fiber reinforced plastics - Flatwise tensile test of composite sandwich panel Fiber reinforced plastics - Flatwise tensile test of composite sandwich panel Fibre reinforced plastics - Determination of tensile strength of a tapered or stepped joint Fibre reinforced plastics - Determination of tensile strength of a tapered or stepped joint Fibre reinforced plastics - Determination of tensile strength of a tapered or stepped joint Fibre reinforced plastics - Determination of tensile strength of a tapered or stepped joint Fibre reinforced plastics - Determination of tensile strength of a tapered or stepped joint Fibre reinforced plastics - Determination of tensile strength of a tapered or stepped joint Fibre reinforced plastics - Determination of tensile strength of a tapered or stepped joint Sealants - Determination of lap shear strength Sealants - Determination of lap shear strength Sealants: Determination of the curing rate of sealing materials Residual stress measurement for metallic plates Page 3 de 17 Status Qualified Qualified Qualified Authorised to proceed Qualified Authorised to proceed Qualified Qualified Authorised to proceed Authorised to Proceed Authorised to Proceed Authorised to Proceed Qualified Authorised to proceed Authorised to Proceed Qualified Authorised to proceed Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Authorised to proceed Qualified Authorised to proceed Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Authorised to proceed Authorised to proceed Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Authorised to proceed Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Authorised to proceed Authorised to proceed Qualified

Airbus Qualified Test Method List (QTML) External Report

= Register of Qualified Couples >Test Method / Test Facility< In Accordance with AP5262 (DRAFT) - Qualification Process of Couples <Test Method / Test Facility> For any further information, please contact : [email protected] Report: Ordered By Test Facility - Name of the Independent Lab
Version: 2011-1d - September 6th, 2011 Test Facility ARP-ID 276098 169755 169755 276098 284828 147019 284828 143041 147019 284828 143041 147019 284828 143041 147019 143041 143041 284828 260077 284828 147019 143041 169755 284828 260077 276098 284828 143041 147019 169755 276098 284828 143041 147019 169755 276098 284828 143041 147019 169755 143041 284828 276249 262425 169755 260011 59 296664 59 296664 59 296664 59 59 59 59 59 59 147019 276249 276249 276249 276249 59 147019 59 59 259686 294826 262425 169755 296664 276249 260011 259686 295927 262425 276249 169755 296664 277364 276249 59 49 259686 Name of the Independent Lab WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING IMA GMBH DRESDEN IMA GMBH DRESDEN WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING APPLUS+ LGAI TECHNOLOGICIAL CENTER S.A EXOVA CENTECH APPLUS+ LGAI TECHNOLOGICIAL CENTER S.A BK WERKSTOFFTECHNIK GMBH EXOVA CENTECH APPLUS+ LGAI TECHNOLOGICIAL CENTER S.A BK WERKSTOFFTECHNIK GMBH EXOVA CENTECH APPLUS+ LGAI TECHNOLOGICIAL CENTER S.A BK WERKSTOFFTECHNIK GMBH EXOVA CENTECH BK WERKSTOFFTECHNIK GMBH BK WERKSTOFFTECHNIK GMBH APPLUS+ LGAI TECHNOLOGICIAL CENTER S.A Keighley Laboratories Limited APPLUS+ LGAI TECHNOLOGICIAL CENTER S.A EXOVA CENTECH BK WERKSTOFFTECHNIK GMBH IMA GMBH DRESDEN APPLUS+ LGAI TECHNOLOGICIAL CENTER S.A Keighley Laboratories Limited WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING APPLUS+ LGAI TECHNOLOGICIAL CENTER S.A BK WERKSTOFFTECHNIK GMBH EXOVA CENTECH IMA GMBH DRESDEN WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING APPLUS+ LGAI TECHNOLOGICIAL CENTER S.A BK WERKSTOFFTECHNIK GMBH EXOVA CENTECH IMA GMBH DRESDEN WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING APPLUS+ LGAI TECHNOLOGICIAL CENTER S.A BK WERKSTOFFTECHNIK GMBH EXOVA CENTECH IMA GMBH DRESDEN BK WERKSTOFFTECHNIK GMBH APPLUS+ LGAI TECHNOLOGICIAL CENTER S.A TITANIA & LABCYP GMA-WERKSTOFFPRUEFUNG GMBH IMA GMBH DRESDEN UDG - AMADE UNIVERSITAT DE GIRONA Airbus Operations GmbH (Fire Test Lab) - 135837 RESCOLL, Socit de Recherche Airbus Operations GmbH (Fire Test Lab) - 135837 RESCOLL, Socit de Recherche Airbus Operations GmbH (Fire Test Lab) - 135837 RESCOLL, Socit de Recherche Airbus Operations GmbH (Fire Test Lab) - 135837 Airbus Operations GmbH (Fire Test Lab) - 135837 Airbus Operations GmbH (Fire Test Lab) - 135837 Airbus Operations GmbH (Fire Test Lab) - 135837 Airbus Operations GmbH (Fire Test Lab) - 135837 Airbus Operations GmbH (Fire Test Lab) - 135837 EXOVA CENTECH TITANIA & LABCYP TITANIA & LABCYP TITANIA & LABCYP TITANIA & LABCYP Airbus Operations GmbH (Fire Test Lab) - 135837 EXOVA CENTECH Airbus Operations GmbH (Fire Test Lab) - 135837 Airbus Operations GmbH (Fire Test Lab) - 135837 CETIM NANTES CRITT MATERIAUX GMA-WERKSTOFFPRUEFUNG GMBH IMA GMBH DRESDEN RESCOLL, Socit de Recherche TITANIA & LABCYP UDG - AMADE UNIVERSITAT DE GIRONA CETIM NANTES EXOVA LINKOPING GMA-WERKSTOFFPRUEFUNG GMBH TITANIA & LABCYP IMA GMBH DRESDEN RESCOLL, Socit de Recherche TEAMS TITANIA & LABCYP Airbus Operations GmbH (Fire Test Lab) - 135837 ATK LAUNCH SYSTEMS INC CETIM NANTES Town YOUNGSTOWN DRESDEN DRESDEN YOUNGSTOWN BELLATERRA COLOMIERS BELLATERRA BREMEN COLOMIERS BELLATERRA BREMEN COLOMIERS BELLATERRA BREMEN COLOMIERS BREMEN BREMEN BELLATERRA Keighley BELLATERRA COLOMIERS BREMEN DRESDEN BELLATERRA Keighley YOUNGSTOWN BELLATERRA BREMEN COLOMIERS DRESDEN YOUNGSTOWN BELLATERRA BREMEN COLOMIERS DRESDEN YOUNGSTOWN BELLATERRA BREMEN COLOMIERS DRESDEN BREMEN BELLATERRA PUERTO REAL STADE DRESDEN Girona Bremen PESSAC CEDEX Bremen PESSAC CEDEX Bremen PESSAC CEDEX Bremen Bremen Bremen Bremen Bremen Bremen COLOMIERS PUERTO REAL PUERTO REAL PUERTO REAL PUERTO REAL Bremen COLOMIERS Bremen Bremen NANTES Rochefort cedex STADE DRESDEN PESSAC CEDEX PUERTO REAL Girona NANTES LINKPING STADE PUERTO REAL DRESDEN PESSAC CEDEX LA RINCONADA PUERTO REAL Bremen Huntsville NANTES Country USA Germany Germany USA Spain France Spain Germany France Spain Germany France Spain Germany France Germany Germany Spain United Kingdom Spain France Germany Germany Spain United Kingdom USA Spain Germany France Germany USA Spain Germany France Germany USA Spain Germany France Germany Germany Spain Spain Germany Germany Spain Germany France Germany France Germany France Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany France Spain Spain Spain Spain Germany France Germany Germany France France Germany Germany France Spain Spain France Sweden Germany Spain Germany France Spain Spain Germany USA France Referential AITM 1-0040 AITM 1-0042 (ASTM E647) AITM 1-0043 (ASTM E561) AITM 1-0043 (ASTM E561) AITM 1-0047 AITM 1-0047 AITM 1-0048 AITM 1-0048 AITM 1-0048 AITM 1-0049 AITM 1-0049 AITM 1-0049 AITM 1-0050-A / B AITM 1-0050-A / B AITM 1-0050-A / B AITM 1-0051 AITM 1-0053 AITM 1-0058 AITM 1-0058 AITM 1-0059 AITM 1-0059 AITM 1-0060 AITM 1-0060 AITM 1-0064 AITM 1-0064 AITM 1-0064 AITM 1-0065 AITM 1-0065 AITM 1-0065 AITM 1-0065 AITM 1-0065 AITM 1-0066 (preliminary sheet) AITM 1-0066 (preliminary sheet) AITM 1-0066 (preliminary sheet) AITM 1-0066 (preliminary sheet) AITM 1-0066 (preliminary sheet) AITM 1-0067 (preliminary sheet) AITM 1-0067 (preliminary sheet) AITM 1-0067 (preliminary sheet) AITM 1-0067 (preliminary sheet) AITM 1-0069 AITM 1-0070 AITM 1-0070 AITM 2-0001 AITM 2-0001 AITM 2-0001 AITM 2-0002-A / B AITM 2-0002-A / B AITM 2-0003 AITM 2-0003 AITM 2-0004 AITM 2-0004 AITM 2-0005 AITM 2-0006 AITM 2-0007 AITM 2-0008-A/B AITM 2-0009 AITM 2-0010 AITM 2-0013 AITM 2-0027 AITM 2-0033 AITM 2-0034 AITM 2-0037 AITM 2-0038 AITM 2-0046 AITM 2-0053 AITM 2-0056 AITM 3-0002 AITM 3-0002 AITM 3-0002 AITM 3-0002 AITM 3-0002 AITM 3-0002 AITM 3-0002 AITM 3-0003 (EN 6042) AITM 3-0003 (EN 6042) AITM 3-0003 (EN 6042) AITM 3-0003 (EN 6042) AITM 3-0004 (EN 6043) AITM 3-0004 (EN 6043) AITM 3-0004 (EN 6043) AITM 3-0004 (EN 6043) AITM 3-0005 AITM 3-0006 AITM 3-0008 (EN 6064) Test Method Test Label Residual stress measurement for metallic plates Determination of fatigue crack growth rates for aluminium clad sheet and clad plate up to 12 mm in constant-load-amplitude tests - K-increasing method Determination of crack resistance (R-Curve) for aluminium clad sheet and clad plate up to 12 mm for M(T) specimens Determination of crack resistance (R-Curve) for aluminium clad sheet and clad plate up to 12 mm for M(T) specimens Determination of apparent interlaminar shear strength of fibre metal laminates (Glare materials) Determination of apparent interlaminar shear strength of fibre metal laminates (Glare materials) Compression test method of fibre metal laminates (Glare materials) Compression test method of fibre metal laminates (Glare materials) Compression test method of fibre metal laminates (Glare materials) Tensile test method of fibre metal laminates (Glare materials) Tensile test method of fibre metal laminates (Glare materials) Tensile test method of fibre metal laminates (Glare materials) Test method for the determination of blunt notch open and filled hole tensile strength of fibre metal laminates (Glare materials) Test method for the determination of blunt notch open and filled hole tensile strength of fibre metal laminates (Glare materials) Test method for the determination of blunt notch open and filled hole tensile strength of fibre metal laminates (Glare materials) Fibre metal laminates (Glare material) - Determination of bearing strength Carbon fibre reinforced plastics - Determination of fracture toughness energy of bonded joints - Mode I - G1c Mobile hardness testing Mobile hardness testing In-plane-shear test on fibre metal laminates (Glare material) In-plane-shear test on fibre metal laminates (Glare material) T-Type tensile tests on welded joints T-Type tensile tests on welded joints Butt welding of aluminium alloys - Bend test Butt welding of aluminium alloys - Bend test Butt welding of aluminium alloys - Bend test Fiber reinforced plastics - Determination of joint strength of mechanically fastened joints Fiber reinforced plastics - Determination of joint strength of mechanically fastened joints Fiber reinforced plastics - Determination of joint strength of mechanically fastened joints Fiber reinforced plastics - Determination of joint strength of mechanically fastened joints Fiber reinforced plastics - Determination of joint strength of mechanically fastened joints Fibre reinforced plastics Determination of pull-out / pull-through strength on riveted joints Fibre reinforced plastics Determination of pull-out / pull-through strength on riveted joints Fibre reinforced plastics Determination of pull-out / pull-through strength on riveted joints Fibre reinforced plastics Determination of pull-out / pull-through strength on riveted joints Fibre reinforced plastics Determination of pull-out / pull-through strength on riveted joints Determination of tension through the hole strength on fastened joints Determination of tension through the hole strength on fastened joints Determination of tension through the hole strength on fastened joints Determination of tension through the hole strength on fastened joints Fibre reinforced plastics - Determination of curved-beam failure load Surface roughness measurements using surface stylus methods Surface roughness measurements using surface stylus methods Fibre reinforced plastics - Determination of the exothermic reaction during curing of prepreg materials Fibre reinforced plastics - Determination of the exothermic reaction during curing of prepreg materials Fibre reinforced plastics - Determination of the exothermic reaction during curing of prepreg materials Resistance of Materials when tested according to the 12s or 60s vertical bunsen burner test Resistance of Materials when tested according to the 12s or 60s vertical bunsen burner test Resistance of Materials when tested according to the 15s horizontal bunsen burner test Resistance of Materials when tested according to the 15s horizontal bunsen burner test Flammability of non-metallic materials - Small burner test, 45 - Determination of the resistance of material to flame and glow propagation, and to flame penetration Flammability of non-metallic materials - Small burner test, 45 - Determination of the resistance of material to flame and glow propagation, and to flame penetration Flammability of non-metallic materials - Small burner test, 60 - Determination of the resistance of electrical wire insulation materials to flame at 60 Determination of heat release and heat release rate of aircraft materials Determination of the specific optical smoke density of component parts or sub-assemblies of aircraft interior Determination of the optical smoke density of electrical and non-electrical cable Fire resistance of aircraft seat cushion utilizing a high density open flame Fire resistance of aircraft cargo component lining materials utilizing a high density open flame Determination of sealant adhesion by linear debonding test Determination of colour differences Sealants - Determination of slump Sealants - Determination of tack-free time of sealing materials Fluid tightness test for sandwich specimen and structures Flammability of non-metallic heat shrinkable tubings - Small burner test, 60 - Determination of the resistance of non-metallic heat shrinkable tubings to flame at 60 Temporary Protectives - Determination of tack Determination of flammability and flame propagation of thermal / acoustic insulation materials - Radiant panel test Determination of burn through resistance characteristics of thermal / acoustic insulation materials Analysis of non metallic material (uncured) by diffrential scanning calorimetry (DSC) Analysis of non metallic material (uncured) by diffrential scanning calorimetry (DSC) Analysis of non metallic material (uncured) by diffrential scanning calorimetry (DSC) Analysis of non metallic material (uncured) by diffrential scanning calorimetry (DSC) Analysis of non metallic material (uncured) by diffrential scanning calorimetry (DSC) Analysis of non metallic material (uncured) by diffrential scanning calorimetry (DSC) Analysis of non metallic material (uncured) by diffrential scanning calorimetry (DSC) Analysis of organic compounds by infrared spectroscopy (IR) Analysis of organic compounds by infrared spectroscopy (IR) Analysis of organic compounds by infrared spectroscopy (IR) Analysis of organic compounds by infrared spectroscopy (IR) Determination of gel time and viscosity Determination of gel time and viscosity Determination of gel time and viscosity Determination of gel time and viscosity Determination of specific gas components of smoke generated by aircraft interior materials Fibre reinforced plastics - Determination of material degradation due to chemical products Determination of the extent of cure by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) Page 4 de 17 Status Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Authorised to proceed Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Authorised to proceed Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Authorised to Proceed Authorised to proceed Qualified Qualified Authorised to proceed Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Authorised to proceed Authorised to proceed Authorised to proceed Authorised to proceed Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Authorised to proceed Authorised to proceed Qualified Qualified Qualified Authorised to proceed Qualified Qualified Qualified Authorised to proceed Qualified Authorised to proceed Qualified

Airbus Qualified Test Method List (QTML) External Report

= Register of Qualified Couples >Test Method / Test Facility< In Accordance with AP5262 (DRAFT) - Qualification Process of Couples <Test Method / Test Facility> For any further information, please contact : [email protected] Report: Ordered By Test Facility - Name of the Independent Lab
Version: 2011-1d - September 6th, 2011 Test Facility ARP-ID 294826 262425 169755 296664 276249 260011 260077 276086 276086 276249 262425 284828 72 40 284828 72 69 44 40 284828 43 72 44 285969 45 260077 42 284828 72 44 295927 72 69 44 284828 72 295927 69 276086 284828 143041 147145 276086 276098 143041 262425 143041 262425 260077 276086 276249 150147 276093 276095 276084 295929 55 277364 276249 276098 137458 205775 205775 260077 276086 284828 143041 276094 294826 276095 219624 262425 276086 276098 40 284828 276094 259686 147115 150147 276093 147019 295927 260077 296665 Name of the Independent Lab CRITT MATERIAUX GMA-WERKSTOFFPRUEFUNG GMBH IMA GMBH DRESDEN RESCOLL, Socit de Recherche TITANIA & LABCYP UDG - AMADE UNIVERSITAT DE GIRONA Keighley Laboratories Limited POLE TECHNOLOGIQUE CASIMIR POLE TECHNOLOGIQUE CASIMIR TITANIA & LABCYP GMA-WERKSTOFFPRUEFUNG GMBH APPLUS+ LGAI TECHNOLOGICIAL CENTER S.A Fundacin TECNALIA Research & Innovation Anachem Labs APPLUS+ LGAI TECHNOLOGICIAL CENTER S.A Fundacin TECNALIA Research & Innovation Intertek (ITS TESTING SERVICES (UK) LTD) INTERTEK MALAYSIA Anachem Labs APPLUS+ LGAI TECHNOLOGICIAL CENTER S.A EXOVA RUNCORN Fundacin TECNALIA Research & Innovation INTERTEK MALAYSIA INTERTEK TESTING & CERTIFICATION LTD INTERTEK TESTING & CERTIFICATION LTD (Canada) Keighley Laboratories Limited MAXXAM ANALYTICS APPLUS+ LGAI TECHNOLOGICIAL CENTER S.A Fundacin TECNALIA Research & Innovation INTERTEK MALAYSIA EXOVA LINKOPING Fundacin TECNALIA Research & Innovation Intertek (ITS TESTING SERVICES (UK) LTD) INTERTEK MALAYSIA APPLUS+ LGAI TECHNOLOGICIAL CENTER S.A Fundacin TECNALIA Research & Innovation EXOVA LINKOPING Intertek (ITS TESTING SERVICES (UK) LTD) POLE TECHNOLOGIQUE CASIMIR APPLUS+ LGAI TECHNOLOGICIAL CENTER S.A BK WERKSTOFFTECHNIK GMBH BUREAU VERITAS LABORATOIRES POLE TECHNOLOGIQUE CASIMIR WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING BK WERKSTOFFTECHNIK GMBH GMA-WERKSTOFFPRUEFUNG GMBH BK WERKSTOFFTECHNIK GMBH GMA-WERKSTOFFPRUEFUNG GMBH Keighley Laboratories Limited POLE TECHNOLOGIQUE CASIMIR TITANIA & LABCYP CRITT MDTS DICKSON TESTING COMPANY DIRATS LABORATORIES EXOVA LA INCOTEST MECASEM (Ostwald) TEAMS TITANIA & LABCYP WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING AMSAFE TV Rheinland Kraftfahrt GmbH TV Rheinland Kraftfahrt GmbH Keighley Laboratories Limited POLE TECHNOLOGIQUE CASIMIR APPLUS+ LGAI TECHNOLOGICIAL CENTER S.A BK WERKSTOFFTECHNIK GMBH BUREAU VERITAS LABORATOIRES CRITT MATERIAUX DIRATS LABORATORIES EXOVA BRIDGWATER GMA-WERKSTOFFPRUEFUNG GMBH POLE TECHNOLOGIQUE CASIMIR WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING Anachem Labs APPLUS+ LGAI TECHNOLOGICIAL CENTER S.A BUREAU VERITAS LABORATOIRES CETIM NANTES CETIM SENLIS CRITT MDTS DICKSON TESTING COMPANY EXOVA CENTECH EXOVA LINKOPING Keighley Laboratories Limited LABORATOIRE ECCI Town Rochefort cedex STADE DRESDEN PESSAC CEDEX PUERTO REAL Girona Keighley AUBIERE CEDEX AUBIERE CEDEX PUERTO REAL STADE BELLATERRA DONOSTIA-SAN SEBASTIN El Segundo BELLATERRA DONOSTIA-SAN SEBASTIN Derby Port Klang El Segundo BELLATERRA Cheshire DONOSTIA-SAN SEBASTIN Port Klang Essex Hamilton Keighley Mississauga BELLATERRA DONOSTIA-SAN SEBASTIN Port Klang LINKPING DONOSTIA-SAN SEBASTIN Derby Port Klang BELLATERRA DONOSTIA-SAN SEBASTIN LINKPING Derby AUBIERE CEDEX BELLATERRA BREMEN SAINT-OUEN L'AUMNE AUBIERE CEDEX YOUNGSTOWN BREMEN STADE BREMEN STADE Keighley AUBIERE CEDEX PUERTO REAL CHARLEVILLE MEZIERES SOUTHGATE WESTFIELD SANTA FE SPRINGS HEREFORD OSTWALD LA RINCONADA PUERTO REAL YOUNGSTOWN Phoenix Cologne / Helmond Cologne / Helmond Keighley AUBIERE CEDEX BELLATERRA BREMEN BELFORT Rochefort cedex WESTFIELD SOMERSET STADE AUBIERE CEDEX YOUNGSTOWN El Segundo BELLATERRA BELFORT NANTES SENLIS CHARLEVILLE MEZIERES SOUTHGATE COLOMIERS LINKPING Keighley SERRES CASTET CEDEX Country France Germany Germany France Spain Spain United Kingdom France France Spain Germany Spain Spain USA Spain Spain United Kingdom Malaysia USA Spain United Kingdom Spain Malaysia United Kingdom Canada United Kingdom Canada Spain Spain Malaysia Sweden Spain United Kingdom Malaysia Spain Spain Sweden United Kingdom France Spain Germany France France USA Germany Germany Germany Germany United Kingdom France Spain France USA USA USA United Kingdom France Spain Spain USA USA Germany Germany United Kingdom France Spain Germany France France USA United Kingdom Germany France USA USA Spain France France France France USA France Sweden United Kingdom France Referential AITM 3-0008 (EN 6064) AITM 3-0008 (EN 6064) AITM 3-0008 (EN 6064) AITM 3-0008 (EN 6064) AITM 3-0008 (EN 6064) AITM 3-0008 (EN 6064) AITM 3-0012 AITM 3-0013 AITM 3-0017 AITM 3-0025 AITM 3-0027 AITM 3-0029 AITM 3-0029 AITM 3-0030 AITM 3-0030 AITM 3-0030 AITM 3-0030 AITM 3-0030 AITM 3-0032 AITM 3-0032 AITM 3-0032 AITM 3-0032 AITM 3-0032 AITM 3-0032 AITM 3-0032 AITM 3-0032 AITM 3-0032 AITM 3-0034 AITM 3-0034 AITM 3-0034 AITM 3-0035 AITM 3-0035 AITM 3-0035 AITM 3-0035 AITM 3-0036 AITM 3-0036 AITM 3-0038 AITM 3-0038 AITM 3-0039 (preliminary sheet) AITM 4-0002 AITM 4-0002 AITM 4-0002 AITM 4-0002 AITM 4-0002 AITM 4-0003 AITM 4-0003 AITM 4-0005 AITM 4-0005 AITM 5-0011 (preliminary sheet) AITM 5-0011 (preliminary sheet) AITM 7-0003 AMS 2315 AMS 2315 AMS 2315 AMS 2315 AMS 2315 AMS 2315 AMS 2315 AMS 2315 AMS 2315 AS 8049-B AS 8049-B AS 8049-B ASTM A262 ASTM A262 ASTM A604 (EN 2003-7) ASTM A604 (EN 2003-7) ASTM A604 (EN 2003-7) ASTM A604 (EN 2003-7) ASTM A604 (EN 2003-7) ASTM A604 (EN 2003-7) ASTM A604 (EN 2003-7) ASTM A604 (EN 2003-7) ASTM A604 (EN 2003-7) ASTM B117 ASTM B117 ASTM B117 ASTM B117 ASTM B117 ASTM B117 ASTM B117 ASTM B117 ASTM B117 ASTM B117 ASTM B117 Test Method Test Label Determination of the extent of cure by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) Determination of the extent of cure by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) Determination of the extent of cure by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) Determination of the extent of cure by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) Determination of the extent of cure by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) Determination of the extent of cure by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) Shear testing of metallic materials wrought products Testing of susceptibility to exfolation corrosion in 2XXX and 7XXX series wrought aluminium alloy products Gas chromatography (GC) Determination of solid content Determination of the melting behaviour and the extent of cristallinity of semi-cristalline materials by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) Determination of iron (III) as reactive compound in acidic surface treatment baths Determination of iron (III) as reactive compound in acidic surface treatment baths Titration of sulphuric and tartaric acid in anodizing electrolytes Titration of sulphuric and tartaric acid in anodizing electrolytes Titration of sulphuric and tartaric acid in anodizing electrolytes Titration of sulphuric and tartaric acid in anodizing electrolytes Titration of sulphuric and tartaric acid in anodizing electrolytes Analysis of metals in galvanic bathes by ICP-spectroscopy Analysis of metals in galvanic bathes by ICP-spectroscopy Analysis of metals in galvanic bathes by ICP-spectroscopy Analysis of metals in galvanic bathes by ICP-spectroscopy Analysis of metals in galvanic bathes by ICP-spectroscopy Analysis of metals in galvanic bathes by ICP-spectroscopy Analysis of metals in galvanic bathes by ICP-spectroscopy Analysis of metals in galvanic bathes by ICP-spectroscopy Analysis of metals in galvanic bathes by ICP-spectroscopy Combined determination of free hydroxide and aluminium in alkaline surface treatment baths Combined determination of free hydroxide and aluminium in alkaline surface treatment baths Combined determination of free hydroxide and aluminium in alkaline surface treatment baths Determination of chloride contaminations in surface treatment baths Determination of chloride contaminations in surface treatment baths Determination of chloride contaminations in surface treatment baths Determination of chloride contaminations in surface treatment baths Determination of hydrogen ions in surface treatment baths Determination of hydrogen ions in surface treatment baths Determination of non-volatile-residue Determination of non-volatile-residue Determination of particle sizes Microstructural characterization of welded aluminium structures Microstructural characterization of welded aluminium structures Microstructural characterization of welded aluminium structures Microstructural characterization of welded aluminium structures Microstructural characterization of welded aluminium structures Test method for determining the pore content of fibre reinforced plastics using automatic image analysis Test method for determining the pore content of fibre reinforced plastics using automatic image analysis Macroscopic and microscopic examination of fiber reinforced plastics Macroscopic and microscopic examination of fiber reinforced plastics Neutral salt spray test - Corrosion behaviour of surface treatments on aluminium, titanium and steel alloys Neutral salt spray test - Corrosion behaviour of surface treatments on aluminium, titanium and steel alloys Sealants - Determination of application tome of sealing materials Determination of delta ferrite content Determination of delta ferrite content Determination of delta ferrite content Determination of delta ferrite content Determination of delta ferrite content Determination of delta ferrite content Determination of delta ferrite content Determination of delta ferrite content Determination of delta ferrite content Performance standard for seats, in civil rotorcrafts, transport aircraft, and general aviation aircraft Performance standard for seats, in civil rotorcrafts, transport aircraft, and general aviation aircraft Performance standard for seats, in civil rotorcrafts, transport aircraft, and general aviation aircraft Standard practices for detecting susceptibility to intergranular attack in austenitic stainless steels Standard practices for detecting susceptibility to intergranular attack in austenitic stainless steels Macroetch testing of consumable electrode remelted steel bars and billets Macroetch testing of consumable electrode remelted steel bars and billets Macroetch testing of consumable electrode remelted steel bars and billets Macroetch testing of consumable electrode remelted steel bars and billets Macroetch testing of consumable electrode remelted steel bars and billets Macroetch testing of consumable electrode remelted steel bars and billets Macroetch testing of consumable electrode remelted steel bars and billets Macroetch testing of consumable electrode remelted steel bars and billets Macroetch testing of consumable electrode remelted steel bars and billets Standard practice for operating salt spray (Fog) apparatus Standard practice for operating salt spray (Fog) apparatus Standard practice for operating salt spray (Fog) apparatus Standard practice for operating salt spray (Fog) apparatus Standard practice for operating salt spray (Fog) apparatus Standard practice for operating salt spray (Fog) apparatus Standard practice for operating salt spray (Fog) apparatus Standard practice for operating salt spray (Fog) apparatus Standard practice for operating salt spray (Fog) apparatus Standard practice for operating salt spray (Fog) apparatus Standard practice for operating salt spray (Fog) apparatus Page 5 de 17 Status Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Authorised to proceed Authorised to proceed Authorised to proceed Qualified Qualified Authorised to proceed Qualified Authorised to Proceed Authorised to proceed Qualified Qualified Authorised to proceed Authorised to proceed Authorised to proceed Qualified Qualified Authorised to proceed Authorised to proceed Authorised to proceed Authorised to proceed Authorised to proceed Authorised to proceed Authorised to proceed Authorised to Proceed Authorised to proceed Authorised to proceed Authorised to Proceed Authorised to proceed Authorised to proceed Authorised to proceed Authorised to Proceed Authorised to proceed Authorised to Proceed Authorised to proceed Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Authorised to proceed Qualified Authorised to proceed Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Disqualified Qualified Authorised to proceed Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Authorised to proceed Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Authorised to Proceed Qualified Qualified Authorised to Proceed Authorised to proceed Qualified

Airbus Qualified Test Method List (QTML) External Report

= Register of Qualified Couples >Test Method / Test Facility< In Accordance with AP5262 (DRAFT) - Qualification Process of Couples <Test Method / Test Facility> For any further information, please contact : [email protected] Report: Ordered By Test Facility - Name of the Independent Lab
Version: 2011-1d - September 6th, 2011 Test Facility ARP-ID 276425 55 276086 197093 277364 276249 276098 257831 284828 147019 169755 276098 257831 276095 276098 40 284828 219624 147019 295927 277364 276098 219624 147019 277364 277364 257831 284828 143041 147145 290825 276426 259686 147115 294826 150147 276093 276095 219624 147019 276084 262425 169755 295929 260077 276425 55 276086 276249 276098 257831 284828 276093 276095 276084 169755 295929 276098 147145 150147 276093 276095 276095 276084 295929 276098 40 150147 276093 276095 276084 295929 276098 295929 295929 143041 277364 257831 290825 294826 150147 276093 276095 147019 295927 Name of the Independent Lab MECASEM (Cormeilles en Parisis) MECASEM (Ostwald) POLE TECHNOLOGIQUE CASIMIR SERCOVAM LABORATOIRE D'ESSAIS TEAMS TITANIA & LABCYP WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING & RESEARCH LTD APPLUS+ LGAI TECHNOLOGICIAL CENTER S.A EXOVA CENTECH IMA GMBH DRESDEN WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING & RESEARCH LTD DIRATS LABORATORIES WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING Anachem Labs APPLUS+ LGAI TECHNOLOGICIAL CENTER S.A EXOVA BRIDGWATER EXOVA CENTECH EXOVA LINKOPING TEAMS WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING EXOVA BRIDGWATER EXOVA CENTECH TEAMS TEAMS WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING & RESEARCH LTD APPLUS+ LGAI TECHNOLOGICIAL CENTER S.A BK WERKSTOFFTECHNIK GMBH BUREAU VERITAS LABORATOIRES BUREAU VERITAS LABORATOIRES CEPESI CETIM NANTES CETIM SENLIS CRITT MATERIAUX CRITT MDTS DICKSON TESTING COMPANY DIRATS LABORATORIES EXOVA BRIDGWATER EXOVA CENTECH EXOVA LA GMA-WERKSTOFFPRUEFUNG GMBH IMA GMBH DRESDEN INCOTEST Keighley Laboratories Limited MECASEM (Cormeilles en Parisis) MECASEM (Ostwald) POLE TECHNOLOGIQUE CASIMIR TITANIA & LABCYP WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING & RESEARCH LTD APPLUS+ LGAI TECHNOLOGICIAL CENTER S.A DICKSON TESTING COMPANY DIRATS LABORATORIES EXOVA LA IMA GMBH DRESDEN INCOTEST WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING BUREAU VERITAS LABORATOIRES CRITT MDTS DICKSON TESTING COMPANY DIRATS LABORATORIES DIRATS LABORATORIES EXOVA LA INCOTEST WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING Anachem Labs CRITT MDTS DICKSON TESTING COMPANY DIRATS LABORATORIES EXOVA LA INCOTEST WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING INCOTEST INCOTEST BK WERKSTOFFTECHNIK GMBH TEAMS WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING & RESEARCH LTD BUREAU VERITAS LABORATOIRES CRITT MATERIAUX CRITT MDTS DICKSON TESTING COMPANY DIRATS LABORATORIES EXOVA CENTECH EXOVA LINKOPING Town CORMEILLES EN PARISIS OSTWALD AUBIERE CEDEX CESTAS LA RINCONADA PUERTO REAL YOUNGSTOWN BANBURY BELLATERRA COLOMIERS DRESDEN YOUNGSTOWN BANBURY WESTFIELD YOUNGSTOWN El Segundo BELLATERRA SOMERSET COLOMIERS LINKPING LA RINCONADA YOUNGSTOWN SOMERSET COLOMIERS LA RINCONADA LA RINCONADA BANBURY BELLATERRA BREMEN SAINT-OUEN L'AUMNE PESSAC CHARLEROI NANTES SENLIS Rochefort cedex CHARLEVILLE MEZIERES SOUTHGATE WESTFIELD SOMERSET COLOMIERS SANTA FE SPRINGS STADE DRESDEN HEREFORD Keighley CORMEILLES EN PARISIS OSTWALD AUBIERE CEDEX PUERTO REAL YOUNGSTOWN BANBURY BELLATERRA SOUTHGATE WESTFIELD SANTA FE SPRINGS DRESDEN HEREFORD YOUNGSTOWN SAINT-OUEN L'AUMNE CHARLEVILLE MEZIERES SOUTHGATE WESTFIELD WESTFIELD SANTA FE SPRINGS HEREFORD YOUNGSTOWN El Segundo CHARLEVILLE MEZIERES SOUTHGATE WESTFIELD SANTA FE SPRINGS HEREFORD YOUNGSTOWN HEREFORD HEREFORD BREMEN LA RINCONADA BANBURY PESSAC Rochefort cedex CHARLEVILLE MEZIERES SOUTHGATE WESTFIELD COLOMIERS LINKPING Country France France France France Spain Spain USA United Kingdom Spain France Germany USA United Kingdom USA USA USA Spain United Kingdom France Sweden Spain USA United Kingdom France Spain Spain United Kingdom Spain Germany France France Belgium France France France France USA USA United Kingdom France USA Germany Germany United Kingdom United Kingdom France France France Spain USA United Kingdom Spain USA USA USA Germany United Kingdom USA France France USA USA USA USA United Kingdom USA USA France USA USA USA United Kingdom USA United Kingdom United Kingdom Germany Spain United Kingdom France France France USA USA France Sweden Referential ASTM B117 ASTM B117 ASTM B117 ASTM B117 ASTM B117 ASTM B117 ASTM B117 ASTM B117 ASTM B769 ASTM B769 ASTM B769 ASTM B769 ASTM B769 ASTM C633 ASTM C633 ASTM D1876 ASTM D1876 ASTM D1876 ASTM D1876 ASTM D1876 ASTM D1876 ASTM D1876 ASTM D2734 ASTM D6641 ASTM D6641 ASTM D6641 ASTM E111 ASTM E112 ASTM E112 ASTM E112 ASTM E112 ASTM E112 ASTM E112 ASTM E112 ASTM E112 ASTM E112 ASTM E112 ASTM E112 ASTM E112 ASTM E112 ASTM E112 ASTM E112 ASTM E112 ASTM E112 ASTM E112 ASTM E112 ASTM E112 ASTM E112 ASTM E112 ASTM E112 ASTM E112 ASTM E139 ASTM E139 ASTM E139 ASTM E139 ASTM E139 ASTM E139 ASTM E139 ASTM E1409 ASTM E1409 ASTM E1409 ASTM E1409 ASTM E1409 ASTM E1409 ASTM E1409 ASTM E1409 ASTM E1447 ASTM E1447 ASTM E1447 ASTM E1447 ASTM E1447 ASTM E1447 ASTM E1447 ASTM E1941 ASTM E2371 ASTM E238 ASTM E238 ASTM E238 ASTM E3 ASTM E3 ASTM E3 ASTM E3 ASTM E3 ASTM E3 ASTM E3 Test Method Test Label Standard practice for operating salt spray (Fog) apparatus Standard practice for operating salt spray (Fog) apparatus Standard practice for operating salt spray (Fog) apparatus Standard practice for operating salt spray (Fog) apparatus Standard practice for operating salt spray (Fog) apparatus Standard practice for operating salt spray (Fog) apparatus Standard practice for operating salt spray (Fog) apparatus Standard practice for operating salt spray (Fog) apparatus Shear testing of aluminium alloys Shear testing of aluminium alloys Shear testing of aluminium alloys Shear testing of aluminium alloys Shear testing of aluminium alloys Adhesion or cohesion strength of thermal spray coatings Adhesion or cohesion strength of thermal spray coatings Peel resistance of adhesives (T-Peel test) Peel resistance of adhesives (T-Peel test) Peel resistance of adhesives (T-Peel test) Peel resistance of adhesives (T-Peel test) Peel resistance of adhesives (T-Peel test) Peel resistance of adhesives (T-Peel test) Peel resistance of adhesives (T-Peel test) Standard Test Methods for Void Content of Reinforced Plastics Compressive properties of polymer matrix composite materials using a combined loading compression (CLC) test fixture Compressive properties of polymer matrix composite materials using a combined loading compression (CLC) test fixture Compressive properties of polymer matrix composite materials using a combined loading compression (CLC) test fixture Youngs modulus, tangent modulus, and chord modulus Determining average grain size Determining average grain size Determining average grain size Determining average grain size Determining average grain size Determining average grain size Determining average grain size Determining average grain size Determining average grain size Determining average grain size Determining average grain size Determining average grain size Determining average grain size Determining average grain size Determining average grain size Determining average grain size Determining average grain size Determining average grain size Determining average grain size Determining average grain size Determining average grain size Determining average grain size Determining average grain size Determining average grain size Creep, creep-rupture, and stress-rupture tests of metallic materials Creep, creep-rupture, and stress-rupture tests of metallic materials Creep, creep-rupture, and stress-rupture tests of metallic materials Creep, creep-rupture, and stress-rupture tests of metallic materials Creep, creep-rupture, and stress-rupture tests of metallic materials Creep, creep-rupture, and stress-rupture tests of metallic materials Creep, creep-rupture, and stress-rupture tests of metallic materials Determination of nitrogen in titanium and titanium alloys by the inert gas fusion technique Determination of nitrogen in titanium and titanium alloys by the inert gas fusion technique Determination of nitrogen in titanium and titanium alloys by the inert gas fusion technique Determination of nitrogen in titanium and titanium alloys by the inert gas fusion technique Determination of nitrogen in titanium and titanium alloys by the inert gas fusion technique Determination of nitrogen in titanium and titanium alloys by the inert gas fusion technique Determination of nitrogen in titanium and titanium alloys by the inert gas fusion technique Determination of nitrogen in titanium and titanium alloys by the inert gas fusion technique Determination of hydrogen in titanium and titanium alloys by inert gas fusion thermal conductivity / infrared detection method Determination of hydrogen in titanium and titanium alloys by inert gas fusion thermal conductivity / infrared detection method Determination of hydrogen in titanium and titanium alloys by inert gas fusion thermal conductivity / infrared detection method Determination of hydrogen in titanium and titanium alloys by inert gas fusion thermal conductivity / infrared detection method Determination of hydrogen in titanium and titanium alloys by inert gas fusion thermal conductivity / infrared detection method Determination of hydrogen in titanium and titanium alloys by inert gas fusion thermal conductivity / infrared detection method Determination of hydrogen in titanium and titanium alloys by inert gas fusion thermal conductivity / infrared detection method Determination of carbon in refractory and reactive metals and their alloys by combustion analysis Analysis of Titanium and Titanium alloys by atomic emission plasma spectrometry Pin-type bearing test of metallic materials Pin-type bearing test of metallic materials Pin-type bearing test of metallic materials Standard guide for preparation of metallographic specimens Standard guide for preparation of metallographic specimens Standard guide for preparation of metallographic specimens Standard guide for preparation of metallographic specimens Standard guide for preparation of metallographic specimens Standard guide for preparation of metallographic specimens Standard guide for preparation of metallographic specimens Page 6 de 17 Status Qualified Disqualified Qualified Authorised to Proceed Qualified Authorised to proceed Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Disqualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Authorised to proceed Qualified Disqualified Qualified Authorised to proceed Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Authorised to Proceed Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Authorised to Proceed Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Authorised to Proceed

Airbus Qualified Test Method List (QTML) External Report

= Register of Qualified Couples >Test Method / Test Facility< In Accordance with AP5262 (DRAFT) - Qualification Process of Couples <Test Method / Test Facility> For any further information, please contact : [email protected] Report: Ordered By Test Facility - Name of the Independent Lab
Version: 2011-1d - September 6th, 2011 Test Facility ARP-ID 169755 260077 296665 276425 55 276086 277364 276249 276098 257831 260077 284828 143041 276094 147145 290825 294826 150147 276093 276095 219624 147019 262425 169755 260077 296665 276425 55 276249 276098 257831 40 284828 143041 276094 147145 290825 259686 147115 294826 150147 276093 276095 147019 276084 262425 169755 295929 260077 296665 276425 55 276086 276249 276249 276098 257831 276093 276095 147019 133443 276084 277364 276098 257831 284828 143041 276094 290825 294826 150147 276093 276095 219624 147019 295927 262425 169755 295929 260077 296665 276425 55 276086 276249 Name of the Independent Lab IMA GMBH DRESDEN Keighley Laboratories Limited LABORATOIRE ECCI MECASEM (Cormeilles en Parisis) MECASEM (Ostwald) POLE TECHNOLOGIQUE CASIMIR TEAMS TITANIA & LABCYP WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING & RESEARCH LTD Keighley Laboratories Limited APPLUS+ LGAI TECHNOLOGICIAL CENTER S.A BK WERKSTOFFTECHNIK GMBH BUREAU VERITAS LABORATOIRES BUREAU VERITAS LABORATOIRES BUREAU VERITAS LABORATOIRES CRITT MATERIAUX CRITT MDTS DICKSON TESTING COMPANY DIRATS LABORATORIES EXOVA BRIDGWATER EXOVA CENTECH GMA-WERKSTOFFPRUEFUNG GMBH IMA GMBH DRESDEN Keighley Laboratories Limited LABORATOIRE ECCI MECASEM (Cormeilles en Parisis) MECASEM (Ostwald) TITANIA & LABCYP WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING & RESEARCH LTD Anachem Labs APPLUS+ LGAI TECHNOLOGICIAL CENTER S.A BK WERKSTOFFTECHNIK GMBH BUREAU VERITAS LABORATOIRES BUREAU VERITAS LABORATOIRES BUREAU VERITAS LABORATOIRES CETIM NANTES CETIM SENLIS CRITT MATERIAUX CRITT MDTS DICKSON TESTING COMPANY DIRATS LABORATORIES EXOVA CENTECH EXOVA LA GMA-WERKSTOFFPRUEFUNG GMBH IMA GMBH DRESDEN INCOTEST Keighley Laboratories Limited LABORATOIRE ECCI MECASEM (Cormeilles en Parisis) MECASEM (Ostwald) POLE TECHNOLOGIQUE CASIMIR TITANIA & LABCYP TITANIA & LABCYP WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING & RESEARCH LTD DICKSON TESTING COMPANY DIRATS LABORATORIES EXOVA CENTECH EXOVA DAVENTRY EXOVA LA TEAMS WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING & RESEARCH LTD APPLUS+ LGAI TECHNOLOGICIAL CENTER S.A BK WERKSTOFFTECHNIK GMBH BUREAU VERITAS LABORATOIRES BUREAU VERITAS LABORATOIRES CRITT MATERIAUX CRITT MDTS DICKSON TESTING COMPANY DIRATS LABORATORIES EXOVA BRIDGWATER EXOVA CENTECH EXOVA LINKOPING GMA-WERKSTOFFPRUEFUNG GMBH IMA GMBH DRESDEN INCOTEST Keighley Laboratories Limited LABORATOIRE ECCI MECASEM (Cormeilles en Parisis) MECASEM (Ostwald) POLE TECHNOLOGIQUE CASIMIR TITANIA & LABCYP Town DRESDEN Keighley SERRES CASTET CEDEX CORMEILLES EN PARISIS OSTWALD AUBIERE CEDEX LA RINCONADA PUERTO REAL YOUNGSTOWN BANBURY Keighley BELLATERRA BREMEN BELFORT SAINT-OUEN L'AUMNE PESSAC Rochefort cedex CHARLEVILLE MEZIERES SOUTHGATE WESTFIELD SOMERSET COLOMIERS STADE DRESDEN Keighley SERRES CASTET CEDEX CORMEILLES EN PARISIS OSTWALD PUERTO REAL YOUNGSTOWN BANBURY El Segundo BELLATERRA BREMEN BELFORT SAINT-OUEN L'AUMNE PESSAC NANTES SENLIS Rochefort cedex CHARLEVILLE MEZIERES SOUTHGATE WESTFIELD COLOMIERS SANTA FE SPRINGS STADE DRESDEN HEREFORD Keighley SERRES CASTET CEDEX CORMEILLES EN PARISIS OSTWALD AUBIERE CEDEX PUERTO REAL PUERTO REAL YOUNGSTOWN BANBURY SOUTHGATE WESTFIELD COLOMIERS DAVENTRY SANTA FE SPRINGS LA RINCONADA YOUNGSTOWN BANBURY BELLATERRA BREMEN BELFORT PESSAC Rochefort cedex CHARLEVILLE MEZIERES SOUTHGATE WESTFIELD SOMERSET COLOMIERS LINKPING STADE DRESDEN HEREFORD Keighley SERRES CASTET CEDEX CORMEILLES EN PARISIS OSTWALD AUBIERE CEDEX PUERTO REAL Country Germany United Kingdom France France France France Spain Spain USA United Kingdom United Kingdom Spain Germany France France France France France USA USA United Kingdom France Germany Germany United Kingdom France France France Spain USA United Kingdom USA Spain Germany France France France France France France France USA USA France USA Germany Germany United Kingdom United Kingdom France France France France Spain Spain USA United Kingdom USA USA France United Kingdom USA Spain USA United Kingdom Spain Germany France France France France USA USA United Kingdom France Sweden Germany Germany United Kingdom United Kingdom France France France France Spain Referential ASTM E3 ASTM E3 ASTM E3 ASTM E3 ASTM E3 ASTM E3 ASTM E3 ASTM E3 ASTM E3 ASTM E3 ASTM E34 ASTM E340 ASTM E340 ASTM E340 ASTM E340 ASTM E340 ASTM E340 ASTM E340 ASTM E340 ASTM E340 ASTM E340 ASTM E340 ASTM E340 ASTM E340 ASTM E340 ASTM E340 ASTM E340 ASTM E340 ASTM E340 ASTM E340 ASTM E340 ASTM E384 / ISO 6507 ASTM E384 / ISO 6507 ASTM E384 / ISO 6507 ASTM E384 / ISO 6507 ASTM E384 / ISO 6507 ASTM E384 / ISO 6507 ASTM E384 / ISO 6507 ASTM E384 / ISO 6507 ASTM E384 / ISO 6507 ASTM E384 / ISO 6507 ASTM E384 / ISO 6507 ASTM E384 / ISO 6507 ASTM E384 / ISO 6507 ASTM E384 / ISO 6507 ASTM E384 / ISO 6507 ASTM E384 / ISO 6507 ASTM E384 / ISO 6507 ASTM E384 / ISO 6507 ASTM E384 / ISO 6507 ASTM E384 / ISO 6507 ASTM E384 / ISO 6507 ASTM E384 / ISO 6507 ASTM E384 / ISO 6507 ASTM E384 / ISO 6507 ASTM E384 / ISO 6507 ASTM E384 / ISO 6507 ASTM E399 ASTM E399 ASTM E399 ASTM E399 ASTM E399 ASTM E399 ASTM E399 ASTM E399 ASTM E407 ASTM E407 ASTM E407 ASTM E407 ASTM E407 ASTM E407 ASTM E407 ASTM E407 ASTM E407 ASTM E407 ASTM E407 ASTM E407 ASTM E407 ASTM E407 ASTM E407 ASTM E407 ASTM E407 ASTM E407 ASTM E407 ASTM E407 Standard guide for preparation of metallographic specimens Standard guide for preparation of metallographic specimens Standard guide for preparation of metallographic specimens Standard guide for preparation of metallographic specimens Standard guide for preparation of metallographic specimens Standard guide for preparation of metallographic specimens Standard guide for preparation of metallographic specimens Standard guide for preparation of metallographic specimens Standard guide for preparation of metallographic specimens Standard guide for preparation of metallographic specimens Chemical analysis of aluminum and aluminum-base alloys Macroetching metals and alloys Macroetching metals and alloys Macroetching metals and alloys Macroetching metals and alloys Macroetching metals and alloys Macroetching metals and alloys Macroetching metals and alloys Macroetching metals and alloys Macroetching metals and alloys Macroetching metals and alloys Macroetching metals and alloys Macroetching metals and alloys Macroetching metals and alloys Macroetching metals and alloys Macroetching metals and alloys Macroetching metals and alloys Macroetching metals and alloys Macroetching metals and alloys Macroetching metals and alloys Macroetching metals and alloys Microindentation hardness of materials Microindentation hardness of materials Microindentation hardness of materials Microindentation hardness of materials Microindentation hardness of materials Microindentation hardness of materials Microindentation hardness of materials Microindentation hardness of materials Microindentation hardness of materials Microindentation hardness of materials Microindentation hardness of materials Microindentation hardness of materials Microindentation hardness of materials Microindentation hardness of materials Microindentation hardness of materials Microindentation hardness of materials Microindentation hardness of materials Microindentation hardness of materials Microindentation hardness of materials Microindentation hardness of materials Microindentation hardness of materials Microindentation hardness of materials Microindentation hardness of materials Microindentation hardness of materials Microindentation hardness of materials Microindentation hardness of materials Linear-elastic plane-strain fracture toughness KIc of metallic materials Linear-elastic plane-strain fracture toughness KIc of metallic materials Linear-elastic plane-strain fracture toughness KIc of metallic materials Linear-elastic plane-strain fracture toughness KIc of metallic materials Linear-elastic plane-strain fracture toughness KIc of metallic materials Linear-elastic plane-strain fracture toughness KIc of metallic materials Linear-elastic plane-strain fracture toughness KIc of metallic materials Linear-elastic plane-strain fracture toughness KIc of metallic materials Microetching metals and alloys Microetching metals and alloys Microetching metals and alloys Microetching metals and alloys Microetching metals and alloys Microetching metals and alloys Microetching metals and alloys Microetching metals and alloys Microetching metals and alloys Microetching metals and alloys Microetching metals and alloys Microetching metals and alloys Microetching metals and alloys Microetching metals and alloys Microetching metals and alloys Microetching metals and alloys Microetching metals and alloys Microetching metals and alloys Microetching metals and alloys Microetching metals and alloys Page 7 de 17 Test Method Test Label Status Qualified Authorised to proceed Qualified Qualified Disqualified Qualified Qualified Authorised to proceed Qualified Qualified Authorised to proceed Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Authorised to proceed Qualified Qualified Disqualified Authorised to proceed Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Authorised to proceed Qualified Qualified Disqualified Qualified Authorised to proceed Authorised to proceed Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Disqualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Authorised to Proceed Qualified Qualified Qualified Authorised to proceed Qualified Qualified Disqualified Qualified Authorised to proceed

Airbus Qualified Test Method List (QTML) External Report

= Register of Qualified Couples >Test Method / Test Facility< In Accordance with AP5262 (DRAFT) - Qualification Process of Couples <Test Method / Test Facility> For any further information, please contact : [email protected] Report: Ordered By Test Facility - Name of the Independent Lab
Version: 2011-1d - September 6th, 2011 Test Facility ARP-ID 276098 257831 284828 147145 290825 147115 294826 150147 276095 219624 147019 169755 295929 260077 296665 276425 55 276098 257831 276093 276095 276084 295929 295929 147115 276095 147019 169755 277364 276098 257831 260077 276086 257831 295927 169755 284828 284828 143041 276093 147019 262425 169755 276098 257831 284828 143041 147019 295927 296665 276425 55 276086 276249 276098 284828 276098 284828 143041 147019 276086 277364 276249 276098 257831 276093 147019 276084 276093 147019 276084 276093 147019 276084 284828 276098 257831 284828 276086 276098 40 284828 260077 276425 55 Name of the Independent Lab WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING & RESEARCH LTD APPLUS+ LGAI TECHNOLOGICIAL CENTER S.A BUREAU VERITAS LABORATOIRES BUREAU VERITAS LABORATOIRES CETIM SENLIS CRITT MATERIAUX CRITT MDTS DIRATS LABORATORIES EXOVA BRIDGWATER EXOVA CENTECH IMA GMBH DRESDEN INCOTEST Keighley Laboratories Limited LABORATOIRE ECCI MECASEM (Cormeilles en Parisis) MECASEM (Ostwald) WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING & RESEARCH LTD DICKSON TESTING COMPANY DIRATS LABORATORIES EXOVA LA INCOTEST INCOTEST CETIM SENLIS DIRATS LABORATORIES EXOVA CENTECH IMA GMBH DRESDEN TEAMS WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING & RESEARCH LTD Keighley Laboratories Limited POLE TECHNOLOGIQUE CASIMIR WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING & RESEARCH LTD EXOVA LINKOPING IMA GMBH DRESDEN APPLUS+ LGAI TECHNOLOGICIAL CENTER S.A APPLUS+ LGAI TECHNOLOGICIAL CENTER S.A BK WERKSTOFFTECHNIK GMBH DICKSON TESTING COMPANY EXOVA CENTECH GMA-WERKSTOFFPRUEFUNG GMBH IMA GMBH DRESDEN WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING & RESEARCH LTD APPLUS+ LGAI TECHNOLOGICIAL CENTER S.A BK WERKSTOFFTECHNIK GMBH EXOVA CENTECH EXOVA LINKOPING LABORATOIRE ECCI MECASEM (Cormeilles en Parisis) MECASEM (Ostwald) POLE TECHNOLOGIQUE CASIMIR TITANIA & LABCYP WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING APPLUS+ LGAI TECHNOLOGICIAL CENTER S.A WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING APPLUS+ LGAI TECHNOLOGICIAL CENTER S.A BK WERKSTOFFTECHNIK GMBH EXOVA CENTECH POLE TECHNOLOGIQUE CASIMIR TEAMS TITANIA & LABCYP WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING & RESEARCH LTD DICKSON TESTING COMPANY EXOVA CENTECH EXOVA LA DICKSON TESTING COMPANY EXOVA CENTECH EXOVA LA DICKSON TESTING COMPANY EXOVA CENTECH EXOVA LA APPLUS+ LGAI TECHNOLOGICIAL CENTER S.A WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING & RESEARCH LTD APPLUS+ LGAI TECHNOLOGICIAL CENTER S.A POLE TECHNOLOGIQUE CASIMIR WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING Anachem Labs APPLUS+ LGAI TECHNOLOGICIAL CENTER S.A Keighley Laboratories Limited MECASEM (Cormeilles en Parisis) MECASEM (Ostwald) Town YOUNGSTOWN BANBURY BELLATERRA SAINT-OUEN L'AUMNE PESSAC SENLIS Rochefort cedex CHARLEVILLE MEZIERES WESTFIELD SOMERSET COLOMIERS DRESDEN HEREFORD Keighley SERRES CASTET CEDEX CORMEILLES EN PARISIS OSTWALD YOUNGSTOWN BANBURY SOUTHGATE WESTFIELD SANTA FE SPRINGS HEREFORD HEREFORD SENLIS WESTFIELD COLOMIERS DRESDEN LA RINCONADA YOUNGSTOWN BANBURY Keighley AUBIERE CEDEX BANBURY LINKPING DRESDEN BELLATERRA BELLATERRA BREMEN SOUTHGATE COLOMIERS STADE DRESDEN YOUNGSTOWN BANBURY BELLATERRA BREMEN COLOMIERS LINKPING SERRES CASTET CEDEX CORMEILLES EN PARISIS OSTWALD AUBIERE CEDEX PUERTO REAL YOUNGSTOWN BELLATERRA YOUNGSTOWN BELLATERRA BREMEN COLOMIERS AUBIERE CEDEX LA RINCONADA PUERTO REAL YOUNGSTOWN BANBURY SOUTHGATE COLOMIERS SANTA FE SPRINGS SOUTHGATE COLOMIERS SANTA FE SPRINGS SOUTHGATE COLOMIERS SANTA FE SPRINGS BELLATERRA YOUNGSTOWN BANBURY BELLATERRA AUBIERE CEDEX YOUNGSTOWN El Segundo BELLATERRA Keighley CORMEILLES EN PARISIS OSTWALD Country USA United Kingdom Spain France France France France France USA United Kingdom France Germany United Kingdom United Kingdom France France France USA United Kingdom USA USA USA United Kingdom United Kingdom France USA France Germany Spain USA United Kingdom United Kingdom France United Kingdom Sweden Germany Spain Spain Germany USA France Germany Germany USA United Kingdom Spain Germany France Sweden France France France France Spain USA Spain USA Spain Germany France France Spain Spain USA United Kingdom USA France USA USA France USA USA France USA Spain USA United Kingdom Spain France USA USA Spain United Kingdom France France Referential ASTM E407 ASTM E407 ASTM E45 ASTM E45 ASTM E45 ASTM E45 ASTM E45 ASTM E45 ASTM E45 ASTM E45 ASTM E45 ASTM E45 ASTM E45 ASTM E45 ASTM E45 ASTM E45 ASTM E45 ASTM E45 ASTM E45 ASTM E572 / ASTM E2465 ASTM E572 / ASTM E2465 ASTM E572 / ASTM E2465 ASTM E572 / ASTM E2465 ASTM E572 / ASTM E2465 ASTM E647 ASTM E647 ASTM E647 ASTM E647 ASTM E647 ASTM E647 ASTM E647 ASTM E8 ASTM E8 ASTM E8 ASTM E831 ASTM E831 ASTM E9 ASTM E9 ASTM E9 ASTM E9 ASTM E9 ASTM E9 ASTM E9 ASTM E9 ASTM E9 ASTM G110 ASTM G110 ASTM G110 ASTM G110 ASTM G110 ASTM G110 ASTM G110 ASTM G110 ASTM G110 ASTM G110 ASTM G112 ASTM G112 ASTM G34 ASTM G34 ASTM G34 ASTM G34 ASTM G34 ASTM G34 ASTM G34 ASTM G34 ASTM G44 ASTM G44 ASTM G44 ASTM G47 ASTM G47 ASTM G47 ASTM G49 ASTM G49 ASTM G49 ASTM G66 ASTM G66 ASTM G66 ASTM G67 ASTM G67 ASTM G67 ASTM G85 ASTM G85 ASTM G85 ASTM G85 ASTM G85 Test Method Test Label Microetching metals and alloys Microetching metals and alloys Determining the inclusion content of steel Determining the inclusion content of steel Determining the inclusion content of steel Determining the inclusion content of steel Determining the inclusion content of steel Determining the inclusion content of steel Determining the inclusion content of steel Determining the inclusion content of steel Determining the inclusion content of steel Determining the inclusion content of steel Determining the inclusion content of steel Determining the inclusion content of steel Determining the inclusion content of steel Determining the inclusion content of steel Determining the inclusion content of steel Determining the inclusion content of steel Determining the inclusion content of steel Analysis of stainless and alloy steels by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry / Analysis of Ni-base alloys by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry Analysis of stainless and alloy steels by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry / Analysis of Ni-base alloys by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry Analysis of stainless and alloy steels by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry / Analysis of Ni-base alloys by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry Analysis of stainless and alloy steels by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry / Analysis of Ni-base alloys by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry Analysis of stainless and alloy steels by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry / Analysis of Ni-base alloys by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry Measurement of fatigue crack growth rates (da/dn) Measurement of fatigue crack growth rates (da/dn) Measurement of fatigue crack growth rates (da/dn) Measurement of fatigue crack growth rates (da/dn) Measurement of fatigue crack growth rates (da/dn) Measurement of fatigue crack growth rates (da/dn) Measurement of fatigue crack growth rates (da/dn) Tension testing of metallic materials Tension testing of metallic materials Tension testing of metallic materials Linear thermal expansion of solid materials by thermomechanical analysis (TMA) Linear thermal expansion of solid materials by thermomechanical analysis (TMA) Compression testing of metallic materials at room temperature Compression testing of metallic materials at room temperature Compression testing of metallic materials at room temperature Compression testing of metallic materials at room temperature Compression testing of metallic materials at room temperature Compression testing of metallic materials at room temperature Compression testing of metallic materials at room temperature Compression testing of metallic materials at room temperature Compression testing of metallic materials at room temperature Evaluating intergranular corrosion resistance of heat treatable aluminium alloys by immersion in sodium chloride + hydrogen peroxide solution Evaluating intergranular corrosion resistance of heat treatable aluminium alloys by immersion in sodium chloride + hydrogen peroxide solution Evaluating intergranular corrosion resistance of heat treatable aluminium alloys by immersion in sodium chloride + hydrogen peroxide solution Evaluating intergranular corrosion resistance of heat treatable aluminium alloys by immersion in sodium chloride + hydrogen peroxide solution Evaluating intergranular corrosion resistance of heat treatable aluminium alloys by immersion in sodium chloride + hydrogen peroxide solution Evaluating intergranular corrosion resistance of heat treatable aluminium alloys by immersion in sodium chloride + hydrogen peroxide solution Evaluating intergranular corrosion resistance of heat treatable aluminium alloys by immersion in sodium chloride + hydrogen peroxide solution Evaluating intergranular corrosion resistance of heat treatable aluminium alloys by immersion in sodium chloride + hydrogen peroxide solution Evaluating intergranular corrosion resistance of heat treatable aluminium alloys by immersion in sodium chloride + hydrogen peroxide solution Evaluating intergranular corrosion resistance of heat treatable aluminium alloys by immersion in sodium chloride + hydrogen peroxide solution Standard guide for conducting exfoliation corrosion tests in aluminium alloys Standard guide for conducting exfoliation corrosion tests in aluminium alloys Exfoliation corrosion susceptibility in 2XXX and 7XXX series aluminum alloys (EXCO Test) Exfoliation corrosion susceptibility in 2XXX and 7XXX series aluminum alloys (EXCO Test) Exfoliation corrosion susceptibility in 2XXX and 7XXX series aluminum alloys (EXCO Test) Exfoliation corrosion susceptibility in 2XXX and 7XXX series aluminum alloys (EXCO Test) Exfoliation corrosion susceptibility in 2XXX and 7XXX series aluminum alloys (EXCO Test) Exfoliation corrosion susceptibility in 2XXX and 7XXX series aluminum alloys (EXCO Test) Exfoliation corrosion susceptibility in 2XXX and 7XXX series aluminum alloys (EXCO Test) Exfoliation corrosion susceptibility in 2XXX and 7XXX series aluminum alloys (EXCO Test) Standard practice for exposure of metals and alloys by alternate immersion in neutral 3.5 % sodium chloride solution Standard practice for exposure of metals and alloys by alternate immersion in neutral 3.5 % sodium chloride solution Standard practice for exposure of metals and alloys by alternate immersion in neutral 3.5 % sodium chloride solution Determining susceptibility to stress-corrosion cracking of 2XXX and 7XXX aluminum alloy products Determining susceptibility to stress-corrosion cracking of 2XXX and 7XXX aluminum alloy products Determining susceptibility to stress-corrosion cracking of 2XXX and 7XXX aluminum alloy products Standard practice for preparation and use of direct tension stress-corrosion test specimens Standard practice for preparation and use of direct tension stress-corrosion test specimens Standard practice for preparation and use of direct tension stress-corrosion test specimens Visual assessment of exfoliation corrosion susceptibility of 5XXX series aluminium alloys (ASSET test) Visual assessment of exfoliation corrosion susceptibility of 5XXX series aluminium alloys (ASSET test) Visual assessment of exfoliation corrosion susceptibility of 5XXX series aluminium alloys (ASSET test) Determining the susceptibility to intergranular corrosion of 5XXX series aluminium alloys by mass loss after exposure to nitric acid (NAMLT test) Determining the susceptibility to intergranular corrosion of 5XXX series aluminium alloys by mass loss after exposure to nitric acid (NAMLT test) Determining the susceptibility to intergranular corrosion of 5XXX series aluminium alloys by mass loss after exposure to nitric acid (NAMLT test) Modified salt spray (fog) testing Modified salt spray (fog) testing Modified salt spray (fog) testing Modified salt spray (fog) testing Modified salt spray (fog) testing Page 8 de 17 Status Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Authorised to proceed Qualified Qualified Disqualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Authorised to proceed Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Disqualified Qualified Authorised to proceed Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Authorised to proceed Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Authorised to proceed Qualified Disqualified

Airbus Qualified Test Method List (QTML) External Report

= Register of Qualified Couples >Test Method / Test Facility< In Accordance with AP5262 (DRAFT) - Qualification Process of Couples <Test Method / Test Facility> For any further information, please contact : [email protected] Report: Ordered By Test Facility - Name of the Independent Lab
Version: 2011-1d - September 6th, 2011 Test Facility ARP-ID 277364 276098 257831 284828 143041 276094 147145 276426 259686 147115 150147 276093 276095 219624 147019 276084 260077 296665 276425 55 276098 257831 284828 143041 259686 147115 150147 276093 219624 147019 276084 260077 296665 276425 55 276098 257831 260077 150147 276093 276095 276084 295929 260077 276098 284828 143041 276094 147145 276426 259686 147115 294826 150147 276093 276095 219624 147019 133443 276084 295927 262425 169755 295929 260077 296665 276425 55 276086 277364 276249 260011 276098 257831 284828 143041 276094 147145 150147 219624 147019 276084 262425 169755 295929 Name of the Independent Lab TEAMS WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING & RESEARCH LTD APPLUS+ LGAI TECHNOLOGICIAL CENTER S.A BK WERKSTOFFTECHNIK GMBH BUREAU VERITAS LABORATOIRES BUREAU VERITAS LABORATOIRES CEPESI CETIM NANTES CETIM SENLIS CRITT MDTS DICKSON TESTING COMPANY DIRATS LABORATORIES EXOVA BRIDGWATER EXOVA CENTECH EXOVA LA Keighley Laboratories Limited LABORATOIRE ECCI MECASEM (Cormeilles en Parisis) MECASEM (Ostwald) WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING & RESEARCH LTD APPLUS+ LGAI TECHNOLOGICIAL CENTER S.A BK WERKSTOFFTECHNIK GMBH CETIM NANTES CETIM SENLIS CRITT MDTS DICKSON TESTING COMPANY EXOVA BRIDGWATER EXOVA CENTECH EXOVA LA Keighley Laboratories Limited LABORATOIRE ECCI MECASEM (Cormeilles en Parisis) MECASEM (Ostwald) WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING & RESEARCH LTD Keighley Laboratories Limited CRITT MDTS DICKSON TESTING COMPANY DIRATS LABORATORIES EXOVA LA INCOTEST Keighley Laboratories Limited WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING APPLUS+ LGAI TECHNOLOGICIAL CENTER S.A BK WERKSTOFFTECHNIK GMBH BUREAU VERITAS LABORATOIRES BUREAU VERITAS LABORATOIRES CEPESI CETIM NANTES CETIM SENLIS CRITT MATERIAUX CRITT MDTS DICKSON TESTING COMPANY DIRATS LABORATORIES EXOVA BRIDGWATER EXOVA CENTECH EXOVA DAVENTRY EXOVA LA EXOVA LINKOPING GMA-WERKSTOFFPRUEFUNG GMBH IMA GMBH DRESDEN INCOTEST Keighley Laboratories Limited LABORATOIRE ECCI MECASEM (Cormeilles en Parisis) MECASEM (Ostwald) POLE TECHNOLOGIQUE CASIMIR TEAMS TITANIA & LABCYP UDG - AMADE UNIVERSITAT DE GIRONA WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING & RESEARCH LTD APPLUS+ LGAI TECHNOLOGICIAL CENTER S.A BK WERKSTOFFTECHNIK GMBH BUREAU VERITAS LABORATOIRES BUREAU VERITAS LABORATOIRES CRITT MDTS EXOVA BRIDGWATER EXOVA CENTECH EXOVA LA GMA-WERKSTOFFPRUEFUNG GMBH IMA GMBH DRESDEN INCOTEST Town LA RINCONADA YOUNGSTOWN BANBURY BELLATERRA BREMEN BELFORT SAINT-OUEN L'AUMNE CHARLEROI NANTES SENLIS CHARLEVILLE MEZIERES SOUTHGATE WESTFIELD SOMERSET COLOMIERS SANTA FE SPRINGS Keighley SERRES CASTET CEDEX CORMEILLES EN PARISIS OSTWALD YOUNGSTOWN BANBURY BELLATERRA BREMEN NANTES SENLIS CHARLEVILLE MEZIERES SOUTHGATE SOMERSET COLOMIERS SANTA FE SPRINGS Keighley SERRES CASTET CEDEX CORMEILLES EN PARISIS OSTWALD YOUNGSTOWN BANBURY Keighley CHARLEVILLE MEZIERES SOUTHGATE WESTFIELD SANTA FE SPRINGS HEREFORD Keighley YOUNGSTOWN BELLATERRA BREMEN BELFORT SAINT-OUEN L'AUMNE CHARLEROI NANTES SENLIS Rochefort cedex CHARLEVILLE MEZIERES SOUTHGATE WESTFIELD SOMERSET COLOMIERS DAVENTRY SANTA FE SPRINGS LINKPING STADE DRESDEN HEREFORD Keighley SERRES CASTET CEDEX CORMEILLES EN PARISIS OSTWALD AUBIERE CEDEX LA RINCONADA PUERTO REAL Girona YOUNGSTOWN BANBURY BELLATERRA BREMEN BELFORT SAINT-OUEN L'AUMNE CHARLEVILLE MEZIERES SOMERSET COLOMIERS SANTA FE SPRINGS STADE DRESDEN HEREFORD Country Spain USA United Kingdom Spain Germany France France Belgium France France France USA USA United Kingdom France USA United Kingdom France France France USA United Kingdom Spain Germany France France France USA United Kingdom France USA United Kingdom France France France USA United Kingdom United Kingdom France USA USA USA United Kingdom United Kingdom USA Spain Germany France France Belgium France France France France USA USA United Kingdom France United Kingdom USA Sweden Germany Germany United Kingdom United Kingdom France France France France Spain Spain Spain USA United Kingdom Spain Germany France France France United Kingdom France USA Germany Germany United Kingdom Referential ASTM G85 ASTM G85 ASTM G85 EN 10045-1 (ASTM E23) EN 10045-1 (ASTM E23) EN 10045-1 (ASTM E23) EN 10045-1 (ASTM E23) EN 10045-1 (ASTM E23) EN 10045-1 (ASTM E23) EN 10045-1 (ASTM E23) EN 10045-1 (ASTM E23) EN 10045-1 (ASTM E23) EN 10045-1 (ASTM E23) EN 10045-1 (ASTM E23) EN 10045-1 (ASTM E23) EN 10045-1 (ASTM E23) EN 10045-1 (ASTM E23) EN 10045-1 (ASTM E23) EN 10045-1 (ASTM E23) EN 10045-1 (ASTM E23) EN 10045-1 (ASTM E23) EN 10045-1 (ASTM E23) EN 10045-1 (ASTM E23) EN 10045-1 (ASTM E23) EN 10045-1 (ASTM E23) EN 10045-1 (ASTM E23) EN 10045-1 (ASTM E23) EN 10045-1 (ASTM E23) EN 10045-1 (ASTM E23) EN 10045-1 (ASTM E23) EN 10045-1 (ASTM E23) EN 10045-1 (ASTM E23) EN 10045-1 (ASTM E23) EN 10045-1 (ASTM E23) EN 10045-1 (ASTM E23) EN 10045-1 (ASTM E23) EN 10045-1 (ASTM E23) EN 10247 (ISO 4967) EN 10276 EN 10276 EN 10276 EN 10276 EN 10276 EN 10276 EN 10276 EN 2002-1 (ASTM E8 / ASTM B557) EN 2002-1 (ASTM E8 / ASTM B557) EN 2002-1 (ASTM E8 / ASTM B557) EN 2002-1 (ASTM E8 / ASTM B557) EN 2002-1 (ASTM E8 / ASTM B557) EN 2002-1 (ASTM E8 / ASTM B557) EN 2002-1 (ASTM E8 / ASTM B557) EN 2002-1 (ASTM E8 / ASTM B557) EN 2002-1 (ASTM E8 / ASTM B557) EN 2002-1 (ASTM E8 / ASTM B557) EN 2002-1 (ASTM E8 / ASTM B557) EN 2002-1 (ASTM E8 / ASTM B557) EN 2002-1 (ASTM E8 / ASTM B557) EN 2002-1 (ASTM E8 / ASTM B557) EN 2002-1 (ASTM E8 / ASTM B557) EN 2002-1 (ASTM E8 / ASTM B557) EN 2002-1 (ASTM E8 / ASTM B557) EN 2002-1 (ASTM E8 / ASTM B557) EN 2002-1 (ASTM E8 / ASTM B557) EN 2002-1 (ASTM E8 / ASTM B557) EN 2002-1 (ASTM E8 / ASTM B557) EN 2002-1 (ASTM E8 / ASTM B557) EN 2002-1 (ASTM E8 / ASTM B557) EN 2002-1 (ASTM E8 / ASTM B557) EN 2002-1 (ASTM E8 / ASTM B557) EN 2002-1 (ASTM E8 / ASTM B557) EN 2002-1 (ASTM E8 / ASTM B557) EN 2002-1 (ASTM E8 / ASTM B557) EN 2002-1 (ASTM E8 / ASTM B557) EN 2002-2 EN 2002-2 EN 2002-2 EN 2002-2 EN 2002-2 EN 2002-2 EN 2002-2 EN 2002-2 EN 2002-2 EN 2002-2 EN 2002-2 Test Method Test Label Modified salt spray (fog) testing Modified salt spray (fog) testing Modified salt spray (fog) testing Charpy impact test - Part 1 : Test method (ambient temperature) Charpy impact test - Part 1 : Test method (ambient temperature) Charpy impact test - Part 1 : Test method (ambient temperature) Charpy impact test - Part 1 : Test method (ambient temperature) Charpy impact test - Part 1 : Test method (ambient temperature) Charpy impact test - Part 1 : Test method (ambient temperature) Charpy impact test - Part 1 : Test method (ambient temperature) Charpy impact test - Part 1 : Test method (ambient temperature) Charpy impact test - Part 1 : Test method (ambient temperature) Charpy impact test - Part 1 : Test method (ambient temperature) Charpy impact test - Part 1 : Test method (ambient temperature) Charpy impact test - Part 1 : Test method (ambient temperature) Charpy impact test - Part 1 : Test method (ambient temperature) Charpy impact test - Part 1 : Test method (ambient temperature) Charpy impact test - Part 1 : Test method (ambient temperature) Charpy impact test - Part 1 : Test method (ambient temperature) Charpy impact test - Part 1 : Test method (ambient temperature) Charpy impact test - Part 1 : Test method (ambient temperature) Charpy impact test - Part 1 : Test method (ambient temperature) Charpy impact test - Part 1 : Test method (low temperature) Charpy impact test - Part 1 : Test method (low temperature) Charpy impact test - Part 1 : Test method (low temperature) Charpy impact test - Part 1 : Test method (low temperature) Charpy impact test - Part 1 : Test method (low temperature) Charpy impact test - Part 1 : Test method (low temperature) Charpy impact test - Part 1 : Test method (low temperature) Charpy impact test - Part 1 : Test method (low temperature) Charpy impact test - Part 1 : Test method (low temperature) Charpy impact test - Part 1 : Test method (low temperature) Charpy impact test - Part 1 : Test method (low temperature) Charpy impact test - Part 1 : Test method (low temperature) Charpy impact test - Part 1 : Test method (low temperature) Charpy impact test - Part 1 : Test method (low temperature) Charpy impact test - Part 1 : Test method (low temperature) Micrographic examination of the non-metallic inclusion content of steels using standard pictures Chemical analysis of ferrous materials - Determination of oxygen in steel and iron Chemical analysis of ferrous materials - Determination of oxygen in steel and iron Chemical analysis of ferrous materials - Determination of oxygen in steel and iron Chemical analysis of ferrous materials - Determination of oxygen in steel and iron Chemical analysis of ferrous materials - Determination of oxygen in steel and iron Chemical analysis of ferrous materials - Determination of oxygen in steel and iron Chemical analysis of ferrous materials - Determination of oxygen in steel and iron Tensile testing at ambient temperature Tensile testing at ambient temperature Tensile testing at ambient temperature Tensile testing at ambient temperature Tensile testing at ambient temperature Tensile testing at ambient temperature Tensile testing at ambient temperature Tensile testing at ambient temperature Tensile testing at ambient temperature Tensile testing at ambient temperature Tensile testing at ambient temperature Tensile testing at ambient temperature Tensile testing at ambient temperature Tensile testing at ambient temperature Tensile testing at ambient temperature Tensile testing at ambient temperature Tensile testing at ambient temperature Tensile testing at ambient temperature Tensile testing at ambient temperature Tensile testing at ambient temperature Tensile testing at ambient temperature Tensile testing at ambient temperature Tensile testing at ambient temperature Tensile testing at ambient temperature Tensile testing at ambient temperature Tensile testing at ambient temperature Tensile testing at ambient temperature Tensile testing at ambient temperature Tensile testing at ambient temperature Tensile testing at elevated temperature Tensile testing at elevated temperature Tensile testing at elevated temperature Tensile testing at elevated temperature Tensile testing at elevated temperature Tensile testing at elevated temperature Tensile testing at elevated temperature Tensile testing at elevated temperature Tensile testing at elevated temperature Tensile testing at elevated temperature Tensile testing at elevated temperature Page 9 de 17 Status Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Disqualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Authorised to proceed Qualified Qualified Disqualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Authorised to proceed Qualified Qualified Disqualified Qualified Qualified Authorised to proceed Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Authorised to proceed Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Disqualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Authorised to Proceed Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Disqualified Qualified Authorised to Proceed Qualified Qualified Qualified Authorised to proceed Qualified Authorised to Proceed Disqualified Qualified Qualified Authorised to proceed Authorised to proceed Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Authorised to Proceed Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified

Airbus Qualified Test Method List (QTML) External Report

= Register of Qualified Couples >Test Method / Test Facility< In Accordance with AP5262 (DRAFT) - Qualification Process of Couples <Test Method / Test Facility> For any further information, please contact : [email protected] Report: Ordered By Test Facility - Name of the Independent Lab
Version: 2011-1d - September 6th, 2011 Test Facility ARP-ID 276425 55 276098 257831 284828 276095 147019 276425 276249 276098 257831 150147 276095 276098 284828 147145 290825 150147 276093 276095 147019 276086 276098 257831 284828 143041 259686 224801 219624 147019 295927 262425 169755 277364 276249 276098 284828 259686 219624 147019 295927 169755 296665 277364 276249 276098 284828 259686 294826 294826 219624 147019 295927 169755 296665 277364 276249 276098 284828 224801 219624 147019 295927 262425 169755 277364 276098 284828 143041 259686 224801 294826 219624 147019 295927 169755 296664 277364 276098 284828 224801 169755 276098 259686 295927 Name of the Independent Lab MECASEM (Cormeilles en Parisis) MECASEM (Ostwald) WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING & RESEARCH LTD APPLUS+ LGAI TECHNOLOGICIAL CENTER S.A DIRATS LABORATORIES EXOVA CENTECH MECASEM (Cormeilles en Parisis) TITANIA & LABCYP WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING & RESEARCH LTD CRITT MDTS DIRATS LABORATORIES WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING APPLUS+ LGAI TECHNOLOGICIAL CENTER S.A BUREAU VERITAS LABORATOIRES BUREAU VERITAS LABORATOIRES CRITT MDTS DICKSON TESTING COMPANY DIRATS LABORATORIES EXOVA CENTECH POLE TECHNOLOGIQUE CASIMIR WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING & RESEARCH LTD APPLUS+ LGAI TECHNOLOGICIAL CENTER S.A BK WERKSTOFFTECHNIK GMBH CETIM NANTES COMPOSITES TESTING LABORATORY TEO EXOVA BRIDGWATER EXOVA CENTECH EXOVA LINKOPING GMA-WERKSTOFFPRUEFUNG GMBH IMA GMBH DRESDEN TEAMS TITANIA & LABCYP WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING APPLUS+ LGAI TECHNOLOGICIAL CENTER S.A CETIM NANTES EXOVA BRIDGWATER EXOVA CENTECH EXOVA LINKOPING IMA GMBH DRESDEN LABORATOIRE ECCI TEAMS TITANIA & LABCYP WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING APPLUS+ LGAI TECHNOLOGICIAL CENTER S.A CETIM NANTES CRITT MATERIAUX CRITT MATERIAUX EXOVA BRIDGWATER EXOVA CENTECH EXOVA LINKOPING IMA GMBH DRESDEN LABORATOIRE ECCI TEAMS TITANIA & LABCYP WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING APPLUS+ LGAI TECHNOLOGICIAL CENTER S.A COMPOSITES TESTING LABORATORY TEO EXOVA BRIDGWATER EXOVA CENTECH EXOVA LINKOPING GMA-WERKSTOFFPRUEFUNG GMBH IMA GMBH DRESDEN TEAMS WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING APPLUS+ LGAI TECHNOLOGICIAL CENTER S.A BK WERKSTOFFTECHNIK GMBH CETIM NANTES COMPOSITES TESTING LABORATORY TEO CRITT MATERIAUX EXOVA BRIDGWATER EXOVA CENTECH EXOVA LINKOPING IMA GMBH DRESDEN RESCOLL, Socit de Recherche TEAMS WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING APPLUS+ LGAI TECHNOLOGICIAL CENTER S.A COMPOSITES TESTING LABORATORY TEO IMA GMBH DRESDEN WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING CETIM NANTES EXOVA LINKOPING Town CORMEILLES EN PARISIS OSTWALD YOUNGSTOWN BANBURY BELLATERRA WESTFIELD COLOMIERS CORMEILLES EN PARISIS PUERTO REAL YOUNGSTOWN BANBURY CHARLEVILLE MEZIERES WESTFIELD YOUNGSTOWN BELLATERRA SAINT-OUEN L'AUMNE PESSAC CHARLEVILLE MEZIERES SOUTHGATE WESTFIELD COLOMIERS AUBIERE CEDEX YOUNGSTOWN BANBURY BELLATERRA BREMEN NANTES COUNTY GALWAY SOMERSET COLOMIERS LINKPING STADE DRESDEN LA RINCONADA PUERTO REAL YOUNGSTOWN BELLATERRA NANTES SOMERSET COLOMIERS LINKPING DRESDEN SERRES CASTET CEDEX LA RINCONADA PUERTO REAL YOUNGSTOWN BELLATERRA NANTES Rochefort cedex Rochefort cedex SOMERSET COLOMIERS LINKPING DRESDEN SERRES CASTET CEDEX LA RINCONADA PUERTO REAL YOUNGSTOWN BELLATERRA COUNTY GALWAY SOMERSET COLOMIERS LINKPING STADE DRESDEN LA RINCONADA YOUNGSTOWN BELLATERRA BREMEN NANTES COUNTY GALWAY Rochefort cedex SOMERSET COLOMIERS LINKPING DRESDEN PESSAC CEDEX LA RINCONADA YOUNGSTOWN BELLATERRA COUNTY GALWAY DRESDEN YOUNGSTOWN NANTES LINKPING Country France France USA United Kingdom Spain USA France France Spain USA United Kingdom France USA USA Spain France France France USA USA France France USA United Kingdom Spain Germany France Ireland United Kingdom France Sweden Germany Germany Spain Spain USA Spain France United Kingdom France Sweden Germany France Spain Spain USA Spain France France France United Kingdom France Sweden Germany France Spain Spain USA Spain Ireland United Kingdom France Sweden Germany Germany Spain USA Spain Germany France Ireland France United Kingdom France Sweden Germany France Spain USA Spain Ireland Germany USA France Sweden Referential EN 2002-2 EN 2002-2 EN 2002-2 EN 2002-2 EN 2002-6 EN 2002-6 EN 2002-6 EN 2002-6 EN 2002-6 EN 2002-6 EN 2002-6 EN 2003-10 EN 2003-10 EN 2003-10 EN 2003-9 EN 2003-9 EN 2003-9 EN 2003-9 EN 2003-9 EN 2003-9 EN 2003-9 EN 2003-9 EN 2003-9 EN 2003-9 EN 2243-1 EN 2243-1 EN 2243-1 EN 2243-1 EN 2243-1 EN 2243-1 EN 2243-1 EN 2243-1 EN 2243-1 EN 2243-1 EN 2243-1 EN 2243-1 EN 2243-2 EN 2243-2 EN 2243-2 EN 2243-2 EN 2243-2 EN 2243-2 EN 2243-2 EN 2243-2 EN 2243-2 EN 2243-2 EN 2243-3 EN 2243-3 EN 2243-3 EN 2243-3 EN 2243-3 EN 2243-3 EN 2243-3 EN 2243-3 EN 2243-3 EN 2243-3 EN 2243-3 EN 2243-3 EN 2243-4 EN 2243-4 EN 2243-4 EN 2243-4 EN 2243-4 EN 2243-4 EN 2243-4 EN 2243-4 EN 2243-4 EN 2377 (ISO 14130) EN 2377 (ISO 14130) EN 2377 (ISO 14130) EN 2377 (ISO 14130) EN 2377 (ISO 14130) EN 2377 (ISO 14130) EN 2377 (ISO 14130) EN 2377 (ISO 14130) EN 2377 (ISO 14130) EN 2377 (ISO 14130) EN 2377 (ISO 14130) EN 2377 (ISO 14130) EN 2378 EN 2378 EN 2378 EN 2378 EN 2557 EN 2557 Test Method Test Label Tensile testing at elevated temperature Tensile testing at elevated temperature Tensile testing at elevated temperature Tensile testing at elevated temperature Metallic materials: Bend testing Metallic materials: Bend testing Metallic materials: Bend testing Metallic materials: Bend testing Metallic materials: Bend testing Metallic materials: Bend testing Metallic materials: Bend testing Titanium and titanium alloys - Part 10: Sampling for determination of hydrogen content Titanium and titanium alloys - Part 10: Sampling for determination of hydrogen content Titanium and titanium alloys - Part 10: Sampling for determination of hydrogen content Titanium and titanium alloys - Part 9: Determination of surface contamination (method A: Micrographic examination / Method B: Hardness testing) Titanium and titanium alloys - Part 9: Determination of surface contamination (method A: Micrographic examination / Method B: Hardness testing) Titanium and titanium alloys - Part 9: Determination of surface contamination (method A: Micrographic examination / Method B: Hardness testing) Titanium and titanium alloys - Part 9: Determination of surface contamination (method A: Micrographic examination / Method B: Hardness testing) Titanium and titanium alloys - Part 9: Determination of surface contamination (method A: Micrographic examination / Method B: Hardness testing) Titanium and titanium alloys - Part 9: Determination of surface contamination (method A: Micrographic examination / Method B: Hardness testing) Titanium and titanium alloys - Part 9: Determination of surface contamination (method A: Micrographic examination / Method B: Hardness testing) Titanium and titanium alloys - Part 9: Determination of surface contamination (method A: Micrographic examination / Method B: Hardness testing) Titanium and titanium alloys - Part 9: Determination of surface contamination (method A: Micrographic examination / Method B: Hardness testing) Titanium and titanium alloys - Part 9: Determination of surface contamination (method A: Micrographic examination / Method B: Hardness testing) Structural adhesives - Part 1: Single lap shear Structural adhesives - Part 1: Single lap shear Structural adhesives - Part 1: Single lap shear Structural adhesives - Part 1: Single lap shear Structural adhesives - Part 1: Single lap shear Structural adhesives - Part 1: Single lap shear Structural adhesives - Part 1: Single lap shear Structural adhesives - Part 1: Single lap shear Structural adhesives - Part 1: Single lap shear Structural adhesives - Part 1: Single lap shear Structural adhesives - Part 1: Single lap shear Structural adhesives - Part 1: Single lap shear Structural adhesives - Part 2: Peel metal-metal Structural adhesives - Part 2: Peel metal-metal Structural adhesives - Part 2: Peel metal-metal Structural adhesives - Part 2: Peel metal-metal Structural adhesives - Part 2: Peel metal-metal Structural adhesives - Part 2: Peel metal-metal Structural adhesives - Part 2: Peel metal-metal Structural adhesives - Part 2: Peel metal-metal Structural adhesives - Part 2: Peel metal-metal Structural adhesives - Part 2: Peel metal-metal Structural adhesives - Part 3: Peeling test metal-honeycomb core Structural adhesives - Part 3: Peeling test metal-honeycomb core Structural adhesives - Part 3: Peeling test metal-honeycomb core Structural adhesives - Part 3: Peeling test metal-honeycomb core Structural adhesives - Part 3: Peeling test metal-honeycomb core Structural adhesives - Part 3: Peeling test metal-honeycomb core Structural adhesives - Part 3: Peeling test metal-honeycomb core Structural adhesives - Part 3: Peeling test metal-honeycomb core Structural adhesives - Part 3: Peeling test metal-honeycomb core Structural adhesives - Part 3: Peeling test metal-honeycomb core Structural adhesives - Part 3: Peeling test metal-honeycomb core Structural adhesives - Part 3: Peeling test metal-honeycomb core Structural adhesives - Part 4: Metal-honeycomb core flatwise tensile test Structural adhesives - Part 4: Metal-honeycomb core flatwise tensile test Structural adhesives - Part 4: Metal-honeycomb core flatwise tensile test Structural adhesives - Part 4: Metal-honeycomb core flatwise tensile test Structural adhesives - Part 4: Metal-honeycomb core flatwise tensile test Structural adhesives - Part 4: Metal-honeycomb core flatwise tensile test Structural adhesives - Part 4: Metal-honeycomb core flatwise tensile test Structural adhesives - Part 4: Metal-honeycomb core flatwise tensile test Structural adhesives - Part 4: Metal-honeycomb core flatwise tensile test Glass fibre reinforced plastics - Determination of apparent interlaminar shear strength Glass fibre reinforced plastics - Determination of apparent interlaminar shear strength Glass fibre reinforced plastics - Determination of apparent interlaminar shear strength Glass fibre reinforced plastics - Determination of apparent interlaminar shear strength Glass fibre reinforced plastics - Determination of apparent interlaminar shear strength Glass fibre reinforced plastics - Determination of apparent interlaminar shear strength Glass fibre reinforced plastics - Determination of apparent interlaminar shear strength Glass fibre reinforced plastics - Determination of apparent interlaminar shear strength Glass fibre reinforced plastics - Determination of apparent interlaminar shear strength Glass fibre reinforced plastics - Determination of apparent interlaminar shear strength Glass fibre reinforced plastics - Determination of apparent interlaminar shear strength Glass fibre reinforced plastics - Determination of apparent interlaminar shear strength Fibre reinforced plastics - Determination of water absorption by immersion Fibre reinforced plastics - Determination of water absorption by immersion Fibre reinforced plastics - Determination of water absorption by immersion Fibre reinforced plastics - Determination of water absorption by immersion Carbon fibre preimpregnates - Determination of mass per unit area Carbon fibre preimpregnates - Determination of mass per unit area Page 10 de 17 Status Authorised to Proceed Disqualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Authorised to proceed Qualified Qualified Authorised to Proceed Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Authorised to proceed Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Authorised to proceed Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Authorised to proceed Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified

Airbus Qualified Test Method List (QTML) External Report

= Register of Qualified Couples >Test Method / Test Facility< In Accordance with AP5262 (DRAFT) - Qualification Process of Couples <Test Method / Test Facility> For any further information, please contact : [email protected] Report: Ordered By Test Facility - Name of the Independent Lab
Version: 2011-1d - September 6th, 2011 Test Facility ARP-ID 262425 169755 277364 276249 276098 259686 295927 262425 169755 277364 276249 276098 284828 49 259686 219624 295927 262425 169755 277364 276249 276098 262425 169755 277364 276249 284828 49 143041 259686 294826 219624 147019 295927 262425 169755 296665 296664 277364 276249 260011 276098 257831 284828 143041 259686 224801 219624 147019 295927 169755 296664 277364 260011 276098 284828 49 143041 259686 224801 294826 219624 147019 295927 262425 169755 296664 277364 276249 260011 276098 257831 284828 49 224801 219624 296664 49 143041 294826 219624 147019 295927 262425 169755 Name of the Independent Lab GMA-WERKSTOFFPRUEFUNG GMBH IMA GMBH DRESDEN TEAMS TITANIA & LABCYP WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING CETIM NANTES EXOVA LINKOPING GMA-WERKSTOFFPRUEFUNG GMBH IMA GMBH DRESDEN TEAMS TITANIA & LABCYP WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING APPLUS+ LGAI TECHNOLOGICIAL CENTER S.A ATK LAUNCH SYSTEMS INC CETIM NANTES EXOVA BRIDGWATER EXOVA LINKOPING GMA-WERKSTOFFPRUEFUNG GMBH IMA GMBH DRESDEN TEAMS TITANIA & LABCYP WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING GMA-WERKSTOFFPRUEFUNG GMBH IMA GMBH DRESDEN TEAMS TITANIA & LABCYP APPLUS+ LGAI TECHNOLOGICIAL CENTER S.A ATK LAUNCH SYSTEMS INC BK WERKSTOFFTECHNIK GMBH CETIM NANTES CRITT MATERIAUX EXOVA BRIDGWATER EXOVA CENTECH EXOVA LINKOPING GMA-WERKSTOFFPRUEFUNG GMBH IMA GMBH DRESDEN LABORATOIRE ECCI RESCOLL, Socit de Recherche TEAMS TITANIA & LABCYP UDG - AMADE UNIVERSITAT DE GIRONA WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING & RESEARCH LTD APPLUS+ LGAI TECHNOLOGICIAL CENTER S.A BK WERKSTOFFTECHNIK GMBH CETIM NANTES COMPOSITES TESTING LABORATORY TEO EXOVA BRIDGWATER EXOVA CENTECH EXOVA LINKOPING IMA GMBH DRESDEN RESCOLL, Socit de Recherche TEAMS UDG - AMADE UNIVERSITAT DE GIRONA WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING APPLUS+ LGAI TECHNOLOGICIAL CENTER S.A ATK LAUNCH SYSTEMS INC BK WERKSTOFFTECHNIK GMBH CETIM NANTES COMPOSITES TESTING LABORATORY TEO CRITT MATERIAUX EXOVA BRIDGWATER EXOVA CENTECH EXOVA LINKOPING GMA-WERKSTOFFPRUEFUNG GMBH IMA GMBH DRESDEN RESCOLL, Socit de Recherche TEAMS TITANIA & LABCYP UDG - AMADE UNIVERSITAT DE GIRONA WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING & RESEARCH LTD APPLUS+ LGAI TECHNOLOGICIAL CENTER S.A ATK LAUNCH SYSTEMS INC COMPOSITES TESTING LABORATORY TEO EXOVA BRIDGWATER RESCOLL, Socit de Recherche ATK LAUNCH SYSTEMS INC BK WERKSTOFFTECHNIK GMBH CRITT MATERIAUX EXOVA BRIDGWATER EXOVA CENTECH EXOVA LINKOPING GMA-WERKSTOFFPRUEFUNG GMBH IMA GMBH DRESDEN Town STADE DRESDEN LA RINCONADA PUERTO REAL YOUNGSTOWN NANTES LINKPING STADE DRESDEN LA RINCONADA PUERTO REAL YOUNGSTOWN BELLATERRA Huntsville NANTES SOMERSET LINKPING STADE DRESDEN LA RINCONADA PUERTO REAL YOUNGSTOWN STADE DRESDEN LA RINCONADA PUERTO REAL BELLATERRA Huntsville BREMEN NANTES Rochefort cedex SOMERSET COLOMIERS LINKPING STADE DRESDEN SERRES CASTET CEDEX PESSAC CEDEX LA RINCONADA PUERTO REAL Girona YOUNGSTOWN BANBURY BELLATERRA BREMEN NANTES COUNTY GALWAY SOMERSET COLOMIERS LINKPING DRESDEN PESSAC CEDEX LA RINCONADA Girona YOUNGSTOWN BELLATERRA Huntsville BREMEN NANTES COUNTY GALWAY Rochefort cedex SOMERSET COLOMIERS LINKPING STADE DRESDEN PESSAC CEDEX LA RINCONADA PUERTO REAL Girona YOUNGSTOWN BANBURY BELLATERRA Huntsville COUNTY GALWAY SOMERSET PESSAC CEDEX Huntsville BREMEN Rochefort cedex SOMERSET COLOMIERS LINKPING STADE DRESDEN Country Germany Germany Spain Spain USA France Sweden Germany Germany Spain Spain USA Spain USA France United Kingdom Sweden Germany Germany Spain Spain USA Germany Germany Spain Spain Spain USA Germany France France United Kingdom France Sweden Germany Germany France France Spain Spain Spain USA United Kingdom Spain Germany France Ireland United Kingdom France Sweden Germany France Spain Spain USA Spain USA Germany France Ireland France United Kingdom France Sweden Germany Germany France Spain Spain Spain USA United Kingdom Spain USA Ireland United Kingdom France USA Germany France United Kingdom France Sweden Germany Germany Referential EN 2557 EN 2557 EN 2557 EN 2557 EN 2557 EN 2558 EN 2558 EN 2558 EN 2558 EN 2558 EN 2558 EN 2558 EN 2559 EN 2559 EN 2559 EN 2559 EN 2559 EN 2559 EN 2559 EN 2559 EN 2559 EN 2559 EN 2560 EN 2560 EN 2560 EN 2560 EN 2561 EN 2561 EN 2561 EN 2561 EN 2561 EN 2561 EN 2561 EN 2561 EN 2561 EN 2561 EN 2561 EN 2561 EN 2561 EN 2561 EN 2561 EN 2561 EN 2561 EN 2562 EN 2562 EN 2562 EN 2562 EN 2562 EN 2562 EN 2562 EN 2562 EN 2562 EN 2562 EN 2562 EN 2562 EN 2563 EN 2563 EN 2563 EN 2563 EN 2563 EN 2563 EN 2563 EN 2563 EN 2563 EN 2563 EN 2563 EN 2563 EN 2563 EN 2563 EN 2563 EN 2563 EN 2563 EN 2564 EN 2564 EN 2564 EN 2564 EN 2564 EN 2597 EN 2597 EN 2597 EN 2597 EN 2597 EN 2597 EN 2597 EN 2597 Test Method Test Label Carbon fibre preimpregnates - Determination of mass per unit area Carbon fibre preimpregnates - Determination of mass per unit area Carbon fibre preimpregnates - Determination of mass per unit area Carbon fibre preimpregnates - Determination of mass per unit area Carbon fibre preimpregnates - Determination of mass per unit area Carbon fibre preimpregnates - Determination of the volatile content Carbon fibre preimpregnates - Determination of the volatile content Carbon fibre preimpregnates - Determination of the volatile content Carbon fibre preimpregnates - Determination of the volatile content Carbon fibre preimpregnates - Determination of the volatile content Carbon fibre preimpregnates - Determination of the volatile content Carbon fibre preimpregnates - Determination of the volatile content Carbon fibre preimpregnates - Test method for the determination of the resin and fibre content and the mass of fibre per unit area Carbon fibre preimpregnates - Test method for the determination of the resin and fibre content and the mass of fibre per unit area Carbon fibre preimpregnates - Test method for the determination of the resin and fibre content and the mass of fibre per unit area Carbon fibre preimpregnates - Test method for the determination of the resin and fibre content and the mass of fibre per unit area Carbon fibre preimpregnates - Test method for the determination of the resin and fibre content and the mass of fibre per unit area Carbon fibre preimpregnates - Test method for the determination of the resin and fibre content and the mass of fibre per unit area Carbon fibre preimpregnates - Test method for the determination of the resin and fibre content and the mass of fibre per unit area Carbon fibre preimpregnates - Test method for the determination of the resin and fibre content and the mass of fibre per unit area Carbon fibre preimpregnates - Test method for the determination of the resin and fibre content and the mass of fibre per unit area Carbon fibre preimpregnates - Test method for the determination of the resin and fibre content and the mass of fibre per unit area Carbon fibre preimpregnates - Determination of the resin flow Carbon fibre preimpregnates - Determination of the resin flow Carbon fibre preimpregnates - Determination of the resin flow Carbon fibre preimpregnates - Determination of the resin flow Carbon Fibre reinforced plastics - Unidirectional laminates - Tensile test parallel to the fibre direction Carbon Fibre reinforced plastics - Unidirectional laminates - Tensile test parallel to the fibre direction Carbon Fibre reinforced plastics - Unidirectional laminates - Tensile test parallel to the fibre direction Carbon Fibre reinforced plastics - Unidirectional laminates - Tensile test parallel to the fibre direction Carbon Fibre reinforced plastics - Unidirectional laminates - Tensile test parallel to the fibre direction Carbon Fibre reinforced plastics - Unidirectional laminates - Tensile test parallel to the fibre direction Carbon Fibre reinforced plastics - Unidirectional laminates - Tensile test parallel to the fibre direction Carbon Fibre reinforced plastics - Unidirectional laminates - Tensile test parallel to the fibre direction Carbon Fibre reinforced plastics - Unidirectional laminates - Tensile test parallel to the fibre direction Carbon Fibre reinforced plastics - Unidirectional laminates - Tensile test parallel to the fibre direction Carbon Fibre reinforced plastics - Unidirectional laminates - Tensile test parallel to the fibre direction Carbon Fibre reinforced plastics - Unidirectional laminates - Tensile test parallel to the fibre direction Carbon Fibre reinforced plastics - Unidirectional laminates - Tensile test parallel to the fibre direction Carbon Fibre reinforced plastics - Unidirectional laminates - Tensile test parallel to the fibre direction Carbon Fibre reinforced plastics - Unidirectional laminates - Tensile test parallel to the fibre direction Carbon Fibre reinforced plastics - Unidirectional laminates - Tensile test parallel to the fibre direction Carbon Fibre reinforced plastics - Unidirectional laminates - Tensile test parallel to the fibre direction Carbon fibre reinforced plastics - Unidirectional laminates - Flexural test parallel to the fibre direction Carbon fibre reinforced plastics - Unidirectional laminates - Flexural test parallel to the fibre direction Carbon fibre reinforced plastics - Unidirectional laminates - Flexural test parallel to the fibre direction Carbon fibre reinforced plastics - Unidirectional laminates - Flexural test parallel to the fibre direction Carbon fibre reinforced plastics - Unidirectional laminates - Flexural test parallel to the fibre direction Carbon fibre reinforced plastics - Unidirectional laminates - Flexural test parallel to the fibre direction Carbon fibre reinforced plastics - Unidirectional laminates - Flexural test parallel to the fibre direction Carbon fibre reinforced plastics - Unidirectional laminates - Flexural test parallel to the fibre direction Carbon fibre reinforced plastics - Unidirectional laminates - Flexural test parallel to the fibre direction Carbon fibre reinforced plastics - Unidirectional laminates - Flexural test parallel to the fibre direction Carbon fibre reinforced plastics - Unidirectional laminates - Flexural test parallel to the fibre direction Carbon fibre reinforced plastics - Unidirectional laminates - Flexural test parallel to the fibre direction Carbon fibre reinforced plastics - Unidirectional laminates - determination of apparent interlaminar shear strength Carbon fibre reinforced plastics - Unidirectional laminates - determination of apparent interlaminar shear strength Carbon fibre reinforced plastics - Unidirectional laminates - determination of apparent interlaminar shear strength Carbon fibre reinforced plastics - Unidirectional laminates - determination of apparent interlaminar shear strength Carbon fibre reinforced plastics - Unidirectional laminates - determination of apparent interlaminar shear strength Carbon fibre reinforced plastics - Unidirectional laminates - determination of apparent interlaminar shear strength Carbon fibre reinforced plastics - Unidirectional laminates - determination of apparent interlaminar shear strength Carbon fibre reinforced plastics - Unidirectional laminates - determination of apparent interlaminar shear strength Carbon fibre reinforced plastics - Unidirectional laminates - determination of apparent interlaminar shear strength Carbon fibre reinforced plastics - Unidirectional laminates - determination of apparent interlaminar shear strength Carbon fibre reinforced plastics - Unidirectional laminates - determination of apparent interlaminar shear strength Carbon fibre reinforced plastics - Unidirectional laminates - determination of apparent interlaminar shear strength Carbon fibre reinforced plastics - Unidirectional laminates - determination of apparent interlaminar shear strength Carbon fibre reinforced plastics - Unidirectional laminates - determination of apparent interlaminar shear strength Carbon fibre reinforced plastics - Unidirectional laminates - determination of apparent interlaminar shear strength Carbon fibre reinforced plastics - Unidirectional laminates - determination of apparent interlaminar shear strength Carbon fibre reinforced plastics - Unidirectional laminates - determination of apparent interlaminar shear strength Aerospace series - Carbon fibre laminates - Determination of the fibre, resin and void contents Aerospace series - Carbon fibre laminates - Determination of the fibre, resin and void contents Aerospace series - Carbon fibre laminates - Determination of the fibre, resin and void contents Aerospace series - Carbon fibre laminates - Determination of the fibre, resin and void contents Aerospace series - Carbon fibre laminates - Determination of the fibre, resin and void contents Carbon Fibre reinforced plastics - Unidirectional laminates - Tensile test perpendicular to the fibre direction Carbon Fibre reinforced plastics - Unidirectional laminates - Tensile test perpendicular to the fibre direction Carbon Fibre reinforced plastics - Unidirectional laminates - Tensile test perpendicular to the fibre direction Carbon Fibre reinforced plastics - Unidirectional laminates - Tensile test perpendicular to the fibre direction Carbon Fibre reinforced plastics - Unidirectional laminates - Tensile test perpendicular to the fibre direction Carbon Fibre reinforced plastics - Unidirectional laminates - Tensile test perpendicular to the fibre direction Carbon Fibre reinforced plastics - Unidirectional laminates - Tensile test perpendicular to the fibre direction Carbon Fibre reinforced plastics - Unidirectional laminates - Tensile test perpendicular to the fibre direction Page 11 de 17 Status Qualified Qualified Qualified Authorised to proceed Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Authorised to proceed Qualified Qualified Authorised to proceed Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Authorised to proceed Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Authorised to proceed Qualified Authorised to proceed Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Authorised to proceed Authorised to proceed Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Authorised to proceed Qualified Qualified Authorised to proceed Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Authorised to proceed Authorised to proceed Qualified Qualified Qualified Authorised to proceed Qualified Qualified Qualified Authorised to proceed Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified

Airbus Qualified Test Method List (QTML) External Report

= Register of Qualified Couples >Test Method / Test Facility< In Accordance with AP5262 (DRAFT) - Qualification Process of Couples <Test Method / Test Facility> For any further information, please contact : [email protected] Report: Ordered By Test Facility - Name of the Independent Lab
Version: 2011-1d - September 6th, 2011 Test Facility ARP-ID 277364 260011 276098 284828 219624 295927 262425 169755 277364 276098 284828 295927 169755 277364 276098 284828 143041 259686 224801 219624 147019 295927 169755 296664 277364 276098 284828 143041 294826 219624 147019 295927 262425 169755 277364 276098 295927 276098 284828 284828 147019 296665 257831 169755 284828 49 143041 259686 224801 294826 219624 147019 295927 262425 169755 277364 260011 276098 257831 284828 147145 290825 150147 276093 276095 296665 296665 276086 276098 257831 147019 284828 259686 147019 295927 169755 277364 260011 276098 284828 147019 284828 143041 276095 219624 Name of the Independent Lab TEAMS UDG - AMADE UNIVERSITAT DE GIRONA WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING APPLUS+ LGAI TECHNOLOGICIAL CENTER S.A EXOVA BRIDGWATER EXOVA LINKOPING GMA-WERKSTOFFPRUEFUNG GMBH IMA GMBH DRESDEN TEAMS WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING APPLUS+ LGAI TECHNOLOGICIAL CENTER S.A EXOVA LINKOPING IMA GMBH DRESDEN TEAMS WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING APPLUS+ LGAI TECHNOLOGICIAL CENTER S.A BK WERKSTOFFTECHNIK GMBH CETIM NANTES COMPOSITES TESTING LABORATORY TEO EXOVA BRIDGWATER EXOVA CENTECH EXOVA LINKOPING IMA GMBH DRESDEN RESCOLL, Socit de Recherche TEAMS WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING APPLUS+ LGAI TECHNOLOGICIAL CENTER S.A BK WERKSTOFFTECHNIK GMBH CRITT MATERIAUX EXOVA BRIDGWATER EXOVA CENTECH EXOVA LINKOPING GMA-WERKSTOFFPRUEFUNG GMBH IMA GMBH DRESDEN TEAMS WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING EXOVA LINKOPING WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING APPLUS+ LGAI TECHNOLOGICIAL CENTER S.A APPLUS+ LGAI TECHNOLOGICIAL CENTER S.A EXOVA CENTECH LABORATOIRE ECCI WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING & RESEARCH LTD IMA GMBH DRESDEN APPLUS+ LGAI TECHNOLOGICIAL CENTER S.A ATK LAUNCH SYSTEMS INC BK WERKSTOFFTECHNIK GMBH CETIM NANTES COMPOSITES TESTING LABORATORY TEO CRITT MATERIAUX EXOVA BRIDGWATER EXOVA CENTECH EXOVA LINKOPING GMA-WERKSTOFFPRUEFUNG GMBH IMA GMBH DRESDEN TEAMS UDG - AMADE UNIVERSITAT DE GIRONA WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING & RESEARCH LTD APPLUS+ LGAI TECHNOLOGICIAL CENTER S.A BUREAU VERITAS LABORATOIRES BUREAU VERITAS LABORATOIRES CRITT MDTS DICKSON TESTING COMPANY DIRATS LABORATORIES LABORATOIRE ECCI LABORATOIRE ECCI POLE TECHNOLOGIQUE CASIMIR WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING & RESEARCH LTD EXOVA CENTECH APPLUS+ LGAI TECHNOLOGICIAL CENTER S.A CETIM NANTES EXOVA CENTECH EXOVA LINKOPING IMA GMBH DRESDEN TEAMS UDG - AMADE UNIVERSITAT DE GIRONA WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING APPLUS+ LGAI TECHNOLOGICIAL CENTER S.A EXOVA CENTECH APPLUS+ LGAI TECHNOLOGICIAL CENTER S.A BK WERKSTOFFTECHNIK GMBH DIRATS LABORATORIES EXOVA BRIDGWATER Town LA RINCONADA Girona YOUNGSTOWN BELLATERRA SOMERSET LINKPING STADE DRESDEN LA RINCONADA YOUNGSTOWN BELLATERRA LINKPING DRESDEN LA RINCONADA YOUNGSTOWN BELLATERRA BREMEN NANTES COUNTY GALWAY SOMERSET COLOMIERS LINKPING DRESDEN PESSAC CEDEX LA RINCONADA YOUNGSTOWN BELLATERRA BREMEN Rochefort cedex SOMERSET COLOMIERS LINKPING STADE DRESDEN LA RINCONADA YOUNGSTOWN LINKPING YOUNGSTOWN BELLATERRA BELLATERRA COLOMIERS SERRES CASTET CEDEX BANBURY DRESDEN BELLATERRA Huntsville BREMEN NANTES COUNTY GALWAY Rochefort cedex SOMERSET COLOMIERS LINKPING STADE DRESDEN LA RINCONADA Girona YOUNGSTOWN BANBURY BELLATERRA SAINT-OUEN L'AUMNE PESSAC CHARLEVILLE MEZIERES SOUTHGATE WESTFIELD SERRES CASTET CEDEX SERRES CASTET CEDEX AUBIERE CEDEX YOUNGSTOWN BANBURY COLOMIERS BELLATERRA NANTES COLOMIERS LINKPING DRESDEN LA RINCONADA Girona YOUNGSTOWN BELLATERRA COLOMIERS BELLATERRA BREMEN WESTFIELD SOMERSET Country Spain Spain USA Spain United Kingdom Sweden Germany Germany Spain USA Spain Sweden Germany Spain USA Spain Germany France Ireland United Kingdom France Sweden Germany France Spain USA Spain Germany France United Kingdom France Sweden Germany Germany Spain USA Sweden USA Spain Spain France France United Kingdom Germany Spain USA Germany France Ireland France United Kingdom France Sweden Germany Germany Spain Spain USA United Kingdom Spain France France France USA USA France France France USA United Kingdom France Spain France France Sweden Germany Spain Spain USA Spain France Spain Germany USA United Kingdom Referential EN 2597 EN 2597 EN 2597 EN 2667-1 EN 2667-1 EN 2667-1 EN 2667-1 EN 2667-1 EN 2667-1 EN 2667-1 EN 2667-2 EN 2667-2 EN 2667-2 EN 2667-2 EN 2667-2 EN 2746 EN 2746 EN 2746 EN 2746 EN 2746 EN 2746 EN 2746 EN 2746 EN 2746 EN 2746 EN 2746 EN 2747 EN 2747 EN 2747 EN 2747 EN 2747 EN 2747 EN 2747 EN 2747 EN 2747 EN 2747 EN 27627 EN 27627 EN 2831 EN 2832 (ASTM F519) EN 2832 (ASTM F519) EN 2832 (ASTM F519) EN 2832 (ASTM F519) EN 2850-A (ISO 14126-1) EN 2850-B (ISO 14126-2) EN 2850-B (ISO 14126-2) EN 2850-B (ISO 14126-2) EN 2850-B (ISO 14126-2) EN 2850-B (ISO 14126-2) EN 2850-B (ISO 14126-2) EN 2850-B (ISO 14126-2) EN 2850-B (ISO 14126-2) EN 2850-B (ISO 14126-2) EN 2850-B (ISO 14126-2) EN 2850-B (ISO 14126-2) EN 2850-B (ISO 14126-2) EN 2850-B (ISO 14126-2) EN 2850-B (ISO 14126-2) EN 2850-B (ISO 14126-2) EN 3114-1 EN 3114-1 EN 3114-1 EN 3114-1 EN 3114-1 EN 3114-1 EN 3114-1 EN 3114-1 EN 3114-1 EN 3114-1 EN 3114-1 EN 3212 EN 3615 EN 3615 EN 3615 EN 3615 EN 3615 EN 3615 EN 3615 EN 3615 EN 3665 EN 3665 EN 3683 EN 3683 EN 3683 EN 3683 Test Method Test Label Carbon Fibre reinforced plastics - Unidirectional laminates - Tensile test perpendicular to the fibre direction Carbon Fibre reinforced plastics - Unidirectional laminates - Tensile test perpendicular to the fibre direction Carbon Fibre reinforced plastics - Unidirectional laminates - Tensile test perpendicular to the fibre direction Foaming structural adhesives - Part 1: Tensile single-lap shear Foaming structural adhesives - Part 1: Tensile single-lap shear Foaming structural adhesives - Part 1: Tensile single-lap shear Foaming structural adhesives - Part 1: Tensile single-lap shear Foaming structural adhesives - Part 1: Tensile single-lap shear Foaming structural adhesives - Part 1: Tensile single-lap shear Foaming structural adhesives - Part 1: Tensile single-lap shear Foaming structural adhesives - Part 2: Compressive tube shear Foaming structural adhesives - Part 2: Compressive tube shear Foaming structural adhesives - Part 2: Compressive tube shear Foaming structural adhesives - Part 2: Compressive tube shear Foaming structural adhesives - Part 2: Compressive tube shear Glass fibre reinforced plastics - Flexural test - Three point bend method Glass fibre reinforced plastics - Flexural test - Three point bend method Glass fibre reinforced plastics - Flexural test - Three point bend method Glass fibre reinforced plastics - Flexural test - Three point bend method Glass fibre reinforced plastics - Flexural test - Three point bend method Glass fibre reinforced plastics - Flexural test - Three point bend method Glass fibre reinforced plastics - Flexural test - Three point bend method Glass fibre reinforced plastics - Flexural test - Three point bend method Glass fibre reinforced plastics - Flexural test - Three point bend method Glass fibre reinforced plastics - Flexural test - Three point bend method Glass fibre reinforced plastics - Flexural test - Three point bend method Glass fibre reinforced plastics - Tensile test Glass fibre reinforced plastics - Tensile test Glass fibre reinforced plastics - Tensile test Glass fibre reinforced plastics - Tensile test Glass fibre reinforced plastics - Tensile test Glass fibre reinforced plastics - Tensile test Glass fibre reinforced plastics - Tensile test Glass fibre reinforced plastics - Tensile test Glass fibre reinforced plastics - Tensile test Glass fibre reinforced plastics - Tensile test Hardmetals - Chemical analysis by flame atomic absorption spectrometry Hardmetals - Chemical analysis by flame atomic absorption spectrometry Hydrogen embrittlement of steel - Test by slow bending Hydrogen embrittlement of steel - Notched specimen test Hydrogen embrittlement of steel - Notched specimen test Hydrogen embrittlement of steel - Notched specimen test Hydrogen embrittlement of steel - Notched specimen test Carbon fibre thermosetting resin unidirectional laminates - Compression test parallel to fibre direction - Method A Carbon fibre thermosetting resin unidirectional laminates - Compression test parallel to fibre direction - Method B Carbon fibre thermosetting resin unidirectional laminates - Compression test parallel to fibre direction - Method B Carbon fibre thermosetting resin unidirectional laminates - Compression test parallel to fibre direction - Method B Carbon fibre thermosetting resin unidirectional laminates - Compression test parallel to fibre direction - Method B Carbon fibre thermosetting resin unidirectional laminates - Compression test parallel to fibre direction - Method B Carbon fibre thermosetting resin unidirectional laminates - Compression test parallel to fibre direction - Method B Carbon fibre thermosetting resin unidirectional laminates - Compression test parallel to fibre direction - Method B Carbon fibre thermosetting resin unidirectional laminates - Compression test parallel to fibre direction - Method B Carbon fibre thermosetting resin unidirectional laminates - Compression test parallel to fibre direction - Method B Carbon fibre thermosetting resin unidirectional laminates - Compression test parallel to fibre direction - Method B Carbon fibre thermosetting resin unidirectional laminates - Compression test parallel to fibre direction - Method B Carbon fibre thermosetting resin unidirectional laminates - Compression test parallel to fibre direction - Method B Carbon fibre thermosetting resin unidirectional laminates - Compression test parallel to fibre direction - Method B Carbon fibre thermosetting resin unidirectional laminates - Compression test parallel to fibre direction - Method B Carbon fibre thermosetting resin unidirectional laminates - Compression test parallel to fibre direction - Method B Microstructure of (a + ) titanium alloy wrought products Microstructure of (a + ) titanium alloy wrought products Microstructure of (a + ) titanium alloy wrought products Microstructure of (a + ) titanium alloy wrought products Microstructure of (a + ) titanium alloy wrought products Microstructure of (a + ) titanium alloy wrought products Microstructure of (a + ) titanium alloy wrought products Microstructure of (a + ) titanium alloy wrought products Microstructure of (a + ) titanium alloy wrought products Microstructure of (a + ) titanium alloy wrought products Microstructure of (a + ) titanium alloy wrought products Corrosion test by alternate immersion in a buffered sodium chloride solution Fibre reinforced plastics - Determination of the conditions of exposure to humid atmosphere and of moisture absorption Fibre reinforced plastics - Determination of the conditions of exposure to humid atmosphere and of moisture absorption Fibre reinforced plastics - Determination of the conditions of exposure to humid atmosphere and of moisture absorption Fibre reinforced plastics - Determination of the conditions of exposure to humid atmosphere and of moisture absorption Fibre reinforced plastics - Determination of the conditions of exposure to humid atmosphere and of moisture absorption Fibre reinforced plastics - Determination of the conditions of exposure to humid atmosphere and of moisture absorption Fibre reinforced plastics - Determination of the conditions of exposure to humid atmosphere and of moisture absorption Fibre reinforced plastics - Determination of the conditions of exposure to humid atmosphere and of moisture absorption Paints and varnishes - Filiform corrosion resistance test on aluminium alloys Paints and varnishes - Filiform corrosion resistance test on aluminium alloys Titanium alloy wrought products - Determination of primary a content - Point count method and line intercept method Titanium alloy wrought products - Determination of primary a content - Point count method and line intercept method Titanium alloy wrought products - Determination of primary a content - Point count method and line intercept method Titanium alloy wrought products - Determination of primary a content - Point count method and line intercept method Page 12 de 17 Status Qualified Authorised to proceed Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Authorised to Proceed Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Authorised to proceed Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Authorised to proceed Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Authorised to proceed Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified

Airbus Qualified Test Method List (QTML) External Report

= Register of Qualified Couples >Test Method / Test Facility< In Accordance with AP5262 (DRAFT) - Qualification Process of Couples <Test Method / Test Facility> For any further information, please contact : [email protected] Report: Ordered By Test Facility - Name of the Independent Lab
Version: 2011-1d - September 6th, 2011 Test Facility ARP-ID 295929 296665 276098 284828 143041 219624 295929 276098 276093 276095 276084 295929 276098 284828 276093 276084 295929 276098 219624 169755 276098 259686 295927 169755 296664 260011 295927 169755 150147 259686 219624 295927 169755 296664 277364 277364 276249 260011 276098 284828 294826 147019 260077 296665 276086 276098 259686 150147 276249 284828 259686 150147 147019 277364 276249 276084 276098 284828 296665 284828 294826 147019 295927 49 259686 294826 150147 147019 295927 296665 276249 276249 Name of the Independent Lab INCOTEST LABORATOIRE ECCI WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING APPLUS+ LGAI TECHNOLOGICIAL CENTER S.A BK WERKSTOFFTECHNIK GMBH EXOVA BRIDGWATER INCOTEST WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING DICKSON TESTING COMPANY DIRATS LABORATORIES EXOVA LA INCOTEST WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING APPLUS+ LGAI TECHNOLOGICIAL CENTER S.A DICKSON TESTING COMPANY EXOVA LA INCOTEST WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING EXOVA BRIDGWATER IMA GMBH DRESDEN WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING CETIM NANTES EXOVA LINKOPING IMA GMBH DRESDEN RESCOLL, Socit de Recherche UDG - AMADE UNIVERSITAT DE GIRONA EXOVA LINKOPING IMA GMBH DRESDEN CRITT MDTS CETIM NANTES EXOVA BRIDGWATER EXOVA LINKOPING IMA GMBH DRESDEN RESCOLL, Socit de Recherche TEAMS TEAMS TITANIA & LABCYP UDG - AMADE UNIVERSITAT DE GIRONA WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING APPLUS+ LGAI TECHNOLOGICIAL CENTER S.A CRITT MATERIAUX EXOVA CENTECH Keighley Laboratories Limited LABORATOIRE ECCI POLE TECHNOLOGIQUE CASIMIR WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING CETIM NANTES CRITT MDTS TITANIA & LABCYP APPLUS+ LGAI TECHNOLOGICIAL CENTER S.A CETIM NANTES CRITT MDTS EXOVA CENTECH TEAMS TITANIA & LABCYP EXOVA LA WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING APPLUS+ LGAI TECHNOLOGICIAL CENTER S.A LABORATOIRE ECCI APPLUS+ LGAI TECHNOLOGICIAL CENTER S.A CRITT MATERIAUX EXOVA CENTECH EXOVA LINKOPING ATK LAUNCH SYSTEMS INC CETIM NANTES CRITT MATERIAUX CRITT MDTS EXOVA CENTECH EXOVA LINKOPING LABORATOIRE ECCI TITANIA & LABCYP TITANIA & LABCYP Town HEREFORD SERRES CASTET CEDEX YOUNGSTOWN BELLATERRA BREMEN SOMERSET HEREFORD YOUNGSTOWN SOUTHGATE WESTFIELD SANTA FE SPRINGS HEREFORD YOUNGSTOWN BELLATERRA SOUTHGATE SANTA FE SPRINGS HEREFORD YOUNGSTOWN SOMERSET DRESDEN YOUNGSTOWN NANTES LINKPING DRESDEN PESSAC CEDEX Girona LINKPING DRESDEN CHARLEVILLE MEZIERES NANTES SOMERSET LINKPING DRESDEN PESSAC CEDEX LA RINCONADA LA RINCONADA PUERTO REAL Girona YOUNGSTOWN BELLATERRA Rochefort cedex COLOMIERS Keighley SERRES CASTET CEDEX AUBIERE CEDEX YOUNGSTOWN NANTES CHARLEVILLE MEZIERES PUERTO REAL BELLATERRA NANTES CHARLEVILLE MEZIERES COLOMIERS LA RINCONADA PUERTO REAL SANTA FE SPRINGS YOUNGSTOWN BELLATERRA SERRES CASTET CEDEX BELLATERRA Rochefort cedex COLOMIERS LINKPING Huntsville NANTES Rochefort cedex CHARLEVILLE MEZIERES COLOMIERS LINKPING SERRES CASTET CEDEX PUERTO REAL PUERTO REAL SAINT-OUEN L'AUMNE NANTES SANTA FE SPRINGS YOUNGSTOWN NANTES CHARLEVILLE MEZIERES COLOMIERS SERRES CASTET CEDEX PUERTO REAL Country United Kingdom France USA Spain Germany United Kingdom United Kingdom USA USA USA USA United Kingdom USA Spain USA USA United Kingdom USA United Kingdom Germany USA France Sweden Germany France Spain Sweden Germany France France United Kingdom Sweden Germany France Spain Spain Spain Spain USA Spain France France United Kingdom France France USA France France Spain Spain France France France Spain Spain USA USA Spain France Spain France France Sweden USA France France France France Sweden France Spain Spain France France USA USA France France France France Spain Referential EN 3683 EN 3683 EN 3683 EN 3684 EN 3684 EN 3684 EN 3684 EN 3684 EN 3976 EN 3976 EN 3976 EN 3976 EN 3976 EN 6018 IGC 04-24-176 IGC 04-24-176 IGC 04-24-176 IGC 04-24-176 ISO 10119 ISO 10119 ISO 10119 ISO 11341 ISO 11358 (ASTM D3850 / ASTM E1131) ISO 11358 (ASTM D3850 / ASTM E1131) ISO 11358 (ASTM D3850 / ASTM E1131) ISO 11358 (ASTM D3850 / ASTM E1131) ISO 11359 (ASTM E1545) ISO 11359 (ASTM E1545) ISO 11507 ISO 1183-1 ISO 1183-1 ISO 1183-1 ISO 1183-1 ISO 1183-1 ISO 1183-1 ISO 1183-1 ISO 1183-1 ISO 1183-1 ISO 1183-1 ISO 1463 ISO 1463 ISO 1463 ISO 1463 ISO 1463 ISO 1463 ISO 1463 ISO 1518 ISO 1518 ISO 1518 ISO 1519 ISO 1519 ISO 1519 ISO 1519 ISO 1519 ISO 1519 ISO 17352 ISO 17352 ISO 2178 ISO 2178 ISO 2360 ISO 2360 ISO 2360 ISO 2360 ISO 2409 ISO 2409 ISO 2409 ISO 2409 ISO 2409 ISO 2409 ISO 2409 ISO 2409 ISO 2431 ISO 26845 ISO 26845 ISO 26845 ISO 26845 ISO 2808 ISO 2808 ISO 2808 ISO 2808 ISO 2808 Test Method Test Label Titanium alloy wrought products - Determination of primary a content - Point count method and line intercept method Titanium alloy wrought products - Determination of primary a content - Point count method and line intercept method Titanium alloy wrought products - Determination of primary a content - Point count method and line intercept method Titanium alloy wrought products - Determination of transus temperature - Metallographic method Titanium alloy wrought products - Determination of transus temperature - Metallographic method Titanium alloy wrought products - Determination of transus temperature - Metallographic method Titanium alloy wrought products - Determination of transus temperature - Metallographic method Titanium alloy wrought products - Determination of transus temperature - Metallographic method Titanium and titanium alloys - Chemical analysis for the determination of hydrogen content Titanium and titanium alloys - Chemical analysis for the determination of hydrogen content Titanium and titanium alloys - Chemical analysis for the determination of hydrogen content Titanium and titanium alloys - Chemical analysis for the determination of hydrogen content Titanium and titanium alloys - Chemical analysis for the determination of hydrogen content Determination of density according to displacement method Aluminium alloys - Ultimate analysis - Determination of the copper content by electrogravimetric analysis Aluminium alloys - Ultimate analysis - Determination of the copper content by electrogravimetric analysis Aluminium alloys - Ultimate analysis - Determination of the copper content by electrogravimetric analysis Aluminium alloys - Ultimate analysis - Determination of the copper content by electrogravimetric analysis Carbon fibre - Determination of density Carbon fibre - Determination of density Carbon fibre - Determination of density Artificial weathering and exposure to artificial radiation - Exposure to filtered xenon-arc radiation Plastics - Thermogravimetry (TG) of polymers Plastics - Thermogravimetry (TG) of polymers Plastics - Thermogravimetry (TG) of polymers Plastics - Thermogravimetry (TG) of polymers Plastics - Thermomechanical analysis (TMA) Plastics - Thermomechanical analysis (TMA) Exposure of coatings to artificial weathering - Exposure to fluorescent UV lamps and water Plastics - Methods for determining the density of non-cellular plastics - Part 1: Immersion method, liquid pyknometer method and titration method Plastics - Methods for determining the density of non-cellular plastics - Part 1: Immersion method, liquid pyknometer method and titration method Plastics - Methods for determining the density of non-cellular plastics - Part 1: Immersion method, liquid pyknometer method and titration method Plastics - Methods for determining the density of non-cellular plastics - Part 1: Immersion method, liquid pyknometer method and titration method Plastics - Methods for determining the density of non-cellular plastics - Part 1: Immersion method, liquid pyknometer method and titration method Plastics - Methods for determining the density of non-cellular plastics - Part 1: Immersion method, liquid pyknometer method and titration method Plastics - Methods for determining the density of non-cellular plastics - Part 1: Immersion method, liquid pyknometer method and titration method Plastics - Methods for determining the density of non-cellular plastics - Part 1: Immersion method, liquid pyknometer method and titration method Plastics - Methods for determining the density of non-cellular plastics - Part 1: Immersion method, liquid pyknometer method and titration method Plastics - Methods for determining the density of non-cellular plastics - Part 1: Immersion method, liquid pyknometer method and titration method Metallic and oxide coatings - Measurement of coating thickness - Microscopical method Metallic and oxide coatings - Measurement of coating thickness - Microscopical method Metallic and oxide coatings - Measurement of coating thickness - Microscopical method Metallic and oxide coatings - Measurement of coating thickness - Microscopical method Metallic and oxide coatings - Measurement of coating thickness - Microscopical method Metallic and oxide coatings - Measurement of coating thickness - Microscopical method Metallic and oxide coatings - Measurement of coating thickness - Microscopical method Paints and varnishes - Scratch test Paints and varnishes - Scratch test Paints and varnishes - Scratch test Paints and varnishes - Bend test (cylindrical mandrel) Paints and varnishes - Bend test (cylindrical mandrel) Paints and varnishes - Bend test (cylindrical mandrel) Paints and varnishes - Bend test (cylindrical mandrel) Paints and varnishes - Bend test (cylindrical mandrel) Paints and varnishes - Bend test (cylindrical mandrel) Hardmetals - Determination of silicon in cobalt metal powders using graphite - furnace atomic absorption Hardmetals - Determination of silicon in cobalt metal powders using graphite - furnace atomic absorption Non-magnetic coatings on magnetic substrates - Measurement of coating thickness - Magnetic method Non-magnetic coatings on magnetic substrates - Measurement of coating thickness - Magnetic method Non-conductive coatings on non-magnetic electrically conductive basis materials - Measurement of coating thickness - Amplitude-sensitive eddy current method Non-conductive coatings on non-magnetic electrically conductive basis materials - Measurement of coating thickness - Amplitude-sensitive eddy current method Non-conductive coatings on non-magnetic electrically conductive basis materials - Measurement of coating thickness - Amplitude-sensitive eddy current method Non-conductive coatings on non-magnetic electrically conductive basis materials - Measurement of coating thickness - Amplitude-sensitive eddy current method Paints and varnishes - Cross-cut test Paints and varnishes - Cross-cut test Paints and varnishes - Cross-cut test Paints and varnishes - Cross-cut test Paints and varnishes - Cross-cut test Paints and varnishes - Cross-cut test Paints and varnishes - Cross-cut test Paints and varnishes - Cross-cut test Paints and varnishes - Determination of flow time by use of flow cups Chemical analysis of refractories - General requirements for wet chemical analysis, atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) and inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) methods Chemical analysis of refractories - General requirements for wet chemical analysis, atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) and inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) methods Chemical analysis of refractories - General requirements for wet chemical analysis, atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) and inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) methods Chemical analysis of refractories - General requirements for wet chemical analysis, atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) and inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) methods Paints and varnishes - Determination of film thickness Paints and varnishes - Determination of film thickness Paints and varnishes - Determination of film thickness Paints and varnishes - Determination of film thickness Paints and varnishes - Determination of film thickness Page 13 de 17 Status Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Authorised to proceed Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Authorised to proceed Authorised to proceed Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Authorised to proceed Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Authorised to proceed Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Authorised to proceed Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Authorised to Proceed Authorised to proceed Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Authorised to Proceed Qualified Authorised to proceed Authorised to proceed Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Authorised to proceed


Airbus Qualified Test Method List (QTML) External Report

= Register of Qualified Couples >Test Method / Test Facility< In Accordance with AP5262 (DRAFT) - Qualification Process of Couples <Test Method / Test Facility> For any further information, please contact : [email protected] Report: Ordered By Test Facility - Name of the Independent Lab
Version: 2011-1d - September 6th, 2011 Test Facility ARP-ID 276249 259686 150147 147019 169755 277364 276249 150147 276249 147019 276098 276249 276086 Name of the Independent Lab TITANIA & LABCYP CETIM NANTES CRITT MDTS EXOVA CENTECH IMA GMBH DRESDEN TEAMS TITANIA & LABCYP CRITT MDTS TITANIA & LABCYP EXOVA CENTECH WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING TITANIA & LABCYP POLE TECHNOLOGIQUE CASIMIR Town PUERTO REAL NANTES CHARLEVILLE MEZIERES COLOMIERS DRESDEN LA RINCONADA PUERTO REAL CHARLEVILLE MEZIERES PUERTO REAL COLOMIERS YOUNGSTOWN PUERTO REAL AUBIERE CEDEX BELLATERRA SAINT-OUEN L'AUMNE CHARLEVILLE MEZIERES Keighley SERRES CASTET CEDEX CORMEILLES EN PARISIS OSTWALD AUBIERE CEDEX YOUNGSTOWN BELLATERRA CHARLEVILLE MEZIERES Keighley AUBIERE CEDEX YOUNGSTOWN BELLATERRA COLOMIERS Keighley SERRES CASTET CEDEX YOUNGSTOWN NANTES SOUTHGATE WESTFIELD SOMERSET SANTA FE SPRINGS Keighley YOUNGSTOWN SOUTHGATE SANTA FE SPRINGS HEREFORD SOUTHGATE SANTA FE SPRINGS YOUNGSTOWN PUERTO REAL BELLATERRA PESSAC Rochefort cedex HEREFORD SERRES CASTET CEDEX BANBURY BELLATERRA Huntsville Rochefort cedex LINKPING DRESDEN BELLATERRA NANTES COLOMIERS PESSAC CEDEX LA RINCONADA Girona YOUNGSTOWN BELLATERRA NANTES CHARLEVILLE MEZIERES CHARLEVILLE MEZIERES BELLATERRA BREMEN Country Spain France France France Germany Spain Spain France Spain France USA Spain France Spain France France United Kingdom France France France France USA Spain France United Kingdom France USA Spain France United Kingdom France USA France USA USA United Kingdom USA United Kingdom USA USA USA United Kingdom USA USA USA Spain Spain France France United Kingdom France United Kingdom Spain USA France Sweden Germany Spain France France France Spain Spain USA Spain France France France Spain Germany Referential ISO 2811-1 ISO 2812-2 ISO 2812-2 ISO 2812-2 ISO 2812-2 ISO 2812-2 ISO 2812-2 ISO 2813 ISO 2813 ISO 2819 ISO 2819 ISO 3251 ISO 3497 ISO 3651-1 ISO 3651-1 ISO 3651-1 ISO 3651-1 ISO 3651-1 ISO 3651-1 ISO 3651-1 ISO 3651-1 ISO 3651-1 ISO 3651-2 ISO 3651-2 ISO 3651-2 ISO 3651-2 ISO 3651-2 ISO 3887 ISO 3887 ISO 3887 ISO 3887 ISO 3887 ISO 3907 ISO 3907 ISO 3907 ISO 3907 ISO 3907 ISO 3907 ISO 3907 ISO 4140 ISO 4140 ISO 4140 ISO 4193 ISO 4193 ISO 4193 ISO 4288 ISO 4516 ISO 4516 ISO 4516 ISO 4516 ISO 4516 ISO 4516 ISO 4624 ISO 4624 ISO 4624 ISO 4624 ISO 4624 ISO 527-5 ISO 527-5 ISO 527-5 ISO 527-5 ISO 527-5 ISO 527-5 ISO 527-5 ISO 6270-1 ISO 6270-1 ISO 6270-1 ISO 6270-2 ISO 643 ISO 643 Test Method Test Label Paints and varnishes - Determination of density - Part 1: Pyknometer method Paints and varnishes - Determination of resistance to liquids - Part 2: Water immersion method Paints and varnishes - Determination of resistance to liquids - Part 2: Water immersion method Paints and varnishes - Determination of resistance to liquids - Part 2: Water immersion method Paints and varnishes - Determination of resistance to liquids - Part 2: Water immersion method Paints and varnishes - Determination of resistance to liquids - Part 2: Water immersion method Paints and varnishes - Determination of resistance to liquids - Part 2: Water immersion method Paints and varnishes - Determination of specular gloss of non-metallic paint films at 20, 60 and 85 Paints and varnishes - Determination of specular gloss of non-metallic paint films at 20, 60 and 85 Metallic coatings on metallic substrates - Electrodeposited and chemically deposited coatings - Review of methods available for testing adhesion Metallic coatings on metallic substrates - Electrodeposited and chemically deposited coatings - Review of methods available for testing adhesion Paints, varnishes and plastics - Determination of non-volatile-matter content Metallic coatings - Measurement of coating thickness - X-ray spectrometric methods Determination of resistance to intergranular corrosion of stainless steels - Part 1: Austenitic and ferritic-austenitic (duplex) stainless steels - Corrosion test in nitric acid medium by measurement of loss in mass (Huey test) Determination of resistance to intergranular corrosion of stainless steels - Part 1: Austenitic and ferritic-austenitic (duplex) stainless steels - Corrosion test in nitric acid medium by measurement of loss in mass (Huey test) Determination of resistance to intergranular corrosion of stainless steels - Part 1: Austenitic and ferritic-austenitic (duplex) stainless steels - Corrosion test in nitric acid medium by measurement of loss in mass (Huey test) Determination of resistance to intergranular corrosion of stainless steels - Part 1: Austenitic and ferritic-austenitic (duplex) stainless steels - Corrosion test in nitric acid medium by measurement of loss in mass (Huey test) Determination of resistance to intergranular corrosion of stainless steels - Part 1: Austenitic and ferritic-austenitic (duplex) stainless steels - Corrosion test in nitric acid medium by measurement of loss in mass (Huey test) Determination of resistance to intergranular corrosion of stainless steels - Part 1: Austenitic and ferritic-austenitic (duplex) stainless steels - Corrosion test in nitric acid medium by measurement of loss in mass (Huey test) Determination of resistance to intergranular corrosion of stainless steels - Part 1: Austenitic and ferritic-austenitic (duplex) stainless steels - Corrosion test in nitric acid medium by measurement of loss in mass (Huey test) Determination of resistance to intergranular corrosion of stainless steels - Part 1: Austenitic and ferritic-austenitic (duplex) stainless steels - Corrosion test in nitric acid medium by measurement of loss in mass (Huey test) Determination of resistance to intergranular corrosion of stainless steels - Part 1: Austenitic and ferritic-austenitic (duplex) stainless steels - Corrosion test in nitric acid medium by measurement of loss in mass (Huey test) Determination of resistance to intergranular corrosion of stainless steels - Part 2: Ferritic, austenitic and ferritic-austenitic (duplex) stainless steels - Corrosion test in media containing sulfuric acid Determination of resistance to intergranular corrosion of stainless steels - Part 2: Ferritic, austenitic and ferritic-austenitic (duplex) stainless steels - Corrosion test in media containing sulfuric acid Determination of resistance to intergranular corrosion of stainless steels - Part 2: Ferritic, austenitic and ferritic-austenitic (duplex) stainless steels - Corrosion test in media containing sulfuric acid Determination of resistance to intergranular corrosion of stainless steels - Part 2: Ferritic, austenitic and ferritic-austenitic (duplex) stainless steels - Corrosion test in media containing sulfuric acid Determination of resistance to intergranular corrosion of stainless steels - Part 2: Ferritic, austenitic and ferritic-austenitic (duplex) stainless steels - Corrosion test in media containing sulfuric acid Steels - Determination of depth of decarburization Steels - Determination of depth of decarburization Steels - Determination of depth of decarburization Steels - Determination of depth of decarburization Steels - Determination of depth of decarburization Hardmetals - Determination of total carbon content - Gravimetric method Hardmetals - Determination of total carbon content - Gravimetric method Hardmetals - Determination of total carbon content - Gravimetric method Hardmetals - Determination of total carbon content - Gravimetric method Hardmetals - Determination of total carbon content - Gravimetric method Hardmetals - Determination of total carbon content - Gravimetric method Hardmetals - Determination of total carbon content - Gravimetric method Ferrochromium and ferrosilicochromium - Determination of chromium content - Potentiometric method Ferrochromium and ferrosilicochromium - Determination of chromium content - Potentiometric method Ferrochromium and ferrosilicochromium - Determination of chromium content - Potentiometric method Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Determination of chromium content - Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Determination of chromium content - Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Determination of chromium content - Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - Surface texture : Profile method - Rules and procedures for the assessment of surface texture Metallic and other inorganic coatings - Vickers and Knoop microhardness tests Metallic and other inorganic coatings - Vickers and Knoop microhardness tests Metallic and other inorganic coatings - Vickers and Knoop microhardness tests Metallic and other inorganic coatings - Vickers and Knoop microhardness tests Metallic and other inorganic coatings - Vickers and Knoop microhardness tests Metallic and other inorganic coatings - Vickers and Knoop microhardness tests Paints and varnishes - Pull-off test for adhesion Paints and varnishes - Pull-off test for adhesion Paints and varnishes - Pull-off test for adhesion Paints and varnishes - Pull-off test for adhesion Paints and varnishes - Pull-off test for adhesion Determination of tensile properties - Part 5: Test conditions for unidirectional fibre-reinforced plastic composites Determination of tensile properties - Part 5: Test conditions for unidirectional fibre-reinforced plastic composites Determination of tensile properties - Part 5: Test conditions for unidirectional fibre-reinforced plastic composites Determination of tensile properties - Part 5: Test conditions for unidirectional fibre-reinforced plastic composites Determination of tensile properties - Part 5: Test conditions for unidirectional fibre-reinforced plastic composites Determination of tensile properties - Part 5: Test conditions for unidirectional fibre-reinforced plastic composites Determination of tensile properties - Part 5: Test conditions for unidirectional fibre-reinforced plastic composites Paints and varnishes - Determination of resistance to humidity - Part 1: Continuous condensation Paints and varnishes - Determination of resistance to humidity - Part 1: Continuous condensation Paints and varnishes - Determination of resistance to humidity - Part 1: Continuous condensation Paints and varnishes - Determination of resistance to humidity - Part 2: Procedure for exposing test specimens in condensation-water atmospheres Steels - Micrographic determination of the apparent grain size Steels - Micrographic determination of the apparent grain size Page 14 de 17 Status Authorised to proceed Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Authorised to proceed Qualified Authorised to proceed Qualified Qualified Authorised to proceed Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Authorised to proceed Qualified Qualified Disqualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Authorised to proceed Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Authorised to proceed Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Authorised to proceed Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Authorised to proceed Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Authorised to proceed Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Authorised to proceed Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified



Airbus Qualified Test Method List (QTML) External Report

= Register of Qualified Couples >Test Method / Test Facility< In Accordance with AP5262 (DRAFT) - Qualification Process of Couples <Test Method / Test Facility> For any further information, please contact : [email protected] Report: Ordered By Test Facility - Name of the Independent Lab
Version: 2011-1d - September 6th, 2011 Test Facility ARP-ID 147145 290825 276426 259686 147115 294826 150147 276093 219624 147019 276084 262425 169755 295929 260077 296665 276425 276086 276098 257831 284828 143041 276094 147145 276426 259686 147115 150147 276093 276095 219624 147019 276084 262425 169755 295929 260077 296665 276425 55 276086 276098 257831 284828 143041 276094 147145 259686 147115 150147 276093 219624 147019 276084 262425 169755 295929 260077 296665 276425 55 276086 276249 276098 257831 284828 143041 276094 147145 276426 259686 147115 150147 276093 276095 219624 147019 276084 262425 169755 295929 260077 296665 276425 55 Name of the Independent Lab BUREAU VERITAS LABORATOIRES BUREAU VERITAS LABORATOIRES CEPESI CETIM NANTES CETIM SENLIS CRITT MATERIAUX CRITT MDTS DICKSON TESTING COMPANY EXOVA BRIDGWATER EXOVA CENTECH EXOVA LA GMA-WERKSTOFFPRUEFUNG GMBH IMA GMBH DRESDEN INCOTEST Keighley Laboratories Limited LABORATOIRE ECCI MECASEM (Cormeilles en Parisis) POLE TECHNOLOGIQUE CASIMIR WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING & RESEARCH LTD APPLUS+ LGAI TECHNOLOGICIAL CENTER S.A BK WERKSTOFFTECHNIK GMBH BUREAU VERITAS LABORATOIRES BUREAU VERITAS LABORATOIRES CEPESI CETIM NANTES CETIM SENLIS CRITT MDTS DICKSON TESTING COMPANY DIRATS LABORATORIES EXOVA BRIDGWATER EXOVA CENTECH EXOVA LA GMA-WERKSTOFFPRUEFUNG GMBH IMA GMBH DRESDEN INCOTEST Keighley Laboratories Limited LABORATOIRE ECCI MECASEM (Cormeilles en Parisis) MECASEM (Ostwald) POLE TECHNOLOGIQUE CASIMIR WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING & RESEARCH LTD APPLUS+ LGAI TECHNOLOGICIAL CENTER S.A BK WERKSTOFFTECHNIK GMBH BUREAU VERITAS LABORATOIRES BUREAU VERITAS LABORATOIRES CETIM NANTES CETIM SENLIS CRITT MDTS DICKSON TESTING COMPANY EXOVA BRIDGWATER EXOVA CENTECH EXOVA LA GMA-WERKSTOFFPRUEFUNG GMBH IMA GMBH DRESDEN INCOTEST Keighley Laboratories Limited LABORATOIRE ECCI MECASEM (Cormeilles en Parisis) MECASEM (Ostwald) POLE TECHNOLOGIQUE CASIMIR TITANIA & LABCYP WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING & RESEARCH LTD APPLUS+ LGAI TECHNOLOGICIAL CENTER S.A BK WERKSTOFFTECHNIK GMBH BUREAU VERITAS LABORATOIRES BUREAU VERITAS LABORATOIRES CEPESI CETIM NANTES CETIM SENLIS CRITT MDTS DICKSON TESTING COMPANY DIRATS LABORATORIES EXOVA BRIDGWATER EXOVA CENTECH EXOVA LA GMA-WERKSTOFFPRUEFUNG GMBH IMA GMBH DRESDEN INCOTEST Keighley Laboratories Limited LABORATOIRE ECCI MECASEM (Cormeilles en Parisis) MECASEM (Ostwald) Town SAINT-OUEN L'AUMNE PESSAC CHARLEROI NANTES SENLIS Rochefort cedex CHARLEVILLE MEZIERES SOUTHGATE SOMERSET COLOMIERS SANTA FE SPRINGS STADE DRESDEN HEREFORD Keighley SERRES CASTET CEDEX CORMEILLES EN PARISIS AUBIERE CEDEX YOUNGSTOWN BANBURY BELLATERRA BREMEN BELFORT SAINT-OUEN L'AUMNE CHARLEROI NANTES SENLIS CHARLEVILLE MEZIERES SOUTHGATE WESTFIELD SOMERSET COLOMIERS SANTA FE SPRINGS STADE DRESDEN HEREFORD Keighley SERRES CASTET CEDEX CORMEILLES EN PARISIS OSTWALD AUBIERE CEDEX YOUNGSTOWN BANBURY BELLATERRA BREMEN BELFORT SAINT-OUEN L'AUMNE NANTES SENLIS CHARLEVILLE MEZIERES SOUTHGATE SOMERSET COLOMIERS SANTA FE SPRINGS STADE DRESDEN HEREFORD Keighley SERRES CASTET CEDEX CORMEILLES EN PARISIS OSTWALD AUBIERE CEDEX PUERTO REAL YOUNGSTOWN BANBURY BELLATERRA BREMEN BELFORT SAINT-OUEN L'AUMNE CHARLEROI NANTES SENLIS CHARLEVILLE MEZIERES SOUTHGATE WESTFIELD SOMERSET COLOMIERS SANTA FE SPRINGS STADE DRESDEN HEREFORD Keighley SERRES CASTET CEDEX CORMEILLES EN PARISIS OSTWALD Country France France Belgium France France France France USA United Kingdom France USA Germany Germany United Kingdom United Kingdom France France France USA United Kingdom Spain Germany France France Belgium France France France USA USA United Kingdom France USA Germany Germany United Kingdom United Kingdom France France France France USA United Kingdom Spain Germany France France France France France USA United Kingdom France USA Germany Germany United Kingdom United Kingdom France France France France Spain USA United Kingdom Spain Germany France France Belgium France France France USA USA United Kingdom France USA Germany Germany United Kingdom United Kingdom France France France Referential ISO 643 ISO 643 ISO 643 ISO 643 ISO 643 ISO 643 ISO 643 ISO 643 ISO 643 ISO 643 ISO 643 ISO 643 ISO 643 ISO 643 ISO 643 ISO 643 ISO 643 ISO 643 ISO 643 ISO 643 ISO 6506 (ASTM E10) ISO 6506 (ASTM E10) ISO 6506 (ASTM E10) ISO 6506 (ASTM E10) ISO 6506 (ASTM E10) ISO 6506 (ASTM E10) ISO 6506 (ASTM E10) ISO 6506 (ASTM E10) ISO 6506 (ASTM E10) ISO 6506 (ASTM E10) ISO 6506 (ASTM E10) ISO 6506 (ASTM E10) ISO 6506 (ASTM E10) ISO 6506 (ASTM E10) ISO 6506 (ASTM E10) ISO 6506 (ASTM E10) ISO 6506 (ASTM E10) ISO 6506 (ASTM E10) ISO 6506 (ASTM E10) ISO 6506 (ASTM E10) ISO 6506 (ASTM E10) ISO 6506 (ASTM E10) ISO 6506 (ASTM E10) ISO 6507 (ASTM E92) ISO 6507 (ASTM E92) ISO 6507 (ASTM E92) ISO 6507 (ASTM E92) ISO 6507 (ASTM E92) ISO 6507 (ASTM E92) ISO 6507 (ASTM E92) ISO 6507 (ASTM E92) ISO 6507 (ASTM E92) ISO 6507 (ASTM E92) ISO 6507 (ASTM E92) ISO 6507 (ASTM E92) ISO 6507 (ASTM E92) ISO 6507 (ASTM E92) ISO 6507 (ASTM E92) ISO 6507 (ASTM E92) ISO 6507 (ASTM E92) ISO 6507 (ASTM E92) ISO 6507 (ASTM E92) ISO 6507 (ASTM E92) ISO 6507 (ASTM E92) ISO 6507 (ASTM E92) ISO 6508 (ASTM E18) ISO 6508 (ASTM E18) ISO 6508 (ASTM E18) ISO 6508 (ASTM E18) ISO 6508 (ASTM E18) ISO 6508 (ASTM E18) ISO 6508 (ASTM E18) ISO 6508 (ASTM E18) ISO 6508 (ASTM E18) ISO 6508 (ASTM E18) ISO 6508 (ASTM E18) ISO 6508 (ASTM E18) ISO 6508 (ASTM E18) ISO 6508 (ASTM E18) ISO 6508 (ASTM E18) ISO 6508 (ASTM E18) ISO 6508 (ASTM E18) ISO 6508 (ASTM E18) ISO 6508 (ASTM E18) ISO 6508 (ASTM E18) Steels - Micrographic determination of the apparent grain size Steels - Micrographic determination of the apparent grain size Steels - Micrographic determination of the apparent grain size Steels - Micrographic determination of the apparent grain size Steels - Micrographic determination of the apparent grain size Steels - Micrographic determination of the apparent grain size Steels - Micrographic determination of the apparent grain size Steels - Micrographic determination of the apparent grain size Steels - Micrographic determination of the apparent grain size Steels - Micrographic determination of the apparent grain size Steels - Micrographic determination of the apparent grain size Steels - Micrographic determination of the apparent grain size Steels - Micrographic determination of the apparent grain size Steels - Micrographic determination of the apparent grain size Steels - Micrographic determination of the apparent grain size Steels - Micrographic determination of the apparent grain size Steels - Micrographic determination of the apparent grain size Steels - Micrographic determination of the apparent grain size Steels - Micrographic determination of the apparent grain size Steels - Micrographic determination of the apparent grain size Brinell hardness test Brinell hardness test Brinell hardness test Brinell hardness test Brinell hardness test Brinell hardness test Brinell hardness test Brinell hardness test Brinell hardness test Brinell hardness test Brinell hardness test Brinell hardness test Brinell hardness test Brinell hardness test Brinell hardness test Brinell hardness test Brinell hardness test Brinell hardness test Brinell hardness test Brinell hardness test Brinell hardness test Brinell hardness test Brinell hardness test Vickers hardness test Vickers hardness test Vickers hardness test Vickers hardness test Vickers hardness test Vickers hardness test Vickers hardness test Vickers hardness test Vickers hardness test Vickers hardness test Vickers hardness test Vickers hardness test Vickers hardness test Vickers hardness test Vickers hardness test Vickers hardness test Vickers hardness test Vickers hardness test Vickers hardness test Vickers hardness test Vickers hardness test Vickers hardness test Rockwell hardness test Rockwell hardness test Rockwell hardness test Rockwell hardness test Rockwell hardness test Rockwell hardness test Rockwell hardness test Rockwell hardness test Rockwell hardness test Rockwell hardness test Rockwell hardness test Rockwell hardness test Rockwell hardness test Rockwell hardness test Rockwell hardness test Rockwell hardness test Rockwell hardness test Rockwell hardness test Rockwell hardness test Rockwell hardness test Page 15 de 17 Test Method Test Label Status Qualified Qualified Disqualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Authorised to proceed Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Disqualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Authorised to proceed Qualified Qualified Disqualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Authorised to proceed Qualified Qualified Disqualified Qualified Authorised to proceed Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Disqualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Authorised to proceed Qualified Qualified Disqualified

Airbus Qualified Test Method List (QTML) External Report

= Register of Qualified Couples >Test Method / Test Facility< In Accordance with AP5262 (DRAFT) - Qualification Process of Couples <Test Method / Test Facility> For any further information, please contact : [email protected] Report: Ordered By Test Facility - Name of the Independent Lab
Version: 2011-1d - September 6th, 2011 Test Facility ARP-ID 276086 277364 276249 276098 257831 276093 219624 276084 295929 260077 276098 276093 276084 276086 40 284828 284828 276094 147145 259686 147115 150147 276093 276095 147019 295927 72 260077 296665 276425 55 276086 197093 277364 276249 276098 257831 276093 276084 276098 276095 147019 276249 276098 284828 276095 276098 276098 276095 147019 296665 276249 276098 284828 143041 276095 147019 276249 276098 284828 276095 284828 284828 143041 276095 147019 276098 276098 284828 276095 276249 276098 284828 284828 284828 276095 276095 276249 284828 143041 276095 147019 276098 284828 276095 Name of the Independent Lab POLE TECHNOLOGIQUE CASIMIR TEAMS TITANIA & LABCYP WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING & RESEARCH LTD DICKSON TESTING COMPANY EXOVA BRIDGWATER EXOVA LA INCOTEST Keighley Laboratories Limited WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING DICKSON TESTING COMPANY EXOVA LA POLE TECHNOLOGIQUE CASIMIR Anachem Labs APPLUS+ LGAI TECHNOLOGICIAL CENTER S.A APPLUS+ LGAI TECHNOLOGICIAL CENTER S.A BUREAU VERITAS LABORATOIRES BUREAU VERITAS LABORATOIRES CETIM NANTES CETIM SENLIS CRITT MDTS DICKSON TESTING COMPANY DIRATS LABORATORIES EXOVA CENTECH EXOVA LINKOPING Fundacin TECNALIA Research & Innovation Keighley Laboratories Limited LABORATOIRE ECCI MECASEM (Cormeilles en Parisis) MECASEM (Ostwald) POLE TECHNOLOGIQUE CASIMIR SERCOVAM LABORATOIRE D'ESSAIS TEAMS TITANIA & LABCYP WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING & RESEARCH LTD DICKSON TESTING COMPANY EXOVA LA WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING DIRATS LABORATORIES EXOVA CENTECH TITANIA & LABCYP WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING APPLUS+ LGAI TECHNOLOGICIAL CENTER S.A DIRATS LABORATORIES WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING DIRATS LABORATORIES EXOVA CENTECH LABORATOIRE ECCI TITANIA & LABCYP WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING APPLUS+ LGAI TECHNOLOGICIAL CENTER S.A BK WERKSTOFFTECHNIK GMBH DIRATS LABORATORIES EXOVA CENTECH TITANIA & LABCYP WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING APPLUS+ LGAI TECHNOLOGICIAL CENTER S.A DIRATS LABORATORIES APPLUS+ LGAI TECHNOLOGICIAL CENTER S.A APPLUS+ LGAI TECHNOLOGICIAL CENTER S.A BK WERKSTOFFTECHNIK GMBH DIRATS LABORATORIES EXOVA CENTECH WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING APPLUS+ LGAI TECHNOLOGICIAL CENTER S.A DIRATS LABORATORIES TITANIA & LABCYP WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING APPLUS+ LGAI TECHNOLOGICIAL CENTER S.A APPLUS+ LGAI TECHNOLOGICIAL CENTER S.A APPLUS+ LGAI TECHNOLOGICIAL CENTER S.A DIRATS LABORATORIES DIRATS LABORATORIES TITANIA & LABCYP APPLUS+ LGAI TECHNOLOGICIAL CENTER S.A BK WERKSTOFFTECHNIK GMBH DIRATS LABORATORIES EXOVA CENTECH WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING APPLUS+ LGAI TECHNOLOGICIAL CENTER S.A DIRATS LABORATORIES Town AUBIERE CEDEX LA RINCONADA PUERTO REAL YOUNGSTOWN BANBURY SOUTHGATE SOMERSET SANTA FE SPRINGS HEREFORD Keighley YOUNGSTOWN SOUTHGATE SANTA FE SPRINGS AUBIERE CEDEX El Segundo BELLATERRA BELLATERRA BELFORT SAINT-OUEN L'AUMNE NANTES SENLIS CHARLEVILLE MEZIERES SOUTHGATE WESTFIELD COLOMIERS LINKPING DONOSTIA-SAN SEBASTIN Keighley SERRES CASTET CEDEX CORMEILLES EN PARISIS OSTWALD AUBIERE CEDEX CESTAS LA RINCONADA PUERTO REAL YOUNGSTOWN BANBURY SOUTHGATE SANTA FE SPRINGS YOUNGSTOWN WESTFIELD COLOMIERS PUERTO REAL YOUNGSTOWN BELLATERRA WESTFIELD YOUNGSTOWN YOUNGSTOWN WESTFIELD COLOMIERS SERRES CASTET CEDEX PUERTO REAL YOUNGSTOWN BELLATERRA BREMEN WESTFIELD COLOMIERS PUERTO REAL YOUNGSTOWN BELLATERRA WESTFIELD BELLATERRA BELLATERRA BREMEN WESTFIELD COLOMIERS YOUNGSTOWN YOUNGSTOWN BELLATERRA WESTFIELD PUERTO REAL YOUNGSTOWN BELLATERRA BELLATERRA BELLATERRA WESTFIELD WESTFIELD PUERTO REAL BELLATERRA BREMEN WESTFIELD COLOMIERS YOUNGSTOWN BELLATERRA WESTFIELD Country France Spain Spain USA United Kingdom USA United Kingdom USA United Kingdom United Kingdom USA USA USA France USA Spain Spain France France France France France USA USA France Sweden Spain United Kingdom France France France France France Spain Spain USA United Kingdom USA USA USA USA France Spain USA Spain USA USA USA USA France France Spain USA Spain Germany USA France Spain USA Spain USA Spain Spain Germany USA France USA USA Spain USA Spain USA Spain Spain Spain USA USA Spain Spain Germany USA France USA Spain USA Referential ISO 6508 (ASTM E18) ISO 6508 (ASTM E18) ISO 6508 (ASTM E18) ISO 6508 (ASTM E18) ISO 6508 (ASTM E18) ISO 671 ISO 671 ISO 671 ISO 671 ISO 671 ISO 671 ISO 6994 ISO 6994 ISO 9220 ISO 9227 (ASTM B117 / ISO 7253 withdrawn) ISO 9227 (ASTM B117 / ISO 7253 withdrawn) ISO 9227 (ASTM B117 / ISO 7253 withdrawn) ISO 9227 (ASTM B117 / ISO 7253 withdrawn) ISO 9227 (ASTM B117 / ISO 7253 withdrawn) ISO 9227 (ASTM B117 / ISO 7253 withdrawn) ISO 9227 (ASTM B117 / ISO 7253 withdrawn) ISO 9227 (ASTM B117 / ISO 7253 withdrawn) ISO 9227 (ASTM B117 / ISO 7253 withdrawn) ISO 9227 (ASTM B117 / ISO 7253 withdrawn) ISO 9227 (ASTM B117 / ISO 7253 withdrawn) ISO 9227 (ASTM B117 / ISO 7253 withdrawn) ISO 9227 (ASTM B117 / ISO 7253 withdrawn) ISO 9227 (ASTM B117 / ISO 7253 withdrawn) ISO 9227 (ASTM B117 / ISO 7253 withdrawn) ISO 9227 (ASTM B117 / ISO 7253 withdrawn) ISO 9227 (ASTM B117 / ISO 7253 withdrawn) ISO 9227 (ASTM B117 / ISO 7253 withdrawn) ISO 9227 (ASTM B117 / ISO 7253 withdrawn) ISO 9227 (ASTM B117 / ISO 7253 withdrawn) ISO 9227 (ASTM B117 / ISO 7253 withdrawn) ISO 9227 (ASTM B117 / ISO 7253 withdrawn) ISO 9227 (ASTM B117 / ISO 7253 withdrawn) ISO 9658 ISO 9658 ISO 9658 NASM 1312-1 NASM 1312-1 NASM 1312-1 NASM 1312-1 NASM 1312-10 NASM 1312-10 NASM 1312-10 NASM 1312-11 NASM 1312-12 NASM 1312-12 NASM 1312-12 NASM 1312-12 NASM 1312-12 NASM 1312-13 NASM 1312-13 NASM 1312-13 NASM 1312-13 NASM 1312-13 NASM 1312-13 NASM 1312-14 NASM 1312-14 NASM 1312-17 NASM 1312-18 NASM 1312-18 NASM 1312-18 NASM 1312-18 NASM 1312-18 NASM 1312-2 NASM 1312-20 NASM 1312-20 NASM 1312-20 NASM 1312-20 NASM 1312-23 NASM 1312-26 NASM 1312-28 NASM 1312-3 NASM 1312-31 NASM 1312-31 NASM 1312-4 NASM 1312-4 NASM 1312-4 NASM 1312-4 NASM 1312-4 NASM 1312-5 NASM 1312-5 Test Method Test Label Rockwell hardness test Rockwell hardness test Rockwell hardness test Rockwell hardness test Rockwell hardness test Steel and cast iron - Determination of sulphur content - Combustion titrimetric method Steel and cast iron - Determination of sulphur content - Combustion titrimetric method Steel and cast iron - Determination of sulphur content - Combustion titrimetric method Steel and cast iron - Determination of sulphur content - Combustion titrimetric method Steel and cast iron - Determination of sulphur content - Combustion titrimetric method Steel and cast iron - Determination of sulphur content - Combustion titrimetric method Aluminium ores - Determination of aluminium content - EDTA titrimetric method Aluminium ores - Determination of aluminium content - EDTA titrimetric method Metallic coatings - Measurement of coating thickness - Scanning electron microscope method Corrosion tests in artificial atmospheres - Salt spray tests Corrosion tests in artificial atmospheres - Salt spray tests Corrosion tests in artificial atmospheres - Salt spray tests Corrosion tests in artificial atmospheres - Salt spray tests Corrosion tests in artificial atmospheres - Salt spray tests Corrosion tests in artificial atmospheres - Salt spray tests Corrosion tests in artificial atmospheres - Salt spray tests Corrosion tests in artificial atmospheres - Salt spray tests Corrosion tests in artificial atmospheres - Salt spray tests Corrosion tests in artificial atmospheres - Salt spray tests Corrosion tests in artificial atmospheres - Salt spray tests Corrosion tests in artificial atmospheres - Salt spray tests Corrosion tests in artificial atmospheres - Salt spray tests Corrosion tests in artificial atmospheres - Salt spray tests Corrosion tests in artificial atmospheres - Salt spray tests Corrosion tests in artificial atmospheres - Salt spray tests Corrosion tests in artificial atmospheres - Salt spray tests Corrosion tests in artificial atmospheres - Salt spray tests Corrosion tests in artificial atmospheres - Salt spray tests Corrosion tests in artificial atmospheres - Salt spray tests Corrosion tests in artificial atmospheres - Salt spray tests Corrosion tests in artificial atmospheres - Salt spray tests Corrosion tests in artificial atmospheres - Salt spray tests Steel - Determination of aluminium content - Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method Steel - Determination of aluminium content - Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method Steel - Determination of aluminium content - Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method Fastener test methods - Method 1: Salt Spray Fastener test methods - Method 1: Salt Spray Fastener test methods - Method 1: Salt Spray Fastener test methods - Method 1: Salt Spray Fastener test methods - Method 10: Stress rupture Fastener test methods - Method 10: Stress rupture Fastener test methods - Method 10: Stress rupture Fastener test methods - Method 11: Tension fatigue Fastener test methods - Method 12: Thickness of metallic coatings Fastener test methods - Method 12: Thickness of metallic coatings Fastener test methods - Method 12: Thickness of metallic coatings Fastener test methods - Method 12: Thickness of metallic coatings Fastener test methods - Method 12: Thickness of metallic coatings Fastener test methods - Method 13: Double shear test Fastener test methods - Method 13: Double shear test Fastener test methods - Method 13: Double shear test Fastener test methods - Method 13: Double shear test Fastener test methods - Method 13: Double shear test Fastener test methods - Method 13: Double shear test Fastener test methods - Method 14: Stress durability (internally threaded fasteners) Fastener test methods - Method 14: Stress durability (internally threaded fasteners) Fastener test methods - Method 17: Stress relaxation Fastener test methods - Method 18: Elevated temperature tensile strength Fastener test methods - Method 18: Elevated temperature tensile strength Fastener test methods - Method 18: Elevated temperature tensile strength Fastener test methods - Method 18: Elevated temperature tensile strength Fastener test methods - Method 18: Elevated temperature tensile strength Fastener test methods - Method 2: Interaction Fastener test methods - Method 20: Single shear Fastener test methods - Method 20: Single shear Fastener test methods - Method 20: Single shear Fastener test methods - Method 20: Single shear Fastener test methods - Method 23: Tensile strength of panel fasteners Fastener test methods - Method 26: Structural panel fastener lap joint shear Fastener test methods - Method 28: Elevated temperature double shear Fastener test methods - Method 3: Humidity Fastener test methods - Method 31: Torque Fastener test methods - Method 31: Torque Fastener test methods - Method 4: Lap joint shear Fastener test methods - Method 4: Lap joint shear Fastener test methods - Method 4: Lap joint shear Fastener test methods - Method 4: Lap joint shear Fastener test methods - Method 4: Lap joint shear Fastener test methods - Method 5: Stress durability Fastener test methods - Method 5: Stress durability Page 16 de 17 Status Qualified Qualified Authorised to proceed Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Authorised to proceed Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Authorised to Proceed Qualified Qualified Qualified Authorised to Proceed Authorised to proceed Authorised to proceed Qualified Qualified Disqualified Qualified Authorised to Proceed Qualified Authorised to proceed Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Authorised to proceed Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Authorised to proceed Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Authorised to proceed Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Authorised to proceed Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Authorised to proceed Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified

Airbus Qualified Test Method List (QTML) External Report

= Register of Qualified Couples >Test Method / Test Facility< In Accordance with AP5262 (DRAFT) - Qualification Process of Couples <Test Method / Test Facility> For any further information, please contact : [email protected] Report: Ordered By Test Facility - Name of the Independent Lab
Version: 2011-1d - September 6th, 2011 Test Facility ARP-ID 276098 143041 276095 296665 276249 276098 284828 143041 276095 147019 296665 276098 284828 276098 276093 147019 295929 277364 276098 257831 143041 276093 276095 147019 133443 276084 169755 277364 276098 257831 Name of the Independent Lab WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING BK WERKSTOFFTECHNIK GMBH DIRATS LABORATORIES LABORATOIRE ECCI TITANIA & LABCYP WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING APPLUS+ LGAI TECHNOLOGICIAL CENTER S.A BK WERKSTOFFTECHNIK GMBH DIRATS LABORATORIES EXOVA CENTECH LABORATOIRE ECCI WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING APPLUS+ LGAI TECHNOLOGICIAL CENTER S.A WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING DICKSON TESTING COMPANY EXOVA CENTECH INCOTEST TEAMS WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING & RESEARCH LTD BK WERKSTOFFTECHNIK GMBH DICKSON TESTING COMPANY DIRATS LABORATORIES EXOVA CENTECH EXOVA DAVENTRY EXOVA LA IMA GMBH DRESDEN TEAMS WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING & RESEARCH LTD Town YOUNGSTOWN BREMEN WESTFIELD SERRES CASTET CEDEX PUERTO REAL YOUNGSTOWN BELLATERRA BREMEN WESTFIELD COLOMIERS SERRES CASTET CEDEX YOUNGSTOWN BELLATERRA YOUNGSTOWN SOUTHGATE COLOMIERS HEREFORD LA RINCONADA YOUNGSTOWN BANBURY BREMEN SOUTHGATE WESTFIELD COLOMIERS DAVENTRY SANTA FE SPRINGS DRESDEN LA RINCONADA YOUNGSTOWN BANBURY Country USA Germany USA France Spain USA Spain Germany USA France France USA Spain USA USA France United Kingdom Spain USA United Kingdom Germany USA USA France United Kingdom USA Germany Spain USA United Kingdom Referential NASM 1312-5 NASM 1312-6 NASM 1312-6 NASM 1312-6 NASM 1312-6 NASM 1312-6 NASM 1312-8 NASM 1312-8 NASM 1312-8 NASM 1312-8 NASM 1312-8 NASM 1312-8 NASM 1312-9 NASM 1312-9 PrEN 6072 PrEN 6072 PrEN 6072 PrEN 6072 PrEN 6072 PrEN 6072 PrEN 6072 (ASTM E466) PrEN 6072 (ASTM E466) PrEN 6072 (ASTM E466) PrEN 6072 (ASTM E466) PrEN 6072 (ASTM E466) PrEN 6072 (ASTM E466) PrEN 6072 (ASTM E466) PrEN 6072 (ASTM E466) PrEN 6072 (ASTM E466) PrEN 6072 (ASTM E466) Fastener test methods - Method 5: Stress durability Fastener test methods - Method 6: Hardness Fastener test methods - Method 6: Hardness Fastener test methods - Method 6: Hardness Fastener test methods - Method 6: Hardness Fastener test methods - Method 6: Hardness Fastener test methods - Method 8: Tensile strength Fastener test methods - Method 8: Tensile strength Fastener test methods - Method 8: Tensile strength Fastener test methods - Method 8: Tensile strength Fastener test methods - Method 8: Tensile strength Fastener test methods - Method 8: Tensile strength Fastener test methods - Method 9: Stress corrosion Fastener test methods - Method 9: Stress corrosion Fatigue test specimen machining (NADCAP test code O) Fatigue test specimen machining (NADCAP test code O) Fatigue test specimen machining (NADCAP test code O) Fatigue test specimen machining (NADCAP test code O) Fatigue test specimen machining (NADCAP test code O) Fatigue test specimen machining (NADCAP test code O) Constant amplitude fatigue testing (HCF) Constant amplitude fatigue testing (HCF) Constant amplitude fatigue testing (HCF) Constant amplitude fatigue testing (HCF) Constant amplitude fatigue testing (HCF) Constant amplitude fatigue testing (HCF) Constant amplitude fatigue testing (HCF) Constant amplitude fatigue testing (HCF) Constant amplitude fatigue testing (HCF) Constant amplitude fatigue testing (HCF) Test Method Test Label Status Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Authorised to proceed Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Disqualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified

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