09g Bilgi
09g Bilgi
09g Bilgi
Figure 1: The fluid level is correct when it just runs out the stove pipe inside the pan.
The only way to check the 09G oil level accurately requires a scan tool to determine the ATF temperature. When its full, the oil will just drip over the stovepipe in the oil pan when the oil temperature is between 35C (95F) and 45C (113F). You should replace the seals on the fill plug and fill level pipe plug whenever you check or drain the oil. To check the fluid level: Park the vehicle on level ground. Connect your scan tool to the vehicle. Make sure the transmission fluid is cold; below 35C (95F). Remove the fill level pipe plug. Start the engine. Watch the ATF temperature as the transmission warms up. The ATF should begin to drip out 4
Figure 2: Always mark or take a picture of the harnesses connected to the solenoids for easy reassembly.
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of the fill level pipe plug as the transmission fluid temperature reaches 35C (95F). If the transmission fluid doesnt start to drip out of the fill level pipe plug, add fluid to the transmission until it starts to run out of the fill level plug (figure 1).
Other units require a similar method for filling and checking the fluid level, so most R&R techs have devised their own way of getting fluids into the transmission through a small opening. The critical step is to be sure that the ATF is within the correct temperature range. As with most new transmissions, it takes a few thousand miles of road service for the troubles to show up. There are some trouble spots you could easily overlook that weve learned about through experience. These spots include the valve body, the case, and some troubles you could cause yourself. These units are well behaved for most of their road life. They start having issues when the valve bodies start wearing out. This can happen as early as 20,000 miles. The shifting complaints can range from clunky downshifts to a perceived slip or engine flare. Too much torque converter slip can also be a symptom of a worn out valve body. A shift to neutral on the 3-4 shift can be caused if the steel sleeve down in the case rotates. This cuts off the feed to the K2 clutch, which is needed to apply 4th, 5th and 6th gears (well cover this in more detail later). Another cause for a shift to neutral on the 3-4 can be solenoid related. This typically happens after the valve body is replaced or the unit rebuilt. The reason? The M1 solenoid (light gray wire) and the B2/4-6 solenoid (black wire) have been crossed (figure 2). Always mark the solenoids harness or take a picture to make sure you connect the harnesses to the correct solenoids.
Shifting Issues
Figure 3: Removing every valve from the valve body will make the valve body easier to inspect.
Figure 4: An inexpensive LED pen works well to shed light on worn valve bores.
When servicing the valve body, pay close attention to the valve bores.
Always remove every valve from every bore for easier inspection (figure 3). Good lighting is critical; an LED pen light is an excellent choice for this job (figure 4). In this case, the Pressure Regulator Valve bore is in good shape; its a dull aluminum color (figure 5). On the other hand, the Lockup Clutch Control Valve bore is shiny and worn (figure 6). When the bore becomes severely worn it may also exhibit visible ridges. Okay, youve found a worn valve body. What are you going to do about it? These days you generally have three choices: 1. Replace the complete valve body with a new one from your local VW dealership. This used to be your only choice when you found a worn
VW valve body. 2. Get a valve body repair kit from the aftermarket. These kits involve boring the aluminum and installing sleeves and valves. Valve bore end plugs are also available. 3. Purchase a rebuilt valve body from a reputable rebuilder. The important thing to remember is that these units are real hard on valve bodies; most of them are going to be damaged when they reach your bench.
The 09G has a Lepelletier gearset (covered in the Nov/Dec 2006 GEARS) in the front and a Ravigneaux gearset (think AOD) in the rear. Both seem to be holding up extremely well. GEARS January/February 2010
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Figure 6: A shiny bore that may also have a ridge is a sign of a worn valve bore.
As discussed earlier, the sleeve for the K2 teflon sealing rings can spin in the case (figure 7). This can cause the transmission to shift into neutral on the 3-4 shift. You can check for this problem before removing the transmission by installing a pressure gauge on the K2 pressure tap (figure 8). Then drive the vehicle, and check the pressure during the 3-4 shift. When the transmission shifts from 3rd to 4th, the pressure in the K2 clutch circuit should rise to 65-90 PSI. If the pressure doesnt rise, look for a valve body problem such as a sticking valve or faulty solenoid. If the pressure rises normally but the transmission shifts into neutral, the sleeve is probably rotated in the case. GEARS January/February 2010
If you find a rotated sleeve, there are two fixes here. Replace the case from the dealer or repair the sleeve with a kit from Sonnax. This product is brand new to the market. The rest of the hard parts in this unit have been holding up fairly well so far. After a rebuild, its important to reset the TCM. The important resets are the throttle basic setting for the TPS relearn and the component adaptation reset for the TCM adaptive reset. You can reset the TCM with most scan tools. Performing these two resets will return the computer to its base settings. Reprogramming cant be performed on late model Volkswagens without some very expensive or very illegal scan tool equipment. So any reprogramming should be left to the dealer. The 09G 6 speed transmission is going to be a profitable unit among the other new vehicles that are showing up in your service bays. Weve identified
After Service
Figure 7: Use a mirror to get down into the case to check for a spun support sleeve.
the major trouble areas and their serviceability. You know that you can perform the basic reset functions with your scan tools. And you have the resources to deal with any troubles that may arise in the future.
So when you see a late model Volkswagen come into your service bay, you can be sure that, with a little knowledge, you cant help but have fun with transmissions!
Figure 8: A pressure tap on the K2 clutch tap can help spot a problem before the unit is removed from the vehicle.