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1 2 to3 4 to 6 7 to 13 14 to 16 17 to 19 20 to 22 23 to 29 30 to 32 33 34 to 36 37 to 40 41 42 to 44 Assessment 8 & 9 Assessment 10 Assessment 11 Assessment 12 Assessment 13 FINAL ASSESSMENT Assessment 1 & 2 Assessment 3 Assessment 4 & 5 Assessment 6 Assessment 7


DOT NET CONTENT FOR INDUCTION BATCHES SDLC & SOFTWARE ENGINEERING OBJECTIVE: Participants will understand the basic concepts and phases of SDLC DAY 1 Introduction to SDLC Terminologies - Scope, Requirements, Features, Constraints, Assumptions SDLC models Software Engineering Process of converting a Current Physical Model to Proposed Physical Model using an example - Banking - Withdraw Cash scenario Software Design Procedural oriented design methods Object oriented design methods Structured Programming Principles and characteristics of good code Introduction to Software Testing Validation vs. Verification, Defect vs. Bug vs. Error vs. Fault Introduction to Types of Testing - Whitebox, Blackbox, Unit, System, Integration, Stress OOAD USING UML DAY 2 Objects Oriented Analysis and Design Introduction Object Oriented Methodology Analysis Problem Statement a Problem Specifications Object Modeling Identifying Object Classes Prepare a Data Dictionary Identifying Association Identifying Attributes Refining with Inheritance Testing Access Path Iterating Object Modeling Grouping Classes Dynamic Modeling Introduction Dynamic Modeling Events Scenario Event Trace States VAMSOFT TECHNOLOGY AND CONSULTANCY (P) LTD.

DOT NET CONTENT FOR INDUCTION BATCHES Condition Controlling Operations Notation for State Diagram with Operations Relationship of Object and dynamic Model Function Modeling Introduction Functional Modeling Data Flow Diagrams Control Flows Constraints Leveled DFDs Analysis: The Functional Model for Banking Application Relation of Functional to Object and Dynamic Model Object Technology and Future Trends Object Oriented Style Future Trends Introduction to UML UML and its Software Development Life Cycle DAY 3 Fundamentals of UML Brief Summary Goals of UML Concept Areas UML Diagrams Applications of UML UML and System Development Introduction to Rational Rose Identifying Use Cases and Classes Use Case Modeling Static View Objects, Classes and the UML Finding Classes Documenting Classes Understanding Object Interaction and Relationships Use Case Diagram using MAGIC DRAW Use Case Specification Identifying Candidate Classes Class Diagram Interaction Diagram Sequence Diagrams and the UML Collaboration Diagrams and the UML Relationships Multiplicity Refining Associations RDBMS VAMSOFT TECHNOLOGY AND CONSULTANCY (P) LTD.

DOT NET CONTENT FOR INDUCTION BATCHES OBJECTIVE: Participants will understand the basic concepts of RDBMS DAY 4 SQL Server 2005 Introduction of SQL Server 2005 SQL Server 2005 Editions, Components, and Tools Using SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) Working with Tables and Queries New Transact-SQL Features Business Intelligence Services Designing and Creating a Database Relational Database Design Principles Implementing the Design Data Selection Queries Understanding Transact-SQL The SELECT Statement The WHERE Clause Using ORDER BY to Sort Data The GROUP BY Clause Joining Tables Modifying Data Modifying Data Inserting Data Updating Data Deleting Data Understanding Transaction Isolation Working with SQL Server Management Studio Getting Started with SSMS Exploring the Object Explorer Working with the Query Editor Using SQL Server Books Online Transact-SQL Programming Overview of Transact-SQL Using Built-In Functions Controlling Flow Ranking Results Transactions and Error Handling Transaction Concepts Applications and Transactions Creating Explicit Transactions VAMSOFT TECHNOLOGY AND CONSULTANCY (P) LTD. 4

DOT NET CONTENT FOR INDUCTION BATCHES Using TRY/CATCH Error Handling Querying Multiple Tables Collating Information Equi Joins Cartesian Joins Outer Joins Self Joins Set Operators Nested Queries Data Manipulation and Control Data Defination Language Creating Tables Inserting Values in Table Updating Columns of a Table Deleting Rows in a Table Introduction to Views Manipulating the Basement through Views Rules for DML Statements of Join Views Dropping a View Data Manipulation and Control continued Database Security & Privileges GRANT Command REVOKE Command Application Privileges Management Enhancing Performance Sequences Maintaining Database Objects COMMIT and ROLLBACK Optimizing Query Performance Introduction to the Query Optimizer Obtaining Execution Plan Information Using an Index to Cover a Query Indexing Strategies Overriding the Query Optimizer


Analyzing Queries


Queries That Use the AND Operator Queries That Use the OR Operator Queries That Use join Operations Indexes

Introduction to Indexes Index Architecture VAMSOFT TECHNOLOGY AND CONSULTANCY (P) LTD.

DOT NET CONTENT FOR INDUCTION BATCHES Creating Indexes Creating Index Options Maintaining Indexes Creating Views Describing Views and Their Uses Creating a View Retrieving Data Via a View Inserting, Updating, and Deleting Data Through Views Dropping Views Creating Database Triggers Describe different types of triggers Describe database triggers and their use Create database triggers Describe database trigger firing rules Drop database triggers Writing Cursors Using a PL/SQL Record Variable Distinguishing Between the Implicit and Explicit Cursor Writing a Cursor FOR Loop PL/SQL (Basics) Introduction to PL/SQL The Advantage of PL/SQL PL/SQL Block Structure PL/SQL Architecture Fundamentals of PL/SQL PL/SQL Data Type Variable and Constants Assignments and Expressions Built-in Functions SQL within PL/SQL Exception Handling in PL/SQL .NET USING C# OBJECTIVE: Participants will be able to build .NET applications using C# DAY 7 .NET Framework Introduction to .NET Framework VAMSOFT TECHNOLOGY AND CONSULTANCY (P) LTD. 6

DOT NET CONTENT FOR INDUCTION BATCHES Evolution of .NET Versions (From 1.x to 4.0) Common Language Runtime (CLR) Assemblies and Namespaces Assembly Manifest, Metdata and MSIL Private and Global Assemblies Global Assembly Cache Creating Strong named assembly Using .NET Framework tools - gacutil, sn Side by side execution and versioning of assemblies Common Type System Common Language Specification Just In Time Compilation Understanding how to use the standard .NET Libraries Understanding how to use the standard .NET Libraries The command line utilities vs Visual Studio



Overview of C# Structure of a C# Program Basic Input / Output Operations Recommended Practices Compiling, Running, and Debugging Explaining the structure of a simple C# program. Using the Console class of the System namespace to perform basic input/output operations. Handling exceptions in a C# program. Generating Extensible Markup Language (XML) documentation for a C# application. Compiling and executing a C# program. Using Value-Type Variables Common Type System Naming Variables Creating User-Defined Data Types Converting Data Types Using Built-In Data Types Statements and Exceptions Introduction to Statements Using Selection Statements Using Iteration Statements Using Jump Statements Raising Exceptions Handling Basic Exceptions Methods and Parameters Using Methods Using Parameters VAMSOFT TECHNOLOGY AND CONSULTANCY (P) LTD.

DOT NET CONTENT FOR INDUCTION BATCHES Using Overloaded Methods Visual Team System Testing / n-Unit Team Edition for Testers Create a Test Project Introduction to mocks and stubs Configure Test Project Creation Selecting a Test Type Team System Testing Tools Viewing and Running Tests Configure Team Edition for Testers Nunit & Mock Framework Essentials of Object-Oriented Programming Defining Object-Oriented Systems Classes and Objects C# and Object Orientation Using Encapsulation Generics Introduction to Generics Benefits of Generics Generic Type Parameters Constraints on Type Parameters Generic Classes Generic Interfaces Generic Methods Generics and Arrays Generic Delegates The default Keywords DAY 10 Arrays & Collection Overview of Arrays Creating Arrays Using Arrays Understanding .NET collections Ordered vs. Unordered Collections Collection classes CollectionBase, ArrayList, HashTable, Dictionary, Queue, ack, LinkedList, SortedList, Generic Collection Collection Interfaces: IList, IEnumerable, IEnumerator, IDictionary Specialized Collections like CollectionsUtil, Name Value Collection Using Reference-Type Variables Using Reference-Type Variables Using Common Reference Types The Object Hierarchy Namespaces in the .NET Framework Data Conversions Creating and Destroying Objects Using Constructors VAMSOFT TECHNOLOGY AND CONSULTANCY (P) LTD. 8

DOT NET CONTENT FOR INDUCTION BATCHES Initializing Data Objects and Memory Resource Managements Inheritance in C# Deriving Classes Implementing Methods Using Sealed Classes Using Interfaces Using Abstract Classes Aggregation, Namespaces, and Advanced Scope Using Internal Classes, Methods, and Data Using Aggregation Using Namespaces Using Modules and Assemblies Operators and Events Introduction to Operators Operator Overloading Creating and Using Delegates Anonymous delegates Callback delegates Multicast delegates Lambda functions Event driven programming Custom Event Handlers Defining and Using Events Custom Events Properties and Indexers Using Properties Using Indexers Attributes & Reflection Overview of Attributes Defining Custom Attributes Retrieving Attribute Values Reflection Overview Viewing Type information Attribute Based programming - Accessing Attributes with Reflection DAY 12 Working with Threads Understanding Threading Creating Threads Passing Data to Threads Returning Data from threads Managing Threads Problems with Threads Multithreading VAMSOFT TECHNOLOGY AND CONSULTANCY (P) LTD. 9

DAY 11

DOT NET CONTENT FOR INDUCTION BATCHES Synchronizing Threads Asynchronous Programming Invoking method Asynchronously Calling Asynchronous Methods using IAsyncResult Asynchronous Programming using Delegates Streams File I/O and Streams. Stream readers and writers XML Serialization Binary Serialization Immutable strings and Stringbuilder(). Introduction to Enterprise Library and Application Blocks Introduction to Enterprise Library Why and when to use Enterprise Library Benefits of using Enterprise Library and Application Blocks Caching Application Block Data Access Application Block Logging Application Block Validation Application Block Composite UI Application Block (CAB) Unity Application Block ADO.NET OBJECTIVE: Participants will be able to understand ADO.NET DAY 14 Data-Centric Applications and ADO.NET Design of Data-Centric Applications ADO.NET Architecture ADO.NET and XML Connecting to Data Sources Choosing a .NET Data Provider Defining a Connection Managing a Connection Handling Connection Exceptions Connection Pooling Connection Pooling Working in a Connected Environment Building Command Objects Executing Commands That Return a Single Value Executing Commands That Return Rows Executing Commands That Do Not Return Rows Using Transactions Building DataSets VAMSOFT TECHNOLOGY AND CONSULTANCY (P) LTD. 10

DAY 13

DAY 15

DOT NET CONTENT FOR INDUCTION BATCHES Working in a Disconnected Environment Building DataSets and DataTables Binding and Saving a DataSet Defining Data Relationships Modifying Data in a DataTable Sorting and Filtering Reading and Writing XML with ADO.NET Creating XSD Schemas Loading Schemas and Data into DataSets Writing XML from a DataSet Building DataSets from Existing Data Sources Configuring a DataAdapter to Retrieve Information Populating a DataSet Using a DataAdapter Configuring a DataAdapter to Update the Underlying Data Source Persisting Changes to a Data Source How to Handle Conflicts LINQ Introduction to LINQ LINQ Queries and Operators Objects, Data and Mappings LINQ to ADO.NET LINQ to SQL LINQ to DataSet LINQ to Entities LINQ to XML ADO.NET ENTITY FRAMEWORK OBJECTIVE: Participants will be able to understand ADO.NET ENTITY FRAMEWORK DAY 17 Architecture and Data Access Technologies Building Entity Data Models Querying Entity Data Create an Entity Data Model Modify an entity data model by using the Entity Designer Customize a model to meet your business requirements Creating, Updating, and Deleting Entity Data Create a new instance of an entity by using an Entity Data Model Entity Framework implements change tracking Update data by using an Entity Data Model Delete an entity by using an Entity Data Model Handling Multi-User Scenarios by Using Object Services How to manage concurrent access to the database VAMSOFT TECHNOLOGY AND CONSULTANCY (P) LTD. 11

DAY 16

DAY 18

DOT NET CONTENT FOR INDUCTION BATCHES Different approaches available for dealing with concurrency violations. Perform transactions by using the Entity Framework Building Optimized Solutions by Using Object Services Executing a Query Performance Enhancements ObjectContext Positives of Compiled Queries Create Design-Time generated views, benefits and drawbacks Compiling a Query Monitor and Collect Performance Data Benefits of performing asynchronous modifications Customizing Entities and Building Custom Entity Classes T4 template and Business logice Using Persistent Ignorant Classes with the Entity Framework POCO class Create a custom ObjectContext class Custom entity objects can support automatic change tracking Manually implement change tracking for custom objects if they dont support automatic change tracking Building an N-Tier Solution by Using the Entity Framework Data access layer Implementing the functional interface exposed by the DAL To build a DAL by using self-tracking entities To build security into an N-Tier DAL solution Handling Updates in an N-Tier Solution by Using the Entity Framework Strategies for recording and tracking changes made to entities by a client application, and how to propagate these changes through the Entity Framework to the database Trap and manage concurrency issues in an N-Tier solution WEB TECHNOLOGIES/ HTML/ XML/ JAVASCRIPT OBJECTIVE: Participants will understand the basic concepts of Web technologies, HTML, JavaScript and XML DAY 20 Web Technology Concepts Introduction to Web basics Role of Web server, Web browser Static VS Dynamic pages Client side scripting VS Server side scripting Page Request processing IIS as a Web server 12

DAY 19


DOT NET CONTENT FOR INDUCTION BATCHES HTML Introduction to HTML HTML Get Started HTML Basic HTML Elements HTML Attributes HTML Headings HTML Paragraphs HTML Formatting HTML Styles HTML Links HTML Images HTML Tables HTML Lists HTML Forms HTML Colors HTML Colornames HTML Colorvalues HTML Quick List HTML Custom Control CSS How to apply CSS to an (X)HTML page Using images and background images CSS - Styling text Applying CSS in a HTML page JavaScript Introduction to JavaScript JavaScript Statements, Variables, Operators, Comments, Comparison, Switch, Popup Boxes, Events, Special Text, Guidelines JavaScript functions Using conditional constructs, looping constructs JavaScript JavaScript Objects Objects Intro String Date Array Boolean Math RegExp JavaScript Advanced Browser Cookies Timing Validation VAMSOFT TECHNOLOGY AND CONSULTANCY (P) LTD. 13

DAY 21

DOT NET CONTENT FOR INDUCTION BATCHES Create Object Animation Image Maps jQuery - basics of JQuery framework Introduction Overview of jQuery Overview of jQuery's features Downloading and installing jQuery Creating a simple jQuery-enabled page Retrieving Page Content Overview of selectors and filters Using basic jQuery selectors Using basic jQuery filters Using jQuery attribute filters Child, visibility, and content filters Form selectors and filters Traversing documents Understanding jQuery statement chaining Manipulating Page Content Creating, getting, and setting content Manipulating attributes Inserting content Wrapping, replacing, and removing content Working with CSS : CSS selectors, Selecting elements, attribute-based selection, selecting elements by child Understanding the jQuery event handling features Binding and unbinding events Convenient event helper methods Using the jQuery event object Using miscellaneous event features jQuery Animations and Effects Hiding and showing elements Fading elements in and out Sliding elements Creating custom animations Practical example 4: Image rotator Using the jQuery UI Plug-In Introduction to jQuery UI Exploring the jQuery UI widgets Exploring the jQuery UI effects Using the jQuery UI ThemeRoller Downloading and installing jQuery UI Working with form data Retrieving & manipulating form elements Retrieving form data Leveraging the form plugin AJAX VAMSOFT TECHNOLOGY AND CONSULTANCY (P) LTD. 14

DOT NET CONTENT FOR INDUCTION BATCHES DAY 22 XML Microsoft .NET Platform and XML Overview Course at a Glance Common Business Problems XML in the .NET Framework Parsing XML Overview of XML Parsing Parsing XML Using XmlTextReader Creating a Custom Reader Validating XML Examining Schemas Validating XML While Parsing Advanced Validation Writing XML Overview of Generating XML Documents Writing XML Generating XML with Namespaces Controlling XML Format and Converting XML Querying XML Introduction to Querying XML Using XPath Creating and Navigating a Document Cache Executing Your Query Manipulating Cached XML Introduction to the XML Document Object Model Navigating XML Using the DOM Creating New Nodes Modifying and Deleting Nodes Module 7: Transforming XML Introduction to Transforming XML Programmng the XslTransform Class Extending XSLT Style Sheets Serializing Objects as XML Introduction to XML Serialization Serializing Objects Using XmlSerializer Controlling XML Serialization ASP.NET VAMSOFT TECHNOLOGY AND CONSULTANCY (P) LTD. Replacing XMLHttpRequest with jQuery methods Using the jQuery load() function Making GET and POST requests with jQuery Using .ajax() for fine-grained control over AJAX queries Understanding AJAX global functions Practical Example: You tube webservice integration


DOT NET CONTENT FOR INDUCTION BATCHES OBJECTIVE: Participants will be able to understand ASP.NET and build Web based applications using ASP.NET DAY 23 Exploring ASP.NET Web Applications in Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 SP1 Introduction to ASP.NET Explain Microsoft .NET Benefits of the .NET Framework Components of the .NET Framework Visual Studio 2008 SP1 Overview of ASP.NET Explain ASP.NET Components of ASP.NET Web applications ASP.NET dynamic compilation execution model Determine the advantages of using Visual Studio 2008 SP1 View the Components of an ASP.NET 3.5 Web Application Project Creating Web Applications by Using Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 and Microsoft .NET-Based Languages Visual Basic/Visual C# Features of Visual Basic Features of Visual C# Scenarios for mixed-language environments Considerations for choosing between Visual Basic and Visual C# for an application Overview of Visual Studio 2008 SP1 Advantages of using Visual Studio 2008 SP1 Visual Studio 2008 SP1 Start Page Available Project Templates Creating a Simple Web Application Web application development process Web application project files and folders Web site project files and folders Choose between a Web site or Web application project Web application files Create a simple Web application project Creating a Microsoft ASP.NET Web Form Creating Web Forms To describe a Web Form How to create a Web Form Configuring Server Controls in a Web Form Explain on Server control, types of server controls Various Types of server controls Save view state Add and configure HTML server controls VAMSOFT TECHNOLOGY AND CONSULTANCY (P) LTD. 16

DOT NET CONTENT FOR INDUCTION BATCHES Add and configure Web server controls Select the appropriate server control

DAY 24

Adding Functionality to a Microsoft ASP.NET Web Form Working with Code-Behind Files Methods for implementing code Elaborate mixed code and inline code Explain and use of code-behind files Handling Server Control Events Explain and create event handlers (client and server side) Web server controls by using event handlers Creating Classes and Components by Using Visual Studio 2008 SP1 Describe types, components, and classes Create a component Demonstrate how to create a class in Visual Studio 2008 SP1 Add member variables and constants to a class Add properties and methods to a class Add class constructors Access components in an ASP.NET Web Form Handling Page Events Explain page event life cycle Explain the postback process Handle page.ispostback events Demonstrate on how to handle page events Master Pages and User Controls Creating Master Pages Explain and create master pages & content pages Nested master pages Runtime behavior of master pages Advantages of master pages Adding a master page to an existing Web application project Adding User Controls to an ASP.NET Web Form To explain user controls & advantages and disadvantages of user controls Converting a Web Form to a user control Adding a user control to a Web Form Validating User Input Overview of User Input Validation Describe input validation Describe client-side and server-side validation ASP.NET Validation Controls Describe ASP.NET validation controls. Describe basic ASP.NET validation controls. Describe RegularExpressionValidator control. VAMSOFT TECHNOLOGY AND CONSULTANCY (P) LTD. 17

DOT NET CONTENT FOR INDUCTION BATCHES Describe CustomValidator control. Combine validation controls. Add validation controls to a Web Form. Positioning and configuring validation controls on a Web Form. Validating Web Forms Describe implementing the ValidationSummary control Describe programmatically validate Web Forms

DAY 25

Debugging Microsoft ASP.NET Web Applications Tracing in ASP.NET Describe tracing. Trace a Web application. Describe the TraceContext class. Debugging in ASP.NET Describe debugging. Describe gathering debugging information at run-time. Describe the Debug class. Debug a Web application. Describe remote debugging. DAY 26 Managing Data in an ASP.NET 3.5 Web Application Overview of ADO.NET Describe ADO.NET Describe the ADO.NET object model Connecting to a Database Create a connection Facilitate data transport between clients and servers
Managing Data

DAY 27

Retrieve simple data Retrieve non-simple data Manipulate data Bind data to server controls by using the IDE

Managing Data Access Tasks by Using LINQ

Overview of LINQ

Describe LINQ. Describe LINQ to XML. Describe LINQ to SQL.

Managing XML Data by Using LINQ to XML

Query XML data by using LINQ to XML. Work with XML data by using LINQ to XML. Display LINQ to XML data.
Managing SQL Data by Using LINQ to SQL



DOT NET CONTENT FOR INDUCTION BATCHES Query SQL data by using LINQ to SQL. Work with SQL data by using LINQ to SQL. Display LINQ to SQL data. Managing Data by Using ASP.NET Dynamic Data
Overview of ASP.NET Dynamic Data

Describe ASP.NET dynamic data. Describe dynamic data project infrastructure. Describe ASP.NET dynamic data scaffolding. Describe ASP.NET dynamic data templates. Describe ASP.NET dynamic data routing.

Applying ASP.NET Dynamic Data

Demonstrate how to create an ASP.NET dynamic data Web site. Demonstrate how to add ASP.NET dynamic data to an existing Web site. Add dynamic behavior to ASP.NET databound controls.
Customizing ASP.NET Dynamic Data Applications

Create a dynamic data page template. Demonstrate how to create a dynamic data field template. Customize dynamic data scaffolding. DAY 28 Creating a Microsoft ASP.NET AJAX Application
Introduction to ASP.NET AJAX

Describe asynchronous JavaScript and XML. Describe ASP.NET AJAX. Describe the architecture of ASP.NET with AJAX.
Creating an ASP.NET AJAX Application by Using the ASP.NET AJAX Extensions

Describe ASP.NET AJAX extensions. Describe ASP.NET AJAX server controls. Demonstrate implementing the UpdatePanel control. Manage partial-page updates. Describe ASP.NET AJAX control toolkit. Access the ASP.NET AJAX control toolkit. Demonstrate implementing an ASP.NET AJAX extender control. Describe ASP.NET AJAX control toolkit controls. Web Services Describe Web service. Describe the purpose of using Web service. Locate Web service by using UDDI. Locate Web service by using DISCO Files. Add Web reference by using Visual Studio 2008 SP1.

Extending an Application by Using the ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit


Overview of Web Services

Calling Web Services



DOT NET CONTENT FOR INDUCTION BATCHES Describe about Proxy Describe the steps for calling Web Service Describe Web service error handling Managing State in Web Applications
State Management

Describe state management. Describe types of state management. Describe server-side state management. Describe client-side state management.

ASP.NET Profiles

Describe ASP.NET profiles. Use ASP.NET profiles.

ASP.NET Caching

Describe ASP.NET caching. Use ASP.NET caching. Configuring and Deploying a Microsoft ASP.NET Web Application
Configuring an ASP.NET Web Application

DAY 29

Describe configuration files. Configure ASP.NET by using machine.config. Configure ASP.NET by using web.config. Configure inheritance. Demonstrate configuration inheritance. Describe Web site administration tool. Retrieve data from web.config. Write data to web.config.

Securing a Microsoft ASP.NET Web Application Whats New in VS2008 SP1 and Microsoft Silverlight 2.0 PROJECT WORK-1 DAY 30-32 OBJECTIVE: Participants will be apply all the concepts learn from Day 1 Day 29 Includes all topics covered from Day 1 to Day 29. MS BUILD OBJECTIVE: Participants will understand the importance of MS Build DAY 33 MSBuild Concepts MSBuild Overview Write a Simple MSBuild Project VAMSOFT TECHNOLOGY AND CONSULTANCY (P) LTD.


DOT NET CONTENT FOR INDUCTION BATCHES Edit Project Files Escape Special Characters in MSBuild Use Reserved XML Characters in Project Files Release /deployment of windows applications WCF OBJECTIVE: Participants will be able to understand WCF DAY 34 WCF Introduction and Architecture Endpoints Contracts - Service, Data and Message Building a WCF Service, WCF Client Hosting a WCF Service - IIS, Console app, Windows Service WCF Service Host Introducing security, transactions, reliability

DAY 35

DAY 36

WCF Serialization in WCF Operations in WCF - One way, Request Reply, Duplex WCF Instance management in WCF Concurrency SILVERLIGHT

OBJECTIVE: Participants will understand the Silverlight Architecture and enable them to build Silverlight based Applications DAY 37 Silverlight Introduction Silverlight Architecture Anatomy of a Silverlight Application Introduction to tools Visual Studio 2008 Expression Blend Expression Design Expression Encoder Introduction to XAML. Silverlight 4 controls Silverlight SDK, Runtime VAMSOFT TECHNOLOGY AND CONSULTANCY (P) LTD.


DOT NET CONTENT FOR INDUCTION BATCHES Grid, GridSplitter, DockPanel, StackPanel, WrapPanel, Canvas, Border, ViewBox, Charting controls, Input controls etc 2D Graphics Working with 2D Objects Line Rectangle Ellipse Working with Brushes SolidColorBrush LinearGradiantBrush RadialGradiantBrush Video Brush & Others Pixel Shredder Effects Blur Drop Shadow Bitmap Effects Resource Packaging Working with Images Styles & Templates Dependency Properties Creating Styles in XAML Creating Resource Dictionaries Merging Resource Dictionaries Working with Control Template DAY 38 Animation in Silverlight Applications Timelines & Storyboards Animation Types FromTo Animation ColorAnimation DoubleAnimation PointAnimation KeyFrame Animation ColorAnimationUsingKeyFrames DoubleAnimationUsingKeyFrames PointAnimationUsingKeyFrames ObjectAnimationUsingKeyFrames Working with Key Frames DiscreteKeyFrame LinearKeyFrame SplineKeyFrame Easing Functions BackEase Bounce Ease & Others Animation and Expression Blend Perspective 3D 22


DOT NET CONTENT FOR INDUCTION BATCHES Data Binding DataBinding Explain? Types of Binding OneWay TwoWay OneTime Element to Element Binding Binding to CLR Property DataBinding using Collections Working with Data Templates Working with DataBound Controls DataGrid DataForm DataPager ChartControls Implementing INotifyPropertyChanged Implementing ValueConverters Deep Zoom Composer Introduction to Deep Zoom Composer Creating Application with Deep Zoom Functionality. Other features Using LINQ in Silverlight O Linq, D Linq, x Linq, Linq to classess, writing & reading xml using X Linq, etc., DAY 39 Http Aysnc download and upload Understanding RIA services Understanding .Net RIA Services Pros and cons Validation model and shared code Creating RIA Services applications Using the Data Form with Ria Services Using RIA services with other data bound controls Silverlight & JavaScript Using Silverlight Components in JavaScript Using JavaScript Components in Silverlight. Network APIs TCP/ Sockets connections Local Connection APIs Establishing Local Connection. Important Features Out of Browser Experience XAP Compression Working with Isolated Storage. Using WCF Services in Silverlight VAMSOFT TECHNOLOGY AND CONSULTANCY (P) LTD.


DOT NET CONTENT FOR INDUCTION BATCHES Introduction, calling In domain, Cross domain, ClientAccessPolicy file, secured WCF Service, Duplex Communication, XML Binary DAY 40 Silverlight Azure Introduction, creating Silverlight apps, Azure bits for Visual Studio Silverlight Unit Testing Testing framework, installation, Adopting TDD & Silverlight, Integration, Writing unit tests for Silverlight code WPF Introduction, concepts, Layouts & Controls, Data Binding & UI Architecture, Templates & Styles Accessibility Making Silverlight accessible Achieving DDA Compliance UI Automation Silverlight Navigation Applications Overview Creating Navigation applications Creating Clean Urls Deep Linking Applying other styles and assets Using navigation in standard Silverlight Applications DESIGN PATTERNS OBJECTIVE: Participants will understand the need of Design Patterns and expose them to some patterns DAY 41 Introduction to Design Pattern Exploring Object-Oriented Design Principles and Design Patterns Describe the fundamental object-oriented design concepts Describe the fundamental object-oriented design principles Describe the characteristics of design patterns Gang of Four Behavioral Patterns Describe the basic characteristics of the Behavioral patterns Example Strategy pattern, Command pattern, Iterator pattern, Observer pattern Gang of Four Creational Patterns Describe the basic characteristics of the Creational patterns Example Factory Method pattern, Abstract Factory pattern, Singleton pattern, Prototype Pattern Gang of Four Structural Patterns Describe the basic characteristics of the Structural patterns VAMSOFT TECHNOLOGY AND CONSULTANCY (P) LTD. 24

DOT NET CONTENT FOR INDUCTION BATCHES Example Facade pattern, Proxy pattern, Adapter pattern, Composite pattern,Decorator pattern Introducing Microsoft EE Patterns Describe the Microsoft EE pattern philosophy Describe the Microsoft EE patterns and tiers in the Microsoft EE pattern catalog Garbage collection Fundamentals of Garbage Collection Garbage Collection and Performance Induced Collections Latency Modes Optimization for Shared Web Hosting Garbage Collection Notifications Application Domain Resource Monitoring Weak References Interoperability Interoperating with Unmanaged Code Advanced COM Interoperability Asynchronous Programming DP Asynchronous Programming Overview Beginning an Asynchronous Operation Ending an Asynchronous Operation Calling Asynchronous Methods Using Delegates Calling Synchronous Methods Asynchronously Asynchronous Delegates Programming Sample Asynchronous Programming Using IAsyncResult Blocking Application Execution by Ending an Asynchronous Operation. Blocking Application Execution Using an AsyncWaitHandle. Polling for the Status of an Asynchronous Operation. Using an AsyncCallback Delegate to End an Asynchronous Operation. Multithreaded Programming with the Event-based Asynchronous Pattern Event-based Asynchronous Pattern Overview Implementing the Event-based Asynchronous Pattern Best Practices for Implementing the Event-based Asynchronous Pattern Deciding When to Implement the Event-based Asynchronous Pattern Walkthrough: Implementing a Component That Supports the Event-based Asynchronous Pattern Caching in .Net Framework Applications Caching Data Overview Caching Data in WPF Application Caching in ASP .Net Application Introduction to WCF REST Services Caching in WCF REST Services Extending Caching in .Net Framework Applications Cleaning up Unmanaged Resources Implementing a Dispose Method Finalize Methods and Destructors VAMSOFT TECHNOLOGY AND CONSULTANCY (P) LTD. 25

DOT NET CONTENT FOR INDUCTION BATCHES Overriding the Finalize Method Destructor Syntax in C# and C++ Using Objects That Encapsulate Resources Reliability SQL Server Programming and Host Protection Attributes Reliability Best Practices Constrained Execution Regions Others/Advance Development Performance Measurements Tuning Techniques - using Profiler Third Party Tools - Load testing - Team Studio from MS PROJECT WORK-2 DAY 42-44 OBJECTIVE: Participants will be apply all the concepts learn from Day 42 Day 44 Includes all topics covered from Day 33 to Day 41.



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