Parliamentary Procedures

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This is your JCI guide to parliamentary procedures. It is designed to help you with the methods by which effective meetings are conducted and representative decisions can be reached in Junior Chamber. Parliamentary procedure is advocated for, and practiced by, Junior Chamber groups throughout the world. There are many reasons for this. Apart from the obvious advantages in leadership training and disciplined thinking which comes from concise debate and clearly led discussion, the introduction of parliamentary procedures gives an objective lesson in working democracy. The advantages of parliamentary procedures include: Orderly meetings; Opportunities for all to be heard; Decisions by the majority; Protection for the minority. There are many sets of rules or guides to effective action in meetings. Among these are Roberts Rules of Order (used by Junior Chamber International and most national organizations and chapters), Cushings Manual, Demeters Manual, and the many and varied sets of rules used by legislative bodies the world over. Each is designed to permit free discussion and free decisions. This JCI guide on parliamentary procedures is generally based on Roberts Rules of Order (a copy of the book Roberts Rules of Order is available from the JCI Sales Department). The guide does not attempt to give a complete picture of parliamentary procedures, nor hope to cover every situation that can come up in a meeting. It will provide you with a good understanding of how proper meeting procedures can help your chapter or national organization in conducting its business sessions. The important phases of meeting techniques are set forth one-by-one so that we may continually improve our services to you. Let us know your chapters other needs and our professional staff will be happy to assist you. Please be specific in your requests so that we can provide you with pertinent suggestions, publications and advice. We are here to help you in whatever way we can.

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The leader or presiding officer should be well prepared before the meeting. Here is what he should do: 1. Draft an agenda a list of matters to be discussed in the order in which they will be discussed.

Note: Sending the agenda to the members prior to the meeting is not only an invitation but also a way of motivating them to come to the meeting. Avoid having the same agenda every meeting. Make your agenda attractive. 2. Know in advance what to expect from reports and be sure everyone who is going to deliver a report is well prepared. 3. Arrange for the meeting place and be certain it is set up to enable you or the speaker to see all of those present so that no one is ignored in the discussion. The presiding officer should have outlined at least in his own mind, if not on paper the general direction and purpose of each item of business on the agenda. Sometimes he will expect perfunctory approval (as to the minutes of the prior meeting), and sometimes he may expect prolonged discussion (as to a budget for the years expenses); but he should always have an idea to guide him, even though on many occasions the meeting will differ from the plan. Being prepared, however, will permit him to guide the group rather than permit it to drift aimlessly. Thus this may help to increase the respect of those present not only for the protection of parliamentary law and democracy processes but also their efficiency and practicability. Members, too, should prepare. Those who are to make reports should know what they would say. The report should be concluded with a motion or statement on what new action should be taken. Those who introduce something new should prepare a motion and should organize their thinking in advance so that they can adequately explain what they propose and why.

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1. Opening the meeting. (Call to Order) 2. Approval (and reading if not distributed) of minutes of the previous meeting. 3. Reports of Board members and standing committees. 4. Reports of special committees. 5. Special orders (Important business which the group has previously agreed to take up at this specific time). 6. Unfinished business and general orders (Matters postponed from previous meetings and set for this meeting). 7. New business 8. Closing of the meeting (Adjournment).


At the exact hour named in the notice of the meeting, the presiding officer should call the meeting to order. He should determine that enough members (a quorum) are present to do business, in case decisions have to be made. A quorum is usually a majority (more than half) of the committee, a convention or group, unless the group provides otherwise in its rules. For a very large group, a smaller number should be set by the by-laws or constitution, as it may be difficult to secure a necessary majority at the meeting. In no case should the meeting proceed without the quorum. This requirement is designed to insure the group that its decisions will not be made by an unrepresentative minority. The next business should be the approval, as read or as amended by the group, of the minutes of the previous meeting. This enables those present to know what has already been done so time is not wasted in repetition. If this is the first meeting, the presiding officer should explain the reason for the meeting and then have the group adopt a set of parliamentary rules for orderly procedure, name its temporary officers and proceed with the business.

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Speaking is accomplished by obtaining the floor. One should rise and address the presiding officer. The one who should be recognized is the person who rises first after the floor has been yielded by the previous speaker. It is discourteous to raise your hand or stand while another person has the floor, and such a person does not, therefore, get the right to the floor next. If more than one person properly requests the floor when debate is one, certain rules apply: 1. The maker of the motion is first even though the last to rise, so he can explain the motion. 2. No one gets a second chance until everyone has had one chance to speak. 3. The chairman should try to alternate speakers among all sides of an issue. Speaking: Is not usually in order until the presiding officer indicates who is entitled to speak. Once recognized, the speaker should first give his name and, if in a representative group, he should state whom he represents. Follows the making of a motion. If a report is presented, its reading precedes a motion. Following the motion, the reader of the report has the first opportunity to speak. Is limited in order to give everyone an opportunity to speak. The group can impose more or less restrictive rules. Roberts Rules of Order gives each person only two 10-minute opportunities to speak. Can be stopped altogether by a motion. But this motion requires a two-thirds majority of those voting, so that a bare majority cannot prevent discussion and minority can be heard.

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The motion is the means whereby the group takes action. It is a statement of what is to be done and how it is to be accomplished. It should be carefully worded to prevent misunderstandings. The wording should clearly channel discussion to the important aspects of the proposal. The motion is made by stating, I move that the . . .(name of the group) . . . (add what is to be done, by whom, when, how financed, etc.). Normally, it should be seconded. This means the seconding person believes the motion should be discussed. On occasions, the purpose of a seconder is to ensure that the matter is at least of sufficient interest to be presented to the group, and thus the seconder prevents one person from wasting the groups time. It is done by merely stating, without rising, I second the motion. If, however, the type of minutes kept by the group requires the seconders name to appear in the record, he should stand to facilitate recognition. Parliamentary law is designed to insure that the group considers only one motion at a time. This prevents confusion and speeds action, and it is the presiding officers duty to remind the group constantly which action is the main topic. However, the requirements of getting a job done and preventing a small but vociferous minority from keeping a group in session or wasting time on inconsequential matters demand that certain motions receive precedence. These have specific objectives which deserve early consideration by the group and are listed in order in the Chart on Parliamentary Procedure Motions at the end of this guide. When these motions are made, they immediately become the pending problem of the group and must be decided first. It is important to remember that only the motion with precedence is then before the group, even though any number of subsidiary, incidental, or privileged motions are, so to speak, on the floor. Confusion will not result if the presiding officer keeps the group well informed and explain what has happened, what is happening, and what will happen next.

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The use of parliamentary forms over a period of time has resulted in the establishment of certain terminology which itself has specific parliamentary meanings. The terms often vary as to the group using them. LAY ON THE TABLE A motion to delay, to an indefinite time, consideration of a main motion by taking it figuratively from the floor, where action can be taken, and lying it on the table, where action cannot be taken. This helps to allow more time to consider the problem, yet does not set a definite time for reconsideration. TAKE FROM THE TABLE A majority of voters who tabled the motion can later figuratively take the motion from the table and put it on the floor for discussion. When this is done, the motion comes back to the floor in the same condition as it went on the table (with the same wording). MAIN MOTION A motion to accomplish a part of the business of a group. Examples are to adopt a project, approve a budget or report, create a committee, approve an appointment, etc. All other motions are, in a way, procedural, while the main motions gets the work done. This is true even though some other motions, like a motion to adjourn, are at times technically considered main motions. SUBSIDIARY MOTIONS A motion generally designed to facilitate action on a main motion a motion subsidiary to the main motion. Examples include motions to debate, amend, refer to a committee, lay on the table, etc. INCIDENTAL MOTIONS These motions are incidental to the consideration of business and accomplish certain parliamentary purposes. Examples are questions of order and appeal, suspension of the rules, objection to consideration of a question, etc. PRIVILEGED MOTIONS A motion is privileged in the sense that with it, at certain times, goes the distinction of an immediate or at least an earlier decision in regard to the subject matter to which it relates, rather than to the subject matter of another motion, which may have been on the floor. The Chart of Parliamentary Motions lists the privileged motions in the order of their precedence. Examples are motions to fix the time to adjourn, or to take a recess.

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OPENING THE MEETING The presiding officer is either a designated official of an established group or, if the group is in the organizational phase, he is someone interested in the proposed group and chosen for the purpose of, at least, opening the meeting. The new group can either name a temporary chairman after the meeting is opened or continue with its guest chairman. The presiding officer is shown here as a chairman (CH), the Secretary as (SEC), the reporting officer as (REP), the motion maker as (MM), and the member as (ME). CH: Ladies and gentlemen, will you please sit down, the meeting will come to order. If it is an unorganized group, The purpose of this meeting is to . . . If it is an organized group, This is a meeting of . . . Mr. (any member), would you please recite the JCI Creed. SEC: Mr. Chairman, ___ members are present. CH: Since a quorum consists of ___ members of a total membership of ___, a quorum is present and we shall proceed. Mr. Secretary, please read the minutes of the previous session. This will obviously not be necessary if this is the groups first meeting. SEC: Reads the minutes of the previous session or makes a motion to dispense with reading if all members have been given copies prior to meeting. CH: Are there any corrections or objections to the minutes as read (or distributed)? If objections are raised, sometimes all present will agree to change without a formal motion. Otherwise, a formal motion and vote to correct are required. CH: After all corrections have been decided: If there are no (further) objections, the minutes are approved as read (or as distributed). A formal motion, second and vote to approve minutes followed by amendments to correct can also be used as proper procedure, although it is usually more cumbersome. CH: The next order of business is . . . It might be apologies, correspondence, special announcements, or, perhaps reports.

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REPORTS CH: The next order of business is the report of (title) as to (subject of the report) by (name of the person). Mr. ______.

REP: Reads the report or presents main points from it and closes with a motion to act on the report as the report requests. Some examples: Mr. Chairman, I move this report to be received and filed. No action is required by the group other than to acknowledge receipt of the report. Mr. Chairman, I move this report to be approved and that the organization (describe specific group action contemplated). Mr. Chairman, I move this report to be approved and the committee be authorized to spend $____ for the project. Mr. Chairman, I move this report to be approved and the committee be authorized to continue its study of this subject. Mr. Chairman, I move this final report be received and the committee discharged with the thanks of this organization. MOTIONS A motion can be the result of a report or it can be made under New Business, Old Business, etc. CH: MM: Mr. (name of the person) is recognized. Mr. Chairman, I move (describe what the organization is to do). Example: I move we allocate $250.oo for a Senatorship application for the new president. It has been moved that (repeats the motion). Is there a seconder to this motion? I second the motion. It has been moved and seconded that (repeats the motion). Any discussion? If no seconder is received, the Chairman says, The motion dies for lack of seconder. Next order of business. AMENDMENTS Amendments are not always necessary, but if someone wishes to change a motion, yet not negate it, he may move the adoption of an amendment. This can be done at any time during the discussion. ME: (After having been recognized), Mr. Chairman, I move to (describes what changes he wishes to make in the wording of the motion). Example: I move that we substitute the word outgoing for the word new, (thus providing the Senatorship after the President has completed his term.)


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It has been moved that (repeats the amendment). Is there a seconder to this amendment? I second the amendment. It has been moved and seconded that we amend the main motion to (repeats motion). Any discussion on the amendment?

If no seconder is received, the Chairman says: CH: The amendment dies for lack of a seconder. Any further discussion on the main motion?

In discussion on the amendment, the person who moved its adoption is recognized first, if he desires the opportunity to speak. The Chairman should limit the discussion to the question of adoption or rejection of the amendment and not to the whole question proposed by the main motion. The amendment can be further amended, and more amendments can be offered, but at any one time only the main motion, the amendment, or the amendment to the amendment, can be on the floor. VOTING After discussion has been completed, the vote should be taken. First a vote is taken on the amendment to the amendment (if any); then the vote is taken on the amendment (as either amended or as originally presented, depending on the previous vote); and finally on the main motion (as either amended or as presented, depending on the previous votes.) CH: A vote will now be taken on the motion that (repeats the amendment). The Chairman should explain the effect of the adoption or rejection of the amendment on the main question and advise the members of the effects of a yes or no vote. CH: CH: CH: All in favor, please rise (or say yes). Such is done. All opposed, please rise (or say no). Such is done. The amendment is adopted (or defeated) by a vote of ___ to ___. If tally is made. The motion now before the group is (repeats the main motion as amended if amendment passed). Is there any further discussion?

Discussion is permitted on the main motion after the vote on the amendment. After the discussion is closed, the Chairman then says: CH: There being no further discussion, we will vote on the main motion that (repeats main motion as amended, if such is the case, with a short statement as to the effect of a yes or no vote.) All in favor, please rise (or say yes). Such is done. All opposed, please rise (or say no). Such is done. The main motion is adopted (or defeated) by a vote of ___ to ___. If tally is made.


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1. 20:00 Opening Exercises a. Call to order b. JCI Creed/Declaration of Principles c. Introductions d. Apologies e. Chairmans Opening Remarks Certification of a quorum Adoption of the Agenda Minutes a. Corrections and omissions b. Adoption of the minutes c. Matters arising out of the minutes Secretarys Report Treasurers Report Vice Presidents Report (You may also have an EVPs report, if applicable) Committee Reports Old Business a. b. New Business a. b. Guest Speaker or Program (if arranged) Presidents Report Announcements and vote of thanks Adjournment.

2. 20:05 3. 20:07 4. 20:10

5. 20:15 6. 20:20 7. 20:25 8. 20:30 9. 20:35

10. 20:40

11. 20:45 12. 21:20 13. 21:25 14. 21:30

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PRIVILEGED MOTIONS Fix time of next meeting Adjourn meeting Recess Question of privilege Point of information SUBSIDIARY MOTIONS Lay on the table Previous Question Limit debate Postpone to a certain time Refer to a committee Amend Postpone indefinitely Requires Second Yes Yes Yes No No Requires Second Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Requires Second Yes Yes Yes Yes No Requires Second Yes No No No Yes No Yes May be Amended Yes No Yes No No May be Amended No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No May be Amended Yes No No Yes No May be Amended No No No No No May be Debated No No No No No May be Debated No No No Yes Yes (1) Yes May be Debated Yes No (2) Yes No May be Debated No No No No Yes No No Majority Require Vote May be Reconsidered No No No Yes No May be Reconsidered No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes May be Reconsidered Yes No No Yes May Interrupt Speaker No No No Yes Yes May Interrupt Speaker No No No No No No No May Interrupt Speaker No No Yes No Yes May Interrupt Speaker No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Majority Majority Majority Chairman No Require Vote

6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

Majority 2/3 2/3 Majority Majority Majority Majority Require Vote Majority Majority Majority Majority 2/3 Require Vote 2/3 Majority 2/3 Chairman Chairman or Majority

MAIN MOTIONS 13. Main motion for general business 14. Take from the table 15. Reconsider 16. Rescind 17. Make special order of business INCIDENTAL MAIN MOTIONS 18. Suspend rules 19. Withdraw a motion 20. Object to a consideration 21. Point of order 22. Appeal from Chairmans decision 23. Division (verify a voice vote) 24. Roll call

May be Reconsidered No Yes Yes No Yes

No No

(1) Only if the motion to be amended is debatable. 11 11

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