Like  and Like This.: February 28 at 9:50am Justin Dehart Jessica Blewett

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Amanda Roland blah blah blah blah... there's a status update for y'all.

Nothing even remotely interesting to post, just here and trying to take things day by day...

Like February 28 at 9:50am Justin DeHart and Jessica Blewett like this.

That sounds pretty exciting. 28 10:41 Like

Billy-Felisha Smith That's all you can do is take it one day at a time. You do know that i live in texas with my husband foot you. February 29 at 5:01am Like

Amanda Roland yeah i knew you were living in texas. whereabouts exactly? February 29 at 9:35am Like

Billy-Felisha Smith South west. 11 miles from San Angelo. February 29 at 12:36pm Like

"only 6 phones in the last year?..." on Justin DeHart's status.

Amanda Roland yay the day is over! thank goodness..

Like February 21 at 7:07pm via mobile Justin DeHart likes this.

"Happy birthday jay!" on Jay Slack's Wall. "you're welcome! hope you have an..." on her own post on Jay Slack's wall.

See Friendship
"sure you do! it might be beat up..." on Jasper Carrell's status.

Amanda Roland I constantly wonder: "Why me and not them, why is life so unfair?" and then I realize that I wouldn't wish this crap on any of my friends. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger and I know I can keep going and keep moving forward as long as I have my wonderful kiddos and my honey Jacob Myers by my side.

Like February 21 at 9:11am Justin DeHart and Jasper Carrell like this.

at least you have them on your side keep your head up :) 21 9:38 Like

"Happy birthday girl!" on Vanessa Cherrie Voges's Wall.


"Happy birthday bud!" on Ian Fuller's Wall.

See Friendship
"Happy birthday crash! We love..." on Ashley DeHart Farris's Wall.

See Friendship
"do not come back any other day!..." on Jodie Bayardo's status.

Amanda Roland Happy valentines day to all and especially happy anniversary too my wonderful man Jacob Myers! 3 years and counting, I love you with all my heart babe.

Like February 14 at 9:29am 3 people like this.

Happy happy back at cha to my favorite couple!!! Smooch smooch xoxoxo 14 12:36 Like

Amanda Roland It's not fair, it's not fair, it's not fair. Can't stand this...

Like February 9 at 11:55am

Hay sister im right heree just call if u need to talk 9 1:21 Like


Amanda changed her profile picture. "hahahahahahaha!" on Justin DeHart's status. "jeaaalllouus!!!!!" on your status.

Amanda activated Facebook Mobile.

"Happy birthday beautiful! Even..." on Connie Mitchell's Wall. Amanda is now friends with Michael John Hamon and 3 other people. "i tried calling you last night..." on Connie Mitchell's status.

See Friendship
"I love you honey..." on Jacob Myers's Wall.

See Friendship

Amanda Roland Feel like crap physically, mentally and emotionally right now. Just want to get through this day so I can go home and relax with my honey and my kiddos...

Like February 2 at 8:24am

stay strong love!!!!!!!!!!! remember, once step at a time!

2 6:05 Like

Kari Manes one* February 2 at 6:05pm Like

Amanda Roland First day back at work today. My anxiety is through the roof and I can feel a migraine coming on but I'm going to try and stick it out.

Like January 30 at 8:32am Justin DeHart likes this.

Awe I'm sorry, hope you start feeling better! :) 30 8:47 Like

Amanda Roland thanks babe. Love ya. January 30 at 8:49am Like

Terena Thoresen Hartley Times like this sometimes you need the work to keep your mind busy, sometimes you need to rest, so you need to judge that and be careful but know your friends are here to help no matter what! I love you and miss you just wish I was there to be there when you needed me January 30 at 9:08am Like

Amanda Roland So thankful for all my good friends and my awesome family who have helped me hold it together this week. Your support and love mean so much to me and I feel blessed to have each and every one of you in my life. Especially my wonderful Jacob. It may not be easy but we will make it through this and I think in the long run we will be stronger together. I'm still grieving but I know I'm not in this alone and just have to take it day by day and not let the sadness drag me down.

Like January 27 at 6:58am Sonja McIlvain and 5 others like this.

so sorry :( 27 7:10 Like

Carla Davis McDonnel You are doing well, just be who you are and work your way thru it!! Love you January 27 at 7:31am Like

Dustin Maguire Got love for u guys January 27 at 7:44am Like

Angela Johnson Wyche Amanda I am so sorry. I just sent you a message before I realized so it prob sounds pretty lame. I love you and you are in my prayers.

January 30 at 9:12am Like

Dustin Maguire It does ;) February 1 at 7:22am Like

"ain't that the truth" on Justin DeHart's status. "had* lol" on Sonja McIlvain's status.

Amanda Roland This sucks so bad. I just want it to not be true. I wake up every morning so sad and I look in the mirror and the bump is gone and all I want to do is cry. How long am I going to feel this way? When does it get better? I know some people think I should just get over it but it just hurts...

Like January 24 at 8:43am

It'll be okay!!! You can feel bad as long as you want!! It

takes time to heal! I'm here for you if you need anything!? 24 8:47 Like

Brenda Valenzuela I'm so sorry for ur loss I really hope ppl aren't telling u to just get over it! Loosing a baby is a tragedy and I'm so sorry ur having to experience the pain and heartache! Your in my prayers.... January 24 at 8:47am via mobile Like

Christine Solem Im sry hun. I know i would be so depressed if i miscarried. But u can always try again love! January 24 at 9:01am Like

Amanda Roland Thanks girls, just trying to take it minute by minute right now and keep putting one foot in front of the other. Just sucks when people say it wasn't actually a baby yet and so I shouldn't be upset.

January 24 at 9:01am Like 1

Sarah Nye-Sheppard Honey it takes time dont listen to those who think you should get over it they obviously havent been through the situation themselves. Its been over a year for me and I still cry about it from time to time. If you ever need anyone to talk to I am here for you. You are in my prayers hun.

January 24 at 9:02am Like 1

Christine Solem No the minute ur find ur prego thats a baby n some ppl need to keep their oppinions to theirselfs

January 24 at 9:02am Like 2

Jodie Bayardo My heart just breaks for you. God never gives you more than you can handle and although we don't alway understand His reasoning His will is always done. I hope you are able to conceive again soon. Love you and thinking of you. January 24 at 9:39am Like

Sonja McIlvain Hun its going to take time and if anyone thinks you should just get over it then they should get over them self. ((((HUGS))) January 24 at 11:03am Like

Denise Smith Hirst sweetheart, I wish I could be there for you, I just want to hold you like I did when you were little and take all the pain & hurt away, but I can not fight this battle for you & I am at a loss as to what to say other then I am in this with you & tell those people that it was a baby & that everyone grieves differently! I love you so much & just remember you come from a family of survivors!

January 24 at 12:18pm Like

Allison Stricklin I'm so sorry sweetheart, You're allowed to be sad how ever long you need! And who ever says it wasn't a baby yet obviously needs their ass kicked:) if their parents thought that way they might not be here today.... January 24 at 12:27pm Like

Larry Dedmon Just send them to this dad January 24 at 1:15pm Like

Carla Davis McDonnel It was your baby, you feel the loss greatly!!! I feel it

for you! Take your time, it's ok-grieving is a process and you need to go through it!! I love you baby girl!!! January 24 at 2:45pm Like

Amanda Roland Thank you to all. There are not words to express how much every bit of support and love means to me right now to help me feel like i'm not going through this alone. January 24 at 2:52pm Like

Vanessa Cherrie Voges You learn to cope and focus on what you have, but the pain never really goes away. I lost mine six months ago and it still hurts. Especially because we have been,trying for another baby. Hasnt happened but we keep hoping. Just remind yourself of,the sweet children you have,who are here and healthy. January 25 at 6:56am Like

Amanda Roland Wish this whole weekend was a bad dream...

Like January 22 at 8:49pm via mobile

"when you have kids, especially..." on Sarah Nye-Sheppard's photo. "I gained almost a hundred pounds..." on Allison Stricklin's status.

Amanda changed her profile picture.

Amanda Roland Thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers. Everything went well and i'm headed home now. Probably will spend the rest of the day sleeping on and off so please don't get offended if i don't answer phone calls or texts.

Like January 21 at 11:40am via mobile 2 people like this.

We love you sister 21 11:47 Like

Rebecca Lynn Pruitt Roberts Praying for a speedy recovery love ya January 21 at 12:12pm Like

Carla Davis McDonnel Love you!!! January 21 at 12:16pm Like

Amanda Roland i love you guys too and becky you get yourself better quickly also January 21 at 1:40pm Like

Amanda Roland Completely devestated right now. Went to the e.r tonight due ro spotting and cramping and found out the baby has no heartbeat. D&E tomorrow first thing. Need lots of prayer please. Can't believe this is happening...

Like January 20 at 11:31pm via mobile

Im sorry Amanda ((HUGS)) 21 4:58 Like

im sorry....:(

January 23 at 3:47pm Like

Amanda Roland just had my first dr.'s appointment. nothing to report, they just took my history and did a bunch of lab work. official check up and ultrasound on the 31st! can't wait to get my first peek at this little bugger! happy friday everyone, have a safe and fun weekend!

Like January 20 at 10:13am

Yeah!!! 20 10:40 Like

Larry Dedmon Great news sister January 20 at 11:06am Like

Amanda subscribed to updates from Lea Michele and Britney Spears.

See Suggestions

Amanda Roland I feel completely drained today, no energy whatsoever. Ready for this week to be over.

Like January 19 at 7:56am

You must be having another girl... The girls seem to take everything from you. LOL!!! Mine did anyways..... 19 8:08 Like

Amanda Roland yay! insurance is finally taken care of, now I can make sure this baby doesn't have 3 heads or something lol. First pre-natal appointment on friday! woo-hoo!

Like January 18 at 7:36am Ashley DeHart Farris, Jodie Bayardo and 4 others like this.

Ahhhhhh!!!!! Another baby? I missed the announcement!!!! Congrats my love!!! 18 7:53 Like

Amanda Roland thanks hon! January 18 at 7:55am Like

Amanda Roland Took the kids to Chuck E Cheese's tonight as a reward for good behavior and had a blast! Now we're home and relaxing. I made nanna milkshakes for a treat and I gotta say perfect prego treat lol.

Like January 13 at 6:35pm via mobile

Woo hoo!!!! 13 6:48 Like

Amanda subscribed to updates from Lea Michele and Britney Spears.

See Suggestions

"look at my pretty baby sister!" on your photo.

Amanda Roland So I guess it's time to make my announcement: I'M PREGNANT! hehehe

Like January 12 at 7:06am Justin DeHart and 2 others like this.

Omg so happy for u anf jacob 12 7:17 Like

Jaclyn McDonald For real???? January 12 at 7:22am Like

Amanda Roland lol yes for real January 12 at 7:27am Like

Amanda Roland and thank you becky lynn January 12 at 7:28am Like

Jaclyn McDonald Well a congratulations is in order then... CONGRATULATIONS ((-: January 12 at 7:30am Like

Amanda Roland thank you :) January 12 at 7:30am Like

Dustin Maguire hehehe more like hahaha January 12 at 7:40am Like

Amanda Roland why is it hahaha? January 12 at 7:50am Like

Jordan Laine I am so excited(: January 12 at 8:15am Like

Christine Solem Omg! Congrats hun!!!! January 12 at 8:33am Like

Rebecca Holland Congrats! How far along are you?

January 12 at 8:33am Like

Amanda Roland about 14 weeks January 12 at 8:34am Like

Sarah Janel Bridgeman Wow, Congrats, guess no wine for you for a while....I still have your yoga pants, looks like you may be needing them. LOL January 12 at 8:45am Like

Amanda Roland lol yes they would definitely come in useful right now January 12 at 8:51am Like

Rebecca Holland Wow, everyone is having July babies;)

January 12 at 9:09am Like

Justin DeHart congrads January 12 at 10:22am Like

Angela Johnson Wyche A new neice or nephew! Congratulations! January 12 at 11:25am Like

Sarah Janel Bridgeman Almost 4 months pregnant and not even showing. That is just not fair!!! Between you and Amanda, your gonna give pregnant moms depression. January 12 at 1:51pm Like

Dustin Maguire cuz i said so

January 12 at 7:01pm Like 1

Michelle Blanco Avalos Congrats!!!! January 13 at 6:14am Like

Dustin Maguire Hahaha ur gonna get fat :) January 13 at 9:25am Like

Justin DeHart lol... January 13 at 9:41am Like

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