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Open-Loop Torque Boost and Simple Slip Frequency Compensation for General Propose V/f Inverters

Jutarat Pongpant E-mail:[email protected] Sakorn Po-ngam E-mail:[email protected]

Power Electronics & Motor Drives Laboratory (PEMD) Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi 91 Prachauthit Road, Bangmod, Thungkhru District, Bangkok 10140 Thailand. ABSTRACT In this paper, the performance improvement of the constant V/f control induction motor drive is proposed. This proposed scheme fully compensates for the stator resistance voltage drop by vectorially modifying the stator voltage and keeping the magnitude of the stator flux constant. The simple slip frequency compensation, based on an estimation of the air-gap power and a linear torquespeed approximation, is also introduced. This method reduces the steady-state speed error to almost zero. The nameplate data and only the stator resistance are required in this control scheme. The validity of this control scheme is verified by simulation results. Keywords: Torque boost, V/f control, Induction motor 1. INTRODUCTION The speed controls of induction motor with V/f inverters have been widely known. However, it is torquespeed characteristic at low speeds does not function well enough because maximum-torque will be decreased. Due to stator resistance voltage drop affecting the low speed range, the stator resistance voltage drop compensation that is called Torque boost is used. The weak point of torque boost by manual magnitude of voltage modification is that it is done on a trial-and-error basis. If over voltage is adding, the magnetic flux will cause saturation to occur, which resulting in the increase power loss in the motors. Therefore, the popular methods of an automatic torque boost for V/f inverters are introduced, that is the close-loop magnitude flux control. Such as the magnitude air-gap flux control method [1]; the induced voltage control from stator flux, air-gap flux, and rotor flux respectively [2], [3], [4]. Although, these close-loop control methods can improve the performance of V/f inverters, they require the accuracy parameters of motor [3-4]. In addition, the without pattern for gain of controller (PI) design is a drawback when using it in the implementation. The research in [5] introduced an automatic torque boost method based on close-loop control of magnitude stator flux that required only the parameter of motor which is the stator resistance and also introduced the pattern for gain design of PI controller. However, PI controller in order to design, we should have adequate knowledge of motor model. The research in [5] presented the use of reducing order model (based on full order model estimation) as well as reducing the linear order model estimation. Therefore, this paper presents the open-loop torque boost method that use the steady-state model of induction motor to supply voltage to motor (based on vector method). Only the stator resistance which is a parameter of motor and nameplate data are used in this study. In addition, the simple slip frequency compensation is presented; it provides the actual speed value to close the command speed value in steady state that is the high-performance modification of V/f inverters. The simulation results show performance of induction motor drive V/f control system is improved even if it is in low speed range. 2. THEORY AND PRINCIPLE 2.1 Open-loop torque boost The main reason for proposing the use of torque boost in induction motor V/f control is the stator resistance voltage drop compensation because it keeps the Em/f magnitude constant. If this method can control the stator magnitude constant, the torque-speed characteristic of motor will depend only on slip frequency. The induction motor steady-state equivalent circuit and phasor diagram are shown in Fig.1 and Fig.2, respectively.


I mR





Fig.1: Induction Motor Steady-State Equivalent Circuit

Em I S .RS


E ( I S .RS .sin )
2 m 2

I S .RS .cos

Fig.2: Phasor Diagram of Current and Voltage

Fig.1 can be used to find the relationship between torque and slip frequency as seen in equation (1) [4].

The 3-phase quantities are transformed to space vector quantities by using relative transform matrix as shown in equation (3), where = 2 / 3[ rad ] .

E A i m Tm = 2 2 A + B 1


iS = isu + isv e j + iswe j 2

1 1 2 is i = 3 s 0 2


( M ) , B = L + R M / LR RR i 2 S S 2 2 S RR + (S LR )2 RR + (S LR )
2 2 R 2

1 2 3 2

i su isv isw


According to equation (1), if we keep proportion of magnitude Em/f constant, the motor torque varies directly proportional to the slip frequency and torque-speed characteristic of motor is the same as at all speed range. With reference to the phasor diagram in Fig.2, voltage supplies to motor can be found from equation (2) [6].
2 U S = I S .RS .cos + Em ( I S .RS .sin )2

iS = is2 + is2
I S = isu ( RMS ) = isu ( peak ) 2 = 2 iS 3



E e 2 = I S .RS .cos + mR ( I S .RS .sin ) eR

Then, we will show how to calculate Iscos as in equation (6) after transforming the stator current on synchronous rotating reference frame. Fig.1 can be used to calculate Iscos (Real part of Is) as shown in equation (7). Fig.4 shows the block diagram of the voltage calculation that is supplied to the motor.

E e 2 2 = I S .RS .cos + mR ( I S .RS ) ( I S .RS .cos ) eR

(2) Where * is a command value, is a load angle, and the subscript R is indicated the rated value. From equation (2), the RMS value of the stator current Is, stator resistance Rs, cos, sin are necessary. By using the zero crossing method to calculate the power factor, we will have problems with high-frequency noise from an inverter so the solution to the problem is transforming current on stationary reference frame into synchronous rotating reference frame. The RMS value of the stator current (Is) is calculated by using space vector quantities of current, which is expressed as:

isd cos et i = sq sin et

I S .cos = 2 isq 3

sin et is cos et is




Eq (3) (5)



Eq (2)


Eq (6) (7)

I S cos




d : Synchronous rotating ref frame


Fig.4: Block Diagram of the Voltage Calculation Supplied to the Motor

d = e dt

: Stationary ref frame

Fig.3: Voltage and Current Component on the Synchronous Rotating Reference Frame

+ +

Eq (2)

1 s +1



Eq (10 )
Eq (9)

PAirgap 3
Eq (8)
I S cos
Eq (6) & (7)



iS Eq (3) (5) isv

Fig.5: Block Diagram of the Control System as is Presented 2.2 Slip frequency compensation For convenience, we will estimate the slip frequency which varies directly proportional to the motor torque after controlling the stator flux magnitude to constant. The power across airgap, motor torque, and slip frequency value can be calculated as in equation (8)-(10), respectively. However, the result of positive feedback is the cause of instability in the system. So we must contain a first order lag in the slip frequency compensation loop to reduce the result of positive feedback. The block diagram of all control system is shown in Fig.5.
2 PAir gap 3 = 3 U S .I S .cos I S .RS Core loss

of the convergent speed is around 200 ms. The RMS voltage supplies to motor is increased after taking load to compensate the stator resistance voltage drop. Fig.8 is shown the simulation by using the decoupling control method at commanded speed 300 rpm which have the torque, current, and speed response values as close as those shown in Fig.7.
Tm ( actual )

0 0

Tm ( cal )

5 Nm 5 Nm 100 rpm 5A


(8) 100

p Tm = 2

PAir gap 3



10 V 1 sec

S =

SR iTm TmR


The 2-phase current sensors, the nameplate data of motor, the stator resistance, and core loss of motor are also used, as shown in the block diagram in Fig.5. The stator resistance and core loss coefficients of motor (varies as f & f2) were available at an initial program in the implementation. 3. SIMULATION RESULTS This topic confirms that this presented method is possible to be implemented. The simulations were carried out using Matlab/Simulink as shown in Fig.(6)-(8). Fig.(6)-(7) are the simulation results while the step load change at rated torque 10 Nm., commanded speed 100 rpm and 300 rpm, respectively, which show the motor is an excellent to drive loads. The torque calculation from equation (9) equals to the actual torque of motor in steady state. The speed error is nearly zero even if at low speed range and rated load torque. The time

Fig.6: Simulated the Step Load Change at Rated Torque 10 Nm., Commanded Speed 100 rpm.
Tm ( actual )

0 0 300

Tm ( cal )

5 Nm 5 Nm


100 rpm



20 V 1 sec

Fig.7: Simulated the Step Load Change at Rated Torque 10 Nm., Commanded Speed 300 rpm.

Tm ( actual )

The motors parameters and rating shown as follow:

5 Nm

2HP , 220 / 380 V , 50 Hz , 6.3 / 3.7 A , 1430 rpm , 4 poles ,

J = 0.021 kg im 2 , M = LR = 93.4 mH


LS = 104.9 mH

0 300


RR = 0.963 , RS = 2.15 .


100 rpm

7. REFERENCES [1] A. Abbondanti, Method of flux control in induction motors driven by variable frequency, variable voltage supplies, in Conf. Rec. IEEE-IAS Intl.Semi. Power Conv., pp.177-184, 1977. [2] B.W. Williams and T.C. Green, Steady-state control of an induction motor by estimation of stator flux magnitude, IEE Proceedings-B, Vol. 138, No.2, pp.69-74, 1991. [3] K. Koga, R. Ueda and T. Sonoda, Constitution of V/f control for reducing the steady-state speed error to zero in induction motor drive system, IEEE Trans. Ind. Applicat., vol. 28, pp. 463-471, 1992. [4] M.P. Kazmierkowski and H.-J. Kopcke, A simple control system for current source inverter-fed induction motor drives, IEEE Trans. Ind. Applicat.,vol. 21, pp. 617-623, 1985. [5] C. Nittayothan, S. Suwankawin, W. Tiawattanarattikal and S. Sangwongwanich, Design Method of an Automatic Torque Boost Scheme for General Purpose V/F, in EECON-26, 2003. [6] Alfredo Munoz-Garcia, Thomas A.Lipo, Donald W.Novotny, A new induction motor V/f control method capable of high-performance regulation at low speeds, IEEE Transactions on industrial applications, Vol.34, No.4, pp. 813 - 821, 1998.


1 sec

Fig.8: Simulated the Step Load Change at Rated Torque 10 Nm., Commanded Speed 300 rpm., Including Decoupling Control 4. CONCLUSION The performance improvement of the induction motor drive with V/f inverters is presented in this paper based on open-loop torque boost and simple slip frequency. This method requires the only parameter which is the stator resistance and the nameplate data of motor. This proposed method has the nearly response to the vector control and use to implement in the high performance applications. Simulation results are given to verify the validity of the proposed method. 5. LIST OF SYMBOL

uS : stator voltage space vector

iS : stator current space vector
RS : stator resistance

RR : rotor resistance

LS : stator self inductance LR : rotor self inductance

m : mechanical rotor speed

M : mutual inductance

p : numbers of pole

S : slip frequency
Tm : motor torque e : synchronous speed
= 1

s : slip

[ ]d , [ ]q


: total leakage : denote the d and q components on the

synchronous rotating reference frame [ ] , [ ] : denote the and components on the synchronous rotating reference frame

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