Team Game Tournament
Team Game Tournament
Team Game Tournament
the first of the Johns Hopkins cooperative learning methods. It uses the same teacher presentations and team ork as in STAD, but replaces the quizzes with weekly tournaments, in which students play academic games with members of other teams to contribute points to their team scores. Students play the games at tournament tables. The top scorer at each tournament table brings points to his or her team, regardless of which table it is, this means that low achievers have equal opportunities for success. According to Slavin (1995), TGT is one of team learning strategies for review and mastery learning of material. He has found that TGT increased basic skills, students achievement, positive interactions among students, acceptance of mainstreamed classmates and self-esteem. The heterogeneous study teams or groups review the material, and then students compete in academically homogeneous tournament teams. Students bring points back from their tournament table to their team study. According to Johnson & Johnson (2009), TGT is a cooperative learning activity which consist of teaching, team study, and tournament games. This is used at the conclusion of each chapter. The usual heterogeneous groups are split up temporarily. Students are put into homogeneous ability groups of four or five students for a competition, using the list of questions at the end of the chapter. Students randomly select a numbered card corresponding to the question they are going to answer. Their answers can be challenged by other students and the winner keeps the card. Students earn points (one point for each card won) to bring back to their regular teams, a team average is taken, and the tams average are announced and all congratulated. From some opinion above, it can be concluded that TGT is a classroom management technique in which students are placed in mixed ability teams to compete in a game or tournament table. The purpose of TGT is to create an effective classroom environment in which students are actively involved in the teaching process and are consistently receiving encouragement for successful performance. The tgt structure encourages competition and cooperation in a way that promotes peer group rewards for academic achievement. Students are assigned to teams on the basis of maximum heterogeneity. Students then study the material in groups and prepare for the academic games. The game is then played in a weekly tournament where students compete against members of other teams that are comparable ability to them. After tournament, team score are collected and points are awarded to wining teams.
Teaching activities in team game tournament Team game Tournament (TGT) simply consist of a normal cycle of teaching process with the following activities :
Classroom Presentation. The material to be learned is initially presents to the whole class by the teacher. Therefore, she needs to prepare a topic or a lesson material. Since the teacher presents the material, the students have to focus on the presented material. Team Study. The teacher asks the students to form a team which is comprised of four or five members. The students then, work in group of given topic. In this case, the teacherz inform each member which assignment to be completed. After that, they are working in group discussion. While the task is finished, the teacher asks each team once again to review and make clear about the question arise previously. This is to make each member sure that group work better. Tournament. Students are evaluated via games through shuffle card. The tournament based on the material given and that have been discussed more in team. The game assesses individual achievement on the material presented in the class and practiced in team. The question is in forms of reader to read and challenger who answer the question. Team Recognition. Lastly, as the learning goes impressed, the teacher uses news letter, bulletin boards, or other forms of social recognition and rewards to teams for high weekly performance and/or high cumulative standings. Recognition is provided for an individual who performs exceptionally well or who are most improved. For more details, these are the procedure of teaching and learning process using Team Game Tournament : Classroom Presentation Making lesson plan and students work sheet based on the material taught for each meeting. Making the format of observation sheet in order to look the condition of the students in the classroom during the teaching and learning process. Making question list based on the material that is taught with the number of question as many as the shuffle card. Making the numbered question card. Make it as beautiful as possible. We can also create question cards that more attract students attention. Preparing the activity procedure and games regulation Preparing the group formation based on the capacity level of the students and the steps for forming team study can be form the result of the students pre-test which is arrange based on the highest score to the lowest score. These students are categorized in five score level : 7 students are in the first highest level, second highest level, third highest level, fourth highest level and fifth highest level. From those five levels, we take one student for each level to unite in one team. The student who is in the first level of the first highest level is joined with the student in the first level of the second highest level, first level of the third highest level, first level of fourth highest level and first level of the fifth highest level. Their team namely team A. the students who is in the second level of first highest level is joined with the students who is in the second level of the second highest level, the third highest level,
the fourth highest level and the fifth highest level. Their team namely team B. from now or until formed 7 group which consist of five students who have different capacity, and their team continually given name C, D, E, F and G.