Hydraulic Systems - Cat
Hydraulic Systems - Cat
Hydraulic Systems - Cat
Management Guide
Prevention Detection and Cleanup Inspection
Know what contaminants are ................................................................................4 Know the effects of contamination .......................................................................5 Know when your systems are exposed to contamination ................................6 Control contamination during housekeeping.......................................................7 Control contamination during oil and filter changes and oil storage..............8 Control contamination during hose assembly .....................................................8 Control contamination during general maintenance........................................10 Control contamination during equipment operation.........................................11
Know what is happening inside your hydraulic systems ................................12 Understand our SOSSM Services.........................................................................12 Use the correct method to take samples ...........................................................13
Hydraulic systems are closed systems, which means much of what you need to know is happening internally. To detect wear and other problems that can occur inside the system, we recommend regular use of our SOSSM Fluid Analysis Services. One of these services, Particle Counting, is especially important for hydraulics. It identifies excessive contamination levels that can be brought under control through high-efficiency filtration, kidney looping and other means.
Daily hydraulic system inspections performed by you and your operators can catch leaks and other small problems before they result in unscheduled downtime. Efficiency loss is not easily detected and silently robs your machine of performance. Thats why we also recommend technical inspections performed by our trained technicians. These periodic inspections include checks of system pressures, cycle times and morewhich can identify problems and help us recommend corrective actions.
Particulate contaminants
Particulate contaminants are the most common, measurable and controllable. They can be built in at the factory, transferred in through new oil, generated internally or taken in during maintenance, attachment changes and machine operation. Examples of particulate contaminants include dirt, sand, paint and metal or rubber wear particles.
Chemical contaminants
Chemical contaminants include heat, water and air. These combine to break down the oils chemical composition, producing contamination in the form of oxidation and acids. Like particulate contaminants, chemical contaminants can originate inside or outside the system.
Abrasive wear
Abrasive particles scrape metal from hydraulic components. Wear metal is created, multiplies and travels to other parts of the system to do more damage.
Fatigue wear
Repeated high-pressure stress loads cause metal to chip or break from components and contaminate the hydraulic system.
Typical metal-to-metal clearances in Cat hydraulic systems are 5-30 microns (one micron is one millionth of a meter). Therefore, even particles too small to see can do big damage.
Cat Dealer
Control contamination during oil and filter changes and oil storage
Besides maintaining a clean facility, paying attention to the hydraulic oil is important. The oil you select and how you store and transfer it all have an impact on contamination and component life. Filter and fluid changes also present contamination control opportunities. Here are a few tips:
Maintain valves
Maintain oil cooler and relief valves properly. Relief valve settings should be adjusted only by our trained technicians. If a pressure loss is detected, its important to find its source and repair it.
SOS Services for hydraulic systems is composed of four complementary tests: Component Wear Rate Analysis evaluates the wear taking place inside the lubricated compartment. Oil Condition Analysis determines if the oil has degraded. Oil Contamination Tests determine if anything harmful has entered the oil. Oil Identification confirms use of the correct oil. SOS interpreters use these tests to evaluate hydraulic system health and, if needed, recommend maintenance.
Follow these recommended hydraulic system service intervals
10-hour or daily inspection
Check hydraulic fluid level Check hydraulic cylinders and pumps for leaks Check hoses, lines and hydraulic tank area for leaks or damage
Call our service department for more information on Custom Hydraulic Service and to inquire about other hydraulic system maintenance programs that may be available.
The final element in hydraulic system management involves inspecting and listening to your equipment. You can help maintain system performance and catch problems early by: Following the inspection and maintenance schedule shown on this page Enrolling hydraulics-intensive machines in our Custom Hydraulic Service Program Paying attention to the repair indicators listed on page 15
Possible Causes
System pressure too high Scored or bent cylinder rod Failed or incorrect seals Improperly torqued hose connection Worn or damaged hoses, tubes and fittings Missing guards Valve adjustment needed Scored cylinder Failed seal or seals Scored valve Contaminated oil Engine performance Faulty valve Low fluid level Worn system components Contaminated oil Engine performance Low fluid level Restriction in system Aeration Worn system components Faulty relief valve Faulty oil cooler Low fluid level Plugged filter Worn system components Faulty relief valve Wrong viscosity or contaminated oil Restriction in system Poor operator habits Worn rod or cylinder eye/trunnion Poor lubrication Improper preventive maintenance schedule Pinhole leaks in liner material Poor hose routing External damage System overheating Improper clamping or routing of hose Aeration/cavitation High levels of wear elements, dirt and other contaminants in oil will accelerate component wear and erode system efficiency Talk with us to determine what high-hour service is appropriate for your systems
Machine measurements compared to specs Diagnostic services SOS Services Custom Hydraulic Service Thorough visual machine inspection SOS Services Custom Hydraulic Service
Noisy operation
System overheating
Thorough visual machine inspection Maintenance and diagnostic services SOS Services Custom Hydraulic Service
Hose service
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