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Broadcom (R) Corporation Broadcom Ethernet Software Kit RELEASE T6.4.4.

4 Gold (Tuesday, September 13, 2011) RELEASE NOTES

Software Compatibility ====================== This release of software supports: - BCM5751 NetXtreme Gigabit Ethernet Adapter - BCM5754 NetXtreme Gigabit Ethernet Adapter - BCM5703 NetXtreme Gigabit Ethernet Adapter - BCM5704 NetXtreme Gigabit Ethernet Adapter - BCM5721 NetXtreme Gigabit Ethernet Adapter - BCM5722 NetXtreme Gigabit Ethernet Adapter - BCM5708C NetXtreme II Gigabit Ethernet Adapter - BCM5708S NetXtreme II Gigabit Ethernet Adapter - BCM5709C NetXtreme II Gigabit Ethernet Adapter - BCM5709S NetXtreme II Gigabit Ethernet Adapter - BCM5716C NetXtreme II Gigabit Ethernet Adapter - BCM57710 NetXtreme II Gigabit Ethernet Adapter - BCM57711 NetXtreme II Gigabit Ethernet Adapter - BCM57712 NetXtreme II Gigabit Ethernet Adapter Contents of the CD ================== **** Release Version Information Table **** Product 1. Windows 2003/Windows 2008 Windows Server 2003 x86/x64 (NX1) Windows Server 2008 x86/x63 (NX1) Windows 2003 NDIS Driver (NX2) Windows 2008/R2 NDIS Driver (NX2) iSCSI Crash Dump Driver iSCSI F6 Driver bxDiag RIS NX2 w2 3 Driver RIS NX2_EV w2 3 Driver VBD Driver VBD Driver NX2_Ev Windows iSCSI Driver NX2 FCoE Offload Driver 2. Linux Linux Linux Linux Linux Linux Linux Linux 3. Linux Drivers DKMS NX1 DKMS NX2 DKMS NX2_Ev Driver NX2 Driver NX2_Ev iSCSI Driver NX2 uIP Driver Tg3 Teaming software Version Drivers******* 6.4.43a.0*** 3.118 6.4.44-1 6.4.44-1 2.1.6b 1.64.32 3.118


Windows Windows Windows Windows

Server 2003 x86 Server 2003 x64 2008 x86 2008/R2 x64**** 14.8.3 5.0.0 6.4.3 14.8.3 5.0.0 6.4.3

4. Netware Netware Netware

Netware drivers ODI 16 NX1 ODI 16 NX2 ODI 16 NX2_Ev

5. DOS Drivers Dos Ndis2 NX1 Dos Ndis2 NX2 Dos Ndis2 NX2_Ev 6. Utilities Dos b57udiag (NX1) DOS ueDiag (NX2_EV) DOS uxDiag (NX2) Firmware Upgrade for Linux NX1 Firmware Upgrade for Windows NX1 Firmware Upgrade Linux NX2 Firmware Upgrade Windows NX2 Linux Diagnostic NX1 Linux Online Diagnostic Windows Online Diagnostic 7. Documentation HTML User Guide for NetXtreme HTML User Guide for NetXtreme II 8. Management Apps BACS BACS Command Line Interface BMAPI SNMP-Basp SNMP-Extensible-Agent CIM for Windows 9. Installer Umbrella Installer 10. Pre-Boot MBA/PXE (NX1) MBA/PXE (NX2) MBA/PXE (NX2_Ev) iSCSI Boot FCoE Boot

14.72 6.4.26 6.2.0 2.0.34 2.2.11 2.01 2CS57XX-CDUM506-R 2CSENGSRVT64-CDUM101-R 14.8.6 6.4.4 6.4.23 6.4.3 6.4.20

Note: An asteris (*) following a version number represents a Windows certified driver. * Third-party trademar s and copyrights are the property of their respective own ers. Broadcom, Broadcom Advanced Server Program, Broadcom Advanced Server Control Sui te, and Smart Load Balance are registered trademar s of Broadcom Corporation. Feature Summary

=============== - Added Nic Partitioning feature to new 57712 Ethernet controller chip. - The drivers for NetXtreme II 1 Gb, NetXtreme II 10 Gb, and iSCSI offload are c ombined in the KMP RPM pac ages provided for SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP1 . - The Broadcom driver and management apps installer now provides the ability to select whether to enable the TCP Offload Engine (TOE) in Windows Server 2008 R2 when only the NetXtreme II 1 Gb device is present. - Added Hyper-V Live Migration features with BASP teaming - Added new Comprehensive Configuration Management to manage all MBA enabled ada pters from a single banner popup. - TCP/IP and iSCSI Offload performance improvement in a congested networ . - Added VMQ support for NetXtremeII 1G and 10G devices. New Hardware support =============== - BCM57712 NetXtreme II Gigabit Ethernet Adapter Fixes: =============== - Bcom firmware DUP update from USC resets configuration - Broadcom 57712 Banner disapears in Woc et server with latest BIOS version - flash to R309327 DUP, then enable/disable NPAR can ma e 1 card port disappear - (Customer issue)BMC connectivity is lost when Linux system is shutdown - Cannot enter IP information while starting Networ stress under GUI Diagnosti c - BACS4 does not allow to change the symbolic node name of FcoE adapter - W2K8R2 - MII Register Test Fails on 57711 in BACS4 - BACS 4 Completion of Team Creation Message Box Indicates Test - Broadcomm ROM:In Discover host pop-up window, no help option wor s. - Multiple misspelled "Ethernet" found in NPAR Configuration Tab in BACS4 - A team cannot be created when a team name is changed while creating a team. - FCOE menu not accessible via USC/HII after ma ing FCOE config changes - Disable false positive error recovery design mechanism which can cause a BSOD during driver update. ******************************************************************************** *********** Currently nown issues and limitations with Broadcom NetXtreme 1 and 2 drivers a nd devices. ******************************************************************************** *********** 1. BASP (the Broadcom Advanced Server Program) will appear to be bound to all ad apters in the system once loaded. This binding is normal and is used only to de termine compatibility with BASP. The binding is not active, as indicated by the gray bac ground of the selection box. This pre-binding will not interfere with bindings to other software protocols. 2. Customer may not see improvements with TOE when running web traffic with shor t-lived connections. When Webbench 5.0 uses short-lived connections to generate web traffic, TOE throughput is ~3% lower than non-TOE. CPU utilization is 100% i n both cases. This is due to the fact that Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Scalabl e Networ ing Pac and Broadcom NetXtreme II drivers aren't fully optimized to ha ndle uploading and offloading of short-lived http connections. TOE demonstrates performance advantages with long-lived connections. 3. The NetXtreme II drivers have two parts, the VBD driver and the NDIS Client d river. This combination of drivers can be used for WinPE installations as long a

s the WinPE image is built with the /PnP option. WinPE images that are booted w ith the -miniNT option will only load the NDIS driver so NetXtreme II networ de vices will not be functional in this environment. Use the -winpe option instead of the -minint option to boot WinPE when using NetXtreme II devices or use the special RIS driver contained in the distribution pac age in the NX2_W2K3_8_(proc essor architecture)_RIS_Drivers directory of the unpac ed files. For NetXtreme 2 1G, please select the driver in the b06nd51 directory. For 10G, please select the driver in evnd51. 4. Specifying networ settings for NetXtreme II devices using the Microsoft unat tended answer file does not wor using the PCI Bus/Device/Function designation t o specify adapters. This is due to the NDIS personality of the NetXtreme II dev ice being a virtual device which means it does not have a physical Bus/Device/Fu nction address. MAC address designation does wor and may be used in conjunctio n with Bus/Device/Function for a complete solution. A program called netset.exe from Microsoft, available in the Windows 2000 Server Resource Kit, can also be u sed to apply networ settings after the unattended install. Netset.exe uses the answer file to apply the networ settings specified to the adapters in the syste m. See Microsoft Knowledge Base article 268781 for more information on netset.e xe. 5. The first time diagnostics are run in a Windows environment on NetXtreme II d evices, the diagnostic driver must be installed. Windows will either automatical ly install the driver, in which case, no action is required by the user, or Wind ows will as to be directed to the INF file for the diagnostic driver. If you ar e prompted to install the driver, please direct the Windows dialog to search for the driver in the directory where the Broadcom driver pac age was unzipped. You may also search your hard drive for the file bxdiag.inf. If the file bxdiag.inf doe s not exist on your hard drive, you can run the Broadcom Installer setup.exe from the zip pac age included on the DSA Service Mode CD, or from the zip pac age dow nloaded from www.support.dell.com. Running the installer will place the diagnost ic driver on your hard drive and prepare it for automatic install the next time it is needed by the Broadcom diagnostics. 6. When loading drivers through the PNP (Plug and Play) method, users can occasi onally end up loading the RIS drivers accidentally. Generally this occurs when a user is as ed to point to the proper driver for the device, and the user selec ts the folder containing the RIS drivers as the driver for the device. One indi cation that this had occurred is while loading the driver, a pop-up message shou ld come up indicating that the driver is not digitally signed. Loading the RIS driver can result in networ connections that fail to communicate across the net wor , as the NDIS driver will fail to bind to the devices. The most obvious way to identify the problem scenario is to open BACS and loo at the networ adapter s displayed. Adapters that have the RIS drivers installed will be grayed out. Observing the driver loaded for the System Device portion of the Broadcom NetXtr eme II devices will show that the RIS driver is loaded. Additionally, attempts to load the drivers using the installer will result in NDIS drivers displaying a yellow bang, as they are not able to bind to the VBD driver. The easiest way to correct the problem is to run add/remove programs on all installed Broadcom dev ices, and then re-run the installer. 7. Windows Pre-installation Environment (WinPE for short) does not contain nativ e support for 5708, 5709, 5716, 57710,57711 and 57712 devices on operating syste ms prior to Windows Server 2008 R2. In order to inject driver support into Window s PE, refer to the steps provided by Microsoft at: http://support.microsoft.com/ b/923834/en-us. Broadcom 5708 Networ Controller support is available as a nat ive driver pac age in the Windows Server 2008 OS. 8. Networ Teaming limitation with iSCSI offload: When iSCSI offload is enabled on Broadcom NetXtreme II NIC's or LOM's, only SLB teaming mode is supported. In order to create other teaming modes li e 802.3ad and FEC/GEC, you will need to d isable iSCSI offload. You can disable the iSCSI offload by a. launching the Broadcom Advanced control suite 3 (BACS 3). b. select the adapter you want to add to the team

c. clic the configurations tab, extend resource reservations. d. Unchec iSCSI resource. 9. When iSCSI devices are installed on Windows Server 2003 or Server 2008, they will have same friendly name. View devices "by connections" in BACS3 on for mana ging iSCSI devices. 10. Restoring the team configuration with static IPv6 addresses may fail. Use ei ther DHCP addresses for team configuration or restore team and re-apply the IP a ddress manually if this issue is encountered. 11. If a DHCP supplied IP address cannot be acquired after performing an install ation of RHEL5/RHEL4 on Dell PowerEdge servers, add an entry similar to the foll owing into the ifcfg-ethx (where x is the interface being used) configuration fi le: LINKDELAY=12 This will add 12 seconds of timeout delay 13. When wor ing in BACS while being logged into W2K3 x86 with a non-administrat or account, the same icon that is used for a non-teamed adapter is being display ed for a teamed adapter. This is due to the fact the non admin account cannot qu ery the driver due to insufficient privileges. 14. In order to ensure full functionality for the Broadcom 10G adapter, a minim um of 512 MB of system memory is required per networ interface. Optimal perfor mance may be achieved when there is 4-6 GB of memory or more per networ interfa ce depending on the system capabilities. 15. NetXtreme I and II Wa e on LAN (WoL) and Linux -------------------------------------------------------------------NetXtreme I and II WoL for use with Linux can be enabled in one of two ways: 1. By using ethtool from within the Linux operating system. 2. By using uxdiag.exe from DOS. Use of ethtool to enable WoL is only effective in cases where the relevant netwo r interface is shut down before the server is powered off. If the networ inter face is not shut down before the server is powered off, then the system will not wa e in response to receipt of a Magic Pac et. Typically, during a graceful system shutdown, networ interfaces are shut down b efore the system is halted. Networ interfaces are nown to not be shut down in the following cases. 1. When the iscsid service is enabled in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.x. 2. When the root filesystem resides on remote storage. 3. When the system is not shut down cleanly (e.g. removing main power while the system is running). 16. Windows Server 2008 R2 is expected to support the ability to utilize the TC P Offload Engine (TOE) on child partitions for supported Guest operating systems . However, the stac supporting this feature was not fully matured upon the com pletion of this Windows drivers release. As a result, we do not recommend enabl ing this capability with these drivers until an update to resolve these issues a re released. 17. iSCSI Boot with an adapter not configured with an iBFT during initial remot e install of Windows Server 2008 R2 will result in a BSOD. Please refer to the following Microsoft Knowledge Base article that addresses this behavior: http:/ /support.microsoft.com/ b/976042/EN-US. 18. Remote install of Windows Server 2008 R2 over non-offload path (MSFT stac ) with new Broadcom adapters, i.e. 57711/57712, which are not supported by the in box driver will fail. The problem is due to a conflict between the inbox (boot. wim) driver not able to support the new adapters. Although the installer provid es a newer driver externally during the installation, the OS reverts bac to the

inbox. Please refer to the wor around provided through the following lin : ht tp://attachments.wetpaintserv.us/JA9hJcVpHrEi11mJ19vYVg%3D%3D23856. Alternatively, Microsofts propose solution is to build a custom install DVD by ex tracting the boot.wim and overwrite the .INF and .SYS files with Broadcoms newer driver set. Please read Microsofts WAIK documentation for instruction process. Note: Remote install of Windows Server 2008 R2 over Broadcom iSCSI Offload path does not have an issue. 19. Receive Side Scaling (RSS) on TCP offloaded connections require a minimum o f 8 gigabyte of RAM and only wor s for the 64-bit version of Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2. This feature is not supported in Windows Server 20 03 due to a limitation in this operating system. RSS on non-offloaded connectio ns, however, is supported for Windows 2003 SP2 and later. 20. After completing an installation in Windows server 2008 R2 on an iSCSI targ et, a system event may occur (source = VolMgr) where the description shows "The system could not successfully load the crash dump driver." The iSCSI crash dump driver must be enabled in the BACS3 application in order to suppress this messa ge for the device being used for iSCSI boot. 21. The dual port 10Gb performance may not achieve full possible throughput for 57710 and 577111 devices, due to hardware limitations. 57712 does not have thi s hardware limitation and can achieve dual port 10G full throughput. In order to achieve optimal dual port performance on a Broadcom 10G adapter, a user should use a PCIE Gen2 x8 slot and the latest operating systems li e Windows 2008 R2, R HEL5.5 and SLES11sp1. 22. If flow control is set to "Auto" and Jumbo frames are used, 57710/57711 dev ices will not advertise flow control. In order to enable flow control advertisem ent, please set flow control to TX & RX enabled. 23. When the optional 57711 device is present in the PowerEdge R910, using the force downgrade option provide in previous installers is not supported. 24. Downloading a large file using the VFlash feature from an NFS connection ma y terminate unexpectedly after booting up into an operating system. Disabling t he driver in the operating system will allow for the download to resume. 25. Please read Linux 'linux_readme.txt' regarding usage of NetXtremeII driver pac age support. 26. W2K8 R2 Uninstall Chimney Offload State not being restored to the original value 27. An event appears in the Windows System Event Log after running the hardware diagnostics on some 5709/5708 LOMs of several systems on the first test. 28. Teaming bac up and restore no longer defaults with BCG extension. Filename can be save as 'any' format and/or extension as end user would li e to use. 29. Limited testing and support with IOMMU enabled systems. 30. 31.

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