Research Proposal

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Concorso di ammissione Dottorato di Ricerca 27 ciclo Competition for admission PhD 27th cycle Applicant Name Ho Manh Linh


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Project title

Optimum design of meta-material antennas for wireless mobile devices using Genetic Algorithm

must coincide with the PhD area selected in the application form

Electrical Engineering

Summary of project
Brief summary of the research project, highlighting problem statement, main expected results, originality (maximum 500 characters, including spaces)

Meta-materials are artificial or man-made structures that have properties not found in naturally existing materials. The most unusual metamaterials are the Left-Handed ones, also called Double Negative or Negative Refractive Index materials, which are characterized by simultaneously negative permittivity and permeability. Many interesting EM propagation phenomena result from the negativeness of the constitutive parameters. For instance, the phase and the group velocities are anti-parallel in a Left-Handed substance. Although the technology is still in its infancy, novel practical developments have already been proposed. Emerging applications for antennas, passive components and active circuits with unique features at microwave frequencies will be optimized by Genetic Algorithm.

Project Description : detailed description of the research project, emphasizing original and innovative aspects and scientific relevance (maximum 9.000 characters, including spaces)

In recent years, the field of meta-material applications has been attracting more attention in investment and development of government; moreover, the social demand on multimedia communications has been rapidly increasing, resulting in modern wireless communication systems such as Wi-fi, WiMAX, 3G, 4G and Satellite in the near future generation. Metamaterials have emerged as the most promising air interface technology capable of meeting the exceptional throughput and range requirements of todays and future generations advanced wireless communication systems. Based on a revolutionary new class of materials that exhibit powerful new electromagnetic propagation properties, Meta-materials enable ultra-compact, multi-band and multi-mode MIMO WiFi devices with superior communication speed, range and mobility.

In order to utilize the performance of prototype antennas, Genetic Algorithm can be used as an effective tool. It is well known that the search technique, the genetic algorithm, is a parallel, robust, and probabilistic search technique that is simple and easily implemented without gradient calculation, compared to the conventional gradient based search procedure. Most important of all, the genetic algorithm also provides a mechanism for global search that is not easily trapped in local optima. From this technique, it is helpful to optimize the characteristics of the proposed antenna

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