Transaction Details Market Pair Reference No Trade Date Exchange Code VDA Deposited Amount (in INR)
1 INR-USDT 17ea0978-cb0c-4e5b-8dfb-694abfaad16f 2025-01-16 04 USDT 43.02 3944.50
Particulars SAC Base Amount (in INR) Discount (in INR) Total
Service Fee # 997159 13.37 0.00 13.37
IGST (@18%) on 13.37 # 2.40
Subtotal 3960.27
Amount in words : Indian Rupees Three Thousand Nine Hundred Sixty And Twenty Seven Paisa Only.
1. The LLP is acting on the specific instructions of the Customers. All trade are executed by the customer with technology support of the LLP in third party
crypto exchanges . No trades are executed out of the LLP's existing inventory.
2. Details of the seller/ buyer on the other side of the trade is not available with the Company.
3. VDA here means Virtual Digital Assets (VDA) as defined under section 2(47A) of the Income Tax Act,1961. The term VDA includes Cryptos,
Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT), etc.