PharmD 1st Year Syllabus
PharmD 1st Year Syllabus
PharmD 1st Year Syllabus
(See regulation 8)
First Year
3. Course materials:
Text books
a. Tortora Gerard J. and Nicholas, P. Principles of anatomy and physiology
Publisher Harpercollins college New York.
b. Wilson, K.J.W. Ross and Wilson’s foundations of anatomy and physiology.
Publisher: Churchill Livingstone, Edinburg.
Reference books
a. Guyton arthur, C. Physiology of human body. Publisher: Holtsaunders.
b. Chatterjee,C.C. Human physiology. Volume 1&11. Publisher: medical allied
agency, Calcutta.
c. Peter L. Williams, Roger Warwick, Mary Dyson and Lawrence, H.
d. Gray’s anatomy. Publisher:Churchill Livingstone, London.
10 Nervous system
a) Definition and classification of nervous system
b) Anatomy, physiology and functional areas of cerebrum
c) Anatomy and physiology of cerebellum
d) Anatomy and physiology of mid brain
e) Thalamus, hypothalamus and Basal Ganglia
f) Spinal card: Structure & reflexes – mono-poly-planter
g) Cranial nerves – names and functions
h) ANS – Anatomy & functions of sympathetic & parasympathetic N.S.
11 Urinary system
a) Anatomy and physiology of urinary system
b) Formation of urine
c) Renin Angiotensin system – Juxtaglomerular apparatus - acid base Balance
d) Clearance tests and micturition
12 Endocrine system
a) Pituitary gland
b) Adrenal gland
c) Thyroid and Parathyroid glands
d) Pancreas and gonads
13 Reproductive system
a) Male and female reproductive system
b) Their hormones – Physiology of menstruation
c) Spermatogenesis & Oogenesis
d) Sex determination (genetic basis)
e) Pregnancy and maintenance and parturition
f) Contraceptive devices
14 Sense organs
a) Eye
b) Ear
c) Skin
d) Tongue & Nose
15 Skeletal muscles
a) Histology
b) Physiology of Muscle contraction
c) Physiological properties of skeletal muscle and their disorders (definitions)
16 Sports physiology
a) Muscles in exercise, Effect of athletic training on muscles and muscle
b) Respiration in exercise, CVS in exercise, Body heat in exercise, Body fluids
and salts in exercise,
c) Drugs and athletics
Practical : 3 Hrs./Week
Course materials:
Text books
Goyal, R. K, Natvar M.P, and Shah S.A, Practical anatomy, physiology and
biochemistry, latest edition, Publisher: B.S Shah Prakashan, Ahmedabad.
Reference books
Ranade VG, Text book of practical physiology, Latest edition, Publisher: PVG, Pune
Anderson Experimental Physiology, Latest edition, Publisher: NA
List of Experiments:
1. Study of tissues of human body
(a) Epithelial tissue.
(b) Muscular tissue.
2. Study of tissues of human body
(a) Connective tissue.
(b) Nervous tissue.
3. Study of appliances used in hematological experiments.
4. Determination of W.B.C. count of blood.
5. Determination of R.B.C. count of blood.
6. Determination of differential count of blood.
7. Determination of
(a) Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate.
(b) Hemoglobin content of Blood.
(c) Bleeding time & Clotting time.
8. Determination of
(a) Blood Pressure.
(b) Blood group.
9. Study of various systems with the help of charts, models & specimens
(a) Skeleton system part I-axial skeleton.
(b) Skeleton system part II- appendicular skeleton.
(c) Cardiovascular system.
(d) Respiratory system.
2. Upon the completion of the course the student should be able to:
a. know the formulation aspects of different dosage forms;
b. do different pharmaceutical caluculation involved in formulation;
c. formulate different types of dosage forms; and
d. appreciate the importance of good formulation for effectiveness.
3. Course materials:
Text books
a. Cooper and Gunns Dispensing for pharmacy students.
b. A text book Professional Pharmacy by N.K.Jain and S.N.Sharma.
Reference books
a. Introduction to Pharmaceutical dosage forms by Howard C. Ansel.
b. Remington’s Pharmaceutical Sciences.
c. Register of General Pharmacy by Cooper and Gunn.
d. General Pharmacy by M.L.Schroff.
Practical : 3 Hrs./Week
List of Experiments:
1. Syrups
a. Simple Syrup I.P
b. Syrup of Ephedrine Hcl NF
c. Syrup Vasaka IP
d. Syrup of ferrous Phosphate IP
e. Orange Syrup
2. Elixir
a. Piperizine citrate elixir BP
b. Cascara elixir BPC
c. Paracetamol elixir BPC
3. Linctus
a. Simple Linctus BPC
b. Pediatric simple Linctus BPC
4. Solutions
a. Solution of cresol with soap IP
b. Strong solution of ferric chloride BPC
c. Aqueous Iodine Solution IP
d. Strong solution of Iodine IP
e. Strong solution of ammonium acetate IP
5. Liniments
a. Liniment of turpentine IP*
b. Liniment of camphor IP
6. Suspensions*
a. Calamine lotion
b. Magnesium Hydroxide mixture BP
7. Emulsions*
a. Cod liver oil emulsion
b. Liquid paraffin emulsion
8. Powders
a. Eutectic powder
b. Explosive powder
c. Dusting powder
d. Insufflations
9. Suppositories
a. Boric acid suppositories
b. Chloral suppositories
10. Incompatibilities
a. Mixtures with Physical
b. Chemical & Therapeutic incompatibilities
* colourless bottles required for dispensing Paper envelope (white), butter paper and
white paper required for dispensing.
Practical : 3 Hrs./Week
Format of the assignment
1. Minimum & Maximum number of pages.
2. It shall be computer draft copy.
3. Reference(s) shall be included at the end.
4. Name and signature of the student.
5. Assignment can be a combined presentation at the end of the academic year.
6. Time allocated for presentation may be 8+2 Min.
1. Scope and objectives: This course is designed to impart a very good knowledge about
a. IUPAC/Common system of nomenclature of simple organic compounds
belonging to different classes of organic compounds;
b. Some important physical properties of organic compounds;
c. Free radical/ nucleophyllic [alkyl/ acyl/ aryl] /electrophyllic substitution, free
radical/ nucleophyllic / electrophyllic addition, elimination, oxidation and
reduction reactions with mechanism, orientation of the reaction, order of
reactivity, stability of compounds;
d. Some named organic reactions with mechanisms; and
e. Methods of preparation, test for purity, principle involved in the assay, important
medicinal uses of some important organic compounds.
2. Course materials:
Text books
a. T.R.Morrison and R. Boyd - Organic chemistry,
b. Bentley and Driver-Text book of Pharmaceutical chemistry
c. I.L.Finer- Organic chemistry, the fundamentals of chemistry
Reference books
a. Organic chemistry – J.M.Cram and D.J.Cram
b. Organic chemistry- Brown
c. Advanced organic chemistry- Jerry March, Wiley
d. Organic chemistry- Cram and Hammered, Pine Hendrickson
Practical : 3 Hrs./Week
1. Scope and objectives: This course mainly deals with fundamentals of Analytical
chemistry and also the study of inorganic pharmaceuticals regarding their monographs
and also the course deals with basic knowledge of analysis of various
3. Course materials:
Text books
a. A text book Inorganic medicinal chemistry by Surendra N. Pandeya
b. A. H. Beckett and J. B. Stanlake’s Practical Pharmaceutical chemistry Vol-I &
c. Inorganic Pharmaceutical Chemistry III-Edition P.Gundu Rao
Reference books
a. Inorganic Pharmaceutical Chemistry by Anand & Chetwal
b. Pharmaceutical Inorganic chemistry by Dr.B.G.Nagavi
c. Analytical chemistry principles by John H. Kennedy
d. I.P.1985 and 1996, Govt. of India, Ministry of health
Practical : 3 Hrs./Week
1. Scope and objectives: This is an introductory course in mathematics. This subjects
deals with the introduction to matrices, determinants, trigonometry, analytical
geometry, differential calculus, integral calculus, differential equations, laplace
3. Course materials:
Text books
a. Differential calculus By Shantinarayan
b. Text book of Mathematics for second year pre-university by Prof.B.M.Sreenivas
Reference books
a. Integral calculus By Shanthinarayan
b. Engineering mathematics By B.S.Grewal
c. Trigonometry Part-I By S.L.Loney
1. Scope and objectives: This is an introductory course in Biology, which gives detailed
study of natural sources such as plant and animal origin. This subject has been
introduces to the pharmacy course in order to make the student aware of various
naturally occurring drugs and its history, sources, classification, distribution and the
characters of the plants and animals. This subject gives basic foundation to
2. Course materials:
Text books
a. Text book of Biology by S.B.Gokhale
b. A Text book of Biology by Dr.Thulajappa and Dr. Seetaram.
Reference books
a. A Text book of Biology by B.V.Sreenivasa Naidu
b. A Text book of Biology by Naidu and Murthy
c. Botany for Degree students By A.C.Dutta.
d. Outlines of Zoology by M.Ekambaranatha ayyer and T.N.Ananthakrishnan.
e. A manual for pharmaceutical biology practical by S.B.Gokhale and C.K.Kokate.
01 Study of Animal cell
02 Study animal tissues
03 Detailed study of frog
04 Study of Pisces, Raptiles, Aves
05 Genearal organization of mammals
06 Study of poisonous animals
Practical : 3 Hrs./Week
1. Introduction of biology experiments
2. Study of cell wall constituents and cell inclusions
3. Study of Stem modifications
4. Study of Root modifications
5. Study of Leaf modifications
6. Identification of Fruits and seeds
7. Preparation of Permanent slides
8. T.S. of Senna, Cassia, Ephedra, Podophyllum.
9. Simple plant physiological experiments
10. Identification of animals
11. Detailed study of Frog
12. Computer based tutorials