2. Pressure Instruments
3. Engine Instruments
Landing Gear
Airspeed Limits:
15-20 Degrees
PART 2: Altimeters
Types of Altimeters:
Barometric Altimeter
Radio Altimeter
GNSS Altimeter
Types of Altitude:
Kollsman Window
Parts of an Altimeter:
Static Port
Aneroid Wafers
Crosshatch Flag
Barometric Scale Adjustment Knob
Altimeter Setting Window
100 ft. Pointer
1,000 ft. Pointer
10,000 ft. Pointer
Types of Airspeed:
• **Indicated Airspeed (IAS)**: The airspeed read directly from the ASI, uncorrected for
instrument or position errors.
• **Calibrated Airspeed (CAS)**: IAS corrected for instrument and position errors.
• **True Airspeed (TAS)**: CAS corrected for altitude and non-standard temperature. It is the
actual speed of the aircraft relative to the surrounding air.
• **Ground Speed**: The speed of the aircraft relative to the ground, which is influenced by
wind conditions.
Airspeed Limitations:
• **V_S1 (Stall Speed in a Clean Configuration)**: Minimum speed at which the aircraft can
maintain level flight.
• **V_FE (Maximum Flap Extension Speed)**: The maximum speed at which the aircraft can be
safely flown with flaps extended.
• **V_NO (Maximum Structural Cruising Speed)**: The maximum speed for normal operation,
where turbulence can be encountered safely.
• **V_NE (Never-Exceed Speed)**: The maximum speed that should never be exceeded under
any circumstances.
Pitot-Static System:
• **Static Port**: Measures ambient air pressure (altitude and airspeed calibration).
ASI Errors:
• **Position Error**: Caused by incorrect positioning of the pitot tube or static port, leading to
• **Instrument Error**: Due to mechanical imperfections in the ASI itself.
• **Compressibility Error**: At high speeds, air becomes compressible, affecting the dynamic
pressure and the ASI reading.
Part 4: Vertical Speed Indicator (VSI)
• **Standard VSI**: Most common, indicating climb or descent rates in feet per minute (fpm).
• **Instantaneous Vertical Speed Indicator (IVSI)**: Offers a faster response time due to the
incorporation of an accelerometer, which helps to reduce the lag associated with traditional
Rate of Climb/Descent:
• **Climb**: A positive VSI reading, indicating an increase in altitude (usually in feet per
• **Lag Errors**: Delays in the VSI response (typically 1–4 seconds) to changes in altitude.
• **Correction**: Using the IVSI for quicker response times or using a continuous trend to
predict climb/descent.
• **Position Errors**: When the instrument's static pressure source is affected by airflow,
particularly during turbulent or fast-moving conditions, leading to an inaccurate reading.
• **Correction**: Ensuring proper instrument positioning and alignment with the aircraft.
• **Positive Reading**: Indicates climb (usually measured in fpm, such as +500 fpm).
• **Descending**: Pilots use VSI to help manage a safe descent rate, avoiding excessive or
rapid descent.