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Z SECTIONS - is.iso.16163.2005

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इंटरनेट मानक

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Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to
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in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority,
and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest
to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of
education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the
timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public.

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IS/ISO 16163 (2005): Continuously Hot-Dipped Coated Steel

Sheet Products - Dimensional and Shape Tolerances [MTD 4:
Wrought Steel Products]

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Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda
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“Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen”
lS/iSO 16163:2005

Indian Standard

Ics 77.140.50



NEW DELHI 110002

November 2007 Price Group 3

Wrought Steel Products Sectional Committee, MTD 4


This Indian Standard which is identical with ISO 16163:2005 ‘Continuously hot-dipped coated steel
sheet products — Dimensional and shape tolerances’ issued by the International Organization for
Standardization (ISO) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards on the recommendation of the
Wrought Steel Products Sectional Committee and approval of the Metallurgical Engineering Division

This Indian Standard has been taken up to align it with ISO 16163:2005 by adoption under dual
numbering system.

The text of ISO Standard has been approved as suitable for publication as an Indian Standard without
deviations. Certain conventions are, however, not identical to those used in Indian Standards.
Attention is particularly drawn to the following:

a) Wherever the words ‘International Standard’ appear referring to this standard, they should
be read as ‘Indian Standard’.

b) Comma (,) has been used as a decimal marker in the International Standards, while in
Indian Standards, the current practice is to use a point (.) as the decimal marker.

In reporting the results of a test or analysis made in accordance with this standard, if the final value,
observed or calculated, is to be rounded off, it shall be done in accordance with IS 2: 1960 ‘Rules for
rounding off numerical values (revised)’.
1S/1S0 16163:2005

Indian Standard

1 Scope

This International Standard applies to dimensional and shape tolerances for all continuously hot-dipped
coated steel sheet products,

2 Dimensional tolerances

Dimensional tolerances are given in Tables 1 to 11

Table 1 — Normal thickness tolerances for commercial, drawing, drawing aluminum-killed

and extra deep drawing stabilized interstitial free quality coils and cut lengths
Dimensions and tolerances in millimetres

Speci- Thickness tolerances a b

f~ed for specified thicknesses c
0,4 >0,4 <0,6 Y 0,6 <0,8 >0,8 <1,0 >1,0 <1,2 >1,2 <1,6 -.1,6 <2,0 >2,0 <2,5 >2,5 <3,0 >3,0< 4,0 >4,0< 5,0

600 + 0,05 + 0,06 t 0,08 f 0,09 io,lo * 0,12 z 0,18 +0,19 i 0,21 t 0,23 f 0,25
.’ 1 200

, ~oo , * 0,06 f 0,07 + 0,09 io,lo io,ll +0,13 ? 0,20 i 0,22 + 0,23 i 0,25 + 0,27

;5001 _
f 0,09 i!l,lo +0,11 T 0,13 +0,15 + 0,22 * 0,24 t 0,25 ? 0,27 ~ 0,29
1800 \

NOTE Thicknesses up to 1,6 mm are generally produced wrth cold-rolled substrate.

3 The thickness tolerances for sheet !n coIl form are the same as for sheet supphed In cut lengths but, In cases where welds are present, the tolerances
shall be double those gwen over a Ien<ith of 15 m in the vmmty of the weld
3 Gven the difference in tolerances and physical properbes of hot-rolled and cold-rolled sheet products, the user and the supplter may negotiate a
speclflc type of substrate The relatlonsh!p between coating mass !n glmz and the th]ckness In micrometres can be retrieved from the respective standards
Th}ckness IS measured at any po[nt on the sheet not less than 25 mm from a side edae
Ill I .,,.

1S/1S0 16163:2005

Table 2 — Normal thickness tolerances for structural-quality coils and cut lengths

Dimensions and tolerances in millimetres

Speci- Thickness tolerances a b c

fied for specified thicknesses ‘ e
,. 0,4 , 0,4 :.0,6 .0,6 z. 0,8 .- 0,8.1,0 .1,0 - 1,2 ,1,2,: 1,6 ,1,6 <2,0 .. 2,0 ~ .2,5 .2,5 .:3,0 > 3,(3 < 4,(3 4,0< 5,(3

+ 0,06 t 0,07 * 0,09 +0,10 fo,ll ko,13 ! 0,18 io,19 i 0,21 + 0,23 + 0,25

~ 1200
* 0,08 + 0,10 +0,11 io,lz io,14 i 0,20 ? 0,22 * 0,23 + 0,25 * 0,27
‘: 1500 f 0’07

f 0,10 t 0,11 i 0,12 f 0,14 t0,16 * 0,22 + 0,24 + 0,25 f 0,27 * 0,29
. 1800 —

UOTE Thicknesses up to 1,6 mm are generally produced w!th cold-rolled substrate

2 Thickness tolerances for sheet in COIIform are the same as for sheets supplled m cut lengths but m cases where welds are present, the tolerances
shall be double those gwen over a length of 15 m in the vmnlty of the weld,
3 For spedied strength levels of /(e = 36o fWmm2 and greater, increase the thickness tolerances by 10 ‘h, by applying normal rounding-off procedures
Tolerances for grade 550 shall be as agreed upon between the purchaser and the manufacturer
j Given the difference In tolerances and physical properties of hot-rolled and cold-rolled sheet products, the user and the suppl!er may negot!ate a
sPeclflc tYPe of substrate The rela~onshlp between coating mass in glm2 and the thickness !n micrometres can be retrieved from the respectwe standards
Thickness IS measured at any point on the sheet not less than 25 mm from a side edge

Table 3 — Restricted thickness tolerances for commercial, drawing, drawing aluminum-killed,

extra deep drawing (stabilized interstitial free) and structural quality coils
and cut lengths — hot rolled substrate

Dimensions and tolerances in millu-netres

Specified width, Thickness tolerances a b c

mm for specified thicknesses ‘ e

<2,0 >2,0 <2,5 >2,5 <3,0 >3,0 <4,0 >4,0 < 5,0

600<1200 + 0,14 fo,15 t 0,16 *0,18 f 0,20

.1200 <1500 * 0,15 * 0,16 f 0,18 io,19 i 0,22

>1500 <1800 +0,15 +0,18 i 0,20 + 0,22 ~ 0,23

Thickness tolerances for sheet in coil form are the same as for sheets supphed m cut lengths but, m cases where welds are present, the tolerances
hall be double those given over a length of 15 m in the wanity of the weld
For speafled strength levels of /{e = 360 N/mm2 and greater, tolerances are increased by 10 “A, applying normal rounding-off procedures.
Tolerances for grade 550 shall be as agreed upon between the purchaser and the manufacturer.
Thickness IS measured at any point on the sheet not less than 25 mm from a side edge
The relationship between coating mass in g/m2 and the thickness in micrometres can be retrieved from the respective standards

1. .. I ~—— —...—.. .—— ,-

1S/1S0 16163:2005

Table 4 — Restricted thickness tolerances for commercial, drawing, drawing aluminum-killed, extra
deep drawing (stabilized interstitial free) and structural quality coils
and cut lengths — cold rolled substrate

Dimensions and tolerances in millimetres

Specified Thickness tolerances’, bI c,

width, mm for specified thicknesses ‘I e

<0,4 >0,4 <0,6 >0,6 <0,8 >0,8 <1,0 >1,0 <1,2 >1,2 <1,6 >1,6 <2,0 >2,0 <2,5 > 2,5s 3,0 > 3,(I < 4,C

600<1200 * 0,035 f 0,045 k 0,05 f 0,055 t 0,065 * 0,08 * 0,09 k 0,11 *0,12 * 0,13

. 1 200
+ 0,045 * 0,055 + 0,06 i 0,07 k 0,08 * 0,09 *0,10 * 0,12 ? 0,13 * 0,14
< 1 500

.. 1 500
t 0,06 * 0,07 + 0,07 k 0,08 * 0,09 i 0,10 * 0,12 *0,13 i 0,14
~ 1 800 “
ThlGkness tolerances for sheet m coil form are the same as for sheets supplied m cut lengths but, in eases where welds are present, the tolerance:
shall be double those gwen over a length of 15 m in the v!cmty of the weld.
3 For speafied strength levels of /<e = 360 N/mm2 and greater, tolerances are Increased by 10 0/0,applying normal rounding-off procedures.
; Tolerances for grade 550 shall be as agreed upon between the purchaser and the manufadurer.
~ Thickness IS measured at any point on the sheet not less than 25 mm from a side edge,
The relationship between coating mass m glmz and the thickness In micrometres can be retrieved from the respective standards.

Table 5 — Width tolerances for coils and cut lengths, not resquared

Dimensions and tolerances in millimetres

Specified width Tolerance

1 I
< 1 500

>1500 <1800 +10


NOTE For resquared material, more restrictive tolerances are subiect to negotiation. I

Table 6 — Length tolerances for cut lengths, not resquared.

Dimensions and tolerances in millimetres

Specified length Tolerance

<3000 + 20

>3000 <6000 + 30

+ 0,5 ‘h x length

NOTE For resquared material, more restrictive tolerances are subject to negotiation.

1S/1S0 16163:2005

Table 7 — Camber tolerances for coils and cut lengths, not resquared

Dimensions and tolerances in millimetres

I Form I Camber tolerance

Coils 20 in any 5000 length

Cut lengths 0,4 ‘L x length

NOTE Camber is the greatest deviation of a side edge from a straight line, the measurement being taken on the concave side
with a straight edge as shown in Figure 1. For resquared material, more restrictive tolerances are subject to negotiation.

Table 8 — Out-of-square tolerance for cut lengths, not resquared

Dimensions I Out-of-square tolerance

All thicknesses and all sizes I 1 YOx width

NOTE Out-of-square is the greatest deviation of an end edge from a straight line, at right angles to a side and touching one
corner as shown m Figure 2 It can also be measured as one-half the difference between the diagonals of a cut length sheet.

Table 9 — Out-of-square tolerances for resquared material

Dimensions and tolerances in millimetres

Specified length
Specified width
Out-of-square tolerance
< 3 000
I < 1 200
o I

> 1 200 o

> 3000 All widths o

NOTE Out-of-square is the greatest deviation of an end edge from a straight line at right angles to a side and touching one corner
as shown in Figure 2. It can also be measured as one-half the difference between the diagonals of the cut length sheet. When
measuring material ordered to resquared tolerances, consideration may have to be given to extreme variations in temperature.

1S/1S0 16163:2005

Table 10 — Standard flatness tolerances for cut lengths a

Dimensions and tolerances In millimetres

Flatness tolerance b
Specified thickness Specified width
Specified strength level of R,

<220 N/mm2 220 to 340 N/mm2 > 340 N/mmz

< 1 200 15 23 29

<0,7 >1200 <1500 18 27 34

>1 500 22 33 41

< 1 200 12 18 23

>0,7 <1,2 >1200 <1500 15 23 29

>1 500 19 29 36

< 1 200 10 15 19

>1,2 >1200 <1500 12 18 23

>1 500 17 26 33

This table also applies to sheet cut to length from coils by the customer when agreed-upon flattening procedures are performed,
Maximum deviation from a flat horizontal surface: with the sheet lying under ifs own weight on a flat surface, the maximum distancf
etween the lower surface of the sheet and the flat horizontal surface is the maximum deviation from flatness as shown in Figure 3,

Table ‘11 — Restricted flatness tolerances for cut lengths with a specified strength level <220 N/mm2

Dimensions and tolerances in millimetres

I Specified thickness I Specified width I Specified length I Flatness tolerance a

<2 < 1 200 <2500 9

> 1 200 >2500 15

>2<5 < 1 200 <2500 8

>1 200 >2500 13

a Maximum deviation from a flat horizontal surface: with the sheet lying under its own weight on a flat surface, the maximum distanc~
between the lower surface of the sheet and the flat horizontal surface is the maximum deviation from flatness as shown in Fiaure 3.

1S/1S0 16163:2005

1 edge camber
2 side edge (concave side)
3 straight edge

Figure 1 — Measurement of camber


1 out-of-square
2 straight edge
3 side edge

Figure 2 — Measurement of out-of-square


1 maximum deviation from flatness

Figure 3 — Measurement of flatness

Bureau of Indian Standards

BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of /rIdiam Standards Act, 1986 to promote
harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods
and attending to connected matters in the country,

BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any
form without the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in course of
implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade
designations. Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director (Publications), BIS.

Review of Indian Standards

Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are
also reviewed periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review
indicates that no changes are needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up
for revision, Users of Indian Standards should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest
amendments or edition by referring to the latest issue of ‘BIS Catalogue’ and ‘Standards: Monthly

This Indian Standard has been developed from Dot: No. MTD 4 (4695)

Amendments Issued Since Publication

Amendment N;. Date of Issue Text Affected


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