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N. Anuradha, Et Al

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Sci (2020) Special Issue-11: 1459-1464

International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences

ISSN: 2319-7706 Special Issue-11 pp. 1459-1464
Journal homepage: http://www.ijcmas.com

Original Research Article

Character association, Variability and Heritability Studies for Grain Yield
and its Yield Attributes in Pearl Millet (Pennisetum Glaucam (L.) R. Br)

N. Anuradha*, P. Kranthi Priya, T.S.S.K. Patro, Y. Sandhya Rani and U. Triveni

Acharya NG.Ranga Agricultural University, Agricultural Research Station, Vizianagaram -535

001, A.P., India

*Corresponding author


Pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.) is a quick growing kharif cereal crop which
forms the staple food in arid and semi arid regions of Indian subcontinent and Africa. The
experiment material for the present study comprised of 16 pearl millet genotypes including
one check variety (ABV 04) which were evaluated at Agricultural Research Station,
Vizianagaram, Andhra Pradesh during kharif, 2020 to assess character association, genetic
variability, heritability and genetic advance for nine yield contributing traits. Analysis of
Keywords variance revealed significant differences for all the traits included under study indicating
ample scope for improvement of yield and various yield attributing characters. High
Pearl millet,
variability, phenotypic coefficent of variation is observed by number of productive tillers per plant
heritability, (23.92) where as moderate GCV was observed by 1000 seed weight (15.7). High
genetic advance heritability (89.74, 61.18) coupled with high genetic advance as percent of mean (30.80,
and correlation
23.01) is observed for 1000 test weight and fodder yield respectively indicating
preponderance of additive gene action and selection is effective for these traits. Grain yield
showed positive association with all the characters while it was negatively correlated with
panicle diameter indicating that there is no association between panicle diameter with grain

Introduction Western part of Gujarat, Haryana and

Western Utter Pradesh. Pearl millet is one of
Pearl millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.] the staple cereal food and fodder crop for 90
belongs to the family Poaceae (graminae) . It million resource poor people, grown
is highly cross-pollinated crop with especially in arid and semi-arid regions of
protogynous flowering and windborne Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa covering an
pollination mechanism. Pearl millet is one of area of more than 29 where micronutrient
the major cereals grown primarily for grain deficiencies are particularly concentrated
production and it is the fourth most important (Shukla et al., 2014). It has high protein
staple food after rice, wheat, and maize in content with balanced amino acids,
India. India is the largest producer of this carbohydrates and fat. It is also rich in many
crop in Asia and occupies an area of 6.84 micronutrients such as calcium, iron and zinc
mha with production and productivity of 7.26 and is free from anti nutritional compounds
mt and 1061 kg/ ha. (Anonymous, 2012-13). like tannins (Malhotra and Dhindsa, 1984).
Pearl millet is mainly grown in Rajasthan,

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2020) Special Issue-11: 1459-1464

More is the genetic variability in the base and genetic advancement were categorized
material more are the chances for into low, medium and high as per Johnson et
improvement. Besides variability knowledge al., (1955).
about association among grain yield and its
component traits is also important for Results and Discussions
improving yield through correlated response.
Hence the present investigation was Analysis of Variance components (Table 1)
undertaken to study variability, correlation revealed significant differences for all the
and heritability. traits included under study indicating
presence of adequate amount of variability
Materials and Methods among different genotype for all those traits.

The experiment was conducted with 16 pearl In the present study Raj 171 (4318 kg/ha) and
millet genotypes including one check variety 86M64 (4198 kg/ha) had significantly
(ABV O4). All genotypes were evaluated at showed higher yields when compared with
Agricultural Research Station, Vizianagaram, the local check ABV 04 (2697 kg/ha) shown
Andhra Pradesh during kharif, 2020. in (Table 2). Dhanashakti was the earliest
Genotypes were planted in a randomized with 60 days to maturity followed by ICMV
complete block design (RCBD) with three 221with 61 days to maturity. These two
replications and a spacing of 50 × 10 cm. per genotypes can utilized for breeding earliness
each entry. Every genotype was grown in 6 in pearl millet. The local check variety ABV
lines each of 4 m length. Fertilizers, DAP (87 04 can be used for breeding non-lodging
kg/ha), MOP (42 kg/ha) and Urea (22 kg/ha) genotypes since it was observed to be the
were applied basally at the time of land shortest (149.22cm) among all sixteen
preparation and remaining 22 kg/ha Urea was genotypes studied. Long panicle length is
applied three weeks after sowing. Standard indicative of getting higher grain yield.
management practices were followed to ICMV 155(31.22) showed higher panicle
maintain a healthy crop. Observations were length when compared with local check ABV
recorded on five plants for plant height (cm), 04(26.33). More panicle diameter was shown
number of productive tillers per plant, panicle by Kaveri super boss (3.81) compared with
length (cm), panicle diameter (cm), 1000 test local check ABV 04 (3.14). More test weight
weight (g). Days to 50% flowering, days for 1000 grains was shown by ICMV 221
were recorded by visualizing the entire plot. (18.78g) over check variety ABV 04 (7.7g).
Fodder yield and grain yield were recorded
on per plot basis and then converted into per The values of PCV obtained for yield and its
hectare. attributing characters ranged from (6.30) for
days to maturity to (23.92) for number of
Analysis of variance and summary statistics productive tillers per plant (Table 3). The
was calculated as per Panse and Sukathme values of GCV ranged from (5.27) for panicle
(1967). Phenotypic and genotypic length to (15.78) for 1000 test weight. Similar
coefficients of variation (PCV and GCV) results were reported by Anuradha et al.,
were computed as per Burton and Devane 2017. Phenotypic coefficient of variability is
(1953). Heritability in broad sense was higher than genotypic coefficient of
computed as per Allard (1960). Genotypic variability for all the characters indicating
and phenotypic correlations were calculated that the interaction of genotypes with
according to Falconer (1981). Heritability environment.

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2020) Special Issue-11: 1459-1464

Table.1 ANOVA of sixteen pearl millet genotypes

Source of
Variations Mean Sum of Squares


Treatments 15 40.3 52.3 497.0 0.7 8.8 0.2 729163.3 2298297.2 16.6
Replications 2 0.4 0.4 736.2 0.2 0.4 0.1 430901.3 785173.8 5.9
Error 30 1.1 0.7 245.6 0.3 2.1 0.1 198319.7 401295.2 0.6
Note: DFF: Days to 50% flowering; DM: Days to maturity; PH: Plant height (cm); NPT: No. of productive tillers per plant; PL: Panicle length(cm); PD: Panicle
Diameter; GY: Grain yield (kg/ha); FY: Fodder yield (kg/ha); TSW: Thousand Seed weight

Table.2 Performance of sixteen pearl millet genotypes

1 HHB 299 38 67 138.80 2.56 27.95 3.47 3030 6366 14.82
2 NBH 5767 38 68 178.14 3.22 26.70 3.08 3622 4934 15.00
3 Pratap (MH 1642) 39 70 167.75 2.67 29.94 3.21 3820 5399 14.08
4 NBH 4903 43 74 181.24 1.78 28.76 2.97 3204 6402 15.87
5 NBH 5061 42 72 190.06 2.33 27.79 3.28 3862 5126 14.35
6 86M86 39 68 169.38 3.22 29.59 3.55 3375 6180 12.78
7 Kaveri Super Boss 43 74 164.87 3.11 29.24 3.81 3733 7465 14.73
8 86M64 40 71 172.74 3.11 28.70 3.45 4198 5934 14.05
9 GHB 558 34 65 163.61 3.44 25.93 3.67 3135 5210 15.12
10 Dhanshakti 32 60 168.12 2.02 27.74 3.45 3123 4745 17.65
11 ICMV 221 32 61 180.63 2.67 25.30 3.66 2883 4354 18.78
12 Pusa Comp. 612 37 66 180.75 2.56 30.97 3.16 4003 5784 14.55
13 ABV 04 40 70 174.01 2.89 27.91 3.45 3102 6595 14.40
14 Raj 171 34 62 178.20 3.22 29.26 3.03 4318 5441 16.32
15 ICMV 155 36 66 180.45 2.11 31.22 3.10 3060 4790 13.33
16 LC 33 63 149.22 2.67 26.33 3.14 2697 4375 7.87
Mean 37 67 171.12 2.72 28.33 3.34 3448 5569 14.61
CD (1%) 2.39 1.94 35.19 1.19 3.27 0.63 999.78 1422.17 1.75
CD (5%) 1.77 1.44 26.13 0.88 2.43 0.47 742.48 1056.17 1.30
CV (%) 2.84 1.29 9.16 19.41 5.14 8.43 12.92 11.38 5.34
Note: DFF: Days to 50% flowering; DM: Days to maturity; PH: Plant height (cm); NPT: No. of productive tillers per plant; PL: Panicle length(cm); PD: Panicle
Diameter; GY: Grain yield (kg/ha); FY: Fodder yield (kg/ha); TSW: Thousand Seed weight

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2020) Special Issue-11: 1459-1464

Table.3 Genetic parameters of sixteen pearl millet genotypes


1 Mean 37 67 171.12 2.72 28.33 3.34 3448 5569 14.61
2 Minimum 32 60 139 1.78 25.30 2.97 2697 4354 7.87
3 Maximum 43 74 190 3.44 31.22 3.81 4318 7465 18.78
4 GCV 9.66 6.17 5.35 13.98 5.27 5.88 9.66 6.17 5.35
5 PCV 10.07 6.30 10.61 23.92 7.36 10.28 10.07 6.30 10.61
6 ECV 2.84 1.29 9.16 19.41 5.14 8.43 2.84 1.29 9.16
7 H² (B) 92.05 95.82 25.43 34.17 51.19 32.67 92.05 95.82 25.43
8 Genetic Advance 7.14 8.36 9.51 0.46 2.20 0.23 7.14 8.36 9.51
9 GAM 19.09 12.44 5.56 16.84 7.76 6.92 19.09 12.44 5.56
Note: DFF: Days to 50% flowering; DM: Days to maturity; PH: Plant height (cm); NPT: No. of productive tillers per plant; PL: Panicle length(cm); PD: Panicle
Diameter; GY: Grain yield (kg/ha); FY: Fodder yield (kg/ha); TSW: Thousand Seed weight

Table.4 Correlation coefficients between grain yield and its component characters in pearl millet


1.000 0.981** 0.2 -0.054 0.383 -0.014 0.367 * -0.106
DM 1.000 0.17 -0.021 0.321 0.008 0.318 .705** -0.162
PH 1.000 -0.177 0.226 -0.3 0.417 -0.15 0.398
NPT 1.000 -0.22 0.402 0.323 0.177 -0.117
PL 1.000 -0.328 0.477 0.394 -0.127
PD 1.000 -0.193 0.301 0.234
GY 1.000 0.277 0.155
FY 1.000 0.03
TSW 1.000
Note: DFF: Days to 50% flowering; DM: Days to maturity; PH: Plant height (cm); NPT: No. of productive tillers per plant; PL: Panicle length(cm); PD: Panicle
Diameter; GY: Grain yield (kg/ha); FY: Fodder yield (kg/ha); TSW: Thousand Seed weight

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2020) Special Issue-11: 1459-1464

Moderate phenotypic coefficient of variation Correlation of various traits helps in

is observed for fodder yield (18.26), grain selection of superior genotypes based on
yield (17.77), 1000 test weight (16.66), phenotypic selection of easily heritable
panicle diameter (10.28), plant height characters. Grain yield which is
(10.61) and days to 50 % flowering (10.07). quantitatively inherited is difficult to
Similar results were reported by Anuradha et improve through simple selection as
al., (2017). Low PCV was observed for observed from heritability and GAM values.
characters days to maturity (6.30) and Hence, selection for higher grain yield is to
panicle length (7.36). Moderate GCV was be done through other highly heritable and
observed for characters 1000 seed weight simply selectable traits. The correlation
(15.78), fodder yield (14.2), number of coefficients in which days to 50 % flowering
productive tillers per plant (13.98) and grain showed highly significant positive
yield (12.20). Genetic coefficient of association with days to maturity and fodder
variance does not provide the clear yield and non significant positive
indication of proportion of heritable association with plant height, panicle length
components of variation therefore estimation and grain yield (Table 4). Days to maturity
of heritability become necessary. Highly showed highly significant positive
heritable traits are governed by genotypic association with fodder yield and non
variances rather than with environmental significant positive association with plant
variance. Hence, there is more chance for height, panicle length, panicle diameter and
success in selection of genotypes based on grain yield and negative association with all
heritability. However, heritability informs other traits. Similar results were reported by
whether the variation is genetic or non Anuradha et al., 2018. Plant height showed
genetic while Genetic Advance as Percent negative association with number of
Mean (GAM) enlightens the aspect of gene production tillers per plant, panicle diameter
action. and fodder yield and showed positive
association with other traits. Similar results
High heritability was recorded by days to were reported by Anarase et al., 2001.
maturity (95.82) followed by days to 50 % Panicle length showed positive association
flowering (92.05). High heritability (89.74, with grain yield and fodder yield and
61.18) coupled with high genetic advance as negative association with panicle diameter
percent of mean (30.80, 23.01) is observed and 1000 test weight. Panicle diameter
for 1000 test weight and fodder yield showed positive association with fodder
respectively indicating preponderance of yield and thousand test weight and negative
additive gene action and selection is association with grain yield.
effective for these traits.
In the present study, grain yield showed
In the present study, low heritability (25.43) positive association with all the characters
coupled with low GAM(5.56) were observed while it was negatively correlated with
for plant height indicating that environment panicle diameter indicating that there is no
is the main role in governing this character association between panicle diameter with
and selection for this character may not be grain yield. The higher grain yield can be
effective. Similar results have been reported achieved indirectly by improving the all
by Lakshmana et al., (2003), Nagar et al., other traits. Among all other traits the
(2006) and Anuradha et al., (2018). contribution of panicle length to grain yield
is more. Hence to increase grain yield one
can rely upon panicle length to some extent.

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2020) Special Issue-11: 1459-1464

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