Newsletter 2nd March

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2nd March 2012

No. 8

Dear Parents and Children

Our OFSTED report is now available to read and is being sent out with the newsletter this week. The report says that there are inconsistencies in some areas and we are addressing those immediately. However, we feel that the inconsistencies are between being good or being outstanding so there is no need for concern when you read that in the report where you will also see that we were graded good overall. Data sheets are being sent out this week if you didnt see yours at parents evening. Please send them back to school as soon as possible even if there are no corrections. Thank you. An updated Food Policy is being put before Governors for their final approval so I have included part of it in this weeks newsletter just to remind you about some of our rules around food brought into school. Please come and speak to one of us if you have any queries. Mrs. J Anderson and Mrs. M Sanderson
Grant me to recognise in others, Lord God, the radiance of your own face. Amen


Stars of the Week: Georgia Y6; Rudo Y5; Shannon Y4; Soraya
Y3; Chomina Y2; Jazmin and Joshua Y1; Kaden YR. Well done everyone!

School dinners: Monday: Sausages; Tuesday: Roast Gammon; Wednesday: Road Safety There are still concerns about the safety of families at the
crossing in the High Street. Anyone who witnesses a car going through the crossing on RED should phone 101 to report it. Please also record it in the book at the school office so the school can use this as evidence of the frequency of the problem when discussing it with the relevant authorities. Thank you to those who are continuing to spend a lot of time working to improve this issue. Bolognaise; Thursday: Roast Turkey; Friday: Fish.

FOSTA There is a new committee for FOSTA as follows: Chair Kirsty Cooper
(mum of Daisy Y1); Vice Chairs Dawn Moses (Amelia Y1) and Josie Clark (Poppy YR and Toby Y1); Secretary Sheila Winard (gran of Amelia Y1); Treasurer Alison Joynes (Callum Y4 and Edward Y1). Please give them your support.

Music Festival: On Friday 16th March we will be taking all of the pupils in

years 3, 4, 5 and 6 to compete in the IW Music Competition Festival at St Thomas' Church (the Minster). We will be walking there first thing in the morning so that we are ready to perform at approximately 10am and will return to school in time for lunch. Members of the public are able to attend the competition as members of the audience but please note there is likely to be an entrance fee if you want to go. There is no need to complete a permission slip for this visit as it is covered by our walks in the local area form and it will be assumed that you are happy for your child to take part in the Music Competition Festival unless you let Mrs. Anderson know in writing.

Uniform: Please ensure your child is wearing the correct school uniform every day. If you have
financial worries regarding buying uniform please come and speak to us in confidence.

Extract from Food Policy:

Packed Lunches Many children bring packed lunches to school, which are eaten in the school hall, alongside school dinners. Sweets, chocolate and fizzy drinks are not allowed at lunchtime, which is the same for break times. Lunchtime supervisors and class teachers endeavour to monitor the contents of lunchboxes and food consumption at lunchtime. Parents are reminded of the schools policy in this regard through newsletters and the school prospectus. Birthday treats We appreciate that children like to share their special day with friends at school and currently many do so by bringing in sweets to share. Due to the increasing number of children experiencing allergic reactions, and in line with our Healthy School Status, we would like parents to consider donating a book to the class as an alternative. This way, children will benefit for years in the future and your childs class will experience an ever increasing and improving range of class books. (Please ask your childs teacher for ideas if you dont know which book to choose.) Other notices of interest:

The Parish Council of St Saviour's/St Thomas' are organising a Parish Day on 12th May at Verbum
Dei, Carisbrooke. The day is a chance for both communities to join in a day of community, friendship and fun. There will be lots of fun activities for children and opportunities for adults to share in discussions. There will also be football matches and maybe even a tug of war! Families can sign up at either of the churches where they will find a form at the back of the church.

Advance warning! Come and play African Drums with your child week! Please join your childs
class playing African drums on Monday 12th March, 9-10am Y6 Tuesday 13th March, 9-10am Y3 Wednesday 14th March, 9-10am Y5 Thursday 15th March, 9-10am Y4 Thursday 15th March, 2-2.30pm Y2 No hand jewellery can be worn when playing the drums so all rings, watches and bracelets will have to be removed.

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