Mr. R K Verma
Director, EPCH
A Curtain Raiser on IHGF Delhi Fair, was conducted by products and manifest our interest to encash our
EPCH on 16th April, 2014, at the India Expo Centre, to products at 360 degrees.
familiarize exhibitors with the new show concept. A Timing of the Fair - Mr. Rakesh Kumar further
detailed presentation on the fair and its various explained, “we are targeting to create a circuit of fairs
attributes was made by Mr. Rakesh Kumar, Executive and fix an Indian fair between prime fairs in Singapore
Director, EPCH and international lifestyle designer, PJ and Malaysia during the months of February/March, to
Aranador. They explained the structure of the fair, with its compete with the Chinese market and increase
various segments, including six new ones. This paved profitability of the fair. Moreover, the timing of IHGF Delhi
way for a detailed interaction and Q&A. The gathering Fair-14th to 18th October, 2014, is apt as it is between the
posed various queries pertaining to space, product circuit of China-India and Singapore fairs. Consequently,
profile, layout, marketing & promotion of the show and there will be a perfect gap between the two fairs of EPCH.
issues regarding various other fair facilities.
Active Social Media Presence - As organizers of
Present on the ocassion were, Mr. Lekhraj IHGF, EPCH plans to reach out to all existing as well as
Maheshwari, Chairman, EPCH; Mr. Ravi K Passi, Co- potential markets for home fashion & lifestyle products.
Chairman, NCDPD and COA Member-EPCH; Mr. Raj K
The show planning activities would include extensive
Malhotra, Chairman, India Expo Centre & Mart; and publicity of IHGF, with special focus on social media like
member exporters of the Council. facebook, twitter, pinterest, google+, etc. so that
New Concept - Detailing the new concept and the maximum buyers are reached. The organizers have
need for renewal, Mr. Rakesh Kumar explained, “with the introduced a toll free number as well.
changing times there is a need for re-imaging all our Display area - The next aspect is offering a larger
fairs. We are in the process of re-aligning all EPCH fairs display area. Every exhibitor desires a bigger space, so
and this is going to be our re-imaging activity.” He added, this too is being reworked upon. “Champions from
“under the banner of IHGF Delhi Fair, we would be able to
different trades must become part of the whole show.
liberate ourselves from the image of being a 'handicraft Efforts are going on in this regard,” shared Mr. Rakesh
fair' and this would allow a variety of products to get Kumar. Among products at the fair, it was discussed that
accommodated in the fair.” He highlighted that this
brands from leather, sports, festive deco and many other
would fulfil our industry’s wish to create a synergy of categories will be added to the list.