Q1. Why were people dissatisfied with British rule in the 1870s and 1880s?
Ans. The dissatisfaction against British rule was intensified in the 1870s and
1. The Arms Act was passed in 1878, which disallowed Indians from having arms.
2. Same year the Vernacular Press Act was also enacted to silence the critics of
the government.
● The Act allowed the government to confiscate the assets of newspapers
including their printing presses if the newspapers published anything
3. In 1883, there was a furore over the attempt by the government to introduce the
Ilbert Bill.
● The bill provided for the trial of British or European persons by Indians, and
sought equality between British and Indian judges in the country.
Q4. What did the Muslim League resolution of 1940 ask for?
Ans.- In 1940 the Muslim League passed a resolution demanding “Independent
States” for Muslims in the north-western and eastern areas of the country. The
resolution did not mention partition of Pakistan.
Q5. Differentiate between the politics of the Radicals and the Moderates?
1. Draw a flow chart to show the following information about the Non-
Cooperation Movement.
1.During 1921 -22 the Non-Cooperation Movement started.
2. Students left government schools and colleges, and lawyers gave up their
3. Many Indians surrendered their British titles.
4. People publicly burnt foreign goods.
5.The Patidar peasants of Gujarat and the tribals and peasants of Andhra
Pradesh and Tamil Nadu staged forest satyagrahas and campaigns against the
land revenue
6.In Bengal, the Khilafat + Non-Cooperation alliance gave unity and strength to
the national movement.
7.In Assam, tea garden workers demanded a big increase in their wages.
3. Activity for H W:
Find and paste pictures of 2 moderate and 2 radical leaders of the Congress in
your notebook.
Paste pictures in your notebook to show the trio – “Lal - Bal – Pal”.