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English Lp Day 4 tone and Moo d

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Marcelo I.

School Vocational High Grade Level 9
John Francis M. Learning Englis
LESSON Teacher
Tumaca Area h
Week 5 Quarter 3

Date and Time: January 30, 2025

At the end of the period, 80% of the students are expected to:
A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of how Anglo-
American literature and other text types serve as means of
connecting to the world; also how to use ways of analyzing
one-act play and different forms of verbal’s for him/her to
skillfully perform in a one-act play.
B. Performance The learner skillfully performs in one-act play through
Standards utilizing effective verbal and non-verbal strategies and ICT
resources based on the following criteria: Focus, Voice,
Delivery, and Dramatic Conventions.
C. Learning At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
Objectives a. Differentiate tone from mood.
b. Identify the tone of the speaker.
c. Determine the mood created by the text/passage.

II. CONTENT Module 2: Identifying Tone and Mood

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Material P1- 15
3. Textbook Pages P1- 15
4. Additional Materials Task Sheet, Laptop, and Slidex
from Learning Resources
B. Other Learning
IV. PROCEDURES Teacher’s Activity Students’
A. Prayer
“Let us pray first” (One student will
lead the Prayer)

B. Greetings
“Good Afternoon Class”
Good Afternoon! Sir
C. Checking of Attendance

Say present if you’re here (Students raise

their hand and say
present as the
D. Classroom Management teacher calls in
Before we proceed to our lesson today, their name)
let’s have a quick review of our class rules
to make sure that we are in the same

Remember FRANCIS for our classroom

F - Free conversation is allowed, but only
during appropriate times.
R - Respect everyone and their opinions
at all times.
A - Always keep the classroom clean and
N - No phones unless permitted for
educational use.
C - Cooperate with your classmates and
participate in activities.
I - Integrity is key—be honest and do your
own work.
S - Stay focused and attentive during

Let’s keep these rules in mind today so

we can have a great class. Arrange your
chairs properly, pick up some any trash
around and put all your phones inside
your bag. Thank you!"

So, how is your day?

A. Reviewing the previous Think of Me!
lesson or presenting the
new lesson Alright, class, let’s start today
with a quick review.

Do you remember what we talked about Yes, Sir

in our last meeting?

Great! Can anyone remind us of our topic? - About the types of

That’s right! Now, who can name some
types of prejudice we discussed? - The different
types of prejudice
are Racism,
Religion, Ageism,
Now, before we dive into our new lesson, Classism and
let’s warm up with a fun activity. Sexism.

Directions: The teacher will divide the

class into 5 groups. Each group will pick a
set of envelopes containing jumbled
letters. Your task is to arrange the
jumbled letters to form the correct words.
Once your group is finished, paste the
arranged words onto their corresponding
definitions and scenarios displayed at the
front of the class. Good luck and enjoy!

1. RACISM- is when people treat others

unfairly or make negative judgments
about them because of their race or skin
Scenario: A manager interviews two
candidates for a job: one is a local citizen,
and the other is a foreigner with similar
qualifications. Despite the foreigner
having slightly better skills, the manager
chooses the local candidate, saying, "I
think our clients would be more
comfortable with someone who looks like

2. RELIGION- It is when people have

negative attitudes, beliefs, or behaviors
towards others because of their religion.
Scenario: A student wearing a hijab joins
a new school. During group activities,
some classmates refuse to include her,
whispering, "She’s probably too different
to understand how we do things here."

3. AGEISM- It is like judging someone

based on their age, assuming they're not
capable or interesting just because
they're older or younger.
Scenario: During a job interview, a 55-
year-old applicant with years of relevant
experience is told, "We’re looking for
someone who can keep up with modern
trends. Younger candidates usually fit that
profile better."

4. CLASSISM - is like judging someone

based on their social class, their wealth,
or their economic status.
Scenario: In a school, students from
wealthier families mock a classmate who
brings a simple packed lunch, saying,
"Don’t you get tired of eating the same
cheap food every day?"

5. SEXISM - is when people are treated

unfairly or have negative attitudes based
on their gender.
Scenario: In a team meeting, a woman
proposes a solution to a problem, but her
idea is ignored. Later, a male colleague
repeats the same suggestion, and the
team enthusiastically agrees, giving him
credit for the idea.

Well done, everyone!

Yes, Sir!
Are you ready to get your brains working?
Excited? Let’s do this!

B. Establishing a purpose PIC TO DESCRIBE!

for the lesson
Directions: Observe the pictures
displayed on the TV screen carefully.
You have two minutes to analyze the
given image. Afterward, be prepared
to answer questions from the teacher
about the images.

Possible Answer!

Student 1: The
Guided Questions: image features
eight cartoon
1. What do you observe at the pictures? faces, each
displaying a
distinct emotion.

2. What kind of emotions are present at Student 2: The

the pictures? pictures show a
range of emotions,
including: happy,
sad, nervous,
surprise, disgust,
worried, and angry.

C. Presenting examples/ TONE MATTERS!

instances of the new
lesson In our daily lives, we experience a range of
emotions that can influence those around
us. The way we communicate—through our
words, tone, and descriptions—shapes the
messages we convey to others.

Today, we will explore how authors use tone

to engage their readers, set the mood, and
bring their stories to life. By carefully
choosing their words and expressions,
writers create vivid imagery that allows
readers to feel the emotions within the story
and connect deeply with its events. And
that is the time the readers develop his

(The teacher will present the objectives for

the day)
D. Discussing new WATCH YOUR FEELINGS!
concepts and practicing The teacher will play a short
new skill #1 video. Watch attentively and
focus on the portrayal of emotions and
how they interact to influence decisions
and relationships. Use the guide questions
provided to help you understand the
message of the video.

si=OrlYVfvih7uwWyGq Possible
Focus Questions:
1. The emotions
1. What emotions did you observe in observed in the
the video? video include
insecurity, fear,
worry, happiness,
sadness, and
2. How do the emotions of insecurity
and worry affect the sister’s actions 2. Insecurity and
and thoughts? worry make her
doubt herself and
feel less confident.
She starts to think
she’s not as
valuable as her
sibling, which
makes her feel sad
and frustrated.

3. We learn that it’s

3. What can we learn about dealing
important to talk
with emotions like anger, about our feelings
insecurity, and sadness in instead of keeping
relationships? them inside.

4. The happy
moments remind
4. How do the happy moments in the
us that positive
video show the importance of emotions, like love
emotions in building strong and joy, strengthen
relationships? bonds and help us
appreciate the
people around us.

E. Discussing new
concepts and practicing LETS GO!
new skill #2 Tone refers to the author's or
speaker's attitude toward the subject,
audience, or events in a piece of writing,
speech, or video. It is conveyed through
word choice, style, and viewpoint.

Example: Optimistic, critical, serious, or


“No matter how hard things get, there’s

always a bright side waiting to be
discovered.” This tone shows hope and

“How could you just ignore everything I’ve

said? This is unacceptable!”. This tone
expresses frustration or rage.

Mood refers to the emotional

atmosphere created for the
audience. It is the feeling or vibe that
the audience experiences while
engaging with the content.

Example: Joyful, suspenseful, gloomy, or


“The sun was shining, birds were singing,

and everyone smiled as they walked down
the street.” This mood evokes a sense of
joy, contentment, and positivity.

"The door creaked open slowly, and the

room was filled with an eerie silence. A
shadow moved in the corner of the room."
This mood creates tension, uncertainty,
and anticipation.

Let’s have this example:

The door swings open to reveal all of my

family members standing around the
Christmas tree with several gifts
around it. The lights are twinkling
and the
fireplace is roaring with a warm fire.
Everyone is singing Christmas carols as
rain continues to pour outside the

In this example the atmosphere which is

written in bold conveys that the mood of
the passage is cozy or familiar.

Would you be so kind as to help me with

my groceries?” asked the elderly woman.
“Not a problem madam”, replied the
young man, “I would be happy to help.
In this example the content of the
dialogue itself relays the tone which is
polite. The
underlined expressions served as cues to
determine its tone.
F. Developing Mastery CHOOSE YOUR TM!
Directions: Determine the tune and
mood that best described in the following
paragraphs as hinted by the italicized and
underlined words/lines. Then choose the
letter of the best answer. Goodluck!

1. I called my friend at their house, her

brother said she’s not home, but I Correct Answers:
heard her voice come over the line.
1. A
A. suspicious 2. D
B. excited 3. D
C. sincere 4. A
D. solemn 5. B

2. Saturday morning has come, and all the

summer world was bright and fresh
and brimming with life. There was a song
in every heart, and if the heart was
young, the music issued at the lips. (From
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by
Mark Twain)

A. doubtful
B. graceful
C. powerful
D. Cheerful

3. Lala sat on the old, lumpy couch crying.

She could let it out all here, alone in
mother’s small, quiet apartment in the
village. The familiar walls were covered in
rose pink wallpaper. Goldie, her mother’s
eleventh fish, seemed to stare
sympathetically at Lala through the
fishbowl sitting on the counter. The smell
of her mother’s vanilla candles comforted
her aching heart.

A. happy
B. Contented
C. inspired
D. Sad

4. She could see in the open square

before her house the tops of trees that
were all quiver with the new spring life.
The delicious breath of rain was in the air.
In the street below a peddler was carrying
his wares. The notes of a distant song,
which someone was singing, reached her
faintly, and countless sparrows were
twittering in the eaves. (From The Story
of an Hour by Kate Chopin)

A. pleasant
B. serious
C. cautious
D. amusing

5. We’re contacting you today to let you

know about the Special Olympics
annual fund drive. You’ve been kind
enough to support us generously in
the past and we’d like to ask for your help
again as we send our athletes
with special needs to compete at the
national level. Please fill out the form
below and return it in the enclosed
envelope with your donation. It will make
a child’s day if you do.

A. informal/sarcastic
C. accusatory / critical
B. formal /polite
D. intimate /solemn

G. Finding practical ACT MY EMOTIONS!

applications of concepts &
skills in daily living Directions: The class will be divided into
two groups. Each group will choose a
representative who will act out the
emotion picked from a slip of paper in the
box. The other members of the group will
be the ones to guess the emotion. The
acting group will have 45 seconds to
perform the emotion using only body
language and facial expressions, without
speaking. The group must guess the
emotion within the time limit. After the 30
seconds, the other group will take their
turn. The game continues until all slips
have been acted out, and the group with
the most correct guesses wins!

List of Emotions to act.

1. Happy 11. Nervous
2. Sad 12. Confused
3. Cheerful 13. Bored
4. Anger 14. Shy
5. Disgust 15. Disappointed
6. Fear 16. Grateful
7. Blissful 17. Relaxed
8. Enjoy 18. Lonely
9. Umid 19. Curious
10. Surprised 20. falling in love
H. Making generalizations SUM IT ALL! Possible
& abstractions about the Answers:
1. What have we learned today?
We learned about
the tune and mode.

2. What is tune? Mood?

Tone refers to the
author's or
speaker's attitude
toward the subject,
audience, or events
in a piece of
writing, speech, or

Mood refers to the

created for the
3. In what ways does mood differ from audience.
tone, and how does the mood affect how
the audience feels about the scene?" Tone reflects the
author’s attitude,
and mood creates
the emotional
feeling that the
experiences while
reading or viewing.

Tuning into Tone and Mood!

I. Evaluating Learning
Direction: Choose the correct answer
from the options below based on the Answer Key:
descriptions of tone and mood in each
scenario. 1. A
2. B
3. B
4. B
1. The tone of the speaker in the following 5. C
sentence is most likely:
"I can't believe you would just leave me
like that. How could you do this to me?"

A. Angry
B. Sad
C. Hopeful
D. Confused

2. In the following scene, what is the

mood created for the audience?
"The sun was setting over the calm ocean,
the waves gently lapping at the shore,
and a light breeze ruffled the trees. The
sky was painted in shades of pink and
A. Suspenseful
B. Peaceful
C. Angry
D. Scary

3. The tone of the speaker in the following

dialogue is most likely:
"I guess I'll just try again, even though it
feels like nothing ever works out for me."
A. Optimistic
B. Bitter
C. Cheerful
D. Indifferent

4. The mood of the following passage can

be described as:
"The trees stood like silent sentinels in the
darkened forest, their branches twisting in
strange shapes. The only sound was the
rustling of leaves underfoot."
A. Joyful
B. Tense
C. Relaxed
D. Silly

5. In the following scenario, what mood

does the setting create?
"The old house creaked in the wind. The
lights flickered, casting eerie shadows on
the walls. The atmosphere was thick with

A. Joyous
B. Romantic
C. Creepy
D. Relaxed

Explain the difference between tone and
J. Additional activities for Directions: Write a reflection essay on
application or remediation "How can I promote equality and respect
in my daily life?"


Prepared by:


Practice Teacher
Cooperating Teacher


Head Teacher III



Principal IV

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